The Last One Ch. 3

Story by NickoTavers on SoFurry

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#3 of Story

Short description

The next day, Was it a dream???

As always Thanks to RuthofPern For editing this for me

Chapter 3

Jamie felt the warmth of his bed when he woke up, the soft quilt and the radiator right next to him. He was content to stay in this blissful paradise forever, but just as he thought this, his alarm started its monotonous blaring. Starting to get up and wishing he could throw the alarm out the window, he turned it off.

Jamie still lived with his parents. They owned quite a large house and rented out most of the rooms to contractors mainly. The local power station always had contractors going here, there, and everywhere. Even though it was his parents house, he did have to pay rent. The £40 a week he could of spent elsewhere, but couldn't. Mind for his money he got a smallish room. Enough for a bed, computer desk and wardrobe with a little space to walk. As it also held the airing cupboard, he didn't have much privacy. His mum or dad were forever walking in with piles of towels and bed sheets. It was rather annoying. He had arranged his room so that the computer desk was on the opposite side of the room, so that the tall wardrobe that was only an inch from touching the ceiling was obscuring any view of the screen, so that he had time to hide anything he needed to.

Of course everything these days is digital, so Jamie being the computer genius had managed to incorporate some shortcuts into the system so that, when he pressed a sequence of keys everything minimised. The encrypted part of his drive that stored the stuff he didn't want anyone to see was instantly unmounted and hidden, and his computer locked. Of course he didn't need to use this very often. His room was a dump and no one wanted to try and brave the monsters that lurked within.

Yawning, he barely remembered a dream last night about a dragon. Oh how he wished she was real!. She was so beautiful, the way she kissed him, the way her hands slid down his back... his back. Turning around so that he could see his back in the mirror on his wardrobe door he looked at the base of his spine, but there was nothing there. Just a dream then, he thought sadly. Reflecting, he started his morning routine. Getting a fresh pair of boxers and throwing the old ones in the pile waiting for washing, he slowly waded his way through the bog of rubbish to the door, and made his way downstairs. Once he reached the kitchen he pulled down the box of Weetabix and crossed to the fridge.

"Damn it!". He cursed. "No milk when you need it".

Putting the Weetabix away, he decided to see if he had enough to get breakfast at the university. Digging through his jacket pocket he found a small pile of change.

"Just enough". He muttered.

Pulling on his jacket, he grabbed his helmet and the bag he always dumped just inside the door and went out side to the love that really existed.

"That's odd". He muttered, as he walked over to his bike. The lock chain on his bike wasn't on how he normally put it. Normally he fed the chain through the back wheel and round the suspension spring and locked it to a pole. But it was locked by the front tyre this morning. He hadn't done it that way since the the time he came back and found a tyre locked to a pole. Not remembering much about last night, he discarded the fact. He must of been too tired. He unlocked the chain and put it in the box attached to the back of the bike, along with his bag. Getting on, he pressed the ignition button. After a few faltering seconds the bike engine rumbled into life.

He grabbed his glasses form inside his helmet, only really needed them when riding, and put them on. He couldn't see, and they started to make him go cross eyed. Quickly taking them off again his eyes went back to normal, thoroughly confused he tried to read a sign at a distance and found that he could see perfectly. Getting really confused now, he decided that if he didn't leave now then he wouldn't have time for any breakfast. Putting his glasses in his pocket just in case he needed them later, he quickly donned his helmet, and securing it he pulled in the clutch and pressed the gear pedal down for first gear.

Although he wasn't a racer, Jamie liked the sudden acceleration a bike has, the relatively light weight bike compared to car wasn't a match. It was a 1.2 litre engine, in a car that would of been small be in this it was a monster. He weaved through the morning traffic to the front of a queue at the traffic lights, cycling down to first great before stopping. The main difference between a cars gears and a bikes is the fact that you can't skip a gear, you have to go thought each gear in sequence, and sometime you lose track of which gear your in as there is no indicator on the bike except for engine revs and speed. Waiting for the lights to change he revved the engine a little, releasing the clutch slightly to the point where it just started to engage, waiting for that Amber light, any second and..... Releasing the clutch, he revved the engine, and shot down the road before the first car had even passed the line. He didn't really break the speed limit, he just liked the sudden acceleration, the way the bike tried the pull away and leave him behind.

It was a long ride to the Uni but he didn't mind. It was relaxing before the hectic style of the students life. Arriving in the car-park and parking in his usual spot he proceeded to lock his bike to the pole, through the tyre, round the spring and then around the pole. Pulling the key from the padlock he grabbed his bag and went to find breakfast. The cafeteria did one of the best traditional British breakfasts. Not having much change he went for the small one. Two sausages, a piece of bacon, a hash brown, small scoop of beans and a mushroom. Jamie would of had some fried bread but didn't have enough money as he went for his usual Dr Pepper drink. Sitting in the corner, he could swear he was wearing a trail to that corner the amount of times he sat there.

