Merciful Breeding - 2011

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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Mace the werewolf belongs to Mace Black

Merciful Breeding by tannim March 10, 2011

Mercy threw her clothes off and swam into the water. She didn't check to see if anybody was around. Nobody was and nobody EVER was. That suited her fine, as did skinny dipping. The hot summer air in the woods made the water even more inviting to wash off in. Sweat and dirt and, other things.

Her sick fuck of a father had touched her again. He liked to touch though he hadn't forced himself on her. She thought about his hand cupping her cunt through her panties to "check for foreign objects". The way it slid down her jeans always made her unhappy. At least he DID only just squeeze and stop, though.

While Mercy dove into the water, naked, alone, and rubbing all over herself, eyes watched the human girl from the edge of the pond. She was right when she thought nobody was around, but wrong at the same time. The low furred form edged further out of the bushes, trusting it's dark black fur to hide it in the shadows. There was no threat in the eyes, merely curious interest with a touch of patient anticipation.

He was a wolf, though hardly a normal wolf. Mace was a werewolf. As intelligent as any human and able to assume the basic human form if desired. He preferred not to, however. There were too many problems associated with being seen in that form.

As a wolf, his body was covered with shaggy black fur from muzzle to tail, above and below. There was a white diamond over his heart and on the back of each ear. He had a heavy dark furred sheath resting between his legs, along with a softer extra bit of flesh just behind his scrotum. A werewolf indeed, but also hermaphroditic werewolf.

Mercy rose out of the water again, thrusting her barely budding chest prominently and swishing her hair from side to side. She was over her father, though memory of his touch and her own private touches had made her hot. At eleven she knew how things worked, more or less, and had already found self pleasure and exploration.

She floated on the water for a while, rubbing her thighs and up over the puffy half golf ball sized nipples on her chest. Soon she'd be a woman and could move away from her parents. A clench of her thighs and a sigh and she floated to the edge of the pond to where her clothes lay.

"Enough of that. It's more fun with a good stor...Wow. What a pretty dog!" Mercy stared at the large black canine as it walked toward her. "Oh... a MALE dog." The animal shook his head and projected a picture of a crossed out dog into her mind along with an image of him howling at the moon. She blinked, then shrugged and corrected herself. "or maybe a wolf... yeah, I guess you're a wolf."

The wolf strode up to her and pressed his nose directly against her young moist cleft. His broad tongue slurped up and over it before she could pull away and Mercy just laughed at it. After a moment, she stopped and stared at him with her head slowly tilting to the side to see underneath.

Taking in that large bestial sheath, Mercy smirked. If she could find a man hung like that she'd REALLY piss her father off, her mother too. Then again, to truly make them angry she'd just have to... Her hand ran over the rather friendly wolf's back, not wondering if he had a name and not thinking of anything other than giving in to that wild urge.

The wolf projected his name, Mace, to her, but her mind was far too preoccupied with petting lower and wrapping around his genitals. Mercy didn't think anything of the wolf tensing. She tugged her shirt up and knelt onto it for easier access, then ran her hands over his handsome flanks and down below again.

He felt so different from her own body. The soft belly skin was lightly furred and so much hotter to the touch than her own. His thighs were thinner and wider too, but she found herself far more interested in his masculinity between them. Her new friend didn't seem to mind at all despite the tensing each time she brushed his sheath tip.

Mace panted in the heat while the girl touched him. His interest in her had been well worth stalking her for a week. The human's wonderfully soft smooth hands drifted through his fur and squeezed in such delightful ways. Her obvious interest in his wolfhood made him anxious to breed her but he didn't want to push it too soon and risk scaring her. He turned his head when she pushed her pants under him.

Mercy lay on her side to look up along his underbelly better, then scooted a bit further under him. Dark fur obscured her view in places but scooting a bit closer and onto her back let her get under him better. She giggled happily at the sight of his heavy balls hanging behind his sheath, then rubbed them in her hands. The loose ovals inside shifted in her hand while she relished the oh so soft skin of his sack itself.

