Curse of the Were...Horse

Story by Albeon on SoFurry

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Curse of the

James stopped his work, looking down at his grungy clothing with disgust. He was at his uncle's farm out in the country. His whole summer break...his last before college, would be spent here. James had been caught by his parents in bed with another man. He was 18 years old, and the man he was with was 19, but his parents still felt the need to "punish" him. They sent him out to work for his extremely homophobic uncle Chris to torture the gay out of him. Speaking of his uncle...

"Hey fairy boy, who told you to take a break," a gruff voice yelled from across the farmyard. "My eight year old daughter has more man in her than you.

in his opinion. "If you honestly think that, have her come out here and shovel shit and I'll go in and wash your nasty clothes." We need to work the lazy and fat outta you."

"Yeah yeah, so you've been saying for the past few weeks," James said without looking up. That last thing about the fat was just for insult. James actually wasn't that bad off, being only 180 pounds and 6 feet tall. He also had shoulder-length black hair which he kept pulled back in a ponytail and bright blue eyes. He'd been called cute more than anything else, though he could definitely do with some muscle

"Don't you talk to me like that you little son of a bitch," his uncle snapped angrily. "Keep that smart mouth of yours under control or I'll knock a couple teeth out."

James finally deigned to look up at his uncle. Despite his tough talk, the man was a short, overweight, "wannabe cowboy" looking man who looked like he belonged on a car lot selling used cars rather than on a horse. James would have liked nothing more than to see the bastard get thrown and trampled, but the odds of that were slim. The horse Chris road was as evil and foul tempered as the man himself. The beast loved him, and hated everyone else. Even now, it was looking at James as if it desperately wanted to stomp his head in.

"To what do I owe the pleasure," James asked, wanting to be out of his uncle's unpleasant company. "You don't usually like to come out to chat."

"The pleasure is that you get to clean Chance." Chance was the aforementioned evil horse. "He's getting almost as smelly as you, and I like my horse to be clean."

"You must be joking," James said with a horrified look on his face. "That thing will bite my hands off."

"What can I say, he don't like queers," Chris said with a nasty sneer. "I'm sure you'll figure something out. If not...well, I hear prosthetics are really good nowadays."

"Fine, I'll do that once I'm done with the shit piles. Anything else?"

"Yeah, watch your tone," Chris spat. "The wife'll be bringing your dinner out at 7, be done by then."

James just grunted as his uncle trotted off and went back to his shit shoveling. He took his time, wondering how he would wash Chance without getting maimed. All too soon though, the work was done. James put his shovel in the shed and walked over towards the stables.

Upon arriving at Chance's stall, James saw that Chris had left out a bucket of soapy water and a sponge. Chance was inside...untied and staring daggers at James. Oh fuck me, James thought. He slowly approached the agitated stallion and grabbed the sponge out of the bucket. He made it to Chance's flank and began gently scrubbing the sweat and grime off of his jet black coat. "There we go. That's it; you don't want to kill me." James muttered, beginning to think that this might not be as hard as he'd thought.

He spent over an hour washing the horse down before rinsing the soap off. "Hmm, maybe you aren't such a demon after all," the teen said as he turned to leave. Seeing his opportunity, Chance lunged forward and bit James right on the ass. The teen yelped loudly and jumped a foot in the air. Chance just stood there, nickering in a way that sounded like a chuckle. James slammed the stall door shut and stomped away, wondering why he'd expected to escape unscathed.

Later that night, as he was undressing for bed, James examines his ass. There was a ring-shaped bruise dead center on his right cheek. At the top of the ring, where the stallion's long front teeth had bitten down, the skin was actually broken and bleeding a bit. Cursing Chance and his whole species, James lay face-down in bed and went to sleep.

The next morning, James woke up with a groan. He didn't sleep well last night, having been plagued with nightmares, most of them involving Chance. There was even one dream where the large stallion had been rutting him. In his opinion, that was worse than the ones in which he was trampled to death. In spite of his disgruntled and overtired state, his morning wood was there just like every other day. Or maybe not like every day, James thought as he looked down with wide eyes. His cock, normally an average 6.5 inches, was now pushing 8 inches in length and almost doubled in girth. As he was puzzling over his equipment, he began to notice that his usually flat stomach was now rippled with the beginnings of a six pack.

