Charlie & Maverick

Story by DeathPuzzle on SoFurry

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It was yet another beautiful day in Miami Florida, the sun was beating down hard and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Charlie sat at an outdoor table of the café "Rocco" scanning over a menu through his expensive black shades.

Charlie was a tiger who didn't have many friends. Most days he'd dine out alone and return to his lonely home just a short walk from where he sat now. He'd been looking for somebody for a while now. Blind date's just weren't his thing. He'd often thought of phoning up a dating agency but decided not to because he was either too embarrassed or convinced himself that this was something only desperate people do.

But it wasn't as though he wasn't a good-looking fella. His fur was always in tip-top condition and his stripes were simply beautiful. His eyes were a light blue that made him look much younger than he actually was and he had a winning smile that his mother said made him look charming. He was very well built and this was something he took great pride in. He had great broad shoulders and a boosted chest. His arms were also very well toned. The stripes that ran over his face also greatly added to his beauty. The way they trailed from the sides of his head and arced into the middle in perfect symmetry was something that distinguished him from every other tiger. Naturally Charlie couldn't see why he wasn't attracting anyone. He had it all and it greatly frustrated him that nobody else seemed to think so.

He ran his eyes down the expansive list of dishes until he found something he fancied. He called the waiter over with a snap of his fingers and let the young rabbit take his order. He didn't say anything though. He was a man of few words, he just pointed to the dish that he wanted and let the young rabbit write it down.

"Would you like a drink with that sir?" the young rabbit asked, his voice sounding a bit shaky as he did so. The tiger turned to him and smiled. Despite the fact he was seated he was actually looking directly into the rabbits face. Charlie paused for a second and looked the rabbit over. He looked nervous, something common amongst people who came to talk to him. Charlie was a big guy though and size often did invoke fear in others.

"I'll have a beer please" Charlie replied warmly throwing the rabbit another friendly smile. The rabbit seemed to ease up a little at this warm smile and then said "Right away sir!" He then turned on his heel and went off into the café to retrieve the order.

Charles turned around in his chair to watch the waiter disappear into the café. "That rabbit is the cutest thing", he thought to himself.

Five minutes later that same rabbit waiter came over to Charlie's table and laid a beer in front of him. "There you are sir" he bowed a little at the tiger and just as he was about to walk away Charlie reached out and grabbed his wrist. The rabbit turned back sharply, his surprise clearly showing in his face. Charlie looked the rabbit in the eye and smiled. "Say" Charlie began "I know we don't actually know each other, but later would you care fo..."

"A drink?" the young rabbit finished his sentence smiling widely. Charlie chuckled to himself. It seemed this guy was thinking the same way as he was. He looked back at the rabbit and said "Exactly. So ho..."

"Well I get off about half five so I'll meet you here then?" the rabbit interrupted again, not that Charlie minded. The tiger was enjoying the rabbit's enthusiasm. "So what's your name?" Charlie said as he released the rabbit's wrist realizing he never let go. The rabbit smiled as he said "My names Maverick" He reached out his paw to shake Charlie's. "Charlie" the tiger replied as he shook the rabbit's paw firmly. The rabbit took his paw back and gestured over his shoulder with a thumb. "We'll id better get back to work" he said as he slowly walked away from Charlie not taking his eyes of him until it was necessary. Charlie smiled contently to himself. "Well that was easy," he thought to himself. Not a bite in all this time and now just like that he was set up to go out with a majorly cute bunny.

The waiter that brought Charlie his food wasn't Maverick but a female cat. She laid the food on the table and winked at Charlie. As she walked off Charlie could see she was deliberately wiggling her hips. "Shame she doesn't know I'm gay" Charlie thought as he chuckled to himself. But she was a fine specimen Charlie had to admit.

After polishing off his food he looked at his watch. He had a lot of time to kill so he thought he'd walk home and watch TV or something. He also found himself wanting to look extra special for his rabbit friend and if he was at home for that long then he could do himself up no problem. So Charlie, after paying his bill at the counter set off home.

The walk wasn't a very long one. Charlie's house was just a short walk down the beach and just inside of a forest area at the outskirts. A beautiful walk he wanted very much to show to Maverick. "Maybe to finish off the evening" Charlie thought.

