Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 12 - Verse Two, Family Ties

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#12 of Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields

Edit: Blaring Inconsistency

A/N: There's a spider crawling on my ceiling so I'm going to make this brief. I hate spiders. Now, You might like what happens, you might not. I've had the idea for most of this since the introduction of the Lyrii. You don't like it? Tough, it's my story.

This story contains blah blah blah sex, gay, mansex, more gay, science fiction, furries, humans, aliens, blah blah, violence, blah blah blah floof. If you're under 18 you know where to click. (on the scrollbar, duh ;) ) You know you shouldn't be here, so I don't advocate your reading this, but it doesn't really bother me any. Sorry, I'm just not a stickler for it. I'm not at fault if you are caught fapping to my gay-furry smutfolio.

Enjoy some yiff and near-yiff experiences

There is a promised Zero-Gravity Yiff in a later chapter ;3

Here it is:


Chapter 12: Verse Two, Family Ties

Three evenings past when they had arrived, the Sirian commander and the other survivors from the Falchion gathered aboard a large transport, well furnished, more a yacht than a military transport. They had set a flight-plan that had them orbiting close to the wreckage of the Falchion, and today was to be their memorial day.

The control set to automatic, the four males shared a silence before Sota, the Captain's son, spoke. "I was raised, by my father, to distrust and loathe certain species of our world, but I've left that part of me behind. I was lucky to have escaped the old ways when I had, or I would have ended up like the former commander of our planet's resistance."

The wolf's black hair had grown much, and he had taken to letting it hang, tying a handful of it to either side of his face back. He had suffered vision damage from a near miss with a Craganii Cannon shot, it had burned his eyes badly but he had recovered from the burn. His vision had, unfortunately, not returned fully, his retinas permanently misshapen from the event. As consequence, he had been forced to wear eyeglasses; though he had gotten a sleeker-framed pair when he arrived at Serenity. He looked intelligent, which isn't to say that he wasn't.

In the three days they'd been on the station, he and Axis had actually become quick friends, and despite their inherent prejudices towards one-another, they had become the better for it.

The wolf continued to speak; "My father was not a great man, but he was a good man. He was brash and cold, but there were sides to him that nobody but his family saw. Even though his actions were wrong, his motives were true, and just. I respected him..." said the wolf finally. He sat back in the comfortable armchair, a foot up on one of the arms as he sipped at something green in a simple globe-shaped glass.

Atlas leaned forward and rested an arm on either of his knees, sitting on the ledge beneath a large view port. He had chosen to wear his old uniform, from aboard the Falchion, in service to his memories.

"That ship still fills my mind... all of my friends were on it; Carson, Erika, Isaiah... Good people, torn from the galaxy because of war. Every member of the Falchion Crew was our kin; they were born there and they died there. None of us here knew war until we saw it first hand on Sirius. They'll never know war... They were lucky for that. Remember them..."

Jasyn laid a paw to Axis' cheek, both of them wearing their formal Earth Forces uniforms. "My parents were good people, despite my constant arguments with my father. All I can really say is that they'll be missed, but they brought me into this world... and I'm not going to let their deaths go unpunished."

Axis just stared into his mate's eyes and smiled very faintly before he looked out through the view port at the wreckage. "I learned to build, and create on that hunk of junk. If not for my mother, Jasyn may not have taken me with him to Earth. I might have been dead, like the rest of our crew," he lowered his head and looked back at Sota before he added; "But I remember Claire. I choose to celebrate her life specifically. She was the only person; besides Jasyn and the foxes, that showed the slightest bit of caring towards me. She was a rebel, like Jasyn, and she was one of my friends. I cannot imagine your loss, Sota."

The wolf turned his head towards the wreckage and smiled. "She liked that, Levi," he said, his pilot's formalwear causing him to stand out. "Your mother... was a kind vixen. I could never have asked a better confidante. I spoke to her often, though I'll bet she never spoke about me. I remember her, celebrate her, for every day that I live from now till the day I die."

