The Strong-side - Alex and Joseph

Story by Blackmist-Squamata on SoFurry

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#3 of Amityville (Misc.)

I would like to thank all of my friends whom supported me while writing this story, and to my friend Ranzun Halderon who provided detailed information on football and related matters to further the story's integrity! Thanks man!

And thank you to all my readers, who appreciated the work I put into my story and reminded me how much I love to deliver! I hope you enjoyed this one just as much, and I will not stop writing so long as I have all of you guys!

Chapter 1 - Bitch Seat

"Dude, there is no way!" Joseph exclaimed as he slammed his foot onto the floor, ignoring the resounding laughter in his right ear. He focused his eyes on the TV with determination, rapidly slammed his thumbs onto the warm controller and grit his teeth, "You cheater! I know you rigged this damn match!"

"I can't rig a Halo match you bitch!" Alex retorted with a grin so wide it stretched to his horns, "You shouldn't play as the Covenant: that's why you're losing!"

"Bull shit!" Joseph shouted back with a widening grin, "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-YES!" Joseph flung both hands into the air and declared his victory as boastfully as he could; pointing to Alex immediately, he held up a powerful middle finger of victory, "Bitch!" Joseph stood up and stretched with a loud yawn, scratching his exposed stomach, "I told you I could kick your ass with JUST an A.R!"

Alex snorted and cracked his knuckles, "Oh bull shit, you are just lucky Joseph! Ya screen cheated!"

Joseph snorted with a bright flash of his teeth, his scales had brightened to a vivid emerald and he looked down at his friend with a triumphant smile and waved his finger mockingly, "Now now Alex, no sense in getting all pissy! I mean, hell, I fucking kicked-"

Joseph grunted when the powerful force of a pillow slung by a Linebacker had sent him across the room stumbling and crashing into the chair. Alex grinned widely at him and crossed his thick arms, "You need to work out more; you're like a damn feather!"

"At least I can see my balls underneath my gut: how the hell do you find your dick under all that!" Joseph pointed to his friend's large muscle gut, "I mean, underneath that 'Shinedown' t-shirt is just a big orange mass of-orangeness!"

"I'll have you know my dick is so big I don't have to worry about it!" Alex retorted with irritation, "Unlike your skinny ass with barely enough cock to have an underwear bulge!"

Joseph snorted, "Oh bull shit! My cock is like THIS BIG!" Joseph held out his hands in an exaggerated measurement, from his waist down to his knee.

Alex rolled his eyes with a wide smirk, "Suuuure, that's why you wear tinny, baby-penis underwear!"

"Dick-head!" Joseph grunted, heavily embarrassed by the sentence. With Alex feeling confident, he moved into the kitchen and opened the fridge while Joseph plopped down on the barstool, "So dude, what you wanna do now? Mom wants me home before dinner this time so I can do my homework and can 'supervise' me."

Alex retrieved his left over dinner and tossed the plastic tub into the microwave. "Dunno bro: I gotta work out later."

"Fat ass with no suggestions, see how useful you are!" Joseph taunted with a wide grin.

"Oh go fuck off." Alex grunted as he tossed the hot tupowear onto the counter, sitting down with a fork in his hand, "You wanna see who can launch them-selves the highest from my trampoline?"

"I bet I can reach that tree limb with the rope marks," Joseph joked.

"Pfffft, someone as big as me would break it!" Alex laughed, whipping his mouth of savory juices, "All right, let's see who can do the most front flips and land on their feet! None of that shit where you fall on your ass!"

Joseph cracked his knuckles, "Sounds like a date! Catch you later then bro!" Joseph waved to his friend and disappeared out the back door with a loud insult from behind it. Alex smiled wide and ignored him as he finished his lunch, and vanished amidst his gym in the basement.

? ? ?

Alex and Joseph met when they were children, coincidentally they had met on the playground when both had been swinging on the swing set, and seeing who could jump further: in the end, Joseph and Alex admitted they were both better than all the others and united as best-friends. In the years that followed, not a week passed in which there was not slew of competitive outbursts and goading, which both were almost too happy to oblige in an endless, friend, power-struggle.

When Alex turned twelve, he joined the school football team and demonstrated almost immediately that his hulky frame was a force to reckon with, paired with a cunning speed and dexterity. He could take hits, shove a full-grown teenager back with his week arm and throw almost twenty yards by the age of thirteen. At the ripe age of sixteen, the dragon had excelled in his sport and was the iron curtain of their Football team, and had earned his fair share of trophies from various events.

Joseph was born with the vitality bullet; he grew fast, learned quickly, and above all, was a fast runner and flyer. All knew when he passed the age of fifteen Joseph's notoriety as a runner: in the early morning, he was jogging down the blocks, and always, if possible, was moving. Just like Alex and his determination to athletic events, Joseph focused time to gymnastics and track: winning state champion for completing the mile in only the span of three minutes. It was only natural that Alex tried his hardest to convince him to join the football team, but Joseph was adamant against major spotlight.

Later that evening the two teenagers enjoyed a series of cartoons featured on the adult network and resided in Alex's' cluttered room. Joseph took to the floor as usual and Alex rested on his stomach on the bed, his face buried the source of all frustration: his History book.

Alex found the pages of his science book was ridiculously cluttered as he jotted down notes and idly gazed over them, groaning and sighing softly as his eyes began to hurt. He hated reading: or at least how difficult it was on his head and regretted failing his test last week: now he endured a much tougher regime. His tutor had left for the evening, Joseph coming over some minutes afterwards and distracted Alex from the studies: which now he reluctantly did at thirty-four past eleven.

He mumbled under his breath, frustrated and rubbing his claws along his forehead. He could not help it; it was often he would tell her that, but repeating the words in his head was just a nasty habit. Alex grunted and sipped from his glass, swirling the fluid in his mouth, over his tongue, and swallowed with a sigh of dissatisfaction as his eyes tiredly gazed over the pages: their crisp shine was almost irritating to look at anymore. He closed the book, his assignment half-done, and sat up on his bed, taking off his headphones and sighing in relief from burden.

Joseph had fallen asleep on the floor curled up under three pillows and a thin blanket, snoring slightly. Alex lay back on his bed in his boxers, leaving his TV on to provide ambient light and undressed half way into his boxers, and yawned loudly and rubbed his large stomach.

"Yo Joseph, you awake?" Alex whispered, hearing no reply except a slight snort from Joseph who turned over and stretched. He sighed and groaned, bored out of his mind, and glanced over at the clock, then down to Joseph: and for a moment, he stared silently then grinned broadly.

"Bull-fucking-shit!" Alex whispered harshly under his breath with a widening grin, "I knew it wasn't bigger!"

He heard Joseph snort slightly, and Alex carefully reached over off his bed to lift up the thin blanket that covered his friend's lower torso to make dead-certain he was bigger. Alex glanced at the erected member for a moment. He cautiously reached over to his friend's blanket and then flicked his wrist up, glancing at the organ as it were exposed.

"I know you were talking shit." He whispered under his breath, staring at the boner and then to Joseph who slept soundly with his mouth parted. Alex snorted and chuckled to him-self, turning his eyes away and laying back on his bed with his arms behind his head in an arrogantly display of victory.

Alex rested back quietly for a few long minutes, his mind until cluttered from the book, occasionally he would think over a list of insults and ways to mock Joseph the next day. Curiously, he glanced to his right down at his friend again; unintentionally he glanced to his dick, feeling a slight stir in his own loins and stomach as he eyes it with prying nosiness. He had never actually seen another dick before other than his own, and it was a curio to see one sticking out from the slit in a pair of black boxers.

The dragon blinked, seeing it twitch and flinched as Joseph reached down to rub it gently, and Alex made a small, inaudible noise through his lips: blushing immediately at the sound, he snatched his eyes away, as he forced him-self to close the lids.

? ? ?

Alex sluggishly had awoken early to the alarm clock that was Uncle Robertus. The house suddenly and violently trembled to the blaring melodies from downstairs. Alex laid on his back for a long time staring idly at the roof in agony; slowly he dressed while The Beatle's pounded their way into his cranium. Joseph arrived back in his room some minutes afterwards dressed in his jogging shorts, covering his ears and trying to call something to Alex.

Alex stood outside his door and screamed at the top of his lungs, "IT IS SEVEN A.M IN THE MORNING!"

There were a few seconds of blaring noise, all ready both reptiles were wide-awake and irritable due to it. Alex sighed, turning his bleary eyes to his half-nude friend, "Good god how is he related to me? I wish his wife wasn't so passive!"

Joseph rolled his eyes, "Dude, how is he even able to hear anymore?" He sighed and crossed his arms, "Alex what's with those gay boxers?"

Alex looked down at his green mountain-dew boxers, "Dude this shit is the bomb! You shouldn't talk shit when yours are boring as fuck!"

"At least I got shit under mine!" Joseph said with a snobbish turning of his nose up to Alex. Alex gave a low snicker to him-self, recalling in his head the mental image and looked at Joseph, "I special order my shit to accompany my ENORMOUS fucking penis!"

Joseph rolled his eyes, spinning around and snatching his jeans off the chair, and slid them on while Alex had all ready dressed in his large shorts, jersey t-shirt, and his tennis shoes. Joseph had an alternative wear; dark tattered jeans with a designer brand t-shirt, his sweater, and tennis shoes that were far past their prime.

"Oooh god not again!" Alex growled, flinging his bedroom door open and this time in English, "UNCLE ROBERT TURN IT DOWN!"

Joseph laughed a little, watching as Alex argued back and forth with his uncle, "Dude I could never yell at my relatives. They would shit them-selves!"

Alex grinned and turned to face him, "I don't take shit bro. Unlike your pussy ass, you take it like a bitch!"

"When you grin," Joseph began smoothly with a cool smile, "I can see all those crooked-ass teeth of yours, you fugly-ass dragon!"

Alex quickly lunged for Joseph, who spun out of his reach, leaping over his bed and then sprinting out of the room while Alex followed with a stream of threats.

"Catch me before we get outside and you won't have to ride bitch on the bus!" Joseph taunted from the front door, slipping on his shoes and then darting again into the yard, slamming his feet into the grass as he ran full-speed to the road.

Alex snarled as he thrust his shoes on, snatched up his book bag, and darted out the door after Joseph who had all ready sprinted across his yard and was nearing the other-side of the road. Alex gruffed when he saw the distance, sliding over the dew-covered grass, he jumped over the bushes ahead, holding his backpack like a football and centered his focus onto Joseph. The bus had neared them, down the street, it approached and the threat of 'bitch-seat' (the seat on the bus where several tears were made into the upholstery) inspired him to pound his legs even harder.

Joseph watched over his back as the orange dragon approached rapidly, and he widened his eyes as he straightened his back, his arms by his sides working like gyros.

"Come on bitch boy!" Joseph taunted loudly, laughing wildly with excitement, "I'm almost there!"

"Oh like hell you are!" Alex shouted back, grunting, and slamming his thick legs into the concrete as hard as he could, the slapping of their sneakers disturbed the quieted neighborhood more than the speakers were doing a whole block away. Alex laughed as he neared him, the bus was only a couple of yards away, when suddenly his feet caught onto something, and he slammed shoulder first into the ground, skidding across the pavement and into the dirt.

"Ah! Fucking dammit!" Alex shouted, skidding to a stop on his face, his legs collapsing onto the sodden grass as dirt clung to his mouth and now soiled clothes and his shoulder throbbed. "God dammit!"

Joseph laughed, stopping slowly with a rapid breathing, grabbing his hips and hunching over with a huff, "Dude, you ok!"

Alex forced him-self off the ground on his strong arms, spitting dir from his mouth, his eyes red with vex of his sudden crashing. Joseph jogged back to him and helped him off the ground. Alex was more than reluctant to for assistance as he stared at his dirtied jersey and shorts, groaning loudly, kicking his foot deep into Mrs. Norris's yard, and spat out more dirt.

"Eeeeh-dude I am sorry, what happened?"

"I fucking tripped!" Alex snarled, looking back behind him at a verge of unevenly laid concrete. He looked over his dirtied clothes and slammed his foot into the ground with the slapping of his tail, "Now I look like shit for the day!"

Joseph tried to smile a little and pat his shoulder, "Well, guess you're riding bitch, you know the rules. Tell ya what bro, I'll buy lunch ok?"

Alex growled and snatched his shoulder away as he loaded onto the bus, ignoring the few eyes that measured his dirty self, reluctantly; he sat on the emptied bus-seat and leaned his elbow on the window, his face resting in his hand. Behind Joseph began to talk with some other friends, bragging about his victory and Alex took a deep breath, sighing through his fangs and furrowed his brow at the yard. He began whipping off his shirt when there was a hard tapping on his shoulder, "So bro, I hear you got a baby-dick."

Alex growled loudly, "Oh fuck off Cody!"

"Whoooa, big-boy calm down!" Cody said with a laugh, backing off the large dragon and moved onto the far side of the back of the seat, "It's just, Joseph said you're dick is like that seat you're sitting in."

"Oh and how the FUCK is that?" Alex asked with bubbling exasperation.

"It's only sat on by the special needs kids!" Cody laughed loudly in his ear, high-fiving Joseph who grinned wide and took off the black hood that covered his face. Alex gripped his fists, laughing slightly and then turned around to face them both and Joseph looked up, "Oh hey dude-"

"Hey Joseph, you had a boner last night." Alex interrupted, in which immediately Joseph fell silent, "And I can tell you this: my cock is fucking bigger than yours will ever friggin be!" Alex narrowed his eyes at them both, Cody's face confused and Joseph's was in deep embarrassment.

"Whoa bro, calm down," Cody reasoned with a laugh, "I'm just kidding man and Joseph didn't say that!"

Alex snorted and rolled his eyes, to angry to care and spun around to sit down on his rump with a heave sigh, "Fucking dick-heads."

Joseph frowned deeply, his hands on his book-bag as he glared at the back of the bitch-seat all the way to their Wewahitchka High-School, getting off the bus immediately and did not speak to Alex whom had vanished in the crowd to his early Football practice. He did not bother eating breakfast, he was to pissed, but lingered outside the lunchroom until the bell rung and hastily walked him-self to class to avoid a cluster of girls who harassed him.

Joseph sat down in hard in his seat, flipping back his hood, exposing the horns that crawled from his eyebrow ridge, and kept his head down at an angle casting an ominous shadow over his snout. He glared at the wall, snatching out his book, his paper, and his pencil: performing all tasks with enough resentment that it caused his neighboring peers to look onward with uncertainty. He felt so embarrassed, and with Cody having talked shit to Alex the way he did, Joseph felt guilty, which triggered irritation, which triggered more animosity, and finally when Cody sat next to him Joseph stared at him with vicious intent.

"Dude-" Cody began awkwardly.

"Why the HELL did you say that!" Joseph hissed low, under his breath so the teacher would not hear, "Dude Alex is fuckin' pissed!"

"Pfffft let him get over it!" Cody began prosaically, "He is a big guy, and his feelings are like his damn head!"

Joseph groaned and rolled his eyes at Cody who laughed at his own joke, "Cody couldn't you tell he wasn't in the mood? I mean he crashed in someone's yard and ruined his favorite jersey: his coach is going to be pissed at him!"

Cody blinked and again shrugged, "Dude, he'll be fine: let him cool off. I'll apologize for you."

"For me?" Joseph said in disbelief, his eyes widening at the human, "Dude what the fu-"


The resounding bell cut off Joseph and the dragon groaned and stared onward at the chalkboard, Uggh, some fucking morning this is!

? ? ?

Down by the line, Alex had endured the endless lecture of his coach for coming to school with a dirty Jersey: even though he changed out, his coach was meticulous about the way his students dressed. They did their daily regime, Alex more fervently than the rest. He commonly asked him to for the period to exercise: more times than most allowed them.

Alex picked up two twenty-pound dumbbells, sat down on the bleachers, and began pumping his large biceps, his eyes focused on the emerald grass ahead. There was a large vein on his forehead; right beside his ram-horn, on the rarest of occasions did such a vein appear: and it was only at those times that everyone kept a cautious distance. His wings twitched, his tail flicked, and his scaled shifted from orange to dark brown.

"Yo bro, what's up?" Josh asked, sitting down next to him, "You look like you're ready to kill man."

Alex laughed stoically, "Oh dude, you dunno! You know that ass hole Cody?"

"Yeah, he is friends with your boy Joseph." Josh knew the human well enough to imagine he pissed Alex off often. "Is the guy fuckin with you again? You know Alex, I CAN kill people: I'm trained."

Alex laughed and set the weights down, savoring the burn in his arms and went on to recall to Josh the short story of their morning, leading up to Cody's comment which was not surprising to Josh, and then his final comment which did leave Josh surprised.

"Yo, you shouldn't get so pissed at Joseph man: you guys are bros."

Alex shifted in his seat and leaned back, "Dude, he didn't even say anything when Cody said that shit!"

Josh shrugged his large arms, and looked out to the field with a twitch of his ears, "Nah man, Cody is to blame, not Joseph. You get way to irritated dude: I guess that is why the coach likes you more. As a quarterback you gotta be preemptive and calm, like me, am I'm also suave so it just adds up perfectly!"

Alex laughed a little, feeling a hard pat on his back as the wolf stepped up, and jogged back down to the field. He sighed to him-self afterward with a rush of guilt and rolled his eyes up and collapsed against his spine, "God dammit."

He reached into his pocket, and then huffed realizing he left is cell phone at the house. Spending the rest of the class exercising, he focused only on his muscles until class ended, and he headed into Math class which he regretted taking in the early session of his day. He sat down near the back as usual, followed by Joseph who did not even look at him as he sat down with a deep frown. Alex and Joseph said nothing to one another for a while, reading in their books silently as the teacher commanded, and for some time Alex pondered if he should write Joseph a note to apologize, or not.

Time ticked by, and Alex lost some of the nerve to tell his friend he was sorry and saw with his snout in his book, while Joseph idly ran his claw down the sides of the wooden desk.

"Yes, Joseph?" Mrs. Norris began with an irritated voice, knowing that earlier that morning; one of the boys had kicked a hole in her ground.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Joseph began quietly.