He walked up his drive and onto his front porch. He walked to the door, slid the keys in and opened up into his home. He immediately went to the TV and turned it on. His time killing session would start now. He sat himself on his couch and shuffled himself around till he was comfortable. Despite the fact his favorite show was on his thoughts were dwelling on that rabbit. "A drink, maybe some food and then", Charlie grinned and felt himself feeling aroused at his thoughts. He felt cock began to swell inside his boxers. He thought of relieving himself but then stopped. If all went as planned tonight then he'd have a lovely mate to do it for him. Charlie felt himself smile again.

It wasn't long before Charlie had moved into the bathroom to get himself ready. He took a shower, which as usual was way too hot and had him hissing in pain every time too much water splashed on him. He meticulously dried himself off, making sure his fur didn't dry all fuzzy. But as always his fur dried a charm leaving him looking fresh and as handsome as ever. He stayed in the bathroom for a while looking himself over in his full length mirror. He pulled various poses checking over his body and thinking to himself what Maverick would think of it. But deciding not to waste any more time he moved into his bedroom to pick out some clothes.

Charlie riffled through his draws looking for something suitable. Nothing had sprung to mind so he just kept going until something caught his eye. He eventually landed on a short sleeve black button up shirt and a pair of baggy black jeans. He slipped then on quickly and then went back to the bathroom to check himself out. "Oh yeah! That's the stuff", Charlie said, as he looked himself over. He gave himself a few sprays with some deodorant and then headed back to the cafe.

When he arrived Maverick was already waiting for him. He had changed out of his work clothes and into some tight fitting blue jeans and a dark purple shirt. Charlie strode up to the rabbit who didn't see him until the last second. "Hey!" Charlie said as he brushed his hand over the rabbits shoulder. "Hey" he said back smiling widely. "So shall we get going?" Maverick said as he got to his feet. Charlie just nodded; he was in awe at how nice Maverick looked. His fur looked so soft and his smile was just so pleasant. Charlie threw his arm around the rabbit. He flinched a little at first but seemed happy to be held by the tiger. Charlie then lead them off to a nice place he knew further into town.

After around 5 minutes of queuing they got into the bar. Charlie was a regular here but this was the first time he'd come with somebody. From the way the rabbit was looking curiously around Charlie could tell that this was his first time in the place. They took seats at the bar and ordered the drinks. "So", Charlie began "What do you do besides work at that place?" The rabbit pondered for a moment (very cutely Charlie thought) "Well I'm still in University" He thought again for a second "And I'm really into scuba diving" Charlie raised an eyebrow and smiled. Cute and with a good sense of adventure, Charlie knew he was going to like this guy.

They sat at the bar for about an hour talking about whatever came to mind. Hobbies, music, film. They had gone through a lot of booze and Charlie felt himself feeling confident enough to ask the big question. "So..." the tiger began nervously, reaching back and scratching his neck. "Would you like t..."

"Come back to my place?" The rabbit butted in but shying away straight after saying it. "Oops" he muttered under his breath turning back to the bar and his drink. Charlie's eyes opened wide in surprise. He hadn't expected that, that's for sure. "Not exactly what I had in mind," Charlie said mildly. The rabbit seemed to sink in his chair and his ears drooped. "I was gonna ask you back to my place...but yours would be good too" Charlie saw the rabbits ears immediately perk back up and he turned to Charlie smiling so happily. Charles smiled back again thinking what a beauty he had hooked. "Really? You'd come back to my place?" Maverick said sounding like a child on Christmas morning. "Why wouldn't I?" Charlie said back smiling cheekily. The rabbit then almost immediately took Charlie's hand and led them out of the bar.

Mavericks house wasn't very far away from it (which made Charlie think why he'd never been in before) Charlie let himself be blindly led until they reached Mavericks home. "Holy shit! Charlie shouted out. Maverick lived in the biggest house the tiger had ever seen. It had a very old rustic vibe. Black wooden beams ran across the white walls off the house and the front doors were huge towering things made of wood that looked like castle doors. The rabbit turned to Charlie and smiled as he rummaged in his pocket for the house key. He brought it out and opened the towering doors and said "after you" bowing down to Charlie as if he were royalty. The tiger stepped into the house and looked amazedly around just as Maverick had done at the bar. "And how does one such as yourself come to live in a house like this?" Charlie said not for a moment looking away from the immaculate décor of the house. "It's my parents house" Maverick began "They're both off in Japan at the moment on business"

Charlie turned to the rabbit feeling mischievous. The house was amazing but not nearly amazing as his little bunny friend. "So I take it there will be no interruptions?" Charlie said huskily as he strode over to the rabbit. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him to his chest. The rabbit did look a little frightened but he wasn't struggling at all, which let Charlie know he liked it. Also from his outburst at the bar it seemed to Charlie as if the whole innocent thing was just a cover up.

