Part 2 - The Black Guardians

Story by DarkstartheDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon

Bertain and I went back out into Kiralan and headed towards the training ground once more. This time it was much quicker getting there, as Bertain was hurrying along and did not stop to speak with people.

We arrived at the building and Bertain stopped.

'This is where I leave you. I need to speak with some people about a very important matter. They are in the northern part of the building. I will see you in three hours.' He said to me, before patting my shoulder and walking off.

I went through the building and worked my way over to the advanced armed combat area.

I saw ten dragons, divided up into pairs, fighting each other with swords. There was a small green dragon sitting on the side of the field, waiting for someone to challenge. I felt a momentary flash of pity for this green dragon. He reminded me of myself, sitting on the side of everything that Bloodshadow and his sons did.

I walked over to the dragon and looked at him.

'You looking for someone to challenge?' I asked him.

He looked up at me and grinned. He rose to his feet and I saw that he was slightly shorter than me.

He walked over to a weapons rack that was on the edge of the combat area and came back with two swords. He handed me one and took a couple of steps back. We both bowed formally to each other and then crouched into 'ready' positions.

I noticed that all the other dragons had stopped fighting and were watching us carefully. I had an uneasy feeling that the green dragon was their best warrior. I quickly snapped my mind back onto the battle ahead of me and quickly deflected the thrust that the green dragon had made while I was deep in thought.

I quickly sidestepped, twisted and slashed at his arm. The green dragon moved expertly away and I realised that my fears were right. This was their best warrior. I jumped over his head, did a back flip and landed in the same spot that I had originally jumped from. The dragon was unprepared for this and he did not have time to shift his grip on his sword and counter my attack properly. Our swords clashed and the green dragon's sword got thrown out of his hand. It flew over my head and I caught it with my free hand. I now had two swords, and he had none. One of the dragons on the green dragon's left whistled and threw his sword at him.

The green dragon caught the sword and faced me with a smile on his face. I quickly placed the swords in a cross over my head to deflect the blow that the dragon launched at me and twisted away. I then spun both swords in my hands and attacked using an advanced strategy that I had read about in one of Bloodshadow's books.

I shifted from one fighting style to another, trying to confuse my enemy. I changed from a slow, defensive style, to a fast, aggressive one, and then to a more balanced one, looking for a hole in the dragon's defences.

Suddenly, the dragon made a thrust at me while I was in the middle of a style change. I quickly caught the thrust with the sword in my right hand and placed the other sword on the dragon's defenceless neck.

The green dragon stared at me as if he could not believe what he was seeing and the other dragons that were around us gasped in surprise. I lowered my swords, took a step back and bowed. The green dragon bowed back and then laughed.

'My name is Tyrin. You are the only dragon who has ever been able to best me at armed combat in this building. That is shocking, seeing as you just walked over here from somewhere. What is your name?' The green dragon said with a grin on his face.

'I am Darkstar.' I replied.

'Well, Darkstar, we could use you as a trainer around here if you are interested.' Said Tyrin.

'No thanks, I came here for training, not to teach others. But thanks for the offer.' I grinned, and began to walk away.

'Darkstar, wait! You forgot your prize for beating me!' Tyrin called out to me.

I turned around. There was a prize? My curiosity forced me to stay and find out what it was.

A dragon handed Tyrin a large case and he walked over to hand it to me.

I opened the case and saw that there was a magnificent sword, with ancient runes engraved on it, inside. It was a Dragonblade. Made from pure titanium and imbued with dragon powers, these swords were extremely valuable. I took it out of the case and saw that there was a scabbard lying under it.

The scabbard was made of leather, but held together by rings of gold. It was designed to be worn across the back, as it had two shoulder straps instead of a belt.

I looked at Tyrin.

'Why do I get this?' I inquired.

'Because you beat me, the leader of the armed combat trainers, in a single, spectacular battle. Please, take them. They will do you much good. Farewell, Darkstar.' Tyrin smiled, shook my hand, picked up the empty case, and walked off towards the dragons that he was training before I interrupted.

