A Warriors Tale Part 5

Story by Aecas on SoFurry

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#5 of A Warriors Tale

A Warriors Tale

Part Five: Revenge

Dance is copyright to Gabriel Logan http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GabeWorks/

Warning: Standard stuff here, please make sure that you are over 18 or 21 or whatever age it is where you live that is legal to view this kind of stuff. This story contains gang rape; bondage and despair so read on at your own risk and please don't complain to me if you find it offensive as you've now been warned.

Notes: My apologies for taking so long to finish this part but its taken me a long time to whip real life into submission long enough to actually sit down and do some writing. If luck holds the sixth and final part will be done soon, so fingers crossed and I hope you enjoy this. Please note however that this is a lot darker in mood than the other chapters to say the least, so please keep that in mind if you are unsure about what you are going to read.

It was just before dawn when they gathered, Medros, Bowen and Frink all met in an alley overlooking the house that Dance and Mindora shared, though they had hardly slept all three were wide awake, all of them eagerly awaiting the Vixen to leave her home. Bowen clutched a leather bag in one large hand filled with the items Medros had ordered him to collect, Frink hopped from foot to foot nervously as the waiting began to get to him while Medros stood silently. The Minotaur's calm appearance was the opposite of the feelings that were welling up inside him, anger was there. Anger at how the Vixen had fooled him and left him at the less than tender mercies of that plant creature, his anger may have been strong but his lust was stronger. He had sampled Dance's voluptuous body but one taste was not enough, he had to have more, he had to have...

The three whirled around as they heard a quiet snicker behind them.

"Who's back there?" Bowen growled his free hand flashing up to grip the hilt of his broadsword.

"That's not a very friendly gesture." Said a voice from the shadows.

"Show yourself!" Snarled the Tiger, half drawing his blade from its scabbard.

A chuckle emanated from the shadows accompanied by the soft sound of footfalls as the being in question made himself known, a grey Wolf easily as tall as Bowen and similarly armed walked into the morning light and leaned against the wall of the alley casually.

Medros narrowed his eyes as Bowen slowly returned his word to its scabbard. "Well, well. Tomas this is a 'pleasant' surprise." The Minotaur said acidly.

A smirk tugged at the right side of Tomas' mouth. "Oh the pleasure is all mine Medros. Long time no see."

"What do you want?"

Tomas shrugged lightly. "I want what you want. A piece of that hot little Vixen." He said with a grin. "Besides from what I've heard she caused you quite a bit of trouble, something about booting you into the clutches of a plant." The wolf said as his smirk widened.

Medros growled deeply his hands balling up into fists. "Oh really." The Minotaur hissed. "And who told you that?"

Tomas grinned and held up his hands. "Calm down Medros I'm not looking for a fight with you. Lets just say that word gets around quickly in this place." The Wolf said calmly as Frink gulped silently behind Medros and Bowen, fortunately for the Weasel the pair were more focused on the wolf before them and he inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now then." Tomas continued. "I've had my eye on that Vixen for some time myself, and seeing as have you seem to have the necessary tools to keep her...how should I say 'compliant' I thought it would be a good idea to throw my lot in with you."

"Did you now." Medros snorted at the Wolf. "Well you can think again Tomas. I don't want or need your help to deal with her. Hang around out here and you can have her when we're finished." Said the Minotaur as he glared at the lounging Wolf.

The smirk disappeared from Tomas' face and the Wolf growled lightly. "So its like that is it? Alright then Medros I'll let you three have your fun. I just hope you don't take her too lightly. It'd be a shame if she got the drop on you twice in as many days wouldn't it?" He said with a sneer before vanishing into the shadows once more his footsteps audible for a few moments before they were silenced altogether.

Medros snorted again as he turned to look back at Frink and Bowen gesturing angrily for them to follow him as he stalked towards the house where his quarry slept, the Tiger and the Weasel following him without a word. The three moved quietly down the alleyway until Medros held up a hand, halting his companions as he peered around the corner of the alley, gazing at the front of the house in the morning gloom. The Minotaur was about to signal to his companions when suddenly the door of the house opened and Dance emerged onto the street pulling the door closed behind her, the Vixen fully clothed and armoured as she began to quickly walk through the streets towards the Eastern gate.

