Shippo's Surprise Part 8

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#8 of A Boy, A Fox, and A Confession

As the two lovers woke up with heavy yawns, they gazing at the bright sunrise through the entrance to the cave. Wiping his weary eyes, Shippo alertly said "I wonder how long we slept. We should get back soon." Kirara just nodded, smiled, then transformed. The caves serpentine walls were sparkling from the suns reflection giving off radiant colors from bright yellows to dark reds. "Its beautiful!" said the fox with utter amusement as they left.

The two demons arrived at the gate and were soon stopped by the guards protecting it. "Halt." said the first guard. "We have to stop anyone who enters the village due to a current increase of demon activity."

Saying with a sigh, second guard asked cautiously, "Names please?"

Shippo announced himself, also stating he was a fox demon from within the village. He introduced Kirara to the guards as well. "Kirara, you should transform back. You look scary in this form." The cat agreed with him, forming into her young, cute looking form. The guards were astounded by the transformation.

The first guard finally said "Oh, you're the cat demon with the Demon Slayer! Please pass on through." as they opened the gates to the village. Shippo was almost insulted that he wasn't noticed while Kirara was. He also wondered why they stopped to ask demons for names when they should have attacked by instincts. Shippo didn't let it bother him too much, but it still bugged him for the next few hours.

Kirara wanted to be with Sango for awhile since the past few days she was constantly drowning herself in pleasure, whether alone or with the fox. While the cat went to go play with Sango, Shippo wanted to go to go see Kagome just to see how she was doing.

On the other side of the village with Kaede, Inuyasha was lifting logs to build a house while grumbling, "Why do I always have to do the easy work! There are lots of villagers able to pick these damn things up!" he broke one of the logs with his fist.

"Inuyasha. You are the only one strong enough to carry logs quick enough to finish the house by dusk." Kaede replied calmly. "Besides, a half demons strength is not something every village is blessed with."

By the time she could spot Inuyasha, he was already walking away with anger on having to do simple tasks. On his way back to the hut to relax his arms from the constant work, he bumped into Shippo. "Oh hey Inuyasha! Im glad to see you, its been awhile."

"Oh hey Shippo. It has been awhile since I've seen you." Cracking his right arm, he asked "What have you been up to lately?" already knowing the answer from his keen sense of smell. Inuyasha was striking up conversation the fox didn't want to speak about in public, so he tried to switch the conversation.

"I-I was just on my way to see Kagome. I don't see her often around the village, do you know where she is?"

"Ya, she's over by the Bone Eaters Well. I think she's picking herbs for Kaede." Inuyasha grunted after saying that because it reminded him of his temporary anger for his work with the Priestess.

Shippo jumped up into Inuyasha's arms, kissing him on the lips for a second. "Thanks Inuyasha!" then he secretly whispered "I love you..." before scowering off north east to the Bone Eaters Well.

The tiny fox started walking towards Kagome's general area trying to think of things to talk about or do with her. He hasn't seen her in a good week due to all the fun he has been having. When she was in view, Shippo greeted her with a strong wave and a simple "Hi."

"Oh, Shippo, its you." started Kagome. "Have you come to help me pick herbs today?" The question she asked was just what the fox was hoping for, as it would keep them occupied for the time being.

"Shippo. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure Kagome. What is it?" He seemed startled by the sudden interest in him, so he tried to wonder what it could be, with no avail. Then it hit him...

"Shippo...What was with the big urine stain a day ago?" Shippo jumped and turned away quickly to hide his sudden humiliation.

Stumbling with utter embarrassment, Shippo looked down and said quietly, " and..." he couldn't find the words to finish the sentence. It was very hard for him to tell the truth with Kagome staring him straight in the face.

Kagome noticed his sudden embarrassment quickly, so she lifted his chin to get a good view of his face, saying to him in a low, but noticeable tone, "I know about you and Kirara. It's ok to love someone, don't be ashamed." She only smiled as the fox stared with wide eyes at her.

They both continued to pick herbs off all types as minutes went by that seemed like hours. Shippo couldn't bare to let anyone find out, but he didn't see a reason why he should hide it.

When the day was over, he dusted his blackened hands off on his dark blue pants before taking them off and crawling into bed, even know the sun was just setting. He wanted to get to bed early, hoping his humiliation would subside by morning.

Late within the night, Shippo had a strange dream. He was standing in a big field of flowers, the same field of which he was with Kirara in. Then out of nowhere, Kirara formed from thin air in front of him with thick cum dripping from her opening of her demonic form. This thought turned him on near instantly as he got ready to undress for the neko.

Later into the dream, they began to mate as any other day would be, with Shippo rubbing the clit of the feline as she squirmed from the pleasure. A few minutes later, the roles were switched with Kirara sucking gracefully on the small foxhood of the kitsune, who moaned with soft sounds inside his throat. In an instant, Shippo, as with Kirara were surrounded by people. The fox realised these were the villagers who lived near him, they were watching him mate with his lover, Kirara!