Jasyn gently nuzzled his kit's ear and sighed. "Fay Levi... musician, poet, counsellor. She won't go unremembered by anybody that can hear me... and everyone on that ship is ever etched in the history of our race."

The four shared another long silence, not one daring to say a thing more to cheapen the memories of their loved and lost.


Mathieu watched the silver darts fly by a seventeenth time; one particular ship caught his interest more than the others as he gazed through the view-port. On their eighteenth pass; at least that he had watched; Mati heard a quiet series of pings from somewhere in the room. It was different than the call-alarm so he followed it.

The three notes repeating over and over betrayed the small device's presence to the adept husky; the size of an almond and roughly the same shape. Mathieu blinked and picked it up, immediately hearing a voice emanate from the machine. "Put it in your ear, Mati," came the voice of the pilot he had met not a day earlier. The husky did as he was told, and he felt the device shift slightly of it's own accord and gently wedge itself into his ear canal. He could hear perfectly out of the ear, but the 'almond' functioned as a communications earpiece.

"Okay," continued the voice, "now there should be a band near where you found it," indeed there was, and the husky picked it up. "Place the red light over the middle of your throat and stand still for a moment."

Thrill filled the young Sirian's veins as he slipped the band as required, using a mirror to position it properly. The 'red light' was at the somewhat wider end of the band, and the moment he stood upright the device began to tighten a slight amount, clinging to his neck with tiny little pins that were barely even visible. They caught in his fur and anchored the device.

"Once that's done... speak boy," said the voice, and Mathieu giggled a bit.

"You know that's the twenty-fourth time I've seen you fly by my window?" said the husky with a chuckle, and he instantly realized what the device was. "Oh! It's a communicator! Interesting design, hands-free once you get it at-"

"Woah! You spoke too soon, it cut in halfway through; really loud. Try that again," said the voice in his ear.

"Hi there, Aura," said the husky with a smile. He quietly clambered onto his bed, which was below the window, and continued to watch.

"I was just in the circuitry and thought I'd slice by," mused the pilot with a playful tone, "I was just curious if you had any plans for, say... right this moment?"

Mati chuckled and shook his head; realizing the other half of his conversation wouldn't be able to hear that, he corrected himself. "Not explicitly; nothing I couldn't change. Have something in mind, lieutenant?" he said, and he immediately realized that he was sounding far too flirty for his own good.

"Well, running into you in the hangar a bit ago; I thought I'd take some time to get to know you. Plus, we pilots don't really have anything to do. We're just here; orbiting, flying, piloting, boring ourselves to death... it's monotony," chuckled the male, and Mati smirked a bit. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang for a bit, shoot the swirl or... um... turn some phrases?"

It was a deliberate attempt at humour and the young Sirian couldn't help but giggle a bit, smiling wide. "I would adore that. I'd like to get to know you too. Where would you like to go?" he asked, his ears flicking; a bit to the dismay of the almond.

"Well, I could take you planetside, and we could take in the sights and sounds of Elora. I hear the boreal forests were spared much of the devastation from the war, and are rather nice this time of year," suggested the pilot.

"Perhaps something on the station for now; I'm still technically under quarantine. Maybe a trip to the... what was it called... the station archive says it's a room full of steam?" said the husky.

"Sauna? Doubt that'd be too pleasant for you, with the fur and all..." remarked Aura, sighing a bit. "You know what... forget-"

"Why not just hang out in my quarters? Might not be 'fun' but at least it's easy," hastily suggested Mathieu, instantly blushing. "It's up to you, though."

"Great, meet me in the hangar in about fifteen minutes," came Aura's reply.


Axis plodded into his and Jasyn's quarters; his second meeting had been exhausting, had taken up more than half of the day, and had apparently cost three other people a meeting with the station manager. She just wouldn't let him go, asking countless questions and seeming intrigued at the designs laid before her.

