The unwilling Pred

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Hello all.

This is a gift story I have done for the cute RainyDay. I hope you like it foxy.

Contains: Fox, Lion, Bunny, Doberman, m/m, an unwilling pred ((XD))

Have fun!!!

((My native language is not English, so please excuse some errors))

Rainy © by RainyDay

Others © by me


The unwilling Pred

"I don't get it. I mean, how can you just stop with that? That is something natural. You cannot say you are suddenly no pred anymore." The fox says and walks up and down in the living room. The big Lion is sitting on his couch and is cocking an eyebrow as he watches his roommate moving around in the living room. The lion is wearing nothing more then some black jeans and a black loose shirt as he sits there.

"Rainy? I have a question." The lion says to the fox in a very deep and calm voice. The vulpine stops walking up and down and looks at the big feline as the cat begin to speak. "First; why the hell do you care if I eat other furs or not? Second; why are you wearing nothing more then panties...?" Christoph asks as his eyes are going over the fox's body. He cannot deny that he likes what he is seeing there. The young fox legs are beautiful and long. His hips are nice and wide almost feminine. And a cute bulge is to see in those panties.

The cute vulpine chuckles a bit as he hears these words. A grin crosses his muzzle and then he moves a bit closer to his feline roommate. "It is very easy to answer those questions Christoph. You know very well that I want to get eaten by you. And... well... those panties are just very comfortable. And that is all." The fox pouts at his friend. And yes it was true and the lion knew it. Rainy tries to get eaten over a year now and the Lion is not sure himself why he didn't did it already. Maybe it is because he loves to see the foxy beg. Maybe he just likes the fox, who knows... Actually this Lion is not thinking that much about that.

Actually he never understood this people who want to get eaten. The only thing he knows about them is that the thought of it makes them incredible horny and they call themselves voraphiles. He had a few of them in his live and of course never complained, but it is still hard to understand for the big predator.

"You are acting like I am the only pred around here man. Why don't you search yourself another one? I mean you are tasty enough, I am sure someone would love to have you. But I am surely not the one who is going to eat you. You know very well that I am on a special diet now. And this diet excludes tasty stuff like you." The huge feline says to the fox and laughs a bit, not believing what kind of conversation he is having here."

Rainy's ears are twitching a bit as he walks to the couch crawling up at it. His soft paws are going to the chest of Christoph rubbing over it lovely. "But what if I only want to get eaten by you silly?" The fox then says and his maw is going over to the lion's lips licking over them gently. "Come on I know you want it big one..." The fox says in a seductive voice.

Christoph just chuckles at the silly fox and with a sudden push the vulpine falls back on the couch. Christoph then jumps up and crawls over the surprised thing. "And I say you are still silly and crazy." The big feline says and jumps off from the couch only to give Rainy a teasing wink. "I'll take a shower, and you better forget the whole thing. This Husky from last week was my last living meal." He adds as he walks upstairs into the bathroom.

Rainy remains on the couch sighing a bit, lost in his thoughts. "Oh man that is incredible. How high are the chances that you meet a huge pred who doesn't wants to eat a willing meal...?" The fox thinks as he hears the sound of running water and a humming lion. He jumps up from the couch and also walks up the stairs only to go into his room.

"Hmm, there has to be a way..." The fox thinks to himself as he turns on his computer. The vulpine then opens his browser to visit his favorite vore website and browses a bit through the forums. Then suddenly an advertising pop up window opens on his screen. Rainy was about to close the thing as he suddenly takes a look over it and what he sees there makes him smile.



"Do you want to be attractive to preds? Do you want them to drool over your body in the very moment you are approaching them? Then WE have what YOU need. "A Pred's Attraction" is our newest product. It is a very easy to use perfume. Just spray some of it on your fur and the special pheromones will make every pred around you hungry and horny. So you want to get eaten? Then buy NOW"



Rainy has to blink a bit as he finishes reading over that and is not sure what he should think. But then again there is nothing to loose for him. So he clicks on the pop up and gets directed to the homepage of the product. Rainy types in his credit card info and then sends up the information. After that he turns off the Computer and takes off the panties to lay down in his bed naked. He wonders if this perfume really is going to work or if it is just a fake. He will find out when it arrives though. So he turns and shifts around in his bed and soon falls into a nice and peaceful sleep.

It is early in the morning and Rainy is still laying in his bed as he suddenly hears the doorbell ringing. The vulpine wakes up abruptly and jumps out of the bed. "Holy shit, who can that be so early?" He thinks to himself as goes down the stairs right to the door to open it. As the fox is opening the door he sees a large brown bear standing there with a package in his hand. "Hello sir, I have a package for..." The ursine suddenly stops talking as he looks up from his clipboard and notices that this fox is not wearing any clothes.