He grunted when she squeezed them together curiously and Mercy quickly let go. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt them!" A projected tail wag made her smile back and she kissed his belly. "I'll be more careful, I promise."

She ran her hands over to his chest, but they drifted back to his maleness again. She was too hot to pay attention to too much else. One hand squeezed around it to pump just like she imagined she'd do for a guy. The other again played with his balls just to feel their weight and pliable loose skin.

While it was awkward to lay under him to feel him up, the view was wonderful. She got to see his pink tip poking out with each backward motion of her hand and, even better, took the first watery spurt of clear canine pre right on her budding chest. Her left hand rubbed it into her skin and she squeezed his cock again trying to encourage more.

"Haha! Boys really are fun!" Mercy laughed when another jet of clear fluid splattered her.

She scooted further under him and pressed her mostly flat chest up to his belly and swelling cock once before climbing back out from under him. Mace twisted his neck a bit to look at her, not sending any thoughts to her, and watched the eleven year old angle next to him. Her hand again stroked his widening cock through his sheath before she looked into his feral face.

"I wonder what it really would be like to have sex with you... Daddy would HATE it and mom would too." She stroked very slowly as she tried to imagine them.

Mercy's hot scent of arousal wafted strongly into the wolf's nostrils. Every breath brought another gust of it and Mace knew she was as hot as she was going to get. She wanted him, her body and her mind, he just had to push her into knowing it. Her hand DID feel good, but he knew her tight feminine cleft would be far better. He tensed and projected an image of him looking up at the clouds.

The girl pulled away in confusion just long enough for him to dart around behind her. His chest was on her back and forelegs grasping around her middle before she knew what was happening. Mace's hot canine breath wafted over her hair and for the first time, she knew what it was like to be mounted by a male. The animal thrust his hips forward, missing his young sex only to try again with the next. All Mercy could think to do was hold herself up against his weight in bewildered excitement.

She could still feel the heat of his so soft sheath skin. The so soft fur covering it. The so male organ that had been in her hand. Having it bumping against her hips made it all seem so unreal. Even the rough pads and semi-sharp claws scratching and scraping her waist and belly didn't make her think to pull away. Not that she really would have wanted to.

Her wolf's hot furry form was masculine and that was what she was after. She felt his cock poke against her right buttock, then near the middle of the two. Another thrust, then another, and she spread her legs just a bit wider and he suddenly slipped in. Her slightly lower hips gave him a much better angle and he used it to blow her mind with her first real penetration.

Mercy pushed back into his thrust just as he pushed his still mostly thin into her. She felt him hit her hated virginity and simply stab right through it. The pain was strong and hurt worse than what she'd been lead to expect. The weird feeling of that marker thick doggy dick poking rapidly and repeatedly in made it worse for a while. She could feel liquid dribbling out of her and she knew it was her blood from that torn barrier. Tears ran down her cheeks from the ache and Mercy nearly pushed him off before it finally faded.

With the pain leaving she could feel his cock more fully inside. The new sensitivity let her feel his heat and still somewhat soft wolf dick very clearly with each movement. For the first time she noticed how narrow it was as well as the hard core. The thought of a bone inside his cock didn't occur to her, though. As long as it felt so hot and alive it was good to her, especially when it fit so easily inside her cunny.

Mercy loved the rapid canine hips slapping against her own as well as the way his balls swung and occasionally bounced against her thigh. He grew within while he worked too, making her sex steadily open wider. The tapered wedge-like to slid deeper to touch more of her newly opened inner walls.

Her breathing grew heavy quickly, soon matching his in a heavy pant. Mace's hips set them both rocking with their enthusiastic force, all the while his belly fur rubbed over her butt and back. The eleven year old tried to push back to meet them but he was rutting her far too fast to match.

