Vallings Chapter One: Introductions

Story by bighope on SoFurry

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#1 of Vallings

Disclaimer: This story contains gay content and gay relationships. If you don't like the previous described things do not read this story. This story is NOT FREE, you must COMENT! if you want to...It is my first on sofurry and i am quite excited on the feedback on what i wrote. Some words will be misspelt and I ask you to point them out. Thanks and enjoy.

I ask you to comment on the following story and grade me on a basis of sexy and story structure (do you like the plot of the story, the plot is not complete in this section of the story)


Damn it Charles, why did you have to do it. I was standing over a freshly dug grave still unoccupied by its intended recipient, the un-cut crab grass had sagged over the edge of the gaping hole, the grave marker still glossy and smooth read "Charles Nathaniel Thames, 1985-2011," he was twenty six, one year older than me. The setting sun was shrouded by a cloud cover turning the sky a dark shade of gray and making the pit in front of me look like a pit into oblivion. The funeral was tomorrow, but I wouldn't be able to stay, the family doesn't even know we exist. As far as the obituary says, Charles was killed by a mugger, but the truth of the rapier that plunged into his heart will haunt me forever.

This is one of those moments I wish I could be a mundane, effected by the Vale and completely oblivious of the darker forces at work, but it wasn't meant to be. I loosened my paw from the iron grip that I had on the snow white lilies I had brought for him. It was just by chance that I found them in the forest, and it infuriated me. Why would I find flowers of the same color of his fur in the forest, growing in the exact spot where we sat looking at the lake. They were too painful to look at, so I ripped them up by the roots and decided to bring them hear. Their perennials so I had to rip them from the roots or they would never go away.

"Sir Jared," Sinew said next to me with concern, "do you really think that this was a good idea coming here with the Vale torn. The family could come by any minute and see you." Sinew was a young germen shepherded around the age of sixteen with a swimmers body, full of muscle, but not too much bulge. He is around five eleven, about a whole foot shorter than me. His cloths weren't anything special, just some red Converse, black genes, and a mahogany vest with a sleeveless "T" underneath. He was holding a black umbrella and had a satchel with my things in it slung over his shoulder.

"You don't need to remind me of the situation Sinew, and this is the last time I'll be in His Garden of Perpetual Peace. The least I can do is pay my respects to Charles." As I said his name the hole in my heart ached with loss and the pain shot up into my eyes, "What a fitting time for rain."

"But sir," Sinew started, "It's not raining, at least not yet."

"Yes, it is." I said forcing my voice to stay level, but my eyes started to leak.

Sinew saw my eyes and started to lift the umbrella, "My mistake sir, I guess it is raining." As he said this he opened the umbrella and held its black fabric over their heads shrouding their presence in in shadow.

After a long time I managed to chide myself to a presentable state.


"Yes sir?"

"My things."

"Yes sir. Right away."

He handed me my satchel and everything I asked him to bring was in it. I grabbed out a small gardening shovel and started to dig a hole just to the side of the stone, then I pulled out a jar of dirt that I had Sinew mix for me back at the mansion. I placed the lilies in the hole and filled it with the special dirt. When I was done I got up and brushed the dirt of my paws on my jeans, not that you could see the dirt on my black fur anyway.

"Come on Sinew, let's go." I looked back at him and saw that he was still holding the umbrella open for me, "and for god's sake shut that damn umbrella." It didn't sound like an insult and Sinew was the person that knew me the best in the world right now and he understood that I wasn't trying to spite him so he just closed the umbrella and grabbed my satchel from me.

As we descended the hill and headed to the gait to the cemetery the grass by the grave became clean cut the drooping lilies straightened up and the bruises on their petals faded. As we reached the threshold of the cemetery the rain started to fall.