Medros cursed as he saw his prey getting away from him hissing a quick command to Frink and Bowen the Minotaur slipped out of the alley and charged towards the walking Vixen, Frink and Bowen on his heels. Dance was so preoccupied with reaching the gate that she didn't sense the approach of her attackers until it was almost too late, the Vixen span around as the thud of heavy footfalls sounded behind her. Her lightning fast reflexes saved her as she ducked underneath Medros' clutching hands slamming the scabbard of her Katana into the Minotaur's legs and tripping him up. Medros let out a cry of shock as he tumbled headlong into the dirt as Dance rose up to face the next of her opponent's her Katana slicing the air as it was ripped from its scabbard.

Frink ground to a halt as soon as he saw a blade being drawn but Bowen was made of sterner stuff, the Tiger charging past the Weasel with a growl of contempt his own broadsword hissing from its back scabbard as he charged at Dance. The Vixen slid into a combat stance remaining calm as the Tiger hurtled towards her his blade raising as he prepared to deliver a devastating downwards stroke. At the last moment Dance stepped on one side and Bowen slammed full tilt into Medros as the Vixen evaded another lunge from the Minotaur. Bowen crashed to the ground as he met Medros' greater bulk, the Minotaur himself was sent reeling back two paces from the sheer force of Bowen's charge. Off guard and exposed Medros could only watch with horror as Dance stepped in close her Katana hissing towards his belly in a disemboweling stroke.

But the blow never fell.

A small dart smacked into the side of Dance's neck, the sudden sharp pain distracted her just enough and her blade merely sliced the skin of Medros' belly rather than ripping it open as she had hoped. The Vixen instinctively turned to face this new threat, but her reactions were sluggish, and she realized with horror that whatever had struck her neck had been laced with poison. Her vision swam as the toxins quickly took effect beginning to shut down her body, her arms fell limp at her side, Katana falling to the dirt before the Vixen finally collapsed in a heap her eyes rolling up into her head before they closed.

There was a long silence as Bowen picked himself up, Medros and the Tiger looking down at the body of the Vixen as Frink quickly jogged up to join them, kneeling down next to her.

"Is she dead?" Medros asked as Frink lightly pressed two fingers against Dance's neck.

"She's asleep." Came a fourth voice, as Tomas stepped out of the shadows once more, the wolf twirling the slender tube of a blowpipe between his fingers as he came to a halt in front of Medros. "And she'll remain so until I give her an antidote." The wolf said smugly.

Medros glared daggers at the arrogant smile plastered over the Wolf's muzzle the nagging pain from the cut across his belly only adding to his anger.

"Let me guess. You want in on this or you won't give us the antidote?"

Tomas grinned lightly. "Got it in one."

Bowen snarled raising his sword as he stepped menacingly towards the wolf. "And what if we make you GIVE it to us?"

Tomas took a single step backwards raising the blow pipe to his lips and firing a dart into Bowen's chest, as the Tiger flinched the Wolf had another dart ready in the pipe with a flash of his hands, the arrogant grin remaining where it was. "The next one will be poisoned kitty cat." He said as the Tiger plucked the dark from his chest and hurled it away from him with another snarl but, sensibly remained where he was.

"Smart move Bowen. So what do you say Medros? What have you got to lose by sharing?"

Medros grunted, a small smile appearing at one corner of his mouth before vanishing once more, the Minotaur not wishing to waste any more time than they already had.

"You always were a crafty one Tomas. Fine you're in, now lets get her inside before the militia come to investigate the noise."

Frink, Bowen and Tomas all nodded, the Wolf and the Tiger picking up the unconscious Vixen and carrying her back into the house, Medros followed the two and Frink brought up the rear carrying Dance's Katana. The foursome disappeared into the house and closed the door the only evidence of the conflict were scuffs in the dust and a few red specks of blood.

Inside the house Bowen and Tomas laid Dance on the floor, eagerly ripping at her clothing as they stripped the Vixen, their eyes feasting on the sight before them the Wolf licking his lips hungrily.

"Would you look at that. She's got the body of an angel..."

The Wolf reached out to grasp one of the Vixen's large breasts only to find Bowen's paw intercepting him on the way holding him fast, Tomas growled threateningly at the Tiger who merely stared at him coldly before speaking calmly.

