Flamedramons Encounter

Story by ninkenwolf on SoFurry

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"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" the young digimon panted, His body glistening with sweat.

He was a young Flamedramon, and he just had to go and wake up an perfect classe Murmuxmon. Last time he had spied the demon lord digimon, he had been a Darkdramon so he could be anywhere.

"Maybe some refuge in the trees." He thought, taking a running start and gouging his claws into the tree for leverage upward. The last digimon he had met was a tree type Cherrymon. He could do nothing against the digimon pursuing him but had promised to send help if possible.

He leaned his back against the tree and thought for a few seconds about his options. He had 2. He could keep running or find a clearing and fight. He had to admit he was scared. Demon lord types were known for their cruelty. Most likely this one was pursuing him for the fun of it.

But If he fought it he had a better chance than if he kept running since this digimon had not had a problem pursuing him, while he was so slicked with sweat that he felt like he been in the river.

"Okay, time to move on. There should be a clearing near-by. If I can get my back against a wall then I might be able to fend him off." He said to himself straighting up and leaping to another tree branch. He proceded in this way for several minutes, his claws thrusting behind him as he landed on the next branch, repeating the procedure. He then dropped to the ground and continued running.

"Theres no escape." A voice snarled out of nowhere.

"What!" he cried out suddenly tripping over a protruding root.

"Here I am and You're dead." The demon said, materializing from the trees and reverting all of his body to its normal form but retaining the claws of Darkdramon. Flamedramon scrambled backward on all fours, a look of terror on his face, finding himself braced agianst a tree.

"Say goodbye to your intestines." He said, a grim smile on his face as he slashed him across the stomach ripping up and out.

Flamedramon couldn't help it, he wet himself out of sheer fear, the edges of his

vision going black.

"Look at the little baby!" Murmexmon jeered letting a low sinister laugh, his claws dripping a black liquid tinted by blood. He saw something yellow and something greyish white flicker on the edge of his vision.

"Back away beast." Snarled a Weregarurumon, crouched with his fangs bared.

"Back away now and you will not be hurt." Repeated a female Renamon, stepping out of the shadows. The wolf type digimon darted a glance at the young digimon laying on the ground, panting and heaving in pain, his eyes closed, clearly unconsious but still writhing.

"That must be the one Cherrymon told us about. Renamon grab him and get out of here and back to the den. I'll handle HIM." He growled straighting up and cracking his neck.

"All right, Take care of yourself." She said, walking over to the young mon and bending over, cradling him in her arms. "You poor thing." She wispered retreating back into the trees.

"Are you ready to die for this?" He asked his voice calm, his eyes blazing.

"As if." The Demon lord said snorting with contempt.

"So long. Have a nice trip." He said, running up to the digimon in about 3 second and landing a spin kick, watching him fly through the trees, a look of shock on the creatures face. He slowly raised his fist and cocked his arm back.

"Shadow Wolf Claw!" He cried out a a blazing beam of dark claws obliterated the mon as he lunged forward....

The first thing he registered, was that he was in a sparsely furnished room, with his armor sittting in a corner, and himself lying on a bed. There also appeared to be an oversized diaper changing table up against one wall.

The second was that the roaring pain that had been there when he blacked out was gone. Now it felt like someone had stuck several knives in his side, still hurting but not so much that he couldn't move.

He gingerly moved his legs and then his arms, each sending a slight twinge of pain through his body. Well he seemed to be fine, though that didn't make sense. He clearly remembered have his stomach slashed open, the mon's demonic face looming over him.

Then a kindly face, a Renamons face if his memory was to be trusted, then nothing but black. He pulled the light blanket covering him away from his upper torso and glanced at his body.

His entire torso from his chest to his stomach was swathed in bandages. Apparently the damage had been more extensive than he thought. He probed his chest and stomach gently with his hands. The bandages were like nothing he'd ever seen before. They seemed to be made of some kind of very flexible cloth, feather soft to the touch.

"Ah well no never mind that." He said to himself. It also felt like his butt was being propped up by something, some kind of garment enclosing his crotch and butt. He pulled back the rest of the blanket and was startled to find himself in a disposable diaper!! Judging from the feel of it, it was very thick and aparrently very sodden.