His thickening shaft grew harder as well as longer as he worked and stimulated her even better. Hardening veins along its length provided a powerful friction to accompany each full length thrust. Her pussy lips pushed his sheath each time he entered her, but even through the building pleasure, she could feel that changing.

Mace's grunts next to her ear and claws scratching her sides kept her from focusing on his knot, but only until it had swollen halfway. He frantically knocked on her pelvis with that hardening bulb of flesh. Every knock it seemed bigger. Every knock it Was bigger. The powerful scent of her blood still coating his bunched up sheath and her thighs urged him onward as much as her young sex.

The wolf panted harder over her. Precum sprayed continuously into her while his shaft kept much of it from leaking out again. She loved the heat but he grew so big and uncomfortable along with it as his cock swelled fully. It stretching her open too much around it's banana like girth and she found the pleasant feelings too intense with her inner walls crushing his turgid member within them.

He knew she would have taken it easily had she been older. At her current age, however, she was wonderfully and excessively tight around it. The veins bulged into a rough texture on his formerly smooth shaft, and he knew she would grow to love that feeling, but he was more worried about his knot. His knot was only half full yet at slightly wider than a golf ball and it was growing quickly. Another slam of his bestial hips drove it back in with a jolting wet pop.

Mercy yelled at the painful knot entry, then again when it popped back out. It hurt almost as much as the initial popping of her cherry, but it felt good moments later. She loved the way it knocked into her clit going in and rubbed a spot inside coming out, but it got harder to take. The girl found herself leaning away from him and trying to get away after another pop in and out. Having his knot squish her inner lips painfully against her pelvis was getting too painful.

Mace projected a comforting image into her thoughts while he gripped her tighter. He knew she'd seal him in on the next thrust and yelped at the budding girl's pelvis hitting his knot when he jammed it in that last time. His scrabbling paws scraped her sides red before they finally dug in. A hard yank back told them both he was stuck inside and he sped up his hips. The inch behind his knot let him keep pumping shallowly, to the little human's pleasure.

His sudden tying left Mercy's arms trembling. She wanted to push him away, wanted to grab at his paws to hold them more comfortably, but mostly she wanted him to keep dragging that thick knob against her special spot inside. The speed her bestial sex shifted from pain to sudden pleasure was amazing.

Mercy stopped tugging away and pushed back to meet his hips instead. She wanted to say something, anything, to the wolf, but even her thoughts were blank. His bulk over and cock inside her were all she could think of, other than her quickly building pleasure.

Hot watery canine seed sprayed in with strong jets and she could feel each shot as a light tickle. Her own inner lips kissed at the soft sheath skin behind his knot and especially his tennis ball sized knot grinding back and forth against her spot. So much pleasure after such an uncomfortable knotting had her breathing hard.

Like her feral lover, she panted hard from exertion and pleasure and wanted to peak at the same time as he did, just like her more romantic books. The eleven year old had no idea he was already climaxing inside her as she thought it. His release felt exactly the same as the rest of his pre-cum. Every spurt made her feel hotter and she clenched her sex hard.

Another clench made her tingle all over and a third pushed her over the edge at last. The girl felt her body lock up with bliss. Having a male for her pussy to grip around was so much different from her own finger on her clitoris. She shook under her feral lover and reveled in the dirty thought of someday telling her parents.

Above her, Mace growled in possessive pride. He felt her pleasured tenses and smelled the spicy heat of her orgasmic fluids. His knot pulsed rapidly with his racing heart beat but soon the girl's own pulse matched his.

With a quick thrust of a leg, the wolf rotated his knot in Mercy's cunny and a moment later he stood butt to butt with her. Mercy's back felt cold but the shift drove her on to a second mini-orgasm. Feeling his balls bounce against her ass made her push back into him yet again. He was so much better than her father's groping hands.

