Training Day

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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#3 of Mystic CIty

Big thanks to Rick for use of his character. Still working on Freedom Fighters and will hopefully finish soon. As usually comments are always welcomed.

"Here you have it ladies and gentlemen. The arrest of mayor Paul Guzman after an anonymous person sent in a video tape of him doing sex acts to a child" the reporter said.

Russ watched with a smile in his bed as Dan walked in.

"Is it on?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, they're picking him up now" Russ said.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Emily asked.

"Absolutely" Dan and Russ said.

The scene switched to the courthouse as a police car pulled up. The mayor was helped out as tons of press were snapping away and yelling questions one after another.

"After seeing these tapes, police did a search of his house and found a hidden room with more then dozens of these tapes of his sexual nature. The father, Larry Butler, will be brought up on charges of child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment and soliciting. The child, who will remain anonymous due to her young age, will move with her grandparents."

They watched as Paul got lead up the stairs and inside the courtroom.

"Where he's going, I hope he knows how to deep throat" Dan said with a laugh.

"They're not going to kill him in jail are they?" Angel asked.

"No, first they'll use and abuse him. Then kill him. People in jail hate others who do things to children" Russ said.

"The mayor's wife Julie could not be reached for comment but her representative said she was deeply disturbed about the whole thing. She will be taking over the role of mayor effective tomorrow morning. Stay tuned and we'll bring you live coverage of the verdict."

Both brothers had smiles on their faces when Dan's phone rang.

"Speak to me. They gave you a promotion for that? Sweet. No thanks needed. Take care man and congrats."

Dan hung up and looked at the TV as the reporter was taking to some person about what happened when a knock was heard on the door.

"The Merlin is waiting for you Daniel and Emily" a skunk said. He looked no more then 14 as he wore a pair of shorts, basketball jersey and black sneakers.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" Dan said waving his hand.

"Behave yourself" Russ said before letting out a cough and holding his chest.

"Get some rest Russ" Emily said kissing his forehead before heading out.

Russ let out a sigh and leaned back down, Angel by his side.

"Do you think he'll find a way out of that mess he's in?" Angel asked.

"Not a chance in hell" Russ answered.


"Court will now recess while the jury reaches a verdict" the judge said knocking his hammer down a couple of times.

Paul and his lawyer walked out the courtroom and into a private room. Paul in a rage tossed the table over and started yelling.

"They will pay for this. I will not rest until I killed them both and watch the blood drain from their bodies."

The lawyer, who was a collie, sat down and leaned against the wall. He undid his tie and let out a sigh.

"All right Josh, what am I looking at?"

Josh rubbed his eyes and looked straight at Paul.

"Well since you pleaded guilty, it saves you from the electric chair or lethal injection which is what everybody wanted. So you're probably looking at a double life sentence with no chance of parole."

"Double life? Come on Josh, you can do better then that. Jesus, what am I paying you for?" Paul said angrily.

"Look, I'm doing the best I can you ungrateful asshole" Josh snarled. "I can only do so much with the evidence piled against you."

"Damn those fucking brothers."

A laugh was heard as Ginyu rose up from a black hole. The mask he wore had the biggest smile like that seen on a clown's face.

"Looks like you're going to be somebody's bitch for a long time."

Paul turned and looked at Ginyu.

"What do you want?"

"I've come to talk about our deal."

"Deal?" Josh said.

"Could you wait outside Josh?" Paul asked.

"You shouldn't do deals without me Paul."

"Josh!!!" Paul said sternly.

"Fine, whatever. Do what ever the hell you want. This case is done for anyways. Have a nice life shit head and I hope you drop the soap" Josh said grabbing his suitcase and slamming the door behind him.

Ginyu let out a whistle as Paul sat down.

"You certainly have some good associates."

"Shut up and let's get this over with."

"Very well."

Ginyu lifted one finger as the table righted itself. Snapping his fingers caused a paper to materialize in front of Paul.

"This is our old deal stating we will provide you with the means necessary of getting rid of the Miller's, but that failed didn't it?" Ginyu said with a chuckle.

Paul glared at him with anger even though he couldn't see Ginyu's face.

"This new contract if you agree to it means you will owe your loyalty to your new master."

"I give loyalty to nobody."

"I see. Very well, if that's your decision, I'll send you a fruit basket along with a couple of dresses that suit you."


Ginyu turned to look at Paul who rubbed his forehead as he looked at the paper.

"Why is your master doing this?"

"He sees your potential as a great summoner. That's all you need to know."

"What will happen to my wife?"

"She will be taken care of. Do not worry."

Paul thought about it some more before sighing seeing as there was no other option.

"All right, give me a pen."

"Excellent choice" Ginyu said as a skeleton finger appeared. "Use your blood and sign."

Paul poked his thumb with the finger and collected some blood on the tip and wrote his name. The blood burned and sizzled as it etched his name.

"Wise choice. Now, we don't have much time" he said snapping his fingers.

A black hole appeared as an exact copy of Paul walked out.

"Get into the hole" Ginyu said.

"What are you going to do with that?"

"Execute your assassination."

Paul hesitated but nodded and stepped into the hole. Ginyu stood next to him and looked at the copy.

"You know what to do?"

"Yes master" it said with a bow as a knock came at the door.

"Court is ready" a voice said.

"I'm coming" the copy said.


A van pulled up to the front gate of the building as 2 furs got out. They walked up to the gate and rang the buzzer.

"What do you want?" a rough voice said over the speaker.

"We're here to pick up the package" the tiger said.

"Took you long enough. Come in."

A buzzing sound was heard as the gate unlocked and they entered. The walkway was layered in brick as the sun made them hot to the touch. Trimmed hedges lined the path as a garden filled with tulips, roses, and sunflowers made the place look very nice. They walked up to the entrance of the school and opened the door as a moose was waiting for them. He had on a white lab coat as his blue hair went down his back.

"I was wondering when he was going to call for him" he said cleaning his glasses.

"How was his training?" the tiger asked.

"Despite destroying 2 schools and injuring dozens, he's done with his training."

"What level are we looking at?"

"Maximum of level 4. He doesn't have the ability to go as high as the Miller's but he does have some surprises that make him a worthy foe."

As he said that, a female dalmatian brought out a young wolf. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, red shirt and a wind breaker. He was your average wolf, if one didn't count the 2 silver horns and wings that were attached to his body.

"Here's the paperwork he requested" the moose said handing the tiger a folder. "He's all yours."

The moose walked over and looked at the wolf.

"There's nothing more to teach you. Everything else, you have to learn yourself."

"I understand. Thank you Professor Quick" the wolf said with a nod.

Quick smiled before going through a secured door leaving the 4 of them.

"Let's go. We have a drive ahead of us" the tiger said with a smile.

"Okay. Thanks for everything Sally" the wolf said giving her a hug.

"No problem. You take care of yourself."

"I will" the wolf said with a smile before walking out the door with the 2 furs.


"Has the jury reached a verdict?" the judge asked.

"We have your honor. We the jury find the defendant Paul Guzman, guilty on all charges."

Rounds of applause seem to follow as Paul glared evilly.

"Then I hereby sentence you to double life without parole. Case dismissed" the judge said knocking the hammer and getting up out his chair.

Police came over and handcuffed Paul and lead him out as people hissed and threw anything they could find at him.

"The verdict is in and the former mayor will do a double life sentence without parole for his sex tapes. He will be taken from Albert Courthouse straight to Rouge Prison where his sentence will be carried out."

"Wow, double life" Russ said with a whistle. "He won't get out until he's dead."

Paul exited the courthouse with tons of flashing lights, yelling reporters, and chants of asshole, but he held his head high.

"Do you have him in your sight?"

"Affirmative" the jackal said over the phone to the other person.

"Take him out."

"With pleasure."

The jackal placed the phone on the gravel rooftop and pulled out his sniper rifle from the guitar case. He assembled it quickly and took aim. The wind was calm as he steady his heart beat. Looking in the scope, a couple of people moved into his view blocking Paul for a brief second. When he got a clear shot, he took it. The shot was muffled with the silencer as it struck Paul right is his head as blood flew. People scattered and ducked for covered as cops radioed for backup. The jackal picked up the phone with a smile.

"Target down."

"Excellent. Now get out of there. The money will be transferred when you access your account."

"Pleasure doing business with you" the jackal said hanging up.