"Not yet. First we need to get her into position."

Seeing the Wolf's look change from anger to confusion Bowen dropped the bag he had been carrying in front of him, Tomas examined the contents before chuckling and nodding his head.

"Then we had better get to work."

Medros sat down heavily in a chair that creaked alarmingly under his weight as he watched the other three begin to unpack the bag. Leather straps, a few large dildos, a blindfold, and curiously, some pitons and a hammer were drawn out of its gloomy interior. The Minotaur watched them for a moment before he gaze dropped back to the naked and unconscious body of the Vixen, his eyes sliding slowly over her curvaceous form as he felt his loins stirring once more. Medros shifted slightly in his seat before wincing as the cut across his chest opened slightly, he glanced down at it disinterestedly, painful though it was it only strengthened his resolve to have his way with Dance. Perhaps this would teach her who was boss, he mused idly and then grinned. If it didn't he could always do it all over again...

The Minotaur's thoughts were interrupted briefly as Bowen took one of the piton's and began to hammer the metal into the stone wall of the small house positioning them as high as he could, the noise of metal on metal grated on his nerves but he merely let his gaze drift over Dance's naked body once again, filling his mind with mental images of her moaning beneath him. The thoughts brought another smile to his face and he tuned out the sound of hammering, losing himself in his own little world as he let the others do all the work.

Bowen carefully hammered four pitons into the walls two on either side before he and Tomas took the leather straps in hand and moved towards the hooks now embedded high in the walls. The Tiger and the Wolf quickly attached one strap to each hook, giving each one a hard tug to make sure they would stay embedded in the wall. Satisfied they pulled Dance's unresisting form into the middle of the room and attached the cuffs that populated the other end of the straps to her wrists and ankles. The length of the leather had been perfectly calculated and as the final straps were attached Dance was suspended a foot off of the floor, her arms and legs stretched wide and upwards.

Still unconscious Dance just hung there, unaware of the leering males that surrounded her, she let out a quiet groan as Frink moved up to her head slipping the blindfold over her eyes and tying it securely to her head, the Weasel grinning with anticipation at what was to come. As far as he was concerned these last two days had been good, he and Bowen had both enjoyed the services of that helpless Snake and now they were going to get a shot at the Vixen, all in all things were looking up.

Medros finally stirred in his seat as he saw that Dance had been strung up by the others, he let his gaze slowly crawl over her naked and bound body feeling his sheath beginning to swell as his arousal grew. The Minotaur stood up and moved to stand beside the bound Vixen's head before he looked at Tomas.

"Wake her up." He said simply, red eyes boring into the Wolf who merely grinned, producing another dart from one of his pouches, this one a different colour to the one that had laid Dance low. Leaning down Tomas quickly jabbed the point of the dart into Dance's neck injecting the antidote before withdrawing it a moment later, a small bright spot of blood stained the fur of the Vixens neck as she groaned finally beginning to wake up.

As consciousness slowly returned so did the icy hands of fear, Dance opened her eyes and then cried out, as all she saw was darkness. Had they blinded her? She tried to rub at her eyes but found she could not move her arms no matter how hard she strained there was something holding them fast. The Vixen's ears twitched as a quiet snicker broke the silence around her and her heart sank as she heard a voice that was all too familiar.

"Well now it seems that our guest is finally awake." Medros said grinning at the other three. Bowen, Frink and Tomas grinned back at him as they began to remove their clothing the sound of rustling cloth only furthered Dance's descent into despair. She couldn't move, she couldn't see them and she was totally at their mercy. There could only be one outcome to this, and she flinched as one of Medros' large hands stroked carelessly over her cheek.

"You should have listened to me the first time we met." Medros told her as he unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall to the floor, his voice was sickeningly smug as he and the other moved closer.

"If you'd listen you'd only have to fuck me. But now you're going to get all of us."

"She's really a very lucky girl isn't she?" Bowen said grinning like a maniac as he ran his hands over one of Dance's outstretched legs. The Vixen suppressed a shudder as the males pawed at her, mauling her breasts with their rough hands and lewdly rubbing at her sex as she hung helpless before them. Frink was crouched between her legs, the Weasel's spreading her pussy slowly with a pair of fingers before sinking another pair deep inside her as he licked his thumb before slowly rubbing it over her clit. Dance shivered and tried to suppress a moan as the Weasel worked on her sex, Frink knew what he was doing as before long the scent of aroused Vixen began to fill the room mixing with the heavy musk of aroused male.