"And, you're telling me that someone who has scarcely seen a re-directive power relay came up with this theory?" the woman had asked, questioning Axis about Jasyn.

Axis quietly threw himself onto his shared bed and yawned wide, mental functions arresting themselves. He was unable to even stand anymore; his ears felt too heavy for him to hold up; for example. To put it bluntly, he was quite thoroughly 'pooped'. He didn't even bother attempting to remove his uniform as he lay in the comfortable bed.

'Jasyn would be at his quarantine examination now. After that it's planetside and we can finally see more of Earth,' thought the fox; immediately regretting it, as his headache returned.

"Ugh... I need sleep..." he said aloud, and promptly managed to doze off.


Mathieu stood outside the hangar, remembering that it was off-limits to civilians. He just waited, still having his communications 'headset' on. He emitted a bored yawn and stretched broadly, staring up at the ceiling for a few moments before he heard a noise to his left.

Again; the human boy never ceased to amaze the husky. He had managed to be caught off guard, twice in the same day. The male was just retying his ponytail and smiled. "Mind if we stop off at the barracks? I need to get out of my flight-suit and into a proper uniform," said the male with a curious look.

Mathieu shook his head and let his arms fall to his sides, responding; "Why would I mind? Lead away lieutenant." He flicked his curled tail once, smiling and watching as 'Aura' took a lead.

"It's this way. It'll only take a few minutes, these things get mighty itchy sometimes," spoke the pilot with a chuckle, unzipping the chest of the flight suit to reveal a grey undershirt. The zipper itself ran from the neck-tight collar to just below the groin; but half-zipped like it was it let the front fold over in a triangle.

'Ooh," was the one thing to slip into the husky's mind.


Aries and Blaze sat back in the tub; having gotten one of the special guest quarters they had access to a private bathtub, big enough to fit three or four people. They just relaxed and sat there, having no explicit qualms about seeing one-another nude. It had happened before; after all they'd been together for just less than a month.

Aries' black fur glistened in the somewhat steamy air; sitting back with his eyes closed, opposite the Lyrii; with crimson eyes directed towards the Sirian.

'It's nice; sitting here, knowing he's there, and not having to say a word. Serene,' thought the Sirian wolf, 'peaceful.' He was remembering when he'd asked Blaze's name, coming up with a completely random name to pose the somewhat awkward question.

Aries felt a weight on his legs, and a pair of arms around his chest, the familiar feel of the Lyrii's nose pressed against his neck. "In Earth English, it would be pronounced Ta'zriel. It means colourful one," said the male, as he moved his eyes to gaze into the twin novas that were Aries' eyes.

"How did y--" started the wolf, himself sliding arms around the Lyrii; who had placed himself in a non-sexual position. Blaze interrupted him however with a gentle kiss that lasted but a moment before he replied.

"I can read your mind, Aries Tycho Levi. You haven't told anybody but Orion your middle name and you're actually a twin, whose brother was taken by the Crag some 7 years ago," said Ta'zriel, nuzzling the wolf's neck again affectionately.

Aries was dumbstruck, and simply stared over Blaze's shoulder at the dyed-metal wall. He silently pulled the Lyrii closer, fully into his lap, and hugged him tightly.

"Colourful one, eh?" said the wolf aloud, gently kissing Blaze's neck. "How very... acute," he added, moving a paw to stroke just above the Lyrii's tail.

"A-aries..." shuddered the male, pressing a bit closer as he held onto his male. "That... feels so... right..." came the rest of his statement, his ears twitching helplessly as he cooed with a slight gasp.

"Blaze... to me, you've proven your intent. You are loving, loyal, and so very sweet. Your eyes are the same as that which flows through me, and draw me ever deeper. My poetry sucks, but the point I'm making is; I honestly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, am emotionally and spiritually attached to you in a way deep enough to never bring conscious harm to you," spoke the wolf, and the other male just quietly listened, staring into Aries' eyes with a profound sense of belonging.

