Eevee Loves Flareon Milk: Chapter 2

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Male Flareon/female Umbreon/female Eevee cub   "Ahhh..."

I sigh, my right hind leg lifted as urine streams out from under my

body and onto the trunk of some random tree; the only liquid my penis is

able to produce after shooting my sperm into my two female lovers so

many times, muzzle or elsewhere... Now resting safely back inside it's

sheathy home to create more Flareon seeds for me to use, the flowing

yellow substance finally ceases to spray from its tip. I don't

think peeing has ever felt that good... I had been so preoccupied with

first escaping the daycare center and then mating, that it had really

seemed to build up unknowingly. Whenever I was aroused it seemed to

overwrite all other needs, all other desires... Now that the feeling of

lust is gone and that pressure in my loins is relieved, another craving

takes hold of my body and I realize just how incredibly hungry I am as

my stomach growls, angry at me for not feeding it anything today.  Thinking

on how I should go about finding some food, my ears pick up a faint

sound, the quiet pitter patter of small paws hitting dirt from behind. I

turn around just in time to see a little Eevee come into view from

behind a few of the trees that seemed to densely populate the forest we

were in. "Flareon! There you are!" She squeals with excitement upon finding me, and then comes running over. "Did

my little cub miss me?!" I ask as she finds her way over to me, the

side of her furry face finding my foreleg to run her head up and down

along it to nuzzle me happily.  So affectionate... She was acting as though she hadn't seen me in weeks. I was gone what? Like five minutes? Crouching

down to greet her, I start to lick the fur along the top of her muzzle

and run my tongue up to her forehead lovingly a few times. "Yes!

Very much! Umm... I was supposed ta tell you something... Oh yeah!

Umbreon told me to go get you cuz she knows where there are some berries

close by, and she'll get them and bring them back to our spot for us!"

She explains, her voice so cute and energetic as always. "Oh

that's great! Lets head back then, I'm starving..." I reply, the thought

of berries in my mouth causing me to start salivating a bit. "Wait...

I gotta go real bad..." She whines, then rushes over to the same tree I

had just urinated on to sniff the wet bark. "It smells like you!" She

tells me, then squats down to trickle her own yellow liquids over mine.  "Kay!"

She yells, then jumps onto my enormous fluffy tail and hangs onto it.

Making her way upwards, she climbs along my rump and then back to reach

her favorite spot on top of me, and her forepaws grip the large white

tuft of fur my head as her hind legs drape downwards against my mane.

"Ready ta go!" With my cub safely secured and ready to leave, I

begin to walk back towards the river when the little Eevee shifts

positions; her hind legs wrapping around my neck as her soft underbelly

presses to the back of my head, I suddenly feel a wetness on my fur

where her little vagina is touching me. "You just couldn't have waited until you dried off before hopping up there, could you..." I ask rhetorically. Leaning forward even more onto my head, I feel her tiny forepaws lightly grab onto my ears. "I

like to feel your body against mine! Your fur is so warm and nice..."

She tells me, then begins to grind her crotch up and down against the

back of my neck. "It feels especially good against me down between my

back legs..." How was this cub so aroused all the time? I think I

created a monster... That little bit of wetness I felt on my fur may

not have been entirely urine, it may have been due to her arousal... "Hey

Flareon... Can we play that game again before we get back to meet

Umbreon? Pleeeeeaaase? You gave her way more milk than me last time...

