Apprentice Book 4

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#4 of The Apprentice

Apprentice Book 4 - M/F/F, M/f, Caressing/Oral/Sex, Plot - May 08, 2007

By Afril

(cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association

Note - Yes that is a Female/Female tag.. It is not too explicit, Nor is the 'Straight' sex. But It is what males and females do ;) And of course a kit and an adult

Chapter 1 - Lions and Rabbits, Part Deux

Limif Lay in his bed, dreaming he was snuggled up against something warm, and female. With very strong arms and legs and.. He *blushed* as warm, fuzzy breasts pushed into his chest. Caressed and squeezed the firm ass - It was ok. He was just dreaming. In his dream he was turned on his back and the female who he couldn't quite see straddle his legs... Slip her warm breasts along his erection, licking the dripping tip.

"What is these?" She asked, kissing the fringe of spikes that ringed his cock-tip.

" 'Are' my beautiful one... They are spines. I call them 'ticklers'. At least they tickle me when they are played with."

Moaned as she tilted her head and still rubbing his dick, sucked on his feline meat. Lower her muzzle went, sucking and licking his throbbing meat until his hips bucked and he came hard enough to make his head throb. What a wonderful, erotic dream... So real I could reach out and touch.

Oh Gods! "Lae?" A name popped into his head. Got a soft giggle and some more slurps on his dick, keeping it hard.

"Mmmmmm.. You tastes good first thing. But I sees yer not just sexy as hell - Yer gots stamina. So Lover.. Which hole next?"

This wasn't happening! Ladies didn't talk and act like Lamp Leaners - Like those who walked the Street of Desires... Did they? Moaned again and held his head. Got it kissed by a very real rabbit who grinned at him, on all fours above him, showing off all the Gods had given her. It was impossible Not to stare at those so pink nipples swaying inches from his face. That flat stomach and below - The hidden mystery of femaleness.

"You wants it There.. Or underside my tail? I'se may be a little tight, But I'se fer sure will be gettin all yer inside me... And Iffen yer hurry we can still eats afore I gots ta go back. And Fools around in da Tub. But yer gotta hurry sexy - I'se gotta go home. *Sigh* Much too soon fer me likin, Mind..."

He couldn't ask. He couldn't speak. He grew short of breath as something furred and warm kept rubbing his cock-head.. Hands slid along the strong, beautiful legs, making her almost purr...

"My Lady, I am Limif. And all I have to give is yours if you but wish it." He swallowed dry-mouthed. Got another laugh, One throaty and husky and as he stared into her eyes he knew she was more than amused by his stammering ways. There was that look - Honest, deep, soul-searching... As if he was being weighed, And found to be worth something - Then his pupils snapped wide open, blinding him for a minute. His erection had parted some forbidden-before-now place. And it was slipping in slowly, walls of flesh giving way while clinging to his member, squeezing it... And he dared not even guess where it might be.

Chapter 2 - Mysteries unfolded

"Wanna Look Sexy?"

Lae sat up, grinning at the male, so obviously in shock. Virgin no more.. At least not with Females. And his eyes shifted.. Stared as she crouched. Damn she wasn't used to big ones - But like Rand, She could work on it. Gently rubbed his nipples, getting another inch bucked into her, watching the face go through Fear, Wonder... Back to fear as he reached up to her. Oh it hurt. But Pain was something she was so used to it wasn't even a bother anymore. Besides, It felt Damn Good to be filled like this.

The lions stared in shock as his White Lady lifted off him, and then sat or crouched, or... Whatever she did and his throbbing cock just vanished. Vanished into white fur and warmth and.. Mystery. She grunted and he touched her face softly. Tried to move off... To move away as she was obviously in discomfort. Then she arched and screamed and GRABBED Him! Instincts older than civilization came to the fore, Clawed fingers gripped her hips, Butt-cheeks clenched, and muscles pushed up, thrusting into the heat of the female. The lion was looking at himself in wonder (And a little terror) as the body did what it was programmed to do - Spread his DNA.. While giving his lover so much pleasure she was gasping and panting and grinding her hips back against his meat.. Wetness matted his crotch fur as the rabbit arched up again. This time his tail, finding no partner to dance with, was teasing the stubby one his partner did sport. Working the tuft around it, under it.. A hand he didn't believe his gripped a breast, thumb grinding a so taut nipple..