I struggled to put the scabbard across my back without breaking it. I eventually succeeded, then slowly placed the sword in it, and drew it out again, getting a feel for it.

I knew that Bertain was still going to be a while so I went looking for someone who knew the way to the 'advanced powers' area.

I followed the directions that a young dragon had given me and came across a large, steel door. I carefully opened it and went inside. Once inside, I could see that there was a lone red dragoness sitting at a desk reading a book of some kind. She looked up as I entered and closed the book.

'Who are you and what do you want?' She asked me.

'My name is Darkstar, and I am looking for someone who is able to break the chains that are binding my powers.' I answered truthfully.

'Hello Darkstar, my name is Avyn. Your powers are suppressed, you say? Let me see why.' She said.

Avyn stood up, walked over to me, and placed her hands on the side of my head. There was a throbbing pain in my head as the dragoness tried to see what it was that was keeping my powers suppressed. She let out the breath that she had been holding and sighed.

'There is little I can do right now. It seems that you are keeping your powers suppressed because of something that they did. You used a memory wipe on yourself and placed a block over your powers.' She said sadly.

Something stirred deep in my mind and I knew that she was not lying.

'There is something that I can give you that will unlock the basics of your power. With the basics, you should be able to devise a way to unlock the rest.' She smiled.

I nodded my head and Avyn walked over to a cabinet on the wall.

'This will take an hour to make, so do try and get comfortable. You are not leaving this room until I have finished.' She told me as she got things out of the cabinet.

Avyn and I sat around talking for a while. I had taken my sword off my back and leaned it near the door, so I could sit comfortably. Avyn wanted to know who my parents were and I told her that I never knew my father and that my mother had died at my birth. She started to apologise for bringing up bad memories, but I told her not to worry. She then inquired about my childhood and I told her about Bloodshadow, Lightbane and Shadownight.

The minutes ticked slowly by.

Suddenly, Avyn jumped on top of me, knocking me to the ground, and started to kiss me passionately.

'What the? What are you doing?' I asked as soon as my muzzle was free of hers.

'It is always so lonely down here. I was just reading my favourite book, when you suddenly walk in. I immeadiatly felt desire burning in me and I knew that I could not refuse it. I want you, Darkstar! Even if it is for only one time, I will have you!' She whispered into my ear. I suddenly felt hot, and I knew that I wanted her too.

She got off me and waved her tight red ass in my face. I could clearly see the moist, hot lips of her pussy and my desire increased ten-fold. My cock exited its sheath and grew. She looked at it and purred.

I gasped as I felt the warmth of her mouth close around my cock.

I could not stop myself. I grabbed her pulled her pussy down to my face and began to stick my tongue in it. Her juices ran down my face and down my throat. They tasted sweet and I wanted more. Avyn got off me and jumped onto her desk. There, she lay down and spread her legs.

'Take me now! I want you inside me, not teasing me!' She growled.

I decided to do what she said and let my lust take over. I got up off of the floor and walked over to her. I quickly kissed her once then positioned myself at her entrance.

I thrust hard, and she gasped as a spasm of pleasure roped through her body. I withdrew and thrust inwards again. The feel was beyond anything that I could have imagined. I continued to pound into her, getting faster as the pleasure grew. The walls of her pussy tightened and relaxed as Avyn reached her first orgasm. She screamed with pleasure and I just kept going faster and harder. I could feel myself getting closer and I gave one final, hard thrust.

Avyn gasped as my cum unloaded itself into her and filled her up, pushing her into another orgasm. We both relaxed in the afterglow.

Avyn hopped off the desk and checked the potion that she was brewing for me.

'It is almost done, Darkstar.' She said.

She looked around at the mess we had created. I felt a rush of wind, and then it was all clean and neat again. Avyn looked me in the eyes.

'You enjoyed that didn't you? Well I did too. I hope to see you again soon and we can do it all again.' She grinned and my face grew hot as I thought about having sex with her again.

I knew, that deep down, what I felt for Avyn was not love, it was simple lust.