He took a look from his hiding place as police had a barricade up and escorting people to a safe place. Putting on his sunglasses, he walked down the fire escape and down the alley. When the coast was clear, he hefted the guitar case over his shoulder and blended into the crowd like nothing happened.

"Yes ladies and gentlemen, the mayor has been shot and there is no word on his condition at this moment. Police have locked down the area and are doing a grid search of the area for the shooter."

Russ looked shocked as they showed a replay of the shot going right into Paul's head.

"Oh my god, that's awful" Angel said covering her mouth. "I know what he did was wrong in all areas, but to go that far?"

Russ was quiet as he watched.

"Do you think it was an angry person who didn't think justice was served?"

"That wasn't an angry person. That was a pro" Russ said.

"How do you know?"

"Because an angry person wouldn't have gotten him right in the head like that. After their first shot, he/she would've been taken down automatically. He wasn't killed, he was assassinated."

"You think so?"

Russ watched the reply that was shown over and over before his phone rang.

"This is Russ. Yes chief I'm watching it now. Sorry but I'm still out of commission for a bit as well as my brother. Put Billy on the case and tell him to call me later. Thanks."

Russ hung up and looked at the TV again.

"Something doesn't seem right. Why would somebody kill him before he goes to jail? Humph, guess we'll have to ask the shooter" Russ said to himself yawning out as he was tired and moved to lay down with Angel next to him as his weak body demanded rest.


Ginyu led Paul through the hall of the building.

"Where are we?" Paul asked.

"Your new domain."

They turned the corner to see Alucard talking to a lynx and a badger.

"You tell them they do not want me as an enemy. I can make their life a living hell for real."

"Of course Mr. Marquis" the lynx said.

"Umm Mr. Marquis about these waivers you need to sign? Do you really need to do this?"

"Of course. It's the only way they'll learn" Alucard said signing the papers when he saw Ginyu. "Here finish the rest and move my lunch meeting to 2:30."

"Yes sir" the badger said as he and the lynx left.

Alucard turned and smiled at Paul.

"Mr. Mayor, welcome."

"Mr. Marquis?" Paul said confused. "I don't understand."

"Shut up Paul you were not brought here to get it" Alucard said. "And my name is Alucard, but you can call me master" he said showing his vampire fangs.

Paul shook and moved back a little.

"You're not human are you?"

"Correct" Alucard said as his wings expanded to full length.

Paul's eyes widened.

"Alucard Graves. You're with the Red Courts."

"I see you've done your history."

Paul began to shake realizing the mistake he made signing that deal as Alucard's wings converged on him.

"Now then, since you are dead to the world, you need a new name."

"Name?" Paul said confused.

"Of course. You longer exist as Paul Guzman. From now on you'll be known as.......Amon."

"Amon is a good name" Ginyu said.

The tip of Alucard's left wing hovered over Amon's forehead.

"Only one thing left to do."

"What's that?"

"Mark you. This will hurt" Alucard said as the tip glowed blue.

Amon watched as the tip tore the shirt around his left arm before piercing his skin. He let out a yell as intense pain shot through him.

"All done" Alucard said as his wings retracted.

Amon looked at his left arm as his skin bubbled before calming down. In its place was an image of a sliver bat with black wings and blood dripping of its fangs.

"Ginyu, take Amon down and show him his quarters."

"Of course Alucard" Ginyu said. "Let's go Amon."

Amon looked at Ginyu then Alucard before nodding his head and entered the elevator. The doors closed as another one opened up.

"Rick, welcome my son" Alucard said as the wolf and the 2 furs walked out. "I've been waiting for you."

"Hello, uncle Alucard" Rick the wolf said.

"I told you just to call me Alucard."

"Here's the paperwork for him like you requested" the tiger said handing him the folder.

Alucard looked through it as he whistled.

"Very impressive Rick. You have grown up a lot from the little boy I known."


"Come, I'll show you to your room."

They walked down the hall and up the small flight of stairs where there were doors on both sides. Alucard walked to the first one as it opened to a room that consisted of a bed, dresser, and lamp.

"Here you are. I'll have some money sent up so you can go shopping for some clothes if you wish."


Rick went to the window and looked out. It had a good view of the city as the mountains seemed tower over it.

"When will I get my chance at my parent's murderer?"

"Patience my son. Going in head first will only get you killed."

"I can't keep waiting Alucard. He will pay" Rick snarled as his wings expanded.

Alucard smiled as he felt his magic rise rapidly.

"In order to get to him, you must find these 2 first" he said snapping his fingers as 2 pictures appeared.

Rick grabbed and studied them.

"They are helping him?"


Rick growled as the pictures burned in his hands.

"These two know where Merlin is. They are more important to deal with before he turns them to his needs. They would've joined me but due to incompetence of some of my people, they are very distrusting of us. If you find them, convince them that they are doing the wrong thing and help you. Only then will you get your chance at Merlin. Get some rest in the meantime. If you need anything, there will be a maid with you in seconds."

Alucard left with a nod and walked out the door. He stood there with a smile, closing his eyes.

"If you only knew Rick. You have power which is why I didn't kill you along with your parents. Oh well, by the time you figure things out you would have served your purpose."


"Amazing, simply amazing" Merlin said.

Dan was on one knee breathing hard as sweat dripped down his face. The summoned monsters he fought lay dead in a heap before disappearing.

"You truly are a level 5, like your mother."

Dan stood up after catching his breath.

"Care to explain this level 5 crap?"

"Certainly. Please have a seat. Emily, get us something to drink."

"Of course Merlin" Emily said and left the room.

Merlin took a seat along with Dan and rubbed his bread.

"Let's see, where to begin? First, what do you know about the level of magic itself so I know where to begin?"

"Nothing really" Dan said.

"Well basically there are 5 levels of magic and is roughly rated like that of a hurricane or tornado. 1 being the lowest to 5 being rare and powerful. Your mother as you know was a level 5."

"What's the average level?"

"2 is really the average level found throughout the world, but level 3 are not too uncommon. But there are some who are level 4 like myself and a couple of other people. Level 5's are very rare in this day in age and seeing you 2 has created a sort of bidding war between the 3 guilds."

Emily came back with some drinks and handing them out before sitting next to Daniel.

"And what level are you?" Dan asked Emily.

"2 sadly. I'm still learning myself."

"What's so special about being a 5 anyway?"

"A level 5 has unlimited power at their fingertips. You can use some of the strongest and most dangerous spells ever chanted. But in order to do so, you need complete control of your power. The Chaotic Maelstrom you 2 casted was out of rage thus destroying most of the harbor."

Dan remembered that night and chuckle

"So why is everybody after us?"

"Because with you on their side, they will be very formidable, especially if you are able to fully tap into you power" Merlin said taking a sip of tea.

"How can we be sure you don't just want us for your own ambitions?"

"Daniel, don't be rash. Merlin isn't like that" Emily said.

"It's okay Emily. He has a right to say what he feels. I don't wish to abuse your powers like the Red Courts want to. And the Faction wants mainly to seal your power away so nobody can use you. I mainly want to help you control your magic. I do not seek to hold you and your brother here by force. Once you both learn how to control your tempers, and your magic fully, you will be more then welcome to do what ever you wish, remain here and extend your training, leave and never return, or what ever."

Dan finished his drink when his phone went off.

"Speak to me. You have one? How much? You got to be shitting me, that's robbery. Grrr, fine just hold on to it for me."

Dan hung up and rubbed his eyes when Sanzo knocked on the door.

"The class is ready for you Merlin."

"Excellent. I'll be right there."

He got up and grabbed his staff.

"Would you and your brother care to join us? You can be guest speakers."

"Not my thing really" Dan said shaking his head.

"Very well. If you change your mind, we are in Classroom 4."

Merlin left as Sanzo glared evilly at Dan before following him. Dan sat back in the chair and closed his eyes as he felt Emily sit on his lap.

"You are a quick learner, Merlin is impressed."


Emily gave a scowl but smiled.

"Still an angry person. Why are you so angry all the time? Even to your own brother?"

Dan grunted before pushing her off.

"Don't meddle in my affairs. It could be bad for your health."

"I'm just concerned for you. We all are."

"Mind your fucking business" Dan said angrily before leaving the room.


"Russell, are you sure you should be moving in your condition?" Angel asked worriedly.

"Don't worry" Russ said giving her a smile. "I'm not that bad off that I can't walk. Besides, I need to stretch my legs every once in a while. I had to get out or I'd go nuts."