"What is it? Never saw a naked fox before?" Rainy says a bit cocky and chuckles at the perplex bear. "So you have a package for me?" The vulpine then asks as his tail is swaying slowly from side to side.

The brown ursine blinks again and then nods. "Uhm... yes sure. Please sign here..." He says and hands over a pen and the clipboard. After the fox signed the paper he hands the stuff back over to the postman and takes the parcel. "Thank you.,, sir..." The bear then says but he only receives a wink from Rainy.

"You are welcome big one." The cute foxy than says and uses his firm hips to close the door. "Hmm well that was quick" He thinks to himself as he walks into the living room to open the package. In it he finds a perfume bottle. It looks very fancy and nicely decorated. In it, a some kind of strange looking violet liquid is to see. But Rainy is not sure if he really should just put the stuff on his fur... He has to find a way to test it...

Rainy is thinking a bit, not sure how he can do that. But as he looks around he notices his mobile phone laying on the table and with that an idea forms in his naughty mind. He takes the phone and goes through his contact list until he finds the person he need. He pushes the "Call Button"

Robert is sitting at the table in his kitchen as he suddenly hears his phone ringing. The bunny takes the phone and chuckles as he sees the name of his friend is blinking on the screen. "Oh when the foxy is calling so early that mostly means there is going to be fun ahead" He thinks to himself and pushes the Button. "Hey Hey" He says in a cheery tone.

"Hello Robert." An excited voice answers. "I am glad you are already awake. I wanted to ask if you would like to have a picnic today. It is a wonderful day today and we could go out to a calm place at the beach." Rainy explains to his friend.

"The beach you say? Well that sounds like a wonderful idea. I could be ready in two hours." The bunny replies to his vulpine friend.

"Ok that is cool. I will come over in 2 hours then" Rainy says and ends the call. He then rushes up into his room to get together all the stuff he needs. The vulpine opens his wardrobe and brings out a tight looking thong like Speedo. He puts it on his body and smiles as he adjusts the bulge a bit. He then puts on some tight blue jeans and smiles wide as he looks over his own body in the mirror. He loves the sleekness of his body and how fine his wide hips look when he is wearing such tight clothes. He then decides to wear a netshirt on the top, to make his outfit perfectly gay.

After the fox is done with getting on his clothes he takes his backpack and puts in some blankets and of course the perfume...

Three hours later Rainy and Robert are sitting on a large blanket on their favorite spot at the beach.

They love to be exactly here because it is a nice and quiet place. There are not much people around and so relaxing is very easy here. From time to time some runners are coming by but that is it. The fox already took off his clothes and sits there with his thong like Speedo. Robert just started to take off his shirt and then puts off his trousers.

The Bunny's fur is completely white except one black spot around his right eye. The body of Robert looks similar to Rainy's body, very sleek with long legs and wide hips. It often happens that other people mistake both of them as girls. He also is wearing some very tight swim shorts and only the bulge at the front shows that he is actually a male.

Robert sits down on the towel and looks around to enjoy his environment. "Oh man, look at him... this one I wouldn't push off my bed." Robert then says and points at Doberman. The dog is running by the cuties showing off his strong legs by wearing runner shorts. From the body build of the Doberman you can tell that he is running a lot.

Not far away from the bunny and the fox the dog stops from running to sit down under a nice tree to recover some energy. This is the chance for Rainy. He takes out another towel from his backpack and as he does so he lets drop out the perfume intentionally. Of course Robert notices that and picks up the nicely decorated bottle. "What is that?"

Rainy has to grin as he hears that question from his friend. "That? Oh that is a new perfume I purchased. It was really expensive but didn't had the chance to try it so far." The vulpine explains. "Maybe you want to try it?" He then adds and receives a nod from the bunny.

"Sure thing, I mean it already looks very pretty." Robert says and opens the bottle to spray some of the stuff on his fur. He then sniffs at himself and blinks a bit. "Hmm that smells like... nothing to be honest. I think you got scammed." Robert says and chuckles a bit at that.

"Really? Well then maybe I should try to get my money back." But what the bunny said was not correct. There was a smell and even Rainy was able to pick that up. Strange thoughts are suddenly running though his head. All of the sudden he thinks about the bunny's taste and much more. After all the vulpine is a pred too and it seems like the perfume is affecting him as well even if the fox does not consider himself as a pred.

But of course Rainy is not the only one who is able to pick up that scent. The resting Doberman in the near seems to get affected too. It is clearly to see that he is sniffing the air and is looking over to the two cuties. The dog seems not to be sure what he should do now. But this scent is driving him crazy. So he stands up and walks straight to the towel where the fox and the bunny are fooling around.

