Aquarium Quandary Chapter 1

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#4 of Feral Minds


This was written for a friend of mine as a birthday present, but only afte...

This was written for a friend of mine as a birthday present, but only after harrassing and teasing her about it for a couple of hours first, because she's a bit of a closet furry and doesn't know if she's like it or not. She eventually agreed to let me write the story, thinking that it may be a good way to find out if she's actually a furry or just has really weird fetishes. Her favourite of my current pieces is a commissioned series called Feral Minds, so I wrote this in a similar style. She also gave me two rules: 1. she had to be in it, and 2. I had to use her favourite animal, an orca.

This is my first time writing about orcas (or any aquatic animal that wasn't on a dinner plate at the time) and I really want her to like this, so please leave your constructive comments below (anatomical correction comments appreciated but not needed, I don't want to go all hardcore on her.)

This is part 1 of 3, enjoy

The two men walked side by side as they chatted, occasionally laughing at some inside joke or old memory. The third, much younger, member of the group hung back as he followed them through the maze of corridors, running a hand through his thick mop of messy black hair, looking around the fancily decorated hallways as they made their way through the house.

"I'm very excited to show you this, Peter!" the more smartly dressed of the tow told his companion, the greying haired man nodding as he slipped his hands into the pockets of his lab coat, "I believe that this may help advance your research in aquatic life-forms drastically!"

"I'm glad to hear that, Andrew," the biologist laughed, glancing back at the young man behind them, "I can't wait until I get to see them for myself!"

"Well you shall wait no longer!" the man called Andrew announced as they reached a massive pair of double doors, the huge barriers covered by an immensely detailed mural of an orca leaping out of the waves, "Gentlemen, I present to you the first anthropomorphic orca to be successfully bred and raised in captivity!"

The doors swung open the reveal the massive, curving glass wall, several species of fish swimming through the clear, blue water beyond. However, all eyes were fixed on the pair of humanoid forms circling several metres above the bottom of the tank, the two females stopping their game as they saw the doors open, swimming over to the glass to look at the new arrivals.

"Amazing, aren't they?" Andrew asked his friend, jumping when the young man that the scientist had brought with him suddenly spoke.

"Beautiful! Simply breathtaking!" he gasped, pressing his hand up against the glass as one of the females on the other side copied him, grinning at the young man before darting up to the surface, quickly swimming back down to stare at him some more. The young man watched her intently, just under six feet long, his eyes moved over her sleek form as she swam in front of him, not even blushing when she pressed her sizable breasts up against the glass, the other , slightly larger orca floating behind her, looking at the young man strangely, before turning to the side, revealing her back fin, sticking out about halfway down her spine.

"Hahaha!" the older looking of the two laughed, turning to his surprised friend, "Andrew, I'd like you to meet Marcus Fenwin, my most promising student in the field of aquatic anthropomorphs. He'll be doing all the research in my stead!"

"What?!" the man exploded, slamming his fist into the reinforced glass dome, surprising the orcas and making them swim slightly away, "You're leaving behind a student? I don't care if he's the most promising to become the next world super-power, Peter! I told you about this because I thought you would be the one doing the research!"

"Well, Andrew..." the man began, trailing off as Marcus stepped up.

"Hold on, Professor, let me explain," he said, looking back at the fuming man in front of him, "With all due respect to both you and the Professor, sir, I am actually the most qualified person here to conduct this research. You see, the Professor specialises in the behaviour and natures of wild anthropomorphs. I, on the other hand, wish to study the effects that captivity may have on the psyche and natures of the anthros, to see if it may actually be bad for them."

The man scowled at the much younger boy, opening his mouth to protest again, falling silent when a voice called out to him from across the room.

"Dad!" the young woman scolded as she looked up from her book, brushing a strand of her golden blonde hair out of her eyes as she got up from the wall couch she had been sitting on, "If Professor Abram says this guy is best suited for the job, then he must be the best suited for the job. Or have you lost faith in your oldest and best friend?"

The man bowed his head in defeat as the teen approached them confidently, holding out her hand in greeting to Marcus. She smiled up at the six foot three researcher, having to look up quite a bit from her short height of only five foot seven, the top of her head barely level with his shoulder.

"I am Antoinette Silverton, daughter to Andrew Silverton," she said courteously as she shook Marcus's hand, "I hope you shall be a good and hard worker while under our care, Marcus."

"Oh, sure!" the young man laughed as he took her hand, shaking the youth's hand before looking back at the two anthros swimming in the tank, "I'll treat them as my own. And you can just call me Marc, if you want."

"Very well, Marc," The girl laughed lightly, "Then you may call me Anne. I look forward to your company."