I got out of the shower and grabbed the towel and started to dry my onyx fur. It was probably the last shower I was going to have in the luxury of the mansion for a while so I wanted to get it done before I went to bed. The thing about showers is that they are relaxing, but they become so second nature that it leaves you with too much time to think. All I could think of now a days is Charles, and how he was, damn him, he didn't need to do what he did.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and went over to the sink and started to run the cold water and grabbed one of the wine flutes from the tray with the ice box on it. I filled it with water and gulped it down and refilled it again and twice more until the hole in my stomach subsided, numbed by the cold. I put the glass down and looked in the mirror. A black wolf looked back, his ocean blue eyes filled with sorrow. His square muzzle tight with frustration and brow filled with apprehension. Then my eyes floated down to my chest with its rippling muscles, my eight pack easily visible beneath my thick fur rising and falling with each breath, pecs and biceps flexing with tension. Even with all my power I couldn't protect him, and he ended up protecting me.

Eventually I couldn't look at myself anymore and I dropped my head to the still running water flowing down the sink, losing myself in its swirling motion. I grabbed for the glass again, but I felt something else, the rippling surface of metal. I had taken the locket off to take the shower; it was the last gift he gave to me before he...I ran my finger against the gash in the surface from where the reappear grazed it.

I grabbed it by the chain and lifted it up to my muzzle and looked at the silver heart. Charles element was in metals so he crafted it for me after that night we had together, I can still feel the exact spot where his mating bite fell. I dropped it into my paw, it was the same shape and size of my pad, it's surface was winding leaves and ivy swirling around a rose in full bloom. I twisted the heart and the spring inside forced the heart to slowly open and its music started to play. On the inside of the front was a mirror on the other was a music box mechanism that mirrored the melody of the heart of the holder that opened it.

It was playing a sad droning melody that was going in no direction. I looked into the mirror and said "Show me Charles." And the mirror rippled like mercury and shift and changed until I was looking at an ivory white casket with various flowers and veils laid over it, Charles family dressed in white for the occasion instead of black, it was in his will. The only shade of black that he would settle for was me, he wanted me to stick out of the crowd at his funeral so that he could pick me out easy in the afterlife, but I couldn't attend. The Vale wasn't stable enough to keep my anonymity.

The only other thing in his will for me was asking me to do the gardening for his grave, and I had completed that for him. It was the least, and most I could do. The music from the locket hit a sour note and stopped and started to restart its melody again. I had seen enough so I closed the locket and strung it around my neck. Its weight was a constant reminder of Charles, as long as I had this, he would be alive in my heart, no matter how much it hurt.

I finished with cleaning up and grabbed my white silk robe and wrapped it around me and started my way to the kitchen to make supper for the team, the heated floors keeping my pads warm in the usually cool home. While I was making my dissent I was collecting myself, I still have a team to take care of, and if I'm going to protect them, then I got to be strong for them. I have to show them how unfazed I am. I got to the dining room and immediately found Zap sprawled across the table.

The seven fore foot tiger was passed out on the table with an empty bottle of whisky on the floor, with a half empty one in this right paw with a few pitchers on the table that were probably full at one point. I always thought I was a glass half full, guess I was wrong. Zap was an orange tiger with lightning shaped strips zigzagging across his back. Zap's huge white beer belly was swollen with food and drink, the other arm not holding the whisky hanging over the table. His mouth was agape with heavy snores escaping his Australian maw as he slept in his drunken stopper. O and he was completely naked.

His hung shaft, flaccid, was the size of a soda can, and his balls were the size of tennis balls. Don't get me wrong, Zap's strait, but he has been convinced to stuff a few males before. He claims to be strait, but most of the team considers him bi, his motto is "If you're the one doing the fucking, you ain't gay." He has nothing against gays, nobody in the team dose considering I'm the leader. O that's right I hadn't mentioned that yet, well if you haven't gotten that by now, I guess I'll just spelt it out for you. I'M GAY!!!

I almost didn't care that the behemoth was about to die of alcohol poisoning, but I couldn't have that, not after gaining my composure and setting my goal to not let anyone else die, at least not before me. Besides, he's drunken a lot more than just a few pitchers and a couple bottles of whisky.