"You make me feel whole, and are as a beacon to me when I need guidance. I believe I want to 'be with you' but, never will it be forced," quietly added Aries with a silent emphasis on what he had been saying.

"Aries... there is something you should know before we decide to go a step further..." started the Lyrii, his eyes averting quietly.

"What is it?" asked the wolf, bringing a paw to turn his loved-one's eyes to look at his.

Blaze could see only trust, love, and concern in those pools of lead and gold. With a quiet sigh, the male quietly began to speak.


Mathieu lay pinned to the ground beneath the agile Aura, who by this moment was smirking quietly. The human boy quietly pressed his nose to the Sirian's cheek in a somewhat animal-like way, bringing a smile to the husky.

"A-Alraune?" stammered the one below, blushing quietly.

"Sorry, MT, you're the one that tried to leap on me," the human replied. He had used some obscure martial art countermeasure to instead pin the husky when Mathieu attempted to pounce on him, a playful gesture on the husky's part.

"Heh... c-could you let me go now? I promise I won't try that again..." said Mati, just shivering slightly.

"Aww..." groaned the human, before moving away and helping the husky to his feet. "That'd be no fun at all..." he flirted, shamelessly.

In the hour they had spent together the two had spoken openly; about their cultures, favourite foods, experiences, and had even touched on orientation. Mathieu had learned the human's full first name was Alraune, a name that meant mandrake in an old Earth language. It was traditionally a female name, but it seemed to suit him fine, sounding powerful and graceful.

When the male had asked if Mati had a 'boyfriend' the husky chuckled, quietly admitted he didn't, and tried to take the human by surprise. He intended to ask, after pinning him, whether that was an invitation. That had backfired.


"So... if we do this... we could end up with a child?" said Aries quietly, looking up into his Lyrii's eyes with a bit of a smile. As the male nodded the wolf asked; "Would that explicitly bother you?"

Immediately Blaze flushed and shook his head quickly. "No, no, no, not at all... I just thought... you should know."

As it is that things are not always as they appear, strange facts about the Lyrii were slowly being uncovered. One in every four Lyrii males, despite where they hailed from, had a genetic trait in common. These males were capable of bearing children, just as the females were, through completely natural means. Those that had the gene were almost guaranteed to bear a male child, with the odds stacked eighty percent that the child would also carry the gene. It was unclear what might happen in a mixed-race child, but any physician could be spoken to about such things.

"And, in order for that to occur, I have to 'dock' with you, correct?" asked Aries, nuzzling still.

"Technically it could occur from you blowing a load and having any of it end up on my sheath, but in essence yes," came the reply.

"Then, we can wait, or we can be very careful and traditional. I'll... leave that up to you, but I want to know the risks for any possible child between us before anything like that even thinks about happening. Alright, babe?" Aries smiled, licking the Lyrii's cheek with a murr.

Blaze let out a quiet sigh of relief and gently turned his head to lick at Aries' lips, catching them in a gentle, passionate kiss. He stroked his paws down his love's front and shivered quietly before whispering, half-submerged in bathwater still, "If we're to do this... can we go somewhere comfortable?"


Aura just lay there on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as Mati returned from the washroom, smiling quietly. "Alright. So I'm bored, any ideas?" asked the husky as he sat down by the human's head, one leg resting up on the bed. He looked down at the dark-haired furless being, noticing a quiet subtlety about him.

"Ever been in zero-g, husky?" asked the male, smirking quietly; "cause I can turn the Grav-plating in this room off."

The husky blinked and smiled quietly. "I've always wanted to go 'No-G', can we?"

The lieutenant simply chuckled and stepped over to the panel beside the door. He pressed a single button and Mati immediately felt lighter. He saw the leaves on a plant seem to straighten out, going somewhat rigid. He watched as Alraune drifted closer, smiling. He even pushed experimentally with his paws away from the bed, floating above the solid floor.

"Now you're going to feel some slight nausea--" started Alraune, and the husky immediately gripped his sides and curled up in midair.

