The Game Continues

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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Well, he certainly had not brought muffins. Perhaps nuts, but certainly not muffins. I sucked and lapped at his cock happily, enjoying the sounds I was receiving from the bunny. Nystra held my head firmly in place and rocked back and fourth against me.

He came awfully fast, giving me a breakfast of milky colored, bitter sweat tasting cum. He removed his length from my muzzle and looked down at me with soft eyes. I smiled back, my mind trying to comprehend what exactly he was doing. He was acting oddly calm as opposed to his actions from yesterday.

The orange colored bunny walked quickly behind me, knowing that I couldn't move that fast with my hands still bound behind my back and my legs still spread apart. I tried to look behind myself, evaluate what he was doing exactly, but it was nearly impossible. I waited patiently until I heard a small click. My ears perked up and swiveled backwards.

Nystra had removed the spreader bar from my legs and pushed them together. I cried out as he pushed them up so that my ass was up in the air, but he didn't seem to pay attention. After my legs being in the same position for so long, it was very uncomfortable to feel them in any other stance. My fur stood on end, my skin felt like it had little bugs crawling across it.

He left me there as he rummaged through the closet behind him. The pain that was in my legs began to subside, the muscles relaxing and blood flow returning to all of the right place. Just when I had finally gotten comfortable I heard Nystra shut the door. My body tensed from the thought of what was going to happen to me next.

I heard a whistling through the air and turned my head to look back, just in time to see a leather strap connecting with my ass. I screamed at the searing pain, surprised at the few strands of hair that flew off and drifted into the air.

"Now, be a good pet and stay quiet. If you don't I'll have to put the bit ring in your mouth," he said.

I shut my muzzle immediately. I didn't have an aversion to very much, and the bit wasn't awful, but it was uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and bit the bottom part of my muzzle, trying to convince myself to obey Nystra's wish of staying quiet.

That worked until the strap hit my ass again, this time on the other side. I let out a short yelp, closing my mouth as soon as I heard myself. I bit my muzzle even harder as the bunny lashed at me once again. I made a small short squeak, keeping my mouth shut. He whipped me even harder, making me close my eyes hard in pain.

"Now you have gotten the point," he said happily.

I could hear the strap whistling through the air. The bunny, as far as I could guess, was waiting for the searing pain to subside before hitting me again. I felt his other paw run across the area he had been hitting. My skin burned and I could tell that some of my fur had been removed.

His paw slid off my body which made me shiver from the sudden lack of coverage on the bare spots. At the save time, though, my body relaxed since the stinging subsided. My elbows bent and my chest rested on the bed. I took in a deep breath, relishing in the final relief I was given.

My mind was so busy trying to push the pain away that I neglected to notice Nystra had left me be. I started to wag my tail slowly. The skin tugging as my appendage swayed made me wince on the inside, but I tried to ignore it. My ears suddenly perked at a soft sound that came from behind, making me attempt to move my head to look.

Nystra held a little black object in his paw. He pressed a button and the thing buzzed again. My tail stopped wagging and my head tilted tot he side, curious as to what he was planning now. He knelt on to the bed and began stroking my ass with his other paw.

"Don't look away now, don't make any noise," he said. He moved his arm so that he was holding the little black object right above the bare spots. I suddenly had a very very bad feeling.

A bad feeling that made my skin crawl all over and my cock throb in anticipation. He kept me waiting, making sure I could see the little black object as he moved his other paw to hold my ankles. He leaned down, putting more pressure on them as he brought the black object down to touch my skin. I felt something cool, almost like metal.

Then there was just a jolt of pain, a quick stab of electricity. My paws clenched the sheets underneath me. My muscles all tensed and my heart sped up. I could not stop my muzzle from opening, letting out a painful wail. I felt the prongs pushed more in my skin and the electric jolt slowly grow in voltage. Nystra put more weight down on my legs, trying to stop the flailing that was happening.

I continued to scream out as my body lightly shook around. As the bunny finally removed what I assumed was a taser, I panted. My body shook uncontrollably and my heart was beating fast. It felt as though he had lit a match to my skin.