"Zap!" I shouted. He immediately shot up and rolled off the table and...


...on to the floor. He shot up despite of his mental state and tried to make sense of the situation. He kind of had the "just kicked the dog from his sleep" look to him with half glassed eyes and sluggish movements.

"You ok Zap?" I said leaning against the door frame.

"Hu...? O yah Charles." He mistook me for Charles, he must be drunk, then I remembered my silk robe.

"Zap, it's me Jace." Zap's eyes squinted and looked closely and then his eyes bugged out.

"O Jace sorry man." He lifted the whisky to take another swig but I stepped over to him and grabbed it before he could.

"Hear I have a special kind of drink for you." I put the stopper on the whisky and put it back in the liquor cabinet and pulled a vile of my "special stuff" from the back of it.

"Hear drink this. It'll clear you up enough so you can breathe and move at the same time."

He took the vile and guzzled it down in two seconds and sat down in a chair at the table.

"How long have I been out." I could already hear the change in his voice, less slurred, and his swaying had started to subside.

"I don't know, when was the last time you remember drinking." I said as I started putting away the empty bottles.

"Uhggg..." he put his head in his hands, my "special stuff" nullifies most of the adverse effects of alcohol so his head must be starting to clear up a little bit, "When did you guys leave, 'cuse that's when I hit the cabinet and started toasting to Charles." I felt bad for Zap. Charles was like his brother, even if he was a canine like me, they managed to always find something to laugh about, even in the heat of battle.

"Jace," he said with tears in his eyes, "I miss him so much, he was like my big brother, and now he's gone and...damn it where are my cloths!" he stood up and I saw hanging from his tail was a pair of boxers. I went over to him and grabbed them off of his tail and handed the emerald green underwear to him. He reeked of alcohol, but then again the whole room did, and cum. He must be having coping sex with Jewel.

He thrust his legs into his boxers and swiped a tear from his face and took a long sniff. Then he wrapped his arms around me, burying me in his pillow like pecs and giant arms and convulsed with sobs. Now I know why he was passed out, Charles death took a hefty tole on him, and his coping mechanism was alcohol and sex. All I could do was pat his back and comfort the big lug until he was done because I couldn't get out of his iron grip. Then I felt something hard and slick press against my leg. U-oh...

"Hay Jace, you remind me so much of him," I was nothing like Charles, "your funny," strike one I couldn't tell a joke to save my life, but I liked a good joke once in a while, "you are so confident" strike two, I'm the leader because I can come up with elaborate plans and saw the omens (I'll explain that later just be patient), not because I'm confident or anything, "and you love it up the ass." Um...let's call that a foul, me and Charles would switch it up and try different things, but still I did like it.

"Wo big guy," I said successfully pulling myself away from him, but his iron grip pulled me back into a deep kiss. I gasped in surprise, big mistake, Zap's tong shot to the back of my throat and towards my tonsils. I could feel his member pressing up against me getting harder by the minute. All I could smell was alcohol, musk, and...cigarettes? Thank the gods.

"Zap, what are you doing to Jace?" a British voice came from behind me in a haze of smoke.

Zap broke the kiss and looked up to see the female rue's purple eyes. She was in her knee high white stockings, baggy shorts and a loose "T" hanging off to her side, a lit cigarette in her left paw, and a liter in the other.

"Jewel!" Zap instantly regained his composure and pushed me away, "It's not what it looks like."

"O please Zap," she started, "I don't care if your bi." she slinked over in her cloud of smoke in a mesmerizing, fluid motion, "Actually," she said putting a finger on his chest and slowly started to move it up and down electing a purr from deep in his chest, "I kinda' like it."

Jewel is a light brown Kangaroo standing around five ten and had a size C bra, and constantly tried to show off her long, strong, lanky legs with shorts, skirts or stockings. She cocked her head to the side to give me a "you owe me big time" look. I gave her a "thanks, but you're going to get pile-derived by that monster anyway so it's not like I owe you that much" look and she responded with an eye role and started to French with Zap.