"Take a hall pass." She said quickly. Joseph stood up, snatching a wooden plank from the book-desk behind them and disappeared out of the room.

"Mrs. Norris I do too." Alex began with a quick lie, "I need to change a bandage from practice."

She looked at him hesitantly from her desk, large eyes amplified behind wide-rimmed glasses gave him the impression she was in no mood, but she gave a slight nod to him. Joseph had all ready left the room and Alex followed behind him down the long tiled hall, their footsteps reverberating in the tense atmosphere.

Joseph pushed open the bathroom door hard, politely he held onto it for a moment for Alex, but then quickly made his way to a urinal, and began to go about his business.

"Joe, look man, I'm sorry for going off on you this morning." Alex began slowly, pissing next to Joseph, "I am serious man, with my uncle, and the dirt and Cody: I didn't mean to say that shit."

Joseph was silent for a second, gazing idly at the white polished urinal, "It's amazing our piss doesn't turn this shit yellow." He said with a slight chuckle.

Alex laughed a little, "Heh-yeah man."

Joseph looked over and frowned, "Dude, why did you say that shit to me on the bus?"

Alex looked back at him, "Why didn't you stop Cody from being a dick head?"

"Because he is a complete dick-head Alex." Joseph began, "And dude, I didn't tell him to say that shit, he did it on his own!"

Alex grunted, finishing and tucking him-self in and zipping his shorts, "Well bro, it'd be nice if ya could have told his ass to shut it."

Joseph groaned as he finished and then faced Alex, "Did you really see my dick last night man?"

Alex blushed, going silent as he faced his friend, staring into his red eyes with hesitation to say anything to him: but Joseph tapped his claws on his arm, and Alex gave in and nodded, "Yeah, I did man."

Joseph blinked, twitching by his mouth, "Faggot."

"Ass hole." Alex responded immediately.

"Yours is not bigger: and you shouldn't say shit like that, ESPACIALLY on the bus Alley!" Joseph began with a building embarrassment, "Shit like that will make me out to be gay!"

"Oh get over it!" Alex laughed almost, "It's not like you give a shit, and mine is to bigger! I saw yours, I fucking know!"

Joseph narrowed his eyes, "You wanna settle this shit right now?!"

Alex growled at him, "Fine! Whip it out bitch, I'll show your ass!"

Joseph flipped his sweater over his shoulders, followed by his shirt as he unzipped his pants with wild haste, pulling out his balls and dick, holding them on display for Alex. Alex followed suit, pulling out a handful of his own genitals and held them on display at Joseph, who glanced down at them, his mouth frowning instantly.

"Its flaccid, dude, mine is longer than yours!" Joseph exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, my cock is thicker and my balls are bigger!"

"Mine hang lower." Joseph retorted.

"Mine look better!" Alex snapped back.

Joseph hissed and snorted, "Oh yeah, bet you mine is longer when it's hard!"

"And I bet mine is thicker than yours!" Alex shot back with a widening grin, exposure the cold air made his scaly member begin to harden, and Joseph had succumbed to the same sensation.

"Mine will get way harder, and way faster than yours!" Joseph said harshly, "See, mine's all ready going!"

Alex laughed as he held onto his dick in his hand, "Pfffft, whatever bro! This monster is all ready thicker than yours; I don't see why you wanna keep embarrassing your-self!"

Joseph watched in a quiet envy as Alex's cock hardened, though his was of a normal size, and a little longer, Alex's thickness was very intimidating but he did not let it faze him. As his cock hardened to full stock, he grabbed it from the base and held onto it tightly, "See, longer."

"Oh barely." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Let's see, bring yours over here mother-fucker!" Joseph ordered,

Alex chuckled and stepped towards his friend, his throbbing member beside him, holding it by the base as the swollen meat throbbed slightly. Indeed, Joseph's curvature game him a whole other inch in length, and Alex looked at it with jealousy.

"So, yours is thicker, mine is longer." Joseph began slowly with eyes that glanced back and forth between their members, "Who wins?"

Alex shook his head, "I dunno man.

Joseph was unsure what else to say as he held his cock right next to his friends, finding that his eyes occasionally glanced to Alex's in jealousy. Alex looked at Joseph's cock, and the sight made his loins stir once more, his cock hardened so much that the glands became tight and glossy under the soft bathroom light.

"Dude, I'm fucking rock hard." Alex said shakily.

"Yeah, me too." Joseph admitted embarrassingly.

"How the hell are we gonna get back into class?" Alex said with a knot in his stomach, looking to his friend with a shy laugh and smile. Joseph thought for a moment, then looked to Alex and snapped his fingers, "Aha, I know!"


"We'll see who can finish first!" The dragon laughed loudly, "I bet you I can cum first!"

Alex snorted and grinned widely, "Bull shit!"

"First one to hit the urinal wins!" Joseph began, spinning around and grabbing hold of his member, and fervently began to masturbate, while Alex followed instantly in the same manner. They fell silent in the bathroom, their breathing was quick, and the lewd slapping of their balls was all there was to hear. Alex huffed and grinned to him-self, his cock twitching and throbbing from the pleasure, and he reached over and playfully shoved Joseph.

"Hey!" Joseph called out, shoving Alex back with a laugh, "Ass hole! No cheating!" Joseph and Alex laughed; occasionally their curious eyes would glance to each other's members, not telling either one that the sight sent a surge through them. Alex grunted softly, growling, and rearing his head back as he made a low, deep moan, his cock swelling in his hand, his balls retracting, as his hot seed began to spill out over the floor, and inside of the urinal: while Joseph followed only moments later. Alex groaned and huffed, hunching forward and jerking some more s his semen spilled out, before long he was dry, and he leaned onto the wall smiling with pride, "I totally fucking win."

Joseph huffed and groaned, his cock throbbing and dripping seed down its shaft, and the green reptile looked at Alex in defeat, "Dammit bro- you win this one."

Joseph laughed and sighed, cleaning off his dick and stuffing it back inside of his clothes, waiting for it to soften while Alex did the same. The two reptiles remained silent until they had returned to their flaccid states. The bathroom smelt like musk and cum, and both of them recognized its thick scent, their biology commanding they become enticed and curious of it. After a while, they washed their hands, saying nothing else for a while as they exited into the hallway, refreshed, and looking at one another in a state of uncertainty.

"We just jacked off in the bathroom." Joseph began slowly, shifting slightly under his sweater, "Holy shit."

"We own that bathroom now." Alex began. "Bitches better watch out."

Joseph laughed and raised his hand with a grin, high-fiving one another they walked proudly back to their classroom, and sat down with content.

Chapter 2 - Arrowhead

Lake Arrowhead was located on the south side of the city, nestled deep in a coppice of silently residing poison ivy and oak trees, populated by townsfolk. The lake was approximately seventy-five feet deep, the depth measured on account of that a car had been pushed into the river fifteen years ago by a group of alcoholics, before that the lake had never been measured. The incident caused an upheaval of the number of visitors to the lake, as it became apparent that many drug-addicts and drinkers were populating, and polluting the scene.

In 1995, several alcoholics got into a knife fight with some out of town louts in a major accident. Billy Deacon, Ashton Blake, and Lance Myers had been long-time drinkers from out of town, who had stopped by the lake on the way to a football game. While at the lake, they came across a group of notorious drinkers who immediately were thrown off by the presence of the pro Green-Bay: and it did not take long for team rivalries to spark a full-out fistfight. Billy Deacon, the most headstrong of the group was the first attacked after making the comment that Florida Gators were "Bog-Pussies." He was slugged in the face and sent back into the arms of Ashton and Lance, whom without hesitation entered into brawl that lasted only the span of ten minutes.

Lance was cut across the chest by a switchblade being concealed by one of the assailants, whom was never identified; Ashton was stabbed in the arm, which is where the fight abruptly ended with the departure of the Green-bay Fans: and the notoriety of the lake increased.

Years that followed, it became a difficult task for teenagers or families to host parties or even enjoy the waters when drinkers lined the shore of Arrowhead. This lasted for about two years, until 1997 when the parents finally had enough, and demanded the mayor do something about it. Mayor West declared that year that public drinking at Arrowhead would result in a two-hundred dollar fine: and also, that concealed weapons, fighting, shouting, or fast-paced driving was prohibited. A clean up act was initiated that helped to restore the lake to its former beauty, followed by a levee around the edges to prevent trash from filtering down into it, and a large chain fence to stop late-night intruders.

Joseph and Alex peddled on their bicycles hard down the steep hill, passing numerous empty houses that retained the rustic aesthetic of the seventies. The two had almost forgotten about what happened on Tuesday afternoon, though they would quietly chuckle when they passed the bathroom, a sense of pride and awkwardness followed them.

Alex was confused by the incident, thinking back to the ordeal with a queer fondness, in his mind, he would see his friend masturbating which made him feel ill at ease, but he could not shake the images. It made Joseph sleeping at his house so much all the more awkward, at night, Alex would find him-self glancing to Joseph and catching site of his boner throughout the week: ending the night jacking off while thinking of obscure sexual thrills that made him even more uncomfortable.

Ahead the chain-length fence came into view, and both dragons hopped off their bikes, tossing them into the woods and sprinting down the cream-colored dirt that was soft, littered with stones and tire-tracks.

"God damn I have been looking forward to this!" Joseph said to Alex as he took off his jeans and shirt with his swim trunks all ready on underneath, "This has been one hell of a week!"

Joseph sprinted to the deep water, turning to his right and then leaping out into the chilly pool. Alex followed with a massive cannonball that sent Joseph back, and splashed water all over the shore.

"Hey watch!" One of the women shouted as she pulled her kid back, who was whining and whipping water from his eyes.

"Sorry!" Alex called out, receiving only a nod and glare from the woman, "Damn, it's a lake, what is the big deal with getting wet? But dude, the water is cold as shit today!"

"For real man, just don't warm it up and shit for me." Joseph chuckled. Alex flicked him off, taking in a deep breath and going underwater to snatch hold of Joseph's foot, and jerk him under the surface. Joseph kicked his foot at his friend, slapping his tail against his hand and yanking his ankle out of the large hand, swimming away quickly from Alex's reach.

"Come on ya little shit, come get me!" Joseph called again.

Alex swam after him with powerful strokes, their laughter and noise was barely heard under the roar of boat engines and other kids enjoying them-selves just as much. The atmosphere of Arrowhead was somehow alluring, the rich Native American history commanded that whomever took to the water as always apt to enjoying them-selves greatly: and it pulled in who or whatever wandered to the shores. Joseph darted in and out of Alex's reach, hastily pulling him-self along the shore until he hopped out and ran a few feet away into the woods.

Alex surfaced, panting, and crawled onto the wet mud on his hands, "Ya damn fish!"

Joseph grinned, "Pfffft, come on bro, I wanna go walk out in the woods!"

Alex followed by his friend through a thicket of wild flowers and weeks, stepping carefully over tall tree-roots and hissing when his leg was occasionally pricked by a thick vein of barbs.

"So man, what's up with Cody?" Alex began, "The dude pissed off at me?"

Joseph shrugged and sighed, "I dunno dude, you know him he comes and goes."

Alex shrugged back, "Eh, yeah I guess. I heard that Christian got into some shit with his girl-friend, apparently he sat at lunch with another girl." Alex mocked with a girly voice.

Joseph looked over at him confused, "And?"

"Well she apparently was pissed about it. I dunno man, if I had some body I wouldn't care if they sat with somebody else. Women are friggin bitchy dude."

"I hear that man!" Joseph said laughing, "Girls are over-rated, seriously."

Alex and he laughed as they ventured deeper into the woods, soon they were far from the road and had come across the small streams that merged into the river. After a while, Joseph stopped and leaned against a tree standing a few inches in deep mud, sloshing around in it, "Dude this stuff smells nasty!"

"Then why are you in it dip-shit?" Alex asked, "Stop bitching about it."

Joseph snorted and reached for the waste-line of his swim trunks that had become sticky with mud and dirt, dropping them down to his knees and tossed them onto a tree-limb.

"Ah dude, you're going nude again!?" Alex groaned, "What the hell man?"

Joseph spun around with a massive glob of mud over his sensitive region and grinned, "I'm not scared bitch! Besides, it is so much better than getting a rash from those damn shorts; I got sand in them again. Bet you're to chicken shit to do it."

Alex snorted, "As if. You've seen my shit; I have nothing to be scared of." The large reptile slid off his swim-trunks a little quickly, tossing them onto the tree-branch where Josephs' rested, "Check out this hot shit!"

Joseph laughed and leaned down into the mud, scooping up a handful up and then reared his hand back threateningly at Alex.

"Dude-don't you even fucking-!" Alex began, but could not even dodge as suddenly a large brown glob soared towards his snout.


"Ah come on!" Alex shouted as a thick, warm goo slapped onto his face, covering his eyes in the grime and some slipped inside of his nose and mouth.

He snorted and spit at the ground, coughing up the dark grey mass and whipping away at his face vigorously while Joseph backed up and grinned, knowing what was about to happen. Alex sprung into the mud, reaching for Joseph and grabbing onto his shoulders, pushing him hard onto his back a few feet away with a thick splat into the mud. Joseph skidded away, leaving a thick impression in the mud, but Alex was on top of him within a second, pinning his stomach down and began slamming handfuls of muck onto Joseph's snout.

"Get your gigantic ass off of me!" Joseph cried out, laughing and covering his face with arms, kicking his feet up as he sank into the muck.

"Oh hell no bitch!" Alex growled, covering his friend's entire chest in the mud, all his green-scales now a thick dark-grey mass that smelt like old water and decaying flora. Alex immediately began to wrestle to keep his slipper friend pinned: though Joseph fought to get away, Alex kept his thick legs tightly wrapped around his stomach and back.

"I swear to god!" Joseph coughed and spat at Alex, "I am going to rub my dick against your friggin ass if you don't get off of me!"

Alex grinned back at him, "I won't feel a tiny dick like that!"

Joseph growled at him, whipping his snout clean as Alex stopped shortly, "Um, do we need to remind someone who the better man is here?"

Alex stared down at him, "No need, I don't need to be reminded who had the better cum-shot!"

Joseph laughed, staring up at his large friend and groaning with the uncomfortable weight on his torso, "Uggh . . . ok dude, you can get off me now. I can feel your balls on my chest."

Alex laughed and stood up, extending a hand and helping Joseph onto his feet. Joseph stood up, coughing and whipping his scales as clean as he could, glancing down between his legs and sighing. "Well fuck me, my dick is hard! Don't look at it you faggot."

Alex snorted, "I've all ready seen it, and I'm not scared of it!"

"Oh yeah?" Joseph called out, grabbing his cock, "You better watch your ass!" Joseph jumped at Alex with his dock in his hand, and Alex shoved him back with one large arm, "I'll put my balls RIGHT back on you!"

Joseph grunted and pushed him-self up and looked over, "Heh, you're hard too bitch!"

Alex looked down and immediately covered his dick, "Oh shit, w-t-f?"

Joseph laughed, "It is cool man: I'm irresistible!"

Alex blushed immediately but snorted and tried to hide the fact with a slew of insults, and then another tackle at the green dragon.

Joseph fell onto his back with heavy splat, and Alex landed on his stomach over him, pinning him to the ground. He did not realize it at first, but their dick had grinded against each other and for a moment as they lay their frotting, both were tense with a soft moan that escaped their lips. Joseph flinched, trying to get out from underneath, his cock twitched from the pressure and warmth of the slick reptile over him. Alex shifted softly as he had realized what happened, and then stared down at his friend as their cocks slowly pulsed against one another.

"Um dude, our dicks are touching." Joseph began slowly.

"Oh-shit, whoops." Alex said carefully, looking down at his friend and moving up on his arms over him he spoke stammered, "S-sorry dude."

Joseph laughed a little bashfully, looking back at him for a moment, and Alex looked back at him timorously, his member and balls drooping down only an inch from Joseph. The dragons stared at each other awkwardly, their heart rate doubling nearly with the pairing of a frenzy of butterflies in their stomachs. Joseph's tail swayed slowly, touching against Alex's and slowly the tip curled against his.

"D-dude-" Joseph moaned, "I dunno why my tail is doing that!"

Alex looked back at laughed shyly, "Um-I dunno dude. You um-want me to move or something?"

Joseph looked back and stuttered slightly, to tense to move his arms as he lay underneath of his friend, the sunlight beaming in from overhead through the canopy of leaves, and Alex slowly moved off Joseph. Joseph stood up quickly, brushing him-self off, his eyes at the ground while Alex looked around fretfully.

"So-wanna go back to the house and eat or something?" Alex suggested quietly, his eyes glued to his feet.

"Y-yeah, sure thing man." Joseph began slowly, "Lemme get dressed bro." Joseph walked past Alex, and Alex looked at him, staring at his backside, staring at the mud-covered rump of his friend. Joseph dressed, and Alex followed, both quietly making their way out of the woods and backtracked to their bikes, their erections some-what subsiding despite the rush of blood to their penises.

? ? ?

Back at the house, Alex and Joseph took turns showering off, discarding their clothes and then resting in the kitchen with the radio turned onto low. Joseph was quiet, while Alex tried his best to act casual and ignore the whole situation, heating up two large pizzas in the oven and sitting across from Joseph, gazing at him from time to time.

Joseph fiddled with his hands quietly, his mind racing over the matter, his body feeling as it had betrayed him when he had moaned softly as Alex fell on top of him, or when his tail affectionately tried to wrap around Alex's.

"So man, what do you want to do? My uncle is at work and all until eleven." Alex asked, hoping to break the tension and cut out the awkward silence, "Wanna watch something?"

"Whatcha got in mind bro?" Joseph began slowly.

"I dunno; I got his old porn stash hidden in my room." Alex said jokingly, though he was half-serious. Joseph didn't' say anything after it, but considered it as well, after all, they had jacked off together in the bathroom. He shrugged a little, to numb to think about it. They ate lunch, watching the TV idly, talking about random subjects that were usually about kids at their schools: all the while, their voices carried that distinct tint of uncertainty that had followed them home. Joseph talked of one girl whom had been flirting with him recently, a young Uromastyx that had moved in from Texas and was always watching him at track.