As she came down from her peak again, she felt confused at Mace's new position and especially at his groin stuck to hers. Like any new bitch, Mercy had no idea that she would be tied to her lover for a while. The human girl tugged harder and drug the wolf, yelping, behind her. She stopped at his third yelp and looked back.

"Hey! You're stuck!" Mercy cried before his frantic projection of a rope tying them both together got through. "We're... tied somehow?" Her fingers ran along her belly and easily felt his knot through her the fleshy wall. "But... For how long?"

Another tug and another grunt of discomfort and she simply held still. The large bulb really didn't feel bad. It pulsed pleasantly inside her each time he clenched. It squirted constantly and felt so exotic with each shift of their bodies. She leaned down to the ground and supported herself with one arm so she could keep rubbing at it more.

His extended presence made her arousal grow again. Mace could smell it on her, mixed with the tangy irony scent of her blood and their coupled juices. He projected an image of her under him just as they'd been a minute before and was rewarded with her shifting her hips around faster. The wolf was happy and amused by his human bitch.

Mercy pleasured herself, and him, steadily while he just bent around to lick at their join. Her tugging wasn't painful for him since she wasn't trying to pop him out and his tongue dragging over her moist sex gathered up their tasty sexual leavings. He focused on her clit once he'd gotten her thighs and lips well licked. She jerked at first, but then moaned and gave into his attentions while tracing around his male bulge.

His cock pulsed to her rubbing as much as his heartbeat, still squirting his post cum into her needy contractions. Any feral wolf bitch would have tugged harder to get him out or just lay still instead of working to another orgasm. The human girl just pleasured herself again and enjoyed it. She squeezed around her sex as well as over his knot as she grew hot.

Feeling his tongue slathering over her fingers and his tugging knot making her pussy bulge out built her easily toward her second peak. Her young cunny squeezed constantly around him while he lightly rutted the air in response to her. She focused hard on the picture ho had put of her taking him and came around him once again before dropping tiredly to the ground with both sexually sated.

Their hips stayed together for a quite a while. Neither kept track, but at last Mace's knot shrank enough that a tug popped it out. Mercy stiffened at that intense release and groaned at the gush of pent up fluids that poured out of her sore sex. She ran a hand along her slit and felt how wide it was, a smile on her lips.

"I bet this'll make him sorry he touched me those times... and jealous." Mercy turned and hugged the large wolf, then tugged at her clothing. "I'm sorry, but I gotta get back! I'm not supposed to be out so late alone!"

Her bestial lover watched her run off, fully clothed and reeking of their sex. He wondered if she'd be fertile enough for what he had wanted, then wondered if her parents would notice her just been bred odor. The werewolf trotted off after her a few minutes later. He'd find out soon enough.

Time was running out by the time Mercy got back home. She knew her mother would be calling on the phone soon and she really didn't want to receive that call or explain where she'd been. Fucking the wolf had been wonderful and the plan to upset them had sounded so great then, but after having done it she didn't want them, or at least her mother, to get upset about it.

They'd just make life complicated. As it was she was bitched at a bit, but the rest of the night passed uneventfully other than some leakage that made her have to wash her panties in the sink. She dreamed of the wolf that night and relived much of that pleasant sex again. The seed he'd left inside her, however, went entirely unnoticed and undreamed of.

Mercy was happy to see the animal the next day, though she didn't have time to do anything with him. Busy with chores cleaning up the yard she could catch the occasional glimpse of him in the distance. He always seemed to be around when she was outside after that day.

The girl called to him and he came closer to the house only to run off when her father came out to join her. A few questions were asked about the dog, as her old man didn't recognize the black beast as a wolf, but she just said it was a friendly stray. While she picked up sticks neither male took their eyes away from her.

Mercy went out when she was free again a few days later and she met her wolfy lover. She laughed as she saw him and crouched to wrap her arms around him. Her mouth pressed to his muzzle and she kissed him, then opened her mouth to let Mace lick inside over her tongue and teeth. They both enjoyed the kissing but they enjoyed the sex afterward much more.