It's not fair!" She begs. I am pretty sure I gave them both two helpings... She was just making up excuses, such a naughty cub. Stopping

my trek back to the river for a moment, I kneel down to lower the front

half of my body and then peel Eevee off of my head with both forepaws

to set her down in front of me.  "Listen, I've told you... I

can't produce an infinite amount of that milk, five is my absolute

limit, I don't even know how it managed to come out that many times, the

most I had ever shot it into a female in one day was three before I met

you." "Pleeeeeaaaassee!!!" She continues to beg. "Just once more! At least let me try to get it out!" Raising

my left hind leg so she has a good view of my sheath, I show her that

her favorite big red nipple is nowhere to be found. "Look, my maleness

just isn't ready to come out yet. It will stay in this furry pouch until

it makes some more milk for you, I have no control over it." Rushing over to investigate, she starts to paw at my sheath with her right forepaw curiously. "So it's hiding inside here..." Sitting

down, she squeezes the furry pouch on either side with both of her

forepaws to try and make my penis come out. "There!" She exclaims as the

red tip pokes it's head out for a moment, then quickly vanishes as she

lessens her squeezing. "Hey!"  Squeezing the sides of my sheath

again and again, she watches as just that end part of my member slips in

and out. "It won't stay!" I was so drained... There was nothing

left for her in there... As she played with that sensitive area it

actually felt a bit painful, without any sperm inside it seemed as

though it wanted to be left alone. Slowly walking forward to

escape from her torturous paws, Eevee stands up as she is forced to stop

playing with my genitals. "Where are you going?" She asks, then I

quickly sprint towards the direction of the river. "Hey! Come back

here!" I hear her yell as she starts chasing me. We hadn't

stopped very far away from our spot by the river overlooking the cliff,

and after a short while I arrive there to find Umbreon sitting in the

grass looking out over the edge, red berries all around her. The black

furred female turns to face me as I come charging towards her, an

expression of deep thought and a heavy air about her. She must have been

thinking about something intense... "What took you so long?" She asks as I quickly run behind her to use her as cover to hide from Eevee. "Ask

her!" I reply, as the brown furry cub comes barreling out of the forest

to try and catch up to me. "She... She tried to touch me in an

inappropriate place!" I yell teasingly. "So what? I thought you two did that sort of thing all the time." Umbreon smirks. "I did not! He told me to touch him there!" Eevee whines as she runs over to meet us, trying to defend herself. "I

didn't though... I merely lifted my hind leg to show her my undersides,

and then she... She... Tried to rape me!" I say, then begin to fake cry

on Umbreon's back as I continue to use her to shield myself from the

cub. "I don't even know what that means! I did not!" She barks back. "He's just teasing you..." Umbreon tells her. Slowly

raising my head to peer at Eevee from behind her sister's black fur,

she growls at me playfully and then darts towards me. Trying to avoid

the cub, I begin to run in circles around Umbreon as she chases closely

behind me. "Help help! Sexual predator!" I cry. Slipping on one

of the many berries that littered the ground as she pursues me, Eevee

goes tumbling over the grass to lay on the ground on her side. The

squished fruit causes the smell of berries permeate through air around

us, and I begin to drool a little bit... So hungry... Sitting

down, I start to eat any of the tasty food that's near me, scooping the

little spheres up with my forepaws to take them back into my mouth for a

much need meal. The cub noticing that I'm eating, and stops her playing

to begin devouring any berries she can find as well. They were the red

kind and most delicious, sweet and sour at the same time, my absolute

favorite. Eating my fill, I walk over to Umbreon who had

remained sitting and watching us, and wrap my forelegs around her neck

to hug her, then nuzzle her cheek. "Thanks for the berries my black

furred goddess." "Oh? I had almost thought you had forgotten

about me... What with my sister to keep you so entertained..." She tells

me, a hint of jealousy in her voice. "I will never forget about you, I will never abandon you. I will love you always, you and your sister..." "Abandon...

