Shippo's Surprise Part 9

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#9 of A Boy, A Fox, and A Confession

Shippo was suddenly surprised that Sango was OK with him and Kirara. "S-Sango..." He couldn't continue out of pure embarrassment. He took a step out from behind the Bone Eaters Well, but still hid his still erect member from her gaze. "Will you tell the others?" Shippo almost started to cry that he was found out, but then Kirara nuzzled him in the cheek.

"Shippo...I know what Kirara is like, maybe even more than you do."

The fox was surprised, as well as confused.

"See, Kirara has lived with me as long as I have been a Demon Slayer. She is my best friend, companion..." She slowed her words and looked to the ground, then to Shippo directly. "She is also my partner."

The kitsune was suddenly awed and shocked at the answer. He couldn't believe what she said, he never knew that Kirara and Sango had such a relationship, but he could now see it clearly, and he understood it.

"But...why Sango?" Shippo was curious.

"You see. When I was younger, Kirara was in heat, and demons need to mate when they are in heat, and there are no other male cat demons around..." She began blushing to the point she needed to turn around and face the opposite direction. "She...turned to me instead."

Shippo turned to the neko and asked, "Is this true, Kirara?" She looked down in shame, and nodded. He only lifted her small head and whispered with a wholehearted smile, "Don't worry, I'm not mad." Perking her oversized ears, she mewed and jumped onto Shippo's small shoulders, almost pushing him over. Sango laughed slightly in the background and knew right away, Shippo and Kirara were the best of friends.

The fox then realized he was still naked, with cum on the end of his member. "Can you please hand me my clothes?" facing Sango.

"Oh, right..." She said without hesitation. The Demon Slayer picked up the blue shirt and pants, along with the fur vest and tossed them in Shippo's direction, almost blind folded. He jumped a good three feet in the air and caught them, falling to the ground as he landed with perfect acrobatics.

He quickly got dressed, as Sango played with Kirara in the background. "How long has this been going on Shippo?" She wanted to know just how long she was oblivious to what her feline friend was doing all these days.

Blushing once again, he replied "Only about five days..." he never really knew, he was too caught in the pleasure and falling asleep with her and Inuyasha to notice the days go by. "How about you Sango?" Sango was alerted that she had to answer her time with Kirara also.

"Me and Kirara have been doing this for a few years, but only rarely..." She spoke the truth, they weren't a very intimate couple, but they did have their days. "I am glad that she could find someone like you to play with." She smiled and got up. "it's the middle of the night, you two should sleep now."

They only nodded and crept quietly through the village to the small hut. The fox, Demon Slayer and the feline crawling into bed as Shippo and Kirara wearily said goodnight to one another, kissing then dosing off.

The kitsune woke up first, his arms underneath his small head like a pillow. He looked to his left and saw the small kitty curled into a ball with her muzzle tucked in between her two tails. Just at that moment, she sensed Shippo watching over her, and woke up slowly with a long yawn. "Oh your awake Kirara."

All the others were once again out of the room, even if it was still daybreak. Shippo was quite suspicious of this, but threw the thought aside when Kirara let out her renown mew. Shippo was at this time on his stomach looking the feline in the face with his arms crossed, his head laying gently on them. "So what would you like to do today?" He already knew what was on her mind, but acted as if he was oblivious to the idea. Kirara gave a quick smile, before moving behind Shippo. He looked back at her and questioned, but stayed in his position. Shippo suddenly started to laugh, as Kirara was tickling him by licking the paw pads on his little feet. "Kirara stop! That tickles!" she continued to lick his toes clean, as she heard the little foxes giggles.

His face was almost purple before she stopped, but he finally caught his breath and pet the cat on the fur gently. Kirara rubbed her head against his leg as a lot of cats would, and she noticed Shippo had an erection. He must of liked his toes cleaned, so she tried it again, but slower so he wouldn't laugh.

The feline began licking the tips of each toe softly, almost unable to feel it. Shippo started to giggle again, but not as loudly, but he loved being tickled. Shippo turned over onto his back as he was being tickled. Kirara stopped for a moment, moving up towards the bulge in Shippo's pants. She rubbed her head against the small tent, teasing the fox until he moaned in submission.

Kirara knew she would be dominate, so she took action. She released the bow on his pants, but very slowly unlike other times. Before his pants were off, the cat moved up to his face and gave him a long kiss on the lips. Shippo felt Kirara's tongue inside his mouth, and gave his tongue in return, as they french kissed for the first time. The feline was the one who broke the kiss, as the fox was the first to blush.

"Wow, that felt nice." Kirara mewed in question, as he finished his sentence, arm behind his head. "I love you Kirara..." she mewed loudly before moving back down to his member, with her opening in front of Shippo's face to view as he was about to be pleasured.

Shippo took off his pants and shirt with Kirara helping him, throwing the garments aside like usual. Kirara then jumped onto his stomach, facing his member while Shippo lay on his back. He suddenly felt his first wave of pleasure with a simple lick to his fully erect fox hood from the cat-like tongue. Kirara backed her rump up a bit so Shippo could barely reach it, as she downed his member, starting to suck at an incredibly slow speed. He knew what she wanted him to do, and he did it happily as his body felt more pleasure by the second.

With Kirara using her mouth to pleasure Shippo, the fox took his head and moved it in range of Kirara's rump, giving one lick to her clit, as she murred in her throat. At her moan, he continued and plunged his saliva-covered tongue into Kirara's cum filled opening. He tasted lots of kitty juices, as it was almost dripping into his mouth.

The slender vulpine tongue squirmed its way into the feline opening, extracting every drop of cum from Kirara's body. Shippo was murring with the cat from tasting such sweet liquids, but also from the heavy pleasure he was getting from quickening licks from Kirara. "K-Kirara...I lo-" Shippo flinched when she licked his tip, sending him into a strong moan.