After that, Mercy went back to him any chance she could. Her tight pussy clutched around his cock and knot and she found herself reveling in being tied each time. She didn't tell her parents, but she got off on thinking about their reactions if they ever found out.

Another day, a few weeks later, her father ran his hands over her butt while she was bent over controlling an unexpected morning sickness. He slipped his fingers into her pants and again cupped her sex. His eyes went wide at the soaking panties after another tryst in the night had left her too tired to change them.

She stood up and slapped his hand away, even growling at him. "He's better than you'd be!"

Her belly bulged shortly after that encounter, and she was glad that her dad was leaving her alone. Unfortunately, her mother couldn't do the same once she noticed the eleven year old's bulging belly. The woman nagged her about who the father was, and that bothered Mercy. She didn't know.

Everything she'd been told said she couldn't get pregnant from anybody but a human and that wolf was the only one who she'd even had sex with. That realization made her scared. Could Mace have gotten her pregnant? The girl refused to answer her mother, finding it enjoyable to frustrate the woman, even as she worried about it herself.

Mercy kept her worries quiet while going out with Mace again in the woods. She pressed her lips to his sheath after some cuddling and petting and belly rubbing. He seemed to like it and she loved how fresh his cock tasted as it slid into her mouth. One hand cupped his soft balls, the other held around the knot area to help him squirt his watery pre onto her tongue.

Their foreplay continued as normal, but her hand strayed to her growing belly. She took his knot again, then again the next night, and the night after. He was always around barking to get her attention or growling when he thought they weren't private enough but they always at least kissed. The girl thought of him as her boyfriend.

She woke to find her breasts heavier and fuller and the morning sickness just as strong. It seemed so fast and she still wasn't sure. Her mother had tried following her a few times, but Mace always warned them and all the woman found was her daughter petting the animal's belly.

At last, Mercy found an image in her mind just moments after she'd let him spray her face with his copious pre-seed. Mace showed her laying on her side with two puppies sucking on her nipples. The girl pulled away and stared at him, ignoring the musky droplets that ran down her chest.

"You got me pregnant?" There was little surprise in her voice, it had to be him. "But... HOW? Wolves can't breed with humans!"

He seemed to laugh with his heavy panting, then she saw werewolves in her mind. She didn't fully understand but he pressed his head to her swelling chest and licked at her sweaty belly. Mercy hugged against him, not sure what to think of it. He WAS nice and handsome. He smelled nice and didn't make fun of her small breasts or her looks. He'd even brought her a few pretty berries on a bit of branch. The idea of being pregnant with his puppies wasn't so bad. Especially when he projected the shocked look her father and mother could have when they saw.

"Well... alright." She rubbed her lips in the fur between his ears. "I wonder how long it'll be until I... umm... have them."

Mace didn't say anything, he simply jumped up and pressed his front paws to her shoulders until she fell back onto the grass. His human bitch laughed while he stood over her and licked over her face and into her mouth. She rubbed at his sides and belly while his stiff doggy dick rubbed against her puppy filled belly and they shared another satisfying night together.

Mercy's pregnant belly swelled fuller as the days went by and swelled much faster than either her or her mother expected. Just four months from conception and she looked as though it'd been a full nine. It alarmed her parents a bit with the relative speed of her growth, but she managed to avoid going to any doctors for an exam.

She let her mother see her more with her lupine lover, though never sexually, and had an awkward time when the woman found her washing her panties. The woman was persistent in her attempts to figure out who the father was, but her mother wasn't all bad.

She was good support for the eleven year old and they both enjoyed feeling her babies kicking inside. When her father got to take a feel and made their daughter a bit uncomfortable about it, her mother soon shooed him away. Mercy's smiled at that and as her puffy nipples leaked milk into her shirt moments later she finally said they could meet him in a few days.

