One last night

Story by Shippku on SoFurry

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#2 of Archie and Gabe

Final story about Archie and Gabe!!! Hope you all enjoy! I kinda sorta cried while writing it just saying! I put a lot of myself into this story so hope it goes over well :) as always, critique is always appreciated and wanted as long as it is constructive! Enjoy!

I could hear some of the boys chuckling as I got ready to shower after practice. I knew what it was about; they have been giving me shit ever since Archie and I had gotten together. I didn't care either way what they said about me, I was the quarterback and the captain of the team, so say what they want, I was still alpha. It was when they brought Archie up that I got heated. He was mine, and I would be damned if I let a single word about him leave anyone's lips but my own.

I did my best to ignore them. I didn't know exactly what they were laughing about, but I had a feeling, and being with Archie has helped me trust my feelings even more. I was even becoming a better football player thanks to him; he made me want to be the best me I could be, for him. He deserved me at my best, he shouldn't have to settle for the me I showed him a few nights ago. The me that didn't have control and would have mounted him in two seconds if my heart didn't override my lust. So, I let any and all words go. I took my shower, and went back up to the school gym to wait for Archie.

Archie had a big gymnastics event coming up soon, so he stayed even longer than the coach to practice. Gymnastics was the only thing I ever saw him take seriously. I must have waited outside the gym for thirty minutes before he finally came out. "Hey! Thought I might have lost my boyfriend there for a second!" I joked as I wrapped my arms around him. He was sweaty, but still smelled of berries as I buried my nose into his head fur.

"Whatever! Stop being such a dork!" He chuckled as he broke the hug and kissed me.

"So how did the practice go?" I asked as we walked out to my jeep.

"Pretty good! Coach didn't have any negative marks for me! But I still wanted to get some extra work in! How was your practice?" He held tightly onto my hand as we walked. It made me think of a child holding onto their parents. Which made me think about how he would be as a parent. God, that child would be his world, I know it. He has so much love in his heart. I felt myself falling in love all over again.

"Oh you know. Just the normal meathead stuff," We got to my jeep and I leaned up against it and pulled him close as he giggled.

"What's with you today? Sure are affectionate," He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Full moon? I don't know! Come on, time for home." I nuzzled him a little before we finally got into my jeep. He quickly fell asleep on the ride home.

I laid on my bed when I got home. I had to drop Archie off at his house today, which sucked. But, it gave me some time to think. And I thought about the future. The future that I could have with him. I thought about the kid we could have. It all seemed so beautiful, but it hurt also, because I knew part of it was just a dream. Despite all of modern sciences wonders, there was no way that I could ever have a child that was part of Archie and part of me. The fact angered me, if people who hated each other could create what should be a symbol of two people's love, why couldn't two people who loved each other?

I don't know why I thought so far ahead, we still had yet to have sex. It was barely even a week since my last blunder with trying to be intimate with him, and we hadn't tried since.

I kept jumping between random thoughts in my head when my phone's text alert went off, snapping me out of the haze of dreams I was lost in. "Going to Maria's to help with homework, text you when I get there." Archie sent it of course.

"Be safe *hugs* I love you my little monkey" I sent him.

"I will be *hugs* I love you too Gabriel!" I smiled at the message, and quickly went back to my thoughts. Soon enough I was sleeping. Lord knows what I was dreaming about. I just wish I didn't have to wake up. At least, not to this.

I grabbed my phone sloppily as I heard my ringtone going off. I didn't know who could be calling me now. But, I saw Archie's name displayed across the display and my mind snapped awake. "Archie? What's up? Sorry, I was sleeping." I quickly noticed that something was wrong. I didn't hear any familiar noise in the background. All I heard was some heavy breathing. "Archie?"

"Gabriel... I'm so sorry..." I could hear him choking up and crying in between words.

"Archie? What's wrong?" My mind was racing, everything from fear that he might have been hurt, to him breaking up with me.

"I... I need you to come get me. I'm about a block from Maria's. Behind the pizza shop."

