Tailfeathers of a Young Phoenix

Story by FetteredPhoenix on SoFurry

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This was a very special little story I wrote for my dragon; A tale from my youth, where a rascally young phoenix got himself into even more trouble than he could have bargained for ; )

This piece is very long and while it's mostly yiff there is a non-yiff section at the start, this section in particular and the story on a whole begins to cover elements of a wolrd surrounding the Phoenician (Phoenix) Species. I use a play on words to adopt phoenicians (the aincient race of people) as being a race of Phoenicies since the Latin nominative plural is phoen?c?s (or Phoenices for ease) much like the plural of matrix is matrices, just wanted to explain that to avoid confusion. Oh and a Plumalanx is a creature of my own design, a cross breed; Pluma - Feather Lanx - Scale, with the theme of dragons and Phoenicies being perfct mates i'm sure you can guess ;) I'll stop getting in your way and let you read the damn thing now :P I crave your comments and criticisms, if there's any way you think i might improve :3 Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy...


Tailfeathers of a Young Phoenix

I ran as fast as my talons would carry me, feeling my heart pumping hard against the inside of my ribcage as my lungs sucked in the cool night air, fed it to my body, fuelled me faster, had always loved the night. Unfortunately I thought it more than likely that the uncontrollable peals of ecstatic laughter I was letting off into the night made my speed count for nothing, the guard was still hot on my tailfeathers as I bolted between two large tents, grinning and giggling madly with the thrill of my flight.

It was the second year of the conflict between Old Phoenicia and Asian Phoenicia, since the empire had been divided into two unconnected halves the two sides had differed, now Phoenix kind over in the Asian expanses of the empire felt that the new ways they were adopting and the shedding of traditions was best for all Phoenicies; Us over here in what was now known as Old Phonecia refused outright to leave behind our ceremony and tradition, seeing the Asians as dishonourable, marred by adopting their 'modern' ways. All this was lost on a young Phoenix like me though. I was only on my third rebirth! And this was only a year and a half into it. I was young on a young cycle, I was foolish and I didn't care for all the elder Phoenicies talk of divides, wars, honour, tradition, I knew how to abide the multitude of laws and rules, rituals and traditions that dominated the life of a Phoenix and more importantly, I knew how to break them. I was young, I was foolish, and I was loving it.

Saleem and I had snook into the camp only about half an hour ago, It was a borderlands camp, on the edge of old Phonecia, and it was posted on a hilltop above the town where Saleem and I lived, no one in the town liked it being there, it hung over the town, ever lit, ever watchful, the guard came and drank in inns and taverns, got rowdy, fought. No fighting to do against proper enemies so they found it among the people of the town, thought their uniforms gave them the authority to do what they wanted. Well to be fair that had only been once or twice, but still, most people in the town didn't like the camp there much, that's why Saleem and I thought it had been a brilliant idea to sneak up the hillside and into the camp and cause a bit of a commotion, we'd been planning it weeks, watching the guards and what they did and tonight had been the night.

The camp consisted of a small central tower, all firecloth and waxwood. Surrounding this tower were large pavilions that all the captains lived and held meetings in, one that provided food, and the space between the base of the tower and the pavilions was blocked in with neat rows of waxwood dining benches. As you moved towards further towards the edge of the camp, the pavilions got smaller and more cluttered, less ordered, till there as a makeshift little shanty town of tents and guy ropes, almost like little alleyways created between them, then those tents petered out into just small clusters, and then right at the edge of the camp, after several metres of open ground there were one or two of the biggest tents I knew one was a rallying tent and at least another two were of course stables, where the powerful and graceful Plumalanx were kept. It had always seemed silly to me, putting into the army one of the few things that could actually kill a phoenix and keep him that way, but then, what were armies for. And it's not like there was a Plumalanx for every phoenix, just some of the highest ranking ones.

All the tents were done up in the colours of the house the camp belonged too, not unlike the dragons every phoenix belonged to a house, the house was everything; A Phoenicies plumage took the colours of his house and a Phoenicies house could completely dictate how you had to act and behave towards him. These tents were all emblazoned with the red stripes and the emblem of house Lazien; good terms and lower standing than my own house Mirahael. It was in this assemblage of tents that I found myself sprinting away from a handful of angry armoured guards, through a military camp, full of Phoenicies all of whom knew very certainly that I shouldn't be here and could very easily stop me, if only they could catch me. If I was caught I'd be punished, so I ran and I ran hard.

Still laughing aloud I darted right between two tents, and took a left past the entrance to one of them, but I was heading the wrong way, towards the centre of the camp and the tower, I needed to be heading towards the edge, I threw a glance over my shoulder and seeing no one there, came to a halt, deciding on which way was best to go next, chest heaving and eyes flicking keenly between the paths that lay before me. Four armoured Phoenicies burst out from between the tents behind me, yelling out "Stooop!" and "Hold it!" I grinned, set into a full sprint again, darting to the left and then around a tent, finding myself in a guy-roped passage between the backs of two long ones, I leapt into the air, spreading my wings to glide over the ropes, easier than running, at a year and a half my wings weren't full yet, but I could glide brilliantly and get a bit of distance flying, My eyes widened as two of the guard emerged at the end of the tents blocking my path wings spread to fly if I tried to go up, that wouldn't work. And if I etheralled through them then they'd know who I was and where I was going and everything. I took my only option, dropping into a roll and tangling my arm painfully on one of the ropes I turned, and darted though the wall of the tent, the firecloth resistant to my flame. I reformed on the other side as three more men, jerked up from a game of Riwali surprised as a young phoenix came flaming though the wall of the tent, No time to stop, the guard were coming through behind me and the men inside moving to make a grab, I leapt onto the tables, sending the game pieces skittering as I bypassed the men, darted through the door and back into the night.

