St. Charles College

Story by Bahamut Dragons on SoFurry

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It is finally done. I can't believe how long this fic took, because I took a 2 or 3 week break before I wrote the final 500 words, too lazy and tons of stuff happening. I do think this is a good fic however and I look somewhat forward to writing the sequel.

I included a few Japanese references in this, like the Japanese detective Kogoro Akechi. I never heard of him outside of the Detective Conan series of mangas, but I thought it would be a nice touch. I also included one of my favorite games: Go. It's a game similar to Othello (reversi), but it's much more complicated and fun. I suggest you check it out sometimes.

My life has been hectic recently. I had some stuff to write for a dungeons and dragons game, I completed Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, programming, work, some reading... and personal problems with people I love. I hope it tones down a bit, it's really getting me down.

I would of liked to say more, but nothing comes to me right now except to thank all the people who IMed me recently. I love getting fan mail, it really keeps me going. So, I hope you appreciate this and here's how to contact me:

By e-mail at [email protected], AIM at BahamutSDragons, Y! at bahamutdragons, ICQ at 11722319 and MSN at [email protected] You can also join my Yahoo group at I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone. Enjoy!

St. Charles College


Kenneth hated school. He had hated it since he was a young pup. He found it too strict, something the artist within him had trouble dealing with. Before, he had dealt with it fairly easily with his friends, but now they were all gone to another college in computer sciences, leaving him to go alone to St. Charles college, the only place that gave art courses.

He had made his application a year before. Of course, he had hoped to not have to resort to this, that his art would somehow get through to some places he had issued it to, but he had been rejected everywhere. His parents had always promised to pay him college and so here he was, miserable and alone in yet another school.

Today was the first day he actually saw the school. It was small, holding less then 5000 students and less then half as much student housing. And since he was too far from his parents, he had to apply for some.

The line stretched out forever and it was obvious he would be here for quite some time, so he took out some art supplies from his trusty bag, which he never left home without, and started sketching anything that came into eyesight: a clock, the door, that cat girl's hair style...

"Next," the counter lady, a slightly overweight but still lovely rat, announced. She sounded weary of her job. Kenneth came up to the counter.

"Yes, I'd like some lodging please."

"Fill this form out. The first page is mandatory but the rest isn't. If you don't want to answer to the rest, just check 'refuse to decline'. When you're done, bring your form to the counter beside me and come back after lunch. We'll have all the information up then. Next."

"Wait, what about the fees?"

"It's all on the form sweetheart. Next."

He took the form and sat down on a nearby wooden bench, which reminded him of a church bench. The accommodations were very bad: no board to write or pens to use. If he had not been an artist, he might have had problems.

The first page was standard, where they asked stuff like his name (Kenneth Baker), his species (dog), his student id and if he preferred a roommate or not. Ken was afraid that he might end up with a bad roommate, but he also didn't want to be alone, so he checked 'yes'. Besides, it cost much more to be alone.

The second form was very unorthodox. It started with the question "Are you adverse to having sex with a person of the same sex as you". Taken aback, Kenneth skipped that question to the other: "Would you be willing to have sex publicly". Browsing through the reminder, he realised they were all of the same kind: "Have you ever tasted cum?", "If you are a male, what is the length of your penis" and "Would you suck on a dick or vagina blindfolded, without knowing who is in front of you". The whole thing was 80 questions long.

At first, he wanted to ask why they wanted to know all of that, but he would obviously be turned down by the counter lady, so he decided to just go with it and answer truthfully about it all. The dog felt pretty confident with his sexuality anyways and if he could help a study or something, he was glad to help. Maybe it would even reduce his fees.

Finishing to fill out his form, Ken gave it back and went towards the closest cafeterias on campus, which was on a different building. It gave him some time to check out what the school grounds actually looked like. The buildings were all standard, nothing fancy and nothing really worth sketching. Stone and windows everywhere. The only thing that caught his attention was the lodging buildings.

There were two distinct areas. One was very normal, with half a dozen buildings to help lodge well over two thousand students. The last one was different however. A gate was built all around it, giving it a fortress kind of look with a courtyard. To access it, the students seemed to have a special key. Also, he realised that none of the windows of any building could look directly into the guarded area.