"Uhm... Hello there..." He says a bit shyly, looking first over the vulpine but his gaze quickly goes over the delicious smelling bunny. His tail is wagging very quickly behind his back as he does so.

"Can I help you?" Robert then says as he notices how the dog is staring at him. A wide grin crosses Rainy's muzzle as he sees the hungry look in the Doberman's face. He then stands up to walk behind the dog. Rainy puts his hand on the dog's shoulder and begins to massage over it.

"What is your name big one?" The vulpine then asks with his seductive voice. His hands are continuing to rub over the broad shoulders of the dog. The fox himself begins to rub his whole body against the backside of the stranger.

"My name is... Matt..." The strong looking creature says but it is very hard for him to focus as he keeps looking down over the bunny. He then feels the hot breath of the fox over his ears and hears him whispering.

"Come on big boy... get him." He whispers to the dog. The bunny is still laying on the blanket looking up at the two other furs. Robert does not understand what his friend is whispering to the dog. Suddenly a loud yip is to hear from him as Matt jumps at him, pinning him down on the floor.

"Hey what the..." But the bunny is not able to finish his sentence as the large dog's jaw is going over his face and then is engulfing his whole head. The fox murrs at this sight and comes closer only to tug on the Doberman's shorts. As he notices that he is not caring he slowly begins to slip them off. Rainy then looks down between Matt's legs and sees that the perfume is working perfectly because the dog is rock hard.

Robert in the meantime is fighting and struggling as his head is squeezing into the tight throat of Matt but he soon has to realize that he is way too weak for him. The vulpine has to grin again as he hears the muffled cries and even some moans from his bunny friend, and so moves over to take off the Speedo of the lapine too. And what the vulpine is seeing there surprises him. The cock of his friend is already half erected. He actually didn't knew that his bunny friend is into that too...

"Hmm come on big doggy... eat up your meal" Rainy then says to encourage the big pred as he begins to take in the shoulder and the chest of the small bunny. The hands of the fox are going in between Robert's legs fondling the cute lapine's cock. Some muffled moans are to hear followed by a few wet gulps sending him down further the tight throat.

The Doberman seems to enjoy his meal as he murrs and moans around the bunny. His tongue is already roaming over his sweet meals soft belly tasting the bunny a bit more. Rainy in the meantime kept pleasuring his friend while he watches him slowly disappearing. And in the very moment the white hips are entering the large dog's mouth Robert begins to wriggle even more and then cums hard right over the canine's tongue.

That is motivating Matt even more and so he lifts up his head. The legs of Robert are high in the air and the gravity is helping a lot to get the tasty meal down into the big dog's belly. Rainy watches the bulge in Matt's neck traveling down very slowly until the big dog flops down laying down on his back.

"What the hell..." The dog mutters still not sure what happened. He never lost the control over his hunger like that before. But there was not much time to think for the Doberman because Rainy moved over to stroke over his still hard cock. He murrs and moans as he feels the wriggling inside his belly combined with the good feeling the fox gives him by massaging over his shaft. With a wide grin Rainy then lowers his muzzle and begins to teas the tip with his tongue before closing his mouth around the nice shaft sucking off the stranger.

Of course Matt is not able to hold back for long and shoots his load right into the fox's mouth. Rainy grins wide and licks over his lips while he is watching how the Doberman slowly is falling asleep. The fox gives the bloated belly a final rub now and murrs as he watches it wriggling. "Thank you Robert for helping me out with that little problem"

The vulpine says and then quickly jumps up taking his stuff including the perfume and puts them into his backpack. "Oh my... this is going to be a very interesting evening." He thinks to himself already forming a plan in his naughty mind. He knows that his feline friend is going to dine on a fox tonight...

It was a hard day for Christoph and so he is very glad that he finally made it home. He opens the door with his keys and steps into his apartment wondering why no lights are turned on. Normally his roommate is already home at this time. After putting down his stuff he goes right into the living room only to notice that the light in the kitchen is turned on. Not sure what to think about that the feline moves over. A bit carefully he looks through the door and what he sees there was... surprising.

Rainy is laying on the kitchen table, completely naked except some whipped cream over his nipples and groin area. The sheath is completely covered in the white stuff and on the top a nice and red cherry is to see. "What the hell..." Christoph says as he looks over the fox. "Oh man... that looks like another attempt of you making me hungry for fox..." He then adds.

Rainy just smiles for a while but then speaks. "Well maybe... why don't you come in and take a taste? Or are you afraid you would like it too much?" He says almost mocking to his feline roommate. The lion has to sigh a bit as he steps into the kitchen room. Then suddenly the big feline notices a strange scent in the air. It is a sweet and intoxicating scent. Christoph knows something is wrong here, but before he is really able to think about it his mind begins to get clouded.