Anne sighed as she walked up the metal stairs to the top of the oceanic tank, which had been specially designed to imitate a small beach, stretching as she stepped into the bright late afternoon sunlight. She hung her towel over a railing near the door she had emerged from and turned around, gasping in surprise as she saw Marc and one of the orca girls sitting up to their chests in water in the shallow pool, staring intently into each other's eyes. The sudden sound made the orca glance to the side, blinking when Marc gave a cry of triumph, the female smacking the water in frustration.

"Ha! I win again!" the young man laughed as the orca slipped into the deeper part of the imitation ocean, disappearing under the surface, "Maybe tomorrow, Tamara!"

"Marc?" Anne called, waving to the student as she waded into the shallow water, the specially chosen sand beneath her feet as soft as ever, "What were you doing?"

"Staring contest," he chuckled, blinking his eyes furiously as tears streamed down his face, "Tamara is seriously good at them, but I haven't lost yet!"

"Tamara?" Anne asked, looking at the boy in confusion, "You've named them now?"

"Oh yeah! Tamara's the more mature of the two, she likes a good challenge, while the other one, Yuki, is just like a big kid, always wanting to play," Marc explained, his face lighting up as he talked about his work, "Because I'm doing a study on how captivity affects behavioural patterns I decided to follow the exact same method I did for the wild orca I researched before, starting with naming them."

"But...names?" Anne asked again, still confused.

"Uhuh, it was perfect because your father hadn't named them yet either. You see, the wild orca took almost four months to get through to, and that was just to gaining their trust! It took me the better part of a year to actually get some of them to even respond to the names!" Marc explained, gazing down into the water, "But with these two it's totally different, they've been exposed to humans for their whole lives, being provided for by them, so they had almost no fear towards me to start with. Also, they seem to be quite a lot more open to the concept of names than the wild ones, seeing as how I've only been using their names for the past week."

"Wow," said as she leaned over to look into the water, gasping as Marc suddenly grabbed the back of her bikini, pulling her back, "Hey! Why'd you do that?"

"I told you, Yuki likes to play! If you lean over the edge like that, she might swim up and drag you to the bottom before you have time to hold your breath." Marc scolded the surprised girl, who placed her hands on her slender hips as she looked at him cynically.

"I've been swimming in this tank for years, Marc!" she laughed at the young man, waving a hand dismissively in front of his face, "I know all their tricks!"

Marc groaned as one of the orcas suddenly slipped up out of the water just behind Anne, wrapping her arms around the startled girl and yanking her back into the water.

"Dammit Yuki!" he shouted as he dove in after them.

Anne's eyes shot open as she coughed, rolling onto her side as she gasped for air, Marc helping her to sit up slowly as one of orcas looked down at her in surprise. She watched as Marc scolded the aquatic anthro, tapping her harshly on the head with his fingers, making her whine softly. The young man sighed, giving in as he gently rubbed the spot he had tapped, the female returning to her normal bubbly self almost immediately.

"You okay?" he asked Anne, a worried look on his face.

"What happened?" Anne croaked, coughing again.

"Yuki here pulled you down to the bottom so fast you blacked out, I managed to get her to bring you back to the surface and administered CPR," Marc explained, looking down at the girl in his arms.

"CPR?" Anne asked, her face going red as she looked up at the youth, his normally wild hair slicked down with water, suddenly realising just how handsome he actually was.

"Yeah," Marc replied uncertainly, unsure as to why Anne was suddenly bushing.

Yuki gave an excited squeal, suddenly jumping on top of Anne and pressing her lips against the startled girl's. Breaking the kiss quickly, she wrapped her arms around Marc's neck and did the same to him, stunning both young adults as she whined happily, still sitting on Anne's stomach.

"I just got kissed by a fish!" Anne gasped.

"Aquatic mammal," Marc corrected automatically, "And so did I. She obviously saw how CPR got you breathing again and thought it makes people happy or something."

"Oh really?!" Anne snapped, "And this gives her permission to kiss me?"

"Jeeze, calm down! She's not human! I don't think she even understands the implications of what a kiss means, let alone specifically targeting you!" Marc shouted, scowling down at the surprised teenager, who'd only ever been talked to like that by her father, "Sheesh, you act like you've never had a proper kiss before."

Anne went bright red as he said this, pushing the orca roughly off her stomach and storming back to the door, grabbing her towel from the railings before disappearing inside. Marc and Yuki watched after her in surprise, Marc shaking his head as she vanished, Yuki giving a series of slow clicks, her head drooping.

"Aw no, Yuki," Marc comforted the cetacean, "You just surprised her. I'm sure she'll come around eventually!"