With a growl he pulled her to him, Kissing the so hot lips.. They slammed together and climax was an afterthought compared to the explosions happening between the two bodies. When Limif could see again, He was on his side, a leg tossed over the longer, much sexier one. A hand was across her hip, squeezing her butt firmly. The other was cradling her head and he was looking into her half-lidded eyes.

And - He was still inside her. Still inside the molten heat, spines gently scratching the rabbits inner-walls with every throbbing pulse, every soft movement of his hips. Caressing her long ears, he waited for her to speak, half afraid she wouldn't... That despite what his instincts said was a 'Yes!' She may yet despise him, Reject his advances.

"Damn - Yer dinna do things halfway..." She reached out and caressed his cheek, barely able to stifle the laughter that wanted to bubble out as his so serious look, so afraid he had done something wrong. Then it did when he dared a kiss.. She returned it, then kissed his eyebrows, his nose.. Tickled his ribs until he was a mess of tawny fur, trying to dodge the strong fingers that made his wrack with giggles and shreaks. He finally trapped her hands in his. And rolled on top of her. A panicked look came over him as he noticed how they were arranged. Then legs came up and beat on his butt, pushing him still deeper into the female who he watched every twitch of... At least until a tit slapped his muzzle. "Suck it, Idiot."

He dared a lick across the nipple, got a squeal and a Grab from below with that same feeling of wetness. Did so with the other breast, gently caressing his newfound lover, until she was the one who lay panting and unable to move.. At least until he blew a razzberry in her chest, making her laugh and roll under his amazed gaze. She was so achingly beautiful - Sweaty, fur scattered as if in a windstorm. Which she may as well be, For she scattered his wits, While binding his heart ever stronger.

"Lover.." he dared breathe, getting a groan and a slap on his butt.

"An We is supposed ta be da Rock-Headed ones.." Pinched his sexy ass, making the feline buck, getting a purr as she laid his head between her tits, grinning.. If sex was this good every time - They would need a new bed! Slapped the hot rump again.. "Bath.." She growled into a cute if short ear, nipping it gently.

Got a look of a child who wants to play in the mud a while longer.. Then something flashed in those beautiful gold eyes. He squirmed, still hard, still deep inside her.

"What My Prince?" She could speak plainly when she wished to.. And Princes were real enough - If in another universe, Living in a castle.. Off her Da's taxes. But none of that showed in her eyes as she gazed into his. What? Did he whisper 'Another Hole...' No, He said Orifice. Laughed softly.

"First you must escape my clutches..." And *Squeezed* him, Watching his eyes cross, his hips shudder - His tail curl over his so hot ass. She was definitely going to spend some time with her head on those buns. And Teeth and Fingers and... Panted into a kiss so hot it made her forget anything but those lips. Felt him move.. Slide out, tissues no longer being stretched uncomfortably went back to normal.. But seemed eager for the still hard pole to explore their depths again - Soon. But right now there was a full bladder that demanded the rabbit get up, kiss her Lover, and trot off for the Water Pot. And his eyes watched every wriggle, every bounce.. From tie-tip to ass.. She was every inch a Lady.

Chapter 3 - Princes and baths

He tossed the covers, knowing the Staff he had sent away for the day would return and put new sheets on it. Tried a step on the still painful ankle, but it held him up. Perhaps a cane.. With a Rabbit's butt as a handpiece. Sighed... No, It wouldn't do that Beautiful Female justice, No matter how lifelike it was carved. Besides.. He wasn't letting Anyone see her naked butt, save himself. And the servants...

Then he laughed as that amazon of a rabbit returned, stood, hand on her hips and glared at him. Inner thighs matted with their mingled juices, Breasts showing little lines from the attack of his teeth and rough tongue. Eyes brown and hot with exasperation - The patient is supposed to wait for his nurse before leaving the bed. And so achingly beautiful with the morning sun shining through her he imagined she was an apparition of loveliness. A goddess incarnate.. He knelt, nostrils flaring at the Smell of her. Muzzle very close to the treasure he had plundered.. Yet somehow intact and from the way she shifted her hips told him ready for another round of lovemaking. Took her hand in his. Kissed it...

