Spike's Ace in the Hole

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WARNING! You're about to read some pretty graphic shit which includes (but isn't limited to) gore, impalement, scat, watersports, cub, rape, and other harsh elements. Just an FYI, have fun reading! :3

Ace woke up early that morning, for it was his big day; he was turning ten years old today. He expected everyone in town would show up for his party and bring him mountains of presents, little did he know he was to get a different kind of present. Ace was a tiny white tiger, and he was also a cunt-boy, he was unusually small for his age. As Ace got dressed for the party, he looked out his window, excited as his guests where beginning to arrive.

Spike, the Demonic entity of a drollfire, waited patiently for the party to be over, and the young cub to be sent upstairs for bed. From his perch in the grand oak tree, Spike watched as Ace's parents tucked him into his bed and left the room. This was his moment. The Demon slithered from the oak's great branches and proceded to climb the trellis to Ace's window, quietly opening the cubs window and stealthily crawling through it.

The young tiger snuggled under his blanket, purring gently into his pillows, his paws kneeding softly into his matress. As Spike watched adoringly, the small feline curled his tail around the bedframe, the tip twitching ever so slightly. Spike stepped lightly over to where Ace slept, careful not to make a sound.

The drollfire gently lifted the sleeping tiger from his bed, covering his muzzle as he woke to keep him quiet as he made his way back out the window. Once outside, Spike rushed with Ace under his arm back to his van where he got in, strapped the cub into the seat next to him, and drove into the night.

Ace looked up into the demon's eyes as they drove into the countryside, "Where are you taking me, Mister Monster?" he asked in terror.

"We're going to a special place for your birthday, but it's a very special surprise, so I can't tell you where it is." Spike smiled softly.

Spike pulled the van into a driveway leading to his house in the woods, where he took Ace inside and told him to wait in the bedroom. He then proceded to remove his clothing in the living room and then made his way into the bedroom where Ace sat quietly on the bed.

"Take off your clothes, and I'll give you your surprise."

Ace looked up at Spike, and fallowed suit, removing everything save his boxers. Spike then moved over to the bed, pushing Ace gently against the matress as he moved his clawed hand onto his semi-erect cock, using his other hand to tear off Ace's boxer shorts.

The cub squirmed in discomfort as the demon ran his fingers over the tiger's warm cunt. As Spike stroked his cock into erection, Ace looked at it's size in terror, as it was easily eighteen inches flaccid, it now reached a whopping three feet. Spike noticed the look on the cubs face and smiled sweetly. "Don't let my size intemmidate you."

In a bout of fear, the young cub urinated himself, and was shocked as Spike proceeded to lap up the yellow liquid before standing up and shoving his girth into Ace's now wet vagina, ignoring his screams of pain. The beast thrust his enormous penis into the boy far enough that it was clearly made visable through the tiger's stomach as it worked its way deeper into the cat's belly until it erupted in a fountain of blood and other juices out the feline's gaping mouth.

Ace tried to scream but was muffled by the cock in his throat. Spike came hard and withdrew his penis from Ace's tiny body, only to re-insert it into the cub's anus, thrusting until his cock forced Ace's feces through his muzzle, which Spike then ingested in a pationate kiss. As Spike came in Ace, he withdrew his cock for the final time, licking scat from his lips.

Spike then took Ace's tiny shivering body after putting clothes back on the cub, back to his van and returned him home, placing him back into his bed as quietly as he had taken him, the entire tim convencing the tiger that it had all been a dream and he would be fine in the morning.