"So where's the bedroom?" Charlie growled playfully at the rabbit. "Up...stairs" Maverick replied seeming to be entranced by the tigers blue eyes. Maverick once again took the tiger by the hand and led him up the huge staircase. Upstairs was just as breathtaking as down. Charlie although wanting the rabbit very much, found himself fighting to spend longer looking at the furnishings. But each time he'd stop to look he'd just get pulled along. Maverick's room was the third on the right; the door was already open so they walked straight in. Maverick led the tiger straight to his bed, a large four-poster that made Charlie feel envious of. As they both reached the foot of the bed the rabbit turned nervously to Charlie and said "So...I...what do you want to do?" He looked nervous again. Charlie thought he knew why now. This guy was a virgin. Charlie composed his face into the most comforting smile he could muster, but perhaps ended up showing more teeth than he wanted. "You've never had a guy before have you?" Charlie hugged the rabbit tightly to his body again. "No" the rabbit replied weakly, shying his eyes away from the tigers. Charlie used his paw to gently turn the rabbits face so he could look into his eyes again. "Well do you want to?" Charlie said trying not to sound forceful. The rabbit looked nervously up at the tiger and nodded "I do" he said in a hushed voice. "I tried really hard to get you here so I'm going to". Charlie smiled at the rabbit. He certainly had. Until now he could have sworn the guy was a pro. The way he picked him up, his initiative to invite him over. If this rabbit wanted him, he could have him.

Charlie moved his paws down and grabbed just below the rabbits ass. He picked the rabbit up his head slumped lovingly onto the tigers shoulder. Charlie carried the rabbit around to the side of the bed and laid him down. He still looked nervous but something in the rabbit's eyes told Charlie he really wanted this. Charlie began to unbutton his shirt, with each button revealing more of his white under fur and excellently muscled body. He threw the shirt to the floor and went to unbutton his jeans and then stopped. He looked playfully down at the rabbit and pointed to the buttons "You should be doing these, not me" Maverick sat up in surprise and looked around sheepishly. "What?" he said timidly. "If you don't want to it's cool" Charlie reached down to undo them himself but Mavericks paws grabbed his. Charlie looked sharply up and at the rabbit. He was smiling and looked as though he did want to after all. Charlie moved his hands away and looked lovingly down at the rabbit as he slid his paws to the buttons. He quickly undid them and Charlie's jeans then fell around his ankles.

Maverick stared at the tiger's crotch for a moment. The idea that all that stood between him and the tiger's member was a thin piece of fabric really excited him. He stared at the bulge in the fabric and watched it grow as the tiger became more excited. Maverick decided he was going to do this. He reached forward and slowly pulled down the tiger boxers revealing to him the first cock he would ever be receiving. Maverick looked in awe at it. The tiger's cock was semi erect and already slightly wet with pre cum. His sheath was snowy white like most of his belly and his balls were very sizeable too.

All this time Charlie had just been happy to watch. Seeing the rabbit this happy made him feel good to. His thoughts mainly dwelled on what was to come. He had been looking forward to this and felt hugely aroused just by thinking what the rabbit's body would be like. "You like?" Charlie said gently to the rabbit. He didn't look up but said, "yes" in a hushed voice. "Well then lets get your clothes off too" Charlie said eager to get to some action. "No...wait...I" Maverick said franticly and Charlie wondered why. He would soon find out.