"Dude it's scary, she always stares at me." Joseph chuckled a little, "Her friends all tell me she likes me."

"You gonna date her?" Alex asked curiously, though he felt annoyed by the subject, some hinge of jealousy at the edge of his words.

"Eh-I dunno, I might. I mean I barely know here." Joseph continued, "God knows my dad is always bitching at me for not having one."

Alex snorted, "If my parents were off on vacation I'd likely hear that same shit." Alex shifted in his seat, taking a large bite of the pizza but was unable to savor it, his mouth felt dry, and cold: his mind plugged all other sense but a resonating itch in his lower stomach.

"So dude, what kinda porn flicks are they?" Joseph asked with a mild curiosity, "Our computer is down, as usual thanks to my brother."

"Some wicked shit actually." Alex began, setting the plate down, "He bought them online, I know that much. Wanna check them out if you're in the mood?"

Joseph nodded, "Sounds hot man." Joseph began, setting his plate down and following his friend upstairs into his cluttered room, where Alex began hastily digging through his closet for the box he had hidden from his uncle.

"Does he even notice they are gone?"

"No, he barely pays attention. Half of them are not even opened: I guess he forgot." Alex admitted, retrieving the box with some anticipation and tossing a DVD to Joseph, who looked at it wide-eyed.

"Oh thank you, it's not bird porn!" He laughed, "Geez, actual dragons, and no more of those damn canaries! My little brother keeps a shit load of it on the desktop!"

Alex laughed, "Yeah, so dude, you wanna start watching one?"

Joseph looked up, "Are you gonna, like, jack off?"

Alex tensed up and stared back at him, "Why?"

"Well, I'd feel like an ass hole if I did it alone on your floor." Joseph said with a slight smile, and Alex laughed a bit back at him, turning on his console, sliding in the CD and relaxed back on his bed with the lights turned off, while Joseph sat on the floor.

"You know man; you can lay up here if you want?" Alex suggested quietly, as the screen-displayed flashing, fading, and clips of the various scenes that were to come. All ready he could feel him-self rock hard, and Joseph was as well, looking up at his friend he was hesitant to move from the comfort of the floor.

"Dude, won't that be awkward?" Joseph asked unsurely from the side of the bed.

"Dude, after this week I don't even care at this point." Alex suggested.

He felt unsure as to why he wanted Joseph to lie next to him to enjoy the video, it was awkward, greatly, but he preferred it if his friend was going to watch the porn with him. He felt it was almost gay, but distracted him-self from any kind of notion: no matter how appealing.

Joseph moved onto the bed next to him, walking around and lying back against the bed-frame, as Alex pressed play. The two dragons fell silent, their hands until, their eyes focused on the screen as if they were being hypnotized by the theatrics of mediocre acting, that inevitably led to a first sexual encounter.

The scene was as cliché as possible in a perfect world, where male a Masseuse tended to the tender body of a young green dragoness, and it was only natural that a slow porn-groove picked up as his motions became slowly, circular, tender, and both boys watched as it unfolded. She rolled onto her back, as the large male moved over her, places his hands onto her chest, grasping her breasts as the camera angle rolled to show only his backside, where his tail tied with hers. Alex twitched, seeing the muscular form of a large male dragon, his eyes spellbound to the sight of the body so hard that he had immediately placed his hand inside of his pants, grasping onto is rock-hard erection without even noticing.

The dialogue of the film was cheesy as the male and female spoke to one another, soon the camera showed the male's cock being sucked by the professional paid slut, a close-up of its saliva covered shaft that made even Joseph stare in envy and fascination. They had undressed their pants, down to their knees, covering them-selves with folds of the blanket as they pleasured them-selves in silence.

"Dude-holy fuck this video is hot." Joseph said in a whisper.

"I know man-" Alex whispered back softly, glancing to Joseph for a moment. Seconds rolled by, as the scene grew more and more intense, so did the motions of the dragons as they jacked-off harder, and harder. Alex could feel his orgasm was close, gritting his teeth as his tail flicked underneath be blanket, he glanced down at his member, hissing, flexing, and giving a voluble moan as his hot seed splashed out onto his abdomen in thick wads: he had been so pent up that some of it even managed to stain his chest.

Joseph looked over, at him and then back to the TV, closing his eyes as he leaned back and gripped his cock harder, bending to the side as he jerked it harder, groaning and thinking of the scenes, listening to the sounds and arched his back slightly as he gasped loudly. His cum spilled out in thick ropes, and he moaned through is teeth as his horns dug into the pillow behind him, when he finished he opened his glazed eyes to see Alex staring at him.

"W-what?" Joseph began awkwardly.

"Dude-you fucking cummed on my arm!" Alex exclaimed, looking down at his bicep that had a rope of white semen dripping down it. Joseph stared for a moment, the burst out laughing while Alex leaned over to grab a sock to wipe it off him, throwing it at him.

"You ass hole, that is just wrong man!"

"I'm sorry man"! Joseph continued to laugh, "I'm sorry bro!"

Alex groaned and relaxed back on the pillow with anxious, "Wanna watch some more, so long as you don't fucking jizz on my arm?"

Joseph smiled and nodded, "Sure man. God-I wish I could get a blow job, I am so fucking horny right now!" He looked at Alex who did not flinch at the statement, "Dude, I'd love to give one too."

"WHAT?!" Joseph exclaimed.

"What?" Alex said in alarm, looking over at him, "What the hell?!"

"You said give a blow job!" Joseph began, "Ya faggot! I knew it!"

Alex blinked and immediately his scales darkened to brown, "I said GET one, you dick head!"

Joseph raised his brow, "Eeeeh-I'll let you off this time bud!"

Joseph leaned back on the bed, laughing a little quietly while Alex sat back, so embarrassed his whole body felt like a burner. The film progressed to the next erotic chapter, and both boys watched with one another in comfort, jacking off a totally of two more times to the videos, Joseph careful to not accidently cum on Alex again, and made the occasional joke about it. When they had finished, the room smelt of cum and musk and both dragons lay there on the bed in silence, enjoying the after-glow of their session, thinking over the film.

"So man-you ever had any?" Joseph began slowly, "From anyone?"

"No." Alex responded with a sigh, his hands behind his head, "Never really had a girl, or been good with them. They piss me off."

Joseph laughed, "Yeah, same here. I dunno bro, I would love to have sex, but I would prefer it be with someone more than just a girlfriend, ya know. Like someone I can trust who is not in it for all that face book dating bull."

"Yeah man." Alex responded, "Like, someone who is not only a date, but a real friend and doesn't have all that stupid relationship bull shit."

"For real!" Joseph resounded, "It's more than just about getting laid. I'd want it to be with someone who gives a shit about me, not just dating for that whole teenaged thrill." Joseph looked over at Alex, resting on his side and sighed, "But dude, I gotta say, I never thought I'd be jacking off in my best-friends room, with him."

Alex laughed, "Well, same here bro. It's not a big deal either; people need to suck up that homophobia shit! I mean hell, I know of a lot of guys who jack off with their bros!"

Joseph nodded, "Mmmhm, it's stupid: I mean if they are so scared of men, they should watch lesbian porn, not porn with a dude in it! I mean seriously!"

Alex laughed and mocked Joseph with a flamboyant voice, "I mean, like, seriously!"

"Oh fuck you." Joseph groaned.

"Pfffft, you wish you could." Alex chuckled.

Joseph snorted and rolled onto his back, "I came on you, you're my bitch now."

Alex flung his hand over, slamming it into Joseph's gut, and with a satisfying groan, Joseph said nothing else about it.

? ? ?

That night, Joseph fell asleep on the bed and Alex remained curled up with his back facing him. He had trouble sleeping with how busy his mind was in the past week had caused so much mental turmoil, but the only question he managed to avoid was "Am I gay?" He could feel the inquiry, creeping from the corners of his mind, but he suppressed it with a dedicated intent, for the most part. He turned on his side, glancing to Joseph who snored with his mouth open as usual, and Alex groaned, "God dammit you're loud."

He reached over, grabbing his friend's snout, and closed it. Joseph didn't flinch, but his snoring increased in volume and Alex groaned, releasing his face and laughing a little bit too him-self. He stared at his friend's body, gazing over his smooth light-yellow chest where the beginning formation of abdominals and light chest-muscles.

"Jesus Christ-" Alex said to him-self, "You're not gay, Alex."

He turned his eyes away from Joseph, for a few minutes, closing the lids and struggling to distract him-self with anything, and everything. He retreated to images of the porno videos, thinking over the dialogue, making fun of it in his mind and then eventually to the sexual scenes. Most predominant was the male dragon, as he drilled the female, Alex saw the flexing lats, the hamstrings, the biceps: all the muscles working in an intricate system the young dragon admired, and longed to have as him-self. In his opinion, he did not see enough of the male drilling the female, it was mostly her body obstructing the views, or well placed shadows: it irritated him, and he was not sure why.


Alex opened his eyes and sighed, "How the hell does your family tolerate it?"

He glanced over at Joseph again, who snore loudly, and out of curiosity, he looked lower on Joseph's body. There it was, as expected, a midnight erection resting soundly under his denim jeans, the immediate site made Alex's stomach turn, and he felt that there was a moment he was about to lose control. He felt like he wanted to vomit, as if his stomach was about to explode, and if his heart beat any faster it might break his rib cage.

For many long minutes, almost fifteen, Alex stared at the impression of the boner, his whole body shaking from nervousness and his hands shook as he gripped onto the cover to restrain him-self.

Ok god dammit-one look and after that, maybe you will shut up! You're just curious, so get over it! Alex shouted at his mind, reaching over and removing the blanket that covered Joseph's torso. He sighed in relief, seeing Joseph left his pants unfastened. He gasped and huffed, his heart slamming into his ribs when he saw the cock so close, his eyes transfixed on it with a powerful curiosity. It rested in the light of the television and the dragon found no words for the longest time, eventually he gripped his fist, and slowly extended his arms.

Alex's tail flicked and curled from the tension, and as he slowly slid his hand over the bulge underneath the boxers, a jolt traveled through his body at such a speed. He felt the warmth of the member in the palm of his hand, pressing down softly, Alex's cock tingled, and slowly hardened, and the young dragon remained frozen.

SNOOORE! Joseph twitched in his sleep, yawning slightly, and stretched. Alex had immediately jerked his hand away, gasping and shuddering, but when Joseph lay back, he resumed with the near-molestation. His hand found its way over the bulge, peeling back the jeans, and then slowly, Alex moved closer and pulled the hard cock from the slit in Joseph's boxers. He gasped, seeing it so close to him now, the texture, the veins, the glands that were appearing from under the foreskin, the utter shine of the scaly member made Alex tremble.

I'm not gay if I touch it, he said in denial as his fingers wrapped around the dick and felt a soft heartbeat in the shaft he never knew existed. Alex leaned his mouth close, smelling the musk, moaning softly as his lips quivered just a few inches from the aromatic member.

Ok, ok! That is enough Alex! Alex tried to tell him-self, repeatedly, as he held onto the cock, gripping and flexing his fingers over the hard shaft. Within a few moments, he was now rubbing it in circles, feeling it roll under his hand with an enthralling moan as his hand went lower, onto the soft scaly balls. Alex gently cupped them, played with them, loosing track of what he was thinking or knew as he tenderly worshipped his friend's cock and balls, and gently slid his tongue along the smooth, flaccid scaly balls.

"Mmm-" Alex moaned, leaning his face towards the musky member, feeling heat emanating from it that filled him with a wicked delight. He opened his lips, and then slowly, slid the foreign appendage into his lips. Joseph gasped, and Alex tensed, watching as his friend did not awaken, and he lay there with a cock in his mouth, his eyes wide at what he was doing.

Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god . . .

Alex's mouth salivated, and he softly bobbed his head up and down over the cock, sucking tenderly as his heart raced so hard that it made it hard to breath. His tongue slowly grazed the shaft, tasting the foreskin, feeling the texture of the veins, Alex groaned into his mouth as he closed his eyes. He buried his face into the warm pelvis of Joseph, taking all of the cock into his mouth, his moist lips dampening the edges of Joseph's boxers.

Oh god, I am so fucking hard! Alex said in his mind, taking the cock as an amateur would, sucking slowly, licking, and twisting. The cock felt wonderful in his mouth, Alex did not argue that there was something gripping about giving a blowjob, and Alex took his wary time to please Joseph, all the while, making sure he did not wake up. Joseph's hips twitched, and bucked at him, softly the green reptile moaned in his sleep and clutched the bed, his tail flicking underneath the covers. He slowly slid his hand down the warm tight ass cheeks, his claw began to feel underneath the tail meat for his friend's virgin orifice, and he slowly caressed it.

"Yeah-" He whispered a soft smile spreading on his face. "You like how that feels, dontcha Joseph?"

Joseph's cock felt hot, and wet, and his dream was more lucid than any dream he had ever had. He thrust hard and mad into the orifice that he envisioned, grunting and growling with each powerful bucking of his hips, huffing softly and changing positions. He felt hands grab onto his legs, stroking his balls so softly that he arched his back, closing his eyes in his dream and gasping softly.

Mmmmph! Alex choked, as suddenly hot seed splashed onto his lips, Joseph's legs tensing up as the cock was thrust against the roof of his mouth. Alex moaned softly and sighed in relief, it felt weird to have seed splash into his mouth, but he swallowed it, and then slowly removed his mouth and looked at the dragon with a fierce lust.

"Joseph-I want to fuck you so badly."

Alex ripped down his shorts, grabbing onto his cock with his strong hand, and eagerly began to stroke his cock as hard and fast as he could, his mind plagued by the images of him fucking his friend's ass. It only took him a few moments to achieve an orgasm from all the excitement. In a few shallow spurts, his seed splashed over Joseph's chest, and Alex chuckled as his seed dripped onto Joseph's leg. "Got you this time, bitch."

He lay down on his side, huffing softly, and closing his eyes, gently rubbing Joseph's arm and then pulling the blanket over him again before dozing off.

Chapter 3 - 4-3

"Good morning man!" Joseph called loudly, "Wake up ass hole we're gonna be late for school!"

Alex opened his eyes groggily, rubbing them slowly and looked up, "Uggh-what is the damn rush bro!?"

Joseph laughed, all ready dressed and holding a hot pocket in his hand, "Come on man! We're like ten minutes late for the bus!" Joseph looked at his friend uncertainty, "Yo bro, you look exhausted."

Alex sat up slowly, Joseph doesn't know. He smiled in some comfort, "Yeah man, just-tired as hell, you know." Alex dressed slowly, rubbing his head as his mind recounted all the images from the night before in a sudden rush, and he felt tremendous awkwardness around Joseph who was in usually high-spirits that morning. The outside seemed to reflect with clouds heavy and grey with only small beams of sunlight penetrating from the downcast.

"Dude, why are you so damn happy this morning?" Alex asked Joseph, who bobbed up and down aimlessly to his MP3 player, "Hello!?"

"Oh!" Joseph snatched out his headphones, "Sorry man! Dude, I dunno why I am so happy! I am just supper amped today!"

"What, you have a wet dream or something?" Alex asked bravely with a lurching in his stomach.

Joseph thought over his dream and sneered, "Nah, but I DID have a pretty good dream last night. I guess it was the porn, bro, we gotta watch that shit more often!"

Alex laughed timidly, "Sure man. All right, I'll meet you out by the bus, lemme brush my teeth." Alex ventured into the bathroom, shutting the door and immediately grabbed the sink, staring wide-eyed into it, heaving and breathing rapidly in a panic.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ! I gave my friend a blowjob! Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck! I am gay, I am fucking gay!

Alex looked at him-self in the mirror, seeing the nervousness written all over his snout and took a deep breath, calmly exhaling as he grabbed a toothbrush, rapidly scrubbing away the musky smell from his mouth. He could smell cum on his lips and tongue, and felt ashamed of him-self: then, at the same time, he felt an iniquitous satisfaction in his actions.

"Come on man!" Joseph called from the bedroom, "Let's go!"

Alex spit out into the sink, washed his mouth out and nodded, pushing open the door, "Ok bro let's go!" He tried to sound enthusiastic, that morning he and Joseph rushed out of the door and raced each other across the street, this time Alex had succeeded in beating Joseph to the bus stop, but did not expel his triumph as loudly as was habitual. When the bus came Alex sat beside Joseph, but he kept his hands in his lap, remaining mostly silent which through Joseph off who was busy trying to get his attention when Cod stepped in.

"He lard-nuts, you ok man?" Cody asked with genuine concern, "You look way out of it man."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Alex responded coolly, "Just tired and have a lot on my mind. AH SHIT!" Alex groaned as he realized, "I forgot my fucking book bag!"

Joseph laughed loudly, as he took Alex's book bag from out behind him, "Here you go man! Sorry! I fucking had too!"

Alex huffed and collapsed back with a loud laugh, "Ah, you jack ass!"

Joseph and Cody laughed while Alex snickered, keeping his backpack close until the bus stopped at school, and they waited their long turn to finally get off. The kids unloaded from the back of the school were portable classrooms remained lined up like a trailer park. He hopped off the bus, following his group of friends quietly until the gym, changing in the locker-room slowly and quickly loosing track of time.

Jesus Christ-I can't believe this! Alex closed his locker and closed his eyes; I gave a fucking blowjob!

"Come on Alex!" The coach called, distracting the dragon from his turmoil. "Let's go! We don't have all day Alex!"

Alex spun around in his shorts and nodded as he hastily followed the other players out onto the field, lining up in formation as they began their routine of a ten-minute stretch, which led into heavy high-twitch muscle fiber workouts. Alex kept up like usual, but lacked the zeal he was well know for showing when on the field and the coach, as well as the students took a noticing to it.

"Alex, are we boring you!" He called out like a Drill Sergeant, "Do you need a break to get another tampon!?"

The other students laughed and Alex groaned, "No I don't Coach! I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well all that thinking had better be about the game this week!" The coach called loudly, "You better be thinking about how you're gonna stomp some lions into the ground!"