"Ugh... what the hell?" groaned Mati, actually rotating in midair from the action of curling up.

"It's called Space-Sickness. You're just not used to the weightless sensation, give it about a minute and you should be okay," comforted the human. "The air is laced with a very small amount of medication for space-sickness; it's small enough that it wouldn't even register on regular sensors, but it's enough to counteract the symptoms given a little time."

Mati slowly uncurled, the time it took to explain all that being plenty to recover. He just looked around himself, his head hitting the ceiling with a dull thud. With a yelp, he cradled his head, at the same time stopping himself from moving.

"We can't keep this up for long, you aren't used to it, and your body isn't conditioned properly. Blood could pool if your heart isn't properly tuned. But I thought I'd give you a taste of weightlessness," said the human, who had now come up beneath the husky. He reached up and grabbed the Sirian's jacket, tugging the somewhat smaller male downward and hugging him in the lack of gravity.


Jasyn walked briskly down the corridors, turning into his quarters to find Axis, half-undressed by now, lying on the bed peacefully asleep. He blinked a few times and chuckled amusedly before curling his tail around his right leg and stepping closer to the fox.

Step by step he inched closer, and then slipped in behind his fox, nuzzling Axis' neck gently and smiling. Jasyn and Mati were the last two that needed to be cleared of Quarantine before the group could continue to the planet, and Mati wouldn't be staying planetside for long. Even this late into the training year, the E.S.F.C. Board of Enrolment had deemed Mathieu to be skilled enough to still catch up with the trainee pilots aboard Serenity.

He quietly hugged his mate tighter, wanting only to be as close as he could to the overburdened fox.


Orion quietly licked Lucas' chest, holding the Dalmatian close. The fingers gently stroking at the fox's back told him that the male was thoroughly enjoying the treatment, but the groans of slight pleasure were infinitely more satisfying.

The fox stopped without a word and simply hugged the Dalmatian, looking up into his viridian eyes with a loving gaze; returned fully by the larger male who held Orion closer than it seemed was possible.

With a sigh, Orion licked the coarse-voiced Dalmatian's neck and spoke aloud. "You saved me from Roman, in a way. You... saved me from myself in another. Angel, I love you..." he said in the most confident tone he'd ever managed in his life.

Lucas looked down at Orion and smiled. He quietly slipped his paws under the fox's arms and tugged him up, looking him in the eyes from their laying-down position. "Once more, My Star, I had to protect you. I love you aswell, Orion," came the raspy answer.

The two lay there for a very long while, just staring into one-another's eyes.


Mati nipped at Alraune's shoulder, the human giggling as they rolled in zero gravity. "H-hey, cut it out Mati, those fangs are sharp and my skin is thinner than yours," protested the male, giggling the whole while.

"If you insist," smirked the husky, who immediately took to licking just under Aura's jaw. This made the human giggle even more, before emitting a quiet moan, twisting slightly in midair.

"Mmf... if... you keep that up, you're going to... make me..." gasped Alraune with a heavy blush, turning shades of crimson.

"Horny?" asked the husky with a grin, pressing close to the young human. "I think it's a bit late to be worrying about that, cutie," added the Sirian, sniffing at the air.

The male quietly nodded and bit his lower lip, feeling a pair of paws stroke his back gently. His back was a very sensitive spot; due to a trauma to the skin his back had become almost supersensitive to touch in certain places. This gentle caress drove him quietly wild, and he pressed closer to Mathieu.

"Aura... this might seem really sudden..." started the husky, nipping at the male's uniformed shoulder again. "But... would it be asking too much if I asked to see you... um... naked?"

The human gasped, his large hazel eyes looking at the Sirian with a bit of a smirk. With a very gentle push he floated down towards the floor, slowly unzipping the white jacket and tossing it, as well as is able in zero gravity, to the other side of the room. With a slow, almost teasing motion, the young human slowly revealed his navel. He snickered up at the Sirian, so transfixed with him, and moved an arm by his ear.