They pull to a stop next to the morgue and got out the car. Billy was waiting for them, a smile on his face.

"Hey Russ, how you feeling?"

"Still a little beat up" Russ said using the cane his doctor said he should use. "Did you do as I asked?"

"Yeah, even though I don't know why you wanted it."

"Good. Did you tell Sam also?"

"Yeah, he's inside waiting for you. They haven't cut him open as you requested."

Russ nodded his head as they proceeded inside. The guard gave a wave before buzzing them in. They walked down the hall a couple of feet before Russ leaned on the wall breathing hard.

"Are you sure you're okay? We can always do this later?" Billy said.

"No, I'm fine" Russ said shaking his head.

They reached the Preparation Room where loud polka music was playing. They opened the door to see Sam dancing to the beat. He reddish brown hair swayed as his head moved to the beat. Billy walked over and turned off the CD.

"Hey what gives?" Sam said. "That was the best part."

"You really have bad taste in music" Billy said shaking his head.

"Up yours" Sam said running a hand through his hair. "How you holding up Russ?"

"I'm coming along slowly, but I'm healing."

"That's good. Now then, care to explain why I'm looking over the mayor's body?"

"Because something doesn't add up. Why kill the man when he's going to die in prison anyway?"

"Maybe somebody wanted him to get the death sentence and was discouraged he only got a double life?" Billy said.

"Or could be the relative of the girl and wanted him dead?" Sam added.

"All could be true, but I'm sure it was something different" Russ said taking a seat and letting out a sigh.

"All right, let's get started. Billy give me a hand will you."

Sam and Billy walked over to one of the doors in the wall and pulled it open. A long table holding his body was pulled out as mist flowed out.

"On the count of 3, move him to the table. 1, 2, 3."

They lifted him up and place him on the table. Sam went over and grabbed a pair of gloves and surgical equipment.

"All right, victim was shot in head causing severe brain trauma, brain swelling and instant death" Sam said slipping on the gloves. "Bullet appears to still be inside the head. I might be able to get it out without losing any kind of evidence you might need. I'll check his organs now."

Sam grabbed a scalpel and held it at his chest. He pressed in and made a vertical line from his upper chest near his neck to his stomach. As he did that, black smoke rose from the inside of the body as it dissolved.

"What the fuck?" Sam said shocked.

"Holy shit" Billy said.

The smoke cleared leaving nothing behind but the bullet on the table.

" what does this mean?" Billy said.

"It means our buddy Paul is still alive" Russ said getting up.

"But where?" Angel asked.

Russ thought for a moment before looking at Billy.

"Can you patch into the satellite images and get a shot of the shooting?"

"I can try. Might take a few hours to get the pictures" Billy said with a nod.

"Good. I have a feeling the only way to find out where the mayor is, is by finding the shooter."

Russ started coughing as a little bit of blood covered his hands.

"You head on back and get some rest" Billy said handing him some water. "I'll get Susan started on those satellite images."

"Okay, get back to me if you find anything."


Dan sat alone in the bar at the table. He had a drink in his hand, eyes glued to it when a voice started talking to him.

"You don't need them. You don't need anyone but me."

Dan's eyes flashed black before he looked up to see a dark shadow sitting in front of him. It had the form of a human as yellow eyes could be seen.

"I've been with you every since your mother died."

"What about my brother?"

"He's only holding you back. He's scared that'll you'll beat him one day."

"But he loves and cares for me. Without him, I wouldn't....."

"You wouldn't be where you are? He's protecting you because he's suppose to? Don't let him sucker you. I've been protecting you also. When you get mad, I'm the one you call upon to kill the person who's causing you harm. I'm all the anger and hatred you've been building up inside you. Without me, you'll still be the little boy in the corner crying for his mother."

Daniel growled angrily as he started to glow with a blackish tint.

"Good, I can feel your anger feeding me, giving me strength" the shadow said as it seemed to get bigger. "Remember, I'm the only person in the world who understands you, because I am you."

The shadow turned to mist before getting absorbed into Dan's body. His eyes glowed black before he gave an evil smile.


The jackal opened the door to an empty house with no kind of furniture except a table holding a laptop and 2 fold up chairs. One was occupied by a horse that was typing away.

"Well?" the jackal said closing the door.

"I'm checking now" the horse said hitting some keys.

After a few seconds, he got a big smile on his face.

"It's there. All 2 million."

"Good. Now let's get the hell out of here before they figure out something."

The jackal turned to open the door but it wouldn't open. He tried again and again but the doorknob wouldn't move.

"What the hell is this?"

"What's wrong?" the horse said getting up.

"The door won't open."

The horse got up and tried the door but with no luck either.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid you have to die now" a voice said all around them.

They each drew their guns and looked around for the voice.

"What are you talking about?" the jackal said still looking around. "We had a deal."

"Deals are made to be broken. I guess you should've read the fine print."

The horse held his chest as he felt something compress him hard. Blood starting coming out his mouth quickly before he let out a yell as his chest exploded. The jackal watched in horror before he frantically turned to the door. Aiming quickly, he shot at the door knob and kicked the door open. He got out only to find himself coming out of the bathroom of the room he was just in.

"It's no use running. Die with honor."

The jackal held his chest as his heart started beating rapidly. Blood came out his eyes, nose, and mouth and his chest felt hard.

"Why?" the jackal said on one knee against the wall.

"To cover ourselves in the case you were caught. Don't take this personally, just business."

The jackal felt his heart sped so fast that it hurt as he coughed up blood. He got up and walked to the laptop and reached for it weakly. He almost made it before his chest exploded as well showering the laptop with blood and organs.

"Pleasure doing business with you."


"Are you really giving the books to Merlin?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. It's about time we got rid of them" Russ said sitting on Dan's bed, Steele on his shoulder.

"So where are they?" Dan asked.

"Angel, take out the draws from the dresser."

Angel nodded and took out the draws and laid them neatly on the ground.

"Reach inside underneath."

She bent down and reached inside where she felt tape holding some books. She ripped the tape and pulled them out. Dan's eyes widened before turning angry.

"I thought we weren't going to hide things from each other?" Dan said angrily.

Russ turned to look at Dan with a get serious face.

"Come on Daniel, with how you were acting these last few years do you think I'd take a risk of you losing your temper and doing something stupid like cast a spell from these books? Some of dad's old spells are the kind that if caught casting you could have your magic sealed away by the White Council."

"Don't treat me like kid. My temper has nothing to do with this."

"Your temper has everything to do with it" Russ said narrowing his eyes. Every since dad died, I've taken over his job. I've cared for you and helped you through thick and thin. I've done exactly what he made me promise him when he was on his death bed. And I can give you plenty of reasons why I was justified in keeping those books from you damn it" Russ said angrily before coughing. "Like when you pointed a loaded gun at me, your brother."

Dan didn't say anything as he turned his head.

"Even still, I have a right to know."

"Sometimes, some forms of knowledge are not meant to be known. If you had known Merlin was the one who fought and put down our mother long before they showed up" he said pointing to Emily and Angel. "You would've killed them when you learned where they were from."

Russ coughed a bit and caught his breath.

"You've had something crawl up your ass and stay there and it's seriously pissing me off. Some things, Daniel, you are not meant or ready to learn, and neither am I."

Dan balled his fists angrily as he felt that anger build, wanting to kill the person denying him what he wanted as he fought it off.

"Whatever" he said and turned to leave the room.

Russ bares his teeth in anger as an icy blue aura surrounds him. No longer having the strength, he collapses on the floor breathing hard as Emily and Angel help him back onto the bed.

"Why is Daniel like that? I don't understand?" Emily asked.

"When you find out, let me know" Russ said looking at her.

"I don't think he'll even talk to me about it."

"Angel, the rest of the paper are under there" he said pointing to the dresser. "Condemns me for hiding stuff from him when I asked him long ago what was bothering him."

"Maybe he has his reason and deep down it might hurt what he will say to you?"

"More painful then fighting him in combat? He had no idea how bad that tore me up inside."

"Is this all?" Angel asked.

"Yes, that's all of dad's shall we say, dangerous items. He made other spell books for his latter profession."

"Does he understand you're only trying to do what's best for him?" Angel asked.

"If he does, he doesn't care."

"Do you think Merlin might be able to help him?" Emily asked.

"I hope so cause nothing short of me forcing my way into his mind to find out what's up his ass would get him to let me know. And I can't do that to him. You notice from time to time I have to use some claming emotion spell on him, and yes he knows I do that."