The orca clicked happily as Marc rubbed her head, before running to the edge of the pool and quickly diving back into the water, vanishing behind one of the large rock formations on the bottom of the tank. Glancing up at the evening sky, the light starting to quickly fade, Marc decided that he might as well go back in, jumpin as Yuki suddenly burst out of the water, closely followed by Tamara as they rushed over to the startled researcher.

"What's up girls?" he asked, "It's getting late so I was about to go back in."

Yuki clicked happily as she waved her arms in the air, Tamara watching her inquisitively as she suddenly leapt onto Marc, pressing her lips against his as she had done earlier, before jumping off of him and clicking to the other orca. Marc was about to protest when he saw the strange way Tamara was looking at him, the usually confident cetacean now approaching cautiously, almost as if she were nervous or embarrassed. The scientist in Marc instantly drowned out rational thought as he began to observe this strange behaviour, Tamara slowly pressing herself against his chest as she looked away from him.

Marc blinked as the orca shut her eyes, quickly twisting her head around and pressing her lips to his for no more than a second before pulling away again. He watched as Tamara slowly opened her eyes, licking her lips as she twisted her head back around more slowly this time, pressing her lips to his for several seconds, surprising Marc with her boldness. He smiled sweetly at her as she stared at him nervously, suddenly pressing forwards again, this time slipping her tongue into his slightly open mouth, catching Marc completely by surprise. The kiss ended almost as quickly as the first, the orca suddenly leaping away and diving into the deep pool again, leaving the stunned researcher with only a salty taste and question on his lips.

"Was she blushing?"

Anne found Marc sitting in his study, typing furiously on his laptop as he kept turning to scribble something down in a small notebook beside him. She stood in the open doorway watching the young researcher, pausing only to take a sip of water before ploughing on in his work. Walking silently into his room, she smoothed out her mini-skirt as she sat on the bed behind him, scanning over what was on his laptop, frowning as she realised it was only a search engine for scientific journals and papers, blushing as she glanced up at the search bar.

"Orca anthro kissing"?!" she suddenly blurted, making Marc swear as he leapt from his chair, tripping over himself and landing flat on the floor.

"What the hell?!" he shouted as he got to his feet, "Don't freaking scare me like that!"

"That doesn't matter!" Anne shouted back, pointing at the writing on the screen, "What's this about kissing?!"

"Huh? Oh, I was wondering if there had been any records of wild orca kissing for various reasons, maybe as a greeting or a stimulus during breeding," Marc answered plainly, making Anne go bright red as he said this, "But there haven't, at least not in any of the papers or journals I've looked in."

"What is it with you and this kissing?!" Anne suddenly burst, "Just because my first kiss was stolen by a freaking...aquatic mammal!"

"Is that still bothering you? If it makes you feel better, it actually wasn't," Marc said calmly, surprising the girl into silence, "I gave you CPR before that, remember? So if any one took your first kiss, it was me."

Anne blushed even harder as she looked at the completely sincere male, her cheeks burning as she tried to find something to say. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her nerves, asking in a more civilised tone this time, "So, why the sudden interest in kissing?"

"Tamara slipped me some tongue earlier after Yuki showed her how to kiss, but she was acting strangely before that, like she was embarrassed," he replied, making Anne's entire face go bright red again, the girl stumbling back in surprise and falling onto his bed, "I was wondering if maybe this behaviour could have been influenced by close contact to humans."

"Wait!" Anne suddenly said, remembering something, "We recently found out that one of the tank maintenance guys and maids have been going out secretly. Apparently they would sometimes sneak up to the top of the pools and kiss."

"Tamara is very observant," Marc muttered to himself, glancing down at his notebook as he suddenly realised something, "Maybe she saw the way the maid was acting about the kissing and started emulating it? Or maybe...that might be it!"

"I don't know," Anne sighed, "That's a pretty far-fetched theory."

"Okay, I've got to go test this!" Marc announced, slapping his fist into his hand as he headed out the door, Anne close behind him.

Anne followed Marc up through the darkened corridors as he ran full tilt towards the top of the pools, leaving Anne stumbling in the dark. When she finally managed to catch up to him, she was surprised to find Marc peering through a crack in the door, hissing at her to be quiet when she called out to him, waving her over.

"Look," he whispered, Anne's eyes going wide as she peeked through the gap, her mouth falling open in disbelief.

Tamara and Yuki were standing in the shallow pool, the water barley reaching their knees as they pressed up against one another, arms wrapped tightly around each other as they pressed their lips together. In the weak light of the half moon, Anne could just make out one of the girls opening her mouth slightly, the other copying her as the first slipped her tongue between the other's lips, the two kissing passionately.

