Possession and Paraphernalia

Story by Fayin on SoFurry

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Marcie watched in fascination as thick, white smoke billowed from Steve's mouth when he exhaled. He didn't cough; she knew that he'd been smoking for years and that such things like coughing were behind him. He looked pleased, though. His eyes had started to glaze, and he slumped backwards against the tree stump behind him, his bushy tail curling lethargically at his side. His muzzle was split into a goofy grin.

"You've gotta hit that, babe," he told her. He handed her the water pipe, but Marcie didn't know the first thing about taking a hit. She and Steve had only been dating a few weeks. She'd gotten into the relationship knowing that he smoked pot, though she'd never imagine that he'd do it in front of her, or that he'd offer to let her take a hit. She'd never had the chance to try it before and now, at age nineteen, wondered if she was too old to start.

"I don't know what to do," she confessed, cradling the glass bong in her paws. She'd watched him light it and inhale the smoke, watched him hold it in for a few seconds, but she didn't know how to actually take a hit.

"Really?" Steve asked, leaning forward and almost losing his balance. They were perched on the edge of a rather precarious slope that lead to a creek. The water wasn't particularly deep or dangerous, though Marcie imagined that the fall wouldn't be a pleasant one. The slope and creek alike were littered with rather large stones, sticks, and other sorts of debris. She reached out a hand to steady her boyfriend, tugging playfully at his tail as he regained his balance.

"Careful, sweetheart," she admonished.

"I'm bein' careful," he assured her. "Come here. Lemme show you this."

Marcie crawled across the slope toward where her boyfriend sat and curled herself in his lap, her tail managing to twine with his on the ground. Hers was smaller, thinner, and more maneuverable. She licked his cheek and nipped at his neck, receiving affectionate nuzzles in return.

"Hold it like this," Steve told her, sliding his arms around her and placing the mouthpiece at her chin. She lifted it a little to slip her lips inside like she'd seen him do. "Good, good," he said, fumbling for his lighter. "When I light this you inhale. Then this will fill up with smoke, and I'll take out the stem, and you inhale all the smoke. Okay?"

Marcie nodded. Steve lit the green resting in the end of the stem and told her to pull. She pulled, and pulled, and pulled some more. The water bubbled as she pulled the smoke through the liquid, filling the bong with a thick, white smoke. She stared at it, fascinated, wondering how she could possibly inhale all of that. Steve pulled out the stem without warning; Marcie suddenly found herself inhaling a rather abundant amount of smoke. She managed to take it all into her lungs, though she was coughing by the end of it, small puffs of smoke escaping her lips.

"W-w-" Marcie couldn't stop coughing.

"Water?" Steve asked helpfully. His girlfriend nodded. He let go of her for a minute and twisted around to rummage through the backpack he'd brought along. He pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to her, watching her drain half of it in a single gulp. Beads of water spilled out the sides of her mouth. Steve leaned forward to lick the moisture from her lips, grinning.

"You taste amazing, you know that?" he whispered in her ear, licking her cheek.

Marcie blushed. She wasn't sure what she was feeling. She'd never been high before, but she didn't feel quite right. The hit she'd taken had been huge, enough to give her a buzz even her first time. Everything felt like it was slowing down. She coughed periodically, turning her head around to smile at Steve. She planted a rather sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Another one?" she asked shyly. Steven grinned and put the bong back into position, lighting it for her and then removing the stem. He took another hit after her; they passed the bong back and forth until it was cashed and Steve set it on the ground beside them. He lay back, pulling Marcie to him, and licked her nose. She smiled at him and rolled away, lying on her back and staring up at the trees above them. She could barely see the sky behind the canopy of trees.

"How're you feeling?" he asked her a few moments later.

"Gooooooood," she said slowly. "Everything feels funny."

She felt wonderful. Her thoughts floated freely, images running through her mind to paint a picture for the words that wafted by. Nothing skimmed at the edge of her consciousness, just out of reach; everything was sharp, clear, and constantly moving. She felt as if on a river of thoughts, the water perpetually dividing and leading her in new directions, always aware of what crossed in front of her. Nothing moved too quickly for her to understand; rather than jump from thought to thought she floated, every point connected, crystal clear. She was drifting in directions she'd never gone, filled with new ideas that shed light on the cobweb-infested, dusty tomes of old.

"Funny in a good way, though," Steve told her. Marcie nodded. She saw Steve roll onto his side out of the corner of her eye. She looked over to see him leaning over her, propped up on one arm.