"What could make him act so mean and violent?"

Russ shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe a spell of some sorts?" Angel suggested.

"That I would've noticed."

Dan enters the room again, somewhat calmer.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling. Just be more honest with me from now on."

Russ was too tired to argue as he stood up.

"Let's get these things back to Merlin" he said and started out the door.

Dan stood there alone as he let out a sigh.

"I shouldn't be putting him through this but he shouldn't treat me like a kid. I can control my temper."

"Oh really?"

Dan turned only to get punched to the ground as he looked up at an angry Russell.

"Do adults go around pointing guns at people, letting their anger out when calm minds are expected? When you stop throwing your temper tantrums and acting like a spoiled brat, I'll stop treating you like one dammit."

Russ got light head and fell to the ground. Angel and Emily ran in and helped him up, not before looking angrily at Daniel who was still in shock about what just happened.

"You don't need them. All you need is anger and power."

Dan balled his fists and closed his eyes as a single tear fell.


"I hereby swear to uphold the law and do everything in my power to help the citizens of Capricorn live a better, happier life" Julie said.

The governor shook her hand as people cheered and clapped. She stepped off the podium as reporters hounded her shouting questions and flashing pictures. Police escorted her to her waiting limo and helped her in.

"Man, I'm so happy that's over with" she said with a sigh. "Anything left on the agenda for today Donna?"

The small alligator sitting next to her pulled out an electronic notebook and scrolled through it.

"Nothing else today Ms Mayor" she said in a bit of a southern accent. "Everything is free until your husband's funeral tomorrow afternoon."

Julie's smile vanished quickly as she looked at the floor mats.

"I'm sorry about your loss maam."

"Its okay Donna. Wasn't you fault."

"Where to Ms. Mayor?" the driver said rolling down the window.

"Home. I want to be alone for a while."

"Yes maam" he said putting the window up.

The drive was quiet beside idle chatter here and there. The driver stopped at the house and unlocked the door. Julie sat quietly before reaching for the door. Donna reached out and touched her knee.

"Julie, if you need to talk, all you have to do is call me."

Julie smiled and gave her a tight hug.

"Thank you."

She got out and closed the door as the driver pulled out the driveway. Walking into the house, she closed the door as it left an empty echo. She walked up the stairs slowly and looked into the empty room where her son should be. Her mind wandered as she saw his image give her a wave and say hi mom before going back to study.

She let out a shaky sigh before walking to the next room which was the study room where her husband did all his work for the city. She saw his image look up from the desk and smile before walking over and giving her a kiss. She couldn't hold it in anymore as she slid down on the wall crying. Amon watched from the shadows with Ginyu by his side as he had tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Julie. I never meant to hurt you like this."

"I guess your little "activities" would catch up to you sooner or later" Ginyu said.

"You better take care of her" Amon said angrily.

"The master stays true to his word. She will be WELL taken care of."

Amon didn't like the way he said it as he turned to him and grabbed him.

"If he does anything to harm her shape or form, I don't care if he is my master, I will kill him."

Ginyu's eyes flashed behind the mask as Amon held his chest feeling his heart rate speed up.

"Never threaten the master. If you do, you can consider yourself dead. Do you understand?" he growled adding pressure as blood came out Amon mouth. "Despite what you think the Red Courts do not hurt the loved ones of our members. We do protect and take care of them" he said coldly.

"Y....yes, I under......stand" Amon choked out.

Ginyu grunted as he released the hold on him causing Amon to cough as his heart rate decreased to normal.

"Let's go. We have things to do."

"Of course."

Amon looked at Julie again before he disappeared with Ginyu.


Dan sat in the room provided for him at the White Council. His mind kept wandering to what his brother said.

"Maybe he's right. Maybe I am acting like a spoiled brat."

"Don't listen to him" his alter ego said. "He's been hiding those books from you. I told you he was trying to hold you back. You could've been stronger with your father's spells at your hand."

"Maybe I'm not ready to handle that kind of power."

"Listen to me" the voice said appearing before him as a dark shadow. "You can handle anything. You are a level 5 wizard, just like your mother. You have power at your command. Don't wuss out now."

"Ahhh, so that's what's been making you angry."

Both Dan and his evil side looked at the door to see Merlin standing there.

"All the anger and hatred has been building up inside you, consuming you and turning into what is before you."

"Don't listen to the murderer of our mother. He's the same as your brother. He's trying to hold you back just like the rest of them."

Merlin looked into Daniel's eyes as he saw the child in him. Scarred from losing his mother and trapped inside a box locked away by the anger that has taken over him.

"We had a chance to kill him before Russell interfered. Now's our chance. Let's avenge our mother's death."

Dan stood up and drew his gun. Merlin stood there, relaxed looking into his eyes.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him" the shadow said angrily.

"Is this what you truly want to do Daniel?" Merlin said. "I see the child inside you fighting against the anger that has taken over you."

"Don't let him fill your head with lies. I'm the only one who has helped you, not him, not that stupid bitch Emily, and not your brother."

Dan's hand shook as tears ran down his cheek.

"What is it that you truly want Daniel?" Merlin said.


"You want power. Power to destroy those that do you harm. That power is at your fingertips. All you have to do is kill the man before you" the shadow said as its eyes started to glow.

Dan felt his finger tighten on the trigger.

"I'm waiting for your answer Daniel?"

"I.......I want.......I want to be.....myself again. I don't want to hurt my brother or anyone else."

The shadow looked shocked as Dan lowered his gun.

"What are you doing? Kill him. Avenge our mother's death dammit."

Dan turned and pointed his gun at the shadow.

"My brother was right. I had something crawl up my ass and stay there. That something has been you. I don't need you anymore."

A shot echoed in the room as a bullet went right through the shadow's head and hit the wall behind it. It started too crumbled before looking at Dan.

"You can't kill me. I will always be a part of you, feeding off the anger you emit. You will need me again and when you do, I won't help you."

"I won't need it."

The shadow disappeared as Dan lowered his gun and sat on the bed. His eyes began to tear up again as Merlin sat beside him.

"I'm sorry Merlin. I've done too many things to hurt people."

"Nonsense young one. You are still growing up. Mistakes are the only way to learn."

"Everybody hates me."

"They don't hate you. They are just concerned about you. Your brother said you were always a cheerful, helpful person. I saw that part of you locked away deep inside, taken over by your own hatred. You have all right to be angry at me, but you must understand what I did, I did because your mother told me to."

Dan sniffled and wiped his nose.

"Your right. I'm sorry."

Footsteps were heard running towards the room as the door opened.

"Merlin are you okay? We heard gun fire" a coon said.

"I'm fine" Merlin said getting up. "Are the students ready for today's lesson?"

"Yes Merlin. They are just waiting for you."

Merlin walked to the door before looking back at Dan. He smiled as Dan was passed out from the stress of the situation.

"He's over come his anger just like you said he would Sheryl. I just never imagined it had grown so much. Nevertheless, I will continue to watch them both."


Rick walked down the hallway, his thoughts going a mile a minute. He turned the corner and walked to the door at the end of the hallway. Opening it, he saw Alucard, Ginyu, and Amon.

"I grow tired of waiting. I want to find these so call brothers and get answers" he said angrily.

Alucard turned to look at him as if he just walked in and he didn't notice.

"Ahhh Rick, so nice to see you. You're just in time."

"In time for what?"

"You'll see. Are you ready Amon?"

"Yeah" Amon said standing next to a summoning circle.

"Then begin."

Amon nodded and closed his eyes. The lights in the room started to flicker off and on before going off and the candles lining the circle lit up. Rick felt the magic around the room strengthen making his tail twitch.

"What's going on?"

"Just a little something I asked Amon to summon" Alucard said with a smile.

Amon started chanting rapidly as the book on the floor rose in the air and the pages started to turn rapidly. The circle began to glow a dark brown as the room shook.

"Here my call and come to my heed. Now arise and serve your new master."

A loud roar was heard as a formless hand reached up from the circle. It landed on the ground shaking the floor. The rest of the body followed as it stood up. It was like looking at a mountain of dirt and soil that was just melded together to form a big person. It had no head as it seemed to look down at Amon.

"There you go Alucard, one earth element" Amon said grabbing the book.


"What are you going to do with that?" Rick asked.