"Eep!" Anne gasped as she leant forwards a little too far; losing her balance and toppling through the doorway, tripping Marc as he tried grab her before the two orcas noticed.

Yuki gave an excited trill when she spotted Marc and Anne, immediately slipping out of Tamara's arms and tackling the young researcher, pressing her tongue into his mouth as she closed her eyes, gripping the back of his head as she kissed him deeply, her long tail lifted happily into the air as she sat in his lap. Anne watched in stunned silence as next Tamara approached from the side, nuzzling the side of Marc's face before pressing her own lips against his, pushing the human down as Yuki bouncing his lap chirping happily, suddenly stopping when she spotted Anne, sitting only a few feet away.

She shrieked as the orca tackled her as well, pressing her warm, smooth tongue into the girl's mouth, twisting it around as she squeezed the two of them together, their breasts pressing erotically against each other. Anne gasped as she was released from Yuki's kiss, suddenly finding herself being dragged over to Marc, who had been allowed to get back into the sitting position, Tamara looking at Anne with interest as Yuki chirped and clicked.

The two humans squeaked as Yuki literally dropped Anne into Marc's lap, the two orcas staring at them expectantly as the two blushed madly. A series of clicks from Yuki made it clear that she was growing impatient, placing her webbed hands behind each of their heads and pushing them closer together. Marc tried to fight against the surprisingly strong female, looking over at Anne for support, his jaw almost dropping off when he saw her blushing deeply, licking her lips nervously as she leant forwards slightly. Something in the back of Marc's mind snapped, shrugging as it said, Screw it, you've already made out with a pair of orca girls twice today. You could get fired anyway, so what's that difference if you do it with your boss's daughter as well?

Anne moaned slightly as Marc pressed his lips softly against hers, the two opening their mouth slightly as they kissed passionately, Anne's tongue slipping slowly into Marc's mouth, the two human's wrapping their arms around each other much like the two girls had been doing before. Anne suddenly opened her eyes, her mind racing as she felt her skirt start to slip up her thighs, the small denim item being forced up by her legs as she had wrapped them around Marc's waist. She immediately wanted to push away, to pull down her skirt and run back to her room, but as she felt Marc's tongue sliding slowly around in her mouth, his hands gently massaging her back, she relaxed, the embarrassment slowly fading. Anne blushed as she felt Marc's already stiff manhood beneath her as she slid forwards in his lap, moaning quietly into the kiss as it pressed against her crotch through her panties.

The two cetaceans watched in awe as Anne and Marc kissed, looking at each other as their cheeks started to flush, a bright blush quickly forming on each of their faces, one nodding to the other. Anne gasped when she felt herself suddenly pulled away from Marc's lips, Tamara suddenly slipping between them and kissing Marc again, Yuki grinning down at the surprised human as she lay Anne's head in her lap, leaning over to give her an upside-down kiss as Marc was forced back to the floor, Tamara crouching over him.

Marc groaned as the young orca continued to push her tongue deeper into his mouth, his instincts starting to take over as he slipped his hands up the sides of her thighs, running his fingers over her moist rubbery skin. Reaching around slightly, he began to knead at the base of her legs, just below her buttocks, the female breaking the kiss as she gasped, giving out a low whine as her legs tensed in Marc's hands. Tamara shivered as the young male continued to massage the backs of her thighs, making the orca feel something she'd never experienced before in her life, the area beneath her tail starting to heat up and itch, her breaths coming shorter as the feeling grew.

Her eyes grew wide as she cried out, the strange tingling sensation sparking through her chest as Marc ran his tongue over one of her breasts, the sensitive skin almost twitching beneath his touch. This new kind of stimulation was too much for the young orca, whose arms gave out, burying Marc's face in her cleavage as she let out a series of rapid clicks, her rear raised lewdly in the air as Marc continued to massage it, his hands slipping up to the base of her tail, where he squeezed gently. Giving a long, low whine Tamara's entire body shuddered, the cetacean gasping for air as she began to drool, her body going numb as her legs twitched slightly, slipping out from under her as she collapsed on top of Marc.

Tamara's sudden cry startled both Yuki and Anne out of their kiss, the human blushing as she suddenly found herself disappointed in its sudden end. Looking over at Marc, she watched as he carefully rolled Tamara over, supporting her upper body as she breathed heavily. Yuki quickly went to her tank-mate's side, looking at her worryingly as she clicked and chirped at Marc. She stopped when Tamara gave another whine, this one sounding surprisingly satisfied as she pressed her head against Marc's chest, making the young man uncharacteristically blush.