"Let's go upstairs babe." She said dropping her cigarette in the flower vase on the table going out with a fizz and slipped her hands around his waist and started to pull him to the stares.

"By the way Jace." She said, "I'm in the mood for pizza. You think you could get an extra-large," as she said this she groped Zap's package getting him to purr, "Extra hot," squeeze, purr, "with lots of sausage." She squeezed him one more time and this time he gave a feral hiss. He picked her up and started too bound up the stairs tarring away her "T" all the way up and started to nibble on her victoria secret.

Those two are perfect for each other, both sexy as hell, stronger than hell, and hornier than hell.

"Dodged a bullet their Jace." I turned to see Max's burning yellow eyes. He was standing in the threshold, his six foot built frame shading the doorway leading into the kitchen; the lion was looking at his reflection in his phone preening his mane. He was wearing a leather jacket with dark jeans with two magnums holstered in his silver studded belt. The first time I met him he reminded me of an underwear model.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to see you get your mouth ravished by Zap."

"Well, in that case, did you enjoy the show." I could see the tent forming in his pants, he wasn't gay, it was probably Jewel's little escapade that sprung him.

"Are we really having pizza." He said changing the subject.

"Well I do owe her for the save." I said pushing past him and going to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and grabbed the list of takeout places stuck to it by a rainbow refrigerator magnet.

"Can I borrow your cell quick?" he just handed it over without resisting, I hate it when people get so petty about their phones and wont part with them unless an army forces it out of their arms. I found the pizza place on the menu and dialed them up and ordered three extra-large pizzas, one with red hot peppers and extra sausages for Jewel. After I finished I gave Max back his phone and put the take out menus back on the fridge.

"Where is your little apprentice, I haven't seen him for a while." Max said with a slight smirk on his face.

"I don't know, probably off some ware collecting more herbs for me in the woods for the trip."

"More like looking for some bush, Valens been missing for some time as well."

"You do know, Sinew is gay right?"

"Ya, I know, but I guy can dream, right."

"You're such a horn dog."

"Cat, Horn Cat." He corrected.

"Whatever. You ok that we leaving on your B-Day tomorrow"

"Yah, its ok, after your twenty first there really isn't any need for a celebration." He acted like he didn't care, but by the look in his eyes I could tell he was just a little disappointed.

"We'll have a toast for you tomorrow night on celebration of your twenty fifth once we get to the safe haven. Concord is ready to give new orders and we have to get going."

"Concord," Max said it with disgust, "First they through us into the Vale to give us powers and reduce our memories to shit, then they wipe all existence of you off the face of the world, at least until you die. Then it's an unholy reunion with the family in a casket with some unfortunate accident to explain the whole mess." Charles death was starting to get to him to.

"Speaking of the Vale, Jace could you go and check on Doc. He's been in the basement meditating for hours, you should go check on him, see if he's still alive."

"Shure," I said with an exasperated sigh, " just pay the pizza guy when he gets hear and don't forget to give him a tip."

"Yah, yah," he was looking at himself in his cell again finding the tiniest hairs out of place to slick back in order. I just left him to his work and headed for the basement. As soon as I opened the door a plume of smoke burst from the basement and my sensitive canine nose was assaulted with strong sweat incense that kid of burned. I descended the stairs and found the little koala in the lotus position, black eyes glazed over, but still breathing, in the center of a pentacle with smoke above him taking various shapes.

Doc had a special gift, not to say that all of us were special, but he is extra special. Doc is the oldest in the group by far most of us are in our teens or late twenties; he is in his late forties, riding on fifty this year. He is about three four and wears white robes with a silk black belt.

"Jace, is that you. Ah it is," he said while still in his trance his face shifting into a grimace, "I'm sorry Jace, but I can't find Charles in the Vale, either he isn't there, or he just doesn't want to be found." The incense burners started to retract their smoke and Doc started to get up.