(What the fuck is going on here? Why am I wearing a diaper?) He thought with puzzlement. He surmised that he must have wet it while he was asleep. He darted a look at the door and caught a glimpse of a small silver and black head. He continued looking at the door out of the corner of his eye and saw that it was a young male Renamon.

"Come in little one. Its all right." He said, looking at him and guesturing for the young mon to come to him. He slowly looked the young digimon over as he walked towards him. His skin was black with silver fur, silver tipped ears, silver socks and "gloves". The rest of his body apppeared to be a pitch black in color.

His body was distinctly marked by the alternating colored yin and yang symbol inherent to his ilk on his arms and legs, marked out in pure white. The color of his primary black fur was offset by the disposable diaper wrapped around his waist.

"Its all right young one. Join me." he said, picking up the young digimon and

placing him on his lap.

"So whats your name little one?" He asked him trying to appear friendly yet fatherly.

'J-jacen sir." he said in a small quavery voice.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you Jacen." he said ruffling Jacens headfur.

"Nice to met you too mister." Jacen said, tentativly placing a hand on the flamedramons chest.

"Please, don't be so afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you." He said, placing his

hand over Jacens and placing his other hand on his side. "After all I'm not much older than

you are." He said a wan smile coming over his face.

"Anyway sir, your still hurt pretty badly. That wound will take still more time to heal." Jacen said, running his hands over the bandages, feeling the contours of the injuries.

"Your probably right. I get the feeling I won't be traveling for a long while. Say how old are you anyway?" He asked looking at Jacen.

"In human years, 2, in digi years 14. Why?" Jacen replied nonchalantly.

"Well, uh. Ya see..." He stuttered, letting it trail off, his blue skin paling a bit.

"Oh, this? Its the effects of a syringe venom that a Demidevimon injected into me. He caught me off guard. Some mon do it for the fun of it." he said geustering at his waist.

"What happened to him?" Flamedramon asked, listening intently.

"My parents beat him to a pulp before I lost conscious due to the venom." He replied indifferently, locking eyes with him.

"Well, that interesting enough. By the way, my name is Jake." He said, a smirk going across his face at the supposed digimons fate. (That particular type of digimon always ended up getting hurt, it seemed.) He thought.

"So, how long have I been asleep and whats up with this thing?" Jake asked, looking rather pointedly at the wet diaper on his waist.

"Well, you've been under for about 2 days and aparrently when that Murmuxmon

gutted you like a fish, his claws were coated with venom." said jacen, shifting uncomfortably on the bed.

"And?"Jake said, his voice low and his eyes staring at the diaper.

"It had some after effects."Jacen said, His eyes shining with regret.

"Such as?" He replied, though he had already guessed as his spirits sunk like a foundering ship.

"Well you'll be weak for another week or so. Also, it seems that you'll be incontinent for a while, maybe permanently." He said hesitantly, one hand scratching the back of his head.

"You mean like a baby?" Jake said, his voice echoing hollowly in his mind.

"Yeah. Thats why that diaper is on you. The poison seemed to be of the same type that I was injected with. But it will be alright, I promise." Jacen said, reaching around to pat the back of the young flamedragons head.

"Good morning you two." A soft pleasent voice said, Jakes head snapping around to its owner.

"Its you." He breathed out, looking at the renamon who had saved his life.

"Yes, and its good to see your awake. We were worried that you might die from the venom." She said, sitting on his other side and laying a hand on his forehead.

"Ah. Jake this is my mom, Rena." Jacen said, his body shifting around.

"Pleasures all mine, I'm sure. I guess I owe you my life." He said, nodding his head to her.

"Well, we were worried we might lose you in the first 24 hours. We almost did."She said somberly.

"What??!" He replyed, his heart going cold with shock.

"Yes. The only reason we didn't lose you is because my husband was able to seek out a lord MagnaAngemon. He drew the poison out, though my son has probably already told you the about the after effects." She said, her eyes alighting on the diaper around his waist.

"Your husband?" he replied.

"Yes. The one who actually saved you and probably the biggest Weregarurumon you'll ever see." She said, a smile on her face, tainted with the slightest hint of lust.

"Talking about me honey? I'm flattered really." Said a head poking in the doorway, blue striped with white.

"Hey, Geru." She replied, slidling up to the enourmous Weregarurumon that stepped into the room.

"I'll just leave now." Jacen whispered, slipping out of the room like a wraith.