Puzzled, he tried to ask around but none of the students seemed to live there. He continued his way to the cafeteria and ordered, paying with his new credit card his parents had given him to get around better (although they had warned him about overdoing it).

The food tasted plain. He missed his mother and soon, he was back to sketching. By applying some very minor changes, he transformed his food into a monster from outer-space. Amused, he proceeded to changed some of the other people around him into characters to liven up his scene.

After some time, he over heard a small group of four furs talking.

"Hey, I heard that G apartment building is mighty sweet," one of them said.

"Yeah, I heard someone talk about...," he lowered his voice so that no one else but the four could understand, and they then all giggled. Kenneth wanted to asked them what was so special about the place, but looking at the time, he realised that the results should be out now and since he didn't want to remain here any longer, he returned to the administration building to check the list.

A crowd had gathered around it and it took sometime for Ken to manage to cut through it and see his name.

'Baker, Kenneth: apartment building G, room 314'

A notice was also pinned beside the list, saying that the tenants would be given their keys and further instructions in front of their buildings. He realised that the other furs were very interested in the famous building G as well, but since he didn't want to familiarize with any of them yet, lest they'd ask too many questions later, he zoomed out of the building and went towards his own.

Looking around to the other apartments, hundreds of furs were massing around some instructors, receiving keys and stuff. There were 12 for his building. And he was glad to be chosen one of them. Maybe this school wouldn't be so bad after all.

A teacher was there to instruct them. After confirming their Ids, he gave each of them a set of keys, one to enter the 'G area', one for their floor on the elevator or stairs and one for their actual room.

"You have all been assigned roommates, so I'll let them explain the rules of the G building. I hope you like St. Charles and it's lodging. I'll let you go now."

Instructors here don't sound too keen on explaining to the newbies, Ken realised. He hoped the teachers would be better in their courses. He didn't care much about college, but as long as he was here, he might as well learn something.

The 12 students crossed door way, before the instructor closed the wooden door behind them. They passed through a small corridor before arriving to some lockers. A panel on the other end showed 'No clothes admitted beyond this point'.

"What the...," someone said. Ken looked around him and smiled at the different personalities. Some of the furs had already started undressing, others were wondering out loud what is was all about, one coming up with the conclusion that it was an initiation rite.

'Why not,' Ken thought as he took off his clothes and put them into his locker. Lockers were marked by room numbers and he realised that no other clothes were there even though his roommate should have some as well.

Of the twelve, only eight agreed to go in naked. Proceeding, the four others were stopped by a clothed instructor to either go get undressed or get out. Rumbling, two agreed and the two others went out. Satisfied with the reminder of the group, the instructor opened the door.

"Welcome to your new home."

Ken had expected something grand, something uncannily incredible, worthy of all this protection and secrecy. He was disappointed to find regular furs all around, some eating, some doing homework under the shade of a tree. Suddenly, he started to laugh, very hard. The other nude furs with him looked, puzzled.

"Do you all realise what is happening here? Here we are, nude, on the private terrace of our new home, with furs walking all around but no one is even looking at us. It's like... we don't matter."

That didn't sound quite right. If it was an initiation, the others furs should at least turn and smile, but they just went about normally. Something more was about here and he would find out what. Ken loved detective literature. One of his favorites was Kogoro Akechi, a Japanese detective, mostly unknown outside of Japan.

Once inside, they were left to themselves. Besides one of the guys, a deep blue coyote, who probably would of blushed if he could and couldn't stop giggling, everyone seemed comfortable in their situation. A few even went out, trying to mingle with the already established students. Ken didn't care much for that however. He instead immediately made way for his room.

The halls of the building were fancier then he expected, and also seemed very old. The dog had studied a bit of architecture to help him in his art and this was definitely turn of the 19th century stuff. It seemed older then anything on the campus, including the school halls themselves.

Fascinated by the details, he made no haste to reach his room, but once he arrived, he was disappointed to see that it had been renovated fairly recently. Well, better to have running water and electricity, even to the cost of wonderful architecture.

The quarters were small: two beds, with one desk each, one window between them and a closed, locked door that probably led to the bathroom. Barely enough space for himself and he would need to share it with someone else even. School was getting worst and worst.

