Etherim Chronicles Ch.1

Story by Kaliko on SoFurry

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It was a cold night. The wind was calm, but the silent chill it sent down the spine could not have been more ominous. A single warship sailed south across the greatest river in the continent, carrying hundreds of soldiers ready for battle. It was one of the royal vessels, and on it was the youngest prince of Etherim, a powerful kingdom north of the river. The ship, in all its majestic ivory and golden splendor, seemed almost deserted from the outside view. Only a single wolf stood on deck. Rather short, young, with a body that would have looked far more fitting tantalizing spectators with swaying hips and transparent fabrics. He wore a stylish mage robe that left his lower torso and thighs mostly bare, the fine cloth flowing down from around his waist to cover the back of his legs. Obviously not meant for protection. It was dark blue with gold lining, the colors of his faction. Perhaps even more astonishing was the color of his fur, a pristine white that boldly defied the darkness of night around him. He stood there in silence, his blue eyes staring down at his hands. They were shaking.

"Terrible time to regret coming here." Said a feminine voice from behind the wolf, making him jump in surprise and spin on his heels to face the newcomer. "The farther away we move from the city, the less safe you'll feel. You'll get used to it." The female wolf said as she moved to his side. She was taller than him, her tan fur revealed by armor that was light enough to allow quick and graceful movements while also accentuating her curves. A dark blue cloak hung from her shoulders, emblazoned with the crest of Etherim. A longbow and quiver were also strapped to her back.

"Why are we doing this, Lyra?" said the smaller wolf as he turned back towards the horizon. "What could they possibly know at the south that we don't already know? Aren't they supposed to be ages behind our technology?"

"Perhaps they are, but it is that same pride that makes us skip the important little details. You've seen how bad the situation is. The ice has started melting, causing floods, which filled the king's court with countless frustrated farmers who lost their crops. We could remedy that to a degree, but then came the blight. As if the water itself was poisoned, killing whatever it touched, including soil." The female wolf explained, scooting closer against the smaller male for warmth as if they had been lifelong friends.

"From what I've heard about the people down here, they'll probably make us do some weird chanting or awkward dancing to appease the moon gods or some such nonsense." The little wolf protested with a pout and his arms folded over his chest, one of his snowy ears giving annoyed little twitches.

The archer next to him laughed in amusement, slipping an arm around the mage and roughly shoving him against her. "Singing and dancing? Why, that sounds like one heck of a party, if you ask me! I hear their rituals involve all sorts of lewd acts and wild indulgement of every pleasure imaginable to appease their gods of fertility." She said, her voice turning more sultry as she spoke, her hands snaking their way down along the little male's poorly covered body. "I don't think it would be such a bad idea if we adopted some of their traditions. I hear it does wonders for the harvest. Among other things." She was grinning widely, enjoying every second that her touch made the little male tremble and blush where he stood. His ears were folded back on his head, and those once snowy cheeks were now visibly pink. It was too much fun. The little mage was always reluctant to admit an interest in females, but the reaction was always the same.

"I...I don't think we're about to devolve into things like that!" He quickly argued, trying to shake her hands off him in the process. "Next thing you know, we'll all walk around in nothing but loincloths and humping our mo--" he yelped suddenly as he felt one of those hands squeeze down on his crotch. The robe did a poor job of protecting the cute bulge in the shorts he wore beneath it, as if it were made just for this kind of thing. The moment she teased it, she felt it swell and the fabric tighten around it, as it always did. That wasn't enough to make her stop, however. She kept squeezing and groping until she could feel the tight fabric clearly define the little wolf's maleness within.

"There'd be plenty of humping, alright. I'm sure you'd get used to it." Lyra chuckled, countering his attempts to free himself while her hands groped him all over. It was simply adorable how he squirmed!

"Lord Glaven!"

Both of the wolves turned their heads towards the voice, that of one of the soldiers, a jaguar in all his fully armored glory, standing by the door to the stairs that led inside the ship. "His majesty demands your presence in the war room."

"Demands my presence?" the little mage scoffed in disbelief, rapidly trying to regain his composure. "Who does he think he is? Royalty?" Following his sarcastic remark, he finally felt those hands slide off his body, but not without leaving it warmer, much warmer than it had been before. An audible pout came from his side, but he never acknowledged it.

"Have fun!" The female said teasingly as Glaven walked towards the door, wildly amused by the awkward stride in his step as he tried so hard to hide what she had caused.