"You have to understand Jace that the Vale has become very dangerous to tread because it has been completely torn. Demons and dark spirits are constantly trying to attack me while I'm in there and the spirits have all but fled. I'm sorry, but at this point I don't think I will ever reach Charles." I dreaded that this would happen, but I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised because of the Vale being torn, but still.

"It's ok Doc I'm ok with it," Doc could see that I was upset, but I didn't let on, "I didn't think it would work anyway, I just wanted you to try."

Doc could tell I wasn't feeling ok about any of this, but he didn't want to upset me any more than he already had and just patted me on the side of my thigh, and went to pick up his incense burners that had inhaled all the smoke they had released and strapped them to his belt. One was salt white the other ebony. He explained to me that the white one was for collecting dark spirits and filtering negative energy and the black one was for opening the Vale and letting the spirits and the dead talk to him, but I had forgotten the details of how they worked.

Doc had to be the kindest one of the group, but also the scariest. In battle he could conjure thousands of spirits with his incense burners and have them fight for him, but they had a tendency of turning the koala's fur black and eyes red with slits like a snake. The first time he showed me his power I had nightmares for weeks, then I found out he was testing me with a spirit that entered your dreams and brought up your worst fears. It took him decades to control his power to the extent that he has, but it has paid off more than once, saving our butts countless times with his healing, offensive, and defensive prowess.

I was his apprentice for a time, but now I had my own to take care of. Speaking of which.

"Hay Doc, do you know ware Sinew went."

"Yes, he went with Valen to the market to get supplies for the trip to Concord, and for our new assignment. They should be back any minute now..."


The front door slammed shut and I could hear the frantic footsteps running down the hall above the basement. The door at the top of the elaborate dark wood stare case swung open and a female bunny burst from it bounding down the steps three at a time.

"Valen control yourself...oof" Doc took a tackle from the overly energetic Valen going a hundred miles an hour. Valen was a cream collared rabbit with the biggest dark brown eyes with the longest lashes. Valen was seventeen, but acted like she was five with her innocent girlish demeanor. She stood around five four witch put her D cups at eye level with Doc with her emerald green tank top barely containing her girth and her navy blue skinny genes showed off her hour glass forum.

She had scooped up Doc and was squeezing the life out of him in a big bear hug sobbing her eyes out, "O Ducky!" she wailed in her high pitched shrill voice, "it was awful!"

"What was so...awful...hmmm!" he got berried in her cleavage as she let out another sob.

"I was at the market and I saw...I saw...Charles!" my heart skipped a beat and I grabbed Valen and tore Doc from her and took her by the shoulders and stared her strait in her big eyes.

"Where! When did you see him? Was he ok? Why didn't you bring him back hear?"

"I'm so sorry Jace!" she said in a small voice, "I didn't mean I actually saw the real Charles."

"What! What do you mean?"

"I saw someone that looked just like him." She said her voice breaking and slowly starting to break down into sobs, and I felt like an idiot! Of course she didn't see Charles, I saw him die, I saw his lifeless body, I saw his casket, he was dead and that was all there was to it. I had taken Valen into my arms and held her tight letting her ride through her sobs and wet my robe.

"I saw him on the way home in the movie store in the romance section in the front where they keep the new releases. I was so existed that I just dropped my stuff in the street and ran in the store. I was so happy I started to cry and once I reached him...and turned him around I just hopped into his arms like I always do, but...but he didn't catch me!" she let out another whale, "When I looked up his eyes were red! He was just an albino timber wolf! I felt so stupid I ran from the store as fast as I could without looking back."

"O it's ok Valen."

"No! It's not, I didn't even think about you when I said I saw Charles. I just filled you with the hope I felt before it all came crashing down. I'm so sorry Jacie, please forgive me." She was crying so hard she couldn't make words anymore.

"So where is young master Sinew" Doc said recovering from Valen's quarter sack.

