High school romance

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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?This short one chapter story takes place almost eighteen years after: The fall of man

The daughter Nancy is the main character. Johnny, John and Jill's son is a secondary

character. Warning! There is teenage sex near the end. You get an idea who the future

father of Amber is, the character from Freaky Friday. Nancy is the hybrid because she is a collie sheltie mix.

Highschool Romance by Shetland and Raven fox

"Nancy get up and get ready for school!" Her mother Shelly said, with her head

poking through the door of the room. Shelly than went down the hall to check on her

younger brother Mike.

Nancy got up and started getting dressed for school. She is seventeen, middle of the

age of sixteen. She had her first heat cycle. It was a week of cramps and the feeling of

her insides being hot. "At least, I don't half to go through that for another year." She

thought to herself.

She looked in the mirror and studied her reflection. She looked like her father Joe

coloring wise. She had dark brown hair almost black, a small patch of blonde in front.

She let it grow long and fan out over the rest of her hair giving it a punk style. She

didn't have highlights like her mom. She had a long narrowed muzzle like her mother,

not the short one like her father. Her build is small, not big like her mother. She stands

at five feet six inches. She has medium size breasts at 35C. But, no way is she like her

mother. She likes repairing cars and playing the drums. She got her dad playing the

guitar again. Her place of employment part-time, is at an auto dealership in Everett. Joe

gave her his truck to her as a sixteenth birthday present, her brother Mike didn't want it

because it is old. Well there hasn't been a new car or truck made in seventeen years. The

factories only make replacement parts for cars and trucks. The world in her opinion still

hasn't recovered from the events from almost eighteen years ago.

"What do the history books call it again? , Oh the great plague." She thought to

herself as she puts on her clothes. She walks in the kitchen to have breakfast. Mike was

talking to mom about something. He is a good five inches taller than his mom.

Nancy looked at her brother, he seems intimidating, but he is nice. He is a receiver

for the football team. She doesn't do the football stuff like cheer leading, only thing she

does is running for track and swimming.

Joe walked in and hugged and kissed her mom and sat down and looked at her. Dad

is a facilities supervisor at his place of employment. Her father in her opinion is cool.

He takes her flying once in a while. Right now he is building an old Ford truck from

1963, he has all the parts, she is helping him putting it back together.

After breakfast, Nancy said goodbye to her parents and walked outside and unlocked

the dark blue 1991 Ford Ranger truck and drove to school. The only changes she did to

it was put a different stereo in it and put custom wheels on it. She got the wheels at a

auto recycle yard and rebuilt the three-liter V-6 engine. She pulled into Mariner High

School. Her dad went there. He showed her his picture at the graduation wall at the

entrance to the school. He was cute when he was human, in her opinion.

First period is physical education. Her favorite class, at this point they are swimming.

She went in the locker room to put on a one piece swimsuit. Did the shower to get ready.

At the pool she saw Johnny, a fox that was a friend of her younger brother Mike. They

rate Mike and her as twins, but they are not identical. He stands at six foot five built as a

body builder and she at five foot six with a small build. He is black, white and tan like

their mother. She is tan, brown and black with white like her father.

"Hi Johnny, how is it going?" She walked up to the fox. He shyly looked at her.

"I am doing great Nancy. How are you doing?" Johnny looked at her. He has a small

build, common on foxes. He only stands at five feet. Johnny had been good friends with

her brother for years. Last couple of years they drift apart because Mike started hanging

out with the jocks. The jocks count Johnny a nerd, but she felt sorry for Johnny. She

comes to visit him once in a while.

She talked to him for a few minutes. She noticed the erection on the fox. He looked

down on her chest a few times during the conversation. She didn't do anything. She

went back to the girls section of the class. Some of the girls at school called her mutt

because her mother is an anthro tri-color collie and her father is an anthro Shetland

sheep dog. She knows the tactic, to get her to rebel against her parents. She would not

do it. She loved her parents. She noticed three other boys looking at Johnny. She did

not like the look on them.

After seventh period, she was walking by the boy's bathroom. She heard a noise

come from the inside. She recognized Johnny's voice saying "no." "I said suck on it you

little bitch!"Said another voice.

She walked in and saw two pit bulls and a feline breed of cat, the same three from

first period. One of the pit bulls had his dick out trying to force Johnny to give him a

blow job.

"Wrong sex, I know of a few girl classmates that will give you one of those" Nancy

replied walking in. "Oh, I am female. I'll give you one."