He leaned over my backside, applying pressure to the area that was already in so much pain. I flinched as I felt the taser hit my shoulder blade. While my body flinched, my mind wanted for more of this painful attention.

"That was a bad boy," Nystra whispered into my ear. Suddenly, my body that felt like it was on fire quickly became ice cold. "You will certainly need to be punished for that."

I felt more pressure on my back. I turned my head to try and look at him, but only could see his knee. I locked my elbows and my back sagged and I could only guess he was sitting on it. Nystra's weight shifted continuously making me mentally wince. This session he was putting me through today was much more intense then the last one. Or perhaps it is just because I didn't have enough time to recuperate.

He seemed to to have finally settled still. He lifted his foot-paws and put all of his weight on my back. A paw grabbed at the nape of my neck and pulled at the skin and fur. My eyes narrowed as I adjust to the feeling and soon my cock was throbbing. The endorphins released sent such a wave of pleasure over me that I no longer felt the bare skin.

That is, until my master reminded me. I got a sharp smack and a quick jolt of electricity. My screams filled the room, mostly from the surprise then the pain. Quickly after that I got another whipping and a stronger voltage applied to my ass. Muscles flinched, but my vocalization was much quieter.

"You must remain silent, pet," Nystra said before whipping me again. As the shock vibrated through my body I wondered if he could feel it too, if it made him shake and shudder, made his length emerge and throb.

"Much better," he said. He whistled loudly, making my ears ring. The door opened, light from the outside flooding the room. My eyes shut tight, unable to take the sudden amount of light.

"My pet is ready, now," Nystra spoke. I opened my eyes back up to pitch darkness once I heard the door shut.

"Good," another voice said. It was unfamiliar to me and I was suddenly scared. Nystra never invited others to our play time. What was going on?

"Now my pet, you are going to feel good," he murred, weight shifting so he was speaking directly into my ear, "by making us feel good."

My heart sped up and my mind panicked. I had no idea what my master meant nor did I know who is other fur was. What were they going to do to me? What if I didn't want it? Was I going to be raped?

Nystra got off my back and stood in front of me, his glorious length a mere inch away from my nose. I stared, transfixed on his head and trying to forget about the other in the room. For a while we just sat there. I am not sure how long, it was possibly just seconds, maybe minutes, but it certainly felt like days.

"So what was your plan, Nystra?" the other spoke up. His voice made me cringe for some reason. It seemed cold and foreign. It wasn't my lover's, my master's, voice by any stretch.

"You will see. Don't get your hopes up to far," Nystra said, careful not to mention names or anything else definitive that would give me an idea as to who it was. "He is mine, after all."

I heard a muffled disagreement from the other occupant. Nystra turned away from me and began to move around. The faint outline of his limbs was visible in the dark, but nothing else. His arms waved around the air and he pushed most of the things to one section. I could hear paw-falls coming closer to me, so I redirected my attention to the approaching stranger.

He was much taller than Nystra, his fur either a black or a grey. Unlike my master, though, both of his ears did not flop down. One stood while the other was casually off to the side, his head seemed to be tilted as if to keep his ear carefully poised there. I looked him over carefully, trying to find any more features that would let me guess at who he was.

There were none. He moved closer to me and reached out an arm, paw grabbing the scuff of my neck. He picked me straight up and carried me over to where Nystra had been standing. I sighed happily, my mind ashamed that I was enjoying the pain that someone other then my master was causing.

I felt my body fall to the ground. The air was pushed from my lungs as I hit the floor, leaving me breathless for a moment. As I gaped for air, my throat and lungs stung. I looked up at the two bunnies, trying to read off their faces what was next. Nystra had his paw raised and grabbed a strap from the ceiling. He pulled on it as he knelt down to the ground by me, quickly snapping it around my wrist. I felt another one around the ankle opposite. My ears twitched as I heard a gear begin to move and tension was slowly applied to my legs and arms.

