The Woodland Visitor Ch 4: Family Ties

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#5 of The Woodland Visitor

Sorry this chapter came out a little short. It didn't follow through as well as I expected.

The Woodland Visitor Pt 4 Family Ties

I had just gotten Amanda her tea and we had set down to discuss which poses that I would shoot her in when there was a light knock on the back door. She looked at me and I smiled. Part one of my plan was about to happen. Either it would be a success or I would ruin everything I worked for.

"It's just Sienna. I probably locked the back door this morning when she left." Since my photo studio was right there I went over and unlocked the door and opened it up. Sienna came in with her father right behind her. I quickly closed the door and stepped behind him before he saw who my visitor was. He turned around and with a fury I never heard from him started yelling.

"What is this? I don't want to see her. I never want to see her again. Why did you bring me here?"

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but..." Raising my voice I told him, "You will sit down and shut up. You will listen to what I have to say. Then I will listen to you."

He turned and looked at his daughter. She had this look on her face that even frightened me. "Sit daddy." When he didn't move she raised her voice some more. "Now!"

He looked at her and shaking his head took a seat as far away from Amanda as possible. Then he looked at me. "Speak your mind 'human'."

I walked over and stood right in front of him. "I listened to your side of the story. Believe me, I am sorry for you. I also found her and listened to her side of the story."


"I thought you would believe that, so I did some investigations on my own. During those investigations I found some pretty convincing evidence. Do you want to know what I found?"

"What did you find?"

I walked over and pulled out several folders. I reached into one and pulled out a photo. "Do you recognize this man?"

"That's him. That's who I seen her with."

"His name is Allen Grimshaw."


"Mr. Allen Grimshaw moved here from Chicago looking to get away from the city life. He initially came here three times looking at houses. He found one house to his liking and made arrangements to buy it. The property was at 1482 Deadrun Road. The owner of this property met with him four times to discuss the terms of the contract. I have the original notes used to draw up the contract with dates on them." I threw these on his lap and watched as he looked at them. "I also went to records and drew up the deed to the house. It was sold five days later." I threw a copy of the deed at him. "The previous occupant of this house mysteriously moved across the street. It was the owners' original intent to move to Virginia to be closer to her family. She never did." I threw another deed on his lap.

"What are you trying to say?"

I looked at Amanda and, understanding what I wanted, she nodded. I could see tears running down her cheek. "I am saying that a few years before this a certain Mrs. Amanda Blackwell went hiking into the woods and got lost. She was helped by someone who was kind to her. They saw each other more and more. Mrs. Amanda Blackwell fell in love with this person and had a child by him. Due to the nature of this child she had to give the child to him to raise, only visiting her child. This was too much for her. She loved him and missed her child so much that she came up with a plan. She would sell her house and move in with this man and her daughter. She was willing to give up everything to be with him."

By this time Brenah was looking at Amanda. Amanda was openly crying and Sienna was doing her best to comfort her.

"But before she could do that, he came to her and told her that he never wanted to see her again. He thought that she was cheating on him. Now this 'PIG HEADED' person," I heavily emphasized that phrase, "wouldn't even listen to her. He would only believe what he saw. If he would have listened to her words he would have seen what she intended to do. Instead he never came back to her."

He stared at Amanda for a minute and in a weak voice said, "Is this true?"

Amanda was leaning up against Sienna and I barely saw he nod.

"You wanted to be with me?" Again she nodded. "You never were with anyone else?" She shook her head. "Then what I saw was you trying to sell your house to be with me." he said it as a statement and not a question. He slowly walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. "You would have given up everything."

She pulled away from Sienna and looked at him. "I did give up everything for you."

I motioned for Sienna to come with me and we went into the other room. The last thing I heard was Brenah asking her, "You loved me?"

I never did hear the answer. We went into the living room and sat on the couch. I turned the stereo on low and Sienna curled up against me.

"Think together?"