A few more turns later, having finally forced down my laughter, I was near the edge of the camp, could hear them behind me, but couldn't see them; I was losing them. I sprinted hard as I could around this last tent and found myself beside a tall waxwood palisade wall. Nowhere to go, they were coming up behind me so I bolted along the walls length, heading out away from the camp, the tent gave way to an expanse of open ground on my right, but if I moved into it they'd catch me, I'd have to lose them completely before moving away from the camp, but I was right at the edge now. There was one more tent ahead and I darted between it and the palisade wall, Around the back of the tent I saw a loose flap down near the ground, the hitchings that normally kept the thick panels of firecloth together had loosened and as the wind tweaked the flap I saw it looked dark inside; No one in. I threw a quick glance backwards, seeing the shadows of my pursuers flicker on the wall, they couldn't see me but any second they'd burst around the corner of that last tent.

I dove for the flap, having to flatten myself to the ground to scramble under it in time, I got through, seeing next to nothing in the darkness, I hooked my feet in and quickly turned, still laying on my belly as I grabbed the flap and stilled it, poking my beak and an eye under it to watch, The guards were sprinting up to the tent I had hidden in, sticking to the wall as I had, knowing I hadn't gone onto the open ground. If they'd seen my talons as I pulled them under- or the flap moving... I held my breath, biting my bottom lip as the sound of their armour drew nearer, their legs coming right up to the tent, then, moving on past as they continued running, causing hope to flicker in my chest. The sound of the armour began to fade again and I lost sight of the men. I held my breath just a few seconds longer, not daring to blink or make a noise lest it made them return, and then.. When the space outside the tent was still and quiet again I let out my pent up breath. My vision swirled a little and I felt dizzy with the lack of oxygen as my chest heaved and I sighed relief, allowed myself to giggle once more, curling up a lil on the hard, packed earth beneath me. "Haaaaaa... heheeeee... ahhhhh" I grinned in the darkness, chuckling and shaking my head to myself. I'd done it! I'd escaped them. Leawiin the infamous wins again! Ohh once the others heard about this. Saleem would be away already, he'd had the easier job. I sighed, still catching my breath, there was something thick and moist to the air in here and I poked my beak back through the flap, taking in the cooler, cleaner air outside.

It was only a few seconds before I felt the prickle of unfamiliar warmth and closeness between my shoulder blades. I frowned, features freezing, a shiver going through me as I realised I hadn't actually checked the tent, just presumed it was storage or something. Something nudged against my back firmly, and my ears flicked alertly to catch a long, low growl. I was done for; it was one of the guards, or someone inside the tent I was sure, I pulled my beak from the flap and slowly half turned my upper body to look behind me. I was surprised, I don't know what stopped me from howling in the absolute fear that suddenly gripped me as I turned and saw what was there, but all I let out was a muffled, fearful squeak. Right above me was the great big head of a Plumalanx; he had prodded my back with the tip of his muzzle. I scrambled around suddenly to face him, laid on my back, pressing myself into the ground away from him, talons tense by my sides in fear as my upper torso and head lifted to look at him. Some part of my brain not obsessed with shaking in fear connected the route I had taken, to the fact I was now right on the edge of the camp to tell me I'd been stupid enough to duck into the stables. In my haste to get away from the guard I'd not even considered that of course; the tent could only be either a stable or the assembly tent, and I knew what that looked like.

The great beast had the emblem on house Lazien glowing in soft red ether paint on his cheek, just below his eye, he was a house Plumalanx and his red and amber ringed eyes locked with mine, fierce and heated. I'd never seen a Plumalanx up close, but I knew full well what they could do to a phoenix. While he towered over me in my prone position, his muscular bulk was low to the ground, he was about as tall at the shoulder as I was stood up, taller even, and he stood on four, massively powerful looking limbs, everything about him giving a sense of his scale and power, it looked like he could have merely nudged his head against me and knocked me over. He growled suddenly louder, pushing his muzzle forward, barring his teeth softly and I squeaked again, whined fearfully, practically quivering, he must have been easily four, five.. maybe six times my size. In Phonecian I began pleading and begging, apologising through my whimpers. I knew they understood Phonecian, thought in Phonecian and I was already edging back, trying to shuffle out from under him, but without moving. The creature reared its large head, jerking it towards the ceiling of the tent at the sound of my soft pleas and apologies. I saw that I was at the back of a single pen, on one of a few patches of the packed earth not strewn with straw, from my position beneath the great creature I couldn't see much further than the shadowed waxwood walls of the pen and the ground I found myself on. Slowly I turned, quieting as the beast gave a snort, I moved around very gingerly back onto my belly and shuffling forward, trying just to get back out through the flap of tent, do that and I was safe. Unfortunately, if diving into the stables hadn't been the biggest mistake of my life then turning like that may just have been. I didn't know then, the taste that Plumalanx tended to have for Phoenicies.

The Plumalanx lifted a single great footpaw, the pawpads on the bottom a deep, glassy red, suiting his house. It came down on my back, making me stop as I felt the deadweight and the warmth of the stiff, leathery pads. He could probably crush my ribcage against the ground right there, for a moment I thought that's what he was going to do but instead I yipped as I found myself dragged back through the dust, my front scraping along the packed earth as he merely moved me a good meter back from the wall of the tent, then with the same forepaw and in inelegant flick he knocked me up and back onto my back in the middle of the pen. Heart hammering in my chest again, not sure what he planned to do. I froze as I realised that there was a second Plumalanx also in the pen, it was sat watching, with beady red and amber eyes, in the corner of the pen, it's body stretched out lazily, bearing the same markings as the one who now slowly began to circle me, scenting me and nudging his nose against me here or there making me flinch.