Valen froze and instantly stopped crying and looked back up into my eyes, "I left him in the market with the groceries..."


"VALEN!!!" Valen jumped out of her skin and her eyes were pleading with me to help her. I just put my arm around her back and took her upstairs. Sinew was standing in the dining room with six large bags full of herbs and groceries on the table.

"I'm so sorry Sinew" Valen started but Sinew cut her off with a wave of his hand.

"I don't want to hear it, I don't care what you have to say, just go outside and pay the cab driver. At least he was courteous enough to help me with the groceries." He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Sinew," she said knowing she was forgiven, "you're a real friend." She went over and kissed him on the cheek and grabbed her purse from the table where she probably discarded it from when she ran through the room to the basement. When she got to the door the cab driver was about to knock and she started to ask for his forgiveness for taking too long and followed him outside.

"How Doc picked her for his apprentice I have no idea." Sinew said exasperated.

"Well, his Achilles heel has always been the boobies, that's why I turned to men." Sinew just smiled, maybe Zap was right, maybe I was kind of funny. Sinew rarely smiled, he was the relaxed, obedient type that didn't ask so many questions but just knew what he had to do when he needed to do it. That's why I liked the kid and took him on as my apprentice.

Sinew stopped staring off into space and looked at me, "Why don't you get dressed." I looked down to see that I was still in my robe, I had forgotten to change. Then I remembered why I forgot, Charles liked to see me when I just got out of the shower and would sneak up on me and undo my robe. I decided I needed to get dressed.

"Why don't you go see what's taking Valen so long." I said as I headed for my room. Sinew just shrugged and went for the door. I went through the family room where Max was watching "TV" with Sig. Sig was a lithe bat that didn't really say much, but communicated with looks. As far as I could tell he was the least interested in sex than anyone, so he kept you guessing as to his sexual orientation, but it didn't matter. He was blind, or mostly so, he had a pair of thick spectacles on so he could watch the news. He mainly went shirtless showing off his furry down, but it was mainly so he could use his wings if he needed, and wore really baggy jeans with a belt holding it on his small frame. He was about five nine, but his wing span was about six feet.

Max turned to see me, "Jace, it looks like there have been a lot more crazies out and about." "Crazies" is the term we used for people that had sightings of demons and specters due to the thinning of the Vale, "Seems to be on the rise ever since your battle with McAlester." Sig just rolled his eyes and continued to watch the news, it was showing an interview with a teen spider monkey that was out in the woods with his friends when he saw a flaming man.

"Sig," he looked up at me, "do you have any leads as to where McAlester is." Sig just shook his head and looked at the floor.

"Keep trying, you've never failed me before." He gave me a "thanks, I needed that" look. Everyone was feeling down since Charles died, apart from Sinew who barely knew him. Sinew was the newest edition to the team, brought to us from Concord strait from the Vale and didn't know Charles very long before he died. He did join in on a threesome before Charles died, and that's when I accepted him as my apprentice as my knot was buried deep in him.

I left the two to the "TV" and went down the long corridor that had four different bead rooms. Two on the left, one at the end, and one on the right connected to a large bathroom. Mine was the one on the right. You must be thinking why I went upstairs to take a shower when I have a bathroom connected to my room, well, it was only a bath, not a shower, and I didn't really want to take a long bath, it would have given me too much time to think.

I went to my large wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black cargo pants, a plane white "T" and a black dress shirt that I would leave open to show off my muscles under the T-shirt. I heard the door behind me squeak open and close, then I felt arms wrap around me accompanied by the smell of German musk.

"Sinew, what are you doing?"

He put his muzzle right in my ear and said in a husky voice, "I just thought my master could use a little...relaxation." His paw was slowly trailing up my robe to caress my left pec while the other trailed down to the sash of my robe.

"Sinew, I'm really not in the mood..."

"Of course you are." He said and started to nibble on my ear as he started to gently pull on the sash of my robe and it fell away in one fluid motion. His other paw groped my chest and the touch made me shiver.