"I'll be out in a moment," Ken heard when he tried to open the door. "If you're going to live here, I'm your new roommate, Chris Asimov. If not, well, I'm still Chris Asimov."

'Well, at least he has a sense of humor,' Kenneth thought. 'Hopefully, he has a sense of privacy as well.' He put his bags on the bed that seemed unoccupied and observed the room more thoroughly. It didn't look like a student's room. It was very clean, had no posters on the wall or any other distinctive mark. The only thing that caught his eye was the computer. The dog hoped he would use it a bit, he was interested in seeing how much he could better his work by going digital.

"Sorry, I was in the shower," he heard behind him with the squealing noise of an opening door.

"It's no problem. I'm... Ken..." But as he turned to his interlocutor, he couldn't finish his sentence. His roommate was nude before him, rubbing his hair and face with his towel, not seeming to care about even the door Ken had forgot to close as he entered. But that would not have mattered to Ken, he expected some stuff to be strange to him at first.

Hesitantly, he voiced his concern and pointed out the obvious: "You're... a human."

Chris looked at his arm turning, surprised at it's appearance. "What the..." He looked at the rest of his body feeling, probing and remaining unsatisfied. He then looked back up to Ken. "You're right," he said with surprise. "I'm human! Oh my God, look at that! You're a dog!"

Kenneth was unsure of his roommate's reaction, if he had offended him or not. He was relieved to see a smile appear on his lips. "Don't do that! You scared me."

Chris chuckled, "Sorry Ken, but for the look on your face, it was worth it."

Ken followed suit and chuckled as well. Then, they both started laughing whole heartedly. After a few moments, they calmed down and Chris explained his situation.

"I never felt right in the human world, never felt that we and the furs should be separated like that. Even though most human establishments are non-fur tolerant, most fur places accept us nonetheless. That's why I chose to come to St-Charles first, so I could be with furs. In fact, I think we're less then 10 humans around. I think I've seen only one other in the year and a half I've been here, and it was just a fleeting glimpse. And I definitely know I'm the only one in the G apartments."

"Yeah, what is this place. Why is it so secluded compared to the other buildings."

"I think I should start by explaining a few facts of around here. This building is very old, as you may have noticed, built even before the school. I'm not quite sure why they built the school close by, but here and there were two separate entities. Later on, the school added more facilities and even bought the G building."

"What was the G building back then?"

"It was kind of an outhouse, but even more then that. Furs came here to be free of any taboo. Most of them had sex all around, some gambled, drank ale and did other stuff that were not well seen by society. What was interesting however was that anyone could come, rich or peasant, come for one time or be a regular, be a fur or a human.

When the school bought the g building, it was because they were desperate for more space and funds were low back then. The owner agreed to share a part of it, the three final floors, but he would continue his business downstairs. Of course before long, students became a part of it as well, good like bad. A study was made on the topic and it seemed that most of them had better grades from liberating their inhibitions that way.

When the school bought the final two floors, they took the most surprising decision any administration ever took: they decided to seclude the building and share it with the students who wanted that. Of course, it was a very controversial decision and it had to remain hidden, and besides a few isolated incidents, they have managed quite well.

Today, apartment G is a haven for those free of soul. Everyone is given a test upon entry at St-Charles, to define if they are 'G' material or not. Obviously, with today's values and standards, most aren't interested in this kind of place other then sheer curiosity."

"Chris," Ken stopped his friend. "I'm not sure I understand everything. You're saying this is an outhouse and that basically, big orgies is the life of those residing here, but I've seen no proof of any of that when we arrived. Heck, we were naked and no one even turned to us, like we weren't there."

"Yeah, that's kind of part of the initiation. People were looking when you were not, you can be sure about that. You were to be observed to make sure you could adapt to such an environment. Some people don't, you see, and we don't want them going out and revealing our secrets."

"And I passed?" Ken asked with hope.

"If you didn't, you wouldn't be allowed to see all of that," Chris said, pointing to the window. Ken got up and approached it, looking outside. The sight before him was one he had never dreamed, let alone seen before.