Alex nodded and sighed, dropping down onto his feet as he began a serious of wide-armed pushups, gritting his teeth and forcing his mind of the nerve-racking thoughts. He performed two minutes of pushups, Heisman, Mountain Climber, High-knees, and then rich back into the first interval. It last for almost an hour until they cooled. Alex retreated to the safety of the bleachers, the sky had cleared up only a little bit, and the dragon rested with a rock-hard erection hidden underneath his book bag.

"Hey, Alex." Josh called from a few feet below, jogging up to meet up with him, "Dude, you ok? You've been off all morning and Coach Michaels is thinking you're getting cold feat."

"You're to observant Josh." Alex mumbled, leaning forward and resting his face in the canvas sack, "Can I be alone man?"

"I don't think so." Josh answered as he sat next to him, "Tell your buddy what's up, something has you bothered."

Alex snorted, "I doubt you could even begin to handle this."

Josh folded his ears back, "Well, betray my trust if you will! But I am genuinely concerned about our linebacker!"

Alex sighed, dropped his hands to his legs, looking over, and then down at his feet, "Josh, if I tell you, you cannot tell ANYONE! If you do I swear I will fucking break your arm!"

Josh looked at him in alarm with his ears erect, "Yeah yeah bro! Damn man, what is going on with you-it's nothing something serious is it man?"

Alex leaned back, took a deep breath, and exhaled. It took him a few moments to gain the nerve, staring out into the field he knew he would have to say it, Josh was more persistent than anyone else he knew, and too smart to drop something.

"Well, what is it bro?" He demanded.

"Josh-I-I think I am gay." Alex blurted out. He looked to the wolf who stared at him in surprise, his eyes wide and his ears perked, "Seriously?"

"Yes." Alex admitted.

"Like, seriously?" Josh asked again.

"Yes dammit!" Alex growled at him with annoyance and shook in tenseness, "I'm gay bro!"

Josh laughed a little and Alex growled at him loudly, so loud it made the wolf recoil almost in alarm, "Yo man chill! I'm not laughing at you, I'm just laughing cause I knew it!"

Alex stared at him wide-eyed and mortified, "How!?"

"Well, you always stare at other guys when we work out." Josh admitted with a smirk, "I mean, you always watch us, and I dunno; you've never talked about girls, or dating girls. So I just kinda decided 'Alex is gay or at least close to it.'

Alex blinked and rubbed the back of his head, "Is it really that obvious?"

"Well, not to everyone obviously." Josh smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Dude, was this bothering you so much?"

Alex sighed and smiled, "Yeah, I guess: I mean there is some other shit."

"You like someone." Josh declared, "And they are either gay, taken, or don't like you back or don't know you like them."

Alex laughed, "Jesus, you should be a therapist!"

"Oh I know!" The wolf gave a proud smile, "My mom HATES it! God she hates it so much, I unravel all her pseudo-parenting bullshit! But anyways, who is the guy?"

Alex looked down at his feet and mumbled, "J-Joseph."

Josh raised his brows, "Oh really now? Well, I can't say I didn't expect it!" He laughed a little bit and squeezed the dragon's shoulder reassuringly, "Well bro, I'm not much help there. But I am glad you at least came out to me."

Alex smiled at him, "Thanks man. And don't tell anyone! I mean it!"

"Blah-blah-blah!" Josh said before jogging off.

Alex watched as he jogged off and leaned back, a little comforted now that he talked about it, but the one minor detail in his mind until lingered. He gave his best friend a blowjob, and he had no idea what he was going to do. Alex covered his face and spent the next half an hour on the bleachers by him-self, staring idly out into the football field with his book bag glued to his chest.

? ? ?

You should totally date her! She has the hots for you, besides, do not be a jackass, you know she likes you!

Joseph groaned as he tossed the note to the side, resting his snout in his hands as he stared idly at the chalkboard ahead. He glanced to his right where the girl in question whispered to her friends, and one of them gave him a dirty look, glaring down at the note that he reluctantly picked up. This had started ever since breakfast and he had all ready begun to lose his patience with these girls in the past three weeks they harassed him.

Yes, or No? He stared down at the crude writing, the paper smelt of a profuse cotton-candy perfume that made his nose, crinkle in dislike.

Joseph took his red pen, marked the paper and then tossed it back to the girl, grumbling and lowering his eyelids, trying to look menacing and ignoring them any further. He had been feeling so good until and now he was exhausted all ready from just how determined both of them had been to get his attention. He huffed and glanced to Chelsea who looked at him and then away with a giggle, and he rolled his eyes and folded his wings slightly over his face and covered his snout in his arms.

The teacher continued to talk ahead of the class about some kind of poetic meter Joseph was to irritated to even pay attention to, and every once in a while he would see a girl staring at him and giggling. The fascination with his looks was more than irritating, he felt he was cute, but the way the girls obsessed made him feel too uncomfortable to feel flattered.

"Joey, are you gonna kiss amber?" Alana asked him quietly from his left, and he looked over at her and grumbled.

"I barely know her." Joseph began as he lifted his snout off his arms, "Why the hell would I?"

Alana huffed and rolled her eyes, brushing back her blond hair, "Well I'm just curious! Besides, I think it's cute she is into you!"

Joseph gruffed and looked away as he lay his face down onto his arms again, "I don't think it is as cute as you're making it out to be."

*Gasp!* "Oh my god!" One of the girls said, "No way! Hurry, tell him!"

One of the dragonesses leaned over and pocked Joseph in his arm, "Hey cutey."

"Not in the mood." Joseph replied with a bitter tone.

"No, listen!" She pleaded, taking out her cell phone and handing it to Joseph who scanned down at the text.

Sender, Allisa

OMFG Alex IS GAY! Josh's girlfriend just told me!

_ ~@ 9:45 am._

Joseph blinked, read over the message three times before turning to the girl and handing her the cell phone slowly, "My friend, Alex?"

"Yes!" The dragoness squeaked with delight, hurriedly going back to her cluster of friends. Joseph sat in his chair silently for a moment, coming to realization his friend was a homo, and then leaned back in his chair and stared at the roof.

Holy shit! Alex is a homo! Joseph laughed a little bit, Oh I am SO gonna mess his shit up!

"Oh-wow-" the dragoness said slowly, all the girls staring at the cell phone and giggling loudly to one another.

"Excuse me ladies!" The teacher in the front of the class bellowed, "Bring your cell phones here, NOW."


"No buts!" Mrs. Norris boomed, holding out her hand as the girl reluctantly relinquished her cell phone, sitting back down and quickly scribbling something down onto a sheet of paper. She and the girls looked at one another giggling again, and Joseph looked over curiously, certain it was something to do with him or his friend now. The girl scribbled something quickly onto a full sheet of paper and folded it quickly; her eyes showed something had sparked all the gossip that was probably going to be posted all over the internet the following night.

"Here, read this." The girl said with a broad smile as she flipped over her paper, and in bright red letters Joseph read slowly-

Alex has a crush on you! ?

The girl snatched the paper away, stuffing it into her notebook as she and her friends began to whisper rapidly to one another: Joseph stared at her in disbelief, his mind empty and felt a sudden sickness in his stomach that twisted and churned with anxiety and confusion. He held onto his stomach, the sudden rush of confusion and anxiety made him feel as if he could vomit that very instant. He cupped his stomach in his hand, staring idly at the chalkboard and then back to the girls, who stared at him with a worry.

"What in the fuck-" Joseph managed to mumble under all the shock.

"Are you ok?" The dragoness began, "Didn't you know your friend was gay? We sure didn't!"

"Ms. Cook!" The teacher boomed loudly, "I will hear no more of this chatter, or else the class will have a three age exposé on various uses of the Iambic Parameter!"

Ashley immediately shut her mouth and leaned back quickly.

Joseph said nothing to her, his face turned away as his snout was grimacing with the look of anxiety and disbelief, the initial shock of the bright red words sent a wave of disbelief through his system like a tsunami. As he rested at his desk in a long hour of silence, Joseph's mind rapidly processed the fact that his best friend was gay, and had a crush on him.

? ? ?

I shouldn't have told Josh, Alex argued, God dammit, I should not have even said anything! Now Josh thinks I am gay, I think I am gay! Alex slammed his fist onto the wall behind him, thrusting him-self back against the cool wood and gripped his book bag so tight the scales over knuckles hurt. You gave your best friend a goddamn blowjob! What the fuck are you going to do now!? Alex stood up, his heart hammering against his ribs, his insides twisting and knotting so much that he could barely breath and with hast he ran to the nurse's office, begging her to call his Uncle.

"I feel like I'm going to pass out, and vomit." Alex admitted, and the Nurse could tell that the boy was suffering from something sever. She took his temperature, and made him lay back as he waited for his uncle to come from the city to pick him up. It was only a fifteen-minute wait, but as he lay there, Alex struggled to come to terms with the fact he was gay, or at least damn sure of it.

It wasn't an accident, he said softly to him-self, I enjoyed it too much for it to be an accident. He closed his eyes again, resting his hands over his damp jersey, taking slow deep breaths to try to relax while being driven home. . .

Joseph walked home alone that day, his hands in his pockets and his eyes glued to the ground a few inches ahead of him. Rumor had spread, not fast, but it was well enough known that a football player was gay; everyone knew he liked someone, and only a few people knew who it was. Joseph did not like the attention, at all; he in fact hated being the center of almost anything related to teenagers or their gossip: and this was something that he hated. He could feel some people looking at him while he ate lunch that day, eyes that seemed to aware of his situation, and when all the girls had gathered in their clusters to brag and spread rumor, he felt only more irritation.

He agreed to date the Uromastyx who had a crush on him, for a single weekend and after the game, would take her to Arrowhead for the night. The only problem was-he had no idea, what to say or do. He did not like the girl, he did not know who she was, and the pressure of everything had made him give in that now it filled him with remorse.

"Fucking girls." He grumbled, kicking a rock away, "I don't even like them." Joseph turned his eyes down the road, glancing to Alex's house and outside, staring at it for a moment. He did not know what to do, or say to him, or if he should do anything at all.

My best friend is a homo. Joseph said under his breath; At least he is brave enough to admit to it. You can't even tell a girl you don't like her cause you're a pussy!

Joseph growled again, shoving his hands deeply into his pocket and continued to walk briskly down the road, his spirits were gone, the sun was shining now, and he felt it was to coincidental. He sighed and turned down the street, past a crumbling shack and fallen Oak tree that obstructed his five of an old well. When Joseph reached his house, he tossed his book bag up into the air, climbing up the drainpipe with quickness, and laid back flat on the rooftop, his hand behind his head.

"Stupid ass girls: why the hell am I the asshole for not wanting to date one!?" Joseph growled again, his brow furrowed into a menacing scowl as he stared idly at the cobalt sky, "Maybe I should just be gay like Alex and not have to deal with them?"

At that moment, a flood of images came to his mind of the day at the mud-pit, and the night before when they jacked off together in Alex's bedroom. The most predominant of memories, or experiences, was in the moment Alex laid over top of him in the mud. When their erections rubbed against one another, Joseph felt embarrassed and horny. However, it was when Alex moved over him, and stared down at him, his thick body covered in mud-

No! Joseph shut his eyes tightly, trying to block out the image of the big orange dragon over top of him, looking down at him with the weak smile and embarrassed expression. Joseph felt his stomach twist as he tried again to fight off the images, but repeatedly they came back, the site of his friend masturbating, and his own initiative to get him nude, and to masturbate with him all those times. Joseph felt blameworthy and queasy, crossing his arms and huffing softly through his lips, "It was just fun, I didn't do it to see his damn cock!"

"Joseph!" his father began from the attic window, "What did you just say!?"

Joseph flinched and jerked up in his place, "U-um, nothing!"

The dragon raised a scaly brow and nodded slowly, "Ok-well, come inside. We're having dinner early tonight."

"Ok dad." Joseph said shakily, looking down over the side of the house and sighed softly, waiting for him to leave. He put his hands to his knees, stared at the tiles between his feet, and stared at the back of his eyelids, where images of Alex's muddy form remained plastered in every corner that made him feel disgusted. I am not a goddamn fag!

Joseph reassured him-self with instant denial, biting onto the inside of his cheek as he walked through the musty attic door and down the stairs. He joined his family at the dinner table, but it was not a comfort as he sat there listening to his siblings and parents talk. He toyed with his food, separating the broccoli by size and ate slowly, his crimson eyes glued to the plate.

"Hey Joey you ok?" His mom asked, "Hunny you look upset."

"Oh-um, well I was sorta forced to go out with a girl." Joseph began, dropping his fork to the plate, "If I didn't the girls were saying I was an ass-"

"Joseph Stuart!" His mom interrupted, "Watch the language young man!"

"Sorry mom." Joseph said grudgingly, and continued, "Anyways-they said I didn't I was being a 'butt hole' and all that jazz."

His mom chuckled and winked at her husband, "Well, you said yes so you are a gentleman at least! You get that from your father."

His dad laughed from across the table and whipped his mouth, "I remember when your mom said if I didn't take her out I was a bastard."

"Allan!" She shrieked, "Watch the language too! I JUST complimented you!"

"Yes mother." Allen said at her with a sneer, and then turned to his son, "Look, just politely tell her you don't want to date her if you're not looking for it, or have someone else in mind. Do you?"

Joseph looked up at him and felt his lip twitched, "Um-someone else likes me: and it kind of makes it difficult. The whole school is gonna know soon-"

"Oh, who?" His mom asked with a smile, "Is it someone we know?"

Joseph flinched a little, desperately looking for a lie, "Uh-no, not really. But I've known them for a while though."

His mom nodded and smiled, "Well hunny ask your-self, Can I date them? Moreover, if the answer is yes then ask your-self, do I want to and is it good idea? You need think about these things, important things, and then really pursuit them."

Joseph smiled a little more, unconvinced by the discussion that he should ask his best friend on a date. "Heh, thanks mom-I will think about that."

"And son, don't be scared what other people think too." His dad began, "I know you don't like attention son, since you always wear that black hood." Joseph's brothers began to laugh and he cast them a glare, before looking back to his dad.

"Anyways, you need to stop caring about who notices you, and care WHY they noticed you." His father smiled at his wife warmly, "Make sure it's the right reasons: your mom only dated me for the Corvette."

His mother huffed and began to lecture her husband, while the two younger siblings erupted in embarrassing questions for the adults and Joseph smiled slightly: but he continued to refute the suggestion of dating a 'dude'. He spoke no more of the issue to his parents and avoided his little brother and sister, who incessantly pestered him with equally embarrassing questions until their mom shooed them from the table. Joseph eased away from his table after dinner was finished, dropping his plate into the soapy water and spun to leave the kitchen in a hurry to take his place on the roof.

"Joseph," His mom said as she turned to look at him from around her wing, "We need to talk for a moment."

Joseph moved to the counter and leaned against it, "Yes?"

"Hunny," his mom began slowly with her hands in the sink water, "It's a guy isn't it?"

"What!?" Joseph stammered "W-what?!"

"Hunny, come on." His mom began with a giggle, "Baby, I know its guy who likes you. It's a mother's intuition; otherwise, you would have told me about her if you were interested."

Joseph stared at her, "What if I just didn't want to talk about-h-her!"

His mom chuckled, "Because you're the kinda boy who voices his opinion." She rolled her eyes as she dried off her hands, "You usually yell obscenities with Alex, and you two are always quick to call one another out. So, I know you're hiding something when you talk all slow and shyly."

Joseph stared at her in shock, "Jesus: you're good!"

She flashed a wide smile and laughed softly, "I know! Reason your dad never gets away with anything! Hunny I also know the parents of all the kids in your class. And, Mrs. Norris called me and told me about what she read on the cell phone today: remember, we ARE neighbors!"

Joseph felt the blood rush from his face, his scales turned dark forest, and his tail flicked uncertainly by his feet. "U-um-"

"Joey," she began, "Do you like him back?"

"I-I!" Joseph stammered again and looked away from his mom with discomfiture, "I-I don't even know if I'm gay mom! And he is my best friend!"

"Well, find out." She said firmly, "Don't leave one person hanging because you're scared. I did not raise my Joey to be the kind of boy to run away from things. If you are gay, admit it Joseph. And if not, tell him, if you can date a girl you do not like, then you can let Alex know you're not into him."

Joseph looked away uncomfortably to the sink, his mind processing at such a rapid speed he was silent. His mom looked at him worriedly and gently grabbed his shoulder, "Hunny-something happened, didn't it? You can tell your mom sweet, if there is something I need to know."

Joseph twitched again and crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the floor, "W-we-Um, we were kinda, wrestling in the mud and-"

"You two had a moment." His mom finished for him with a giggle, "Now, granted it's not a pretty romance, it's messy, but you two looked at each other and something happened."

"No! No we didn't do anything!" Joseph stammered defensively, "Nothing! It was just an accident that it-!"

"Hunny!" She laughed in surprise and waved her hands at him, "No no, not sexually dear! I mean, something emotionally, you two saw something in one another!"

Joseph blinked and then nodded, so embarrassed he could barely stand to look at his mom. His mom smiled and sighed and gently placed her hand on his shoulder and looked him in his widened eyes.

"Now, I want you to go do your homework, take a bath, and wake up tomorrow with a clear head! You have a game to go to this week, and Alex needs our support! So let's make sure we watch those games your father recorded so we can shout out ideas!"

"Ok-" He slowly looked up and smiled, "T-thanks mom."

That night Joseph was again laying on the rooftop, he until felt weak, but the talk with his mom had at least put to rest many of the thoughts that were driving him mad. He stared at the clouds, enjoying the cool night air and sat up on his rump and grabbed onto his ankles. He stared into the woods where his old swings-et set at the border, and then stared at the place between his feet: he had no words for his evening, only felt a confusion that effervesced over and coursed around in his mind.

Chapter 4 - Refutation

Friday morning began in a rush for everyone. Alex had woken up very early, ate a hardy breakfast, wore his favorite school jersey of black, green, and Silver, and jogged his way to school. His game was at five, and he had spent the night psyching him-self for the game, happy to distract from all the emotional trials of the week. Alex had no notion of the word that had spread of his orientation, mostly due to him avoiding chat sites and things like MySpace: but overnight word spread to the clusters of girls, and he imagined the football team knew.