"Archie! Don't move! I'll be right there!" I threw down my phone and raced downstairs, not even bothering to put socks or shoes on. Archie needed me. I sped towards the pizza shop. What could have happened? Why was he behind the pizza shop of all places? I had noticed that I never even had gotten a message from him saying he made it to Maria's.

I pulled into the alleyway behind the shop, and understood everything in a second. Archie laid up against the wall of the building, naked, his whole body was covered in random bruises and I could see blood on the ground. I knew what had happened, but wasn't ready to admit it.

"Archie!" I ran up to him and fell to my knees. I was afraid to touch him. Afraid I would hurt him if I touched him.

"It was Dan... and Morgan... from the football team. They caught me walking to Maria's. I fought back, I really did. But, they are so big.... I didn't stand a chance. Please Gabe... forgive me..." Pissed didn't do my emotions justice at this point. This should never have had to happen to Archie, this conversation should have never had to happen. And Dan, and Morgan, those idiots would pay. I would beat them to the brink of death, because I felt that death was too good for them. They took Archie, and used him. Took him away from me. I could already tell in his voice, that part of him was dead.

"Archie... It's... It's not alright, what those two did, but I love you no matter what. I don't need to forgive you for anything. You did nothing wrong," I sat up against him and pulled him towards me. So he could rest against my shoulder. And I heard him chuckle.

"Those two really are stupid. They didn't use condoms. We could probably get DNA samples and kill them in court. I haven't called the cops yet, I don't have the energy. I was amazed I could call you." A smirk lined my face. Still, as broken as Archie was, he still had that dark cunning to him, which was something I always found beautiful about him. As innocent as a child, but if he was hurt, or if someone he loved was hurt, the ones responsible would pay, and not in a way they would expect.

I pried his phone from his hands and dialed 911. In a short five minutes, the cops and ambulances were on the scene. I was interrogated about what I knew about the incident, and Archie was being rushed into a stretcher. They let me ride with Archie to the hospital. On the ride there, I called both of our parents and told them to meet me at the hospital. In all honesty, I don't remember much. It was a huge blur to me.

I can remember the police informing us that Dan and Morgan would most likely be tried as adults, and that we had enough evidence to convict them with little effort. I can remember going to see Archie after he was done in the ER. A few stitches here and there, but nothing was ruptured, and nothing was broken. The psychologist even said that Archie was further along in recovery the day after than most people are in months. My little monkey is a fighter. But, he still needed help.

It has been half a year since that night. We won the court battles, won a hell of a ton of money, and those two (they aren't worthy of names) are in jail, for a few good years. With the money we won, Archie and I decided to move to another city together. He was in need of the change of scenery, and the fact that our relationship has held together is a miracle.

Right now, he is in our bedroom, we haven't touched each other in that kind of way since that night. Of course we sleep next to each other, and I hold him, but it doesn't go further than kissing. And I'm ok with that. He needs time to heal, and I'm here for him. Forever.

I heard that technology was being developed that would make it possible for scientists to take stem cells from furs and make eggs and sperm out of the DNA. So who knows, maybe one day, we could have a child to prove our love. But I'm not as worried about that as I was back then. Now, I want to make Archie the best Archie he can be. That beautiful monkey I grew up with is still alive, and I plan on spending all of my life with him.

"Hey Archie," I said as I walked into our room. He was laying on our bed reading a book.

"Hey there Gabe!" He replied, with his big toothy grin. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing." I sat down next to him and pulled him close to me and he snuggled up against my chest. "Hey Archie."


"I love you."

"I love you too Gabe."

Pink Champagne

Got the inspiration for this story while listening to "Pink Champagne" By Venus Hum :) I suggest everyone go and listen to it! As always, constructive critique and comments are always appreciated! I want to grow and get better as a writer! Hope you all...

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Movie Night

Continuing the story of the characters I introduced in the story I first posted :) A few months into the relationship and they and their lesbian friends decide to go on a double date to the movies! Let me know what you guys think! Constructive critique...

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Race for Life Ch. 2

Part 2 of my race story line :D if you didn't read the first one, would probably help for you to go read before this one just sayin. And thanks to my friend for helping me figure out how to add the link...

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