The furs in the courtyard were the same as earlier, yet they were different. They had shed their clothes, leaving them all around on the ground, and now they all mated in various and exciting ways. Ken didn't know where to keep his attention. On the two foxes taking the female skunk from behind? On the pink squirrel lapping fiercely at another female's clit? Or maybe the three pigs who formed a lewd and sexy chain.

"The Seven brothers," Chris said, commenting on Ken's lasting attention on the pigs. "Igon, Gerald and Patrick Seven. Each year we have a few competitions based on sex, like distance of coming, the fastest and slowest comers and so on, and the Seven brothers are the best in most categories. Unsurprisingly, they study in fields that can help them perform better. Igon is learning about the fur anatomy, Gerald about history (and no doubt he's have sexy anecdotes for us) and Patrick is studying to become a lawyer."

"How does becoming a lawyer help?"

"He wants to make public yiffing legal, no less."

Kenneth was surprised that something this... out of bounds, could exist inside a college campus, unknown from the other students or even faculty. He smiled, the full impact of his situation hitting him. He would get to try it all.

"Now that you've seen the fun part," Chris interrupted Ken's train of thought, "I have to warn you about the rules. Number 1 is easy: never divulge any information about here. Anything will be an instant ban... and more." Ken wondered what the 'more' was, but he let his friend continue.

"Rule number two is that although yiffing is free anywhere in the boundaries, all parties involved must be consenting. That includes all the yiffers involved and possibly the owner of the place you are yiffing in, like if you're in someone else's apartment. It happens more then you think. 415 gives great parties.

Rule number three is that if ever your scores at school were to be low, including failing courses, you will not be authorized to lodge here for the following semester. Don't test that one, too many furs have fell for it.

And finally, to be fully admitted, you must pass another initiation rite, which is tonight. Obviously, I can't give away any information about it, but I've never heard anyone complain." He gave a smile full of understatements. "Any questions?"

Ken smiled back. He wasn't shy, he was happy all of this was happening. "Only one: can I yiff you now?"

Chris smiled. "Yes. Yes you can."

He walked to a very nervous Ken. He had been vaguely aware of his bisexuality for sometime, but he had never made any move on either sex. Fortunately, Chris knew what he was doing.

He placed a hand upon the side of his face and kissed him. The dog was surprised of the human's ability to deal with the long nose, but then again, this probably wasn't his first time kissing. Unsure of himself, he decided to follow Chris' cue. He felt the short human tongue probing as far and it could and mingled his own tongue with it, realising that he had to restrain himself lest it'd reach further then his mouth.

Ken realised that his eyes were closed and as he opened them, he discovered passion within his roommate's eyes. He felt lust build up within him and his cock started coming out of it's sheath, dripping precum upon his mate's nude body. Unwillingly, he started to rub against the human, who then broke kiss and took a step back.

"I'm sorry," Kenneth quickly said. "I didn't mean to come on too strong."

To his surprise, Chris sat on the bed and spread his legs. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

The canine had not wanted to seem eager or impolite before and so had not taken as much as a glance towards his roommate's poking nudity, but now it was offered to him on a platter, or so to say.

Chris had no fur around that area, neither on his crotch or on his ass, which meant he shaved. The dog didn't know what to make of the flesh, being so used to fur, but the pinkish tint and soft feel was certainly attractive to him.

He got down to his knees and took a step, sniffing the aroma of the male before him. He felt... pure in an indescribable way. And certainly tasty. Ken gave a quick tongue lash on the hard dripping cock before him, tasting for the first time precum, hinting towards a stronger flavor later.

He passed his tongue all around the shaft, lapping the scrotum, between the leg and reaching his butt hole. He licked all around the shaved orifice and poked his tongue once inside it, pleasantly surprised that it doesn't taste horrible. He made sure the entrance was well lubricated, licking all around, making his mate moan and tense.

Satisfied, he gave the dripping cock before him one last taste before grabbing his mate's legs and plunging his long shaft into the asshole. The hole was well stretched out for him as he pressed his hips to make his shaft run deep, until it reached the end. This new sensation of bliss was incredible to Ken and it seemed to be the same for Chris. He felt his knot swell, creating a link between them. Chris seemed to feel it as well.

"For the next 20 minutes dog boy, you're mine," he said with a smile. He wrapped his legs around Ken's body and draw him closer.

