A little character building

Story by Kaurenwind on SoFurry

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The events of the previous weeks had been like a blur for Rhiandra, all the care and shelter she could ever want, all of the fun she had ever desired. It really was a great life so far, and as she sat on her bed, gently playing and stroking that adorable bulge in her belly, her mind wandered back to her life before the guild and before the curse. She hadn't been much of an outstanding woman, standing merely 5'8" tall, deep red hair falling down her slim shoulders, outlining the curve of her back quite nicely. In fact, the woman's body hadn't changed that much from what she had looked like before the curse.

Her chest was still meager, only a simple B cup, gropable but not eye-catching. Her most noticable feature had been her legs... long, slender, gorgeous legs that always made other women jealous of her, now replaced by wolf legs of the same status. Rhia's rear end was a little less lacking than her chest, a nice supple, spankable thing that once uncovered, would be the target of many people's affections. She always made sure that her mane was pleasant to look at, not mangy or disheveled despite being a warrior, always wanting to look her best.

When the curse had first begun to spread on the other side of the Greymane Wall, Rhiandra had constantly feared for her life, not wanting to succumb to something so carnal and feral. The second she had been bitten though, she knew she wasn't strong enough to battle her urges, and quickly gave in to the nature of the worgen. She did whatever she felt like, was free to do things she couldn't even begin to imagine doing before the curse got to her, but Rhiandra missed that control over her body she had had.

Once captured and caged, the woman had quickly been sentenced to death, a ravenous, feral breed of worgen that surely would become volatile towards her captors. She was given the opportunity by the kind doctor to return to human again, against the wishes of those who wanted her terminated. Shackled in her cage, huddled up in the back, she seemed more frightened than anything, but once she was lead out into the courtyard and given the same antidote as all the others, Rhia become less hostile, less feral than she had been. Alas, despite her warrior training and will to become human again, she was too weak to digest the entire potion, and was cursed to remain in her worgen form.

Not an outcast by any means, as the Alliance whole-heartedly accepted their new friends, Rhiandra still had to accept those looks and stares she got that told her not everyone trusted her wolf-like form. Ahh, but now she was in a perfect role, everyone here wanted her, or was just fine with her staying here, and that's how she liked it! Pregnant too, it was the best thing that had ever happened to her, laying here, being taken for walks, getting stuffed full of cock, the perfect life for her.

One of her kind had joined the ranks of the Kith not too long ago, a worgen woman that had chosen the life of a rogue, which meant plenty of tight leathers that hugged her body like a well-tailored glove. Rhiandra hadn't met her yet, but had sent word around that she wouldn't mind the company of her own race, hoping to get the other woman's attention. The pregnant worgen had on her now-usual outfit, those tight knee highs clinging to her legs, those panties of hers leaving little to the imagination, and the bra she wore holding in her meager chest.

Double Stuffed

(( Was a little tired while writing this, hope you all like it! Also, taking requests and commissions, see profile for details :3 )) It was just a few hours after her afternoon walk, the worgen was curled up in her refurnished kennel, happy as a...

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A good day for a walk!

(( People seemed to like my last story, so here's a longer one! )) Rhiandra snoozed on the floor of the kennel she had been put inside, the dull lights of the room buzzing with electricity, a large pile of hay and feathers having been provided...

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Feral Breeding

(( This is just a trial short to see if anyone here likes my writing. Please comment and critique! )) The warrior was asleep on the floor of the kennel where she had been leashed up after her milking. Her breasts were still slightly swollen,...

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