Now on the other side of the beast from the wall I looked around into the interior of the tent. It was tall and very large, seemed to be octagonal in shape, there were four large, trapezium shaped pens, me being in one of these with the two Plumalanx, the pens were ungated of course, the Plumalanx were free to come and go. The floor was all packed earth, strewn with straw that had been pushed around into smaller or large piles by the great beasts. Four wide braziers gently illuminated the central space, sending flickering light and shadows around the tent but not far back into the pens. On the far side of the tent, either side of the doorway were benches and equipment racks, but it was the object right in the centre of the tent that had my wide-eyed, fearful gaze transfixed. There was a breeding bench set up there, a tall, raised wooden table, large bolts for cuffs to be attached on the podium it sat on top of, and a triangular wedge of wood atop it. It was one of the worst punishments that could be given to a phoenix, strip them of their power, strap them to the table and let the Plumalanx have their way with the bird. So they would forever be impure, the mark of their sin hanging over them forever more and forever outcasting them from the rest of Phonecian society.

My attention was snapped back to the Plumalanx as it pushed its nose against my hip, scenting softly, gave a satisfied snort and a new kind of fear, of panic began to creep up me as I began to suspect what this massive creature might be up to, I darted a look towards the things crotch for the first time, saw a large pair of tight, furred testicles there, and a bulky sheath. However I let out a whimpery resigned moan as I saw also a good five inches of fat, deep red cock poking free of the creatures sheath, the moist tip catching the light thrown out from the braziers behind me.

"Mhuhuhuhuummmmph" Before I could think to voice any further kind of plea to the creature he suddenly stopped circling and rammed his head against my other hip, rolling me roughly back onto my stomach

"Naha!" The thing leapt over me letting out a soft roar of excitement, and from my impaired view of the ground I saw its massive paws come down hard in the dust either side of me, spread just above my head. Panic bloomed in me, like a knot in my stomach, hard and cold as the other Plumalanx stirred and grew more interested, rearing its head up a little, what could I do. If this thing was about to.. To actually breed me! I'd had a little experience of... that on my last cycle, quite enjoyed it but it not done anything like that to myself yet this cycle, I mean id poked a talon in my hole once or twice while pawing off in my nest but I was still a virgin, and now I was about to get ravaged by th-

My runaway torrent of thought was sliced short as the Plumalanx nuzzled the back of my head, painfully nipped my neck and shoulder, making me squeak and jolt beneath him, raise my ass a little as I coiled protectively. His hips collided with mine hard, jarring me and I felt an impossibly hard, hot and moist mass of cock strike high against my ass. He humped his tool against the top of my crack and over my back, smearing my dark feathers with strongly scented pre, I could smell his arousal. But he hadn't been aiming to penetrate me on that thrust, the way he'd done it he'd pushed my ass right up high, roughly shunted my knees sort of under me and moved his back legs in to keep mine there. The cold, single unavoidable fact of what was about to happen steeled over me as I felt him drawback, his massive cock sliding against my ass till his tip dragged down, nuzzled softly against my ring. I squeaked a final hapless plea, squirming weakly and pathetically in his grip, as I felt his tip move an inch back from my hole, time stretching out, I could still feel the warmth his massive tool radiated. And then, with a growing throaty growl of lust, the massive beast slammed his hips down, rammed his tool into me.

The force of the creatures thrust drove my own hips hard against the dirt again. My eyes went wide as dragon's eggs and while my head jerked up, beak widened at the darkened ceiling of the tent, no noise came out but a squeal pitched so high it was barely audible. As the thing drove the entirety of its massive, ridged, pulsing, dripping length into me the force and power of the sensation set my form aflicker, bursting into avatar form, straw beneath me burning up and turning to ash. But the mild shiver of pleasure that gave me was completely outshone by the far more intense and brilliant pain of having my virgin hole opened so wide; as the creatures fat, lightly barbed head pushed my ring open swiftly it made my sensitive flesh sting with being stretched so brutally, so quickly, and as the gradually widening shaft was also slammed into me in the same single thrust It felt like my ring was set alight, It screamed protest at me and if I hadn't already been thrown into my ethereal form by the force of it I was sure my ring would have given out. As it was my firebound virgin muscles gripped the Plumalanx's cock fiercely, held onto his throbbing cock as he ground his large, unformed knot against my ring.

The Plumalanx gave a deep, satisfied murrly growl as my hot, tingling, silky, virgin walls and my tight tailhole gripped his shaft hard, squeezed his already copious pre from his tip. Finally I found my voice again and my silent wail broke into a howl of pain as the stinging, electric sensation of my untouched ring being so suddenly abused shot up my body.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" My cry was loud and long, disbelieving as I felt the creatures fat tip push far into my guts, pushing my untouched walls apart and sliding slickly into my ass, nuzzling deep, the hard ridges along the underside of the creatures cock and the spines on the head, glancing against my prostrate and massaging my sensitive walls to send waves of pleasure through me, suffusing with the burning agony. The creature pulled back slower, sliding his tool from my hole, his pointy head slipping back out of me, leaving my ring stinging painfully and making me wail and moan. Squirm beneath him, before I could even try to move he thrust in again, not as hard as the first time but just as firmly and fully, filling my ass completely with his wide tool, making me wail and squeal. A shudder of perverse pleasure ran all the way up through my body as his narrow tip pushed against some deep spot inside me, deeper and bigger than anything had ever bred me, and tweaking an intense spasm of pleasure from me, making me gasp through the pain and push back up against him a little, not wanting to be spread any further open but craving the feel of his tip deeper inside me.