Mathieu stared the several meters towards Aura, just watching quietly, before suddenly feeling a sudden pull as the gravity plates were activated. The human had flipped the switch and was now sprawled on the floor snickering quietly after watching the husky drop from the ceiling.

"Sorry, husky. You'll have to wait awhile. But eventually... I think I could allow that," smirked the human as he moved onto his feet. Mathieu had landed safely on his bed, but the shock of falling several feet had stunned him a bit.

As he slowly got to his knees and looked at Aura, the human was watching him intently; head tilted as though intrigued while he gazed. For a moment their eyes met, icy blue and woodsy hazel; winter and summer as it were.

"It's late. I think that maybe we should get something to eat..."


Aries nipped experimentally at Blaze's golden-furred shoulder. The male had let his hair grow a bit, the fur beneath naturally being crimson. Along the Lyrii's back were crimson streaks aswell. The rainbow-dyed head fur that Aries had met the male under was now just the tips; but all this faded into obscene trivia as the wolf slowly started to bite his love's furred flesh.

Ta'zriel quietly shuddered; hugging Aries close as he lay with the male. He stroked with six-fingered paws at the lines down Aries' left arm, quietly transfixed and at the same time at his wits end in extended bliss.

As Aries quietly pressed his nose under Blaze's jaw, the golden-furred male whispered quietly; "Please... Aries... I want this..." He curled his dexterous tail around Aries' left leg, shivering in lust.

A gentle stroke along his cheek preceding a kiss of loving quality; Aries bestowed upon his lover a cherished memory. Slowly, hesitantly, the wolf breathed the words "How do I do this?" against the golden-furred cheeks of the catlike Lyrii.

Blaze gently moved his paws to Aries' ebon chest and whispered, "I'll show you... just get on your back..." He pushed gently against the wolf's chest to emphasize the point, staring into his love's sunburst eyes.

He could have been lost in those eyes for an hour before he realized that the wolf had done as he had asked; but realizing it the golden-furred Blaze slowly slid downward along his pitch counterpart's form. He trailed a long, loving lick along the chest and abs of Aries, eliciting a moan as the warm tongue slowly glided past his beltline. Were he wearing a belt Aries would have taken it off at this point, but he simply lay there in quiet joy.

Face to face with the black fur of Aries' sheath, Blaze murred and nuzzled along it. The hearty scent and musk of his wolf drove the Lyrii to the edges of sanity, and he gently took a moment to admire the thick, black sheath.

The lines of red were like a river down his chest, branching off in a delta above his sheath. Aries' rivers quietly dipped between his thighs and snaked small red lines across his ample sac. With a soft murr Blaze kissed where the lines met, drawing an equally soft murr from Aries. The wolf clenched his paws into fists as he laid there, murring softly.

With a small smirk Blaze licked his lips, before slowly stroking a slender fingertip downwards along the length of Aries' filling sheath. He felt a slight throbbing sensation from within the furry coat and grinned subtly to himself. "You're well-endowed, from what I can see," said the Lyrii; giving the broad black tip, which had just peeked from the confines of Aries' sheath, a quick kiss.

Quietly the wolf moaned and squirmed a bit, feeling his length slip from its protective sheath. Blaze let out a quiet murr as he licked just beneath the slight ridge at the bottom of the wolf's cocktip; another low moan releasing from the virgin wolf.

As Aries length came fully erect, eight inches of ebon wolf-cock with a bead of pre at the tip; Blaze gasped slightly.

"Well endowed indeed," whispered the golden-furred male, kissing the bead of pre-cum away. Aries just squirmed a bit, whining in lusty pleasure as a male of a species completely different his own set to work pleasuring him. He felt at once like he was both betraying his species, and giving into temptation. At the same time; a wonderful sense of love bode over him.

"B-Blaze..." whispered the wolf.

The Lyrii said nothing for a short while, gently licking at the wolf's sheath for a few moments before he stopped and looked up. "Yeah, Wraith?" he asked, smiling softly.

