Darkness Rises

Story by shadow_panther_pj on SoFurry

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#7 of Shadow of Light

Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro character. If you wish to use one of the main characters in this story, ask me first or I will complain to the administrators. And be sure to give credit where credit is due. Thank you and happy reading.

Darkness all around, nothing but darkness. My fur is ruffled by strong winds, but I don't feel it push me. 'I'm falling' i think, eyes wide in terror as i realize i can't move. A small light in the distance flickers, becoming brighter and brighter until it consumes my field of vision and I scream in terror. I wake with a start, sitting bolt upright and sweating profusely. Looking around I see only darkness, except for a thin streak of light coming from what must be a cracked door. Just as I am about to lay back down the door opens, assaulting my eyes with bright light. "Ah!" I say before a towering feminine frame blocked the light. I close my eyes tight as whoever it was moved out of the way. Almost immediately I feel smooth scaled arms wrap around me and cool lips press against mine. A long reptilian tongue slithers between my lips and slowly wraps around my own, gently beginning to constrict it.

I give a soft murr of pleasure as a pair of breasts pres against my chest, the large female sitting in my lap and pressing her body against mine. She breaks the kiss and lays her head on my shoulder and whispers "Good morning, PJ. I was so worried about you." before kissing me again. I moan softly as she sits down on my waist, pressing my morning wood against her crotch though the blankets. She gasps quietly and I feel the blankets become wet around my stiff member, running my handpaws down her back slowly and massaging her tail base. Leaning down I take one of her hardened nipples in my maw lightly lapping at it and suckling it like a nursing cub, making her moan and grind her hips down on my crotch.

Firmly grasping her tail base I stand, murring as the blankets fall away and my needy length presses against Cress's hot treasure. She gasps and moans a bit more freely as I slowly grind my barbed member against her clit, gasping and shuddering against each other in arousal with every slow stroke. Gripping her tail base firmly, I slowly push the tip of my feline member into her warm slit looking up at her lovingly. She looks back down at me with a playful glint in her eyes. Before I even have time to think she grabs my shoulders and pushes me back onto the bed and straddles my waist. After the initial shock I murr contently, placing my handpaws on her hips and softly stroking her thighs. With a soft rumble she reaches down and firmly grasps my cock, lining it up with her already soaking wet slit.

Grinning mischievously I move my handpaws closer to her slit, squeezing her clit lightly between my thumbs and stroking it firmly sending sparks of pleasure through her beautiful body. She gasps and loses all thoughts of restraint, impaling herself on my throbbing member making us both moan in bliss as her tight walls stretch and contract lightly at the sudden intrusion. My barbs prick at her hot treasure as she slowly rises off of my member until only the tip is left, then slowly sliding back down. Over and over again and again I feel her passage slowly slide off my throbbing member before being slowly engulfed in her hot tightness, her copious juices soaking the bed below as her treasure twitches and quivers with every prick of my barbs.

She moans louder and louder, beginning to pick up the pace as her treasure tightens around my hard member. Faster and faster until we are both moaning loudly in pleasure and I buck my hips up to meet her every time she engulfs my feline member. Suddenly we are startled out of our ecstasy by Cress's alarm clock, its maddening blaring beeps making us both jump. As a result, my member lodges deep inside Cress and making us both moan in pleasure. She gets up, my member slipping out of her as I groan in disappointment.

"Do we have to stop?" I ask pleadingly.

"Yes, we can't miss school," she replies as I get up.

"Ok," I say, walking with her to the bathroom to freshen up, my stiff member bobbing with each step.

"Here, dad bought you this yesterday when he went to get groceries," she says, handing me a bright green toothbrush.

"Thanks a ton," I say, looking into her now light pink eyes. I give her a light kiss on the cheek and we both brush our teeth, our tails wrapping around each others.

After we finish we head to the kitchen and grab some breakfast. We both pour ourselves some Lucky Puffs and sit down in the living room to catch the morning news while we eat.

"Breaking news from the Middle East, it appears that the city of Maclacastan has become infected with some sort of plague literally over night." says the obviously indifferent news anchor.