Me..." She says, her eyes trailing downward to look at the ground as if

thinking about something. "You males are all the same, you mate with a

female and then leave. Leave them to fend for themselves with the Eevee

cub who they were supposed to help raise. Leave them to run off with

some young female Vulpix and never be heard from again. He abandoned us,

and he was a Flareon just like you... A male just like you... And

you'll leave us eventually, just like he did..." She tells me as I break

my hug to sit in front of her and listen, her voice full of sorrow and

raw emotion. So that's what happened... Her dad must have left

her and her mom at an early age and it made her bitter and untrusting of

males. That definitely explains how such a beautiful female eon could

go this long without mating, she didn't want any males getting close to

her, emotionally, or physically... But she had already let me into her

life physically, and that emotional wall had seemed to come crumbling

down earlier as well. It looked as though she was finally willing to

open up to a male, and I continue to listen intently to what she has to

say as she continues her story. "I had to become strong just to

survive and fend off aroused advancing males... My so called mother just

lays on her back and spreads her hind legs for any male that comes

wondering by. She was forever broken after dad left, more concerned with

sex than raising her Eevee kit, trying to fill the hole that he left in

her heart by having penises fill the one between her back legs... I

knew I had to evolve before my first heat or I would suffer the same

fate as her, an eon destined to be used and abused by males. I

slaughtered Rattata after Rattata to gain experience and become more

powerful, and I was up here when it happened, I transformed into the

Umbreon you see before as I sat under the moonlight looking out over

this very cliff. Only a few days later I was stricken with my heat, and I

easily defeated any male who tried to mount me with my newly found body

and the powers that I obtained with it." "I'm sorry for what

your father did... But I am not him, not all Flareon are the same. Not

all males are the same... We are all different and unique individuals,

and I happen to be one who loves you. I know it may seem sudden to use

that love word... But I am a very good judge of character, and you are

the single most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on. From the

small glimpses of your soul that I've seen shine through that shackling

darkness that has taken hold of you, I know that on the inside you are

as soft as the fur that covers your outsides." I say, hugging her again

and running my forepaws up and down her back to feel her fur as I talk

about it. "I'm cute too right?!" Eevee barks as she comes running towards us, not seeming to grasp the gravity of the situation. "Yes

you are too! Cuteness must run in your family." I tell her as she comes

up to Umbreon and copies me to hug her sister. "See, your sister and I

both love you, so don't be sad okay? We'll always be together from now

on." "Okay... I'm sorry... I will try to trust you Flareon...

You do seem kind and caring, passionate, loving..." She says, wrapping

her forelegs around me to finally return my hug. "But this Eevee isn't

even my real sister, she's my half sister... Her father, one the random

male eon's that happened across my slut of a mother. All of the Eevee

kits in my family are half sisters, my mom lets any male with an

erection hump her body, but whenever an eeveelution comes nosing around

she will end up with another egg, and I will end up with another half

sister..." She explains, displaying some resentment towards the little

cub clinging to her side. "She is your real sister though... She

has nothing to do with your mom, or your whoever her father is, she's a

completely different person, just as I am different from your father.

Look, she loves you, even though you've been nothing but mean to her,

and that's all that matters." I tell her as Eevee remains hugging her

and snuggling against her sitting body. "Your... Your right... How could I have been so stupid..." She responds. "It's okay, you realize it now, that's the important thing. We all make mistakes, it's how we learn and grow." "I'm sorry Eevee... You know, for never being all that nice to you..." Umbreon apologies. "That's

okay! Hey Flareon! Do you have any milk to play that game now?!" Eevee

asks, changing the subject whether on purpose or not; but knowing her I

would guess not... "I've been meaning to ask... Just why exactly does she call your... You know... 'Milk'?" Her older sister questions. Breaking my hug, I walk a few paces away and sit down to face the two females. "Uhhh,

why don't you play it with your sister? I'll watch and join in if I

can." I suggest, trying to avoid answering Umbreon's question. "Does she have one of those red nipple thingies hiding between her hind legs too somewhere?!" The clueless cub asks. "Have

you really not explained anything at all about sex to her?! Yet you two

have mated how many times now?!" Umbreon stands up to bark at me. "I

think it's cute that she came up with her own little words for

everything, she'll figure it all out on her own eventually." I tell her,

a huge smile on my muzzle as I watch Eevee make her way over to

Umbreon's rump and slowly raise her right forepaw to her big sister's

crotch to search the area for a red fleshy stick. "Bree!"