"Ok boys!" Coach Michaels called eagerness to his team whom sat on the grass, "Tonight, what are we going to do!?"

"STOMP THE LELAND LIONS!" His team shouted unison.

"And WHO is going to stomp them!?" He shouted.

"HYRUL!" One of the players jokingly shouted, and the team chuckled while the coach grinned down at his line-up of stars.

"We'll show the Lions who is the better predator! We'll show them that WEWA WAR RIDERS ARE DOMINATION!"

With a wide grin on his face, Alex followed his team to the center of the field and immediately began a relaxing regiment of light-cardio exercises and stretches to warm the muscles and blood. Alex and his team would spend the rest of the day going to their classes while all the talk was of the football game, and if they won, they would be heading to a state championship where Wewahitchka would face their rivals from out of state.

There was history of wins and losses to the state of Alabama, and though Wewa' had succeeded in gathering the state championship, the out-of-state trophy was the one missing from their shelf for three years. The last team was unable to replace their Quarterback who suffered a dislocated shoulder bone at the State Championships three years ago. Now there was a completely new lineup, a completely new plan, and the team was more than ambition to remove that stain from their school's record.

The day could not go by fast enough, Alex anticipated every moment of the day when he would see the school busses pull up into the field and he would see the twenty or so students exit in their red and white gear: and the thought of it was enough to make his adrenaline pump!

"So Alex," Josh began, "You ready for tonight man? You look as bright as damn rainbow!"

Alex snorted and sipped some water, "Oh fuck off. I'm not that gay Josh!"

Josh laughed and patted him hard on the back, "Bro you're a double rainbow! A DOUBLE RAINBOW! WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? OH GOD IT'S A . . .!"

Alex tuned out Josh now Josh began to go on about the rainbow and smirked to him-self, he felt proud with what he was now, a gay football player: it had an aesthetic sound.

"Come on boys!" Their coach called from below, "Let's rehearse 4-3 Formation on Defense! I want all of you on the grass immediately. Our defense needs more work, ALEX: And I want all of you prepared, I heard from a friend they have a new Cornerback named Nathaniel: and he is a force to be reckoned with!"

"I can take him coach!" Alex said with a mild arrogance.

"Oh yeah? We will see! Come on boys, form up!"

The boys lined up on the field, dressed for the game and formed into the defensive position with Alex took his position as Strongside, hunching down onto his feet and hand, and stared ahead, past the line of scrimmage. The coach lifted the whistle to his dry lips and blew hard on it: and in a lightning fast blur, the team moved into action.

Alex roared as he surged forward on powerful legs and collided with the Tight End with a heavy grunt, running forward he extended his arms hard and shoved the player onto his back while a Runningback deviated to the right.

"Cover the Quarterback!" The coach shouted at his team, "Steven take down the Tight End and Alex let's move it!"

Alex pounded his feet into the ground, the distance was only four yard but that was more than any team would need to get the upper head. He lunged into the air and grabbed onto Michael by the back of his legs, and then slammed him onto the ground with a heavy thud, following by the blowing of their Coach's whistle.

"Josh, great job!" The coach called as he looked over his pad, "I need you to be more watchful of the MLB: you let him get to close to you!"

"Yes coach!" Josh called out as he stood on offensive once more and the coach turned to Alex, "Alex I need you to NOT kill one of our own before the game! This is practice; we don't need you slamming our boys down!"

"Sorry coach!" Alex apologized.

"OK! Now get Defense into Nickel formation!" The coach shouted, "I want my Linemen ready and then we'll swap you to offense!"

Alex readied him-self to the sides once more, hunching down and his eyes straight ahead of him. He caught sight of a shadowy figure in the distance by the bleachers, someone wearing a hoodie and swore to him-self he was looking at Joseph.

"HIKE!" Josh shouted, ducking behind Center in the blitz of players, while Alex snapped his attention to the Tight End once again, only this time he did not slam Mat to the ground, but tagged his chest, and shoved his way past center. The Running back darted right, then left, and Alex turned on his ankle as he charged after him. . .

? ? ?

Joseph felt almost like dying as he sat at the lunch table with Chelsea glued to his shoulder, the dark brown lizard clung to him like a leech, and being surrounded by her friends left him with only the option to listen to them gossip incessantly. That night before he reluctantly logged onto the internet and prepared to face Facebook, where he felt almost thirty consecutive posts by every girl on his Friend's list who had posted about Alex. He endured all the questions on the bus the next morning, alone, as Alex was seemingly gone and even at the breakfast table he was still dealing with talk about his best friend. The worst part of his ordeal was that he seemed to act as post for Chelsea: he did not have to speak; all he had to do was look good for them.

"So girls, did you see you Josh in those tights earlier today!" Allisa began, "Mmmph! Damn my honey is one fine man!"

"Oh shut up Ally!" Heather said with a giggle, "You know that boy Alex is fine too! All big and beefy, too bad he is gay!"

"I know!" Ashley continued, "I'd love to grab onto those big buns of his!"

Joseph looked over uneasily and then back down to his lunch food as he leaned back in the plastic chair, Jesus Christ, stop talking about Alex!

The dragon had ignored some thought of him that week: swamped with track meets and Chelsea that he barely had time to think over the conversation with his mom: it made him feel sick even to think past the thought of dating a man.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Joseph said as he stood from the table with his book bag and Chelsea smiled at him, "Ok Joey! Get back here quickly, I wanna talk to Allisa about our date after the game!"

Joseph forced a smile and a shy laugh, even more of a ploy to escape the girls and he burst from the lunchroom doors with an exasperated sigh. "Jesus Christ those girls can kill someone!" Joseph quickly launched him-self on a slight escape from the hot building, his legs carrying him far from the sight of the green-painted lunchroom, past all the equally green-coated school buildings and onto the grassy lays by the gymnasium. Alex was at practice, tonight was a big game for them: one they had prepared for all year, and Joseph stepped through the back of bleachers to watch for a moment.

Alex was hunched over at that point, and Joseph stared at his form which was easily seen amidst all the others players. He crossed his arms, silently he watched as the players sprung on each other, the blast lasting for only a while minute before they reassembled. Joseph walked out into the light for a moment, listening to the coach lecture them and then watched the team reassemble, his eyes wandering slowly to. . .

Dammit Joey, he scolded_, Stop checking him out!_ Joseph snatched his eyes away from the sight of his large friend, bent over and in spandex, "God dammit I feel like Alisa!"

He sighed and stepped out of the sunlight and pulled on his hood, slipping his horns through the large holes and put his hands into the pockets in the front and closed his eyes with his hands to his face, scrubbing away the images from his head and groaned, "God dammit Alex." He opened his eyes again and glanced out at the field, "That guy has fagged me all up: now I don't know what to fucking do!"

He grunted, spun, and shoved his back into the wall in the cool shade of the concession stand under the bleachers, staring idly at the roof with a disgruntled sigh. "God dammit this is a great way to end the nine weeks, with a faggot best friend who likes me, a stupid girlfriend-"

Joseph slammed his elbow into the wall, then hissed, and recoiled as he rubbed it, stepping away from the entrance to the field and quickly snuck his way through back into the schoolyard before the bell rang.

"Joey!" Chelsea called from down the sidewalk followed by her friends, "Come on! It is nearly time to go back to class!"

Joseph gave an exaggerated sigh. "Oh god someone please kill me."

He walked reluctantly to the cluster of girls and Chelsea latched onto his arm again as she walked him to their Biology class, early, just so they could sit next to one another. He sat his book bag down, pulled out his materials and looked up at the dark wooden door at the front of the classroom. He mumbled something under his breath, something quiet, and he stared at the lines of notebook paper with gloom. He gripped his head slightly with the throb of a headache; the lights over head did nothing to help him: and he sat on tenterhooks knowing he would face his friend in an hour.


"What did ya say?" Chelsea asked curiously, as she set her things on her desk, "Oh, Joey, when we go to Arrowhead mind if my girls come? I don't go anywhere without them!"

Joseph nodded, "Sure, sure." He did not glance up at her, gripping his neck and rotating his head to remove the kinks, having no success and groaning in misery.

"What's on your mind?" Chelsea asked curiously, "You nervous about our date hunny? There is no need to be really!"

Joseph sighed and finally glanced at her, "No, it's not that: just something else on my mind really."

"Oh, what is it?" She pestered with curiosity. Joseph shrugged a little and ignored her slightly, giving a few programmed responses just to keep her happy until after the bell rang, and two of her friends whom had the same class sat around them. He leaned his shoulder onto the wall and looked down at his desk, not in dismay, but in a state of contemplation.

I have never jacked off to guys: looked at them, or whatever else. He glanced to Chelsea who seemed unnoticing of even the turmoil he felt, as it was physically obvious and scoffed, Alex would notice instantly. He felt angry towards her, then a little guilty, and then more irritated when the girls around him constantly prodded him with questions about "Kissing, making out, cuddling." The questions were not so much annoying as they were persistent, but everything reminded Joseph of the week before with Alex and he could not shake the memories even with his nose deep in his biology book to avoid stressing his mind out any more than needed be. . .

"Reproduction is probably the most primordial of instincts." The teacher began, "Mating, reproducing, and the act hunting of a mate are what drives a species. When a species or creature suppressed their natural instincts, like hunting or gathering, it can actually drive them mad. This is why it is most commonly noted that monkeys, who are caged for long periods, ten to virtually 'lose their minds.'"

"So, is there such thing as a gay animal?" One student asked which caused a bit of laughter, and Mr. Brooks laughed back at him.

"Well, yes. There are, quiet often there are bi-sexual animals, Dolphins, Giraffes, and Gorillas are typically noted for displaying those kinds of activities: don't be fooled into believing humans and morphs alike are the only gays on the planet!"

Joseph groaned and quietly sat in the class with his hands together, constantly blushing from the sensitive topic, never once could he admit to anything he considered. The discussion led through various species, the presence of sexuality, how it had progressed over the generations: Joseph was more than reluctant even to peek from the book. With a headache that never seemed to end, a clouded mind, and a girl friend that constantly poked him with love letters it was no wonder Joseph eventually just shut down: and stopped listening.

It was after forty-five agonizing minutes class ended, and the dragon was first to toss his assignment into the rack, snatch up his book bag and dash into the cluttered hallway. Life management class was down the hall, to the right, past the computer class and across from Culinary: as usual, they were making the same Lemon-Peppered chicken whose aroma only made him feel even worse. Cheese caught up to him when he stopped to drink from a fountain, the cold water easing the climbing pain in his temples. Joseph and Chelsea took a table in the back, and the dragon relaxed instantly with his head in his hands, looking up to the front entrance for a few moments. Alex walked in quickly with a broad grin as he talked to a friend. He glanced to Joseph for a moment, about to wave, but he halted and stopped short with his hand by his ribs and his smile dropped.

Joseph looked at him for a moment, then sat up and mouthed to him, please get rid of her, and pointed his fingers to Chelsea. Alex smiled, and approached him with a little more ease, sitting on his other side away from the Chelsea whom had immediately taken a much more possessive approach to Joseph with Alex in the room, and the dragon was shocked to see how that there was no longer a wide smile on her short snout.

"Hey." Alex said shortly, "How are ya man?"

"Good." Joseph whispered inaudibly quietly as Chelsea spoke to a friend from down the table, "Dude-this girl is like a fucking-"

"Hey Alex!" Chelsea interrupted in a bright voice, "How was practice?"

"Good." Alex replied slowly and processed her loud voice, "Um, we practiced mostly defensive positions and-"

"Cool! I can't tell you how excited my Joey and I are about the game tonight!" Her voice seemed mocking, and Alex could tell, as well as Joseph who almost sank down in his seat as she continued, "If you guys win, are ya gonna ask anyone out to the party?"

"Chelsea!" Joseph interjected with an annoyed tone, "That is like, none of your business."

Chelsea stared for a moment then rolled her eyes, scoffing, and flicking her wrist as she moved a chair away from Joseph and immediately, began to gossip. Joseph looked to Alex who whispered a polite thank you, then turned his face to the book all the while ignorant of what Joseph knew of him.

"Sorry bro," Joseph whispered with his eyes at his book, "She is a fucking monster."

"I can tell." Alex said with a lack of interest, he glanced to the girl then to his friend and felt an overwhelming sense of jealousy that brewed at the corners of his mind. "So-you guys are dating now?"

"I guess." Joseph whispered and looked at her, "She's frigging possessive: I can't stand it."

"I can tell." Alex mumbled and tried to change the subject, "So how you been this week bro?"

"Fine." Joseph's reply was prosaic, and Alex was figuring there was something seriously bothering him. He looked over at his friend for a moment, his eyes examining the green snout and desired greatly to be able to hold onto the dragon. However, he turned his eyes away and then back to his paper, following along the issued regiment of question and answers issued by their teacher. Alex missed his friend, it occurred to him Joseph probably knew he was gay and that might be why he avoided him: but Alex was hopeful in thinking that was not the case, and that it was just this new and very irritating girlfriend.

"So, tonight." Joseph began as he rubbed his face, "You think you're gonna win?"

"Definitely." Alex answered quickly, "No doubt we're gonna pound those lions right in the ass."

Joseph laughed a little bit and smiled slightly, "I bet I can you pound harder."

Alex did not laugh much and Joseph sighed quietly in his mind, Fuck.

"Ok class! Let's go ahead and start off!" Mrs. Brooks, an elderly woman from behind the podium smiled warmly, "How many of you, are in a relationship? Now don't be shy raise your hands, it is part of your grade!" She counted the hands slowly, nodding as her eyes scanned, "Five? Ok, how many of you, if you don't me asking, are-alternative." The class did not budge, a few giggled, and one or two sets of eyes glanced around curiously, while Alex kept his hand down deciding best not to stand out from the class.

"Well class, today is about relationships, and homosexuality amongst teens. I want to tackle to topics before the semester ends, so this is going to be a rich regiment." She smiled a little and laughed, "Now this is a bit of an unsettling discussion, I want NO opinions expressed: only you follow these assignments!"

"Figures." Joseph grunted quietly, "Just my luck."

Alex looked over unsurely, but then looked back to the teacher.

"There are many negative and positive outlets to relationships and dating that we will look at today. Now, I am not going to judge or call out the assumptions of why some of you date, or do not date: but it is evident that many of you are, or know of someone, who is dating for their self-image. . ."

Joseph felt his face go hot as he looked down at his book, squeezing his head and groaning while Alex glanced over with concern "Dude, you ok?" Joseph shrugged him off as he ran his hand down his snout and continued to look ahead.

"Now, I want all of you to turn your books to page Two-hundred and thirty-seven, and began on Section One. Joseph, please read the first paragraph." She smiled at the dragon and waited while the class flipped their pages, and Joseph reluctantly licked his lips and began.

"In this first lesson you will learn about relationships, dating, and the effects that they have on teenaged lives. Things like peer-pressure and sex are-"

"SHHH!" The teacher shushed loudly, glaring at the snickering students, "You're all too old to laugh at that! Joseph hunny please continue."

"-known factors that cause teens to form, or end relationships. In addition social-dynamics like Popularity, Stress, Anxiety, and Orientation are just a few of the predominant factors that lead teens to date at early ages and also lead into experimentation through clothing, lifestyle changes, and other traits." Joseph looked up warily and nodded, setting his book down again.

"Very good." Mrs. Granger began, "Now, a lot of you are probably thinking that none of this is true, you date because you just feel like it or care about them. Truthfully, some of you may date because you care for your partner, but we will focus instead on pseudo-relationships, or "Fake relationships" as some are crude to assert. Now please, refer to the lesson in your books, and finish half of this chapter before the bell rings, and bring me your assignments."

The class began to work in quietness; Alex read the words slowly and rested his face in his hand with his free hand idly dotting the numbers down the grid for the ten questions at the end of the lesson. What Joseph read charmed his mind and he began to wonder if Joseph was dating the girl because she stressed him out, or if it were something else: he obviously did not like it. It did not occur to him yet that Joseph might know he was gay, he had confidence he would say something if he knew: and Alex was overly fearful to tell his friend the facts.

In high school, possibly one of the most difficult experiences is for gay teens to come out to their peers. Likely, you have met one who is either secretive about it or Alex has decided to tell everyone. . . Joseph stopped reading and blinked, double taking the words and realizing he read something wrong, then continued to read. Chelsea would occasional poke him, and hand him a folded up letter with some silly romantic phrase, and Joseph would reluctantly reply to it, growing steadily more aggravated. The room was hot to him, the lights made his head ache even more, and he felt his stomach knot with a sudden anxiety to leave the room.

Teenaged homosexuality can cause the individual to stress the earning of acceptance that they may in fact date the opposite sex in order to find a sense of belonging. 'Closet Gays' as they are called, exhibit the persona of a straight teen to void the confrontation of their peers.

Joseph whispered, "Wow, this is a lot of shit right, about the relationships right?"

Alex nodded, "Yeah it is: didn't know some of this shit. Makes you think bro."

His eyes scanned the second lesson carefully which focused on the sexuality of students, and how it affected their social status, dating, and it led to a lot of jealousy over the girl Joseph now dated. She was immediately a bitch to him and Joseph did not seem even to like her that much, Alex still wondered why in the hell he would date someone like that even after their talk.

He turned his head away as that night came back to his mind, the lust, the touching, all the physical and emotional factors he had almost purposely forgotten today. He sighed a little softly; glancing to the hand that had molested his friend in his sleep, with a rush of guilt Alex curled the fingers into a fist and sighed softly. He wanted to tell Joseph something, anything about it, but there was no way truly to tell his friend he liked him without freaking him out. He cared too much for his friend, and Alex figured that was why he was so apprehensive.

Dammit, Alex sighed, why don't we think about this AFTER the game: give me a break!

Joseph reached over to Alex's leg and tapped it, "Bro, I am heading to the bathroom I feel like shit."

Alex nodded, "Um-ok?"

Joseph motioned for him, "Come on dude, I need to friggin vent!"