"Now then." Rena murmered, sitting back down on one side of Jake, her husband sitting crosslegged, his back against the wall. "My son may have exagerated about the side effects of the venom." She said.

"What? but-."Jake babbled, silenced by the finger she laid on his lips.

"You've just lost bladder control. The poison was drawn out in time for it to not

totally ravage your body, but you will be very weak for a while." Geru growled, his arm clenching and unclenching.

"You'll be staying with us for a while, at least untill you've recovered and maybe longer." He said, uncurling himself and standing up fully.

"Okay." Jake replied, shifting uncomfortably on the floor.

"Now, let get you out of that soggy diaper." Rena said, pulling Jake up and pointng at the diaper sagging at his waist.

"Oh no. No way, your not changing me." Jake said, backing up a few steps. (Not in a million years) He thought.

"Be realistic. Its not like you can change yourself and I've already changed you several times in the past 2 days, including when you soiled yourself. Besides, I'm sure I can persuade you." She replied, her voice silky and putting her paw on the front of his diaper, feeling his dick push against it.

"O-okay. I guess I'll let you change my d-diaper." He stuttered, letting her take his hand and lead him to the diaper changing table.

(Been a million years already?) He thought in surprise, both at his unsteadyness, fear and that he was actually going to be changed. She helped Jake up onto the table and fastened a strap tightly across his chest.

"Wow, you are a heavy wetter, aren't you? I mean, this things soaked." Rena said, squeezing the front of the diaper tightly, feeling the sogginess and Jakes dick push itself against the thick material of the diaper.

"Okay, lets see what we got."' she remarked, undoing the tapes of the diaper and pulling down the front of the diaper.

"My, you are gifted." She said as she looked over his, piss soaked cock, which was long, thick and an unusual shade of white, the same color as his belly. (God, he's hot, I'll give him that. This is getting me horny) She thought, feeling her loins become wet.

"That feels so good." Jake moaned as she cleaned his dick with a baby wipe and lifted his legs so she could wipe his butt. He reached into the back of his mind and started to stimulate his horomonal control glands. What almost no one knew about Flamedramons were that they had the ability to mentaly stimulate their horomones and right now he was stimulating sex horomones.

"I must admit, this diaper feels good." He said, his cock now fullly errect, as she removed the diaper from his ass, his legs kicking a little. Rena slid a fresh diaper under Jakes butt and brought it up, the diaper crinkling and rustling loudly.

She grasped Jakes dick in hand, eliciting a gasp of pleasure as a bead of cum made its way down his thick cock.

"Like that, huh? She asked jokingly as she ran her hands up and down his cock, jerking him off, Jake moaning in animalistic pleasure. She quickly brought him to orgasm, swiftly wrapping a small cloth diaper around his cock to catch his cum as it blasted out, continuing to masturbate him through the cloth.

(Oh god, my wifes the best. Jesus, I'm just watching and I'm horny) Geru thought from his spot in the corner, his huge dick making a tent in his pants.

"Told you, I could persuade you." She said, smiling sexily as she removed the

diaper from around his cock and pulled up the front of the diaper. She quickly did pulled up the sides of it and did the tabs, having him flip onto his belly to do the tab on the tail hole.

(GOD, I hope she strokes it.) He thought, as his tail was very sensitive. Almost as though she had read his mind, she imediatly started stroking the bottom of his tail, causing him to growl loudly with pleasure. He jumped off the table and was struck by how thick his diaper was and found his dick becoming slightly errect. "Well, we're done here. Why don't you go play with Jason? I'm sure you two could find something to do. Leave the rest of your armor but pull on that chestplate." Rena said, snapping Jake out of his temporary reprive and directing him toward the door, putting the plate in his arms, and giving him a pat on the butt.

(Meanwhile, I think Geru is in need of a little something) She thought to herself, her husband still standing there proud and errect in more than one way.

"Your still the best honey." Geru said, his expression lightening into a grin, as he put his arm around her chest.

"You ready sexy? She asked teasingly as they walked down the hallway, entering their bedroom..(Meanwhile)

Jake walked down the hallway, peering into rooms and guessing what belonged to who. He suddenly remembered his chest plate in one hand and put it on, pulling it over his head and settling it firmly on his chest. It was techincaly not plate but very fine woven mail made of red digizoid ore, strong and sturdy stuff that gave it the appearence of a turtle neck, when it was strangely armor.