"You wanted to meet the brothers, now's your chance. Take Amon's summon and wait in Saint Mary's Park for them. They will come to you."

"Are you sure?"

"Have I ever lied to you?" Alucard said with a smile.

Rick nodded his head and looked up at it the element.

"All right."

Ginyu, Alucard, and Rick left the room. Amon turned to the element and spoke to it.

"Follow what he says until I say otherwise."

The element nodded before dissolving into the ground.


"We're going to the classroom where Merlin is and handing these to him. Would you care to come along? You can be a guest speaker" Angel asked.

"Sure, let me just go to the bathroom really fast" Russ said.

"Okay. We'll be in classroom number 10" Emily said and headed off with Angel.

Russ let out a sigh as he felt his bladder empty and washed his hands before walking out. He walked down the hall slowly, but not before this uneasy feeling came over him. He turned around to see Sanzo standing there.

"Can I help you?" Russ asked.

"I'm going to get rid of you before you can do any harm to Merlin or these kids."

Sanzo let out a snarl and charged him. Russ let out a startled yelp and hopped out the way as Sanzo rushed past him. Even though he was rhino, he was super quick for his size as he spun quickly on his heels. Fire flowed through his hands as he looked at Russ who was holding his side in pain.

"Time to die, Russell Miller."

Russ moved quick as he struck his cane down on the floor as his spell traveled through the ground until it came under Sanzo. Sanzo's feet started to sink into the ground like water as his attack spell he had ready disappeared as he tried to get out of the trap.

"What is this?" he said struggling to get out.

The more he struggled, the more he sunk in. He was only about neck high, when the floor solidified leaving him stuck. Russ walked over and kneeled down.

"I don't know what your problem is with me, but perhaps a few days there will help you relax some."

"Don't think you'll get away with this."

Russ gave him a smile before standing up.

"Who's going to say what I did was wrong? You attacked me, I defended myself. Then next time you try to attack me or my brother, I will kill you."

Russ walked by him as Sanzo snarled in anger. He laughed to himself as he turned the corner and walked towards the class. He gave a couple of knocks before walking in as about 15 students looked at him.

"Ahhh, welcome Russell. Class, this is Russell Miller. He is how you say, a very special individual." Merlin said with a smile.

Russ walked in and took a seat as everybody watched him. "Merlin find out what the hell is wrong with Sanzo, and get him off my brother's and my back."

"Why, what happened?" Emily asked.

"Out right attacked me, claimed he was gonna get rid of me before I hurt Merlin or these kids. You tell him to get off my back and my brother's back, or you'll be looking for a new body guard very soon. Anyway, leave him where I put him till I decide to free him" Russell said

Merlin blinked and closed his eyes and frowned, "Thank you or not hurting him, I'll deal with him soon enough, and I apologize." Merlin said.

"Merlin, what's so great about that guy? He doesn't look all that. Just blows a few words and talks tough."

Everybody looked back to see a border collie with his arms crossed.

"I've been watching you guys and from what I've seen, you're not that special. Anything you guys can do, I can do better."

"Oh really?" Russ said raising an eyebrow. "What's your name son?"

"Gokudo Belkin" he said with a smile.

"Gokudo is one of our higher ups in the class" Angel said sighing.

"They said you were so cool because you work as a cop. I don't see how working as a cop makes you cool. Having magic is probably cooler then that." he said as he held out his hand causing a ball of fire to appear.

"Cocky isn't he?" Russ said.

"I can back up my cocky attitude too."

"Then lets have friendly duel right now." Russ said getting up.

Everybody started talking at once as Gokudo stood up. He walked to the front and gave a smile, brushing back a strand of blue hair from his face. He looked no more then 15 wearing baggy pants that showed the top part of his boxers. A black shirt with an army vest over it covered his chest along with red and white sneakers.

"Ready whenever you are" he said taking a stance.

"All right. First, let's shake hands in good sports. May the best man win."

Gokudo smiled and walked over to shake his hand. As soon as he did, Russ swiftly brought his cane up and hit him square in the balls making Gokudo yelp in pain as he crumpled to the ground. Russ put his foot on his chest and pulled out his gun making everybody gasp. Russ looked down at the wide eye collie before pulling the trigger while it was pointed in the air making the gun click as it was empty. Three times he pulled the trigger dry firing his weapon.

"Bang, bang, bang, your dead, I win" Russ said taking his foot off. "I just beat you with out casting a single spell."

"You cheated" Gokudo said holding his crotch.

"Do you think your enemies will play fair? In the real world there are no such things as playing nice and right from wrong. You wouldn't last one minute doing what we do. Using magic means nothing if you can't use your head. Me and my brother learn to use our magic on the fly, and the threat of being killed can be the most effective teacher."

"Do you understand now Gokudo?" Merlin said.

Gokudo got up as he heard snickering from the other students as he felt his pride shatter.

"I don't care. I'm still better then you. You can't use your stupid mind tricks with me."

Russ sighed before his phone rang.

"This is Russ. You got the pictures? Good, did you find anything about the shooter? You got his last position with the satellite? Good, I'll be right there."

He was about to hang up when he stopped.

"You say there's a suspicious person in Saint Mary's Park? Okay, I'll get my brother to check it out."

Russ hung out and gave a smile.

"Okay Gokudo, you think you can do what we do huh? Then how about you come along and prove it."

"I think that's a great idea" Merlin said. "It will give you a chance to see how they work."

"Fine. I get to prove I'm better then you." Gokudo said.

"Where's Daniel?" Russ asked.

"Might still be in his room" Merlin said.

"Okay. Let's go rookie."

They all walked to Dan's room and opened the door to see him sitting on the bed. He looked up at Russ before lowering his head. Russ walked over and sat beside him.

"You okay?"

Dan didn't say anything as he hugged him catching Russ by surprise.

He put his arms around Daniel with a tear in his eye as his brother held him so tightly in the first heart felt hug he could remember in a long time. "Ok who are you and what did you do to my brother?" the pain from how tight he was held was quickly ignored.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you like I did" Dan laughed at the comment.

"It's okay Dan" Russ said holding him. "I'm just glad to see you're okay."

He let him go before smiling.

"So what's up?" Dan said.

"Got a job to do" Russ said with a smile.

"Who's the kid?" Dan said looking at Gokudo.

"Our new training."

"You're kidding right? We can't take a kid into the field. He might get hurt."

"I can take care of myself thank you very much" Gokudo said.

Dan looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Cocky isn't he?"


Evan walked through the room with the bodies of the horse and jackal, a female wolf behind him.

"They were killed with magic all right. Nobody can make a person's heart and chest explode with ordinary weapons" the wolf said.

"It must be them. They are killing criminals without even reading them their rights. They are going too far" Evan said with a growl.

Evan bent down and turned the jackal over. His eyes closed as his tongue stuck out his mouth. His body was completely stiff as his chest cavity was open exposing his ribs, stomach, and what was left of his heart.

"They are abusing their magic. I'm going to stop them here and now."

"How will you find them?" the wolf asked.

"Easy. Criminals always return to the scene of the crime to clean up their mistakes. And when they do, I will deal with them myself."


"Are you sure he's still in there?" Russ asked looking at the photos.

"Yeah. We had surveillance on the building and he hasn't left and nobody entered" Billy said stopping at a red light.

"Is there backup waiting for us?"

"Yeah, undercover SNDU agents are waiting for us to arrive."

"What do I do?" Dan said in the back seat.

"You, Emily, and the rookie are going to check out the call about the person in park. It's probably just an old person looking at some kid with lots of tattoos on his body."

"That sounds boring" Gokudo said. "But at least I get to spend some time with you Emily" he said putting his arm around her.

Emily smiled before reaching up and pinching his hand making him yelp.

"Sorry, but you're a little young for me."

"Humph, the younger the berry, the sweeter the juice."

Dan and Russ looked at him then each other before rolling their eyes. Billy was laughing as he pulled up to the curb of the sidewalk.

"Here we are. I'll have an agent come and pick you up in about 30 minutes."

"Thanks Billy" Dan said getting out along with Emily and Gokudo.

They watched them leave before heading inside the park. It was a nice day, not to hot and not to cold. All the kids were playing with their friends as their parents watched and talked with each other. Birds were eating the popcorn that the elderly were tossing and chirping away. Emily wrapped her arms around Dan's right arm and placed her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Hey, I thought you said you would date me when I got older?" Gokudo said.