"What happened?" Anne asked somewhat breathlessly, still recovering from the intense make-out session.

"Uh, well..." Marc trailed off as his face went a darker shade of red, "She came."

"What?" Anne stared at him in shock, not sure what he meant.

"It would seem she orgasmed," he repeated, smiling nervously as he rubbed the back of his head, the young orca having already dozed off in his lap, Yuki lying down next to her and snuggling up to the other female, "I think my assumption earlier was right."

"About the maid?" Anne asked sceptically, unsure of his confidence.

"Nope, after that," Marc said, Anne remembering that he looked to have had an idea just before leaving his room, "She's in heat."

"Wait..." Anne held up a hand as she processed the information, jumping forwards and grabbing Marc by the shirt as she shook him violently, "She was in heat?!"

"IS in heat," Marc corrected as he gripped Anne's wrists gently, pulling them away, "That sort of explains why she was so embarrassed around me earlier. I may be of a different species, but to a captive orca like her, who's only really known Yuki as one of her own kind, I'm probably the strongest looking male around. And it probably doesn't help that I see her every day."

Anne sat back as she stared at the two girls lying in Marc's lap, Yuki chirping happily in her sleep as Tamara lay calmly beneath her, the slightest hint of a smile on her face. Shaking her head, Anne sighed, "So what? Are you saying that Tamara has fallen in love with you?"

"Dunno," Marc laughed, making the human glare at him in frustration, "I think right now it's more of a...heat-induced crush, but if we can't figure out something soon then this may get out of hand."

Out of hand? Anne thought as she watched the young student rub the tops of the girls' heads, smiling gently down at them as they cooed in their sleep, We were just making out with two kiss-happy cetaceans, one of which is in heat, and he thinks it isn't out of hand?!

Anne sighed happily as she walked out into the warm sun smiling as she hung her towel on the small railing just next to the door she always entered from. Looking around the enclosure, she was surprised to not see Marc somewhere in the habitat, either sitting at the small picnic table her father had had placed here for her, or doing something with the girls in the shallow pool. Anne felt her face begin to burn as she thought of what he may do with Tamara, the teenager shaking her head to clear the perverted image before she could imagine anymore.

Sighing, she jogged across the hot sand to the shallow pool, stretching as her feet splashed into the cool water, sighing happily as she began her warm up exercises. Anne didn't hear the soft splash as a slender black and white body slipped into the shallow pool; its owner snaking gracefully through the water as she carefully circled the teen, staying just out of sight as the young girl continued to stretch. Finishing her warm up, Anne turned to go dive into the main tank, squeaking as she collided with a pair of rubbery breasts, Yuki smiling down at her as the girl fell back into the water.

"Oof! Hey, what was that for?!" Anne demanded, squeaking when the orca suddenly knelt down between her legs, pushing them apart as she pressed her head affectionately against Anne's chest. Trying to push her off, Anne gasped when she felt the cetacean's thick, smooth tongue run over the fabric of her bikini top, pulling the material up slightly, exposing the underside of Anne's breast. Anne gave a small squeak as she felt Yuki's breasts press against her bare stomach, the cool, rubbery flesh actually feeling quite nice against her skin. Giving a slight sigh, Anne cupped the side of Yuki's head, lifting it gently away from her breasts.

"Hey, girl," she said, talking just like Marc had explained to her, simply, but not in a derogatory way, "Where's Marc?"

Yuki chirped as she looked over at the main tank, Anne blinking as the surface bubbled momentarily, a steady pulse of bubbles disturbing the otherwise calm surface. Anne laughed as she realised that Marc have used some of the scuba equipment they had in the storage cupboard, the thought giving her and idea. Moving gently, Anne was able to push Yuki off of her, acting like it was a game as she got the playful orca to roll right off, before hurrying to the equipment room, Yuki peeking in inquisitively as she attached the tank to the rig, pulling it onto her back and grabbing a pair of fins and goggles before hurrying out to the tank.

Yuki watched as Anne pulled on the goggles and fins, trilling happily as she jumped into the water, following close after her. Anne waved to the orca as she slowly sank, equalising as she spun slowly, searching for Marc. Spotting him, she began to swim towards him, gasping as Tamara suddenly appeared, pulling the regulator from Marc's mouth as she tried to press her lips to his. Freaking out, Anne pounded her fins frantically, racing over to push Tamara away, surprising the female as she handed Marc his mouth piece.

The researcher looked at her in surprise, then smiled as he recognised who it was, waving to the annoyed looking Tamara as she approached aggressively, placing himself between Anne and the orca. Anne watched as he made a series of strange signs with his hands, the orca suddenly nodding, swimming calmly around him to gently bump against Anne, the confused girl looking at him.