"Lea... My White Lady, Whom I adore more than Life itself - I beg you to allow me to ask for for your hand in Betrothal."

Looked into the so beautiful eyes.. Got scooped up like a wayward sack of potatoes, carried to the Bathing Room and dumped into a tub half-filled with water. "I dinna know bout no Betrothals - But Iffen ya wants ta HandFast..."

She grinned and the predator gulped air, cringing as the rabbit got in the tub, grabbed his balls firmly. Pushed him against the metal, legs long and firm against his... Soft but so hard. Female but yet more male than himself. She teased his nuts until he moaned and was erect, mashed between her belly and his.

"IF Da says Yes..." She kissed him. "An Iffen ye does it Right - Naked before All Kin, All Gods ta show we comes Proper ta Be HeartHeld..." She kissed him again. "Then I says Yes, Ya may have my hand. And da rests of me too!"

A cool breeze ruffled fur as a door opened. And in came a bear - Dressed immaculately down to the very naked, very erect lion worked in gold that was his Badge of Office... Only the top half was ever shown to those Outside the House, of course. Walked up, and reached down to caress the peasant girls rear, depositing some scented soap in the crack.

"If the Master and his Lady are so inclined, First Meal will be served in One Bell." If the Master wished to bed a horse and bathe with an ox, Getmkui would bring towels, hoof picks and whatever was needed. The young Master may be uncouth but he was House Ryndal. Besides the female Was very beautiful. Even an old queer like him could appreciate such a hot, tight ass. Left the couple to see to the Masters favorite dishes.. So much sex was certain to wear him out.

Lae dunked the lion several times before he could grab her head and kiss her. May as well die for a good cause.

"How many.." The soap slid into a wash-cloth and re-applied to the so sexy butt. "Dinna try and - MMmmmmm..." The cloth was sliding around and around, teasing her anus, fluffing her tail, slipping down her thighs to tease... She grabbed the hand. "How many, Or I'se be a Widow afore I'se be mated."

The lion could only stare at her.. "Even when you are angry, you are too lovely for words, My Lady." Kissed her.. And got shoved against the tub, hands gripping his mane. The rabbit not only showed How to kiss, but Where, shoving her breasts into his face. He used paw and cloth to explore every inch of them, kissing the pink nipples, nuzzling the round, firm mounds.

"Promise me, White Lady.. On my deathbed you will lay my head in your breasts so I may die knowing an angel holds me... What?"

She was laughing so hard she fell on top of him. "Ya... And every night I fuck ya ta ye can't so much as twitch." Kissed him. "Plow the Ground First, Good Sir. Then worry if Rains come or nae. If the crop grows or nae. Plow the Ground..."

The male surged out from under her, jumped out of the tub, digging around to find quill, ink and paper, no caring how much water ran across the tiled floor. Wrote feverishly... Returned to lift the puzzled bunny and kiss her so deeply and hungrily she didn't flinch at the strange hand caressing her rump with a cloth, then a towel. Yes, even a queer bear could appreciate an ass like the rabbit had.

Chapter 4 - A table fit for royalty

They sat in cloth robes, another male lion fretting over them both. "Cook, You have outdone yourself yet again." The male blushed and gave the Lady's hand a kiss.. Then rushed back to his domain - Nobody bested Cook in His Kitchen. "And in answer to your question - Five. They were my Fathers before me. Cook, Three maids, My Valet, you have met. And I still don't know why I need Three maids - I can pull my own sheets!"

The bear who was serving the Lady, took her hand and kissed it as well. Touched his tongue to it - A greeting older than the Cities. She did the same, but lingered for just a moment, making the round ears heat and twitch. His bulge was bigger than Da's!

"Because Your distinguished Father had an eye for the Ladies.. And Liked having Three Maids to study as they worked. Would the Lady prefer Berry Jam or Honey on her graincakes? Cut them thusly.." Showing her how to use a knife and fork in tandem. Getmkui seemed neither worried that the silver service nor the plates lined with gold would either break or disappear in the strong hands... But the Head Servant watched every movement without seeming to be watching. The pattern was irreplaceable, The artist dead almost a century now. As the rabbit tucked her meal away with an appetite, The bears assessment went up several notches. Someone had taught her manners - Rough as they were. Not a Street-Walker, nor Social-Climber.. Both rated the same in his estimate.