To say that the warship looked even bigger on the inside was an understatement. It was built to house an entire army, with ample accommodation for long journeys and royal suites for the higher ranking generals. The war room wasn't very far from the entrance, but the amount of soldiers lined along the hallways could have easily populated a whole keep. They all stood at attention as he passed them. Mages were higher rank than most soldiers, after all. Glaven stood in front of the door that led to the war room, and it slid open, welcoming him inside.

"Ah, Glaven." said a masculine voice from within. The Prince himself stood there at one end of the large round table in the center, where other generals gathered. He was a tall tiger with an athletic build, clad in expensive armor bearing the seal of Etherim. It was a combination of hard leather and metal, allowing flexibility with considerable protection. It also made him look majestic in every way. All it took was a single wave of his hand, and all those in the room knew they were dismissed. All except Glaven, who in but a moment, stood alone in the room with the Prince.

"Please, come." The tiger spoke softly now, more relaxed the moment the generals left the room. He smiled at the white wolf, gesturing him to come closer. "I do not know how many more times I can go over our plan and have one of the generals attempt to change them with one of their 'expert' strategies. It seems they are willing to ignore our own crisis for the sake of taking over more land, whatever the cost." The Prince sat on the edge of the table, watching the smaller male move closer.

"I thought we were here strictly for negotiation purposes. Find out how to fix our problem, offer something in return, and leave." Glaven said as he stood in front of the Prince with a curious expression.

"That's the plan, indeed." The tiger smiled again, smoothly sliding off the table and stepping closer to the wolf. He removed the leather and metal gauntlets he wore, then brought a striped hand to the little male's cheek, cupping it with a gentleness seldom seen in a warrior. "It was so generous of the Magi to offer one of their own for this excursion. I accepted, as long as they allowed me to take my pick." He caressed Glaven's soft cheek as he spoke, slowly moving the hand down to one of his small shoulders and giving it a slight squeeze. "Mages are so fragile...and yet so dangerous. I am looking forward to seeing what you can do for us, Glaven."

The white wolf smiled, that blush from before beginning to make its appearance again. "I should have known you had something to do with that. I know for a fact we have better candidates to accompany royalty on something as big as this."

The Prince chuckled and leaned in to whisper into the wolf's ear, making it twitch under his warm breath. "Not all of them can have the same effect on morale." The mage tensed suddenly as he felt those words being emphasized by a warm tongue wandering along the edge of his ear, it took only half a second, but it made his whole body shiver.

"Your majesty! We c-can't do that...not here!" The little male stuttered as he felt the tiger's imposing approach. "You forget who I am." The second gauntlet fell, and now two hands were upon the small wolf. Glaven could do little more than remain still for the first few moments, but eventually his own hands found the willpower to move upon the prince, who welcomed the response. "Aren, someone could walk in and..."

"That won't happen. The guards up front have strict orders. You're so tense! Looks like this is something we both need." He didn't see it happen, but somewhere along the way the Prince had gone straight for the clasps keeping his robe together, and it began to slide down along his lithe frame. First his shoulders were bared, and the tiger wasted no time to press his face against that soft, warm neck, breathing in the sweet scent of the wolf's precious fur. White wolves were not very common, and this one took very good care of his coat - to the Prince's delight.

Another lick and another shiver, Glaven could feel the warm moisture along the side of his neck and the subtle vibration of the tiger's purrs. The main portion of the mage's robe finally slid off, leaving the little wolf in the tight shirt and shorts beneath. Strong hands instantly moved down to grab hold of that deliciously round rump, giving it a hungry, but surprisingly patient squeeze through the fabric, causing the small male to give a little jump further into the Prince's embrace. The larger tiger stepped away, however, and Glaven knew just what he wanted. The mage moved forward, and began to undo Prince's armor. Undoing leather straps and snapping plates apart, it took him no time at all before the Prince was down to the leather leggings he wore. He saw that even through the leather, the tight bulge the Prince was sporting was well defined, and he could imagine just how uncomfortable things were getting in there.

Too slow.