It didn't take him long to finish the meal, and as always it was lovely. Grabbing his bag and the bottle of Dr Pepper, he made his way to his first lecture with Professor Stineburg. On his way to the technology departments building he noticed that Carl and Lewis were in. 'Great'. He thought. 'There's going to be trouble later'. Carl and Lewis were studying for some sort of sports qualification. Jamie didn't know why anybody would want to do that type of qualification. 'Yeah I got a piece of paper the says I can kick a ball'. Anyone could kick a ball. They spent most of there time showing off in some way, normally humiliating someone smaller and weaker then them, like Jamie. Last week they had thrown water all over him whilst he was in the toilet. The week before that, they had locked another chain on his bike. Jamie had had to wait for two hours so that the Uni engineering tutor could come out with some bolt cutters. Of course Jamie could never prove anything but he knew it was them. He knew that this week there was going to be a fight, people were whispering about it. It felt like he was back in secondary school. He knew that all he had to do to avoid this was to stay unnoticed and near a tutor or CCTV camera.

He managed to get into the building before either of them noticed him, some good luck at last. He sat at the back of the class as usual. He liked the subject, but didn't like taking to active a part in the classes, he did his work and that was that. Professor Stineburg walked in then and brought up a presentation on stenography. Jamie sighed. Just last weekend he had researched about this stuff, and how people would try and hide messages and others things inside pictures. About half an hour into the lecture Jamie started to get drowsy. He entered his imaginary world where everything was perfect, the world, him, nothing could go wrong. That was until something hit him hard on his back. Jolting up and looking around he saw that the hall was empty, all the students had left the class and the tutor had gone as well. There was a noise behind him and Jamie jumped out of his chair. It was Carl with Lewis right behind him.

"What's this?". Carl said with a smirk on his face. "The geek stayed behind".

"Would you two just leave me alone". Jamie groaned.

"Why should we?". Chortled Lewis. "You're too much fun to 'leave alone'".

Jamie was slowly backing away from them as they got closer to him, the door to the room was behind them, so he wouldn't be able to run.

"You have had this coming for a long time". Carl snarled as Jamie's back hit the wall. Carl moved forward quickly his fist raising to meet with side of Jamie's face. It seemed to Jamie that everything slowed down at that moment. It seemed as if time itself had been slowed down that each second was a minute. Lewis had the smug look on his face as he watched Carl about to hit him. He had hours to think. 'What is he going to do?. Why is this happening to him?. WHY ME?'.

Jamie moved his hand and arm to try and intercept the slow moving fist trailing it's way towards his face. He found that he was able to move them as if time hadn't slowed down. As soon as his hand was in place and ready to try to stop the incoming missile rocketing towards his face in slow motion, Jamie wondered what was happening. How was he able to move so fast, or was it normal and they were just moving slowly. At that point Carl's fist made contact with Jamie's hand and stopped it dead, and time speed up again. Carl's smile wasn't on his face anymore, and Lewis's smirk was gone.

All Jamie could think was. 'How has this happened?'. Emboldened by this Jamie shoved Carl's arm back toward him. Carl flew across the room by the force of that push and hit a couple of desks before he stopped. Jamie looked down at his hands not believing what he had just done!.

'How could I do that?. He's bigger that me, and I just threw him across the room'. Was all Jamie could think. Looking up from his hands, he found Lewis staring at him. There was a constant stream of swearing coming from the place Carl had landed.

"What the hell!?. How did you do that you freak!?. You just wait till I get bac....". He suddenly stopped as he saw Jamie. Just then Jamie felt a tingling going up his spine originating form just above his hips, it spread outwards when it reached his neck, it felt like pins and needles. His skin started to itch like he had ants crawling all over him, then started to go numb. There was a pain at the base of his spine just above his nether hole. Wincing, Jamie felt behind him to find the source of the pain and when his hand reached just above his ass he felt a bulge that was getting bigger by the second. It suddenly ripped through the back of his trousers and Jamie suddenly realised what it was. 'I have got a fucking TAIL!'. Was all that was going through his mind. The pins and needles continued, and when Jamie looked down at his hands, the skin there was starting to bubble and change colour. He felt his shoes suddenly start to get painful around his feet before they ripped open and the claws that were inside clicked on the floor.

The shirt on his back started to get painfully small as well, and a couple of seconds later it ripped off completely to make way for the wings that were also growing out of his back. Jamie fell to his hands and knees as the pain started to increase. 'What is happening to me?'. Ran though his mind again, but was drowned out by a cracking noise. His face started to deform as his nose and part of his face started to grow outwards like the muzzle on a dog.

Jamie closed his eyes hoping the pain would stop, and a few minutes later it did. He felt weird, as if he could suddenly lift a mountain. Opening his eyes he noticed the there was a subtle difference in how he saw things. It was as if he had a slight red tint put over his vision. Also he was able to see a lot more then before. He could see perfectly in the shadowy areas and still see the detail down to the grain on the desks. He was able to smell a lot more to, and was able to identify where the smells came from. He could physically smell the fear coming from both of the boys in the room with him. The pins and needles had gone now, and Jamie was able to feel the ground beneath him, but as if through a pair of gloves, thick gloves. Looking at his hand he saw that they were covered in black scales. Turning his hands over to look at the other side he saw the scales where slightly finer on his palms and up the insides of his fingers.

Jamie tried to stand up, and found that he couldn't balance properly. He started to fall sideways and the tail that he'd felt growing, suddenly swung out in the opposite direction to counter the balance. It hit the floor with a meaty thud. Jamie looked at the boys that had tormented him for the last year and laughed, but what came out of his mouth was a sort of growl. No longer would they bully him, no longer would they try to hurt him. He would make sure of that.