Marc chuckled, showing her the "okay" sign, tugging out his regulator and pointing at Tamara. Anne nodded, realising that Marc was in no danger, Tamara just looking for a kiss, even underwater. Anne smiled at him, her eyes going wide as she felt a webbed hand suddenly snake around her body, slipping up to her chest and down to her crotch, making the girl squeak cutely. Marc looked almost as surprised as she did, blinking in surprise when Yuki suddenly hugged the girl, the innocent act suddenly changing pace as her hands found their way into Anne's costume.

Reaching forwards to try stop it, Marc suddenly found himself being pulled back, Tamara suddenly pushing him against one of the rocks, knocking his regulator out again as she pressed her lips to his, wrapping her legs around one of his thighs, grinding softly against it. Shocked by the speed of the encounter, Marc tried to push her off, the orca giving a low whine as his hand grabbed her breast, squeezing it tightly. Marc managed to grab his regulator again, taking a breath just as his lungs began to burn, Tamara gazing at him lustfully as she squeezed his leg with her own. The twenty-two year old couldn't help but gasp as he felt the hand grab his crotch, wrapping around his erection through his swimming trunks, squeezing gently.

Glancing over Tamara's shoulder, Marc gasped again as he stared at Anne and Yuki, the young girl with her arms pinned between her and the orca that was molesting her, a strangely calm look on her blushing face. Marc watched in fascination as Anne closed her eyes, letting Yuki explore her body, the cetacean quickly pushing the top of her bikini up over her breasts, exposing them as she continued to squeeze and massage the sensitive orbs of flesh. Marc shivered as Tamara gave his cock an extra hard squeeze, the slight pain actually turning him on more as he suddenly realised that he was still holding onto her breast, gently kneading it in the same that Yuki was doing to Anne.

Anne blushed as she watched Tamara grinding against Marc, swallowing nervously as she watched the orca squeeze Marc's obvious erection, the large shape now looking so inviting to the horny teen, squeaking again as Yuki's inquisitive hands slipped further into her costume, the webbed appendage rubbing against her crotch and making Anne moan. The human girl had reserved herself to the strange onslaught quite early on, trying to remain calm as she was fondled by the aquatic creature. Yuki was probably just being curious and playful again, she reasoned, a little more playful than usual, but still just playful. Her train of thought was derailed when the finger pressed against her slit, slipping a little inside as Yuki squeezed her breast tightly, Anne watching as the smooth black and white head snaked over her shoulder, the long tongue stretching out to lap at her free nipple.

Closing her eyes, she suddenly found herself imagining that it Marc who had his arms around her, squeezing and fondling her, slipping a finger teasingly into her vagina as she bit down the gag he had tied around her mouth, unable to make much more than a squeak as he gently assaulted her body. A low groan caught her attention as she opened her eyes again, staring in shock as Tamara pushed Marc's trunks down, revealing his engorged member as she wrapped her hand back around it, returning to her original method of squeezing it, Marc's free hand having slipped around her thigh, getting a hold of her shapely rump and squeezing it tightly, the female whining happily.

Marc blinked as he took a breath in, the pressure behind the flow suddenly far lower than it should have been. Letting go of Tamara's ass, much to her displeasure, he grabbed his pressure and swore to himself, waving over to Anne, making a slicing motion over his throat with his hand, the signal for "Out of air". Panic suddenly flooded the girl as she tried to get away from Yuki, the Orca surprised by her previously willing targets sudden urge to escape. Anne stared at Marc as he took a final deep breath from his regulator, throwing the thing to the side and tapping his throat, showing that that was the last of his air.

Anne gasped as Yuki suddenly gripped her more tightly, squeezing her breast almost painfully as the teen continued to struggle, falling still as she realised how erratic her breathing had become. Closing her eyes, she calmed herself, slowing her heart rate until it was closer to normal; gasping in surprise she opened her eyes. Marc was floating bare centimetres in front of her, Tamara now behind him as he reached over Anne's shoulder and grabbed her octo-rig, exhaling as he placed it in his mouth, the human falling slack as he took a deep breath. Still in shock, Anne swallowed as she glanced down, staring at his rod, still clasped tightly in Tamara's hand as she continued to squeeze it, the undulating movement of her fingers visible from so close.