Umbreon squeals as her little sister paws at her sex, still heating and

dripping those alluring liquids; that smell alone was always enough to

give me an erection, sadly it still didn't want to show up for me to

use... "Where is it?!" The cub cries, running her right forepaw

just inside her sister's vulva again and again to feel for a nonexistent

penis. "This is... definitely... naughty..." Umbreon admits,

panting hard as her sister pleasures her, a tiny Eevee paw digging

deeper into her sex, yet not attempting to remove it. Quite the

opposite, her forelegs fall to the ground and her rump remains raised

high, not being able to help herself, instinctively presenting to the

little brown fox curiously pawing at her vagina even though she was a

female too and shared the same Flareon mother as her.  Had she

forgotten what she did with her earlier?! That was so much worse...

Anyway, naughty things was kind of this Eevee's forte, she was such a

kinky cub. She may not fully understand what sex is, but she knew the

pleasures that came along with it, and her appetite for 'that game'

never seemed to be satisfied. Walking over to the them, I sit down next to Umbroen's kneeling body as her little sister continues to prod at her behind. "It's

okay, just let her explore... What better way to have her learn than to

have her examine her big sister's female parts?" I tell her, then place

my forepaws on her lower back to push her hindquarters down to give the

small Eevee better access to her vagina. Bringing my muzzle to

the cub's ear, I whisper; "You may have to lick that opening to get to

it to come out... And try pawing on either side of that furry mound,

maybe you can squeeze it out like how you were trying to get mine to

come out earlier..." "Oh okay!" She replies excitedly, then does

as instructed; her small pads rubbing and squeezing into that soft

mound of flesh and fur on either side of her sister's slit while she

licks and licks at the sensitive opening itself with her tongue. Standing

up, I straddle Umbreon's back side with my hind legs and forelegs to

lay on top of her as her little sister laps at and plays with her sex.

Lowering my head to the back of her neck, my own tongue starts to lap

the beautiful black furred eon's body as well, licking the scruff of her

neck again and again lovingly. My licks slowly move to the back of

head, and then over it to lick her forehead and the top of her muzzle,

when I feel her shift positions underneath and her licker meets mine as

she turns over so our bellies press together. Wrapping her forelegs

around my body as I invade her maw with my tongue, the female's muzzle

lips vibrate against mine as she moans in pleasure, and I wrap my own

forelegs around her upper back to return her embrace. "It's not

coming out!" Eevee complains, her constant licking and caressing of her

big sister's vagina not seeming to produce a red stick for her.  Seeming

to give up on her sister, I feel the cub's little tongue begin to lap

at the back of my balls, pressed into Umbreon's lower stomach just above

the vagina she tried so hard to coax a penis out of. She must have been

lured to them by their strong musk... "This taste just like

your red nipple Flareon!" She exclaims, then continues to lap and lap at

my testicles. "Come out!" She cries, her paws pushing forward on either

side of my sheath to try and push my member out. I must have

created some more juice by now, because as Umbreon and I continue to rub

our muzzles and tongues and Eevee slides her little forepaws back and

forth along my sheath while lapping at my balls, I do feel my penis

finally begin to slide out between our furred underbellies.  "Did

it come out! Where is it?!" Eevee cries, probably feeling my maleness

slide forward as her soft pads were pressed into its furry holder. Sliding

backwards along Umbreon's form and away from her clinging forelegs, she

remains there lying on her back panting, staring at me lovingly with

black furred cheeks a slight red hue as she blushes. Now standing

between her hind legs, she spreads them wide apart as her heating vulva

drips with need, sticky and wet with her juices and Eevee cub saliva,

waiting to be tended to. "Put it in meeee! Not her!" Eevee cries. She must have seen me drooling as I stared at her sisters nether regions... The

