The Hidden Ones: Part 2

Story by Dragonizu on SoFurry

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Only two more chapters to go until the ending, and the rebirth of a new saga that takes after this series. There will be death, hate, and a final battle in one of the characters mind and spirit. The end is coming, but a rebirth is near..

Both my characters and Tim's characters are ours by copywright law (C)

Theme song during the snake scene is Crawling - Linking park

Minors, if you watch this and have premarital sex, I hope you get a STD for doing naughty shit.

To the story!

The four were still in the living room, startled over the revelation that Urath was seeking the 3 swords to open the Gate of Hell. The swords of the Lady of the Lake and the Sword of the Wolf God were taken by the enigmatic Urath. Who he served, the 4 did not know. But they still had to be stopped.

"So, Any idea on how to get to Hell and back?" John asked. Ruby was sitting on the couch, she was reading a book

"Besides complete and utter suicide? No idea. I don't know of any teleportation spells. Nor of anyone who knows the path to hell." Tim said with a thoughtful expression. "Well, we're pretty much screwed on that one." The brown haired Lyun said , and scratched the back of his shaggy head and tapped his prosthetic leg on the floor.

"Do you know of any spells that could...?"

"I know several teleportation spells, but we'll have to go through the spirit realm to do so. Thats WAY out of my power, or Ruby's for that matter.."

"Shit. So now what?" Tim swore angrily, much to John's amazement.

"You need to work on that. Profanity is a sin." John shrugged "Know any alchemy?"

"None at all." Tim replied, and leaned against Hana.

John paced irritably around, Ruby watched fervently and swished her tail side to side. "I know of a killer cocktail, and we can come back to our bodies anytime. Someone has to stay here, otherwise our bodies will be fucked up."

Ruby and John looked at Hana. "..As long as she doesn't rape anyone while we're gone.."

"I won't," Hana said, "I may be REALLY hypersexual, but it's not as if I don't have self-control as well, you know."

"And you can keep your paws off your husband while we're gone, right?" John asked with a raised eyebrow. If Hana fucked up ANYONE, Tim could pretty much stay in the spirit realm. "She's not in heat this month, so she can," Tim said.

"You sure? One single scratch and.."

"...The space-time continuum will explode or some shit, yes, I know. Don't worry, she'll behave herself. Hopefully."

John shrugged and went into the first floor kitchen kitchen, and came back with a wine bottle with a green-ish leaf in it. "We drink this, our spirits go into the realm." Ruby licked her lips hungrily. Wine was her favorite drink, other than absinthe of course. "Okay, let me go first, before Ruby drinks it all."

"Right, right give me that!"

John, Tim, and Ruby took a sip of the sweet smelling wine. Their vision blurred and the room became hazy, as if it was covered in a black smoke. Within several seconds, they collapsed onto the floor. The surroundings changed and they were in the firey depths of hell itself.

"Hey, hell hasn't frozen over yet," Tim said with a grin, "You know what that means."

"No frozen drinks?" Ruby asked playfully and swished her tail around, inadvertently smacking Tim on the back of the head. ("Ouch!") "...Actually, yes."

Ruby laughed and John raised an eyebrow. "Lets get to business, who knows? We might find Anna Nicole Smith in here!"

"Seventh layer of hell, on Satan's left, melting in a pool of lava. That's my bet. Twenty pieces of gold." Tim said and walked in one direction. Ruby followed Tim, but her husband lingered. Something was calling out to himl He turned his head and saw a black serpent with red eyes glaring over the rocks. Instinctively, John raised his left arm arm on an unknown, absent impulse, to the snakes mouth. Its head reared back, exposed its fangs and bit him, causing John to yelp and clutch his hand. There was no wound, or any type of puncture mark.

"Hey, John! Hurry up and get over here!" Ruby called, and John ran after the pair.

"Alright, now where was the sword again?"

"Hell's Forge. It should be a black anvil or something" John said, and rolled his eyes.

"Okay. Let's keep going until we conveniently find it by accident."

Ruby leaned on the wall, and it caved in to reveal a large forge with a sword in the lava. "..Figures.." Tim picked up the sword and took it out. "Okay, we got the sword."

"Not for long, human!" A gruff voice called through the cavern. Urath silently landed on two legs on the floor.

"Hey look, it's ugly," Tim smirked.

Urath snarled angrily, narrowed his acid yellow eyes. The angry Lycan bore his pure white fangs that glew in the firelight. "You shall pay for thine impudence, you filthy human!" Tim and John drew their swords and the black Lycan jumped, snarls came from his throat and his claws were extended, ready to rend anyone to pieces.

Meanwhile...In the Living plane of existence.

Hana laid down on the ground, her hands cupping her breasts, and one hand went down to grab her pussy and give it a squeeze. She was dreaming about fucking her husband, and as she did, her body sweat all over, and she began to lactate, milk coming out and pussy juices seeping out of her muffin. The dragoness then gorged on her penis (hand), sucking it into her muzzle, pleasuring it and wrinkling her own hand with her saliva. Her tongue wrapped around the shaft and squeezed it, as my cock went in and out her throat. Hana moaned with pleasure as she sucked on me. Her hands slid down to her breasts and began to play with them; squeezing them, pulling on them, massaging them, flicking the tits. In her fantasy Hana's head went up and down the length of Tim's cock, sucking impossibly hard on it, his member drove down her throat, filling it to the brim. The dragoness choked and gagged in her mind. The tears ran down her face and into her muzzle, mixing with her saliva, coating the cock; lubricating it and making it all sticky at the same time. Hana moaned with pleasure and made disgusting sucking noises as she slurped and sucked. Saliva dripped down Tim's shaft and trickled out of the dragoness's muzzle like a miniature waterfall. Her tits began to lactate that sweet, warm milk of hers. Pleasure rushed through her body as the situation went through her mind, and with each hard suck that the dragoness gave Tim (she was sucking on her fist) let out a gasp of delight in her mind. Both Hana's and Tim's body temperature rose to boiling point. Hana's heart began to beat like mad. Her muscles contracted, every atom in my body squeezing together. Drowning in ecstasy as wave after wave of pleasure rushed over her, she breathed in the sweet aroma of her memory of her own heat. Her body was baked in the heat of lust and passion that emitted from it. The orgasm built up, and she couldn't hold it back anymore -- Hana was on the brink of madness! Letting out a loud roar and spitting out a fireball over her paw that flew and broke the glass window in the outside world. Tim let the pleasure concentrate her mind, then explode in a big bang and shoot out my penis, his spooge (Saliva in the real world) rushing down Hana's throat like a raging rainstorm. Her juices were all over the floor, and milk was sprayed everywhere. __________________________

Part three is coming soon! Hopefully!

Rate and Comment!

Tim: Please rate and comment! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Dragonizu: Thunk! Ouch!

The Hidden Ones: Part 1

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