(( An unlikely savior comes to the rescue! )) It had been two weeks since she had been sold into slavery... at least that's what Rhiandra's counting told her. Twice a day the orc would approach her with his pants down and thick orcish cock ready...
(( I have WoW again, so Rhiandra is back~ The Kith has moved location, and she's lost without a home! Please comment and critique, I do appreciate it \<3 )) Rhiandra had been left in the crumbling ruins of the Old Barracks, the Kith's former...
Orphan Week
It was that time of year again, Children's week in Orgrimmar, and Kauren was stuck taking care of a bratty little orc child. All the kid had done that day was whine and beg for every little thing the pair had come across, tugging on Kauren's arm and...
Best Present Ever
It was hir birthday today! The big herm bovine sprawled out across hir bed, not bothering to even think about getting up yet, knowing hir younger sibling would take care of all the preperations that were needed to make this a special day. Hir...
Kitty cum!
[16:43] Osi (osiris.cole) waggles her rear still, purring quietly, "And how are you, this afternoon sir?" [16:44] Petkaht Ballyhoo smiles at the pretty feline, before slipping his paw into those panties and starting to rub across the pucker. "Not...
A dragon hump
[17:29] Seraphim Wings 4.2.1 whispers: Petkaht flutters his wings and releases an intoxicating scent. [17:29] Mizudori Namaru (mizudori) shivered slightly as he took in the scent and licked his lips slightly."You're welcome."He said...
A dragon hump 2!
[23:03] Mizudori Namaru (mizudori) licked his lips and began to strip down out of his clothing."Mhmmm you have been looking forward to having me take you haven't you my naughty boi?" [23:04] Alexis Swiftpaw (petkaht.ballyhoo) giggles softly,...
A little character building
The events of the previous weeks had been like a blur for Rhiandra, all the care and shelter she could ever want, all of the fun she had ever desired. It really was a great life so far, and as she sat on her bed, gently playing and stroking that...
Special Order
Dreamsicle Swirl trotted through the Everfree Forest on his way to the mountains, a special order for a certain flavor of creamsicle had come in today. A dragon would be the only way to obtain that unique taste, and one had been hiding out in the caves...
The new mare in town
Erika worked fast, word quickly getting around about a new 'mare' in town, and Dream had plenty of new studs trying to hook up with him. One in particular had caught his attention, goofy and fun he seemed to be more interested in making friends than in...
Erika Returns (Read Description!)
Dream's body had taken on several soft curves, his flank more plump and his mane and tail longer than the day he had met that pony. He found himself getting turned on by looking in the mirror every morning, embarrassed to even think of himself as a...
Dream's first encounter
Dream rolled his cart into the marketplace, a big care-free smile on his face, popping the umbrella up to shield that cart from the blazing summer sun. The creamsicle pony reached to the side of the cart and tugged down the rolled up sign that read '2...