"YA! AhaHaaaahahaaa.. Nhunnngh Nhhooooooo! Mhuhummph" I realised with a jolt that my cock was rock hard against the ground beneath me, my sensitive, tapered head being ground into the dirt as the Plumalanx pushed his knot against my ring again, making me cry out and whimper in pain and fear. The part of my mind not dealing with the pain and the maddening sensations of the Plumalanx breeding me was still fighting; thinking about what this meant, recoiling under nearly a hundred years of living within Phonecian society. But some small part of me was quietly telling me I was going to enjoy this, making my body react accordingly. I wailed and moaned as the Plumalanx snorted, nuzzled against the back of my head a little, placing a few hot, wet licks over my shoulder against my neck, sending another small shiver of delight through me, the shiver was intensified tenfold as the great beast pulled back out. This time only pulling back far enough to leave his tip inside, I groaned as my abused hole protested the treatment but in my avatar form refused to loosen under his forceful thrusts and the size of the Plumalanx's massive tool.

He slipped in again quickly, making my ring sting again, but the pain was settling to a background babble, unmistakeably there but becoming more bearable as I grew more accustomed to it. I Howled and whimpered as his lightly barbed tip raked my walls and buried itself deep, sending waves of spasmodic pleasure through my small abused body, I shivered violently beneath him, and he lapped against me again, doubled his pace, drawing back and slamming in, thrusting into me faster and faster. Making my tailhole scream as his thrusts built up, but making me moan and squirm in ecstasy too. I could feel his hot, watery pre building up inside me. Even began to rock back against him, eager to feel the largeness of that knot bearing against my tight ring as it gripped onto his ridged shaft, for that soon meant I'd get to feel him thrusting in again.

"Yhahahaaaaa! Fhuck! Nhhunnnngh Nahahhaaaaa Ghawwwwds.. Nhuhhuuuuoohoooo HYAAH! YESS!!" The Plumalanx let off a lustful, pleasured roar as he rammed his large, hard knot against my ass over and over, thrusting into me, keeping my body pinned against the ground as he filled my guts with his massive cock, stretched them out.

I whimpered, talons raking fresh lines in the now scarred dirt, clawing frantically, eyes bulging as I wailed at the ceiling then my features scrunching and contorting in pleasure as I tried o come to terms with the waves of pleasure and pain wracking my body. The way the creatures thrusts ground my own slender, tapered phoenix cock into the rough ground only adding to my howls, it hurt but at the same time I wanted it more, even rougher, even harder.

A Large, darkly furred paw landing in front of me, jolted my limited attention upwards. The second Plumalanx was circling now as well. Was eyeing the phoenix as he got bred hard, I got a hold of my senses enough to dart a look up seeing that the one breeding me had his eyes closed in pleasure, as he rammed his hips into me fast. His head was pushed against the back of mine, his neck arched to facilitate the difference in our size. The circling creature was scenting the air lightly. My eyes slid along his underbelly and I saw that he too was clearly aroused, A tool identical to the one that was being roughly rammed into my ass now.

The Plumalanx on my back let out a loud wolf-like howl, laced with pleasure. I felt his knot ram suddenly harder against my hole, slip in just a little bit, spreading my tight ring even louder making me gasp loudly, whimper and yowl in delight. I wanted suddenly to feel this massive creature fill me with cum... That had only happened a few times, I wanted to be filled, wanted to feel him slam his knot into me, and I'd always loved being tied, on the rare occasions it had happened. He rammed it against my ring again, spreading me wide,

"YA! Ahahaaaaaaa! Hoahhooooooooowwwwwwwwww!" it couldn't hurt more now, it just felt sooooo gooood, I couldn't think about anything beyond these two marvellous beasts anymore. Panting heavily under the force of the breeding it sounded and felt like the Plumalanx was nearing the end of his breeding, his climax, As he forced his huge, hard knot against me again I dove up, throwing a talon around the base of the tool of the Plumalanx in front of me, he reared back and looked down at me, saw what I was doing and moved himself in reach of my beak, my next howl was silenced as I wrapped my lips around his cock, suckling on him hungrily, wanting to feel hi hot, hard flesh in my mouth. He tasted strong, incredibly musky with a hint of sweet, almost zestyness from the pre on his tip, the creature let out a loud roar of delight as the warmth of my mouth wrapped around his sensitive tip and my narrow little tongue played out over his barbs and coiled and flicked around the bottom of his head. I felt the Plumalanx on my back ram in hard again; His knot slipping into me completely.

The shock and suddenness of being opened up that much made my beak open again and let out a phoenix-cry laced howl as waves of the most incredible pleasure and the most unusually addictive pain raced up and down every nerve in my body. My cry was cut off as the Plumalanx before me, eager for more, roughly pushed his own tool forward, filling my mouth completely as his tip buried it's self against the back of my throat, made me gag and choke horribly, tears springing to my eyes.

As quickly as the massive knot was planted inside me, it was ripped out again. The Plumalanx on top of me having not expected it to go in had having given out a surprised and pleasured roar as it did. Shock jolted through my body as the next thrust didn't come and I was left choking and squirming on Plumalanx cock, wailing, pained, around it as the knot was yanked from my hole again. I was trying to pull off the large cock, but then the creature on my back, panting hard with the exertion of breeding this poor, unsuspecting, virgin little phoenix slammed his entire length into the abused bird one last time. I finally turned my head in such a fashion that I freed myself of the tool being forced down my beak just in time to yowl.

"Nyhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahaaaa! Ohhhh fhuuuuuuuck!" I wailed as the massive knot was forced into me again. My body arching as I thrashed madly, eyes widening; As the knot forced my walls open wide, pushed them out in all directions, stretching them and pushing and rubbing against my prostrate; my own tool, being crushed into and harshly stimulated by the hard earth beneath me, suddenly exploded; Squirting thick, hot, fiery jets of glowy bright gold Phoenix cum all over the ground beneath me, splattering against my tummy as I whimpered madly, whined and squirmed. I could feel the Plumalanx's own copious load emptying into me, feel myself being filled with the thick warmth that soaked my walls, forged deep into my ass and filled every deep crevice of my guts, spreading an intense heat inside me. The sensation made me whine and whimper more and more as he unloaded his seed into me and I squeaked as I felt his knot begin to expand inside me. I was desperately fearful of how large it might get, it already felt massive, too big, like it was stretching me open dangerously, but at the same time I wanted it to grow, to lock his seed inside me.