Avyn kept on working on the potion as if nothing had happened between us and, ten minutes later, she handed me a cup full of a hot, thick liquid.

'That is the Aremus Potion. It was made to heighten one's powers temporarily. It can also be used to unlock small amounts of power within those who can not use theirs. It should work in this case, well, at least in theory.' She said as I drank the liquid.

I suddenly felt energy shoot through my body. It felt strange, yet, somehow familiar. I shivered and looked at Avyn.

'Think about fire and your claw and will it to happen.' She told me.

Will what to happen? I asked myself. I did what I was told and a ball of fire appeared in my claw.

I stared at it for a full minute before realising what it was.

'Ah!' I said and shook the fireball out of my hand.

I saw Avyn laughing at me and wished that she would stop. It was rather humiliating.

'Well, it seems to have worked. You are going to have to leave now. I hope to see you again soon.' She said as she walked towards me. She quickly kissed me and shoved me towards the door. I did not know what her hurry was, but I did not really care. I had to get back to where Bertain said he was going to meet me. I quickly strapped my sword into place on my back and walked out the door. I headed towards the area where Bertain and I had split up.

He was not there at the time, so I waited patiently.

After forty agonising minutes, I started to get sick of waiting for him. I walked around the building, trying to find someone who knew where Bertain was. I was given directions to the upper floors and from there I was directed to a room in a corner of the building. I tried to open the door of the room, but it was locked. I decided to give my new powers a try and thought about what was on the other side of the door. I could feel the presence of thirteen dragons. One was lying on the floor, in pain, and the others were standing around, laughing. I focused on the dragon on the ground and gasped. It was Bertain! I carefully reached over my shoulder and drew my Dragonblade as rage spread through my body. I thought about tapping into the rage and using it as a source of power, as I had read in the book, but quickly decided against it as it required a dragon with vast amounts of power to be able to control properly.

I focused on fire and blew the door up with another fireball.

The twelve dragons quickly turned around and faced me, shocked at this intrusion. I looked at Bertain's bleeding form and roared. The twelve dragons quickly grabbed the swords that were lying on a nearby table and rushed towards me. I stood there, waiting.

As soon as the first dragon was within range, I lashed out with my long blade, catching him across the stomach. The dragon sighed and fell to the ground with a thud.

I quickly reversed my slice and clashed blades with another dragon. I was surrounded and had to rely on my speed to save my life. I suddenly had an idea. I spun in a quick circle, crouched, and spun again. My sword slashed the shins of nine of the eleven dragons. The nine fell to the ground, writhing in pain. I quickly rolled to the side and stabbed. The dragon to my right blinked as my sword went straight through his heart. I kicked him and he fell over, never to get up again. I turned and faced the last dragon; my red eyes were shining with blood-lust. I growled and leapt towards him. The dragon dropped his sword and ran out of the room. I could hear his footsteps quickly retreating and I knew that he would not be back again.

I looked at the nine dragons, still lying on the ground in pain.

'Why did you do this? Who are you?' I asked them.

The dragon nearest to me spat at my feet.

'You shall never find out why, dragon! We shall be victorious in the end! The Black Guardians of the Inner Sanctum never fail!' He laughed.

I growled and decided to shut him up. I walked over to him and stabbed him in the chest. I looked at the other eight dragons, all grinning at me, and did the same thing to them.

As the last dragon sighed and died, I sheathed my sword and ran over to Bertain. He was unconscious and his injuries were grave, but not fatal. I tried to pick him up and found that he was rather light for his size.

I quickly blasted a hole in a wall with a large fireball. I spread my wings, and took of into the setting sun. I flew around Kiralan, and quickly spotted the mansion. I headed towards it as quickly as I could and landed in the courtyard. I ran towards the door and shoved my way in.

The door was almost broken off its hinges as I barged into the main room. Cynda and Rasani leapt to their feet as I ran in, carrying Bertain. Cynda gasped and ran over to me. She touched her husband's face and ordered me to follow her to the master bedroom. I followed her upstairs and placed Bertain on the bed. Cynda called for Jyn, the white dragon healer. Jyn entered the room and immediately went to Bertain.