little cub jumps onto her big sister's lower stomach and presents

herself to me, her tiny vaginal slit visible as she moves her tail up

out of the way to wag it excitedly, forepaws and forelegs down and

against the black fur on her sister's chest as she keeps her rump in the

air to give me a good view, assuming her 'come play with me!' position

that I taught her. The sight of my two aroused waiting female lovers

made sure to keep my member very erect, and the scent of their arousal

made it throb in anticipation with each inhale of the lusty heated air

that surrounded them. I don't know how much milk will be able to come

out of my maleness at this point, but there was enough inside there to

get me up, and I decide it is all going to go inside that little begging

Eevee's mating hole... But before that, I have to make sure my penis

will have an easy time fitting inside that young little cub vagina. Raising

my right forepaw and extending a digit, I bring it to the big black

furred mound between Umbreon's hind legs and insert it into her vulva,

then start pumping it into her slick vaginal tunnel as she moans quiet

'breon...' noises. Eevee seems to get impatient as I pleasure her

sister, and looks back over her shoulder to see what's happening behind

her. "Hey! Do that to me Flareon!"  "I'm getting to you, don't worry cub..." Taking

my digit out of her sister's hot box, I bring it up to that little

brown furred presenting cub rump and slide it inside her vagina now,

then start thrusting it in and out of her to lubricate her in Umbreon's

heating sex liquids and make it easier for me to slide through that

tight little cub hole. "Vee!" She yips happily, breaking her submissive

stance to awkwardly hump back against my digit as it is pushed in and

out of her from behind. Her horniness and eagerness never seemed to

end... Withdrawing my digit from her cub vulva, now nice and

slippery, I explain what I want her to do; "Okay... I will give you your

big red nipple, but I still want you to search your sister for one as

well. I'm pretty sure there's one hiding in that area somewhere, and

there is a hole you have not yet tried to make it come out of."  "Yay!

Okay!" She responds happily, then climbs off her sister to go to her

back side on the ground and search again, standing just underneath me as

my malenesss throbs wantingly just a few paw prints away from her

vagina.  "You mean this hole?" She asks, motioning with her right forepaw towards Umbreon's tail hole. "Yes, that's the one... Maybe if you lick that puckered opening enough..." "Kay!"