James spent several minutes checking himself out, noting that all of his muscles seemed larger and more defined...not to an athletic level, but definitely more than he'd had when he came out to this farm. He assumed it was all the labor he'd been forced into. As for his dick, he really had no answer. He had no complaints either. What man doesn't want a bigger dong? Just as he was about to give it a test drive, he heard his uncle's voice yelling out for him. His uncle was the one thing in the world that was capable of killing his hormone-fueled teen erection faster than the speed of thought. Later, he thought as he lovingly tucked his member into his boxers.

After answering his "summons," James spent the rest of the day working on the farm. He baled hay, shoveled yet more shit, then took the shit and moved it to a compost heap with a small bobcat dozer. As he was finishing up, his uncle came out to him again.

"Not bad for a slacker," he said with contempt. "I got another special job for you tonight."

"If it involves that monster you ride, you can forget it," James said, his tone acidic. "He nearly tore a chunk out of my ass last night and I refuse to be around him again."

Chris glared at his nephew and moved a bit closer. "That would be all well and good if you had a choice in the matter wouldn't it?" He smiled smugly, apparently thinking he'd won. "The fact is you don't. If I tell you to do it, you're damn well gonna. If you don't, I send you home with a bad review and your parents won't pay for college. So here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna go and scrape the crud out of Chance's hooves tonight and give them a good scrubbing. Do a good job, and I'll forget this little bit of backtalk. Got it?"

"Yeah," James said grudgingly. He was stuck and he knew it. "I got it."

"Good. Chance will be waiting." With that, Chris trotted off again.

That evening, James went to Chance's stall again and found the horse in the same place. Something was different though. The stallion's body language had changed. Rather than radiating hostility, the horse seemed calm and actually happy to see James. The teen didn't trust it a bit though and approached cautiously, picking up the scraper his uncle had left out on the way.

James kneeled down and lifted one of Chance's front hooves up to scrape the dirt, dung, and other refuse out of it. While he was working, Chance lowered his head and began licking at the back of the human's neck. James was startled at first, expecting another bite, but soon settled down. He figured the horse just liked the salt in his sweat.

The two front hooves were cleaned without difficulty, and James had moved on to the rear ones before anything happened. While he was scraping, Chance began to get an erection. James didn't notice at first, but glanced up to see the huge stallion cock growing in front of his face. While he looked, the strong scent of Chance's musk assaulted his nostrils. James' cock sprang to full attention in only a few seconds and his thoughts became hazy. I need to get some air. I totally do NOT want to have sex with this horse, he thought frantically. He stood and began walking out of the stall. Chance whinnied sadly and grabbed the back of James' shirt in his teeth, pulling back and ripping the garment off. James darted out of the stall quickly and went outside for a few moments. He spent several minutes calming his mind and cock down to manageable levels.

Once he felt sufficiently in control, James returned to Chance's stall. The horse was no longer erect, but the smell of his musk was still heavy on the air. James resolved to ignore it, finish his work, and leave as fast as he could. He didn't have the opportunity though. As soon as he walked back through the gate, Chance rushed up and began licking the teen's chest frantically. At first, James just stood petting Chance behind the ears uncomfortably. After a minute though, he began to notice a burning itch where he was being licked. Just my luck, I'm allergic to horse spit. James looked down and felt his eyes bug out. His torso was covered in silver colored fur. Chance was now licking his arm, and everywhere the rough tongue passed, the fur sprouted with an itchy sensation to accompany it.

James turned to run, but he tripped and fell on his stomach. In the span of a few heartbeats, Chance was all over him, lapping and licking at his back. James had just managed to get on his hands and knees before he felt the stallion's teeth lock onto his waistband. He'd worn track shorts to counter the heat. The strong jaws were able to tear these, along with his boxers, right off without any effort. James was now nude except for his shoes. Chance's tongue was back with a vengeance, licking at the bite mark from the previous night. The fur that sprouted from the mark itself was white, while all the other fur on James' body was silver. It was almost as if Chance had branded him.

James was just trying to scramble up to leave when the stallion's tongue found his anus. James' knees buckled with pleasure and he collapsed back down to the floor with a moan. He felt Chance bury his tongue deep in his ass and begin pressing the strong muscle against his prostate. James looked back over his shoulder and was amazed to see that, while his body was becoming more horse-like, Chance was experiencing the reverse. His body structure was changing to be more and more human shaped. His forelegs became arms, the hooves dissolving away into hands. He shrunk down to the size of a pro linebacker and his back legs shifted to allow him to stand upright.