The Prince began to get impatient, a small growl coming from his lips as he watched the smaller male stand there, gaping in awe at his tented crotch. He took matter into his own hands, undoing the belt keeping his leggings from exploding, and tossing it aside. That's all he did, however, before he moved his hand to Glaven's muzzle and closed it shut in its grasp. "Strip for me, little mage." He commanded. It was a royal decree, what choice did he have? The white wolf nodded and not at all reluctantly pulled his shirt above his head, revealing more of that perfectly white fur and the notable lack of any considerable musculature, which was all too appealing to the masculine tiger, apparent by the smile creeping along his lips. Glaven began to work on his shorts, his blush growing more intense as he saw the bulge that had formed at his own crotch without his consent, causing him to stop his progress momentarily until the tiger spoke once more. "All of it."

He continued, sliding the thin fabric down along his hips until the tip of his erection as it made its way out of its plump little sheath became visible. This produced an audible purr from the feline in front of him. He pulled the shorts further down, until the rest of his snowy white sheath and the cute orbs beneath came into view. The Prince wasted no time and extended his hand towards it, clamping it down on the little male's entire package to give it all a single, teasing squeeze. "Looks like someone needed this far more than they were willing to let on." The white wolf turned his head away to hide his shameful reaction, but the tiger didn't allow it, pulling that adorable muzzle in towards his own broader feline snout, leading him into a deep kiss. It was all a ploy to keep him occupied, as those hands continued to move. Glaven was far too busy delighting in the sensation of the warm muscle dancing inside his maw to find out why it was suddenly ended. The Prince glanced down, and Glaven followed, only to find a large pointed rod of pure male flesh just begging for attention. It was rather thick, and the more Glaven looked at it in amazement, the more it showed just how much it liked being looked at by extending further from its sheath. It was not the first time he had seen it, the prince had requested Glaven's company many times before, since they were first introduced during one of the Prince's visits to academy of magi, but every time he looked upon the Prince's cock, it was no less impressive than the last. While his own was pointed and knotted when aroused enough, the feline's shaft had rubbery barbs around the tip, which he came to discover where quite pleasurable with the right amount of skill, and the Prince wasn't lacking in that aspect.

Prince Aren took two steps back and leaned against the table, spreading one leg over to the side as he offered himself to the wolf, who looked hungrier with every second that erection was displayed in front of him. It took little more than a bit of urging, a hand to the back of Glaven's head, and lips were already upon that exposed pink tip, the entire shaft throbbing with excitement and the large male's chest rumbling with a deep purr. Glaven had some practice to his credit by now, enough that teeth didn't have to get involved. More than how agile his tongue was, what the Prince loved the most was just how eager the little pup became after the first taste. It wasn't just that he wanted, more like he needed it!

"That's it. Good boy. You know you've been wanting this as badly as I. Your friend back there is always all too honest about it." The tiger nodded towards the wolf's tail, which by now was wagging contently to either side. The little wolf was stuffing his muzzle full of tiger meat and enjoying every second of it. There wasn't a lot of time, however, and the Prince had to urge him on even further, the hand at the back of Glaven's head forcing him to take more of it before he could pull back. He wanted to feel that throat, those soft muscles clenching down helplessly around his pulsing erection. His white-furred balls were heavy with too much seed, and he would have his release even if he had to delay the entire trip.

There it was. The mixed sensation of that throat clenching down on his cock, he could feel the grip around the head of his erection, and he didn't make the slightest effort to prevent his warm precum from decorating the walls of the tight tunnel it was lodged in. He was proud of the little male, it took a couple of tries before Glaven could control his gagging reflex, but now he seemed like he had been doing it for years. And how that tongue moved! Even with what little space it had, that amazing canine tongue, even if it was only as big as the muzzle it was housed in, how eager and hungry for his cock it was, lapping excitedly over as much of his length as it could. The picture was priceless, seeing the pup with his face buried in his crotch like the perfect cock sheathe. The pup bobbed his head back and forth around the Prince's erection like that was his whole reason for being here, coating the entire shaft with his warm saliva until it glistened with the reflection of the lights above them.

No, he had to have more.

Rather roughly, the Prince pushed Glaven's face away, the little wolf immediately pouting as if his favorite toy had been denied him. The Prince stood, and leading the pup by the scruff, he bent him over the table, which was usually used for planning strategies and formulating tactics, would now be perfect for a whole new purpose.

"H-hey!" Glaven yelped, feeling a warm, moist finger move from the Prince's muzzle down to his exposed rear. He plunged it right in without warning, feeling the muscles clench around his finger and making him fantasize about how it would feel around his cock. He pushed it in to the hilt, the little male shivering with a moan, able to do little other than, well, let the Prince have his way. Another finger, and things suddenly felt much tighter.