Suddenly the golden male found himself on his back, pinned to the floor with Aries looking into his eyes in a lusty haze. The wolf's length dangled between the Lyrii's slightly spread thighs, and Blaze quietly shivered in his own quiet lust. "I think I can handle this... if you'll let me," whispered Aries as he nipped at his lover's neck gently.

The nip sent waves of euphoria through the quiet furry male, his eyes screwed shut as he moaned in deep passion. "Wh-why would I st-stop you... wolfie?" said the barely-mature boyish voice of the younger male.

Aries gently pressed forward, not saying anything until his tip pressed against the Lyrii's cleft. Gently, and with a loving slowness, the wolf slipped his paws down and lifted and spread Blaze's thighs, bending his legs at the knees. The Lyrii immediately wrapped his legs around Aries' midsection, and the wolf felt a thin tail wrap around his ankle. He pressed his tip to the exposed entrance and murred a bit, feeling Blaze involuntarily tighten the ring of muscle from the subtle press.

The Lyrii let out a quiet gasp as he felt the tip at his rear; gently pulled at the hips with his hooked ankles, wanting to feel the bliss of carnal pleasures. In truth, he was no more skilled than Aries in this area, but he had constantly enjoyed the thoughts of the wolf.

With a gentle grunt, the wolf slowly pressed forward, spreading Blaze's rear around his inch and a half wide rod. The tapered tip initially just caused a slight discomfort, but nearing the knot the younger male gasped and cried out softly. "A-aah- it hurts..." he whined softly, claws digging gently into the wolf's back.

Aries gasped from the claws, shivering slightly as he stopped. He looked at the screwed eyes of his lover, willing them to open quietly. When the wolf saw the crimson eyes open to look at him he laid a gentle kiss to Blaze's nose, speaking softly. "Want... to stop?" he asked, his breath feeling hot against the flesh of Blaze's lips.

The Lyrii quickly tightened his legs around the wolf, pushing him the rest of the way in, with exclusion to the knot, and said, "Not on your-ugh- your life, Stars," at which the wolf smirked and slowly drew back only to press forward again and emit a quiet growl of pleasure.

"Ugh... please, Aries,' whimpered Blaze, groaning as he felt his own length press against the wolf's abs, seven inches of rigid tan flesh; "make me... your... mate!" He felt the wolf above him press deeper into him, stroking spots he scarcely knew existed. He moaned, feeling the slight pain subside into pleasure as the wolf's length rubbed against a sensitive area, arching his back to facilitate Aries' thrusts.

Aries looked down and halted for a moment, just registering what Blaze had said. He gazed into the half-closed crimson eyes and watched the Lyrii's lips mouth the word 'yes' not having to ask a single thing. With a slightly more meaningful growl he thrust deep inside his 'mate', ramming against that same spot he heard a moan from mere moments earlier.

Between pants the wolf slowly breathed the words; "I love you... Blaze," a paw slowly finding it's way down to the male's length. With a slight gasp, the Lyrii tightened his tailhole around his mate's member, letting out a quiet mewl of joy as he felt the paw around his shaft.

As Aries started to stroke the modest length, the Lyrii began to hump into the paw, bringing the wolf no displeasure as he continued thrusting into the moving target. "A-aries..." gasped the younger male, shivering as he felt a jolt go up his spine, "please..."

The wolf drew his hips back, pounding into his mate with a lusty moan as he felt his knot press against the tight opening. With paw wrapped around fleshy member the wolf stroked and thrust, moaning as he kissed his lover's neck. The silken flesh sliding against his member sent waves through him, and he shuddered as he felt his waves about to fire back. "L-love... I'm close..." he lustily whispered, nipping at the Lyrii's ear with a murr.

Blaze loudly moaned himself, his own length throbbing hotly in the wolf's paw. He was close aswell, and he barely had time to voice it after groaning out in pleasure a noisy urging onward. "Please, Aries... in-inside..." he gasped, almost sobbing in sheer joy as the wolf took him.