Again, their tongues met as Ken's hips rocked slightly, rubbing his cock along the edges of the tunnel around it. He put a hand to the human's head, passing his fingers through his hair. With his acute sense of smell, he discovered more the just lust from Chris. He broke the kiss and whispered to his ear: "You smell nice."

"I'm glad you appreciate me as much as I appreciate you."

The dog grabbed Chris' hips and rocked slightly, as much as he could with his knot tying him to the man. Still, he felt pressure building as every thrust brought him closer to climax. Lost in ecstasy, he was forgetting even the well being of his mate. Kenneth had never felt so good. He rocked his hips harder, driven by instinct, feeling his threshold getting closer by the second.

In a final glamorous thrust, he howled to any who would listen, howled his pleasure as finally, he felt himself coming inside the human under him. He distinctively felt each wave of semen as it left him and filled Chris' tight canal, coating it with his passion.

Ken opened his eyes and met Chris'. Suddenly, he realised how out of control he had gotten. He felt silly in this position, still locked by his knot that would not shrink for at least another fifteen minutes.

"I'm sorry Chris," Ken said, remorse in his voice.

"It's ok, I understand. It's your first time, right?"

"No! No, I once had a girlfriend but... well, actually yeah, it is. And no, it's not alright. I should of considered you. And I will immediately."

"Oh you don't have to OH YEAH!"

The dog was thankful to be one, it made him more flexible and he had a larger tongue. He managed to bend and take the head of Chris' cock in his mouth. He realised that he wouldn't be able to take the rest in, so he didn't try. Instead, he made the most of his long nimble tongue. He licked all around the length of the cock, panting warmly on the tip of it. He slid the edge of his tongue in the slit, tasting the precum already flowing from it.

Still filling his tail hole, he wiggled around, massaging from the inside. He also used his hands all over Chris' body, rubbing and feeling the soft flesh, so different from furs. He couldn't get enough of it, the difference in anatomy overwhelming him somewhat. And he loved the taste of human cock. Ken wondered how the others would taste. Excited, he increased his pace, soon bringing Chris to climax as he shot his cum in the dog's mouth. With his long tongue, he lapped the geyser, making a mess all over the crotch area. Neither seemed to mind however, especially not the human who was grabbing the sheets, lost in a final thrust.

Soon, he juiced no more and all that was left of the love juices was all about Chris' body. Not one to let a meal got to waste, Ken licked all over the nude body, the chest, the cock and the ball sack, removing all traces of the climax and making his mate shiver in pleasure. Finally, he looked back up.

"Ken, if ever you needed to make up for anything, this was the best making up I've ever had."

"I'm glad you appreciated it. I'm sure I'll have the chance to 'make up' for a lot of things while I'm here."

"Well," Chris said with a laugh, "I certainly look forward to it."

They both laughed, then passed the following twelve minutes talking about the campus, the extra-curricular activities, all as if they were not linked in a sexual bond. Kenneth admitted that after seeing all of this, he doubted he would want to spend his time elsewhere.

"Give it some time. Most freshman think like you the first six months, but then join groups. I'm part of a Go club myself."

"Cool, maybe I'll join that. I love Go."

Finally, the knot deflated to a size where Ken could remove himself without causing harm to either of them. A thin silvery line still remained for a brief moment, then it faded to nothing.

"So what now?" the canine asked.

"Now, we go get your clothes from the locker. You probably won't need them until tomorrow, but you do need to get settled."

They both got out of the room, Chris leading the way. The hallway was much different then before now. Furs came and went mostly nude now, a lot looking at Ken, licking their lips. Ken just smiled at them, thinking of the initiation. He had no doubts a lot of sperm would be involved, but he wondered how it would happen.

Down stairs, he couldn't help but smile as he saw two furs double on one of the new guys, the giggling blue coyote.

"Two?" Chris interrupted. "Don't you know that's against regulation for new students?"

"It's not our fault Chris," the duck getting a blowjob replied. "Every time we try to get away, he just brings us back. He's a keeper," he added with a smile.

Chris just nodded and the still nameless coyote nodded back. He then moved the leave the building. As Ken crossed him, they gave each other an understood look, a look that said: "this is the best place in the world."