'I am going to need some time to heal his injuries. Luckily they are not that bad, but had they been left for another hour or two, his chances of surviving would have been rather slim.' She told us.

'Of course. Darkstar, Rasani. You will come with me. We will give Jyn some time with him and I want to know what happened.' Cynda said and we exited the room.

We went to the library and sat on the comfy chairs that were in there.

'So, Darkstar, what has happened? Why is Bertain injured like that?' Cynda demanded of me.

'Oh, where to begin? I shall start from the very start, when Bertain and I arrived at the training ground.' I said.

I then began to tell them all about the odd, anxious way that Bertain was acting and how he said that he would meet me in three hours. I then told them about my battle with Tyrin and my winning of the Dragonblade.

'May I see the blade, please?' Rasani asked me.

'Of course.' I reached over my shoulder and drew the blade from its scabbard. I noticed that it was still covered in the dark blood from the dragons that I had just killed. I quickly cleaned the blade and handed it to Rasani. She gasped at the majesty of the Dragonblade and inspected it closely.

After Rasani had studied the sword and swung it a few times, she handed it back and I removed the sheath from my back and leaned it and the sword against my chair. I then continued with my story. I told then about how I had met Avyn and she had made a potion to give me access to the basic part of my powers. I deliberately skipped over the things that happened between Avyn and me. I then told them about how I had waited for Bertain for forty minutes before going to find him.

I told them about my battle with the twelve dragons and how I had picked up Bertain and flown back here.

Cynda just stared at me, as if she did not believe me. Then she shook her head, got up out of her chair and stood on my right side.

'I can't thank you enough for rescuing Bertain. We are very lucky to have you here, Darkstar. It looks like that sword is going to do you much good. I still find it hard to believe that you actually faced twelve dragons and came away without any cuts. If you do not mind, I want to replay that scene from your head.' Cynda said.

'If that is what it takes, then yes, go ahead. Is there anything that I need to do?' I asked her.

'Just focus on the memory of the dragons.'

I did that and suddenly, the space in front of me changed. It became a door. Rasani quickly stood on my left side so that she could see what Cynda and I saw. I realised that we were all seeing this through my eyes, as I saw my claw come forwards and a fireball leapt out of it to destroy the door. The dragons on the other side of the door jumped and grabbed their weapons. I closed my eyes, remembering the rage and the blood-lust that drove me. The image played through the battle and the aftermath. It ended with me picking up Bertain and taking off into the sunset.

'Thank you Darkstar. I know that it was rage and self-defence that drove you into killing those dragons. It couldn't be helped. They were going to attack you, so do not feel the guilt for their deaths.' Cynda said sadly and placed a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and stared at her.

'That's the whole point, I don't feel any guilt. At the time, all I wanted was to see them dead. It is a part of me that I now hate!' I growled to myself.

Rasani placed her hand on my other shoulder.

'With skills like that, it makes me wonder how I beat you.' She mused.

'It is my damn rage and the fact that I loved the feel of battle! I could not control myself! I became a killing machine and I hate it!' I buried my face in my hands and groaned.

Cynda and Rasani quietly guided me into my room and I suddenly felt drowsy. I knew that it was Cynda who was inducing this effect with her dragon magic but I didn't care. I gladly dropped into unconsciousness, hoping that it would ease my pain.

I cannot tell how much time went past as I slept, but it was late in the afternoon when I awoke.

Part 3: The Gladiator Arena.

I sat up and got off of the giant bed. I walked down the stairs and into the dining area. Bertain was sitting at the table with a number of bandages wrapped around different parts of his body. Cynda and Rasani were sitting on either side of him....

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Part 1 - From Bad to Worse.

_Once you walk the path, there is no turning back..._ Thank you, Tim, for the name for the series. My name is Darkstar; I am the third son of King Bloodshadow, king of Akarum. Bloodshadow has always claimed that I am not his son and...

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