Dare he hope this one would be the one to stay? The old Master had few lovers after his wife died of Fever.. Kept the staff on when there was no real need for so many. Only when he was on his deathbed did he release all but the Five who took care of the new Master. The house was not a mansion, but it was big enough to keep the three maids busy. Cook was of course Cook - He needed a pot, a spoon and a fire. Didn't believe in using his hands to stir with, else the spoon could be disposed of as well. Heard them talk without hearing. Didn't flinch when the female grabbed his balls, Caressed them, weighed them in a strong hand. Felt a slight blush as the Master laughed softly.

"It won't do you any good My White Lady.. He prefers males to bed. When I can get it through his stubborn head I am more than willing to let him. He still thinks I am a cub who has to have his butt wiped as often as his muzzle. Do I still gnaw on your fat ass, Getmkui? No. I think I can be left alone a few nights without ordering you out."

The bear said nothing, stifling a shiver as the hand continued to roll his nuts around, making his pants a bit too tight of a sudden. 'When you marry, Sir. When you Prove you can be alone without running off, or finding some discarded bit of fluff who would as soon kick you in the crotch and steal you blind as be the Houses Lady - Then your leash will be shortened. Not before.'

Cook returned with more grain-cakes, Got his rear squeezed.. And a kiss from the female that sent him reeling out the doorway. The three Maids came to take the robes and get the Master's clothing. The lion tried not to stare as the rabbit stood in her fur, getting one last bite off the plate, sucking her fingers so erotically.. Patted her belly. Grinned at the male who swore his whole head was going to burn up!

The tigress who held his pants over one arm, his coat over another and was helping him with his shirt had never seen so much red before.. Was tempted to touch it. Glanced at the female who just stood - No more caring she was naked than a wild forest creature would be. Or a fairy.. But fairies were not built like That. A twitch of her finger and one of the others, a hyena with the dusky fur of the Plains took the rabbit in paw. "Don't you be worrying about Her, Master Ryndal - I am sure Nivia will find someting suitable.. Have we disappointed you yet?"

Limif shook his head.. But watched the white butt all the way down the hall, Just the same. Then looked at the bear as his pants slipped up his legs, shivering as the female caressed his nuts, tucking them into the crotch. Even though he knew he could take Any of them to bed if he wanted.. He never did. They were Family - He had cried on their shoulders, pinched their butts.. Been naked and sick and surly around all of them. But it still felt nice to have familiar hands playing with his private places.. Yeeped as clawed fingers pinched his butt, lifting his rear so his tail could be slipped in the hole made for such things.

Stood and grabbed both their hands. "I have asked her to be mine - And she replied, 'Plow the Ground First.' Taemae, How does one get to be so wise? How does one grow such callouses and muscles and yet be so beautiful even now I wish she was here to look at and worship?"

The two servants shared a look as their charge bent his head. He had it Bad! And maybe.. Maybe she was the one. Some strong enough to tame the Young Master. Make him listen and think and plan - Instead of jumping like a colt startled by a butterfly. Heard a commotion coming from the back rooms - Then again...

Chapter 5 - A Plain Rabbit Not a Princess

Laeare Tarin Mejaginil didn't quite rip the piece of gauzy nonsense off her body. Allowed the female to remove it and replace it in the small room filled with such things. First they had gone back the the Bathing Room and she was shown how to clean herself.. Completely. No blood, Thank The Gods... But she still felt twinges. A small price to pay for so much pleasure she still felt it's echo's. Of course the canine's expert touch made her shiver as well. The brown eyes smiled as they worked her over. Nivia wasn't above touching the so sexy Lady.. Or making her orgasm, splashing the strong brown hand. Gods! Hot as Noonday, this one was. Kissed her - Got one back that made her tail curl.

'Sister.' She was christened by the hyena. Strong of mind. Strong of body. Not afraid to enjoy the touch of another female.. Or male. But Blast her sensabilities! One didn't walk out of the House in that.. Thing. One went out as royalty that showed all Who walked among them. Fifteen of the Best gowns. Fifteen...