"Jacen? Jacen, are you around?" Jake called out, stumbling onto what appeared to be a large den, with several large armchairs, a large Tv and what appeared to be a mid sized bed.

(Little creepy around here) Jake thought, an involutary shiver going up his spine. Curled up in one of the chairs was Jacen, playing a video game and for all intents oblivious to the world, his claws depressing the buttons rapidly.

(So he found me.) Jacen thought, his eyes flickering for the breifest moment before returning to the screen.

"Good to see you again, sir." He said, his eyes settling fully on the teen digimon.

"Thanks, nice game. Devimon May Cry 3 right?" He asked, his diaper crinkling as he settled down in a chair next to him, watching as the player, an angemon advanced down the game corridor.

"This is quite the set up. Game chairs, sound walls and surround. Quite impressive I must say." He remarked, gazing at the chair he was sitting on as well as the sound system.

"You wanna join in? You can play as Justimon." Jacen replied, pointing to a second controller on the floor.

"Sure, why not? I need something to do for a while." He replied, picking up the controller and hittting start, comfortably aware of how loudly the diaper crinkled as he moved. (Damn, this thing is loud. Worse, I think I'm beginning to like it) Jake thought, squirming with pleasure at the thick garment fastened around his waist.

"Keep your eyes on the game." Jacen remarked, completing a deft manuver with his character, his own diaper already wet.

"Right. Justimon specializes in power boosts and speed, so lightning tactics should work." He hypothesized aloud, compelling the pixelated character to run among the enemy, slashing and completing intricate combos. Their hitpoints decreased rapidly enough for his partner to come in to finish the job with a few strikes of his staff.

"Hold up a minute." Jacen said, pausing the game. (Whats up with him?) Jake thought.

"Honestly, I hate to impose but I was wondering if you could change my diaper?

I'm really overdue for a change." Jacen asked, eyeing the young dragon with a hopefull expression on his face, one hand scratching the back of his head in embaressment.

"Oh, how could I say no to those eyes? Sure I'll change you if you just direct me to the supplies." Jake replied, getting up and waiting for instructions.

"Get them from my room. Second door on your left.' Jacen called out from the chair. Jake quickly found the door and entered a room, walking over to the changing table and fetching them from the drawers underneath.

He stopped as his ears twitched around at hearing soft grunts coming from a room off to his right and quickly dismissed it. (I'll check on that in a few minutes) He thought as the sounds had certain trademarks. He quickly paced back to the room, and set them by the side of the bed.

He then picked Jacen up from the chair, one hand supporting jacens back, the other on his diapered bottom and laid him down on the bed. He undid the tabs on the wings of the diaper and pulled down the front, a acrid smell rolling over his nostrils.

(I'm sure I smelled just as bad.) He thought, holding back a grimace and cracking a smile instead as he wiped up Jacens butt, flipping him over onto his stomach first. He then flipped him back over onto his back and began wiping up his diaper area, surprised to hear a low purr emenate from Jacen.

"Your just a little kitten, aren't you?" He said teasingly before sprinkling him with babypowder and sliding a new diaper under him, rolling up the old one. (He is cute in an infantile way) He thought, his smile increasing with pleasure, bringing up the front of the diaper over the young renamons small black cock and fastening the diaper tightly over his front.

"There we go, all finished here." Jason said as the mon got up, reaching an arm out to do up the tail tab and giving him a friendly pat on his thick diapered butt before Jacen resumed his game, slipping back into the zone.

Jason slipped off the bed and slid into the hallway, his feet making a faint click noise from his claws, as he closed in on his target and slid the door open a few decimeters..

(Earlier) Rena slid her arms around Gerus neck, her fingers tracing inricate patterns on his back as she kissed his neck, the tendons standing out like ropes. She slowly worked her way up untill she came upon his lips, her tounge invading and entwining with his as thought they were wrestling.

"God honey, I love you so much. Now lets get you undressed." She muttered, detaching as he nodded and reached for the strap across his arm, pulling it off. She then stripped off the black band he wore across his chest and ran her fingertips lightly over his chest, caressing the soft white fur striped with broad streaks of blue as Geru shivered in delight. Geru suddenly wrapped his arms around her body and breathed in her musk.

"Thou art mine, I have found thee and will never let thee go." He wispered in her ears, hugging her more tightly. (Entirely appropriate) Rena thought as she recognized the phrase and hugged him back tightly before Geru loosened his embrace.

