
Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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#4 of White Wolf


Lannius Drasec

"Uh, Killsy? I think we should put that on hold for a minute."

"Mmmm, but I'm having sooooo much fun." He sucks harder, almost driving me to the edge, the excitement alone was turning me on. I decided to go against my better judgment and take a chance. I went on the road and instantly felt exhilarated. He begun to suck harder and I couldn't hold off anymore. I blasted my load into his wanting throat. He took it all in and swallowed every last bit.

"Oh, god Killsy." Killsma brought his head up and kissed me, tasting my own seed as he worked the rest of my cum out of my wolfhood.

"How was that Lycy?"

"It was great Killsy."

We stare into each other's eyes, suddenly a beautiful light brightens up his face, showing all it's radiance and beauty, but it also horrified me beyond all belief. I looked ahead at the headlights of another car, heading straight for us. I swerve back into my lane and hit the side railing of the road. The car flies out and Me and Killsma grab each others paws. The car collides with the rocks below and the front end is completely demolished.

A million things rush through my mind, but every one of them things leads back to Killsma, how could I have been so stupid, keep your eyes on the fucking road! I black out for a second, but come to after everything stops moving. I look to my side, the paw in my own paw feeling cold. There, next to me, Killsma has a jagged rock sticking into his face, warm blood trickling down it. I start to cry, tears flowing like the blood, and I do the only thing my mind will allow me to do, I call out. I call out not for help, not for god, I call out for Killsma.

"k...killsy? Killsma! KILLSMA!!!"

He doesn't respond as I call out. He doesn't move, doesn't blink, he doesn't even show the slightest sign of breath.

", no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." I can't seem to think or speak any other word, I couldn't handle it. It was all too much ,and I just couldn't deal with it. I loved him, no, I loved him, I can't loose him, no, please no, not him. But it was him, and this was happening, the wreck, the pain, all of it was real.

I let the tears flow freely. I don't know if you've ever been in this situation, but it's worse than the worst imaginable feeling. I just want to die, right there and then, I wanted to close my eyes, let the pain cease, and be in heaven, or hell, as long as it's where my love has gone.

I close my eyes, let the cold darkness of sleep creep over me, but then I hear a voice, a voice I can't quite place, and that voice tells me to go on. Killsma wouldn't want me to die, he would want me to save myself, as much as I hated it. I opened my eyes, and looked at my seat belt, it was jammed shut. I smelled something strange in the air, something familiar...oh my god...gas.

I work more frantically than ever and try to get out. I have no luck either way. It's jammed, there's nothing to cut with. I accept my inevitable fate, all I can do is look to my side, and stare into the lightless eyes of my dead lover. All was shattered in my heart, never to be fixed. After a few more seconds, I heard a spark, and everything turned an orange yellow around me, engulfing me, and the last sight my eyes lay on is his face, hoping I would see it again, wherever I might go. Then...everything went dark.

"NOOO!!" I jolt upright in the bed me and Killsma lay upon. Killsma is awoken and sits up to aid me. I look to my side, I can't believe it, I reach out and touch Killsma's muzzle, and the instant my paw strokes his soft fur, I bury my head into his shoulder and cry. "You're alive...I thought...oh god I...I saw you..." I'm sobbing too much to make any kind of sense.

"It's okay, it's okay, it must have been a bad dream." He said as he caressed my neck fur, down to my back, and along my spine. "You're fine, whatever happened, it wasn't real, let's just calm down. lay down and wake up tomorrow, you don't have to remember any of this."

His voice, his deep voice was soothing enough and I calmed down with my sobs. I laid down and he let himself hang over me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, answering the best I could. "Yea...Yea, I'm fine." I let myself relax and then I felt Killsma's maw connect with mine, and not five seconds after our lips parted, I was once again within the comfortable darkness of sleep. My next thought was one of fear. Should I open my eyes? Am I back in the car, Am I dead, or was it all just a dream? I feel something heavy, and warm on my chest. I open my eyes and there is Killsma's head fur resting on my chest, messy and distorted from an obviously wild night. I smile, I never want to loose my little foxy.