"I would nae put that on a Mule. How is I be walkin in That. Hah - May as wear fur.. It shows less. First time I'd bend over fer da bucket, My butt'd rip it out."

Buckets and mules and stubborn rabbits be Dammed! Exasperated, the hyena got a dark blue travelling dress. It went over the strong frame, settling in all the right places. Cut to show cleavage, but also cut so feet could walk on uneven roads without entanglement. Half-sleeves with a Lion's Head in gold showed off her white arms quite well. The maid turned her.. Fished in the rear getting a giggle as she found the pert tail. Got it out the hole, and giggled herself - The hole was cut to show off something longer and wider... So an inch or so of hot rump was visible as well. Tickled the leaf-shaped white furred appendage, watching it wriggle.

"Thisun will do."

"Lady..." And got a stare that would have burned holes in rock. The rabbit turned on her with a growl, the maid kneeling in shock.

"Yonder fool walked into a tree - And stubbed his toe afore that. He is addled and thinks with his balls - From Him I will take that. Not from you. You be wantin a Sister.. Iffen what you whispered when ye thought I wouldn't hear be what ye said. Well?"

The female scared her like no one had before.. The amazon could probably break her like a twig! Got hauled up and shoved against a wall, Eyes boring into hers. "Be that fool lion Brother or Lover.."

Nivia blushed, her face going white.. "I couldn't.. I never." Got her butt swatted roughly.

"Family Dinna Lie ta each other. Or does ye only like Women in bed?"

The hyena thought a moment.. Swallowed. Sisters did for each other. Did things males would rather eat dirt than do. Shook her head. The grin was more frightening than the scowl.

"We share - Food because it's scarce. Chores because many hands make work go faster. Lovers because we wish to - Good ones are not easy to catch. When you own nuthin but your fur, Can you be jealous if a brother or sister asks if they can share warmth?"

Nivia giggled and sighed. Kissed her PackSister. "The Master would never do.. Us. The Old Master liked to look, and sometime paw.. But He put a wife in the ground, So we let him paw much as he wished. Will you really be our Lady? If you marry our Master, you will be the Houses Lady.. The title kind of comes with the place."

Lae giggled, and waved her hand at the closet. "I dinna care iffen I go Nude, I aint waerin That. I'se A Cropper's Daughter.. And if the Duke hisself comes and kisses my ass, I aint nuthin more than that."

The hyena shrieked at the mental picture, laughing so hard she could barely draw breath. Hugged the rabbit... But did make her wear a diamond-and-ruby necklace in the shape of a lion's paw. "It shows you are betrothed.. Besides - It will make all those crows who lingered, Hoping to grab Master's paw, Jealous as The Hells."

Saw the fierceness come to the fore as the rabbit smiled... Master was good as married. Waved the third maid forward to lift the rabbits so sexy feet and buff the foot-claws. The eland knelt and did each toe, caressing and tickling them to hear the Lady giggle. All of them remembered the Mansion on the hot Plains. The Master and his Lady and the many servants. The Hunts that were more picnic than Hunt - But Lords were supposed to Hunt. Then the wasting sickness. The move to a much smaller House. The death that took the light from the place, And with her went the Master's heart. The garden, A small stone house where they would never be parted again, and a son the only things left of the great line of Ryndal.

The maid gasped as she was lifted off her feet, a strong hand gripping her rump. "Too bony.. Dinna ye eat? Enough - Da Gods be given us feet to walk on. 'Sides, De will just be gettin dirty again. And I wants me old dress back, Iffen ya please - I gots a cart ta pull."

Lae almost looked to see if she stepped in something, the way their noses wrinkled up. Then slapped both their rumps. "I aint no Lady yet.. And even iffen I was - Da would tan my ass iffen I thought I was better'n an ox. The Lord didn't seem ta mind riding my cart... Maybe it was my butt a waggling afore his face."

From shock to shrieks just that fast.. Both maids gathered their Lady-To-Be, Showed her the garden.. Got some mutters about the condition of the soil and how a visit from her Da would fix things. Well, 'Da' would have to visit - And not as the gardener. Master Ryndal may be in Love with this wilding Daughter of Sharecropper, But He would ask ask her Father Properly. If They had to sew the clothing themselves!