"Did I?" Emily said confused. "I'm sorry but I found this wonderful person and he took me for the greatest ride of my life."

Dan blushed making Emily chuckle and kiss his cheek. Gokudo growled angrily as Emily let go and looked at him.

"Listen Gokudo, I'm sure you'll find the right girl for you. But you have to understand I'm 10 years older then you."

"I understand that you lied to me when you said you wanted to take me out."

"I wanted to take you out as friends, not a lover. I like you. You're a good kid but don't take everything I say the wrong way."

Gokudo eased up before sighing.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You're still learning. And for what it's worth, you are kind of cute" she said kissing his cheek.

His tail started wagging happily making Emily chuckle as she turned around only to be met with Dan's back as she ran into him hitting her nose.

"Ow, why did you stop?" she asked rubbing her nose.

Dan didn't answer as his eyes were locked on the person leaning on the tree. He had on a pair of black jeans and a red sweater with a hood that went over his head and horns. The figure stood up and turned to look at Dan.

"I've been waiting for you Daniel Miller."


"How many exits are there?" Russ asked putting on a vest.

"4. There all covered and nobody has left" Billy said putting in a clip.

"Okay. Do you know what floor he's on?"

"2nd floor, room 34."

"Good, let's go. Angel, wait here."


"I'll be fine" Russ said with a smile before following Billy inside.

Inside the lobby were 2 agents waiting for them as Russ gave them a couple of hand signals as they nodded their heads and headed up the elevator. They headed up the stairs incase the suspect heard the elevator. Billy opened the door and peeked outside to find the coast clear.

"Clear" he said walking out.

Russ walked out and joined Billy and the other agents by the elevators.

"You 2 wait here for us. If anybody comes, yell" Russ said.

"Yes sir" they both said.

Billy and Russ advanced down the hall till they got to room 34. They each took a side as Billy grabbed the handle. With a nod from Russ, Billy turned the handle as they both entered the room, guns drawn. Their eyes went wide as they saw the 2 bodies on the floor, blood everywhere.

"Well, there's our shooter" Billy said pointing at the jackal near the laptop.

"Are you sure nobody came in or out of here?" Russ said a little angry.

"I'm positive Russell. Nobody came in or out of here in the last 3 hours" Billy snapped back.

"Dammit, there goes our only lead" Russ said kicking the wall.

Billy knelt down and examined the horse's body as his face grimaced.

"Yuck, this is a messy one. I'll radio this in and bring in Sam with his forensics" Billy said walking out.

Russ watched him leave before he turned to the jackal that was close to the laptop. Walking over, he noticed the laptop was still running. He pressed a couple of buttons only to find it needed a password.

"Damn" Russ muttered before he let out a yelp as a strong jolt of electric energy went through him making him drop to the ground, gasping as pain ripped through his still mending wounds.

"So the criminal returns to the scene to clean up his mess?"

Russ turned to see Evan appear from his cloak spell. The tip of his claw finger held a trace of lighting.

"You have gone to far this time Russell Miller. And this time mommy isn't here to save you."


"I was wondering when you would show up."

Dan looked the figure up and down.

"And who are you?"

"My name doesn't matter. What matter is the question I'm going to ask you?"

"And what question is that?"

"Where is Merlin?"

This question took both Emily and Dan by surprise.

"And who would that be?" Dan said.

"Don't play games" the figure said taking off his hood revealing his face. He had jade green eyes and rich, dark hair as he bared his teeth in anger. "I was told that both you and your brother know where Merlin is. Now tell me where he is?"

"Gee, this is our first date and you're already forcing yourself on me" Dan said with a smile. "How rude."

The wolf let out a hiss before he heard a voice in his head.

"Calm yourself Rick. You are not ready to fight him yet. Observe his fighting ability first. Thus the reason the element was giving to you."

Rick calmed down before he smiled.

"Very well. I see how this is going to go. I guess talking to you is not going to work so I guess I shall let actions speak louder then words."

As he said that, the ground beside him started to come alive and grow as the elemental appeared. It had grass on what appeared to be the top of his head as weeds covered the entire back. It hands were like a rock as spikes stuck out from different angles.

"So you're going to try and beat the info out of me huh? Some things never change" Dan said shaking his head.

"You're wrong there. This is only to observe your fighting ability, nothing more."

The elemental let out a roar before it hit the ground causing its arm to expand and come towards Dan rapidly. Dan jumped out the way and pulled out his gun firing a couple of time causing the people in the park to yell and scatter. The bullets bounced off the element as its arm returned.

"Humph no effect. Well no surprise there seeing as it's made of rock. Emily, take Gokudo and get these people out of here" Dan said taking out his phone and jumping out the way of another attack.

"Okay" Emily said and started helping the people out.

"But I want to take out that thing" Gokudo said.

"You are no match for an earth elemental Gokudo. Leave this to Daniel" Emily said.

Rick watched as Dan fired his gun at the element, taking mental notes on the way he moves and reacts. "He's fighting defensively until that girl gets these people out. Well at least he's not using them for a shield." Dan rolled and reached around to his back and pulled out another clip and slapped it in. He turned around to see the element has disappeared. The people still yelling and screaming drowned out his hearing so he couldn't hear where it was coming.

"Dammit, where the hell is that thing?"

He got his answer when something grab him in a bear hug and started squeezing him hard. He let out a yell as it applied intense pressure making him drop his gun as he felt his body started to get crushed.

"You're suppose to be a level 5? You disappoint me if you can't beat a single earth element. Maybe I was wrong about you?" the wolf said shaking his head.

Another tight squeeze made Daniel yell as he felt a rib crack and blood come down the side of his mouth as his head started to get light.

"Shit, I can't concentrate long enough to break the hold with this pain."

"This way folks, please hurry" Emily said directing the people out. "How are you doing Gokudo?" she asked turning around to see him gone. "Gokudo, where are you?"

"She shouldn't treat me like a kid. Maybe if I beat that element, she'll look at me differently" Gokudo said as he silently made his way behind the element. "Let's see how he likes this."

He spaced his hands apart as a blue aura surrounded him. Icy mist started to form around his hands as he smiled.

"Take this, Ice dagger."

A sword made of pure ice appeared in his hand as he threw it towards the element. It struck its back causing it to drop Dan before its whole body started to get covered in ice. Dan caught his breath before turning to see Gokudo with a smile on his face.

"No thanks needed" he said brushing his hair from his eyes.

A cracking sound caught his attention as the ice around the element started to form cracks before it broke off.

"No way" Gokudo said shocked.

The element turned and let out a roar before driving its fist into the ground.

"Gokudo run" Dan shouted but he wouldn't move. His legs were frozen in place in fear. "Shit, he's to terrified to move."

Dan got up and started to run towards him as fast as he could, his chest burning. He jumped and grabbed Gokudo out the way in time as a club hand drove right into his side making blood shot out his mouth as he tumbled on the ground holding Gokudo taking the brunt of the attack. Gokudo shook his head and looked up to see Dan holding him, a huge gash on his arm and blood coming out his mouth.

"Oh god, Daniel, are you okay?" he asked shaking him but got no response.

The element advanced towards him but stopped when it heard the sound of a kid crying. It turned to see a little fox no older then 6 holding his sister.

"What are you doing? Do not attack the kids" Rick said.

It didn't listen as it drove its arm into the ground as it's raced towards them. Emily saw it too but wasn't going to make it in time. Rick grunted as disappeared, reappearing in front of the kids. He inhaled before expelling a frozen wind making the element's arm freeze in place before shattering off as it roared in pain. The roar shook Dan into conscious as he yelled in pain.

"Daniel!! You're alive" Gokudo said in tears. "I'm so sorry."

" okay?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Where is it?"

"Over there?" Gokudo said pointing to where the element was.

"Fire in the hole!" a voice shouted.

A rocket zipped in the sky before connecting with element blasting a chunk off its body as it roared in pain. Several more followed as the element got reduced to nothing more then rubble before dissolving. Dan looked over to see Vincent walking over, a rocket launcher by his side.

"Thought you lying when you said to bring what you ordered, but I guess not."

"Thanks man, you're a life saver" Dan said trying to sit up but gave a yell as pain rushed through his body.

Emily rushed over to side and looked him over.

"Jesus Daniel, why do you always get beat up like this?"

"Comes with the job" Dan said with a chuckle before grunting in pain. "Now do you see how dangerous this can be Gokudo?"