I stroke his head and he shifts in his sleep. He rolls over and looks me in the eyes. "You okay hun?"

"Better than." I pull him into a kiss and he rubs his nose up against mine. He gets up from the bed...gods. His naked form, so athletic and pure white, ripped and lean, not too muscular, Perfect. The sun was hitting him in all the right places, shadowing his muscles, defining them. If last night wasn't so tiring, I would get right up and just take him.

He stretched, making my morning wood even stiffer. He ran a paw through his hair and drew it back, still wild, but at the same time, tamed, He wagged his tail, working it out from laying on it. He then made eye contact with me and I lost it, I just let my breath go and my soul travel into his. He walked to the bathroom door. He looked over his shoulder at me, and flicked his tail in the cutest way. I let him go off into the bathroom and then heard him turn on the shower Faust. As soon as I saw the steam coming from the room, I threw the covers off and ran into the room.

He was sitting on the edge of the shower, running a paw through the stream of hot water. I walked quickly up to it and then he stands up, catches me with one arm, and wraps his right leg around me. I push both of us into the shower and we hit the wet, hot wall with a thud. I press my muzzle to his and we press our naked bodies together. He grabbed the shampoo and lathered up my free paw, and then ran it all along his toned fox body. I scrubbed his white fur thoroughly.

He kept his leg locked and his lips pressed as his length pressed against my own. I started to stroke both our extended spires, but he stopped me. "Now now, wolfie, save it for tonight." I just nodded and stared into his eyes. We locked lips again and I finished scrubbing him. He stepped out of the shower and I stared after him, even long after he left my sight. I finished up in the shower and then relieved myself from my built up bladder. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where Killsma was bent over the stove, cooking what seemed to smell like Fried Ham.

I took a seat, we were both fully naked. He finished up at the stove and brought over two fried ham steaks on one plate. He sat it in front of me and then sat on my lap. His tail intentionally brushed against my now downsized sheath and started to excite it again. He cut up my steak for me and I for him, and we fed eachother. I chewed up quickly and swallowed, as did he. "How is it hun?" He said in a sleepy, sexy tone.

"Very good darling, and yours?" I said, making eye contact once more.

"Exquisite" We both giggle at his proper mockery of elegant speech.

"Just how exquisite?"

"You'll just have to find out." He pulls me into another kiss and I taste the salted meat and the sweetened natural flavor of his kiss, and it tastes pretty damn good. We continue to feed eachother for a couple minutes, then we proceed from the kitchen to the living room, where we had made love not ten hours ago. It still smelled of rough passion.

"You wanna talk about that dream?"

"Not really, it seemed too real, and I just want to forget about it."

"Okay." Wow, no pressure to talk or anything, this guy was great.

The rest of the day was played out inside. We watched TV, we played some video games, and he showed me that he could play the drums, pretty good at it too. I happened to keep my musical talents to myself for the time being. We then ate sum dinner and then we went out, now clothed, unfortunately, to The Dragons Playground. We walked into the building, hand in hand, and were greeted by Atilla, Daza, and Ragar. All three of the dragons let us join them on the balcony. Me and Killsma shared a seat, and next to us were the two dark dragons that looked like bouncers. They gave us nods, we returned them, and nothing else was shown for the rest of the night.

Creepy, anyway, I jumped down to the Bar where Lann was serving drinks. The red dragon gave me a nod. His boyfriend Tide was sitting on the fireproof chair, poor phoenix's, couldn't catch a break. I started knocking back some Tequila and then got a very bad vibe. Something bad was bout to happen. I walked outside to my car, and opened the trunk. I took out my Trenchcoat, little did anyone know bout it, it had two guns and three clips for each inside it's lining. I always wore it in dangerous situations.

