Breakfast in Bed

Story by Bluedude on SoFurry

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Breakfast in Bed by: Bluedude


Authors Notes: A short story I wrote to a Commision i got for my friend Lucareon's birthday usings our sona's. I dont post my art commissions here so sorry to say so you will have to go to my FA to see them.

PS.i know i didnt use the charecters names, and be 18 or older when you read. Good comments are appreciated. ~*~*~*~*~*~~

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BE-Click, followed by a long sigh as he rolled in bed. He was well aware of the time, "too early", is how he would have best described it as he peaked at the window with one eye seeing the morning light shine through the small crack near the ledge. Another long inhale followed but a quick exhale and a groan happened before rolling over in bed and glancing at the clock. "8:50 am?" he read and slightly mumbled closing his eyes ad wanting the sleep overtake him again before yawning.

His eyes cracked open suddenly when he took a slight sniff into the air, finally noticing the out of place smell, perking his ears and realizing the sound of someone padding their way across the wooden floor till it stopped and he sat up a slightly eyeballing the door. It swung open lightly, kicked by a black furred skunk as he simply smiled at the half asleep creature.

"G'morning Sir." he commented, with a silver tray in his right hand a cup, a plate, a few utensils and a small bottle followed but the scent of breakfast. He opened both eyes still slightly sitting up in bed as he watched the skunk, only dressed in a pair of cuff links a fake shirt collar with a pendent hanging close to his neck, and royal blue spandex shorts with a slight bulge, move to his dresser and set down the tray. Then watched his white and blue strip tail floofed and bounce as he headed to and opened the curtains letting the morning light shine through giving the room an orange glow.

"I assume you had a good sleep Mr. Pokémon sir?" he chuckled getting a short nod and a yawn from the lucario hybrid. His eyebrows lowered a bit as he tilted his head slightly, "It was good, wish it was a bit longer... bu-," he was hushed by a finger to his lips followed by a piece of butter toast introduced to his muzzle.

"I'm glad to hear Sir, now shush for a bit." said the skunk, rubbing his hand down the Pokémon's covered chest final reaching the hidden bulge and feeling over the stiff morning wood. He smiled and looked over seeing a slight smile over the lucario hybrids face before griping over his chest and tossing the blanket over the edge of the bed, showing off his bare black chest and blue body fur along with his morning wood.

"Good morning to you too!" The skunk said pressing his finger over the warm pink head and trailing it done the shaft till he felt it throb a bit and the Pokémon's chest puff up. His hand didn't stop there as it trailed past his black sack and along his blue fur thigh, pressing down his already smooth fur as he final rested over the toes, spreading them with his fingers as he moved further down the bed. The Pokémon gave a small smile and light blush as he watched feeling his heart pick up at the action as he wiggled his toes some and finished eating the toast.

There was no protest as the skunk laid at the foot of the bed moving both hands over it and letting his thumbs press into the sole of his foot. A soft murr finally leaving the Pokémon hybrids mouth as he felt them rub up and under his toes, followed by a soft kiss where he rubbed, a deferent weak spot as the Pokémon laid back and his toes spread. The skunk chuckled some under the cute expression, pressing the foot back to give him more room on the bed and the Pokémon gratefully let him lead. He rubbed his fingers up towards his toes and restarted back down to the heel, pressing and sliding along the soft fleshy foot and digging his nose into the sole taking in the low yet musky smell. His nose note stopping at just the soles as he went between his toes sniffing and huffing lightly over the bare foot before letting his tongue cup and run over a toe as the Pokémon clenched and spread giving eager soft murr and pants as he felt a slight tingle run ups his length.

The skunk only had been acquainted with only one of the Pokémon's foot and already had him rolling in pleasure. He soon shifted to the other foot giving a low hum as he ran his fingers again up over his soles ad between his toes, feeling the muscles relax and give once more to his every touch. He glanced up as his brown eyes caught a glance of the Pokémon's red ones, giving a small smirk as his cool pink nose pressed up just under the arch of his toes to feel them drum over it as the feeling of his own hard on became apparent. He could only hum and work his way between a set or toes then over one of the them letting his tongue drag up and usher it into his mouth as he suckled over it, hearing a low moan and feeling the toe tense up trapped in his muzzle as he watched the Pokémon's reaction, only letting it lose after a few more bobs as his fingers rolled and massaged the rest of his foot. The Pokémon presses his ears back as he gripped the sheet relaxing and spreading his toes as felt each touched rubbed and nursed, causing his length to tense and soon pearl.

The soft panting and noticeable drooling length were all proof enough on the skunk skill as he surveyed the scene. He soon crawled his way between the Pokémon's legs rubbing along his inner thigh as he eagerly spread them and rested back into the bed. The skunks paws soon moved to grip the pink length, pressing his thumb under the head to milk out more of the clear pre before leaning in to kiss over it, wasting no time or words as he welcomed the swollen head into his maw. He licked and lapped taking in the sweet pre with a low moan the Pokémon gave an excited pant, moving his own hand to pet over the skunks head as he spread his ears and slowly started to sink over the horny length. Both moans soon echoed in the room as he watched his length slowly disappear inch by inch soon feeling the tightness of the skunk's throat around his excited cock head.

The skunk soon worked his way back up letting the head rest in his muzzle and nursing the head as he soon felt something warm press over his own needy cock softly stroking over the head and part of the shaft as his tail bounced and he moaned. He only saw the lucario hybrid's leg twitch before he realized the feeling of a set of toes rubbing over and working his hard on and pressing into the damp drool stain in his shorts. He eagerly pressed his muzzle down slurping softly on the length as he continued to bob over suckle over the hard length each pass swallowing more of the sweet pre that coated his maw till he felt the paw hold his head down.

The first load of warm seed filled his maw before he moaned and swallowed it down, soon feeling another few ropes of warm seed launch form the throbbing length. The skunk only pressing his lips around the base tightly as he sucked and milked the erupting cock as the Pokémon gasped, soon feeling the grip on his head lessen and the pants grow less heavy. The skunk expertly continues to suckle around the warm length rubbing over the Pokémon's tense sack to milk out what he could before pulling away from the cleaned length. His brown eyes once again caught the dreamy expression on the Pokémon's face as he crawled over him giving a soft kiss on the side of his muzzle and check, " Happy birthday hun." He said before getting pulled into a tight hug.

"Thank you skunky, "he murred, nuzzling him some. "So now, what do you have in mind for me aside from this?" he smirked and chuckled, patting the skunk on the hips before tugging his shorts and snapping them back. The skunk growled some and playfully bopped his nose before sitting back at the edge over the bed and grabbing some massage oil. "Sit back, eat and enjoy your massage and you breakfast in bed, after that you can decide." The Pokémon grabbed another slice off toast, biting into to as he laid back and enjoyed the attention and view giving a soft hum and another nom, now eager for what the day had in store.


"Sooo... how did you get into my house again?" >.> "Ehehe, spare key...?" ^^' "Hmmm..." '= _=

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