"Oh no, we want him to do it, not a dam mutt. Well just knock him out, rip you a

part, then have our way with him. He shouldn't be looking and talking to mutts." He

slammed Johnny's head against the stall knocking him unconscious.

As he was falling into unconscious, Johnny heard a savage growl. Nancy had her

teeth bared and her ears laid back to her scull, her muscles were rippling and growing,

she looked feral and scary. Blackness has fallen as he heard the sound of punches,

bodies being thrown and yells of pain.

He awoke, laying on a bed. He recognized it as the nurses' office. Nancy was looking

at him, with a worried look on her face. "Where are they?" He asked.

"At the hospital. Then to jail. There are eighteen year olds. I told the police they

were attempting to molest you. You being sixteen makes you a minor. They will be in

prison for a long time. They are embarrassed that they got beat-up by a 90lb girl."

Nancy said looking at him.

Johnny kept his mouth shut. She turned into something before he blacked out. But he

will ask around. Better let those bullies be embarrassed, then have Nancy locked up. She

walked up to him and gave him a long kiss. He felt light headed. She walked away to

get the nurse.

Then an old female white wolf walked in, she looked at Johnny. "So tell me

everything that happen. I know a 90lb girl can't take down two pit bulls and a bobcat.

When I first heard about this, I thought it was Mike. Then I see Nancy coming out of the

office." She looked at Johnny with yellow eyes.

Johnny told Mary everything he saw. She just listens, then shook her head. "You

don't tell anyone that part. Some people will lock-up Nancy, and you won't see her


"Oh, I don't want her to be locked-up, she is my only friend. I have a crush on her.

Some kids call her mutt and that makes me pissed . She is very nice to me. She is the

only girl that ever talks to me." Johnny looking back at Mary in the eye showing her that

he is not afraid of her.

"You got guts boy. I really like that. You remind of Joe. You act just like him. Very

few people have the guts to look me in the eye." Mary walked away.

Nancy came walking back in with the nurse and a couple of police officers. Johnny

told the police what happen. He left the part out of Nancy changing. He told the cops

that he was knocked out during the fight.

"So Mary, was it Mike, who busted-up those boys?" Eddie asked as he pulled the

suburban out of the school parking lot.

"No, it was Nancy" Mary replied looking at Eddie.

"What!?, Nancy?, The one that only weighs 90 lbs. Sweet little Nancy?" Eddie said

with surprise in his voice.

"Yes it was her, she is just like her father. Well pay a visit to those boys, do the same

thing we did to Shelly's ex-husband Roger fifteen years ago. Those boys are going to be

permanent citizens of the Republic of Texas, and they will loose the ability to speak just

like Roger." Mary said looking out the widow.

"Same heart modification? Like Roger?" Eddie asks as he pulled the SUV onto the


"Yes Eddie, same implant as we put in Roger. If they try to escape, they will die of a

fatal heart attack. Well do it tonight after visiting hours. Make it look like a prison

transfer, then we do surgery on those boys." Mary replied.

Nancy drove Johnny to her home first, called John at his work. Told him that she is

going to keep an eye on Johnny til 5:00 p.m.. Johnny was laying on the couch. It was

3:30 p.m., no body isn't going to be home til 4:45p.m.

She walked up to the couch and removed the elastic band off her hair to let it out.

Johnny was just staring at her. She undid her shirt, he saw that she had on a black see

thru bra. She looked at Johnny, his mouth was wide open no sound coming out, he just

nodded. She stripped down to just her bra and panties. He saw that she had a nice

compact body. Skinny and muscular, firm breasts slightly apart, through the bra he saw

that she had one inch areolas. He undid his pants and underwear. His penis was erect

and unsheathed.

Johnny watched as Nancy removed her bra and panties. He looked at the 35C breasts

they were firm with a large tuft of white hair between them. He then looked at between

her legs, he can barely see her vagina thru the thick white hair. She looked at his penis and

then give him a long kiss. He watched as she grabbed his penis and she sat down on it.

He watched it as it disappeared in her, he felt something tear in her, she gasped and

hugged his face to her breasts.

He grabbed her backside and got in a rhythm with her. He never felt anything like

this. He did masturbate once in a while but it never felt like this. She moaned, he felt her

vaginal walls contract, it felt that his dick was going to be ripped off. Then he felt a

wetness running down his nuts. Later he felt a build-up in him and he released in her,

and he yelled.

Later on after they talked to Joe and Shelly, they were on the way to Johnny's house.

Nancy talked to John and Jill told them what happen in the boy's restroom at school.