She then ran a hand over his crotch, stroking the bulge outlined clearly inside his pant as a growl of pleasure issued from Geru. It was a pleasing sound that seemed to start at his stomach and work its way up untill it emerged from his throat.

"Like that, huh? Lets see what else you like." She said, stroking his huge cock through the fabric, and reaching up with one hand to undo the button. This of course, drove Geru mad with anticipation as her hand fiddled with the button, often sliding down to help caress his dick before coming back to it.

This continued for several minutes, geru panting loudly before it was finally undone, revealing plain back boxers with a large tent dead center made by his fully

protruding penis as his pants slid down his legs and onto the floor.

(Damn, I'm not sure which is more impressive, his body or his dick) Rena thought, her eyes roving over his body, her hands brushing his dick through the cloth, it quivering in reponse as a single drop of precum stained the cloth. She moved her hands up and quickly grasped the band, sliding them down over his cock and down to his feet, where they fell off.

She lifted her hands and started to snuggle up against him, positioning her head at his chest level, her smooth furred stomach right above his dick. (Whats up? This is a new one on me) Geru thought, his eyebrows raising in surprise as she lowered her stomach right over his dick, the fur slightly tickling his cock.

"Oh, I see." He grunted as she started to grind her body against his cock, the soft fur of her stomach rubbing up against him in just the right way as he started panting with pleasure. He continued panting more rapidly, Renas body rubbing up rapidly against his cock in excitement feeling the pressure of his dick pressing into her stomach as she felt her husband coming closer to the brink.

(Oh god, oh god) He thought, feeling his cum mounting to the surface as his knot swelled forth, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he blasted his load out of his manhood and pumped it out onto his wifes stomach. He smiled sheepishly at his wife as she glanced at her cum sprayed stomach.

"Well, lets have a little clean up, eh Geru?" She said.

"Y'mean?" He asked, sticking out his tounge.

"Yup, go to it." She said coyly, nodding as Geru worked his way down her body and started licking at her stomach, cleaning her up. His own seed tasted salty as he licked his rough tounge against her soft fur, using the full broad sweep of his tounge to lick her stomach clean of his seed.

He continued untill she was clean and suddenly focused his thought on his ears, picking up the very faint sound of panting. He wriggled his way up untill he was on head level with her and leaned over.

"Hold up honey, I don't think we're alone." He wispered in her ears, covering the motion by nuzzling his head against her, putting his ears at her mouth for the reply.

"Move fast enough and you might catch him. We'll go from there." She wispered back, nuzzling him back. (Although I already have an idea of who it is) Rena thought, her thoughts turning to the Flamedramon who was staying with them. She heard a yelp of surprise as her husband reached around the door and brought in Jake by the scruff of his neck, his cock half protruding from his diaper.

"Hmm, what have we here? A yiffy little baby Flamedramon." She said, motioning for Geru to put him down, Jake landing on his diapered rump quite soundly, cock flopping half heartedly from his body being wrenched around the doorway..(a little earlier)

(Oh god, this is hot.) Jake thought, watching the two go at it through the doorway, Rena and Geru the picture of erotic. He reached his hand down to the front of his diaper and grasped the bulge made by his dick, and started rubbing the rustling fabric into his bulge, panting in pleasure. Sweat broke out on his brow as he stopped rubbing the front and reached down into his diaper, grasping his penis with one hand and hefting it halfway out of the thick garment.

He continued to stroke himself, while massaging and squeezing his balls through the thick polymer. He let out a lound yelp as a large paw grabbed him around the neck in midstroke, lifted him up and deposited him in front of Renamon. He quickly tried to stuff his dick back in, but was stoppped by a yellow furred hand that pulled out the elastic of the diaper and gently put it back in tip down.

"Does baby need a little help? No, I think he deserves a little spanking before that. What do you think Geru?" She said, getting a slow nod from her husband as she smiled naughtily. (I love being dominating.) She thought, her loins wet with her sweet juices.

(I like it. I actually like how she talks to me like this, treating me as a baby.) He thought with surprise, his torso being lifted by gerus paw as he was draped across Renas lap. Rena made sure Flares bottom was nice and high up on her lap, then pulled the diaper off of him.