"See," he said, "I know what my master wants, and how to satisfy." He started to gently lick the back of my neck as his paw slipped inside my robe and squeezed on my ten inch sheath that was always swollen from my overly sized phallice, and I let out a low moan.

"Do you want to be unstressed master," he said in my ear.

Say no say no say no! My mind was screaming, you're still in morning over Charles.

"Yes." Damn it! Sinews other paw not groping my cock started to ring one of my nipples as it grew hard and grabbed the nape of my robe in his maw and pulled it away just enough so it would fall to the ground by itself. His groping paw dropped further and started to fondle my golf ball sized balls in my furry sack, rolling them in his skilled fingers.

Sinew slowly started to push me to the four poster canopy bed and gently laid me down. I flipped over to see Sinew had discarded his shirt and was on his hands and knees looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes, flexing his muscles to show off his chest.

"Is my master pleased with what he sees," he then got down and started to lap my feet, I let out a low moan as he started to lick in-between each toe until he moved to the next clawed digit. Then he started to slowly climb his way up, leaving a trail of kisses across my strong calves and thighs wile massaging my foot pads.

My black cock tip had swollen a full two inches out of my sheath and was still growing when Sinew reached my ball sack. His hot breath sent a warm breeze against them as he took deep breaths of my musk. I was quickly losing my battle against my lust, but I had to at least try to stop Sinew.

"Sinew you have to...Oooo..." he took his tung and started to lap my sack and go underneath and go for my tight pucker. He used his long tung to reach my ass and rim it and nuzzle the undercarriage of my cock.

Damn he's good.

After a few minutes of having pleasure tingle up my spine, he pulled out from under me, "Master you always taste so good." He said as he licked his muzzle, "And you always smell the best." Then his eyes fell on my fully erect sixteen inch cock, "And you're the biggest I've ever had."

He lowered his head down and took a deep breath and let out a satisfied sigh, "Yah, you're definitely the best smelling." Then he took a quick lick from the base of my shaft to the top in one fluid motion getting me to moan again, much louder this time, and lingered at the time to catch the first bead of pre cum well up and fall on his talented tung.

"You are so sweet and tangy master. You have such a unique taste, just the slightest hint of salt." His words sent warm breath over my pulsing vane covered ebony cock sending shocks of pleasure up my spine, speeding up the trickle of pre coming from the tip. Sinew started to lap up the pre that had started to soak my balls and continued to follow the trail back up to the source and began to suckle the tip, milking it for the sweat tangy flavor.

"..." I said, "Sin..." Sinew just continued to suckle my tip causing thunder bolts of pleasure to rocket down into my balls and up my spine, "Sinew..."

Sinew looked up with his innocent face and ice blue eyes looking into my ocean blue ones, "Yes master?"

I forced the screaming pleasure in my head to silence just a bit so I could say what I wanted to say, "Please..."

"Please what master?"

"Stop!" I took his head in my arms and lifted him off me.

"Why master? Was I unsatisfactory, I can try harder."

"O, you were satisfactory all right," I said under my breath.

"What was that master?"

"Nothing," I could see his ears droop, aw he is so cute when he's trying to please his master, " I do like what you're trying to do, but I just can't do it right now. It's only been a four days since he died and..."

Sinews eyes became their regular indifferent demeanor, the lust draining out of them, "Yes, master. I understand. I'm sorry for forcing you into this, I will accept any punishment you have for me."

Damn that kid knew just how much I liked being called master, "No, you were only trying to help, and I thank you for your concern, but for now I just need to sort out a few things. It's nothing against you, you are very skilled. Damn Sinew, you're fucking hot." That got him to smirk.

"Would you like me to help you with dressing Master Jared?"

"No thanks, I'll dress myself." Sinew has always been so attached and loving to me ever since I found him, he was just a confused child before I found him in that alleyway. He may have been recently given to us from the Vale, but it usually takes time to find the person. I always have to be vigilant for signs of new arrivals; the signs can be as subtle as a different colored butterfly in a cloud of butterflies to a shooting star.