Alex laughed a little and waited for a few moments as Joseph left, and then followed only a minute later to avoid suspicion: their L.M teacher did not generally care. Alex shuffled out of the room from the row of seats and into the refreshing air of the upstairs hallway, looking for Joseph and then walked into the bathroom.

"So dude, what is up-" Alex's sentence was cut short when Joseph suddenly grabbed his shoulders and slammed him into the bathroom wall with a loud thud. Alex was hesitant from the shock, but quickly and instinctively brought his hands against Joseph's stomach, slamming him back hard across the tile into the wall of a stall, lunging at him and then slamming him to the floor and pinned him against the floor.

"Why did you fucking slam me into the wall!" Alex almost shouted as he looked at Joseph in anger and confusion, "What the hell Joseph!"

Joseph grunted and thrashed and Alex refused to move, pinning his biceps to the tiled floor, Joseph's feet kicked over the garbage can and his tail slapped violently to the floor. "You fucking dick!" Joseph growled, "Let me go!"

"No! You ass what the hell did I do to you?" Alex growled with hot rage, his arms shaking as he was near to breaking his friend's teeth in.

"Let me go!" Joseph pleaded, "Fucking dammit: just get off me you're breaking my arm!"

Alex narrowed his eyes at him and then slowly moved off the dragon, pushing him-self to his feet and backing a few feet away from him with his fists knotted by his sides.

Joseph pushed him-self up, dusting him-self off and looked to his friend with a pounding hard, gritting his teeth as he shook with anger. The two dragons were silently for a few moments while the bathroom hummed with the sounds of water pipes, and finally Alex pointed at Joseph with a deep growl.

"If you don't tell me what the FUCK is your problem, I am out of here!"

Before he could respond Joseph was upon him, and Alex immediately tried to respond with a punch having had enough of him: but, his fists lingered behind his head as suddenly, damp warmth touching his face. He gasped as hot wet lips pressed firmly into his, the hot rapid breath of Joseph's snout washing over his, and Joseph grabbed onto Alex's face hard, and held him still. Alex closed his eyes as Joseph held this hard, rough kiss, grabbing onto the dragon's waist and moaned softly into his mouth, opening his lips more as he began to kiss back the best he could. Joseph moaned and stroked his face as Alex backed him into the wall, holding onto him tightly as they smashed their lips into one another, their young bodies crushing into one another's.

However, suddenly, Joseph stopped as he retracted his lips and shoved Alex back into the wall, Alex was too stunned to react hostile in the moment that followed.

"J-Joseph?" Alex began, whipping his mouth and looking onward, "Dude-w-what are you doing?"

"I know you like me, I know you're gay." Joseph shook by his legs as Alex stood only inches away, his face to the floor as his mouth tingled from the sensations, "I-I don't know what to do Alex!"

"W-what do you mean?" Alex began slowly with bewilderment, "Y-you just fucking kissed me"

"I know!" Joseph snapped his face up, "And I-I didn't mean to! I am just so fucking stressed!" Joseph groaned and covered his face, "All I've done is think of you, ever since Ashley told me you were into me! And god dammit- the day at the fucking lake! Dammit Alex!" Joseph groaned and slid away from his friend and then walked across the bathroom with his hands up to his face, covering his eyes.

Alex blinked, feeling almost as if he had done something wrong as his best friend yelled at him. He stood there in silence for a few moments, looking down at his feet for a second, "Are-you like, pissed off at me?"

"I don't know what the fuck I am!" Joseph shuddered and laughed behind his hands in defeat, "I am dating a bitch I hate, my best friend is gay, and I mean - fuck! I don't know what to think!"

"Wait, how is me being gay a damn problem!" Alex growled defensively, "What the fuck did I do! You're the one who just ambushed me, TWICE!"

Joseph glared at him, "You fucking-I-Urrrgh!"

Joseph stammered and walked to the stall to punch the door, hesitated, then growled into the hallway. He closed his eyes and breathed rapid shallow breaths, "Alex-I don't know if I like you back, or if I don't!"

Alex flinched, "I-Joseph-"

Joseph shuddered and dropped his hands to his sides. "I am so confused; I don't even know why I am so mad! I-I don't mean to yell at you bro, it's not your fault-" Joseph bit his lip as his eyes reddened and he felt almost like crying from the stress, "I didn't mean to yell at you man-"

Alex frowned, walking to Joseph slowly he outstretched his arms, and Joseph responded immediately with a tight hug, his body tense and his shoulders shaking. Alex held onto him as tight as he could and then closed his eyes as he touched his back and head, "Joseph-I'm sorry-"

Joseph did not say anything, as he held onto his friend tightly, suddenly he closed his eyes and leaned his face against Alex's and slowly pressed his nose into his: he trembled from the contact that was so foreign, so wrong and new. Alex's large hand caressed his back softly and Joseph felt the snout brush into his, and the warm breath washing down his cheek: but it was too much for him, and he snapped his eyes open.

"Dude no-" Joseph forced him-self away from Alex, "I-I can't do this."

"But Joseph-" Alex dropped his hands in disappointment and looked at him pleadingly, "Dude-I am so much fucking better then Chelsea! I mean even I know when you're depressed: and we just kissed! What-what is stopping you?"

Joseph looked at him with defeat, "You're a guy."

He walked past Alex, who stood there in silence, and left him alone in the bathroom. Alex's lip trembled, and he gripped his fists together, You're a guy. . . it repeated in his head, over and over, each syllable like a serrated edge to his feelings. He closed his eyes in the hurt, which began to build and a hot wave of tears flooded his eyes, slowly they dripped down his cheeks and snout as he gripped his fists tightly. Spinning to his right, he slammed his hand into the metal towel-dispenser and then stomped out of the bathroom in blind furry, and into the class room where he retrieved his book bag nd then stomped out of the classroom.

"Alex!" The teacher called and ran after him, shutting the door behind her.

"What is up with him?" A girl asked quietly, no one even seemed to notice if anyone were gone, only that Alex had appeared. Joseph said nothing as he stared into the book and pretended to focus with his work even to notice what was going on. All the while, his hood covered all of his snout, and in the shadow of the folds, his lips trembled, and he cried to out of guilt and anger.

Shit, shit shit! Fucking, dammit! Joseph you are such an ass hole! Joseph closed his eyes tightly as he did his best not to shake as he cried, his lips curled up to reveal his teeth while his claws dug into his book. He sobbed so hard he had to hold his breath to keep form making noises, after a while it was so much that he shoved his face under his arms: all the while Chelsea innocently conversed with her friends over Alex's storming out of the class room.

"Alex-" Joseph whispered so low to him-self as the hot tear drops fell onto the wooden desk, "I'm so sorry bro-"

"Alex, sweety what is wrong?" Mrs. Granger asked in surprise, never before seeing one of her students in such turmoil, "Sweety what happened!"

Alex stuttered and took a breath as he lingered by the stairs, his fist clutching onto the book bag strap tightly as he sorted through lies, until he finally found one that was suitable. "I-I just miss my parents-and want them to be at my game tonight!"

"Ooooh-" The old woman gently pat the dragon on his back and hugged him very tightly, "Honey your parents are in heaven, and looking down on you with god. They're always with you-" She frowned a little and then gently stroked his scaly head, "You want me to write a pass for you to the office, so you can calm down?"

Alex nodded slightly as he shuddered and strained to speak clearly, "Yeah-I need to get ready for the game anyways."

He took to the stairs quickly, when he reached the bottom and began the long walk down the tiled hallway of the school building he resisted the urge to cry even harder. He gripped his fists, taking a left down another hall and then walked into the bright light of the schoolyard and then jogged his way to the empty gym. . .

Chapter 5 - Fencing

"Come on Joey, let's go!" Their dad called from downstairs, "We're all ready getting in the car!"

Joseph slowly moved off his bed, lifting his face from his pillow and stepped out of his room into the brightly lit hall, shutting off the lights behind him. He walked down the stairs and his father gave him an unsure look, "Son, you ok? You look really exhausted."

"Oh-I am." Joseph admitted, "Didn't have a good sleep last night."

"Oh well, you can rest in the backseat. Your brothers went with their friend's parents to see the game."

Joseph headed into the car, his mind was blank and fuzzy, and his was body itchy and anxious and he curled up in the back seat with a depressed sigh. His eyes stared at the floor for many long and silent minutes, all the while he felt this cold loneliness for what had happened earlier made him feel worthless. He hurt his best friend in a way he had no clue how to repair, he did not think his mom would have any form of intuition that might help him.

The sun had dropped slowly, the sky was cobalt and azure with a thin layer of dark grey clouds in the distance, outside of the stadium teen thousand people had come to witness the spectacle with enough cards parked in the lot to sink a small island. Joseph exited the vehicle with gloom into the cool night air, stretching and then turning his face to the stadium and followed his parents with his head down. Chelsea had been waiting for him by the concession stand and Joseph forced him-self to introduce her to his parents with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

Chelsea talked excitedly of the game with a group of friends who followed them, and Joseph almost growled when she entwined her fingers with his, and her vivid perfume almost drowned him in the smell of cotton candy. They took their seats at rows D 55-58, the lights of the stadium were hot and bright, and booming dance music played so loud it was impossible to think to your-self.

"So you think our team is gonna win!" The dad asked over the music to Chelsea and Joseph, "I think this year, we're going to stomp Leland County into the ground!"

"Yeah! With Josh as quarterback there are no ways they can lose!" Chelsea giggled and looked to Joseph, "Joey, are you ok? You look exhausted."

"I am." Joseph said low, "I'm just really sleepy."

Chelsea nodded and said nothing more of it as he whipped out her cell phone and text a smiley face and showed it to Joseph who glanced down, and chuckled slightly at it. She smiled with content and then turned her attention to her friends and Joseph looked over and thought_, Textbook girlfriend._

"Aaaaaaand ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer boomed suddenly over the dance music, "Please hold your horses as they say! As we introduce our school mascot, WEWA WILLY!"

Joseph watched as a half-naked man painted in tribal tattoos ran out onto the field and rolled his eyes, leaning back in the bleachers and removed his sweater, tucking it underneath of his feet. He wore no shirt underneath and was relieved to feel fifty degrees disappear, and then gruffed as he leaned back onto the bleacher and sighed softly, glancing up at the dark sky.

"And now, introducing from Leland County, The Leland Lions!" The announcer chanted loudly, and the stadium erupted into a catalyst of Boos as players, dressed in red and white, charged out onto the field followed by their own mascot. The coach stood out front as the school's own team approached, the coach's shook hands with the players of the opposite team.

"And now, Coach Miles, and Coach Roberts will flip the coin!" The crowd died down as the referee stood between them, looked to them with an inaudible question and then flipped a coin. He flipped it, caught it, then pointed to Coach Miles and called out, "OFFENSE!"

"Alex is on offensive!" Joseph's mom chanted, "They are gonna regret that!"

? ? ?

Alex and his team now stood on the grass after their coaches shook hands with the other players, Alex's eyes, and all his teammates were on the other students and found it amusing there were no felines on the team. He gauged their physical strength; he was the only dragon on the field now, the teams linebackers looked as bag as he did: two of which were slightly taller but not by enough to show him up. The outside air was hot, humid, brightened by high lights and the sky was darkening fast with bloated clouds resting at the horizon.

"Ok boys we're offense." Their coach said to them as he looked up from his folded book, his face showed he was nervous as he bit his tongue, "Lets kick it off with T Formation! We practiced this baby enough for you boys not to fail us! Let's give 'em hell!" The coach held his hand out and all the players stacked their hands onto of one another and chanted in unison.

"ONE, TWO, and THREE!"

"And with that the Wewa War Riders are heading into offensive with Number fifteen, Josh, setting up as Quarterback!" The announcer called, whipping his forehead. The teams formed up, a long line of red football players ahead of them took on the 5-2 Formation and all squatted down in preparation. Alex moved to the back behind the Quarterback, his head forward, his eyes locked on the player as the memory of the day dissolved but left all the resonating stress behind and fueled his adrenaline.

"Ok boys-hut-hut-HIKE!"

At the line of scrimmage, in a sudden flash the game commenced in that split second there was a collision that made the ground tremble. The narrator quickly voiced all the actions of the players. Josh snapped the ball behind him to Ralph, who played the Tailback and sprinted to the right: a wave of red jerseys and body pads rushing after him. Alex and the other Linebacker had surged ahead and collided, while Ralph faked a handoff to the running back smoothly as it were rehearsed. Alex and the other linebacker plowed through the scrimmage line, and the running back hand made it several yards ahead. His legs pounding into the ground as hard as he could but was sacked to the ground hard, collapsing at the fifteen yard line: It was only the equivalent of a minute and half that the entire run lasted, the team was surprised by their Formation and how well it had gone.

"Whoooo!" Joseph's mom chanted loudly next to him, "First play and they got fifteen yards!"

"Yeeeeaaaah!" The father shouted, "Show those kids who the real warriors are!"

The next round was as quick as the last one, same formations: only this time they did not get as far as they had hoped with only two yards: the team were fast learners, and it scared the coach to death. He called his team together, chewed them out, brought them back up, and then called out another formation, having bit his tongue so hard that he was close to chewing off a small fiber of skin. Alex brought his large arms into the body of a running back, he struggled to keep him suppressed, but was able to knock him over just right and send him flat onto his back while their wide receiver caught the ball and ran the first touchdown of the game.

"Yeah!" Alex shouted with triumph, jogging backwards, his snout pocking out from his helmet slightly. Josh high fived him and the team returned with a grin.

Joseph smiled a little bit and watched with interest, doing his best to drown out the noises that were in his ears as at least fifty people behind him talked to one another, or on their phones about the game. It was nowhere as near intense, as the games on the television, by now he a player would have suffered an injury. The teams switched, the score now Six to Zero, and their players lined up on the defensive: Alex positioned him-self on the front line, squatting down, and then the ball was snapped. There were grunts and shouts, the clacking of helmets against one another as it pass to a receiver and was charged after by a running back, and then snagged to the ground by his ankles.

There were a surge of cheers from the crowd and Joseph covered his ears as he groaned from the noise but his eyes remained focused. The teams reset now for the second play of Offensive by Leland County: and this time the match was swift and hard, nailing Wewa with a hard offensive team that showed it had spent the year drilling just as hard. Their Quarterback Milo snapped the ball to the receiver, who faked a pass, then handed it off to another receiver who dodged past the hard line of Wewa's Runningbacks. Joseph did not notice how he had stood up and was yelling encouragement to the team; he guessed that the game had him wrapped up and distracted.

"Come on Alex!" Joseph chanted loudly, flipping back his hood and exposing his face to the cooling air as a hard wind picked up. The sky overhead was darkening, the sun had long begun to set and it was now a dark orange with the phases of black and blue sweeping in over top.

? ? ?

The game was now an hour into it, the field showed the impression of several of the players, the crowd was hot and tense, and the game tied and the next goal would decide the winners. Alex suffered a minor injury to his shoulder from a sacking by one of the running backs, Ralph had a bruised leg and Carlos had a back swollen to the fullest. The rain was close; with thunder in the distance and wind constantly pushed against them: they desperately wanted it to end before the storm hit them.

"And folks we are an hour in! It is nearly seven o'clock, the scores are even, the sky is black and I am RIGID! Let's give our team a big round of encouragement, come on ever!"

The crowd began to chant loudly, their mascots were at it again on the field with another fake wrestling match and the coach was busily lecturing his players. Alex groaned and flexed his shoulder, rubbing his hands over the sore muscle, "Damn ass hole!"

"Alex you need to watch your back!" The coach urged him, as the dragon huffed, gulping water and pouring it over his scales, "How is your shoulder?"

"It's ok." Alex assured him, flexing it as the team stood by the benches, "It's sore, but it's nothing I can't handle! Seriously, don't worry!"

The coach looked at him unsurely and then nodded, "Ok boys: the score is even, and we need to pull ahead! So next round, Josh!"

"Yes!" Josh perked his head up.

"Spike the ball, Alex you are going to be on wide receiver: they are starting to focus on you and I need someone to plow through and get us a touch down! We're at twenty yards!"

Alex looked up and nodded as he grabbed his helmet, fitting it over his head and locking the brace over his snout and the team ran out onto the field and squatted beside the tight end, glancing up ahead at the one who had taken him down. Alex narrowed his eyes at the sweating dark skinned human, who grinned at him from behind the helmet.

"I'm gonna fuck you over you little bitch!" The player mocked with a laugh, "Put you back in a cage ya little lizard!"

"HIKE!" Josh shouted, and in that instant Alex slammed his feet into the ground, colliding with the running back hard, shoving past him, spinning, and heading away from the hole. He jumped in the air over a falling player, and looked over his head as a ball flew through the air, watching to his right while Ralph followed him, knocking off a running player. Alex caught the ball in his hand, grinning wide as he turned his eyes to the goal, turning away from the boundary while the dark skinned human approached quickly.

"Come on bitch!" Alex shouted through his helmet as he breathed rapidly, slamming his feet into the ground. He felt a sudden rush as he felt a slam into the back, falling forward and in an instinct stretched his arms forward, his hands and the ball dropped past the forty-yard line. He grunted with the other player crashed into his back: followed by a loud and grotesque POP! Alex howled in pain almost suddenly, underneath of his the bone was knocked out of place and as the player hopped off him without a care, a medic rushed over.

"Oh my god!" Joseph's mother cried as she stood up, "His wing!"

"Ooooh, it looks like Alex has

Joseph's eyes widened as the reptile curled onto his side, his wings twitching and his tail tense and slapping at the ground. Alex howled and gritted his teeth as he gripped the ground, huffing and twitching as the spasm of pain in his back felt as if there were an avulsion to his spine: there was only heat and loudness for a few moments. The bass of his wing was dislocated, and the coach dropped down onto his knees, pinning the dragon onto the ground and urged him to remain. Joseph watched from the bleachers along with the rest of his family while Chelsea busily talked to one of her friends about his injury, to Joseph, in an insulting manner.

"He is injured! I hope he isn't out, if he is we'll lose!" Chelsea cried and stood up, "That is going to suck!"

"Oh no we won't! Josh won't let that happen!" Ashley called back, "Trust me!"