Rainy looks up only to notice that his roommate looks a bit confused. But in the feline's jeans, a large bulge is already to see. "What is wrong big one? Why don't you just come here and get yourself a nice meal?" He says teasing him even more. The lion comes closer very slowly taking some more sniffs, inhaling more of this wonderful and sweet scent in the air. He then begins to take off his shirt instinctively as he comes closer to the table where the foxy lays on, presenting himself. "Hmm oh yes I know you want it. I can see it in your eyes."

Christoph then lets drop down his jeans so the only remaining clothes on his body are his boxer shorts. Many thoughts are running through the head of the feline as his muzzle slowly lowers over the groin of Rainy, only to lap up some of the whipped cream. Of course that drives the foxy crazy and it doesn't take long until the vulpine cock comes into view. A groan is to hear from Rainy as he feels the feline's raspy tongue is touching the tip of his shaft and slowly works down to the base.

The golden lion tries to focus but it seems useless, when ever he tries to think about something, his mind switches back concentrating on his two strongest feelings right now. Lust and hunger. The huge feline keeps licking over the fox's cock and slowly the room is filling with the sounds of soft moans and purring. "I don't know what you have done you bastard... but you are... just delicious." The lion then admit as he nuzzles the cock and sheath lovingly.

After that his head begins to move up to the belly of Rainy and then to the cream covered nipples. The feline tongue is running gently over them cleaning them until nothing of the whipped cream is left. Christoph places a soft kiss on the fox's lips, licking over them before standing up only to drop down his boxer shorts too, showing off the large and hard feline cock.

Rainy sits up on the table and begins to rub over the strong chest of the lion. As he does so he can feel the vibrations from his purring. But all the fox can think of right now is how the vibrations of the purring will feel once he gets squeezed down that tight throat. "Come on now, take what you deserve." The fox commands and then begins to kiss the lion pressing his own tongue past the black lips.

That is too much for Christoph. He does not know what is going on or why he suddenly is so horny and feels so hungry. But his mind is too clouded to think about that. His mouth suddenly opens wide and the vulpine stars right into the dark cave. Globs of drool are coming down from the roof and the large slimy tongue is wriggling around until it comes out licking over the chin of the fox drawing his face right into his mouth.

The next thing Rainy can feel are the strong paws of the lion. They are rubbing gently over the arms of the fox before he begins to press them to his sides. With a tight grip like this, it is no problem for the lion to give the fox a push. A loud meep followed by a nice murring is to hear as the vulpine's face is entering the tight and rippling throat of the big feline.

The lion seems to enjoy himself as well as the broad and raspy tongue licks over every spot of his roommates fur enjoying the natural taste. With another push he feels how his meal's head is entering the throat completely and with a few more gulps the shoulders and chest are entering his mouth.

Rainy's cock is rock hard and drooling with pre at this sensation. He cannot believe that it is finally happening. And so far it is exactly like he imagined it. The nice walls of the throat are massaging over his body trying to draw him down further and further. A large bulge is to see in the felines throat as more of the body goes into the Lion's maw.

Rainy is in pure bliss. The noises around him are driving him crazy. The sucking, the gulping and the low and deep sounding purring make everything perfect. Then a muffled moan is to hear as the vulpine's hips are entering the wet mouth, because the tongue instantly begins to lick over the hard cock. One of Christoph's paws is touching the fox's rump squeezing the cheek nicely. One of his digits is going into the crack searching the tight hole. Of course the skilled lion doesn't need long to find it and pushes his finger in, to rub over the fox's prostate.

More muffled moans are to hear as the feline uses his finger to push his meal further into his mouth. This is too much for Rainy and so he cums right over the tongue of his predator. The fine taste of cum is now mixing up with the taste of the fox and it is easy to notice that Christoph loves this combination and so soon nothing more then the legs and the tail is sticking out of his mouth. Rainy's head is entering the lion's belly and it doesn't take long for the rest to follow slowly. His whole body is surrounded by the warmth of his former roommate. Everything he wanted is happening...

Soon the belly of Christoph is bloated and the cute foxy gone. The exhausted Lion moves his paws over the wriggling belly as he walks back into the living room only to flop down on the comfy couch. As he lays there, listening to the gurgling sound of his belly his mind slowly begins to clear. "I think you where right foxy... This whole diet thing was a bad idea... Thank you for showing me..." And after that the lion falls asleep very peacefully....


Well that is it. Hope you had a lot of fun. As always I am very glad for every fav and comment I can get. So if you think it is worth it go ahead and do so. *smiles*


Jack ((Jacko))

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