Sinew had been a Valling for two whole weeks before I found him surrounded by gang bangers trying to rape him on the wrong side of town. My master said that when you look for a Valling you will simply know if they are the person you are looking for, it's like a sixth sense. After I used my powers to kill the rapists Sinew was covered in blood splatter, but he wasn't afraid of me, he just jumped into my arms and started bawling saying that he had been looking for me the longest time.

Yah, being a Valling sucks. After you go through the Vale the first time you lose the most of your memory from your life before and are given extraordinary power. The down side is that you are thrown into the cruel world without anyone to tell you who you are except a color around your neck with one word that's supposed to be your name. I was wandering aimlessly for two months and got a job as a stripper at a gay bar and that's when Charles found me wile spinning around a pole. Great first impression.

It took me a while, and a lot of convincing to...well convince me who I was. After that Charles showed me how to use my powers and he brought me to Doc, who taught me how to meditate and to control my powers better. The two of them saved my life, and after saving them multiple times and for having such a good eye for catching the omens that showed a new arrival they named me leader.

Charles was actually the one that found most of the people, but I was the one that saw the omens, we made a great team. It was just Charles, Doc, Jewel, and me, but over the last five years we had found Sig, Max, Zap, Valen, and finely Sinew. With all of us put together we were an unbeatable team, but McAlester found the chink in our armor. Me.

"Master, the reason Valen was taking so long was that she ran into the pizza guy and needed help bringing the pizza in."

"Ok, tell the team that I'll be out in a minute, and that they can start without me."

"I think they already have. Jewel was complaining that her pizza was to spicy." I had to chuckle at that. Sinew left to go eat and I went to the dresser to get a pair of underwear. I ended up getting out some sapphire blue briefs and had a hard time stuffing my still half erect member into them. By the time I got my pants on I had a little wet spot were some post pre had leaked out.

Once I got to the kitchen I saw that everyone had opened their pizza and taken it into the living room to eat as a group. I grabbed a slice and went over to join them. When I got in the room I saw Zap taking up half the couch with only a pair of sweat pants on with Jewel in his lap, both breathing heavily to cool down their burning tungs. Valen was sitting in front of the coffee table on the floor using it as a back rest. Doc was using one of the two recliners and an end table to eat his food. Max was sitting on the other side of the sofa, his guns on the coffee table with their magazines out. Sinew was siting cross legged in front of the coffee table sitting on a pillow. And Sig was standing behind Doc leaning against the wall.

My love seat, as always, was empty and reserved for me, but I sat in the other recliner, and as I did Sig sat down in my usual spot on the love seat. I haven't sat in the love seat ever cense Charles died and Sig offered to give up his chair if I didn't want to sit there. Now he would just stand by until I would sit down to see if I would sit back in my regular spot.

"What we watching?" I said

"Nothing yet, just infomercials," Valen said, "We thought we would let you choose what we watch tonight." I felt honored. It was Jewel's tern to choose what we would watch tonight, and she isn't one to give up things once she has them, kind of like Zap right now. I must be doing a bad job of showing how unfazed I am about Charles death. I clicked the guide button and started to scroll through the channels.

I saw Titanic and almost gaged on my pizza. That was Charles favorite romance/tragedy. I quickly kept scrolling and tried to cover up my falter. I saw that National Treasure was going to start soon so I just clicked on that and was bombarded by the end of the Prices Bride during the kissing scene.

"Ever cense the invention of the kiss there have been five most passionate, most pure kisses and this one left them all behind..." The scene cut to the grandpa closing the book and I was left with an over powering craving to watch Buttercup to fall in a deep pit and burn to death while Wesley was forced to watch. Then the credits started to role.

"TV, why have you betrayed me!" I shouted in my head and went back into the dining room to make it look like I was going for another slice of pizza, but I just needed to get out of there.