While Chance's changes were going on, he kept his tongue buried in James' ass. James, for his part, was changing just as rapidly. His face pushed out and became a long muzzle. His ears grew longer and became pointed. His black hair began trailing back down between his shoulders to form a thick black mane. A tail began forcing its way out of his tailbone. The protrusion didn't seem to bother Chance in the slightest. He just pulled his tongue out, flipped James over onto his back, and went back to his oral attack. James now had an unobstructed view of his front, which was also changing. His chest and arms bulged and rippled with muscle while his feet shrank and solidified into hooves, causing his shoes to pop off. James' heel moved up his leg, forming an extra joint.

James then felt a tremendous surge of lust as his cock began to grow and expand, going from 8 inches to a throbbing, dripping 12. The shape also changed, the head flattening and flaring out while a thick ring appeared in the middle. His foreskin retreated down the length of his shaft, growing fur as it went. It stopped just above the base of his cock and connected to James' belly, forming a sheath. The final part of his transformation was that his balls swelled to the size of pool balls and his sack grew a layer of silvery fur.

As soon as this last change was made, Chance pulled his tongue out of James ass and eyed the former human in approval. "I must say, you are one fine specimen if I ever saw one."

"" James was confused and his mind was addled by lust. In his current mental state, Chance was the most beautiful being he'd ever seen. The stallion was still much larger than James in every way, his jet black coat glistening as he crawled up so their faces were level.

"No need to say anything," Chance said with a smile. "Doing things is much more fun." He leaned forward and pressed his muzzle against James' in a firm kiss. James protested for a split second, then opened his mouth and returned the kiss with vigor. The two tongue wrestled for several minutes before Chance broke the kiss and sat up. He scooted forward so that the head of his massive cock was bobbing a few inches from James' face. "Get it nice and slick for me stud."

James needed no further incentive; he leaned forward and took the thick head of Chance's member into his mouth, breathing deeply through his nose to get some of the intoxicating musky scent. James began bobbing up and down on the pole, going down further each time. After a moment, he began to notice that his throat was much more capable of taking large objects than when he was human. Wanting to test his limits, he pushed forwards until his muzzle was pressed against Chance's fuzzy sheath. He had a small urge to gag, but nothing overpowering. Also, the feel of his throat being distended so much was strangely erotic. He set up a rhythm of going all the way down on Chance's cock, then pulling almost all the way off to give the head a thorough tongue-lashing. Chance rewarded James' efforts with grunts, moans, and spurts of pre.

After a couple minutes, Chance pulled out of James' mouth. "Hold on there kid, don't want to end this party early." The larger horse moved down again so that his saliva-soaked penis was poised at James' ass. "I got you all nice and loose down there, so you shouldn't feel a thing."

Without further ado, he pressed forward, pushing into James' tight tailhole. The stallion's statement was a bit of an exaggeration, James did feel a thing. There was a mild aching sting, but far stronger was the pleasure. It caused him to gasp and arch his back, spurting pre up onto his chest where it was eagerly lapped up by Chance. The black stud pressed forward, burying himself deeper in James' ass until he was fully hilted. After a short pause, he pulled back out only to thrust in again. James was overwhelmed by the sensations. He'd had sex before, sure. That's why he was at this farm. But this was on a whole other level. He didn't know it could get this good.

He wrapped his legs around Chance's hips and pulled, trying to get the stallion to go faster and deeper. Chance was happy to oblige, setting up a feverish pace that had the young silver horse seeing stars. Just when he thought he couldn't feel better, Chance dipped his head down and took the head of his cock into his mouth. James let out a loud whinny of pleasure. Unable to stand the double stimulation, he hit his climax, spraying his sizable load into Chance's waiting mouth. Chance was also driven over the edge by the tang of the seed in his mouth and the orgasmic spasms James' ass was making around his cock. With a roaring neigh, he hilted in James' ass and released what felt like gallons of horse cum into James' insides.

They lay there for several minutes, enjoying the closeness and their warm afterglow. Chance still had his cock wedged in James' ass. "So, think you'll be back again tomorrow stud?" Chance licked at James' neck. James just giggled and nodded before drifting off to sleep in Chance's strong arms. How could he ever have hated this horse?
