TLoS: A New Beginning Chapter 2

Story by salamander on SoFurry

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Everyone was flying towards the cave when Spyro and Salamander saw a glint of metal down below, Spyro said "what is that below Salamander?" Salamander said "I don't know Spyro perhaps we should see it more closely" Spyro said "yeah ok" everyone followed Spyro to see what that glint was, when they reached the ground Spyro, Cynder and Salamander landed first followed by Crystal, Ember Flame, Silver and Shadow. Spyro said to Cynder "you go ahead to the cave we will meet with you when we find out what that glint was" Cynder said "ok Spyro, come on everybody lets go to the cave" everyone followed Cynder through the bushes towards the cave while Salamander and Spyro looked for the mysterious glint, Spyro said "you look over there Salamander" Spyro pointing in a random direction "while I check over here" points at another random direction.

Salamander went in the direction that Spyro told him to go in while Spyro check his direction, Spyro said "Salamander come over here please to where I am and see what I have found" Salamander went to where Spyro was and he said "what is that?" Spyro said "I think it is a sword, a sword with your name on it Salamander and look it came with a strap to put over your shoulder" "oh yeah so it does but why does it have my name on it?" Salamander replied, "Perhaps the ancestors made it for you?" Salamander said, "You are probably right Spyro?" Salamander put the sword over his shoulder and said, "Let's get to the cave" Spyro said "yeah ok Salamander" Salamander and Spyro made their way to the cave Cynder and the others were at, they got to the cave that was overgrown by a plant.

Cynder said, "I told you it was still here, but I didn't know it was overgrown". Spyro said, "Can you cut the plant by the root with your sword Salamander" "yeah ok" salamander replied, Salamander cut the plant with a ferocious sweep of his sword and left a deep cut in the rock behind it. Crystal said, "Wow Salamander I didn't know you were that strong, you left a deep cut in the rock"

Salamander said to Spyro "the path is clear now" Spyro said "thanks Salamander now we can proceed inside the cave but it is dark so we might need some light" Salamander said "ok then I will get a torch and we can go deeper into the cave", Salamander made a torch from a stick and a plant leaf then blew fire on it to set it alight.

Spyro and everyone else followed Salamander through the cave which went on for ages to the north then turned to the east then to the south then back to the east and finally north, everyone made their way to the other entrance of the cave. Salamander said "everybody here?" Spyro counted heads and said "everybody is here Salamander" cool that means we can train for the enemies that we will see" Spyro said "yeah true but I don't see any enemies at the moment salamander" "neither do I Spyro "Salamander replied, Crystal said "can we have a rest before go further please Salamander?"

Salamander said "yeah ok crystal, everyone take five" everyone except salamander and Spyro sat down to rest their sore feet from the cave Crystal said "why are you not sitting down to rest your feet Salamander" "because I am thinking of where to go next" Salamander replied, Spyro said "what about dealing with some enemies first" "yeah let's do that then" Salamander replied, Spyro said "Salamander the first enemy is yours, we will go after you have taken the first one out" "ok Spyro" Salamander replied, Salamander drew his sword and slashed the enemy through the chest.

Salamander said, "Take that!" Spyro blew fire onto the next enemy Salamander said "nice hit Spyro" "not bad yourself Salamander" Spyro replied, everyone started to take the enemies out, one by one the enemies dropped to the ground killed, Salamander said "that seems to be all of them" little did Salamander know that there was one more this time huge, Spyro said "I wouldn't say that was all of them Salamander", Salamander turned and said "ok that is huge!" Spyro said, "Do you need help with this one?" Salamander said, "Yeah I need help with this one Spyro" Salamander used his first magic power that he got off Ignitus which was the corruption power,

Salamander rose off the ground and was engulfed by a black sphere, inside the black sphere Salamander changed from his normal self to his corrupted self, Spyro saw Salamander come out of the black sphere and was scared of Salamander because his eyes were no longer white with slits for pupils, they were red with evil and Salamander said to Spyro "let's take it down" Spyro said to the corrupted Salamander still scared "ok Salamander", Salamander slashed at the enemy while Spyro burnt it with his fire breath, finally the enemy fell to its knees and Salamander slashed its head clean off, Salamander was covered in its blood and turned back to his normal self again, Spyro said to everybody "it's ok now come on out" Salamander added "yeah come on out and besides the enemy is down."

Cynder said to Salamander, "what power was that you used?" "Corruption power Cynder" Salamander replied, Cynder said, "that power must be very powerful to control Salamander" Salamander said "yeah it was powerful Cynder" Spyro said I think we should start heading back now" "yeah let's head back to the temple" Salamander replied, Cynder said "you can show the guardians your new sword" Salamander said "yeah I think I might actually do that, thanks Cynder" and starts flying off to the temple with everyone behind him.

Everyone flew back to the temple only to be met by the guardians, Ignitus said "Salamander could you come with me to the guardian's room please" Salamander said "yes ok Ignitus" Salamander and Ignitus went to the guardian's room and Ignitus said, "what is that on your back Salamander?" "It's a sword from the ancestors' Ignitus" Salamander replied, Ignitus said to Salamander, "I want you to go to Mountain Boysitbig and see Molair and his brother Exhumour" Salamander said "ok Ignitus will do".

TLoS: A New Beginning Chapter 3

Before Salamander made his way to Boyzitbig, Ignitus said to Salamander, "Beware of Malefor" "who is Malefor?" Salamander asked, Ignitus said "Malefor is a hideous dragon, if you get caught by his minions they will take you to Malefor and you will be...

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TLoS: A New Beginning

Salamander was new to the temple of Dragons and said "Hello" all the dragons that stood before him said hello back which caused Salamander to jump in shock, One of the guardians called Ignitus said, "Welcome to the temple Salamander, I am called...

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