The Last One Ch. 2

Story by NickoTavers on SoFurry

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#2 of Story

Short description

The meeting between the two and an explination of what is going on.

And thanks to RuthofPern for editing this for me.

Chapter 2

"Hello, Jamie". She said, in an obviously feminine voice.

There it was, a Dragon. Everything that he had known about the known universe, thrown into doubt by the fact that this, impossibility was standing there in front of him. He knew that this was real, somehow, but he could not tell how, he knew however that this was right. The dragon was well to put it simply, beautiful. She resembled a human in form. Legs, arms, head and torso but there the similarity's ended. She had bright blue scales all over her body, but on her chest they were a slightly brighter shade of blue. The scales on her chest and face were much finer than the ones on the rest of her body, and it looked like they were soft to touch.

Her eyes still glowed, even though Jamie's eyes had adjusted to the light. They were a much brighter blue then her scales and had a depth to them that suggested she had seen many year's, even though she only looked in her 20's. Well Jamie thought, what humans would look like in there 20's. He could see dozens of very sharp teeth in her mouth as she smiled at him. Her tail was extended out behind her, resting on the floor but the tip was slowly moving from side to side as if it had a mind of its own. Jamie could see the edges of the wings she had folded on her back, although they were the same colour as her scales they were made of a membrane that looked thin but strong.

At a distance she could pass as human, but for her wings if extended, and the fact that she was blue. With all that was going through Jamie's mind. 'Who are you?. Where did you come from?. What do you want?' The only thing that he could say was. "How do you know my name?".

With a look of knowing and amusement in her eyes, she said. "I know a lot about you Jamie. I have been watching you over the last few years. How you have grown and your personality, well....".

She cut herself off before too much emotion showed. And continued. "I have chosen you, if you agree to help me with a very important task. You may continue your life as you wish, but with slight changes that could be viewed as good and bad". She was slowly walking towards Jamie as she spoke.

"My race is near extinction. I am the last young one left. With the last of the elders energy they imparted a gift to me. The ability to rebuild the dragon's way of life. This ability allows me to mate with any species to rebuild our race. This ability though has side effects. The one I chose will become a dragon, however this change is non-permanent. After you have changed once you will always be able to change, but not always at will".

"Like a werewolf?". Jamie managed to say.

"Yes and no". She replied. "You will change, and you cannot stop it, but it is random you could start to change at any point depending on your mood and other smaller factors".

"So what happens if I change when surrounded by people?". Jamie asked.

"Well you would have to find somewhere no one could see you. You will have to be careful as well. If you chose this and you are seen you will probably be locked up by your own people". Said the dragoness.

"Ok. So if I chose to do this what will happen.....?".

"I cannot say". Said the dragon. "I do not know much about the process".

"Right Ok then before I decide I must know something first". I said. Realizing that throughout the conversation I had not asked something.

Slight concern crossed her face as she answered. "What would you like to know?".

"What is your name?".

Smiling at this she responded. "Alida".

By now she is barely a foot in front of Jamie, he can feel the heat of her breath on his face fogging up the glasses he wore when riding. Taking them off he asked. "Ok then, what do I need to do?".

Genuine surprise spread across Alida's face at that moment, as she'd expected a lot more questions from him. After all his life was about to change and very drastically, for this could be a terrible curse.

"Are you sure?. This could be as much a curse as anything else". Alida said. "It should not be taken lightly; as you cannot change your mind after the process has been started".

Thinking for a moment, asking himself if this was what he really wanted. "Yes, this is an escape from life is which I really need. I have very few ties that would make me say no. As for this being a curse; I would only consider it a curse if it was forced upon me. I will accept this, like any other person accepting a gift". Following up jokingly, he said. "Can I have it now?. I can't wait!!".

"Ok Jamie. I thank you for fully considering this and accepting. I would have had to make sure you didn't tell anyone about me if you had refused. We are/were a very... secretive race. That is why you only know myths about us. Yes you can have it now!". Alida said smiling. "Kiss me".

Caught unaware by this as he thought he would have to be bitten or something like, he moved forward closing the remaining gap between them. He could feel the heat coming off of her body now, even through the biker gear he wore. She stood at least 7 or 8 inches taller than he did but didn't have a problem reaching when he moved to kiss her. Moving her head down to meet his allowing her snake-like tongue touch his cheek before their mouths met.

His mouth was... different then she expected. He was colder then she was, but that was understandable. Dragons had naturally high body temperatures. His mouth was utterly different from her own; his face was flat and fleshy. His eyes were on the same level as his mouth. She liked being able to look into the eyes of the person she kissed but the way his face was, they were too close for her to focus properly. That didn't matter anymore though, for they would not be like that for much longer. With the person that she had protected for the last eighteen years, she had not told him this yet, but she had developed some very deep emotions for him. Lost in the kiss with all the love that had built up, Alida nearly forgot what she needed to do. Wrapping her arms around his back to the point at the bottom of his spine, she prepared herself to begin, not breaking the kiss at any point.

Not sure if he was meant to do anything special as he moved towards her, he felt her tongue lightly flick across his face just before their lips came into contact. Her tongue reminded him of a snake tasting the air, as her tongue darted across Jamie's face it felt slightly barbed like Velcro. Her mouth was really warm to his touch and he could feel her tongue dart around his mouth, even though on his cheek it felt rough, it felt really soft when it entered his mouth. Taken by the heat of the kiss, the worry about what was about to happen left him. She embraced him and felt her claws trace around his back towards the base of his spine. Then there was a small but sharp pain at the centre of his back just above his hips, and everything went black......