She yips, and then begins to lap at her big sister's upper rump hole,

happy to do anything as long as it meant she had one of those elusive

red nipples to play with.  "I'll even help you search that

bigger opening above it, just to make sure there's not one in there." I

tell her, and start to tongue at Umbreon's heating vulva. So hot and

inflamed... I will lick it until it quivers and warm liquids spill out,

then remove those juices with my tongue to cool it off. Tiny cub

pussy just in front of my penis, I can no longer resist. Wrapping my

forelegs around Eevee's chest, the front half of my body falls on top of

her, my head resting on top of hers as I grip her tiny body tight and

arch my back to hunch myself over her form. I watch as she closes her

eyes and goes through her licking motions to continue her laps of

Umbreon tail hole while I make sure to take care of that that bigger

slitted opening just above with my own tongue, and then I begin

pummeling the cub's behind with my crotch to find her small sex until I

feel myself slip inside. "Veee!" She squeals in delight as my

penis finds its way into her body and I thrust into her again and again

to get more of myself inside and fill her tight little insides. Eevee

stops her licking of Umbreon hiney for a moment as her small vagina is

stretched to its limits, but then she goes back to lick at her big

sister's puckered orifice enthusiastically, much harder and faster than

before. I too match her licks to pick up the pace of pleasing the sexy

eon who these two back holes belonged too, and tongue equally as hard at

her sister's puffed up femininity, tongue now slipping inside to lick

at her inner pink flesh walls. Humping into Eevee again and

again, I watch as her snout is pressed into her sister's hindquarters,

her little licking tongue trying it's best to lap at her tail hole while

her head is pushed repeatedly into black furry behind. Her little licks

trail upwards along the little bit of fur separating Umbreon's pussy

lips and anus as she keeps her eyes closed to squint in pleasure, and

she joins me in lapping at that bigger love hole. Both of us tonguing at

her vagina now seems to be more than she can take, and I feel it begin

to ripple and convulse underneath my mouth organ's touch; orgasm juice

streaming out of those swollen lips for me to take back into my mouth

and guzzle down while Eevee's snout and the fur on the end of her

muzzles is splashed by her sister's liquid love remains below.  It

may be the female essence dripping off the cub's nose that pushes her

to her own climax, but she seems to be in sync with her sister and I

feel her own sex begin to squeeze hard and shake wildly over my member

as she has an orgasm of her own, and I leave myself hilted inside her

for a moment just to feel her body react.  "Veeeee! Eeveeee!"

She cries out in pleasure, her tiny cub voice vibrating into the air as

her vagina spasms and I feel a wetness flood her fleshy tunnel to bathe

my penis. Both my females had cum, so now I could finally

deliver my milk to the cub happily. Shooting my sperm into her to early

would have left me soft and limp once more, and I would have had no

driving force to do the things to their bodies that they liked; I'm

still astonished that the cub got my member to appear to spray my seed

for a sixth time today... Withdrawing my member from my Eevee

cub's depths and standing up, I pick her up by the scruff on the back of

her neck with my teeth, and then place her back down on her back on top

of Umbreon's stomach and chest; where the still aroused kit spreads her

hind legs wide to mimic her sister's submissive pose, a giant grin on

her muzzle as she stares at me in anticipation and my member drips her

juices, ready to go back inside her for another dip. Straddling Umbreon

lower half as I had done earlier, I slide myself forward so my member

can enter that tight Eevee vagina once more and I lower myself on top of

both of them to wrap my forepaws around Umbreon's back and sandwich the

cub between us. Licking Umbreon's muzzle lips, she quickly opens her

maw for me and I play with her tongue as it comes to greet me, then I

begin to thrust my penis into her little sister; the cub's body sliding

back and forth a bit in-between us while my maleness slips in and out of

her folded flesh hole, her form covered in the warmth of our furry

bodies in a pile of love. All of the pleasing sensations of

physical and mental love quickly build up and find their way to my

penis, where they shoot out the tip to fill Eevee's small passage with

her favorite milky substance; sloshing everywhere as I continue to hump

into her a few more times before my penis finally goes soft and begins

to retreat back into my sheath.  Rolling off to the side, I pant

heavily to catch my breath. So tired... I had not realized how late it

had become, the sun had set and it was beginning to get dark. Umbreon

closes her hind legs and rolls onto her side to make herself more

comfortable, sending the little cub on top of her tumbling away.  "Hey!"

Eevee complains, then quickly sits down to bend over with her front

half and clean her crotch, happily lapping up any milk she can find

inside her sex and the fur surrounding it. Getting up, I walk

over to where Umbreon is laying down and lie behind her body with my

head behind hers and fit my undersides against her back, spooning her

body as I get ready to go to sleep. Eevee must have found all of the

white liquid that I shot inside of her, because the next thing I hear is

a "Veee!" as she jumps onto my back from behind, then pulls herself up

to climb over me. Sliding down my side and wiggling her way down in

between me and Umbreon, I give the cub some room as she continues to

squirm her way upwards against my chest and her sister's back, and her

head pops out between our two bigger bodies to lay facing away from me,

nestled between us. It was almost as if she was trying to take her big

sister's place so that I were spooning her instead... But her body is so

small that my crotch is still pressed to Umbreon's lower back.  Draping

my right foreleg over my two female lovers as we all cuddle together, I

feel my eye lids become heavy, and find it increasingly hard to focus

on anything as a sleepy haze consumes my mind. Closing my eyes, I start

drifting off to get some much needed sleep, and finally give my member a

chance to rest and recuperate completely. As my thoughts start slipping

away into unconsciousness I think about what tomorrow will bring; how

will their mother react to me? What can I do about her pathetic sort of

life style? What are their Eevee cub sisters like?......