And so a rabbit in a travelling dress and a necklace that could have bought several rows of houses, sat beside a lion who looked every inch the ManorLord he was on the bench of a plain cart, holding hands while a bear grabbed the harness, tossed it over a massive shoulder and started off to the Lady's Family abode.

Chapter 6 - Queer Fox, Pah!

Tama awoke to something warm rubbing his erection. Giggled to himself. Damn, That rabbit was as bad as his Sons... But something seemed off - Whatever his dick was rubbing, it wasn't any rump he had ever felt before. Then a tongue flicked across the tip and he groaned... Besides rumps and muzzles, What was furred and round and - No!

A small and very female rabbit had his throbbing maleness trapped between her tits and was doing a very good job of working them up and down, back and forth... Maia grinned at the fox and swallowed half his red pole before he could squeak. Then he was cumming and gripping the covers and humping her tits and doing anything but squeaking.. Or complaining. She may not be Of Age, But Farm Lads and mules didn't ask your age when you sucked on their dongs.. Long as it fit and you could suck decent, they were willing to let ya do all you wished. And she very much wished to do this to Master Fox.

Swallowed the thick cream, and squeezed his sexy butt, keeping the pulsating cock in the furry valley while moving her head just a little, tickling the head with her tongue - As the boys liked her to do.. And sure enough he howled just like the rest.. Howled louder when she nibbled on the too-sensitive tip, gently using her teeth to empty his nuts into her hot, sucking muzzle. Queer Fox, Pah... Boys liked a good tonguin and weren't picky about who did it. A shaky hand manged to find her face as she relented.. Letting it slip from her mouth with a gentle kiss.

"Da went home. Biggest Sister went off with a sexy male who whacked his head 'gainst a tree." Gave the fleshy pole a long, slow gentle lick. "Da says ta keep it wet until it gets soft.. Else'n it'll dry and crack like our footpads."

Another long slow lick on the other side..

"I.. Gods! I don't think it will be going down very soon. Come Girl..."

"Maia Sirs.. You Sure? Your dick be much too pretty ta be having cracks in it. Sides, It tastes nice. And ye din even grabs me head when ye came, Like da others."

Others? Maybe rabbits matured faster than foxes. Watched the girl play with his scrotum, nuzzling it while kissing and licking his cock like it was a sweet - Or a Duty? Gods, No! Not more stupid Debts... Somehow got her head away from his crotch and on his chest. She still caressed him, snuggling to him - Like Rand did. Insanity... It had to be. Then soft lips found a nipple and teeth bit it and Tama forgot about everything until he came to. With no rabbits, naked or otherwise. Shook his head, got up and went to find the tub ready for a soaking - And Gods did it feel good!

Then another body got in and he reached out to grab the furry ass, turning it so he could nuzzle and nip it, grinning at the moans. But there was no waving pole to tease when he grabbed for the rabbit's crotch. His eyes went wide open as the smaller cheeks rubbed his face, still as brown, and Maia looked over her shoulder at him. Giggled and sat in his lap, putting his paws on her nipples, pressing them in firmly until he grabbed her breasts by reflex. Lay on top of the fox and turned to kiss him.

"Da was right, Ye be a Gentlemale. Even when ye chewed on my butt, Ye didn't be gropin me - Or is that cause ye be a Fagg... Pah. A Butt's be a Butt. A Tongue be a Tongue..."

Turned to lay on him, Giving him a way too hot kiss. "What? I dinna ask ye ta stick it in me.. Just show me what a gentle lover is like. And ye have." Hugged the fox who lay like a waterlogged tree. "I be hopin someday ta be find me a gentlemale like ye.." Giggled and nuzzled his chest. "Ye like Brother's Butts, And Da's butt... Maybe ye will like mine too? Ye be bitin on it like ye wanted ta be eaten it up... Or does ye be hungry, and not wantin ta show a bunny how it feels ta take ya under her tail?"

Kissed him again, Got up and waggled her wet and way too hot rear in his face. Got it bit and nuzzled and kissed... Then it was gone, and Tama watched it get rubbed by a towel, feeling jealous of the cloth that slid down those so sexy legs, back up to see a twinkle in the brown eyes.. Groaned.