I then walked back into the bar, where I went up to the bar again. "What's wrong? Getting cold there bud?" Lann said while polishing a glass. I nodded to him. I stared at my glass, swirling the Tequila around, when I heard a voice next to me.

"Whisky, straight."

Lann spoke up with a friendly tone. "Sure thing, where you been, haven't seen you around lately." There is a silence. "well, okay, I'll go get it Dez."

My heart sinks and I look to my side, and sure enough, there is the would be rapist of my boyfriend. I keep my cool, not wanting confrontation. He speaks without looking at me. "You've got a lot of nerve, stealing my man like that you son of a bitch."

"First off, my mom was a bitch, so that is no insult to me, and second, I didn't steal your man, you lost him, I found him, he chose his own path. And lets talk about nerve, I should kill you right now for what you tried to do to him." I down my tequila and don't even look at him.

"I had fun shooting that pig of a friend of yours."

"Last I checked, he was a German Shepherd, and I know you didn't fight him, or else you'd be torn to bloody strips. And if you killed him, you'd be hunted everywhere, especially a bar where everyone knows you."

"Very good observation. I'm pretty sure you know my intentions towards you are bad, so should we take this outside, or should I kill you right here."

"If you're man enough to try it right here, go ahead."

Dez downed the last of his whisky and then he took out a switchblade knife, but as soon as it was drawn, a bullet rang out and Lann was holding a smoking gun, the blade of the knife was shot off. He drops the knife all together. Lann flips the gun and puts it in his holster.

"Not at my bar."

The club was now silent, save for the music. Everyone watched as Dez looked at me and I then walked outside. He followed suit and tried to punch me, but I caught his hand, and then grabbed his other hand, digging a claw into his wound. He cried out in pain. Killsma was the only one who came out to check on us, and I invited him over. "Hi Baby, do you want me to take it easy on him?"

"Do whatever the fuck you want with him, I don't give a shit about him." I look deep into his eyes. I grabbed Dez's throat and raised him to eye level with me and Killsma. I pull Killsma into a deep kiss and then I let him go. "Go on back inside, I don't want you around for this."

"Hurry back in hun."

"Will do."

I watch him walk back inside and I start to drag Dez into a dark alley. I throw him against a wall and he crumples to the ground. I lean down to his face.

"Dez, you watch a lot of movies?"


"You watch a lot of movies?"

"Yea, I guess."

"Remember those good classics where a guy makes a big mistake and needs to get the shit kicked out of him before he listens to reason?"


"And then the ass kicker makes a big monologue that changes the dick head forever?"


I pull out a gun without warning and shoot Dez in the head. One bullet, straight through the eye and out the back of the head. "Well, this ain't no fucking movie."

I place the gun back into the coat. I take out my cell phone and call Mike.

"Lyc, where the hell have you been?"

"That Dragon you've been chasing, he's dead."

"Dead? How?"

I killed him, Self Defense. He pulled a knife on me at a club."

"Okay, I'll get over there."

"Alright, I'll be up for questioning tomorrow."

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You kill a guy, call a cop, and tell him that you will be questioned tomorrow."

"I'm good like that."

Mike laughs, half heatedly. "I'll see you around."

"Bye." I lean down to Dez, the corpse anyway. I'm not emotionless, I feel regret for taking the life of someone, even if their heart was blackened. I bow my head, and say him a prayer. "Nome de Parche, Efile, Espirit de Santes." I cross my heart and walk out of the alley. I walk into the club, music thumping, lights flashing, and Killsma waiting. I jump up to the ledge, take my seat under Killsma, and we don't make eye contact. We speak almost with no expression.

"Where's Dez?"

"He won't bother you anymore."

We both know what I mean, and He sinks deep into my embrace. You don't show any emotion after killing someone. No happiness, Death is not something to celebrate or enjoy. It is a burden to carry around till your own demise, but I will happily carry that burden for the safety of my love.