"Do you ever analyze yourself when you're like this?" she asked, closing her eyes. The wind caressed her skin with a lover's touch.

"Sometimes. Usually when I smoke alone, but I don't do that very often anymore," Steve told her.

"Well what are you thinking about now?" She opened her eyes to regard her boyfriend, surprised to find his features mildly blurry. Was this an effect of the drug? She blinked; when it didn't go away she closed her eyes again, focusing on how the ground felt beneath her body. The grass was damp. Had it always been so crisp? Where had she gotten the idea that grass was soft?

"Sex, mostly." His voice carried the smile to her ears. Marcie found her thoughts spinning in that direction. Sex on the ground. Would that be comfortable? Would her body be pushed into the dirt, and when she rose would she leave behind a print? What would Steve's lips taste like right now? Her mouth was dry; she found it difficult to swallow, and when she went to lick her lips her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth.

"Still feeling good?" Steve asked.

Marcie nodded.

"Want to know what else feels good?" he whispered. She nodded again. "Close your eyes." He was close enough that she could feel his breath on her ear. She shivered, goosebumps prickling their way down her skin.

Marcie closed her eyes as Steve asked. For a minute she felt nothing, just the wind against her skin. Then she felt the pads of his paws on her face, tracing over her eyelids, cheeks, nose, and chin. She smiled and felt his tongue against her lips, licking softly. When she parted her muzzle he pulled away, tsk-tsking. His paws continued down her body, nails shredding the material of her shirt. He pulled the tatters off of her, baring her flat stomach and unrestrained breasts. Yipping in delight, he fastened his mouth around one of her nipples and pinched the other between the appendages of his paws. Marcie's back arched and she moaned as a jolt of sheer pleasure shot down her spine to her loins. She could feel moisture pooling between her legs. She flicked her tongue across her lips, pressing Steve's head closer to her breast.

"Harder," she moaned, and her boyfriend complied, pinching and biting her nipples. She writhed on the ground.

All too soon the pressure was gone. Marcie started to sit up but felt Steve's weight on her chest, pushing her back down. She didn't fight against him, leaning back with a sigh. His paws continued their southern journey, massaging her flesh here and there. He wasted no time in approaching her groin, but he didn't remove her pants right away as he had her shirt. He caressed her, his motions slow, teasing. Even through the thick material of her jeans Marcie could feel his digits pressing against her. Her hips arched up off the ground, wanting more, needing more. Every feeling was enhanced: even his soft stroking lit her nerves with fire. She shivered and groaned when he pulled away.

"Tease," she admonished. He chuckled, pulling at the belt and fly of her jeans. He slid the material down her legs with practiced ease and tossed them to the side. Marcie lay before him in just a pair of satin panties, already soaked through. Steve grinned wolfishly at her before shredding those, too, with his nails. He settled between her thighs and watched her chest rise and fall with barely concealed gasps as he slid a finger up and down her labia. Marcie spread her legs, opening herself up for him; the finger teasing her was exquisite, sending shudders up and down her spine. It dipped inside of her for just a moment, long enough to Marcie to bemoan its loss when Steve pulled away. Then she felt it again, higher this time, and she held her breath in anticipation. With one long, slow movement Steve traced her clit. It was electrifying; the touch sent jolts of pleasure through her body, and when he flicked his thumb across it continuously she writhed on the ground, fingers curled and claws extended, digging trenches in the soft earth. The pressure built inside of her, intense, until with a cry she felt it release. Waves of pleasure racked her body, her pussy contracting against nothing but air. She felt sated and empty at the same time, the two feelings colliding within her.

She looked up to see Steve's hands inside his pants; with a growl she launched herself forward, knocking his hands aside and yanking his jeans down his body. He cock jutted out in front of him, quivering in the cool air, and Marcie needed no encouragement to take the head in her mouth. She flicked her tongue across the tip and rotated her head as she slowly took more of him into her mouth. She pressed her tongue against the base of her mouth to open up her throat, swallowing the head of Steve's cock. Enough was in her mouth that she could flick her tongue across his sac, her hands squeezing the pair gently. She began to pull away, tightening her lips around his cock as she withdrew until she released even the head of his dick with a wet "pop." She met his eyes as she took him into her mouth again, licking and sucking with every bob of her head.