The Plumalanx in front of me snorted, gave a sharp bark and pawed the ground, looking to the one who was now panting against my back. I looked between them, only dimly conscious, trying to work out what they wanted. I felt the weight of the massive creature that had been pinning me down shift, and he steadied himself on the ground. With a jolt of panic I realised he was going to pull out, his knot was still growing inside me. I whimpered loudly as I felt him tug on the mass inside my ring, open me up a little. I tried to get my limbs beneath me, tried to push me back towards him, stop him from pulling out. The Plumalanx gave a yank and my vision blanked for just a second, form flickering as pain raced through me, making me lose my voice and whine loudly into the ground. His large, partially swollen knot jerked out of my resistant hole, bringing with it the rest of the creature's shaft. I gasped and groaned as my guts were left throbbing and twitching and I felt a good quantity of hot Plumalanx cum splattered from my ass, leaving my feathers and hole marred with cum, a few thick drips leaking to the floor as I slumped weakly. Twitching after my hard breeding and harshly extracted orgasm.

"Nhunngh... ahaaa" I breathed out softly, chest heaving against the ground beneath me, but the Plumalanx weren't done with me yet. The slightly bigger of the two, who had just finished breeding me, made his way, padding softly and a little unsteadily to a spot a few feet off to my side and laid himself down on his flank. His massive, cum-coated tool, complete with nearly fully expanded knot, bobbing softly against his fur and trickling and dripping onto the earth. My eyes went wide and a squeaked as I got a good look at just how big the thing that had just been pounding my tight hole had been. The Plumalanx gave a deeply satisfied growl as he bowed his head, scenting and working his long tongue gingerly around his tool. I could feel his seed, sitting inside me, hot and heavy. The other Plumalanx, the one I had suckled was moving over me now. Realisation dawned as I laid there, my tight, abused muscles ringing in pain. The one who'd had his way with me was the Alpha, these two were probably part of a clique, Plumalanx naturally lived in cliques of four and clans of sixty four, very hierarchal, the biggest and most powerful had gotten to have his way with me first, now the lesser of the two got his turn, the other two must have been out.

I gasped sharply as my crack and my pained tailhole were suddenly caressed by the intense, wet warmth of the Plumalanx's long tongue, they had tongues like dragons, I was told, I'd never seen a dragons tongue, fantasized about kissing one though.

"Yahaaa Nhaa! Gha! Unngh .. yhheooowww ghawwwwd" I yelped in surprised delight and humped my semi-hard tool against the ground as the creatures tongue penetrated my hole, feeling soothing on the inside of my ring, But as he pushed the long, dextrous, muscular extension deeper into my ass and began flicking it against my bruised walls, I giggled and squirmed, a new kind of pleasure flowing through me as I eagerly pushed my ass back against his nose, wigging it invitingly, wanting more. The creature probed deeper still, drawing his tongue back occasionally, eating out my hole and making me squirm and moan in ecstasy, the sensation beautiful and so pleasurable after the hard fucking, The creature gave soft grunts and murrs into my ass, sending delightful vibrations through his tongue and soon my cock was rock hard again, my tip pushing softly against the cum covered dirt beneath me.

"Naaahahahahahaaa GHI! Yheheee aahahaaaa.. mhummph ohh yes, yeeesss" I whimpered in pleasure, begged for more but the creature was getting restless for his own release now, after the few teasing laps I'd given him earlier, for whatever reason he was satisfied my hole was ready and I yipped in surprise as he suddenly whipped his tongue back out of my hole and with my ass still raised for him he pounced on top of me slamming his own, nearly identical tool into me and smashing my own hips hard against the ground again. "Fhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Ahoooohhhhwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!" I wailed loudly at the ceiling of the tent as my ass was ploughed again. The creature let out a pleasured surprised yelp as my walls wrapped eagerly around him, embraced him and stroked his hard, textured shaft and bulging knot. Fortunately he held himself buried in me a good long while, just panting and nuzzling and nipping at me, making me murr and cringe but giving me time to adjust, he was actually a good little bit smaller than the other one, a little shorter and not nearly as fat around the shaft.

"Nhungh.... ahhaaaa ghood.. nhuuu.. mmph" I whimpered and wriggled uncomfortably beneath him, his knot making my walls throb from the memory of the larger one that had been there a moment ago. After just a few moments the second Plumalanx drew his knot back out of my ring with a soft 'plop' and a desperate whimper from me He pulled back all the way until the bottom of his angular head caressed the very inside of my tight sphincter, then swiftly but steadily pushed all the way back in, I gasped, shivers going through me and murred loudly, clawing at the dirt again but this time much more in pleasure than pain. He didn't waste any time before growling delightedly, and sliding back up, pushing back into the tight confines of my ring, sinking himself to the knot like the other but in a much gentler manner. The softer approach was a relief. The pain was replaced with the most indescribable pleasure, there was discomfort as his pointy tip nuzzled deep against my walls, making me squeak and whimper, but it felt so good. This time as he pulled back I pushed myself back against him eagerly as he slipped back in, was rewarded with a moan from the creature above me and I felt the vibration of his chest through his thick fur. He was getting quicker but as I got my arms under me a little, pushed my ass up to meet him, his tip making me gasp and yip in pleasure as he pushed in, I kept pace.

The Plumalanx above me was grunting, moaning and murring as he pushed his long tool into me against and again and again, me rocking my hips back to meet him, pulses of painful euphoria rolling through my body, making my spine tingle as I yearned for more, for him to go just a little faster, just a little harder. Enjoying the experience profusely.