The neko stopped unexpectedly and jumped off Shippo's stomach. "What's wrong Kirara?" Kirara turned around and looked at Shippo's throbbing penis, giving it a final lick on its underside before jumping on his chest again, facing him this time.

She looked behind her briefly at the fully hard member, and then raised her rump to expose a dripping opening. "Oh, I get it." Shippo started to grin, taking his fox hood in hand. Kirara closed her eyes and felt more pleasure shoot through her body. When she opened her eyes again, Shippo's hard on was fully inserted inside her. Kirara started to pant very heavily, moving up and down at a steady rhythm on the cock.

The rhythm started to get faster as the seconds went by, Kirara's scent rising in the room. The fox could feel enormous tension built up inside him, and he could see in Kirara's eyes she was very close. She shut her eyes and started to pant extremely fast, before leaning down and kissing Shippo again, exploring his mouth with her tongue. When she quickly broke their locked kiss, she reared up and mewed loudly as Shippo's member was covered in her flowing juice as he thrusted his pelvis into the air, releasing his load. He started cumming upwards into Kirara's awaiting slit, shooting extremely strong jets of cum into his feline friend as he heard her roar into the morning air. Their cum joined and made the fox-like member very slick.

As they settled down, Kirara un-mounted her foxy friend. With a large smile on his face, Shippo said "Ohh Kirara...I love you." They didn't want the fun to stop here, so he stood up and moved towards the neko. When he got closer, he knelt down and started licking one of Kirara's breasts. She was caught off guard by this as the fox heard her moan again from him suckling on her tit. In a few seconds, Kirara's soft, pinkish nipple was standing on end, as she was slowly moving onwards to her back, shivering at the touch of the cold planks as her furry back touched them.

A roar escaped the feline mouth when Shippo started grinding his still-hard penis against her stomach. Kirara leaned forward and kissed the foxie on the cheek, as Shippo returned the kiss on her mouth. They spent several seconds interlocked, before Kirara broke the kiss, and began using her right paw to touch her dripping pinkish opening.

They both moaned together at each others pleasure, as Shippo moved Kirara's paw, and started grinding lower, over her sensitive clit. She panted in a low tone while the fox's member underbelly rode up and down over the swollen kitty area.

After another minute, Shippo inserted himself again into Kirara, pumping fast as she moaned fiercely into the air. Finally, Kirara leaned back and let out a long moan, gripping her inner walls around the small fox penis, letting more cum drip out of the opening.

They were both overwhelmed by fatigue, as Shippo collapsed softly on Kirara's furry stomach. Panting, he said softly in her ear, "I liked that a lot Kirara, did you?" she mewed loudly in agreement once she caught her breath. The fox was the first to get up, reaching for his clothes. The feline got up a minute later, after Shippo started to get dressed. When he was still tying the bow on his blue pants, Kirara went outside to wait for Shippo.

When the kitsune was finished, he went outside the door of the hut, only to find Kirara, Inuyasha, Kagome, a monk and a demon slayer. Inuyasha and Kagome were paired together beside each other, both giving Shippo a big smile. Kirara was in Sango's arms, looking up at her into her eyes, giving the slayer a lick on the cheek. Miroku was just standing there looking to Sango.

"Oh, hi everyone." Shippo said kind of nervously. Kirara looked at him and he was starting to blush, so she went by his side and nudged him carefully. Sango and Kagome looked at each other as the schoolgirl walked over to the slayer. They both looked carefully at Shippo and Kirara.

Kagome hesitated but said slowly, "Shippo, Kirara. Everyone here knows about...what is going on." Shippo got so embarrassed he didn't know what to do. "We are a little surprised, but we understand how you feel about each other."

"K-Kagome, I didn't mean for anyone to catch us! I was just-" cutting himself off from going further, Shippo looked down ashamed that others knew about him and Kirara.

The slayer stepped into the conversation trying to help. "It isn't a bad thing Shippo, but you should have told us, we grew worried where you both had gone all these days." looking toward Kirara, she continued. "I wouldn't know what I would do if Kirara was hurt, or worse..."

The fox felt terrible about himself realizing the dangers he put Kirara through. He almost started crying when Sango knelt down and perked his chin up with a finger. "It's ok. Kirara trusts you, and I trust her. You did a good thing making Kirara feel this way." Shippo started to feel overjoyed, but didn't change his facial expression.

Kirara looked up at Shippo from beside him. "Kirara? What is it?" Everyone was watching Shippo and Kirara, staring down at them like shadows. Shippo looked at them, and back to Kirara. She smiled at him, as he smiled back.

Shippo and Kirara then both closed their eyes and kissed gently, showing their love and affection to all their friends. All four friends were awestruck, seeing their lips lock for the first time. Shippo parted their lips, and slowly said in a passionate voice, "I love you Kirara..."

Saphira's Secret

This story takes place after the victory over the Urgals in the first book, Eragon. This is taken from the movie and book, so take into play that factor. In a small tavern, cheers and boasts from the dwarven warriors of Farthen D?r were spoken...

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Shippo's Surprise Part 8

As the two lovers woke up with heavy yawns, they gazing at the bright sunrise through the entrance to the cave. Wiping his weary eyes, Shippo alertly said "I wonder how long we slept. We should get back soon." Kirara just nodded, smiled, then...

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Kirara's Surprise Part 7

As Shippo and Kirara got out of the water, they gave quick glances at one another, admiring each fine curve and crevice. "K-Kirara." Shippo slowly started. "Do I look clean to you?" he watched her for a second waiting for a reply. Shortly after she...

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