Joseph glared at them, "Hey! The guy has a dislocated wing that should be more of a concern at the moment!" Chelsea rolled her eyes at him and Joseph narrowed his in return, turning his attention back to the field where the coach was preparing to snap it in place, and cringed at the thought.

"Ok-here we go-" The physician said, "Now-this going to hurt, in one-two--- three!" There was another loud POP, and the wing pulled back into socket and the dragon pushed him-self onto his feet quickly, swaying and wobbling, "Ok-I am ok, let me get back in."

"Are you ok?" The coach asked quickly, "Do you need the bench?"

"N-No!" Alex said loudly, standing up with a surge of pain in his back, his eye twitching, "No, I am ok!"

The coach looked at him unsurely, but then nodded, "Ok! You're not on receiving end this time, switch with Ralph!"

Alex nodded as he jogged back to the team, glaring at the passing player who grinned at him; he took his position in the front again and squatted down with a quiver of soreness. The player looked at him dead in the eyes and Alex glared back at him, his adrenaline pumping so hard in his chest he could barely breathe. Joseph continued to stand as he watched with anticipation, suddenly feeling tremendous remorse for what he did earlier, Come on bro knock his fucking ass into the ground!

There was a flash of lightning in the distance, thunder reverberated and suddenly water began to pour over the field: first, it was softly, and then it began to become harder. Awnings covered the bleachers on the field, but the players had all ready begun to become soaked as they beat their feet into waterlogged grass: another flash of lightning echoed with a thundering CRACK that made the ground tremor.

Josh glanced around panting, and then leaned down as his fur began to mat to his body, "This is it boys! Blue-42! Blue-42! HIKE!"

"And with that the final play is in order! Come on Wewa War Riders!" The announcer chanted, "Let's see how these boys play the final game of the season in rain!"

Alex's leg trembled, his neck was tight, his head hot as he shoved his arms hard into a Runningback, while Josh ran past through the 'hole' with the ball in his hand. Josh was almost taken down, but as a player slammed into his side and knocked him over, he recovered when another had jumped through the air and rolled under him. He sprung onto his feet, clutching the ball as tightly as he could and looked for a receiver, shouting something amidst the pouring rain.

"Pass!" Ralph screamed as he ran backwards his arms outstretched with the left receiver Jacob holding his hands up in the air, cutting directly to the center. Josh pointed to Jacob for a moment, chunking the ball hard before tackled to the ground onto his back. The ball soared through the air, and a running back turned on his heel towards Ralph: Alex slammed past the players in a barrage of slams to his shoulder, growling in pain when something hit his wing.

"And Josh is clutching that ball as if his life depends on it!" The announcer called, "Number Eleven is chased by number sixteen and let's see if Josh can make the pass!"

The crowd watched through the pouring rain as the large reptile chased another human, only two feet behind him: and everyone stood and watched as Ralph neared the fifty-yard line with the ball suspended in air. Player Thirty-Six was on Ralph now, Jacob was steadily running to intercept, and Alex appeared to the right of him, his face turned away for only a second-

Alex felt a hard slam into his face as Jacob smashed into him on the side, and as his head slammed into the ground, he saw only black. His body responded with his arms raised up by the elbows, his fingers tightly jutting forward. Joseph stated at him for a moment confused, holding his hand over faced wondering what he was reaching for. However, he quickly remembered what was going on and desperately tried to get his mom's attention, yelling over the noise that he was unconscious.

Alex's arms slowly dropped to the ground, his body limp and stiff, and then as they fell to the grass there was a massive cheer as Ralph caught the ball and then ran as hard and fast as he could. The crowd screamed as he leapt into the air, running past all of the other players and then lunged through the air over the muddy ground, slamming onto his side with the ball gliding into the paint covered mud and grass. Ralph jumped to his feet, taking off his helmet and shouting as the other players had rushed over, the game over, the winning point scored. . .

? ? ?

Alex groaned as he held the pack of ice to his head, leaning over the counter and staring idly at the food on the plate. His uncle rolled his eyes at him, while his girlfriend smiled at Alex, "Sweety, you really should get some rest."

" Yeah, Alex seriously go lay down." His uncle begged from across the table and glanced to his wife, "You were just knocked out, and I hardly think you should be walking around."

Alex looked up at him and laughed, "Come on Uncle, I've dealt with worse! It's not like I broke anything!"

Robert rolled his eyes and smirked, "Well-fine Alex."

Alex celebrated the victory quietly at home with his Uncle who invited his girlfriend over; they shared pizza, watched a movie and recounted the game in meticulous detail. The storm was still going, the rain had died down but the thunder and lightning still lit up in the background and eventually Robert and his girlfriend said good night to him, and headed off to their room. Alex remained in the living room, undressed in compression underwear idly watching TV and thinking over the day. He was happy the team had won, overjoyed to be exact but there was resonating bitter from the previous week.

Alex turned onto his side, sighing and laying his face down into the pillow. The lights were off; the room was cold, silent, and illuminated by just the television. Joseph-you are such a fucking ass hole, Alex said with anger in his mind, you-you are such a damn dick head! I can't believe I had a crush on someone like you-

There was a crack of thunder outside, and Alex looked tiredly to the window and sighed softly, wondering to him-self what his mom would say if she were there. He missed it, having her hold him at those times when the rain was soft, and her wisdom would drown out his thoughts. He turned onto his stomach and grumbled in depression now, clutching onto his pillow, his tail resting over his leg and wrapping around his ankle while his wing occasionally twitched with a small spasm of pain.

Mom-I wish you were here. Alex said softly through his lips in a whisper, closing his eyes, God dammit-I wish you and dad were here- Alex felt like crying, though he could not manifest tears from to much stress, and as much as he wanted to he had spent years doing so. The only thing left to do was wish they were there to comfort him.

The television idly broadcasted Adult Swim and the dragon was almost asleep then on the couch, half-nude and relishing the cool air of the conditioner against his sore body. Alex lingered on the idea of going to sleep then, waking up tomorrow and then probably spending the weekend alone. There was a loud knock at the door however, he knew whom it was and stood up with a tired grunt, resting on his arm and yawning with exhaustion, forcing him-self onto his legs.

"Who is it?" Alex called rhetorically.

"It me." Joseph called back, shivering under the porch from the rain and wind chill.

The door opened slowly, Alex stared at him tiredly, and it was obvious he was not happy to see him. Joseph shivered in his damp sweater and Alex sighed softly, "Come in dude-"

"Thanks." Joseph said softly, passing by him and then removing his sweater, gently he draped it on the coat rack, and turned to Alex. He felt like walking quietly on the floor, something made him want to be as soft as possible, as quiet as he could not too upset his friend any further. Alex shut the door and then turned to face the dragon and lean against the wall and crossed his arms and locks his eyes onto the dragon with an immediate glare in the dark room.

"What is it Joseph." Alex said harshly, "What do you want at nine fucking thirty?"

Joseph looked down and rubbed his head slowly, shoving his hands into his pockets, "I-I um-well-"

"Well!" Alex growled almost, his patience spent all ready. "Tonight is REALLY not the night for this dude!"

Joseph sighed, closed his eyes, and tried to ignore his anger, "I know dude - I wanted to come over, and see if you were all right."

Alex shrugged back at him, "I'm fine-I could honestly be better. You know?"

Joseph nodded slowly and glanced at him.

"Yeah-I mean, dislocated wing, concussion, and other shit: kinda makes your day a fucking train wreck! Shit dude, I can't remember the last time anyone had to deal with their best friend acting like a shallow faggot!"

"I get it!" Joseph said shortly, "I'm sorry Alex."

Alex snorted and stood from the wall, crossing to the front of the couch, "Pfffft, sorry dude? You fucking - you hurt me like hell dude! I mean-what the fuck do you want me to do?"

Joseph turned his eyes to the floor, frowning and shrugged slightly, "I-don't know."

"Of course you don't! You don't know a damn thing!" Alex bellowed and gripped his fists tightly. "You don't know anything like a fucking do you?-URRGH!"

"What you said fucking hurt!" Alex growled from in front of the living room, blocking the view of the TV, "I mean-shit, you KNEW I liked you!? And yet, you fucking played me!?"

"I didn't play you!" Joseph snapped back at him, "I was forced to date that girl! And secondly, I was unsure about everything! Can you fucking blame me!?" Joseph scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Don't act all high and mighty just because you came out first! I had to find out through fucking girls you were gay and liked me, a DAY after we jacked off together!"

Alex narrowed his eyes, and then pointed his hand to the door, "Josh was not supposed to tell anyone: that fuckin ass hole! You can just fucking leave if you want to act like that! And don't try to pit your shit on me!"

Joseph blinked, "You're the one who shouted at me!"

"You're the one who kissed me!" Alex growled loudly as he stomped around the couch with heavy legs, "Dammit dude, you made me fucking-fucking cry in the god damn hall way!"

Joseph flinched, staring at the large orange reptile whose eyes held a blend of anger and mistrust that filled him with only guilt and anger towards his own actions. Joseph shivered slightly in the damp tank top, clutching onto his arms and with no other expressions the dragon only stared at the floor beside their feet. Alex stared back at him, unsure now what to do: he wanted to continue to scream and shout, but there was nothing else to be said that could elaborate his anger any more. Joseph was defeated, and hurt, Alex was too, and both dragons remained abruptly silent for several minutes, Alex leaning back on the couch while his friend stared down at the carpet.

"What now?" Alex demanded almost, wincing in pain from his wing, "What now dude? Are you going to just date that bitch, and forget about me and whatever the FUCK else?"

Joseph looked up in defiance, "So you think that is all I am going to do? You think I'm going to turn my back on you!"

"You did it all ready!" Alex retorted with a laugh, "I mean what kind of douche bag makes out with me, and then drops me? Joseph does!"

Joseph flinched and closed his eyes, sighing slowly; he stared at the back of his eyelids and then opened them. "I broke up with Chelsea tonight; I dumped her after the game."

Alex stared at him unsurely, "Oh really? Why?"

"She didn't give a shit about you when you were knocked unconscious. And-I'm not into girls; I don't want to be forced to date someone." Joseph admitted, dropping his arms, "Remember what I said? I wanna date someone I can trust-and she just does it for the attention."

Alex reasoned a little, nodding slowly, "I guess-so how did she take it?"

Joseph laughed a little, "Not well-she posted it all on Facebook through her phone."

"Figures." Alex rolled his eyes and snorted at her, "Guys are no better."

"Alex-come on dude." Joseph pleaded with a huff, "I-I'm trying here man!"

"Trying to what? Apologize, how the hell can you?" Alex demanded once more, crossing his arms and glaring at the dragon from across the room.

"I am trying to tell you, I broke up with her because she didn't care about you. And because dude, you're my best friend, I love you Alex."

Joseph smiled shakily, while Alex's face dissolved slowly and he continued, "When I saw you down, on the ground, I felt scared and angry for what happened! I was like, 'Mother fucker! That is my best friend!'" Joseph laughed a little more and then rubbed his neck as he looked away, "I-I wanted to be the one to bring you back, and help you: and instead, I had to watch you lay there, and it scared me a lot dude!"

Alex's lip twitched, his tail flicked and he stared down at Joseph who was nervously laughing, unable to stand still and fumbling with his hands. "You-love me dude. I mean, do you REALLY love me or is this bull shit that's not going to last past a weekend?"

"Yeah, I do Alex." Joseph admitted, "Dude, I fucking love your ass! I mean, I am here right now because I don't want to lose you man! I want-I want you dude, to date me and everything else."

Alex said nothing; instead, he approached the dragon and then grabbed him around the neck, pulling the cold dragon into a tight embrace. Joseph responded instantly, pressing his cold scales into Alex and then leaning his snout against Alex's, and shivered. Alex's mind raced over all things said, no longer was he angry, confused and nervous, but he felt excitement as he gripped onto his best friend, slowly running their snouts along one another.

"Dude you're ice cold."

"I walked here." Joseph said as his head rested on the broad shoulder, "So mom and dad wouldn't know. I am really, really fucking cold."

Alex laughed a little and sighed softly, shaking almost as he held his best friend in his arms, and nuzzled into his neck this time softly, and Joseph slowly responded with a bumping of their snouts together. Joseph stepped back and shivered once more, "Bro-seriously, I am freezing!"

"You want to take a hot shower?" Alex suggested a little slowly, "So you can warm up?"

"Yeah-I do." Joseph began, rubbing his chest, his groin stirring, "If-if you come with me."

Alex's tail twitched and he nodded with a widening smile, "Yeah, dude I would! Are you sure you want to-"

Joseph chuckled a little and shivered, "Dude-you're hot, Alex you are really fucking hot!"

Alex laughed nervously, blushing and fumbling with his hands, "Ah dude, I'm not!"

Joseph rolled his eyes, "Bitch please: when you sat your balls on my chest, I wanted SO much to fucking play with 'em! I was like 'Holy fuck that is a nice sack!'"

Alex looked over and grinned, blushing so hard he could barely stand it, "Heh-then I got a secret to tell you."

"Oh? What is it?" Joseph asked curiously.

"Let's get into that shower first, then I'll tell you. But be quiet, my Uncle might here us."

Joseph blinked, "He slept through you yelling: I doubt he will hear us shower or do other shit."

Alex nodded, "Yeeeeaaaah, you're right!"

Chapter 6 - Cherry Bomb

Joseph and Alex were in the bathroom only minutes later, both dragons undressed and the hot water cranked to max for them. Joseph climbed in shyly at first, waiting for Alex to join him and kept his hands low to cover the sensitive regions, all the while his eyes remained glued onto Alex who did the same thing. First they were hesitant, then Alex and Joseph grabbed each other tightly, pressing their sensitive fleshes together, their curiosity now explored as they felt, caressed, and kissed one another under the steaming water. Joseph moaned softly when Alex's large hands touched his ass, his tail flicked, and when the cheeks were squeezes hard he flexed his hard cock into Alex's waist, growling at him.

"Joey, you got such a rock hard ass!" Alex said in surprise, holding it, squeezing it, pinching it in his hands with yearning, "Jesus-this thing is like-holy fuck!"

"Thanks man: it's the track team to thank!" Joseph laughed a little, his hands carefully feeling the hard muscle of Alex's body, "You're so fucking hot bro: you're like a god damn wall of muscle!"

"Heh-thanks bro." Alex smiled, moaning softly as he grinded his thick cock into Joseph's, "Joey-I love you."

"I love you too man." Joseph smiled back warmly, leaning over and kissing his lips under the spraying water tenderly, backed into the wall by the more aggressive dragon. He moaned into the mouth, tasting the tongue and saliva, hissing and gasping when claws dug into the slender sides, and teeth began to bite at his neck.

"Ugggh-bro-did you really suck me off in my sleep?" Joseph asked as Alex bit into him.

"Yeah-you were so cute when you flexed into my mouth." Alex chuckled, "You tasted so good too man-I came on your chest afterwards!"

Joseph snorted at him a little, looking down at the bright orange frame and growled, "Think I can get a taste? I wanna suck that thick meat man!"

Alex stood up a little slowly, "Yeah man-you wanna get out and head to my room?"

"Yeah: you're way to fucking big for us to do it here." Joseph responded, reaching behind him to turn the water off, Alex rolled his eyes and ignored the comment. As he leaned down his face brushed into Alex's cock and his ambition was too great, he immediately grabbed it and thrust the hard vein coated member into his snout. Alex responded instantly with a gasp, clutching the safety bar and thrusting instinctively while Joseph groaned loudly, sucking the cock hard, fast like an amateur, but cupped the flaccid balls in his hand and bobbed his head.

"Uggh-bro-fuck that feels good!" Alex groaned and moaned softly, leaning his head down and watching Joseph, "Mmmmph, come on man let's get to my room!" Joseph removed his mouth, his eyes almost closed from the sudden enjoyment as he lingered, "Fuck-that cock is so big dude! Not as long as mine, but fuck it's nice!"

Alex grinned wide, "Oh yeah, I love yours too!" Alex stepped out of the shower, drying off quickly and only slipping on his underwear as did Joseph, both dragons skipping down the hall almost into the bedroom, and locking the door behind them. Alex looked around, shutting the window curtains, turning the TV on and then dimming the lighting in the room in a gesture, and then turned to Joseph who had all ready stripped down again.

"Dude you love being nude huh?" Alex asked innocently, his eyes scanning over the glistening emerald frame.

"You love me being dude." Joseph snickered and then sighed softly, "Alex-bro, I love you so much man." Joseph blinked and then grinned acting like he were surprised when he said, "Fuck-I'm turning really sensitive and shit here!"

Alex laughed softly and leaned over his friend and grabbed his hard cock in his hand, making Joseph moan as he pumped it slowly, "I know you do: I love you too Joey."

Joseph gripped onto the thick cock, pumping it and slipping his tongue into Alex's mouth, prodding at the other slick muscle as they both walked to the bed. Alex sat back on hit, clutching the scaled legs while Joseph slowly broke free, and lowered his mouth down to the thick cock. His heart pounded from the excitement, and he contained it as he licked the member, his lips smacking at the head of the cock and he purposely teased his friend.

"Uggh-you're better at that than me!" Alex groaned and flinched as he felt a hard sucking at his foreskin, "You must watch a lot of gay porn!"

Joseph chuckled and removed his lips for a moment, brushing the cock against his nose and snout in worship, "Nah bro: I just sorta know what I'm doing! Unlike your dumb ass, who probably bit my dick!"

"Hey!" Alex protested as much as he could, "I did not!"

Joseph laughed and then opened his mouth again, going back down on the thick cock and sucking at it with a little more pace, bobbing his head slowly, and sucking hard at the thick covered glands and meaty shaft: he had never felt this feeling of envy or worship, but he acted upon the instincts. He rubbed the shaft, the thick balls and muscular legs, doing all things he knew would stimulate Alex, even pulling the balls down hard to tighten the cock, which made Alex growl loudly in delight.

"Hey bro, lay on your back."

Alex looked down at him and moaned softly, almost to entranced to respond, "What?"