"Nahaha mhummph Ohh yhes! Ghaaawd Yeeeeesss!.. Oho puhleease!" I tried gripping the Plumalanx's cock with my ass as he pushed in, it made my battered muscles ache but he barked in pleasure at the sensation so I did it again, beginning to move with him even more as he sped up just a little, began grounding and bumping his own knot against my ring, making me gasp and moan madly. His pleasured pants came fast and husky behind me, and I could feel his breath washing over my neck. I found my scaled talon crawling down my body, grip my own sensitive length and begin stroking idly. Humping into my talons as the pleasure and pain of gripping the creatures tool with my ass made me squeak happily.

"Yheeee gaaa!... nhunngh" I kept rocking my hips back against him and working his large tool with my muscles and after only a few minutes the Plumalanx's breathing and thrusting were so spasmodic that he was clearly about done with me.

"naah! Yhesss.. ohhhooo yhess fhilll meeee" I pleaded, dignity and hope gone. Now I just wanted to feel this creature's seed join that of the other wonderful beast, be made their bitch, and used by them. I hadn't realised it but with this Beasts slower fucking I'd almost completely reverted to my solid form, no longer were my muscled bound in ethereal flame as they wrapped tightly around the creatures length. He pushed his knot hard against my ring, seeking to force it in as his comrade had before him, I gasped and whined, pushed back against him, feeling his pointy tip prod deeper still, hurt more but it felt even more incredible too, I was nearing a second orgasm. Suddenly his hard cock pulsed warmth, and I gasped in surprise as he shot his own load into my guts, filled me, He reared and roared in pleasure, pulling his cock back and thrusting it roughly into me a few times; Pushing his knot hard against me once more, but not pushing it in before slumping on top of me. As his cum streamed into me, just as thick and hot as the first load that had filled me I moaned and wriggled forward, my guts aching suddenly with the force of all the thick Plumalanx cum inside me

The Plumalanx shifted on top of me but as he drew his tool back my attention was shifted. A shadow fell across the ground in front of me, something in the light cast off by the braziers in the centre of the room. My eyes widened and slowly and I looked up, fearing what I'd see. There, poking around into the end of the pen was the head of a third Plumalanx. I realised I hadn't thought about the other pens around the inside of the tent, Cliques of four, rarely apart... I squeaked disbelievingly as the third creature moved into the pen, eyeing the two already there and scenting eagerly, undoubtedly me. The alpha was still reclining on the ground, his knot only just beginning to look like it was going down. He just gazed back noncommittally. The one in the process of breeding me pulled out of my ass and this time I gripped my muscles tight as he departed, holding his massive load inside, feeling the cum within me, feeling it's warmth, and the sensation of it filling my colon to bursting

"Nhuhunnngh" right on the tail of the third creature was another Plumalanx, and I whimpered desperately, left now on the scarred, packed earth, in the middle of the pen, splattered in Plumalanx cum, and laying in a pool of my own as one Plumalanx backed off, satisfied and another two began to circle me hungrily, I squeaked in desperation, gave small, weak pleading coos.. I'd been enjoying it but I didn't think I could take any more, and judging by the two already I couldn't tell how these two were going to act. They were both slightly smaller again in stature but this did nothing much to their large cocks. Which hung and bobbed already erect beneath their bodies, Large testicles, eager to empty their loads, swinging between their rear legs, despite myself I found my eyes drawn to the large orbs and the shadowed, ridged, bulging shafts of the deep red cocks

"Mhuhuhummmmph hhahahaaaa nhhoooo" The lead one was clearly eager; his unusual bladelike tailfeathers were swaying and wagging excitedly as he lined up behind me; the other still circling. I'd curled up a little in the middle of the floor, but now I rolled onto my back to look up at him, my tailfeathers curling between my legs protectively as I whined haplessly. Lifting my upper body on my arms, my tapered, pink cock hard and dripping onto my feathered stomach; dirtied by the dust and dirt it had been ground into just a few minutes ago, my ass ached, felt like my pelvis had been prised apart a little wider after the breeding I'd received.

The creature growled suddenly and sprang forward, gnashing his jaws at my chest as I turned onto my back and hid myself from him. I yipped and flattened myself against the ground again, eyes wide, arm half raised protectively as I submitted quickly, resigning myself to being bred probably twice more. I rocked my pelvis up and lifted my ass, curling my tailfeathers away against the ground and sliding my legs apart, revealing myself, lifting my ass as much as I could, offering myself. The Creatures massive cock swayed over my crotch as he glanced down our bodies, snorted in my face and then shuffled into position, flexing his rear legs and drawing his forepaws back to bring his tool in line with my hole. I gave a choked squeak as he pushed his cock against my hole, feeling out my entrance and as soon as his tip was in line he growled fiercely and thrust his shaft into me. I howled quietly, pleasure and pain playing across my features as my hopelessly ravaged hole was rammed into again, for the first time in my solid form which meant at least my muscles would stretch and adapt a little more. The pent up seed from the other two hard breedings seeped out around his tool and as he drove his shaft in I felt it's warmth trickle down my crack. The massive creature gave a deeply pleasured growl as it sank its shaft into the slick, silky, tight embrace of my cum filled ass.

Laid on my back now, with my tailend raised for the Plumalanx I drew my talons into my chest taking up bundles of my feathers and gripping tight as the sensation of the this Plumalanx thrusting into me was changed completely; his tool hit a whole new load of spots now I was on my back and it felt like his passage was easier, like he could push in further before it became uncomfortable. This one didn't ram his knot into me as the other two had but instead went about quickly thrusting into me, his knot not even touching my tight, fleshy ring before he rocked his hips back and thrust in again, breeding me hard and fast. His tip burying itself deep inside me and jolting more pleasure out of my saturated nerves. My ring still felt like it was on fire but the pain had become background now, and the pleasure was what prevailed. I gasped and whimpered in pleasure as the Plumalanx pistoned in and out of me, the force of his motion making my own rock hard tool bounce and slap against my feathered stomach, matting my feathers with pre

"Nhungh! Ghaawwd... Ahh! Yea- nhunnnnngh.... yess!" I bit my lower lip against the pleasure, feeling my own second orgasm not far off, it felt incredible and my talons began to start roaming over my torso, down my sides and back up, across my nipples as I panted and gasped, moaned and squirmed in delight. The Plumalanx currently breeding me, was beginning to take his pleasure from my walls more eagerly, more roughly, his thrusts becoming harder as he began to tease my ring with the promise of that knot. My moans grew at the thought, after two of them had failed to tie with me I wanted it now, wanted to feel the expansion to its fullest extent, to feel myself plugged and locked to one of these beautiful beasts.