Her face shot up as Marc tapped her on the shoulder, gently pulling her arm out and gripping her elbow firmly, pointing up with his thumb, signalling that they should surface. Nodding, Anne felt her blush burning even hotter as they slowly rose, the girls helping to lift them slowly to the surface. Gasping as they broke through the water, Marc let out a low moan as Tamara bit into the back of his neck, her small sharp teeth pressing into his skin. Anne watched quietly, suddenly realising that he was still holding onto her arm when he squeezed her elbow slightly, making the teen let out a moan of her own, coupled with Yuki's sudden assault on her crotch, releasing Anne's breast as she slipped doth hands between the young humans legs.

"We...gotta get out," Marc gasped as he spat out some water, Tamara giving a disappointed whine as he pointed towards the edge of the pool, giving a slight nod as she pulled him towards the shallow pool, Yuki following close behind with the gasping Anne in her arms.

Pulling himself up onto the slightly tilted connection between the deep and shallow pools, Marc sighed as Tamara released him, allowing him to start undoing the harness that held the tank to his back. Kicking off his fins and throwing them with his goggles to the nearby shore, he jumped as Anne was suddenly deposited into his lap, the girl panting as he tried to help her sit up.

"What's up with you?" he asked as he undid the clip at her waist, helping her slide the jacket-like item off her shoulders, the teen falling forwards into his arms, a strange lust burning in her eyes as she looked up at Marc, her lips quivering as she spoke.

"I close..." she whispered, pressing herself gently against the older man, "I was so close...but she stopped..."

Marc blinked as Anne suddenly pressed her open mouth against his, her body twitching against his as he was pushed down, Tamara coming up behind the girl and helping her force the larger male down. Marc blushed slightly as he felt her breasts press against him, her hard nipples rubbing against his skin as she moaned against him, sliding her body against his, all the while keeping their mouths locked together, their tongues dancing.

Marc broke the kiss when he felt Anne's crotch press against his, holding the girl back as he looked her in the eyes.

"Anne, stop!" he said, "This is a really bad idea!"

Anne blinked as she looked at him, her eyes suddenly going wide as she realised what they were doing, trying to push back against Tamara, the larger female, suddenly hooking her hips under Anne's lifting the girl higher up Marc's body, pressing her against him as she reached down between the teen's legs. Gasping as the orca's wrist pressed against her sensitive crotch, grabbing Marc's manhood again as she started to lower the two of them, the two humans unsure of what the female might do.

Marc let out a long pleasured moan as Tamara pressed the head of his shaft against her puffy slit, the orca shivering beneath Anne as she lowered herself slowly onto him. Anne could do nothing, Tamara's strong arms wrapped around her waist, holding her in place as she descended, giving a cry of pain at one point, before continuing on. Once she was seated in Marc's lap, the orca remained still for a short time, gasping slightly as she adjusted to the new sensations inside her. Anne gave a slight struggle, reminding the orca that she still had the young human trapped in her arms, licking the back of Anne's neck as she copied what Yuki had done earlier, slipping her hand into Anne's costume, pressing a webbed finger up and into the teenager's sensitive folds.

Anne fell forwards as Tamara's finger sank into her, the pleasure rocketing up her spine and making her moan loudly, wrapping her arms tightly around Marc's neck, shivering as the other webbed hand began to fondle her breast. Beneath her, Marc had a perfect view of both Anne's and Tamara's crotches trough the water, the teen sitting on top of Tamara's powerful swimming legs. Even though Anne was still wearing her bikini bottoms, the shape of the orca's hand and the movement on=f her fingers allowed Marc to guess exactly what was happening to the teen as she clung to him, her soft moans making him twitch inside the anthro.

Tamara gave a slight whine as she suddenly lifted herself off of Marc, stopping when just his head remained inside her. Anne had been caught by surprise at the sudden movement, the change in position allowing the mammal's webbed finger to slip deeper inside of her. Loosening her grip on Marc's neck, she pressed her face against his cheek, both moaning loudly when Tamara dropped her hips, splashing slightly as she slammed Marc's meat into her, the force pulling Anne's legs slightly further apart, allowing the orca even more access to her needy loins.

This continued for a few more thrusts, Tamara stopping for a short time after each movement to regain herself, her eyes glossing over with pleasure each time she fell. Anne felt a soft kiss on the side of her head, pulling away to look at Marc, the man blushing brightly as he panted slightly below her. Her own face flushed red, Anne leant forwards as Tamara raised her hips again, this time more quickly than before, pressing her tongue into his mouth as they kissed, Tamara watching them from behind as she speared herself once again, her legs suddenly giving out as a wave of pleasure shook her body.