"Oh God," she heard him moan. She hummed, her mouth sending vibrations down the length of his shaft. She felt his testes tighten in her hand pulled away from him, again releasing his cock. He sputtered, so close and uncomprehending. Marcie smiled and shoved him backwards, climbing up the length of his body until she was positioned above his hips. She lowered herself onto his cock, head thrown back in extacy as she lowered herself onto him. He moaned again; she responded with a shift of her hips, elicting another delicious sound from his throat.

"Like that, baby?" she whispered to him, rocking her hips back and forth. He could only nod; his lack of comprehensive speech amused Marcie. She squeezed her pelvic muscles tightly around his cock as she rode him, breasts shaking with every movement. Steve reached up to take her nipples in his paws, squeezing hard, knowing she liked it. She rode him hard and fast, felt him thrusting upward to meet her. His cock hit that sweet spot inside of her each time she came down on it; she screamed his name as he twisted her nipples, pussy contracting tightly against his dick as she came. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down hard, finishing inside of her with a low groan.

The pair collapsed in a heap on the ground, stealing kisses between their giggles. Their cheeks were flushed, eyes bright with sated lust.

"Good show," called a snide voice. Steve and Marcie stiffened, casting paranoid glances at each other. They moved swiftly to cover their nakedness as a figure stepped from between the trees. Large - muscular but with a slight gut - the polar bear towered over the two kids. A silver badge glittered predominantly on his navy blue uniform; he sniffed the air, hand on the nightstick at his side, just next to his gun. Marcie clutched the tattered remains of her shirt to her chest when the bear - his badge read Connets - raked his eyes over her body.

"Smells like pot," Connets growled. Steve started to stammer an excuse when the officer fixed him with a glare. "Empty your pockets."

Steve and Marcie pulled their clothing toward themselves, digging through their pockets and extracting various items. Marcie tossed her license and a few crumpled dollar bills to the ground in front of the officer; Steve added an unused condom and keyring to the pile.

"Think I'm stupid, kid?" the bear snarled, pointing his nightstick at Steve. "All of them."

Grudgingly, Steve reached back into his pocket and pulled out his bag of weed and a lighter. The bong was already in plain view; neither of them had thought to cover it when they'd been discovered, though in all fairness they hadn't expected a cop to stumble across them having sex either. The thought of being caught in the midst of sex made Marcie flush; she hadn't thought of it before. How much had the officer seen before he'd made his presence known? Had he been watching the entire time, or did he only find them after they were done and relatively concealed by each others bodies?

"Well, well, what have we here? Possession and paraphernalia. That's three to five years and a hefty fine." Connet's smile was unpleasant. "Pack it."

Steve stared at the officer for a minute, then did as he was told. As he followed orders, Marcie moved to put her jeans back on.

"Did I tell you to move, girl?"

"I was just going to -"

"Nothing," he interrupted. "You're doing nothing unless I tell you to." Marcie's faced turned pink with embarrassment. She crossed her legs in an attempt to keep some sort of modesty. How could this be happening? Her first time smoking and she'd been caught naked. Not only naked, but caught having sex. She was mortified.

"Take a hit," the bear told Steve. Steve flicked his thumb over the lighter to produce a flame and brought the bong to his lips. He lit it, inhaled, and a moment later took out the stem to bring the smoke into his lungs. He held up the water pipe, questioning.

"You too, girl." Steve passed the bong to Marcie. She took a hit, coughing as the smoke entered her lungs.

"My turn." The officer took the bong and lit it, inhaling deeply. He held his breath after the hit and slowly released. "Good stuff." He passed it back to Steve.

"So here's what I'm going to do," Connets began. "You two seem more than willing to hump like jack rabbits, so you're going to do it again. I'm going to watch. You're going to do everything I say. If you do," he paused to take another hit. "If you do, you're free to go. If not, I'll throw you both in jail. What'll it be?"

Steve and Marcie shared a glance. Sex or jail? An easy enough decision, even if it was in front of someone else. Marcie felt that floating feeling again; she smiled blissfully at the officer, eyes slightly unfocused. She let the shirt slip from her grasp to reveal her breasts, full and perky. Her nipples were little round buds, still hard from earlier. She circled one with a finger, shyly looking up between her lashes. The bear felt a stirring in his loins.

"Sex it is then. Touch each other."