"Mister Fox needs ta eat sumthin besides bunny-butt.. Then maybe ya can shows me how to wind some wire around some stones? I gots ideas on how.. But I wants someone who knows how ta be doing it right."

Chapter 6 - Salt the Water

His green eyes watched the butt waggle all the way down the hall. Got up and dried himself, gaping like a fish - He couldn't... It wouldn't be right. He wasn't interested in females - Was he? Heard a grunt - Gods! Ran to the Main room in time to rescue the pot from the straining rabbit. Put it on the counter, just slightly jumping at the kiss on his rear. Put 2 bowls down and spooned out grain porridge... Tasted it, making a face.

"Salt, Girl.. Salt the water."

At felt his heart lurch at the look he got back. Knew it all too well from a young male rabbit who had walked half a day on Cold Turnip Soup. Salt was probably reserved for special times... Lifted the ears, giving the tips a kiss. Then the chin, giving those so soft lips another. "You are not in a two-room hut, Living off what the land and that Farmer gave you. You are in a House, as My Apprentice.. That means you Eat like I do. Bathe at least twice a day. And take orders.. Understand?"

Wanted to growl at those too wide eyes, that too cute face. Then she was hugging him and wetting his chest. Damnit! "Orders means no burned fingers, or buttfur - Unless you Want me to glue your cheeks together..."

Then He was blushing and She was laughing.. Looked up at the fox. "Iffen ye wants ta glue me butt, All ye needs do is ask."

Reached around and grabbed His butt. Then got a bowl and spoon and sternly told to sit. Bread and milk came with a fox still red around the ears and cider - He needed something strong this morning. Honey in one bowl, salt in the other - Maia took a little of both. Watched her doodle with the spoon handle in a drop of water. Saw promise in the design.. It was simplistic, but sometimes Simple was better. Watcher her finish up, Decline seconds and go to the sink, washing out her utensils.. Waited for him to finish and did the same. He showed her how to use the brush and soap, and felt the heat of her rear against his legs. Ignored as best he could while her tail-tip rubbed his balls, Seemingly happy to learn something new. Or just to tease him. Then it was to the shop and Gods did the apron ever feel good against his sheath. And looked in semi-amazement - It was clean. Swept, wood in it's place... Maybe some of it in the wrong bins, but that was remedied in a minutes work.

"Did I does right Sir? Ma teached us broomin an scrubbin an such... And Rand be sayin ya wanted it Right in the mornings."

Tama patted the bunny's butt, nodding. Put her apron on right - So much like Rand.. Right down to that too hot, brown furred ass he helped tie a string over the top of. Got some brass wire and showed her how to bend it in the vise, Warning her about sharp wire ends, metal hammers and fingers. Also showed her how to use 2 pieces and loop them into knots to hold the bits of glass like baskets. Thought about Churches who were always needing tinted glass for windows. Chair backs and plaques for rich people who wanted one-of-a-kind items to put the fur up the backs of their rivals.

Told Maia to stay put. Scribbled a note to a glassmaker he knew had plenty of scrap. Went around the back to the other house to fetch one of the kits. Ma of course tried to say how grateful she was and how much she loved the house and... Got a dress on one of the girls, who scooted off with the note. Wouldn't take any coin for it either. The lads were at the Mill, Tur and Rand were off looking for beds for the little ones and... The female broke down and cried on the foxes apron, babbling about blankets and hard floors and... He shut her up with a kiss - Well, He was desperate. Got one back that made him forget his name. Bushed his tail out while strong hands gripped his ass and Squeezed! Would have stayed that way forever but someone was tugging on Ma's dress, saying Lae had come back with a fancy male.. And a huge mountain a-pulling it.

Tama got untangled. Gasped for air and found his apron untied... The look in the female's eyes shocked him clear to his toes... A voice came to him - 'Ma would put you next to Da in the same bed and wear you both out.' Got the apron tied, and himself out of there. But not before four pairs of muzzle nuzzled his exposed rear, with soft "Thank 'ee Ser.." following. Forget the gate, He leaped the fence and stood in the doorway, panting... Insanity! And there was Maia, who came up and grabbed his ass, stood on tip-toe so she could kiss him.