The rabbit placed his paws onto the tiger's hips and moved his face forward. He stopped, but only for a second before pushing his muzzle into the tiger's crotch. His tongue slid out and over the tiger's erection causing Charlie to gasp. The rabbit ran his tongue up and down the shaft a few time's enjoying the slick texture and powerful taste. Charlie was purring very loudly. After all the hype of today, this was definitely worth it. The rabbit was very tentative making sure his tongue ran over every part of the tiger's member he could reach. His furry face felt good against Charlie's hardness, he had to fight back the urge to shove his hips forward and grind himself against it. The rabbit slid his tongue up to the top of Charlie's penis and then took it into his warm mouth. Charlie growled, as more of his member was lost inside the rabbit's mouth. It felt so good; his tongue was swirling around Charlie's cock at all times, gently sucking on it, gradually building up pressure. Charlie placed his paw on the back of the rabbit's head and pulled him in slightly. He didn't resist at all, he took nearly all of the tiger's length into his throat and didn't let up one bit. He licked slowly and sensually around the tiger cock occasionally swallowing as his mouth was being filled with a steady flow of pre cum. Charlie felt the rabbits mouth tighten around his cock sending wave after wave of pleasure through him. He couldn't take anymore. The great tiger tilted his head back and roared as he shot his hot tiger cum into the young rabbits muzzle. The rabbit pulled off almost immediately, dribbling the tigers cum out of his mouth. Charlie looked down at him and wondered if he had swallowed any. He heard the rabbit gulp twice and then dribble the rest of the sticky fluid down his chin matting the fur. He looked up at the tiger looking like a child who has done something wrong. Charlie just smiled at him and said "That was great" The rabbit seemed unsure. He'd obviously enjoyed what he was doing at the time but now he seemed nervous again. "Th...thanks" he stammered before backing away from the tiger.

Charlie frowned at the rabbit, not out of anger but concern. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Charlie asked seriously. The rabbit shook his head. He'd backed off to the other side of the bed and was kneeling on the edge. "Then what's the matter?" Charlie said concernedly as he sat himself on the bed. The rabbit dropped his head and stayed silent for a moment. "I tried, I really did", he said with his head still down. Charlie just listened, if there was a problem he wanted to help. "I just can't. It's..." the rabbit trailed off. Charlie didn't know what to say. One minute he'd been ok and then this. "Do you want me to leave?" Charlie asked. The rabbit didn't look up but said, "Yes. I think that would be best" Charlie felt his body slump with disappointment but yet his concern for the rabbit made him feel like there was more there than just sexual feelings. "Ok" the tiger, said trying to sound understanding. He stood up and gathered his clothes looking back to the rabbit every few second. He didn't move once, his head was still hung low and his ears drooped down also. Charlie put his clothes on and started to walk to the door. " will we be getting together again? AH for a drink I mean?" Charlie called to the rabbit from the door. The rabbit perked his head a little and looked across the room. Charlie could see he had been crying and wanted nothing more than to comfort him. But he knew the best thing was to leave it for now. "I don't know...I'm sorry", the rabbit said meekly and he turned his head down again. Charlie didn't say anything else it just felt like it wouldn't help. He let himself out and started home.

The next day around lunchtime Charlie sat at the same table he had yesterday at Cafe "Rocco" He wasn't going to order any food though, he just wanted to see Maverick. Sure enough the young rabbit came out of the front doors and wandered over to a tiger sat with his back to him. "Can I t..." he dropped his pen and pencil when he saw who it was. Charlie looked up at him and smiled "Feeling better?" the tiger asked curtly. Maverick just nodded. He tried to back away but Charlie got to his feet and grabbed the rabbit's shoulders. "Tell me what's the matter" Charlie said caringly looking deeply into the rabbit's eyes. The rabbit tried to shy away but Charlie held him in place. "Tell me...please" Charlie begged the rabbit.

Tears had begun to well up in the rabbit's eyes and Charlie felt as though he was going to too. "I'm just scared" the rabbit said sounding choked "I really like you but last night...I...I...just couldn't" Charlie felt himself feeling more and more sympathy for the rabbit as he spoke. The way he sounded apologetic but yet hurt really played with Charlie's heart. "I enjoyed what we did but I...just couldn't...I didn't know what to do" The rabbit broke out into sobs and Charlie wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly. The rabbit let himself sink into the tigers embrace and cried into his chest.

"It's ok" Charlie said lovingly as he stroked the rabbit's head with his paw "It's Ok"

The rabbit looked up at the tiger and smiled. He brought his paw up and wiped the tears from his face "But I will make it up to you, I promise" he sounded happy again and Charlie felt himself feeling happier to. "I promise"

Charlie wasn't sure at the time what he meant by "make it up to you" but when the day came when he found out...well that wasn't a day he would forget any time soon.