The couple converged on each other, their hands eagerly seeking the others skin. Steve's paws traveled from her waist to her breasts, pinching and pulling at her nipples. Marcie let her mouth open in a gasp, her fingers playing across Steve's broad shoulders and down to his biceps. She drifted lower, over his arms and hand, then shifted to his thighs. She ran her hands along his flesh until she was just beneath his groin. His cock twitched, already half-hard again. As soon as she touched it it came alive in her hands, thickening and lengthening until it was standing proudly in front of him.

"Lick her."

Steve pushed Marcie's hands away and lowered her to the ground, settling once again between her legs. He parted her thighs with a gentle push and leaned forward until he could smell her musky scent. He kissed her mons, tongue flicking out to delve between her lips.

Marcie moaned at the feeling of Steve's tongue on her body, head twisting to the side and eyes closing. His tongue was soft and firm at the same time, wet and warm. He flicked it across her clit and her body bucked in response.

"Open your mouth."

The order came from above; Marcie did has instructed. Her lips parted and she felt something against them. She flicked her tongue out and was met with a firm cock, ridged where she happened to lick. She opened her eyes to see the polar bear leaning over her, holding his cock down toward her face. When he saw her looking he thrust inside her mouth and she closed her lips against him, flicking her tongue across his shaft. It was big, bigger than Steve's, and before long her jaw ached. Blowing him from this position was difficult with limited neck movement, but the officer didn't seem to mind. He fucked her face for her, forcing her to swallow his length with each of his thrusts. Steve was still going at it on her clit; his tongue flicked quickly across that bundle of nerves with increased frequency, and his fingers had slipped inside of her, sliding in and out. The onslaught of feelings overwhelmed Marcie. She came with a cry, lips fastened around Connet's cock and legs twitching sporadically. The bear pulled out of her mouth and grabbed Marcie's shoulder, yanking to her feet.

"Selfish little slut, think it's okay to come without my permission?" He bent her over, placing his hands against her ass. "You get punished for that, bitch." He raised his hand and brought it forward against her ass, his palm connecting solidly against her flesh. Marcie shrieked and stumbled forward, but Connets pulled her back to him.

"Where do you think you're going? You get another one for that." The nightstick was in his hand; he brought it across her ass with a crack, her skin instantly reddening. Marcie cried out, knees almost buckling from the force of the blow. This time she didn't try to move away.

"Good bitch," the bear murmured as she sobbed. "One more." The nightstick whistled down on her ass again and this time Marcie did fall from the force of the blow, sprawled on her hands and knees in the dirt. Tears streamed down her face; what had she done to deserve this? She felt the bear's hands on her ass again, touching the welts he'd left. His touch was soft, gentle on the areas he'd hit. He whispered soothingly to her and she felt oddly comforted.

"Not so bad, see? Just had to teach you a little lesson. No harm done. Dry your eyes. Good girl." Connets bent his head to kiss the welt he'd left on each cheek. His hands then spread her cheeks apart, exposing everything Marcie had to offer. She wriggled uncomfortably - what was he doing? - but knew better than to pull away. She jumped when he put a finger to the tight ring of her ass.

"Oh," she whispered, "oh please..."

"New to that idea?" the cop asked, not unkindly. "How about we put that sweet mouth of yours to work? Get over here." The bear gestured to Steve and bid him lie on his back in front of Marcie.

"Suck him off," the bear crooned. "Take that big cock in your mouth. You like it there, don't you? Yeah you do, little slut, I see how you enjoy it. And you're so good at it." Marcie nodded around the cock in her mouth, lowering her head and moving her lips down Steve's shaft until she could touch her tongue to his sac. She sucked and licked her way up, and on her way back down the bear pressed himself against her, sliding into her pussy as she swallowed Steve's cock. Connets filled and stretched the walls of her pussy, her muscles tight around him. He groaned when he was all the way in, so deep that it almost hurt. Marcie couldn't help but moan, mouth vibrating around Steve's shaft. As she pulled up the bear withdrew, matching her pace. She swallowed Steve again and the bear pushed inside.

"So tight," he moaned. Marcie wiggled her hips, spanking already forgiven, and the cop took it as an invitation to pick up the pace inside of her. He took her hips in his hands and thrust in and out, each time making her moan around the cock in her mouth. With every movement he hit that spot inside of her, the one that made her knees weak and sent pleasure tingling through her whole body. She felt it building inside of her, just beyond her reach. So close, and then...

"Ah!" she cried out as he pulled away from her. She was suddenly empty. She took her mouth off Steve's cock long enough to look back at him.


"Mmmm, little girl..."