"Mmmmm looks like she's very happy to see us..." Frink said before he leaned forwards and gave her sex a lewd slurp with his tongue, tasting her juices as Dance shuddered once again.

"You're body is more honest than you are." Medros whispered to Dance as he roughly squeezed a breast. "So I think we had better oblige it don't you?"

Before Dance could reply a paw was clamped over her muzzle holding it shut and she could only muffle the words of her denial as the males began to move around her. Medros pulled Frink away from Dance's exposed pussy dumping the ferret unceremoniously into a chair, the Weasel began to protest by one glare from Medros was enough to make him think better about it.

"Wait your turn Frink." Growled Medros.

"Yeah let your betters go first." Smirked Tomas as he sank down to his knees next to Dance, the Wolf ignoring the venomous look the Weasel gave him as he took a small bottle of oil from the bag that Bowen had bought smearing it onto his throbbing cock to act as a lubricant. When he was satisfied he had gotten his member slick enough he reached beneath the hanging Vixen and slowly began to lube her tail hole with the oil. All Dance could do was shake her head and struggle futilely in her restraints as she felt the large wolf slowly sliding underneath her as Medros stroked his hands down her spread legs, his rock hard bovine cock resting lightly against her exposed sex.

As she braced herself for the inevitable the paw was removed from her muzzle, her relief was crushed a second later as she felt her head being pulled back and something pushed against her lips as the scent of aroused Tiger filled her nostrils. Dance growled deeply her jaws preparing to lunge forwards and bite the intruder before ten razor sharp claws pressed against her head and neck and Bowen's deep voice filled her ears.

"If I feel your teeth, little bitch, then you feel claws. Understand?"

When Dance said nothing he simply pressed his claws a little deeper into her skin drawing blood and making her cry out.

"Do you understand?" The Tiger repeated more firmly only easing up on the pressure when Dance nodded slightly.

"Good." He smirked before he pushed his big dick into her mouth without warning grinning as Dance choked for a moment as she struggled to accommodate the shaft that filled her mouth. Seeing Bowen thrust himself deep into Dance's muzzle was all the incentive that Medros and Tomas needed, the Wolf and the Minotaur thrusting up in unison making Dance cry out around the fleshy gag in her mouth as she was stretched wide.

Frink watched wide eyed from his seat as the three huge males drove themselves into the helpless bound Vixen, Medros gripped Dance's hanging legs as he slowly fed his huge cock into her sex as beneath her Tomas reached up and gripped her large breasts as he slid himself deep into her tail hole. Robbed of her sight the feelings were heightened and she couldn't stifle a moan as she felt her belly distending slowly from the sheer volume of flesh that was being pressed into her. Bowen kept her head craned backwards, his claws lightly pricking her skin as he too began to thrust his hard cock in and out of her, Dance gagged as the Tiger began to thrust forwards, the tip of his cock pushing deep into her throat.

Assaulted from all sides there was nothing the Vixen could do. Medros and Tomas soon established a rhythm with one another and began to take alternate thrusts into her, always making sure she was filled with one hard cock as the other pulled back to stab forwards once more. The powerful thrusts from the Wolf and the Minotaur rocked her in the restraints and only served to drive Bowen's cock deeper into her throat an action that got a loud growl of pleasure from the Tiger. Bowen thrust his hard dick in and out of her muzzle not caring that she wasn't trying to suck him off only caring that he had somewhere warm and wet to fuck.

Dance shuddered as she was rocked to and fro by the lusty males, her mind closing down as she tried to escape the rape that was visited on her, trying to concentrate on breathing properly as the Tiger's cock squeezed her airway shut with its deep thrusts. Her body began to revert back to its instincts as she was mated hard, her pussy and ass squeezing the huge invaders as they sank in and out of her, squeezing them hard and merely urging the Wolf and the Minotaur on. Tomas and Medros began to slowly increase their pace, the squeezing, milking feeling of dance's inner muscles spurring them on, Tomas was panting hard beneath her the Wolf feeling hot pre beginning to spurt from the tip of his length as he buried his length deep inside her his knot starting to swell up smacking her rump lewdly with each hard thrust as he felt the pleasure begin to rise up inside him.