"I don't know how you manage to keep this tight even after so many nights in my quarters." The prince commented as he wiggled his fingers inside the wolf, enjoying how it made him squirm and moan helplessly. But enough was enough. Glaven's view was very limited in this position, but he didn't need years of arcane study to know what was about to happen. He felt the Prince move behind him and lean over him. Strong hands grasping his hips. A hard, wet tip prodded at his rump, playfully poking around and grinding against his soft, furred cheeks, deep purring coming from over his shoulder. The Prince was enjoying this. It didn't go on for very long. Soon, he found his mark, but at least he was gentle. He slid in, spreading his tail hole wide with the hard, throbbing head of his spiked cock. He made every inch count, feeling throbbing flesh against flesh, the smooth walls of his tunnel embracing the intruder tightly, which only urged it in deeper. Soon enough, the Prince was hilted inside the mage, both panting in arousal. They stood there for a moment, letting the little wolf accommodate, large, cum-filled testicles grinding against smaller ones, hips locked together. Then he began to pull back out, those rubbery barbs causing the little wolf to Arch his back with a loud moan. They scraped right over his prostate, and before pulling out too far, the Prince rammed himself back in, pummeling that same spot again and again. Glaven clawed at the table as he cried out, his own smaller erection bobbing beneath him, dripping with the same fluid that was now coating his insides. A quicker pace, and those strong hips began to ram faster and more roughly against the more feminine ones, until they were full on rutting like lovers at the peak of mating season.

"I want to see your face." The Prince suddenly said, pulling out of the little wolf. Glaven didn't have time to process the thought, before he was suddenly on his back over the table, his legs being guided onto the Prince's shoulders, and before he could miss it, that amazing, rock-hard cock was already back inside him, mercilessly plunged all the way in to force another loud cry from him. He was blushing deeply, and it cost him great effort to look the Prince in the eyes, that predatory, hungry expression causing him more embarrassment than ever before. He wasn't given a choice about it, the Prince leaned down and locked muzzles with the wolf once more, that large tongue invading his maw as if it owned it and stealing any sort of protest away from ever being spoken. His body slid back and forth across the table with the Prince's thrusts, the slurping sounds of a precum-coated cock claiming the wolf's rump audible in the room. He tensed and shivered all over again when he felt the tiger's large hand clench down on his own erection. He may have been a feline, but he certainly knew how canines worked. He paid special attention to Glaven's swollen knot, squeezing it in the palm of his hand, which made it spurt even more precum onto the pup's belly. Then he started pumping it in time with his thrusts. It didn't take long at all after that.

"Be a good boy and cum for your Prince." The tiger commanded again, although would have been safe to say it was pretty inevitable at that point. Aren began to bury himself hard into the little male each time, letting him feel just how stuffed of tiger meat he was, how he was being claimed by the larger male as his female, as it should be. Soon enough, that knotted cock erupted, quick spurts of hot wolf seed spraying all over his torso and the tiger's hand. Just as well, the feline deemed it a perfect moment to let all the pleasure from fucking the little wolf senseless climax, leaning forward, pressing his chest to the pup's, and moving his hips as fast as they would go. For someone as athletic as the Prince, it was pretty fast. Glaven lost count of how many thrusts, or even how long it was between his orgasm and the Prince's, but the event was unforgettable. The flood gates opened, and with a loud growl onto his shoulder, he felt the sudden heat of the tiger's cum as it coated his inner walls. So much of it in so little time, splashing against his depths as the tiger kept thrusting even through his orgasm, to the point that there was simply not enough space to contain all of it, dripping down the wolf's cheeks and sticking to white and striped fur alike. It went on for minutes, before the tiger was finally spent. He rested on top of the smaller male, still inside him and refusing to pull out anytime soon. Glaven could only lay there in similar exhaustion, eyes closed and breathing heavily. The Prince purred in blissful delight, enjoying even the simple sensation of staying connected to the little wolf like that and emptying the remains of his masculine load into his depths. "I knew I made the right choice when I considered morale above everything else." The feline grinned, burying his nose into the white wolf's neck.

A knock on the door was suddenly heard. "Your majesty! We are set to dock in ten minutes, but there is something you should see first. It looks like they were expecting us."