Nodding almost too solemnly, Aries gently nipped a bit harder at the shoulder of his desire's golden form, thrusting several more times before drawing back and slamming the entirety of his ebon length deep inside of Blaze, knot stretching his Lyrii lover wider, fully two inches around, before letting the male relax somewhat around the thinner underside. The sudden clench around his base made the wolf go mad in lust, gently grinding his knot around inside his male, the wolf began to shoot thick, hot threads of savoury, molten seed into his all too willing mate.

In the split second after he felt the hot juices flowing into him, Blaze let out a loud cry of lust as his length erupted in a torrent of pleasure. Jets of bittersweet Lyrii semen shot along his chest with an audible spatter. The male lay, panting his wolf's name and looking into Aries' nova eyes.

The wolf staring back, the two locked in a loving gaze, and a loving embrace, Aries gently closed the gap. He let his lips speak for him, his ears folding slightly as he melted into his love's sweet embrace. Blaze licked and suckled at the tongue against his lips, gently drawing the kiss further as he slid his paws around his mate's midsection. The two were lovingly engrossed in one-another. In the throes of their passion they had managed to pull everything off of their bed, shatter a vase, and knock over a table.

The two stared longingly for a length of time that seemed all to quick to both, who wished it to last for near eternity; Aries finally breaking the silence with a low growl. "You will be mine?" he asked, his love-noise causing the male beneath him to murr excitedly.

Without a second thought the Lyrii replied, clenching once his intruded entrance as an emphasis. "Of course, Aries. I was yours that day on the beach," came the soft-spoken response, and in another instant the Lyrii slid a paw up to clasp with one of his lupine mate's. "You mean more than the world to me... I'll--aah--I'll always be here for you..."

His heart aflutter, the wolf gently squeezed the paw, looking into the crimson eyes of the most joy-bringing being he'd ever been near enough to touch. He gently licked the Lyrii's cheek and said, his eyes deep and loving; "And I'll be yours for all of my days..."

And they slept there; nude, slightly damp, on the floor, with eachother; not a care in the world. Not a thought touching their minds while they lay with the most important being either of them had known.


Mati smiled and gave the human boy a quick hug before his guest left. "I'll see ya tomorrow then?" asked the pup, smiling.

Aura turned and smiled, walking backward down the corridor. "Of course you will. Would I pass up the chance to spend more time with someone as awesome as you?" flirted the boy, before waving to the Sirian again.

"Good night, furless!" called Mati, before retreating into his room and smiling softly to himself. 'I think I like him' he thought, giggling like a schoolchild. He quickly stripped off all forms of clothing, tossing them to the ground as he curled up, nude, on his bed. He held his pillow to his chest and grinned quietly, nuzzling it. 'I know I like him,' he corrected, and then thought only of what he would like to do with the male.


Orion curled up, spent, in Lucas' arms, nuzzling his panting lover. The young fox stroked a paw against the bare-chested spotty-dog, licking his mate's neck gently.

"Did you... enjoy that?" panted the Dalmatian, licking his lips as he stared lovingly into the fox's eyes. Even when rushed, the rasp was unmistakable in Lucas' voice.

Orion looked down at himself, his stomach sticking to the black-on-white Sirian's. He giggled a bit and looked back up, in another confident reply. "I think so, but I think I'll need a second taste of what I just had."

Lucas chuckled and nuzzled his lover's ears, happily stroking the fox's back. "Of course, Stars, of course," he said, licking a red-furred cheek. "Can it wait for a bit though?" he asked after a moment, just cradling the boy.

Orion smirked and nodded, licking back at Lucas' cheek. "Of course, Angel... I'll wait for you."


Yay, another non-cliffhanger. I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed it. I liked it.

That spider is pissing me off now, I'm going to go. Watching it crawl is making me want to vomit.

Read, rate, review. Clean yourselves up before you go outside. Ciao!