The gear continued to make sounds and my arm and leg were slowly lifted up. First Nystra got me to the point where I was resting on my knee and hand, then so only my toes were brushing the carpet. I began to scream out in pain as all the weight of my body was put on to my arm and leg.

Then, I felt another jolt of electricity surge though my body as the powered riding crop met my bare ass once again. My teeth chattered on their own, but then my jaw clamped shut as I wa whipped again. I felt my fur stand on end and tears stream out of my eyes and trickle off my nose.

"Now doesn't that feel good, my pet?" I heard Nystra say from behind me. Good, I thought, at least I am not being whipped by another.

"Yes, Master Nystra."

I made sure to speak his name, to show him that I respected him, but not the other. I felt my other leg and arm strapped up. My body weight redistributed itself, and while still painful, it did not feel as though my muscles were being pulled apart.

"You certainly do know how to have fun," the other voice said, dripping of need and desire. My eyes darted around, trying to find out where he was, but to no avail.

"Yes, he is my toy after all," Nystra responded.

I felt a paw grab my tail and lift. I'm quite sure that my light pink asshole was being examined quite thoroughly as I felt digits trace around the opening, smothering it in cold lube. My body shivered even though it was burning up. My mind thought of how nice this was despite the amount of pain I was in. I wanted to have Nystra fucking me, feel my master's full member deep inside of me.

As a digit was slipped into my tight ass, I squirmed, making the straps squeak above me. Another slipped in and I sighed happily. The digits spread out in opposite directions, causing my tight hole to expand. Then I felt myself filled up with something cold, almost like metal. My eyes closed lightly in pleasure as the item reached in as far as my body allowed.

My cock began to grow erect at the feeling. As it slowly appeared out of its sheath the pink flesh grew moist with pre-cum. My member throbbed as, what I assumed was, the dildo was withdrawn slowly from my hole and then slid ever so slowly back in to capacity. There was no knot, no familiar quick expansion of flesh over the firm roundness of Nystra's favorite dildo to use on me. That was fine, though, this was just a different feeling.

A slick substance touched my muzzle, making me flinch lightly. At the same time, my ass clenched against the rod that was inserted into me, making me moan ever so slightly.

"Boy!" a voice shouted. It was the voice I had forgotten about, the voice I didn't want to believe was there. "This is not for your pleasure. Open, now, pet!"

I tilted my head back and scowled at him. There was fire in my eyes and I questioned this bunny's authority to give me orders. He was not my master, he was not the one who could order me around. I clenched my muzzle shut tight, jaw tense against giving into this jerk.

And that earned me another whipping, this time the voltage turned up. My muzzle opened up to scream, but before a noise could be emitted, I had cock down my throat.

"Now that is a way to shut a slave up," the bunny said with a content sigh. "I'm ready when you are."

"I don't care that your ready. I plan on torturing my pet as much as I can, that is all I care about."

I blinked. Nystra sounded so, well, defensive of me. My heart skipped a beat, knowing that it was his way of saying that he loved me. I felt his paw touch my back leg, a tender action that really showed what he thought of me.

I could see the outline of the other shrug and grumble. He didn't seem to think that you could also feel for your pet as a master. Then again, he probably never had one of his own, but instead borrowed others. His cock was still shoved into my mouth, but it has shrunk a little bit, as if he was turned off by Nystra's kind words.

"But, I'm quite sure he will enjoy what I have planned for him," I heard Nystra continue. The other bunny chuckled and I suddenly felt the rod being pushed up my ass once again. I let out a light moan at the feeling, making the stranger's cock throb against the roof of my muzzle.

I stopped my vocalization of the pleasure Nystra was giving me, not wanting to in turn cause this other one pleasure. I did, however, continue to simply leave my muzzle closed around his length. He sighed as he started to thrust against my mouth. The pressure he applied began to make me swing back and forth in mid-air, the harder he thrust against me, the farther the rod went up my ass.

With another thrust, I grew weary. The rod shoved up my anus did not move any. Another thrust from the stranger in front of me and there was suddenly a small vibrations that spread over my ass. Another thrust, more vibrations. Over a few moments, the vibrations grew and spread across my whole body.