Medros and Bowen were faring little better, the tightness and heat of the Vixen's body firing their lust as they too felt the pressure, Bowen shooting hot pre straight down Dance's throat as Medros broke through the tight muscle of her cervix spraying his hot pre straight into her womb. Dance hung limp from the restraints enduring their lust as she fought to concentrate on something other than the rape they were inflicting on her. But nothing would come. Despair engulfed her once more as the sheer hopelessness of her position struck her once again. She could do nothing against them, and the only person she trusted, Mindora was in the demon caves and in all likeness dead already. The thought of Mindora laying dead in those demon infested caves was too much for her and she began to sob, half choking as Bowen finally reached the end of his tether and shoved his hard cock deep into her muzzle, his hot cum erupting straight down her throat, forcing her to swallow as she sobbed around the thick cock, tears beginning to stain the fabric of the blindfold as she was sullied by her tormentors.

Bowen's roar almost shook the house as he emptied himself deep into the Vixen slowly pulling his hard shaft back letting the barbs scrape along the roof of Dance's mouth and her tongue before his cock finally popped free of her mouth spraying one last wad of hot cum over her muzzle. As soon as Bowen stepped back Frink eagerly ran over, half pushing away the Tiger he wasted no time in shoving his own rock hard cock into her recently vacated muzzle making the Vixen gag once again as her mouth was filled up once more. Tomas was the next to succumb the Wolf growling as he felt the pleasure rushing through him and howled as he hilted himself in the Vixen's rear, his knot denied entrance to her as his hard shaft throbbed deep inside her. He squeezed her breasts hard as he exploded inside her painting her insides white with his hot cum as his back arched pressing himself up against her back as Medros lowed, the Minotaur near release himself.

Now it was Bowen who stood back and watched, a wide grin on his lips as he watched the others ravish the Vixen his shaft still hard as he watched Tomas empty himself into the Vixen before Medros' massive body shuddered and the Minotaur let out a bellow of his own as he too found release. The Minotaur's huge shaft was visible inside the Vixen as a bulge distended the otherwise smooth form of her belly, she shuddered as she felt hot cum filling her up once more, her despair deepened as she felt her womb slowly stretch around the seer volume of hot cum that Medros pumped into her. The Minotaur abruptly pulled himself out of her, moaning as he held his hard cock just above her, the last thick wads of cum spraying over her naked body covering her with his heavy seed as she shivered at this final humiliation, her blindfold soaking wet with her tears.

Frink was thrusting desperately into Dance's slack mouth; much like Bowen before him he gripped her by the head, craning her muzzle backwards for easier access. Unlike Bowen and fortunately for Dance he did not have the staying power and came shortly after Medros spraying his hot cum down the Vixen's throat, filling her belly with his heavy seed before pulling back with a satisfied sigh. The Weasel wiped his cock clean on the fur of her muzzle before he took a ball gag from the bag and roughly shoved it into her mouth, muffling the Vixen's sobs once more.

Underneath her Tomas finally pulled himself from her tailhole quickly grabbing one of the two thick dildos that Bowen had brought in the back and sliding it roughly into her, filling her once more and stopping his cum from leaking out of her. The Wolf slowly crawled out from underneath their cum covered victim, grinning as Medros shoved the second wide based dildo into her pussy, locking his cum in her womb. The foursome slowly began to clean themselves up, stuffing themselves back into their clothing all the while grinning as they looked down at Dance. Finally Medros leaned down next to Dance's blindfolded and gagged head and whispered to her quietly.

"We enjoyed that. We're going to leave you here for now as a present for anyone else who comes this way. And we'll be back ourselves tomorrow so don't worry your pretty little head about it. We aren't finished, and I'm sure you'll come to enjoy life as our own personal fuck toy."

He turned to go before a thought struck him and he grinned.

"Oh and don't worry about your friend anymore, there's no sense in crying over a corpse is there?"

Patting the Vixen's head condescendingly Medros rose and left with the other four, all of them laughing and joking, the sounds cutting through Dance like shards of glass as she hung there soiled by their cum inside and out.


To be continued...