She rubbed one hand across his bottom for a moment before raising one hand up

and, brought it down with a loud smack across the creamy white rump. Jake endured it stocially, wincing a little and loving the feeling. Rena continued to bring her paw down hard on his rump, rubbing his buttcheeks in between smacks to calm him down.

After 5 minutes of this, Jake was openly wimpering from the pain, his rump a mild shade of red.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey, come here. I just felt like I had to teach you a lesson." Rena said pulling the thick diaper back up onto his sore rump and massaging his bottom through the pillow-like garment. She stuck a hand down the back of the now wet diaper and gripped his buttock softly, tracing the curves of the supple white cheeks.

"Looks like my big baby just wet his diaper, did'nt he?" She asked, squeezing the front of his diaper with one hand and his ass with the other.

"Yes mommy." Jake gasped, blushing red down to his neck and groaning as she played with him. Rena let jake off her lap and stood in front of the dragon. She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him forward into a passionate kiss, her tounge parting his lips as one hand reached down and started thrusting her fingers in and out.

Geru sat down on the bed, his pecker standing at full attention. Jake stood up and turned around, his tail waving happily as he displayed his diapered bottom babyishly to Rena. Rena reached out and gave him a hard slap on the ass, causing him to turn around. She undid the tabs on the wings, the front of the sagging wet diaper unfolding and falling forward. His white, thick cock stood out from the hairless scrotum as it dripped pre-cum from Rena playing with it.

Rena nodded in approval, as she lowered her ass onto her husbands thick member, gasping with pleasure as Geru took her ass. Geru grasped her hips, thrusting slowly in and out while lying back on the bed.

"I've been nice to you, now take me!" Rena gasped out as jake climbed up to

her, the diaper slithering down his tail. Jake hesitated no longer and thrust his cock into her vagina, eliciting another gasp of pleasure as he rammed his cock in.

"Oh gods yes, keep going!" She cried as both her holes were filled with long hard cock. Jake flicked out his serpentine tounge and wrapped it around Renas breast, licking and sucking on it. This elicted another low gasp as he took her entire breast into his mouth and suckled on it, getting a nice flow of milk to his surprise.

Meanwhile, Geru continued to ream his wifes depths, humping his cock in untill his crotch was flush with his wifes silky ass, pulling out to the tip and rammed it back in. He kissed her neck and grasped his wifes breasts, at least the one that was'nt being suckled by jake.

Rena continuously moaned from the treatment she was receiving, loving the feel of being so filled.

"Will you stay with.. oh gods yes, me and geru, be my baby?" She gasped out between pulsations.

"Oh, yes I will, just keep treating me like this, mommy." He gasped back as he continued to hump, his pace quicking as the pressure built in his balls.

"Oh digi-gods yes!!" He cried out, spurt after spurt of cum flooding renamons hole as she climaxed with him, covering his cock with juices. The feeling of her hole tightening around his thick cock caused geru to increase his speed, shooting out several long streams before pulling his slick cock out. Jake pulled his cock out of Rena and noticed his cum covered cock, frowning a little.

"Here, let me clean babys cock before we put him back in his diapees." Rena said, lowering her mouth over his limp pink candy and licking it.

"Oh, thats a tasty lollypop, gimme some more." She said, sucking his cock like a vacumn, wanting to feel him cum in her mouth as she fondled his balls. Geru grinded his still slick cock against her sexy furry ass, humping her on his side as he fondled his lovers silky

breast fur.

Jake gasped repeatedly as he gasped over the terrifying precipice and fell, shooting streams of spunk down renas throat as he creamed his rocks for a second time. Rena pulled off her mouth and smiled at the newest member of their family, grasping gerus cock behind her and gave it a quick yank, milking the last drops of cum from her lovers cock. She pulled herself off the bed and grabbed flamedramons cock, a quick jerk getting him off the bed and following her.

She led the nude dragon down the hall to his room and reached under the

changing table.(I'm going to enjoy this). She thought as she pulled out an extra thick disposable diaper and pushed Jake onto the table.

"Does baby like his diapers?"she teased at the sight of his once again excited cock, as she sprinkled him with talcum powder and lifted his bottom up off the table.

"I love this rena. I want to be a part of your family and I want to stay in diapers

like Jacen." Jake said shyly, as he reveled in the feeling of his bottom resting on the thick diaper.