Steve pulled Marcie's face back toward his cock, grinding up toward her face. She cupped his sac in her hand and bobbed obediently over his shaft. Behind her she could feel the bear poking around, and then he was back at her pussy, holding the tip right at her entrance. She whined, pressing backwards until it started to slide inside. The feeling wasn't what she expected; it was smooth, too hard and cold to be a cock, almost wooden... the nightstick. She groaned as he pressed it further inside her, uncaring of what it was so long as it was there. She ground her hips backwards when the bear held it steady, fucking herself on the nightstick. Her rhythm with Steve was off; he curled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head up and down over his cock, forcing himself deep inside her mouth.

"Good little slut," the bear whispered and Marcie humped the stick. "You'll take whatever I give, won't you?" She nodded. "Want my cock again? Want me to bury it deep inside that little pussy? Fuck you until you scream? Yeah, I bet you do. You want it nice and hard. It'd feel so good, wouldn't it? Sucking your friend there, me inside of you. Two big cocks, and they're all yours...Sweetheart, you're dripping." Connets pulled his nightstick away and thrust himself inside before Marcie could mourn its loss. They moaned simultaneously. He kept his pace slow, and now that she needn't working on keeping him moving Marcie focused on the cock in her mouth, licking and sucking in abandon. She took him deep as the bear pushed inside of her, lips moving gently across Steve's balls, the head of his cock buried in her throat.

Connets rested his hands on her ass, kneading at the bruised flesh. He pulled her cheeks apart and pressed his finger against the opening of her ass; Marcie pushed against it until the digit slipped inside to the first knuckle. It was nothing like she'd experienced before; she moaned and took her mouth off the cock in front of her to relish the feeling.


"Like that, slut?" the bear growled.


"Get that cock back in your mouth."

Marcie complied, taking her time to lick the head of Steve's dick before she slipped her mouth around him. She licked the underside of his shaft and he writhed. The bear still had his finger in her ass, his cock motionless inside her pussy. She pushed back against him, flexing the walls of her pussy, and he laughed. He withdrew his finger to grip her hips, fucking her hard and fast. Then something else was at her ass, something bigger. Thick, hard, cold. The nightstick, already wet from her pussy juice, pressed against her tight opening. The bear pushed it inside, causing Marcie to arch her back as the pain hit. Too big. She yowled, but Steve kept a hold of her hair and her mouth on her cock. The nightstick slid in inch after inch, until at last the bear stopped pushing.

"Like that piece of wood in your ass, don't you?" Marcie shook her head, but the cop just laughed. "Give it a minute."

And so she did. Connets let her adjust to the feeling of the nightstick in her ass; it took her a moment, but soon she was rocking backward and forward on both his cock and the stick. He took over, holding her hips with one hand while he fucked her, pushing and pulling at the stick in her ass. She felt unbelievably full; the sensation of being fucked in both the ass and pussy drove her wild, and the cock her her mouth made her feel every bit the slut that the officer continuously called her. She loved it; she relished the feeling, loved being used by both of these men. When the bear reached around to stroke her clit is was more than she could take. She came with a scream, pussy spasming tightly around the bear's thick cock, so tight that he couldn't help but shoot his load deep inside of her. The sound of their moans drove Steve over the edge; he pulled Marcie's head up and down fervently on his shaft until he, too, came with a cry, spilling his seed in her mouth. She kept her lips around his cock until the spurting was done and swallowed it all, then slowly brought her lips up the length of his shaft until he fell out of her mouth. She licked him clean and kissed the head of his cock.

Connets pulled out of her, the nightstick with him. She turned to face him, still on her knees, and opened her mouth to take his cock inside. She licked away the remnants of their cum.

He patted her head affectionately.

"Good girl."


_Buck Johnson._ The very name sent chills down Fayin's spine. Sprawled on the twin-size bed in her two-bedroom apartment, her thoughts drifted lethargically in the direction of the deer that had so often occupied her mind. She'd been hooked...

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Relative Sanity: Chapter Six

"Ah, Miss Hart, I was wondering when you'd come to see me again." Elliot was sprawled on his cot, his back pressed against the wall behind him and one leg drawn up toward his chest. He looked positively pleased to see her. Geniva couldn't...

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Relative Sanity: Chapter Five

After her chat with Frank Geniva went to her quarters and took a hot shower, glad that she had managed to get in and out without anyone else showing up. She returned to her room with a large towel wrapped around her body, moisture sliding down...

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