"Oh my gosh, I hope it doesn't spread," Cress says. We finish our breakfasts in silence before grabbing our bags and heading to school.

~~~ Meanwhile, in the Middle East ~~~ A lone Osprey flies towards the city of Maclacastan, a silver dot set against the blackening sky that oozes over the land around the forsaken city. "Ten-four Baseplate, on route to ground 0, ETA 30 seconds," says the pilot, a silver wolf. "What do you think it is, Fluff?" he says to his copilot, a golden tigress.

"I don't know, and I told you to stop calling me that, Raamrod," Fluff says with a wry smile getting a blush from the lupine.

"Ok enough chit-chat Pyra, coming up on ground 0," says the pilot as they approach Maclacastan.

As the osprey approaches the already crumbling city, they are the first to witness the horror that had been unleashed. Every building in the city is covered in a sickening purple substance, and as they fly over the city they see the terrible fate that had befallen the city and its inhabitants. The purple substance resembles living vines, tendrils that cover every inch of the ground and creep across the land surrounding the city slowly. All tendrils seem to bloom out of the ground as if some gigantic demonic flower sprang up from the depths of Hades. In the very center of the city, where there had once been a beautiful palace, now stands an enormous spire of gargantuan vines of pure crimson hatred. Innumerable smaller tendrils branch off of it as the hair on a tarantula's legs, a writhing sea of bloody violet and red covering the spire which pierces the sickeningly black and inky clouds.

"Oh my god, what happened here?" Pyra says to her commanding officer.

"I have no idea, but what ever it is can't be allowed to spread." he says as he flips on the com. "Baseplate, this is Sparrow. We don't know what we got here, looks like red vines have covered the entire city. No sign of survivors, I doubt anything can survive here, over," he says. Suddenly the tendrils on the spire stop moving, a thick black cloud emanating from it headed towards the now hovering reconnaissance craft.

"What is that?" Pyra says, pointing at the cloud drifting towards them.

"Looks like that thing is puffing smoke," Raam replies.

"I don't think its smoke. It's moving towards us, and we're up wind," Pyra says, her expression turning more and more frightened with every word. Suddenly every tendril in the city emit's the strange substance into the air. An ominous buzzing sound, soft at first, steadily grows louder as the cloud gets closer to the craft. "See, that's no cloud. Sounds more like l-locusts to me," Pyra stutters in spite of her training. Nearby, a lone satellite dish poking out of the tendrils is enveloped in the cloud, shortly followed by the ear piercing sound of metal being scraped by a harder metal and within seconds it is completely dissolved.

"SHIT!" shouts the lupine pilot as they both take evasive maneuvers, trying desperately to escape the all consuming sentient cloud. The osprey lowers its propellers and takes off at top speed, racing to the edge of the acid mist as it rises up to meet them. Faster and faster it goes, but the mist seems to rise faster as they try harder to escape it. The mist is inches under them now as they near the edge of the rising cloud. Pyra and Raam both breathe a sigh of relief and an endorphin-induced giggle as they escape the cloud and heading straight back to base.

"Damn, that was a close one," Pyra says, looking at Raam relief plastered all over her face as they head west.

"Baseplate, this is Sparrow, it appears the tendrils are capable of emitting a gas that eats away at everything, wood, metal, plastic, everything. We were lucky to get out of there alive, over" Raam says.

"Ten-four Sparrow, return to base for your next assignment. You will be briefed upon arrival, Command asked for you two specifically,"

"Understood, Baseplate, over and out," "What's up with all the urgency?" pyra asks quizzically.

"I don't know, bet it has something to do with what nearly killed us," Raam replies sarcastically.

"What ever, lets just get back so you can buy me that drink you owe me," Pyra replies jovially.

~~~ Back home ~~~

"Ok class, time is up turn in your tests," says Mrs. Jacobs, the new trigonometry teacher. Just as I hand in my test the bell rings for lunch and everyone grabs their stuff and heads off to the cafeteria. As soon as I walk out the door a surprisingly thin and scrawny tiger stops me and pulls me aside.

"What the heck?" I say in surprise. My eyes widen in shock as he kisses my square on the lips, which I return after I get over the initial shock.

After about a minute he breaks the kiss and smiles with a cute blush. I gasp in surprise as a long lost memory returns to me. "Alex, that really you?" I ask the attractive tiger, not completely sure if he is my old boyfriend or not.

"In the fur! How've you been?" he says reassuring my hopes of seeing him again, causing me to hug him tight and nearly squeal in delight.

"You mean since you disappeared without a trace in middle school?" I response, laughing as I end our embrace and we start walking towards the cafeteria paw in paw. "I've been great."

"Good, 'cause we got a lotta catching up to do," he says and pulls me into the nearest bathroom, into one of the shower stalls, and locks the door as his scent begins to have an effect on me.

"Whoa, hold on. We can't juts... just..." I say, cut off by his scent making my mind hazy and my sheath thicken. He pulls me into a close embrace and kisses me heatedly. His tongue pushes into my muzzle as it dances with mine and he presses his body against mine. My tongue wrestles with his as my cocktip pokes out of my sheath and presses against him.

"Mmm someone looks happy to see me," he says, breaking the kiss as he gets on his knees and licks my cocktip softly. I moan softly and rest my paw between his ears as my member hardens and slides out of my sheath, resting on his muzzle and throbbing with my heartbeat. He giggles and takes my cock in his muzzle, suckling on it and bobbing up and down my length slowly. I gasp and clench my eyes shut as pleasure surges thru my member, pushing down on his head a little and guiding him to take more of my length. The only thought that goes thru my pheromone-filled mind is of the pleasure my long lost boyfriend is giving me. I gasp as I feel him twirl his tongue quickly around my length and grabbing my hips as he takes me into his throat and swallows around my cock. I grab the sides of his head and hold him down on my cock as I moan loudly, making him redouble his efforts. I grip his head tight and suppress a roar as I cum in his throat, his swallowing my seed making me cum even more.

My legs buckle as my orgasm subsides, slumping back against the wall for support. "You've gotten really good, Alex," I murr, basking in the afterglow of my orgasm.

"I'm glad you remember, it's been so long. How are you? I heard you're mating your sister," he says with a wry smile.

"Well, kinda, it's a long story and she isn't my blood sister," I say as my cock softens back into my sheath and we walk out of the shower room.

===================================================================== Hope yall liked it, I didn't exactly do my best on this one but I think I did pretty good. As always please comment and vote ^_^ thanks to AlexMercer for being a good friend and letting me use him in this story.