"I am hoping they get back together." Then in my head I said 'for your sake.'

It was a little over two hours later when I heard someone come into the living room. Brenah came in with his arm around Amanda and she had her head against him and her arm around him. We stood up and looked at them.

"I want to thank you. You have given me back something that I..." He bowed his head, "I stupidly threw away. I was so stubborn...Pig Headed, I didn't listen to the truth. I'm glad you showed it to me."

"I'm glad that you gave me back my love. I can never repay you."

Sienna stepped up to them and hugged them both. Then stepping back she dropped her head. Why was she blushing? That's when she dropped the bomb on us.


Amanda looked at me and then Brenah. Turning back to Sienna, she said, "Grandma? I thought I was your mother."

Sienna stepped back and made a gesture she said again. "Grandma."

My eyes flew open at the realization of what she said, and all I could say was, "Oh my god."

Brenah and Amanda asked in unison, "What?"

I turned Sienna to me and holding her firmly I looked into her eyes and asked her, "You mean?"

She nodded.

"How long have you known?"

"Little bit."

"Why didn't you tell me?"


"Afraid, why?"

"You not happy."

I grabbed her and held her tight. Kissing her I drew back and smiling, looked into her eyes. "Not happy? Oh my god, I'm the happiest person in the world now."

"Excuse me," Brenah interrupted. "What exactly are you happy about?"

Smiling I looked down and ran my hand lightly over Siennas' belly. "Sienna is pregnant... with my child."

Sienna nodded as I pulled her to me and gave her a big hug. I heard Amanda gasp and Brenah said, "Oh my god. Is this true?"

Sienna nodded and held me tight.

Amanda was the first to react. She grabbed Sienna and hugged her. "Oh my god, I'm so happy. I got my love back, I got my daughter back, and now I'm gonna be a grandmother." They hugged then Sienna slowly turned to her father.

He took her hands in his and just stared at her for a minute. "My little girl is grown up. I'm so happy now. I am so happy for you."

Sienna wrapped her arms around him and he held her tight. I watched tears flow down his face as he held her. Then he released her and with a stern look upon his face he walked over to me. "As for you... I don't know where you come off sneaking around behind my back. If there's one thing I don't like, it's a sneak." He said in an angry tone. Then he smiled at me and in a gentler voice said, "But I have to apologize, if it wasn't for me. You wouldn't have had to sneak around. You taught me a valuable lesson. From now on I will listen to what other people say. I owe you a big apology and more."

"There is only one thing I want from you. You see I meant it when I said that I wanted pictures of you. But now I want pictures of the three of you together. Kinda like a family shot."

"Then you have to be in them. The father of my grandchild is family." He replied.

"Then it's a deal. I'll take some photos of you three and a couple with me in them too."

"Please, let's make it for another day. I have some apologizing to do along with some catching up. If you will excuse us, we'll take our leave now."

"Of course," I looked at Amanda, "Do you have my cell phone?"

"Yes. It's in my purse."

"If you need me, call."

"I will."

I saw them to the door and went back over to where Sienna stood.

"You, good surprise."

"I was hoping that it would work out that way. In fact I was praying that it would happen that way."

"Did good."

"Thank you."

She reached up and grabbing my face and kissed me, then looking into my eyes she said, "Welcome."

I put my hands around her neck and smiling down at her I thought how lucky I was. "Please do me one favor."

She seductively slid closer to me and with a wicked smile asked, "What?"

"I want you to promise me that you will never keep anything from me ever again. I mean, I didn't mind this. You brought it out perfectly. But it shocked me as much as them."


"No, I'm not mad. How could I ever be mad at you?"


"No, not upset, I'm shocked. I never thought that..."

"Wanted make sure first."

"And you are positive?"


"I guess I should be gentle from now on."

She grabbed me by the shirt and giving me a kiss led me over to the couch. Shoving me down she smiled and in a seductive voice said, "Fuck that."