This was so embarrassing, more than anything else he has done in his life. Kirara continued to suck even faster, as Shippo couldn't resist to moan loudly and to cum with great force behind his load, giving everyone a very close view of the action. When Shippo was finished, he realised what he did and fell into a darkness of humiliation and despair, waking up.

He was sweating, panting and shaking slightly. He remembered the dream as if it were reality, so he sank into the covers of Kagome's sleeping bag which he slept in ever night. The fox noticed when he sank into the soft covers that filled his body with heat, he smelled semen eminating from underneath. The first thing he did was gently touch his member, feeling a sticky substance around the tip. Shippo couldn't get to bed with such a thought in his mind, not to mention he experienced his first wet dream.

Shippo got up slowly, trying to be quiet not to wake Kagome who slept next to him every night. He gently stepped towards Sango, nudging Kirara to waken up. The fox knew sunrise would be within the hour, so an early awakening wouldn't be to bad at the moment. Kirara stayed silent as Shippo signalled to come with him. She only agreed with a slight nod.

Once they were outside away from the others, the kitsune told the neko "I have to tell you something that just happened." the cat only turned her head in confusion to the question, as to why Shippo was still nude. They took a silent walk towards the area he spent with Kagome, the Bone Eaters Well. Once they arrived, Shippo turned towards Kirara and got straight to the point. "K-Kirara, I had a strange dream...can you hear what it was about?" she seemed interested, but was hard to show that in her facial expression from being woken up without warning. The fox started from the beginning, explaining everything from the location, surroundings and even his feelings that he had during this dream. When he finished the small story, he blushed from remembering the feeling of being watched by such a number of people.

Kirara mewed happily, nudging her fur into Shippo's stomach like a cat to a corner. He liked the feeling of being loved by such a character like Kirara, so he didn't feel offended or defensive about the dream, just temporarily embarrassed.

They both took a sudden glance at their surroundings, The tall trees completely around them except the small path that lead to the Bone Eaters Well, the thinned grass at their feet, with the wood from the well itself not three feet away from them both. That's when the thought hit them both instantaneously.

They would be alone for at least an hour until even the early birds got up, and no one goes to the Well except Kagome to return home, and Inuyasha to wait for her. They both knew what to do from that moment on, with Kirara stepping towards the fox, gazing at his naked body standing before her.

Shippo took his member in his left hand as Kirara brushed her clit up against it. It brought shivers up both their spines as they gound each other for a few moments. The kitsune was fully aroused now, ready to take any pleasure Kirara threw at him.

She gave a wet lick to the stiff fox member making the fox lightly kick his leg from the sensitivity. She continued to work the small penis from its tip down to its foreskin, even playing with his small testicles with Kirara's black paws.

Shippo was having a harder time cumming due to the wet dream he had not thirty minutes ago, but the intense feelings of pleasure were just as good as the time before. Not moments till his finish, he purposely stopped the feline from licking up his shaft, so she could get a reward for listening to his dream.

He started by gently pushing Kirara onto her side. He put her left leg up like before, but this time he got down on his hands and knees, licking very slow and deep into her cum filled opening with every muscle in his little wet tongue. She let out a loud but soft roar as she was treated with continuous strokes and flicks.

Shippo was on the tip of his orgasm from pleasuring Kirara. He had to deny his orgasm so he wouldn't end up spilling his load on the grass. Kirara really squirmed by this point so he got on top of Kirara as any man would a woman, inserting his member quickly into the opening. The moment the skin touched Kirara's insides, they both let loose exchanging moans, pants and cum as they had two strong, powerful orgasms together.

Just as their pleasure ended, Someone stood standing on the path just in view of the two demons mating, Sango. They both sat motionless in their position, Shippo still inside, as Kirara's leg were still in the air. The only sound that was heard was the panting from the aftermath of the morning. To break this moment, Shippo suddenly pulled out and covered himself behind the Bone Eaters Well, with Kirara staring straight into Sango's cold eyes. Just then, Sango gave a small laugh, a laugh she would usually give to Miroku for making a funny remark. "Kirara. I see you found a mate afterall."

Shippo's Surprise Part 9

Shippo was suddenly surprised that Sango was OK with him and Kirara. "S-Sango..." He couldn't continue out of pure embarrassment. He took a step out from behind the Bone Eaters Well, but still hid his still erect member from her gaze. "Will you tell...

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Kirara's Surprise Part 7

As Shippo and Kirara got out of the water, they gave quick glances at one another, admiring each fine curve and crevice. "K-Kirara." Shippo slowly started. "Do I look clean to you?" he watched her for a second waiting for a reply. Shortly after she...

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Kirara's Surprise Part 6

I awoke slowly, barely being able to open my eyes. I must have slept for quite a while, noticing the sun was at its peak in the sky around noon or so. Everyone else, even Shippo was up already. I stretched out my fur and my paws, letting out a big...

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