The one other Plumalanx, who until this point had still been circling, eager for his turn, caught my attention as he came by my head. I reached a paw out above my head and my talons brushed against his thigh, making him stop and cock his head down at me. I reached up a little further, gasping as the way my body stretched shifted the angle of the Plumalanx's next thrust into me, making his textured tip push hard against my walls, and grasped the large, hot, red tool, of the Plumalanx stood above my head. He immediately grew interested, shuffling a little closer, I didn't know what I was doing anymore; my abused body was taken over with pleasure and desire, my senses overcome with new, unique and wrong but marvellous sensations. As the Plumalanx turned towards me, coming close his tip came in range and I lifted my beak up, darting my tongue over and around his head like I had with the other one. He growled and murred, immediately humping his tool at my beak, missing because of the angle, I slid my talon up around his base tugging him a little closer, the grunts and moans of the Plumalanx still thrusting into my ass becoming more pronounced as his pleasure mounted and my walls feeling like they were ready to just burst apart, they felt so brutally used that they ached.

The Plumalanx stood above me and thrust his hips down towards my face, eager for more. His massive tool rubbed against my cheek, smelling strong and I eyed it warily, it was so close, I felt saliva spring to my mouth. He had practically mounted me in the same fashion as the one fucking my hole and their heads came together, the one over my mouth nuzzling and nipping lovingly at the one breeding me. I moaned as the sensations mounted my own climax feeling so close now as my ass was used and my tool bounced against my stomach. I opened my beak, tilting my head back and squashing myself down a little to ease my mouth around the tip of the great beast. He groaned and murred into the neck of the other one as I suckled on him and gingerly pushed my tongue against his head, beginning to slide down his shaft a little more, working my tongue towards the start of the ridges on the underside. It felt big, but natural, slipped into my mouth beautifully, and felt so warm. He rocked his hips forwards softly, visibly shivering as he pushed another two or three inches of his widening length into my beak. My eyes widened as I realised I couldn't very easily pull off now he'd slid this far in, the way I'd had to squash down to get on his tool meant that now my mouth and throat were really his to drive his tool into, I whimpered around his cock, wriggling as the thrusting in my hole got more sporadic, rougher, the knot driving haphazardly against my ring, making me squirm and push back.

Eager to please and fearful of him driving his tool into me I worked my tongue and mouth furiously around the Plumalanx's massive and now dripping cock, lapping all around the sides of his shaft and against the ridges, sucking on his tip and gulping down the sweet pre. He was nuzzling and nibbling and lapping at the one breeding my hole while as he groaned in pleasure and I had to pause to wail over his tool as the sensations of the massive beast driving his flesh into me so fast built to something unbearable, making me thrash in desperation, disbelief, my body alight with the unbearable pleasure, my tool spitting phoenix seed onto my stomach as it slapped against me in time to the Plumalanx's thrusts, feeling a second orgasm close.

I realised I had become distracted and was simply gasping and moaning over the large tool in my mouth, the creature it belonged too had grown impatient and my eyes were thrown wide as I emitted a choked squeak; the Plumalanx thrust his tool into my mouth, making his large, pointy tip bang uncomfortably against the back of my throat and causing me to gag violently. As he withdrew his tool it left thick, strong-tasting pre on the back of my tongue but he thrust in again, beginning to do so quickly, I managed to weakly raise an arm, to try push him away but in my exhausted and abused state It was impossible, I found my talons just desperately gripping a clump of the creatures fur on his inner thigh.

My other talons scratched and scrabbled and flexed against the dirt as the second beast began to breed my throat filling me from both ends, making my throat sting as hi tip forced it's way further and further down it with each hard thrust, making me gag and spew saliva around his tool; the fluid mixing with his pre to make the inside of my beak a slick, warm hole to fuck. Just when I thought I could take no more of the brutal, ramming thrusts that pounded that huge knot against my hole and wit my walls aching with the force of the breedings I had received the creature mounted over me roared out loudly, signalling his pleasure. The next thrust was a few seconds delayed but when it came He slammed his hips into me with all the force he could muster, ripping away what limited resistance my hole had left by brutally ramming his entire knot straight mast my ring, His massive tool filling my ass completely.

"YAYAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHGRK-" As my entire body arched, meeting his thrust my pained howl was cut off by another thrust from the creature breeding my mouth. I felt my muscles react to the intrusion by spasming and gripping the Plumalanx's tool with what strength they had left. As the massive knot lodged against my walls and began growing and as the Plumalanx began painting my depths with his seed, adding to and renewing the massive load of cum already deeply filling me. As the massive, leaking cock thrust in and out of my beak, the beast using my mouth for his pleasure I choked and spluttered, groaning, whimpering and howling sporadically. I let off a pained moan as the Plumalanx filled me with his seed, it felt like my guts were ready to burst with all the thick, yummy cum inside me, my stomach ached and throbbed with the sensation and as the Plumalanx's knot began to swell and grow inside me, stretching out my walls in all directions, locking the entire massive load of cum into me and tying me to this brutal, beautiful beast I was forced to gasp and moan even more around the thick meat breeding my beak as my own tool twitched and spasmed, beginning to shoot a second load of my phoenix seed all over my already dirtied tummy and chest. The pleasure of the hard thrust and the sensation of being filled to bursting with cum and then the growing feeling of the hard knot pushing me further and further already making my walls ache, driving me over the edge. I yowled in pain and pleasure around the cock sliding in and out of my throat as I wriggled uncomfortably at the sensation of the knot pushing me wider and wider. My movements caused the Plumalanx to thrust into me a little more, working his knot in and out of me just a few inches, making me yip and gasp, cringing and holding still.