"We shares what we gots.. And we gots You, Master Fox. Sister's back? Iffen ya don't needs me after Midday bell, I will be seein her." Kissed him again. Then went back to working on her project as if nothing had happened. Looked over her shoulder and grinning, gave her butt a twitch... *Prong* Insanity - Every last one of them... But his green eyes kept looking at that brown rump, Panting even though it was a mild day.

Chapter 7 - The Lads

Tur and Rand were at the Mill, loading furniture. Master Pteh was laughing, waving away their attempts to pay him for the beds and chairs.

"You tell that robber these are my Handfasting Presents.. Of course I heard. Everybody has heard. You think that long-nosed busybody across the street can keep a secret longer than it takes to tell?" The hog winked and slapped the big rabbit's rear. Johsa just stood with his head down, mumbling.. All he did was offer to to deliver some things for Master Pteh - On account of him taking his lads in as workers. And out came all this wood - with good cotton-stuffed mattresses.

"I bet that squirrel Tama has cleaning his house has some sheets and pillows she can rummage up.. Oh, You have paid me well enough... Your sons work themselves sick and work some more. I had to make them sit and eat Midday Meal - They wanted to work through it. Like I was one of them Barons or slavers one hears about. Pah - Besides, My wife would beat me to The Square and back if I over-worked the lads. She dotes on every one of them... Eleven you say? And I thought I had it bad with 9... And you tell that fox I want the Best inlays on that table - And not just because everyone is going to see it in the HandFasting ceremony either. He can get stingy when it comes to his own needs..."

The last bit got tied down, and both boys got put up on the wagonseat. The giant of a male bowed to the hog who swatted his rear again.. "You leave all that bowing and scraping and kneeing to the Gentry. We simple folk don't need none of it. And tell that robber fox I want expect to see more stuff coming out of his Shop - I sold every scrap of what you made Rand. Good work if I say so myself... And I do say so. First Day Mister Mejaginil, I expect to see you First Day with scrollwork and inlay in that wagon. Now get before I lose all my profits."

Grinned as the big male took the wagon yoke in his calloused hands and walked off as if it had feathers instead of oak on the back. Went back inside, growling at the laziness of workers.. "Whose turn is it with the fans? It's hot in here!" Closed the door to his office and rubbed the brown head of the rabbit who sat, scratching numbers on a paper. Got a shy grin in return. Sorry lad - I am straight as the day is long. I also have a wife who isn't afraid to beat her husband with what is at hand - And that included the oak staves! Fetched a cup of cider and put it on the desk, Very glad that Tur wasn't the only one with brains in the Family. He could run a Shop with the best of them, but be damnded if he could figure all those numbers... And one never knew what someone else was adding to or taking from the piles of coins.

This lad was too honest by far - Even told him when his Wife bought a new dress. 2 silver for a Dress? But there it was in that scrolling hand even he could read. Rubbed the rabbit's head again. Gods help the Street of Desires when the boy came of Age... And Gods help any male who thought to take advantage if the scamp - He and his wife Both made the oaken boards creak under their weight, Not a lot of it fat. And most bears were not as big as the lad's pa. Just let someone hurt the boy... Kissed the cute lad on the back of his head and walked off, rubbing a tusk that curled several inches from his lower lip... Going to have to sharpen it again. Mother would be baking pies, and a slice would go well with that cider. So they spoiled him - That was what younglings were for. Mmmmmm - Berry. He might steal a piece for himself.

The End

Apprentice Book 3

Apprentice Book 3 - M/M/f/F, Caressing/Oral/Plot/Angst - May 07, 2007 By Afril (cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association Tama and his Apprentice, Book 3 Note - I think of Maia is a young teenager (Hence the 'f'), and Lae as an Adult but still...

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The Apprentice, Book 2

Apprentice Book 2 - M/M/m, Caressing/Oral/Anal - May 05, 2007 By Afril (cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association Tama and his Apprentice, Book 2 Chapter 1 - Rand's Father Tama was sitting at his desk, looking at numbers. A month. A month...

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The Apprentice, Book 1a

Apprentice Book 1 - M/m, Caressing/Oral/Anal/Masturbation - May 04, 2007 By Afril (cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association Tama and his Apprentice, Book 1 (Apprentice 1 to 5 with additions) Version 1.2 - Typos caught by CatWeasel ...

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