Gokudo didn't say anything but kept his head down. Dan reached up slowly and gave him a couple of pats on the shoulder.

"For what's it worth, if you didn't do what you did, I would've been dead. You have my thanks."

At that, Gokudo raised his head and smiled, his tail wagging happily as the ambulance could be heard in the background. Rick grunted before walking down the trail leading to the street. He would try another day but first, he had something to deal with.


"You 2 just don't know when to stop abusing your power do you?" Evan said with a snarl.

"What are you talking about?" Russ said trying to get back on his feet after that initial shock.

"You killed these 2 and have the nerve to act dumb now?"

Russ reached around in time to pull out his mother's dagger and deflect the lighting that shot from Evan's fingertip.

"I didn't kill them. You have the wrong the person."

"I've heard that before" Evan said angrily as lighting started to form again.

"I was trying to find the shooter of the mayor and the images we got lead me to them." Russ said pointing to the jackal.

"You expect me to believe that lie?"

A gun cocked behind his head as Evan turned his head to see Billy there.

"Because it's the truth. Put your hands behind your head slowly. Between me and Russell, make any stupid moves and you can kiss your fucking head goodbye."

Evan growled as he put his hands behind his back and heard the handcuffs snap on.

"You okay?" Billy asked Russ who stood up slowly.


Billy lead Evan out to the lobby as the wolf was being held by the 2 other agents.

"Sir, we found her snooping around."

"Evan, I'm sorry" the wolf said, ears down.

"It's okay Marcella. They can't do anything to us" Evan said with a smile.

They reached the street as Sam and his team arrived on the scene. He had on his black forensics jacket and glasses and looked at Billy and Russ.

"Is it bad?" Sam asked.

"All I can say is, I hope you had a light lunch" Billy said.

"Sounds like a fun time. Okay boys, lets get going" Sam said getting handed a suitcase.

"Oh yeah, there's a laptop up there as well. I want you to give the hard drive to Susan when you finish" Russ said.

"Will do" Sam said walking in the building.

Billy walked over with Evan and pushed him inside the car along with the wolf. Angel looked with a wide eye expression.

"What's wrong?" Russ asked.

"That's.......that's Evan Brandol. Head of the Faction guild."

"Really?" Russ said raising an eyebrow. "Well now, this should be interesting."

Billy rapped the back of the police car a couple of times as it took off towards the station and walked over to Russ.

"Well what now?"

"First things first, we need to find out what's on that hard drive. Second, I don't want ANYBODY to talk to the raptor but me. The wolf you can go to town on."

"Why only the raptor?" Billy asked.

"Because me and him are going to become the best of friends" Russ said with a smile.


Rick walked through the halls with anger. He knocked on the door before he heard a voice say enter. He walked in as Alucard, Ginyu, Amon, and a couple of other people were discussing something. Rick didn't waste any time as he walked over, grabbed Amon and punched him to the ground as he slid a couple of feet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Amon said getting up quickly.

"What the hell is wrong with you? That element was suppose to follow my command. But instead it disobeys and almost killed 2 kids."

Amon rubbed his lip and smiled when he saw the blood.

"I told my element to do exactly what you said to do. I can't help it if its master is a stuck up little boy with no power to control it."

"You son of a bitch" Rick snarled and lunged for him.

He didn't get to close and Alucard's wing crashed into the wall in front of him.

"That's enough Rick."


"He WILL be dealt with by me personally. Did you see everything you wanted to see?"

Rick relaxed somewhat and nodded his head.

"Yes. He's stubborn and won't listen to reason, but when it comes to fighting, he's smart and uses his head."

"Good. Then you have done what you set out to do. Get some rest. I'll have a maid bring you dinner" Alucard said as his wing retracted.

Rick nodded his head as he turned back to Amon.

"You and me aren't finished by a long shot" he growled as he breathed out a couple of flames from his nose and turned to leave.

Amon chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Such a rash kid. Somebody ought to place him over their knee and spank him."

Alucard eyes flashed angrily as he reached out and with an open hand and started to squeeze. This caused Amon to gasp as he held his throat feeling his windpipe close.

"You will respect THAT kid. As far as I'm concerned, he's more valuable to me then you are. Never forget your place, Amon."

"Y....yes....mas....master" Amon chocked out.

Alucard released his hold as Amon went to one knee coughing.

"You have a lot to learn, Amon" Ginyu said laughing.


Evan sat in a chair in one of the holding rooms before the door opened as Russ walked in.

"So, decided to confess to your crimes?" Evan said.

"Not really" Russ said sitting down and folding his hands on the table. "Let's cut the crap and get right to the point."

Evan looked at him curiously before scanning the room.

"Nobody's here but you and me. All mics are turned off along with the cameras because I want this to be private."

"Very well" Evan said bringing up his arms which still had the handcuffs on it. With a flash of his eyes they unlocked and fell to the table with a clang. "What is it that you want?"

"I want to know why you are after me and my brother?"

Evan leaned back in the metal chair before laughing.

"You really want to know?"

He stopped laughing and leaned on the table bringing his face close to Russ, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Because you 2 are a threat. And the only way to get rid of threats is to eliminate them or seal away their magic. That's the reason I'm after you and your brother."

He sat back down with a serious face.

"Your mother didn't think she was a threat but she was wrong."

"From what I hear, you forced her to lose control" Russ said.

"Yes, we made that tactical error of holding you 2 hostage hoping that we could come to an "understanding". But it seemed that it backfired, leaving us no choice but to take her out thus proving our point. She was too dangerous to be allowed to be free much less live. If your father had not rescued you and your brother we would have dealt with you both then and there."

Ears perking Russell asked, "And how would you have taken care of us?"

Smiling with an evil intent Evan said, "Magical seals on infants can wear off in their later years. It would have been safer to kill the both of you like I intended."

Russ narrowed his eyes angrily making Evan smile a little.

"I'm going to say this as nice as I can" Russ said leaning over the table. "Stay away from us. We know how to control our magic."

"When you stop destroying things and proving to me that you know how, then I'll back away" Evan said leaning up to meet him. "Until then, you and your brother will be under our radar."

There was a knock at the door as a dolphin walked in wearing a tan suit and red tie. He looked at both of them before placing his suitcase on the table causing them to look at him.

"Who are you?" Russ asked. "I said no one is to come in here until I say so."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm here to represent my client."

"Welcome Michael" Evan said sitting back down. "You're just in time. This officer here hasn't read me my rights and was harassing me."

"If that's true, then we can have a lawsuit right here."

Russ sat back down as Billy walked in.

"All right Evan, you're looking at, at least 10 years plus for assault on a police officer" he said slipping a folder down on the table next to Michael who read the report.

"My client had good reason to attack the officer who assaulted him first. Marcella told me everything on the phone."

Evan smiled as he looked at Russ who showed no kind of emotion in his facial feature.

"If anything, my client deserves an apology and settlement for the harassment he received. If that's all you got, then we're leaving here. We'll see you in court."

They both got up when Russ slammed his cane down onto the table.

"Sit.....down. We're not done."

Evan looked into his eyes trying to find out anything but couldn't as he sat back down. Russ got up and walked over to the intercom and spoke into it.

"Susan, can you bring in the papers I asked?"

"Of course Russell."

After a couple of minutes, Susan walked in holding a folder and handed it to him. Russ tossed the folder to Michael who opened it and started reading.

"What's that?" Evan said.

"Just a little something I was reading with the help of Merlin. You broke the Treaty agreement."

"Ridiculous" Evan snorted. "I have done no such thing."

"Rule 23 article 15: Interference from any guild during a police investigation will not be accepted by any means, without an invitation to assist by local law enforcement. Unless there is hard undisputable proof that immediate intervention is required, at which point the local police and law enforcement MUST be alerted at once. You broke the Treaty and therefore are a person of interest regarding an investigation for assault on an officer of the law."

Those words told everyone that Evan had not been yet charged with assault.

"You can't be serious?" Evan said looking at Russell then Michael.

"He's right Evan" Michael said placing the folder down. "It's all here."

Evan looked shocked as Russ smiled.

"We are willing to deal for a lesser sentence" Michael said.

"Here's the deal, I'll drop the charges and you'll probably only have to do community service on one condition."

"And what is that?" Evan said.

"Stay away from us. If I find out you have involved yourself or anybody in your guild, in anyway shape or form in our affairs, the charges will be reapplied and you will go to jail. And believe me, the wardens there love people who attack cops."