"Lay back man, I wanna see how this feels! I saw someone do it online so-" Joseph didn't bother finished as Alex rolled onto his back slowly, making sure he did not harm his wing and then rested with his legs flat. Joseph moved his legs up, and Alex followed by raising his knees up, and then the reptile crawled to his tail, his face under his balls.

"Joseph-dude, what are you doing?" Alex asked curiously, as he looked from over the large chest at the reptile.

"I'm gonna give you a rim job bro: lemme know if you like it." Joseph said as he began to spread his friend's legs, and ass cheeks, forcing his face into it. He had always wondered about rim jobs, with a sick curiosity in it, and with Alex's added muscular butt, Joseph could not hold back. With the opportunity now, he opened his mouth and began to lick slowly at the outside of the ass, Alex's moans were instant and he shuddered, his tail flexing. With the snout now buried into the muscular butt, a hungry tongue lacked, glazed, and flicked at the tight reptilian hole, Joseph's nose was pressed hard under his balls and he sucked and hissed at taint and flesh with a dedicated ambitions.

"Oh my god dude-" Alex moaned, shuddering as a warm, wet muscle glided, and the hot lips and nose made his underside tingle, "Holy shit Joseph-that feels so nice!" Alex grabbed his legs and ass, spreading it and pulling his knees up as far as he could for the dragon, who progressed in aggression and sloppily sucked, lick, and grinded his lips into the hole.

"Mmmmph-fuck, fuck that feels so good!" Alex huffed and moaned, "Now-lick my balls Joey."

Joseph moved his mouth up, responding with a suck long, sensual, lick to full scaly shaft, rubbing his muscles, and parts with a tender but desiring grasp. His nose was wet with saliva, his lips sucked at the loose scales, rolling his tongue over the thick balls slowly and Joseph attempted to swallow the whole sack in his mouth with a lout moan. He crawled over Alex on his knees, with an arch back and raised ass, Joseph was growing so amorous, and Alex relished hearing his best friend moan so much.

"Mmm-ok Joey, my turn!" Alex said softly, his cock rock hard and throbbing.

"Oh dude come on-" Joseph said in a breathy voice, "I'm not done having fun bro!"

Alex laughed a little bit and dropped his legs as Joseph came between them and rested over his friend, "What you want to do now man?"

Alex shuddered and growled at him, grabbing Joseph's waist and pulling down on the body and clutched his ass tightly, "I wanna fuck my best friend-if he wants me to."

Joseph was nervous at the idea, "Dude-you're really big. And dude, if I lose my cherry to you, you know I'm not gonna let you just dump me out of high school."

Alex laughed and smiled into his red eyes, "Bro, I love you: the moment I stop is when we break up!"

Joseph laughed and blushed almost, "Heh-ok Alex. Where or-how do you want to do this?"

Alex looked around the bed and then to him, "Well-what do you think would be easier? Wanna just ride me?"

Joseph nodded, running his hands over the thick stomach and then down to his cock, "Yeah-you got lube?"

"Yeah, in that drawer." Alex pointed on the other side of the bed, moving into the center and lying softly on his back, wincing as the wing throbbed. Joseph retrieved a bottle of Astroglide, and then squired a thick amount into his hand, grabbing Alex's thick cock and lubing it so much that the lubricant slid down his balls and legs. Alex moaned softly, his heart racing, his legs were shaky and his body craving for the feeling of Joseph's inside: for so many years the dragon only imagined what it would feel like. Joseph reached behind him, slowly applying lubricant to his hole, moaning at the cold gel and then crawled over Alex's waist and rested on his knees.

"Ok-lets warm you up first." Alex said slowly, "I don't want to hurt you dude-"

"All right." Joseph said with a smile, arching his back, spreading his cheeks, and raising the tail out of the way as Alex's thick hands roamed to the backside of his ass. A thick finger searched for hole, and Joseph tensed when it was found, gasped as it slid in, closing his eyes, and clutching at Alex tightly when he felt the first bit of loosening.

"Dude-you're so tight!" Alex said in surprise, "I-I don't know if I can get it in!"

"Oh you fucking better!" Joseph moaned when he felt the foreign object press into his prostate, shuddering, "You better fucking get it in!"

Alex grinned widely and hissed as he flexed his finger in and out now, pumping it just enough so Joseph adjusted, moving to a longer finger all the while Joseph took it with a smile and occasional gasp. Alex explored the rectum, the walls were rigid, slick, pulsing from the penetration, and was so slick he had no idea what to expect when he put his cock in.

"Ok, do another one." Joseph nearly ordered, "Come on bitch, give me some more!"

Alex snorted, "Bitch you don't know what you're getting your-self into!"

Joseph opened his eyes, "Wanna bet?"

Alex grinned back, "Yeah!" Alex took his bird and ring finger; spreading Joseph's cheeks, he slid both inside hard and fast. Joseph gasped and hissed, digging into Alex's chest and bit his lip, turning his head down, "Mmm-fuck yeah, that's it! Come on bro, loosen me up."

Alex did so for several more minutes, Joseph's hips rolled and flexed and he hungrily pressed down into the fingers, soon it was not enough to keep him satisfied and he demanded more.

"Let's do the real thing-" Alex said as he removed his hands, and held Joseph's legs tightly. "You ready Joey?"

Joseph smiled and nodded, "Yeah-I am about to lose my virginity to my best friend: I'm ready, Alex." Joseph reached behind him and grabbed the thick member in his hand; slowly he positioned the head to his hole and then spread his cheeks, arching his back, and begun to slide the head into his orifice. He gasped almost instantly, it was much thicker than the dragon imagined, it hurt, stung, and as he took more and more of it he felt his cock throb with a surge of powerful pleasure like cumming. Alex gasped when the cock slid inside only an inch, the hot insides enveloped his foreskin, he rolled his head back but continued to watch as the shadow of his dick disappeared into Joseph's ass, "Oh my god-Joey-fuck, Joey you're too tight!"

"I don't g-give a shit!" Joseph grunted, groaning with his eyes closed and tongue lolling as he forced more into him, "Urrrgh-Alex, fuck me man!"

Alex huffed and growled, grabbing Joseph's hips he began to piston his hips up and down, his dick slipped in at the fullest extend and despite Joseph hiss of discomfort and pain, he commanded more from his boy friend. Alex responded with deep, hard thrust from the amorous reptile, his body responded with from the years of abstinence in primordial instinct: mating Joseph so hard the bed was all ready creaking into the wall.

"Uggh-Uggh-Fuck-F-fuck!" Joseph grunted with each thrusting, bouncing him-self on the dick, panting and stroking his cock idly to keep from cumming, his insides stretched with the sensations that were unpredicted, and delighted, "God dammit-Uggh-Alex I love you man!"

Alex growled as he sat up, his cock throbbing hard and he slapped Joseph's ass cheeks hard, hearing a resounding growl from over head and smiled, "I love you to man! Here-let's change positions."

"Yeah-" Joseph shuddered and slowly pulled the cock out, with a loud pop and a gasp following, "Y-you're not fucking me hard enough bitch!"

"Well I want to make it romantic at least!" Alex protested.

Joseph rolled onto his side and smiled at Alex, "Heh-I know man, come on: if we do it like this we can make out."

"Fuck yeah we can!" Alex said as moved onto his knees, dropping over Joseph who bent his knee to his chest as Alex repositioned his cock at the hole. Joseph wrapped his arm around Alex's neck, pulling their lips together and Alex shoved his cock in hard for Joseph, both moaning into one another's snouts as they resumed the hard intercourse. Alex thrust at a pace that kept Joseph happy, each time he pushed in Joseph moaned and gasped, their tongues wrestled inside their mouths, and Alex's balls slapped against the tight hard ass with lewd smacks.

"Mmmph-Fuck-Alex-fuck I am going to cum soon!" Joseph gasped as he broke his lips away, "H-holy fuck!"

Alex grunted and stopped for a moment with a few pants, "Where do you want it?"

Joseph growled, "First time in my ass: after, in my mouth." Joseph chuckled and Alex grinned back at him, resuming the hard pounding into his friend's tight, hot ass. Joseph continued to rock back and forth on the bed, gasping and growling as they kissed with a fervent passion: their mouths covered and leaking saliva. Joseph began moaning louder after a few more minutes, rolling onto his back and pulling Alex over him, who smoothly changed positions with his cock gliding in and out.

"Oh god-I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" Joseph cried out hard and growled loudly as his cock suddenly surged, throbbing hard as his hot seed spilled onto his chest, Alex halted for a moment to witness it, but did not stop thrusting into Joseph. Joseph softened back onto the bed, his ass-hole stretched and throbbing: the strain was so much that it kept him rock hard and he opened his eyes to watch as the glistening dick slipped in and out of his ass cheeks.

"Mmm-fuck Alex, come on, cum in me!" Joseph pleaded, "Come on bro-"

Alex moaned as his own climax began closing in quickly, he tucked his arms under Joseph and clutched him as tight as he could as he slammed his body into Joseph's and bit onto the neck hard, "Uggh-F-fuck!" Alex growled loudly, so loud he vibrated Joseph's neck and shoved his cock in at full length, shuddering and convulsing as it unloaded thick, hot ropes of semen into the pulsing hole. Joseph closed his eyes, huffing and panting as his cock twitched, and he felt a hot liquid splash inside of him, Alex's thick member pulsing against his prostate.

"Uggh-Joseph-" Alex said softly as he moved his mouth, kissing at the neck softly, "Bro-"

"Yeah-" Joseph said as he held onto Alex's shoulder and both laughed together, panting in the musk filled bedroom, "Come on bro: lets get something to drink, and do it again."

Alex retracted his cock and growled slowly, kissing over Joseph's neck softly, lovingly and opened his eyes to look into Joseph's, "I'm glad we went to that lake dude: otherwise, I might never had had this chance."

Joseph smiled weakly and stroked Alex's thick neck, "Yeah man-I'm glad I am a nudist, you know this is all because of me right?"

"Oh what the fuck ever, I had the porno!" Alex argued.

"I had the dick you sucked!" Joseph argued back with a sly smile, and Alex grinned back at him and forced him into a tight, hard kiss to shut him up. . .

? ? ?

By five in the morning, the two dragons had exhausted them-self of all ability to move and lay on the bed, Joseph lay on Alex's chest, and their tailed tied together. Joseph's breath was stained with the smell of cum, he swallowed three loads from Alex before he was fucked again, and Alex took joy in letting Joseph fuck him as well, and then his face afterwards. Their dicks were sore, their bodies completely drained, and both felt happier than they had been in the past year. Alex gently rubbed Joseph's ass, holding onto it with one hand while the other kept him tightly locked into his chest, and Joseph breathed softly against him.

"Hey Joey." Alex began slowly, staring at the roof, "Why did you kiss me in that bathroom?"

Joseph moved his face up slightly and looked at Alex, "I dunno bro: I was so stressed, and tired, and something just came over me: it was that sexy face of yours!"

Alex laughed and Joseph grinned at him, kissing at his chest in a tender manner that most unlike him, and Alex loved to see his friend be so tender. "Well, what are we going to do at school now?"

"Well, everyone knows that we're gay now: I guess we'll date." Joseph said smoothly, "Prom night, and all that shit."

Alex snorted, "Fuck it man, they won't let us go together."

"They can go suck a fucking dick!" Joseph replied with a grin, "I mean fuck dude: I'm screwing a Linebacker, it's not like anyone is gonna have the nerve to fuck with us."

Alex chuckled and squeezed the ass in his hand tightly, "Yeah-are you gonna tell your parents?"

"Probably." Joseph said, "I want you to be there when I do, mk?"

"Of course." Alex assured him, and leaned down to kiss Joseph softly, "Dude-we smell like sex."

"Yeah-it's nice isn't it?" Joseph grinned, moving onto his elbow against Alex, "Lets shower and eat bro, I am fucking starving!"

"I hear that!"

The two dragons pushed them-self off the bed, and Alex held Joseph's hand as they ventured to the bathroom, washing off in the hot water and all the while continued to each other's face. After drying off they both moved into the kitchen, flicking on the light.

"Good morning boys!" Robert said loudly: Alex and Joseph nearly fell out of their skin, dressed in only their underwear with partial hard-ons behind the counter.

"U-Uncle Robert!" Alex said in surprise, "What are you doing up!?"

"Well," He began, "See, last night me and my girlfriend WERE going to have sex. Well, I wanted to watch some porn with her, because I'm a grown man and I can." He cast the two an interesting look, "And then I figured you took it, so I was going to come by and ask for it-and well, let's leave it at that."

Joseph smiled nervously, "Um-yeah, Alex stole it sir."

"Well I'm sure that is not the first thing taken." Robert snickered and put his hands on the table, "Rule one: If you are going to do that, make sure you two at least don't make-a mess. Rule Two: you two better make sure that next time you check to see if I'm asleep before you do it, all night long!"

Alex blushed and looked to Joseph who shrugged, "Yeah-he is right."

"Sorry Uncle." Alex blushed, looking around nervously, "Um-yeah, sorry."

"It's fine!" Robert stood up in his boxers and tank top, tapping the counter, "Ya bunch of homos, make sure you are quiet. My girlfriend spent most of the night laughing, so I don't want her starting up again!"

Alex and Joseph nodded, without hesitation; both began to prepare a large breakfast to resupply their energy: all the while snickering, passing gropes, and kisses to each other.

"So now that you guys won what is up next?"

"We'll be keeping that trophy!" Alex said with pride, "And then if we can keep it up, when I get into college, we'll take on another university from Texas!"

"Dude, sweet." Joseph leaned against the counter, and Alex smiled and pressed into him, "So is this big dude gonna bring me along?"

"Um-yeah?" Alex laughed and Joseph chuckled, "Bro, you're going everywhere with me: seriously. I'm not leaving my best friend, or boyfriend, behind."

Joseph smiled and rubbed his face into Alex's softly, receiving a soft rawr and then Alex turned to check on the bacon in the over. Joseph smacked his ass hard and Alex grinned back at him, "So Joey, you gonna join foot ball, ever?"

"Dude-hell no!" Joseph shook his head, "No way man, dislocated wing, concussions? Fuck that bro, I got track: I'm set!"

Alex rolled his eyes, "Well after taking my dick all night I dunno how you're gonna run right again!"

Joseph narrowed his eyes and cracked his fingers, "Um-bitch, I fucked your face silly! Besides, we know who the better man is here: I can take dick, you can't take a damn hit!"

Alex spun around and crossed his arms, "Oh Joey, you really wanna do this, this morning?"

"Pfffft, I'm not scared of your fat ass!" Joseph mocked and crossed his arms, "You gagged on me!"

"Only caused you SLAMMED it in my mouth!" Alex snorted at him, "I sucked that cock dry Joey, don't you fucking dare!"

Joseph grinned and pointed at him, "After breakfast, you, me, Halo: loser has to give it up!"

"You all ready did!" Alex said in confidence and grinned widely, "Man bro, I fucking love your ass."

"Pffft, you wanna win, and that shit isn't gonna work!" Joseph flashed a wide smile, and the two dragons moved into the living room in the early morning hours after the storm: and their competitive drives were not the only things to be revitalized that morning. . .


"Bull shit! I call bull shit!" Joseph shouted as he gripped the controller hard in hand, "You-you screen cheating shit head!"

"Nu uh!" Alex growled back in defiance, shifting right, then to the left while Joseph's Spartan launched a stream of needles at him-self, and he responded with rapid pistol shots to the head. Joseph's character fell back and he slammed his foot into the floor, "Oh come on!"

It had been almost half a year since the incident after the game; both dragons were back in school in their Senior Year: Alex had grown later, though Joseph was still taller and just as lean. Alex grinned at him and sat the controller down while Joseph pouted, rolling back onto the couch. Joseph looked over at Alex who winked at him, and he grinned at him, "Don't smooth talk me bro, I'm pissed!"

"Yeah I know you are." Alex snorted, resting back on his elbow in his tight compression shorts and flashed the handsome dragon a grin, "Well bro, I've got practice in an hour."

"Yeah, and I've got about five miles to run later." Joseph said as he stretched his arms and looked at the wedding back on Alex's finger, and his own with a warm smile. His mom had freaked out when Alex gave him it, his dad made hilarious comments and Joseph was ok with it: the attention did not bother him so long as Alex was there.

"Hey babe, wanna head out to the lake later tonight?" Alex began as he slid over to Joseph, pushing him back and crawled over him.

"Heh-sounds cool bro." Joseph responded, gripping Alex's large shoulders and kissing his lips, "Wanna fuck in the mud again?"

"Yeah-I can't believe you're into that shit." Alex chuckled, "I mean seriously."

"Whatever, you like that shit too!"Joseph smirked, "And besides, we had our first moment there man: place is special to me."

"Sentimental pussy." Alex mumbled with a grin.

"Cum filled ass hole." Joseph snorted.

"Don't talk about your ass all the time you pretentious dick." Alex snickered back at him, and Joseph grunted as he kissed Alex hard, clutching his arms while Alex grinded into him firmly, "Now you gonna fuck me before or after practice?"

"After." Alex said, "I don't need the guys making fun of me again for smelling like sex. They never drop it!"

Joseph chuckled and grabbed Alex's thick jaw, looking into his eyes, "Damn babe-you're so hot."

"I know you are." Alex said with a grin, and rested softly on top of Joseph again, clutching him in an intimate embrace and Joseph sighed softly in comfort under the beefy male, closing his eyes and smiling. The two laid together for another forty minutes, reluctantly Alex dressed and kissed Joseph on his way out the door, but before he left Joseph made a quick smack at his ass, "I'll be sure to tap you later, for that one!"

"You better." Joseph winked, "Love you Alex, see you in a few hours."

"By babe." Alex smiled, waving to him, and jogging down the street in his jersey, and Joseph watched with a smirk, as Alex did not notice the slip of paper on his ass and a crude phrase written in bright red letters. . .

The End

I would like to thank all of my friends whom supported me while writing this story, and to my friend Ranzun Halderon who provided detailed information on football and related matters to further the story's integrity! Thanks man!

And thank you to all my readers, who appreciated the work I put into my story and reminded me how much I love to deliver! I hope you enjoyed this one just as much, and I will not stop writing so long as I have all of you guys!