I was not prepared for the next one though, for as I went back towards Nystra, I felt his paw grab the base of my tail. What I then felt was astoundingly painful as electricity traveled through my body, originating from the dildo that was firmly planted in my ass. My muzzle chattered around the stranger's cock, making him wail in pleasure.

"NOW! That is what I'm talking about," he screamed, his foot tapping against the ground. He pushed his hips tighter against my muzzle, forcing his cock to touch the back of my throat.

His motion only made Nystra's toy press harder against the metal rod. I wanted to scream out in pain, but my mouth was nearly frozen shut besides the slight chattering. I could no longer hear the stranger's moans over the sound of my heart beating and the electricity conducting through my body.

Nystra took the toy away, but my body continued to shake for a few more moments. The sounds from my own body subsided and I could suddenly hear the other's moans and pants of enjoyment. As my heart calmed down, my brain did not, a headache forming where my head and neck met.

Then I realized there was something much worse happening. As the feeling returned to my tongue I felt a thick good run over it, my taste buds slowly finding the substance bitter. It was warm as it ran across the back of my throat, forcing me to swallow and only then realizing what I had just done. I had swallowed someone other than Nystra's cum.

I whipped my head away and spit it back at him, it landing on his fur covered stomach. At the same time, though, more cum shot from his cock, landing on my nose. My eyes furrowed at the feeling, but I had no time to remove the abomination from my being before I was shocked again by Nystra.

"Bad Ainoko," he said, pushing hard against me. I could feel the metal prongs against the skin around my asshole. "Treat our guest with respect."

Sounds like screams eked out from my muzzle as the voltage coursing through my body increased. My eyes could barely make out the other lean back against the wall, smiling and laughing at my position. I felt so ashamed for disobeying my master, but even more ashamed for allowing this other bunny's cum to flow down my throat. My vision went dead and then all I could do was hear, but everything I heard was such a heightened amount of sound, it drove me insane.

I began to thrash about in my restraints. The clanging of clips, the laughing of the bunny, the sounds of electricity. It made my head spin. I began to feel sick, but I continued to wiggle around, wanting to break free. I love Nystra, but somewhere in my mind, I thought he had gone to far this time.

Then the sounds started to go away. The laughing became a whisper, the clanging slowly became more like soft wind chimes in the breeze. I couldn't hear the electricity that engulfed me. I thought the world was dark with no vision, but I had no idea what no sound meant. My ears swiveled around trying to catch the last fleeting noises that filled the room before it became silent. My muzzle made the motions to scream, but I wasn't sure if I was making any noise.

I at least knew I was being electrocuted any longer. I could feel the metal rod be withdrawn from my ass, making my muscles relax a little bit. After that, though, I knew nothing. I just hung there, suspended, not knowing if the other bunny had left or if Nystra and him were currently fucking in front of my face, mocking me.

Thoughts flew through my mind. Did Nystra really want me? Was this just another one of his games? Had I done something wrong? It felt like hours that I hung there and thought. With my hearing and sight being turned off my grasp of time and space seemed to also be gone. I could have sworn my body would hit a wall every time I flicked my tail. I tried to stay still, but each time I stayed still for too long it felt like I had bugs crawling all over me.

I took a deep breath in, trying to relax just a little bit more. As my heart slowed down, the muscles began to relax. In through the nose, out through the mouth, I repeated over and over again to myself, eventually making head way against the stress that had been caused by the electrocution and the stranger assaulting my muzzle.

Once again, there was light. It was very dim and extremely unfocused, but it was light. I blinked my eyes, making the world around me come slowly into focus, but all the lines and shapes were still not formed. I also realized I had no peripheral vision. I swiveled my eyes around, trying to get a grasp of what was going on. I looked down and realized I was on the ground now, or at least something solid.

I suddenly hear paw-falls through the room, making me flinch in my restraints. They sounded so loud, but I assume anything would after not having any sound for a while. I tilted my head towards the sounds of the paws against carpet, trying to figure out who it might be. That was silly of me, yes, particularly because everything was still so distorted.