Then she did something that shocked me. She walked over and turned on the TV. She shook her finger at me and then turned on the VCR. Walking back over to me she said, "Same as this?"

With that the VCR began playing. My jaw hit the floor as I watched the VCR come to life. Where did she get this? I thought I hid it. She smiled, and shaking her finger at me again said, "Naughty."

I was so shocked that I didn't realize she was undressing me until she sat down naked in my lap. By that time my cock was harder then it had ever been. I came to when she slid down on it and began bouncing.

I watched her bouncing on me and then looked at the TV. On the TV was a home video. The one I took of us the night before she left. I watched myself bring her to multiple orgasms and then watched her give me a blow job that I will never forget. Then I watched myself mount and ride her. I could see my cock sliding in and out of her cunt. I saw her juices run out of her cunt and down to the bed. I also felt her juices running down my cock and off my balls as she rode me.

I heard her moan while she rode me about the same time she was bucking her hips in the video. She let out a groan and began shuddering in my lap at the same time she came on the video. That was too much for me and I groaned as I felt the sperm travel up my shaft and fill her.

When she calmed down she looked me in the eye and smiling said, "Make nother soon."

"We can make as many as you want."

She smiled down at me and ran her finger down the side of my face.

I went to the store later that day and bought her some more clothes. I bought over eight hundred dollars worth of cloths that were anything from very seductive and sexy lingerie to conservative dresses.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and the next two days shooting her in every imaginable pose. We even went out into the woods and shot a couple of hundred there. During that time I taught her how to use the camera, including how to set the timer. She took some photos of me and after a few mistakes I would swear that a professional took them photos.

Going back to my house I was about to download them into my computer when I suddenly stopped. I pulled out my laptop and downloaded them there. Then I plugged into my home computer and removed all the photos from there too. I took the next two hours removing every trace of the pictures from my home computer. When I was done I packed up the laptop and along with several batteries for it and the camera. I put them into my backpack.

I set the backpack aside when Sienna told me to wait in the living room. I sat on the couch and waited, curious as to what she was up to. Fifteen minutes later she returned only wearing a t-shirt which she cut off so that it barely covered her tits and a pair of see through lace panties. She came over to the couch and grabbing my hands led me upstairs. She had me close my eyes as she led me into the bedroom.

When I opened my eyes I saw that she had lit a dozen candles around the room and had the bed ready for me. She stripped me and pushed me onto the bed. There she had me roll over onto my stomach. She straddled my body and proceeded to give me a massage.

She did wonders with her hands. Her gentle but firm grip along with the fur around her pads had my muscles relaxed in no time. I could feel each muscle she worked on slowly loosen up. It wasn't long before my eyes drooped and I was asleep.

It was about five hours later when I woke up. I felt Sienna's naked body pressed against mine. She must have stripped before climbing into bed last night. Slowly I scooted closer and wrapped my arms tighter about her. With a final kiss on her nose I went back to sleep.

It was dawn when I woke up the next time and Sienna was just setting there looking down at me. I smiled back up at her and asked, "So do you like staring at me?"

"Yes, peaceful."

I reached over and kissed her. "Why don't we just lay here for a little while?"

"Lay for while?"

"Yes, I just want to hold you for a while."

"She pushed me back and curled up beside me. I wrapped my arms around her and just lay there. The feel of her fur rubbing against my body was out of this world. It wasn't long before I heard her deep even breaths telling me she was asleep. I must have fallen asleep too because the next thing I knew Sienna was again sitting there looking down at me. I looked over at the clock and it was ten.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

She smiled sheepishly and replied, "Long time."

"You could have woke me up."

"Like watching you sleep."

"As much as I like watching you sleep?"

She leaned down and kissed me. When she pulled back she whispered, "More."

We got out of bed and got ready to head back to her house. She insisted on carrying her clothes and packed them into my small backpack. When we were ready, we shouldered our packs and left.

We took our time getting back and utilized it for another photo session.