Evan thought about it as his mouth turned into a sneer.

"You and your brother are nothing but murderers. You and he killed that jackal and the horse. I'll make sure you are both given the death penalty. I thus had full right to interfere in police affairs, as no doubt they would defend you and your slime brother, I could not involve local authorities Rule 23 article 16..."

"Your claim of Rule 23 article 16 is invalid Evan Brandol. Russell has been incapacitated for nearly five days. I was with him when I saw the mayor assassinated, and for several hours after words, including during the estimated times of death of the assassins. Daniel was in training with my partner Emily Summerstone and Merlin in the Halls of the White Council. Neither of which had the opportunity nor ability to carry out that deed."

Evan looked at Angel who had come into the room as the color started to slowly drain from his skin.

"Hey Evan, remember what I said about the mic and video cameras having been turned off, I lied."

Russell reached over to turn on the TV in the room and on the screen a scene from earlier came on.

"Your mother didn't think she was a threat but she was wrong" Evan said in the recording.

"From what I hear, you forced her to lose control" Russ said.

"Yes, we made that tactical error of holding you 2 hostage hoping that we could come to an "understanding". But it seemed that it backfired, leaving us no choice but to take her out thus proving our point. She was too dangerous to be allowed to be free much less live. If your father had not rescued you and your brother we would have dealt with you both then and there."

Ear perking Russell asked, "And how would you have taken care of us?"

Smiling with an evil intent Evan Said, "Magical seals on infants can wear off in their later years. It would have been safer to kill the both of you like I intended."

At that point Russell turned off the TV as Billy let out a snarl at Evan only to be stopped when Russell lifted two fingers.

"You will agree to my terms, on no conditions of your own or I swear if this goes to trial everything on that tape will be made public."

Russell looked at Evan who was nearly as white as a ghost, who swallowed hard and finally just nodded. Russell had him by the balls. If it got out to the world that their mother only lost control because of the faction kidnapping her sons there would be hell to pay.

"I agree...." he said

"Well now that that's settled, Susan would you help our guests to the office where they can sort out these details please?"

They left the room as Russ sat there will Billy leaning on the wall.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?"

"Positive" Russ said with a smile before looking at the clock which read 9 at night. "Care to drive this beaten wolf and his partner home?'

"I need to head back to the Council you head on Russell I'll catch up with you later. And I'm sure you know how to recall to the council halls if you are in trouble?"

Nodding Russell was helped up by Billy who said "Sure thing Russell."


Dan sat on his bed rubbing his chest where a nice big bruise was. His door opened and closed as Emily walked in wearing a white nightgown that showed off the curves in her body. She sat down and rested her chest on his back and put her hands around his waist.

"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting these last few weeks."

"It's okay. I knew you were a good person which is why I fell in love with you" she said grooming his neck softly.

"I let my anger get the best of me. My brother was right, I'm just a spoiled brat."

Emily scowled but smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Look in the mirror, what do you see?"

Dan looked up at himself in the mirror.

"I see a dumb person."

"I don't. I see a person trying to correct his mistakes by realizing his weakness. Merlin is right, everybody makes mistakes but it only makes you wiser."

Dan let a smile on his face before he tackled Emily on the bed. She gave a surprise yip but murred in the kiss that followed. A shiver went up her spine as she felt Dan reach under the gown and feel up her thigh.

"I guess I have a lot to learn then about myself" Dan said kissing her neck lightly feeling a growl in her throat.

"That's what we're here for" Emily said kissing him lightly. "To help you."

"Really? Then maybe you can help me with my "other" needs.

"I think I can manage that" she said with a chuckle when a knock was heard.

"Daniel, have you seen Russell? I can't find him anywhere" Angel's voice said outside the door.

Dan thought for a moment before chuckling.

"Check his room a little more closely. You'll find him."

"Um....okay. Thanks."

Dan turned back to see Emily staring at him with a smile.

"Now then, where were we?"

Angel walked into Russ's room again confused.

"What did he mean by that?"

She looked around and saw Steele lying on the bed. She walked over and sat down as Steele looked at her.

"Do you know where Russell is?"

"Peep" Steele said before flying to the standing mirror.

She walked over to it and looked at it. Reaching up slowly, she placed her hand on it as it went right through. Taking a breath, she walked through into another room. It had a bed and dresser that had various objects on it ranging from whips to paddles. Dim lighting was around the room giving it a somewhat pleasant atmosphere. Walking over, she saw a book on the dresser and picked it up.

"What is this?"

"Well well, what have we here?" Russ said walking out the other room which appeared to be a bathroom as a toilet was flushed. "It appears I have a naughty bunny in my private room."

Angel was a little scared but that smile that Russ gave her made her weak in the knees. It was then she realized that he had nothing on but a pair of boxers as he walked over to her and kissed her. She let out a moan and pressed herself into him, pushing her tongue into his mouth collecting his.

"Mmmmm" Russ said breaking off. "It seems somebody is eager. But first, you must be punished for sneaking into my room."

Angel, still in a daze, felt something on her wrists. She looked down to find magical handcuffs around her. Looking up, Russ was gone.

"Russell?" she said.

She felt arms wrap around he waist making her yelp.

"Naughty bunnies must be punished" Russ said in a whisper licking her ear before taking off her shirt as her breasts shook a little from her shiver.

"Oh god" Angel moaned as she felt hands squeeze them.

Russ picked her up and laid her on the bed, chest down and kissed his way down her back before slowly taking down her pants. Her scent flowed into his nose as her arousal was high.

"Ready for your punishment?" Russ said softly.

"Oh god yes" Angel moaned.

Russ smiled as he reached over and grabbed a paddle. He rubbed her butt softly before giving her a soft smack making her jump. He did it again as a moan was heard as Angel's hands jerked on the handcuffs.

"Harder" she moaned.

Russ gave a grin before a loud smack echoed the room making her yell in pleasure. He looked down as her nectar from her lips started to run down her leg.

"Getting turned on are we? But we can't have you cumming to soon now can we?"

He trailed one finger around her lips as he mumbled something softly as Angel felt her body tingle. Russ stood up and slid his boxers down over his raging hard on and leaned over her on the bed.

"Ready?" he said.

"Give it to me master" Angel moaned pushing back on Russ.

Russ aligned himself and pushed into her slowly making them both moan. She was tight as Russ grunted when he hilted himself fully into her. He pulled out slowly relishing the tight squeeze she applied before pushing in roughly making her grunt.

"Very tight" Russ moaned as he felt his pre leak quickly into her.

"Oh god Russell" Angel yelled in pleasure pushing back into his rough thrusts.

She struggled with the handcuffs wanting to hold him but they wouldn't break. Russ smiled and stood up not losing any motion and he grabbed the paddle again and gave a rough smack making her yell and squeeze down on his member making Russ's head go light in pleasure.

"OH god, I'm.....going to....." Angel moaned grabbing the sheets tight feeling it coming.

"Sorry, but you can't cum until I want you to" Russ said with a smile. "This was dad's other little profession."

He stopped his motion and turned her around on her back and lifted her legs onto his shoulder and continued to pound her. Angel screamed in pleasure as that pressure came and went with each thrust. Russ dropped her legs around his waist and leaned over and grabbed her neck in a mating bite as he felt his knot grow rapidly.

"Tie me master, please" she yelled.

Russell double his efforts as his hips were a blur trying to get his knot into his prize. With a needy whine, he pushed hard and was rewarded with a popping sound as he tied with Angel. His thrusting went erratic as the spell he casted and was holding on her was lost.

"RUSSELL" Angel yelled as she came hard.

Russ felt that intense pressure applied from the orgasm denial making his head spin as he hilted himself deeply and let out a howl as he came hard into her. Angel rocked her hips getting everything as she felt the pulse of his penis hot a fresh load into her. The orgasm subsided as Russ laid on top of her out of breath.

"Wonderful" Russ said out of breath.

"Russell?" Angel said.


"Do you think you can take these handcuffs off? I can't feel my hands."

"Sorry" Russ said as he undid them.

They curled up on the bed as Angel had her head under his neck and sighed happily.

"Some profession your father had."

"Yeah, it was something he was proud of, but he made a lot of couples happy with his spells. One of his motto's was if you have magic, why not use it for a little personal fun now and again."

"I can tell. I never had that hard of an orgasm."

"You'll have plenty more, trust me on that" Russ said with a chuckle before holding her close and falling asleep.