The second Plumalanx was sliding his tool in and out of my beak still, his massive balls swaying above me as he pleasured himself, he was growling and murring spilling more and more pre. Closing on his climax, I shivered and moaned around his cock, working my tongue against him as he slid in and out of my mouth. I was surprised when suddenly the Plumalanx pulled back roaring over the neck of the one tied to me now. As he pulled up his cock exploded sending copious spurts of thick, white Plumalanx cum into my beak and then as he drew back they splattered against my beak and face, shooting over my chest and getting even more cum on me. I gulped down most of the cum as I gasped in breath, chest rising and falling as I panted. It tasted strong but good, that was by far the most cum I'd ever swallowed. With my mouth freed I took the opportunity to moan loudly.

"Huhuunnnnnnnngh Ghahaaaa mmmhummppph" As the Plumalanx's climax drew to an end, the last few spurts of cum spilled over my body I spared myself and the two massive creatures above me a small smile. My entire upper body, my face and beak, and chest were completely covered in thick, Plumalanx cum; I could feel it soaking through my feathers, warm against my skin. My stomach was coated in my own Phoenixy seed, one load from when I'd been pressed against the dirt and another fresh load now joining that. My ass was completely ravaged and I gave a whimpery squeak at the pain of the knot only just now reaching full expansion inside it. It felt like my entire pelvis was being widened, tears came freely down my cheeks from the pain and discomfort, from the relief and the shock the disbelief, the overload of my senses. My walls were stretched out incredibly wide and the throbbed painfully, the knot keeping the cm of three horny Plumalanx inside me for god knows how long, I wasn't about to get away now. I wailed softy as the Plumalanx lowered itself on top of me, sort of drawing me up in a hug beneath it as it let its weight down onto me and its massive knot shifted a few inches deeper. The pain sent flutters across my vision made me whimper and groan. But it felt good, something felt.. right, about being this filled with the seed of the massive beasts. And secretly, some naughty little part of my mind loved how I'd been abused, how they'd used me for their pleasure, how brutal and intense it had been; I had never experienced anything so incredible. With my walls aching, my ring stinging, my entire body, completely covered in cum and my guts filled I lay there beneath the beautiful creature, feeling his warmth radiating from his body, his knot stretching me out, keeping all the cum inside. The other Plumalanx had gotten off and laid himself down beside me. I let off a soft, contented murr as I tried to snuggle into a slightly more comfortable position. Even my throat felt raw and abused, but it all felt good. I could feel the creepers of my afterglow spread languor and sleepiness over me; I was so thoroughly exhausted after my hard breeding session. I worked my tongue around the inside of my beak, tasting the last bits of Plumalanx cum and swallowing them down hungrily, gasping and panting, moaning softly.

"Mhummmph.." I licked my lips, looking up at the creatures "Thngh-.. thank you" I whispered softly, the two next to me both murred and leant their heads to nuzzle my cummy form, making me giggle. Another slightly louder murr came from somewhere above my head. I titled my head to see the distinctly larger form of the alpha Plumalanx, the first one that had bred me, He was up on his feet again and as he padded around to the other side of me I saw his tool was still hard, I looked on amazed, but then understanding dawned, it was less a case of still hard, and more that he was hard again. He moved in closer and I meeped softly, eyes wide and disbelieving, beak agape.

My hiding place had been a good choice, I wasn't found until the morning patrol came for their steeds; the Phoenicies came in through the front flap of the tent, adorned in their shiny armour, weapons on their hips, having had a restless night thanks to all the disruption caused by two youths from the local village. They were grumpy, eager to get out on their mounts and finish their patrol, especially as it seemed both offenders had slipped away into the night. As they approached the pen at the back of the tent they all stopped dead, eyes wide. All the Plumalanx were gathered in the central pen at the back, all sleeping bundled together, half laid over and curled around each other, like a nest of fur black and red fur. That hadn't been what had stopped them though, I'd been hard to spot but there, nestled up in the tiny space created between the four Plumalanx was a young adolescent Phoenix, curled up asleep and nestled against all four creatures, sleeping happily in a little nest created by their bodies. The entire tent was strong with the scent of Plumalanx cum, not all that uncommon but today there was far more than usual. As the great beasts began to stir and rear their heads at the soldiers, the Phoenicies drew closer. It seemed that the young Phoenicies feathers were completely matted, from head to toe. They jolted as they comprehended the situation; that the young Phoenix was actually covered completely in cum. Soft, horrified gasps sounded between the four them as they came to grips with the sight before them at about the same time. As the creatures around me stirred and nuzzled and nipped me to wakefulness, I blinked my eyes open groggily, my body feeling unbelievable sore, aching in so many places; the bite on my shoulder and neck, my tailhole, my tool, my guts. I shifted my head, my muscles feeling slow and unresponsive, finding my hole actually unspread by cock I wondered dimly when that last tie had ended. All the Plumalanx around me were looking up at something, it was a lot brighter in the tent and it hurt my eyes to look, a shaky arm lifted to shield my vision, I could barley hold it up, but the figures of the guards above me swam into vision. I flushed bright red, thoughts, concerns and panic flooding back, beginning to realise what I'd done, but I could barley move. A glance down at myself assured me how I must look, I cringed, looked back up at them, and just gave a resigned giggle, letting my head and arm drop back against the body of the warm Plumalanx behind me.