Then there was honey colored fur taking up my vision. My head moved up, making my nose brush against the feather like fur of my master. I saw his eyes cast down, looking my face over. Was he inspecting me for injury? I felt his paws run gently over the bridge of my muzzle and around my eyes.

"Well that is enough of that."

I nodded, still not sure if I should talk or not.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. I simply purred as my ear was scratched, not able to really vocalize how I was over the attention he was giving my ear.

"Good to hear. I'm not quite done with you, Ainoko."

My black ears perked at the sound of my name. He rarely spoke my name in the bedroom. I looked around a little more, realizing that we were no longer in the bedroom, but instead out in the living room. When had he taken me there? How had he done it without my knowledge?

Wincing, I blinked my eyes. They had started to sting as I took in everything around me and water up. As my eyes were closed, my shin was lifted upwards.

"Tell me, Ainoko, what should we do now?" Nystra asked, touching his nose to mine. I was hesitant to answer him, but the longer he held me there, the more compelled I was to give an answer.

"I would," I said, pausing for a moment as if waiting for punishment. "I want to watch a movie with you."

He laughed lightly. The bunny nodded in response to me, his soft nose rubbing against my wet one. He finally removed his digit from my chin and stepped back. I watched him move, happy to be rid of that other bunny. My eyes drifted downward, inspecting his hands for any signs of a taser, which wasn't there thankfully.

He turned and I received a light smack to the nose from the tip of his cock. I wrinkled my nose and smiled sitting back and watching as he went over to the entertainment center. He bent over, nubbed tail wiggling slightly. I giggled to myself as I finally sat down in a normal position for the first time since I had come over to Nystra's house. I was careful not to lean back, for where my fur was missing still stung.

"Ah-ha!" he exclaimed, fishing a box out and turning the system on all at the same time. The room roared to life and before the bunny could even make it to the couch, I heard the sounds of grunting men. I looked at him, a brow raised in question.

"You never said what movie, so I assumed it was my pick," he spoke, sitting down next to me. "Now come and sit on my lap."

I stood up and as I moved I heard the soft squelching of lube. Well, that wasn't the type of sitting I had imagined, but I supposed it would be more enjoyable than earlier. His paws grabbed my hips and directed my ass hole right against the tip of his hardened cock. I moaned in tandem with one of the men on TV, who was currently getting a blow job by quite the attractive wolf. My entrance hugged his cock as I slide down on him and we became 'one'.

Once I was all the way on him, his chin came up over my shoulder. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek, and I nuzzled him back. His paws slide from my waist to my thighs rubbing them softly and urging me to lean back against him. I sighed and did as he commanded, wincing at first, but slowly the pain evaporated. It was replaced by something much more enjoyable.

His paws began to play with my shaft and balls. In reaction my body squiggled a little and my breathing picked up a lot. As I moved, he moaned against my neck and I could feel his cock throb inside of my. My own cock began to appear and his paw quickly moved to stroking the tip as it came out instead. His pumps became longer and harder, slowly moving in time with the thrusts I was seeing on TV.

His paw slipped over my knot I moaned loud enough to drown out the porn that was on TV. Nystra took that as his cue and started to lightly thrust against me, pushing his cock as far into me as possible. Soon our cries of pleasure filled the room, outlasting the scene that played on TV. Who said sex only lasted a few moments?

He paw tightened around my cock as his thrust sped up. I leaned back all the way, ignoring the pain on my back, and nuzzled him. Panting, sighing, moaning, we came nearly at the same time, my thick white juice flowing out over his paw and down my front while the back was taken care of by the overflow of his cum.

"I promise never to bring another into our time, without talking to you first," he whispered against my neck.

"Thanks," I replied with a purr.

"You are ultimately mine and no on else's," he continued. I smiled and murred, eyes drifting closed. I leaned to one side, Nystra following me, and we snuggled on the couch, his cock still in my ass. Sleep took over, along with the odd feeling of complete safety and security in the bunny's arms.

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