Johnny said goodbye to Nancy and told her, he will see her tomorrow at school. He went

to his bedroom, John walked in to talk to him. "Those boys are saying that Nancy turned

into a monster." He looked at his son.

"That's a lie dad, I saw a little bit of the fight before I got knocked out. She's just a

good fighter. Who do you believe dad?, Me or the three boys who tried to molest your

son?" Johnny looked his dad in the eye.

John knew his son was timid, what happen to him. He was looking him in the eye

without blinking or shyly turning his head away. "I am taking your word, over those


"Dad just to let you know, I just started dating Nancy. Me and her are going to see a

movie this weekend and eat at a Denny's." Johnny continued to look at his dad without

blinking or turning his head.

"Uh, all right son." He looked at Johnny and left the room, wondering what happen

to his son. "It's about time he grew some. Wish the girl he liked was a vixen."

Later on at a place in Marysville. There are three hospital beds in a room, with two

pit bulls and a bobcat. Mary walked into the room and looked at the three men. She

walked up to one pit bull, he is heavily bandaged, had his right arm in a cast and his jaw

was wired shut due to a broken jaw. "So my little Nancy did a number on you. You

shouldn't have called her names and messed with one of her friends. I tell you a little

secret. She's a berserker like her father. Eighteen years ago a group of military

scientists wanted anthro's to replace human solider's. A group canines were to be twice

as strong as the other's, heal fast and do harm without showing mercy. Oh, you saw that

happen today. I seen that happen fifteen years ago when Shelly's ex-husband started

stalking her and was messing with her at a parking lot. What set off Joe was, Roger

slapped Nancy, because Nancy kicked Roger. Joe did a number on Roger, but Roger was

a large panther. He must have outweighed Joe by a hundred pounds. Got the security

tape from that, I watch it once in a while."

The pit bull stared at the white wolf with yellow eyes and turned his head away. The

other pit bull open his mouth to speak, but nothing came out but a raspy hissing sound.

"We did some surgery on you while you were out. Your vocal cords were cut and a

modified pacemaker was put in your chest. The pacemaker won't activate, til you enter

the Republic of Texas. That's where you are going. The sentence of child molestation in

that country is life in prison. If you try to get out of that country, you will die of a heart

attack triggered by the pacemaker. The pacemaker is powered by your nervous system,

made by some Japanese friends of mine. They replaced the regular ones that needed the

batteries changed every two to three years. I hope you have a good life in the Republic of

Texas, by the way say hi to Roger for me, oh you can't." She laughed and left the room.

The next day at school Johnny and Nancy were talking to each other while walking

up to the entrance. To Johnny life has gotten better, what happen is he is no longer shy.

He is no longer afraid. " I am with the girl of my dreams, so what she graduates a year

before me."

Mary sat at her desk looking at a lcd screen watching a scene in a parking lot. It

starts out a little anthro female sheltie kicking a large panther. Then the panther slaps

the little sheltie, then there is Joe showing his teeth with his ears laid back on his scull.

His muscles grow and then Joe rapidly punches the panther a bunch of times and picks

up the panther and throws him at the security camera and the screen goes black. "Well

Joe, like father, like daughter. She's just like you Joe. It's a shame, they don't have

security cameras in the restroom. I would of like to see that. She took on three, one

busted jaw, three broken arms, two dislocated shoulders and multiple bruises and cuts. It

cost me a lot money to keep some peoples mouths shut. But it's worth it." She chuckles

to herself and puts away the video disk and shuts the desk drawer.

Sorry for jumping a head some years. Raven Fox suggested it. Hope you guys and

gals liked it. This one chapter story was Raven Fox's idea. Sorry pit bull lovers, Raven

Fox is one of the people who hates them, he was attacked by one as a kid in his own

back yard.


Freaky Friday

? Freaky Friday by Raven fox This story is written by a friend of mine, Who goes by the handle of Raven fox. He writes stories as a hobby. If you guys and gals like it, I'll have him write a story once in while. Shetland: Note this takes place...

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The aftermath of the fall of humankind

?The aftermath of the fall of human kind This story takes place, three months after Joe's wedding. Joe wakes up, feels a swollen abdomen in the middle of his back. He gains his sense's, it his wife Shelly. He recounts the events in the last...

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Fall of man dawn of a new age Chapter 8

?Fall of man dawn of a new age chapter 8 Shelly thinks back on her life Shelly is sitting on a beach chair, looking at the surf. Sitting by her is her new husband Joe, whom she just married a little over a day ago. She looks at him, right...

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