"Three One Way Tickets Please,"

Story by Shadow_Fur96 on SoFurry

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#4 of Mat and Drey

I sat on Drey's lap and leaned back into his chest, his head resting on my head. He hadn't let me out of his sight for hours. We had been up since 8 in the morning yesterday and it was now twelve 'o' one. He breathed quietly, and wrapped his arms around me, he mumbled "I'm scared to fall asleep," as he gently rubbed my belly, "I'm afraid I'll wake up and you'll be gone," I could hear him choking up. I turned around and sat "criss-cross" on his thighs. I hugged him remembering to rest my head on the shoulder without the bandages.

"I'm not going anywhere Drey, not now, not tomorrow, not ever," I reassured him. He was still scared by what could have happened this morning.

"I'm afraid someone will take you from me," he cried, "I imagine your mom coming back while I'm asleep and running off with you, or the police will make you go to a shelter because you can't live with me," he was really paranoid. I didn't blame him though, I would have been slightly insane if I was in his situation.

"Your 15, but they think your 19," I smiled evilly.

"Wait what!?" he yelped.

"I said, they think your 19, they as in the cops, they asked me if you were of the age to be a legal guardian, and I told them you just had your nineteenth birthday two weeks ago so your an extra year older too!" I chuckled, proud of my little scheme. "I inherited more than twenty one billion dollars thanks to my Dad's company, and another fourteen maybe sixteen million in life insurance, my mom got a little more but my Dad had left the company to me and if my mom doesn't come back, I'll take that too I guess," I didn't like the way that sounded, 'if my mom doesn't come back'. I wanted her to come back, I don't think she had the same opinion about me and Drey as my father.

"And what? You want to move away somewhere? Live with me, and just live life?" he asked. He said it in such a way that seemed like he didn't like the idea, but I knew he wanted to do it.

"Yep!" I said happily hugging his chest, he giggled and said,

"Sounds good to me," and as he said that we heard a knock at the door; Drey nearly jumped out of the chair and I nearly fell back against the table. We both looked at each other with the expression "Who the hell is here at twelve a clock at night?" I hopped up off my big body guard and peeked through the peep hole to see my MOM! I swung open the door and hugged her but she pushed me off and slammed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry honey," I couldn't let anyone know I was your mother, "they would have tried to kill me, your father has a lot of connections," she said.

"You mean had," I said hopping up off the floor, and embracing my mom. "I hate to sound so happy about it but that bitch nearly killed me,"

"I'm happy about it, he was abusive, he drank, he smoked and went out to party with women that were 10 years younger than him," she said with contempt. She fumbled in her 400 dollar coat from Coach and pulled out the Coach wallet from her inside breast pocket. "I have three one way 'tix' to North Carolina, then after two weeks there, we can take another plane to Australia and if you like, we can all live there!" she said hopping up and down like a giddy twenty year old.

I giggled and turned back to Drey and said, "Come on Drey! You're coming with me!"

"I can come?" he said, mostly towards my mom not me.

"Of course you can dear, and this," she said as she dug through her back jeans pocket pulled out a folded paper, unfolded it and ripped it in half, "damned contract can be recycled," she finished smiling gently to Drey. His tail began to wag lightly and he stood up to hug me and my mom.

"Thank you so much," was all he could say before tears of joy left his eyes.

Battle Scars

Darting out of of my bedroom door I rushed through the seemingly never ending hallway. Being wealthy had its disadvantages, one being that it takes an athelete runner to get to a room on the other side of the house in under 5 minutes. I turned around...

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War At Dawn

My chest felt heavy, breathing was quite an effort. I pulled my hands out from under my head and felt a warm, furry body on top of me. I heaved my eyelids open and saw Drey had passed out. He breathed heavily and his hot breath felt good on my neck. He...

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Mat and Drey

The moon shined through my window casting a perfect square on my carpet floor. The curtains rustled from the slight draft that seeped under my door, while the clock hung upon the wall "tick-tocked". I lay asleep under my gray comforter; my eyes closed...

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