The girl's twelfth birthday was just two weeks away when it was time to show them, and she was glad that it was accompanied by contractions. They would get to meet him as she gave birth to his puppies! She looked outside her window to see the wolf looking up at her from their yard, tail wagging and ears perked up.

When the contraction subsided she groaned and hurried to the kitchen. Her mother sat there reading a newspaper, then looked concerned at Mercy's face. The girl ran outside and led Mace into the back yard. Another harder contraction hit her and she groaned and clutched at a patio chair with her mom nearby looking anxious.

"You wanted to know who the father was... THIS is the father!" She gasped out until the contraction eased. "His name is Mace."

"A... A DOG?!" The woman looked shocked and even slightly angry.

"No! He's a wolf!" She took a deep breath as another contraction hit, harder than the others before a flood of fluid gushed from her pussy over the grass. Mercy groaned and sat down hard on the grass with her lover scooting over to nuzzle her. "I'm glad you're here, Mace."

Mercy tugged her night gown up and exposed her bare groin. It was puffy from sex just the night before but much wider from the contractions. Any humiliation from her mother seeing was lost in the pain of labor and she was actually grateful for the woman's presence.

Ten minutes went by, with painful contractions and heavy breathing before the first baby made it's move. Her mother stared on, at first in horror at the little wrinkled muzzle that slid out of her daughter, then with resignation as she crouched down to gently help it out. It whimpered in her hand, so much smaller than a human baby would have been, but just as real.

The woman set it down in the grass and tried to grab it when Mace darted over to it. She stopped when he simply licked it clean, then turned back to Mercy as the next was slowly pushed out. Puppy after Puppy came from the girl, each looking basically the same as the last. Every one had their own cord and every one received a licking from their father.

Mercy groaned in pain as she pushed harder, a fifth puppy slid out bit by bit, then a sixth. Her belly was greatly deflated but still full looking. The mother knew it was just the after births, however, and wasn't worried. Her own pregnancy. Had taught her that.

Looking down over her daughter she didn't know what to make of it. Six puppies! Dogs... wolves she supposed, did grow faster than humans, but how did that one get the girl pregnant?! It didn't matter, though, as it had obviously happened SOMEHOW! Her eyes ran to Mace and darted away when the dumb animal looked up at her in return.

"Fine. You got her pregnant. You better not run off!" She ran into the kitchen to get some towels.

Mercy groaned as the last spare mass came out. Her body felt so drained but alive. The cute sounds of her babies, her puppies, made her smile tiredly. Mace carried one to her by it's neck and she hugged it to her carefully. After struggling to sit up fully, the eleven year old picked up a second puppy and held them both to her chest.

Pregnancy had made her grow and she was proud of her modest breasts, especially of her nipples. Both pups were held so their mouths could find her teats and a groan of maternal happiness escaped her at their sucking. When her mother came back she looked up and smiled into the camera.

They waited for the two puppies to finish nursing before taking the next picture. Mercy picked up four and mace held one in his muzzle. The older mother set the sixth into the girl's cleavage so all six could be in the picture. A click, a flash, and the happy werewolf family moment was saved for the future.

Her father found her the next day, laying on the couch. He stopped dead in the doorway at the sight of her growing breasts out with a puppy held up to each and four more laying against her bare belly. The big dog he'd tried to shoo off looked up at him and then sat up staring at him expectantly. Mercy smiled at him and a dribble of milk ran down her chest as a nursing puppy lost it's grip.

"Six grandchildren, dad... four girls and two boys." The mortified expression on her father's face made her past fantasy come true. "Aren't they lovely?"

Mace's eyes never left her dad as the man turned stiffly away. The wolf's ears perked a bit to the sound of the her parents talking. There was arguing, there was quiet yelling, there was peace shortly after when the man knew he was beaten. The puppies were there to stay and so was their lupine father... and Mercy's father wouldn't be getting to fondle his daughter's cunt ever again.