"Actually, the posion my son told you was in his system was only temporary. He likes wearing diapers just as you do." Rena replied, pulling up the front of the diaper and doing it up tightly, the bulge of his shaft outlined clearly.

"So he likes diapers huh? Then maybe I'll introduce him to some of the finer points of diaper play." Jake said, rubbing his bulge for emphasis, cracking his teeth in a grin.

"Well Renamon are sexually active from a young age and I estimate that Jacen entered that stage about 2 weeks ago. Just be gentle with him. As far as he's concerned, your a brother to him now." Rena said, giving Jake a firm slap on the ass to reinforce her own point and planting another kiss on his lips.

"Ookay, thats kind of nice, to be part of your family." He said, smiling like someone who had finally found their place in life and was happy about it. He gave Rena a hug and walked out of the room, beating a path to Jacens room and grabbing a diaper bag with his name embroidered on it. A quick peek inside revealed that it had exactly what he needed, supplies and everything.

He walzted his way to the living room, humming life is a highway as he stepped in. (I'll be subtle, and bring him to climax while changing him.) he thought as he eyed the sagging diaper around jacens waist as he set the diaper bag down.

"Okay bro, time for a change." He told the mon, getting his attention with a bit of pyrokeniesis, the flame dancing around his fingers.

"Bro?" Jacen asked, his eyebrows raising.

"Yes, Bro!! I'm part of the family now, you diaper loving pup." He said, swinging him up into his arms, and squeezing the front of the diaper as Jacen blushed.

"I guess mom told you." jacen remarked, sweatdropping as his diaper filled noisily.

"Don't be ashamed of what you are. I'm going to change you and then show you what diaper play really is." he said, passing his hand over the supplies he had laid out. He laid him on the middle of the bed and undoing the tabs. He pulled down the front of Jacens diaper, glancing over the poop-smeared cheeks and wiping him down.

"No point in being ashamed of what you can't help. Even though you choose this." He said, scratching him under the chin as he blushed. Once Jacens butt had been cleaned,he moved on up to his ballsack.

"Jake, whats this going to feel like?" Jacen asked as Jake poured a dab of baby oil onto his hands as he finished cleaning his shaft.

"Like nothing you've ever felt before. "Jake said as he rubbed the mons chest fur with one hand, while the other slathered Jacens genitals lightly with baby oil. Jacen mewled softly as the cool liquid lightly touched the base of his member as Jake talked while stroking him.

"Little baby likes his didees does'nt he? Yes He does." He said, fondling his balls so he mewled even louder as he neared his climax. As soon as he shot his load, jake clamped his mouth over the urthea and sucked up the white cum.

Jacen gave out a shrill mew as this new pleasure clamped around him, shooting out multiple streams into the awaiting mouth. He swallowed the salty gift and smiled around a cum coated muzzle,wiping one forearm across his mouth.

Jake proceeded to clean up the kit and slid a fresh diaper under him, spreading out the wings and doing up the tabs. He then picked up Jacen, stroking his belly while he

carried him.

"Where are we going bro?" Jacen asked him, still purring his lungs out.

"Well I thought we'd go see mom and then go to bed. I'm still recovering you know." He said, wincing as he looked past jacen to his bandaged ribs, the white of the silk-like material continued by the crinkling diaper he wore. He walked right up to Rena and set down jacen,his crinkling diaper all too loud. "Hi Rena."

"Please, call me mommy or mother. I don't hold with formalities." She said, picking up jacen and checking his diaper before tickling him and then setting him back down.

"You two look so cute together." She said.

"You think so?" Jake asked,blushing as he picked up jacen and put him back on his shoulder.

"Defintely. I sure am glad to have you two babies in my life. Now then, I've set you up in Jacens room,so why don't you two get some sleep?" Rena replied, getting up and leading him to his new room. The room was decked in a baby motiff, and he settled down in

a bed that looked to be recently moved.

"All right mommy." Jake said, laying down on the bed and cuddling up with Jacen in his arms.

"Goodnight, my little ones. Sleep well." Rena cooed, flicking off the lighting in the room and tucking them in.

"Mommy?" "Yes jake?" She asked,turning around.

"Could you leave a night light on?" He asked, blushing even deeper.

"Of course, now sleep little ones." She said,flicking on a nightlight and closing the door.

"Goodnight, mommy." Jake said as he drifted off to sleep, comforted by the thickness of his diaper and the prospect of his new life.