The two humans gasped as Tamara fell onto them, Marc suddenly smiling, shifting slightly as he called Yuki over to them, the other orca having been watching in interest, occasionally giving a lonely squeak. Marc told her sit next to them, expertly flipped the three of them over, the exhausted Tamara landing in Yuki's lap, the smaller orca trilling happily as she pressed their lips together, passionately kissing the other female. Anne had gasped as they had flipped, Marc's stomach pressing against her crotch, pressing the webbed finger deeper into her. With a sharp jerk, Marc suddenly pulled out, then thrust straight back into Tamara, his stomach pressing against her hand, forcing her finger even deeper into Anne's folds as both females moaned in lust, Marc quickly picking up the pace as Yuki began to fondle Tamara's sensitive breasts, squeezing the fat orbs as she shuddered, the other orca's rubbery skinned back fin pressed between her legs, rubbing up against her slit with each of Marc's powerful thrusts.

Yuki trilled slightly as Marc leant over the two moaning, panting females between them and kissed her, slipping her tongue into her mouth as she pressed forwards, shivering as she felt her breasts press against Anne's face, the teen automatically latching onto one as she sucked at it, making the orca shiver. Yuki gave a low whine as she felt Marc's hands find their way slightly back to her ankles, wondering what he could be doing. She gave a high pitched squeak as the human suddenly pulled on her legs, forcing them apart just as he thrust extra hard into Tamara, pushing her fin into Yuki's spread lips, both orcas mouths dropping open as they whined in lust, drool starting to drip from Tamara's mouth as she looked up at Yuki, the other orca bending down to lick it up, before pressing her lips back against Tamara's

Anne gave a low whimper as Marc suddenly leant over them, his chest pressing up against hers as he kissed her softly, his arms coming around and gripping onto Tamara's sides, the orca shivering at his touch. Anne watched as he took several deep breaths, preparing himself for what was to, quite literally, come. Anne squealed as he thrust in, the proximity making it seem almost as if it was his shaft penetrating her aching hole, his movements churned up the water around them as he pounded into Tamara, the orca silent as she gasped for air, the pleasure overwhelming her. Below, Yuki whined as the fin pressed harder and harder against her folds, her hips bucking instinctively against it as she squeezed and kneaded at Tamara's breasts.

It was not long before Yuki suddenly squealed, her body going tense as she gripped Tamara's swollen chest tightly, before falling back, gasping as she floated in the shallow water. Anne was soon to follow, her eyes rolling back in her head slightly as she moaned, her arms gripping Marc's neck in a choke hold as her orgasmed wracked her small frame, leaving her weak and exhausted, lying back on the orca beneath her, Tamara's breasts acting as a make-shift pillow. Marc gave a few more erratic thrusts, before pressing himself tightly against them, letting out a small moan as he let his body relax on top of them. Anne carefully unhooked her aching legs from Tamara's thighs, slipping them around Marc's waist as she kissed the side of his head, a thought suddenly popping into her head.

"What about Tamara?" she asked, Marc laughing as he shifted, making the girl squeal in surprise, gasping as the cetacean's webbed digit popped out of her sore slit, as he suddenly fell back, taking her with him as his hands cupping her buttocks, kissing her gently before smiling.

"What about Tamara?" He asked, holding her gently in the water.

"She never came," Anne sighed as she rested her head on Marc's shoulder, squeezing his neck affectionately.

"Oh, don't worry about that," He laughed, as Anne looked over at the exhausted, floating females, Tamara's eyes glazed over as she drooled uncontrollably, a small trickle of viscose, white liquid oozing out of her, "She never stopped coming."

"You came..." Anna said slowly, pushing herself slightly away as she stared at him seriously, "Inside her?"

"Didn't have much choice," Marc gave a nervous chuckle as he looked at the happy females, "That thing was like a vice grip! I couldn't have gotten it out it I tried!"

"Bring it over!" the man shouted as the large carrying truck backed up onto the elevator, stopping as it was slowly raised to the height of the platform beyond, unlatching the large gate behind it as a young man, maybe only in his early twenties, his long black hair standing out at wild angles on his head, suddenly leapt in front of him, pulling the doors closed again.

"What are you doing?!" Marc shouted at the surprised delivery man as he re-latched the doors, glaring at him, "Have you any idea what would happen if you just opened these doors willy-nilly?"

"Wha...but we were told..." the man swallowed as he looked down at the scruffy guy in front of him, wearing only a t-shirt and a pair of swimming trunks, straightening his back as he scowled down at him, "We were told to deliver this to the main tank. So either you move, or you can go ask the owner himself!"

Marc looked up blankly at the suddenly confident man, seemingly unimpressed by his boldness. Giving a sigh, he casually leant back on the gate and looked at the man, "Do you know what is on the other side of this gate?"

"Uh, well..." the man trailed off as Marc continued.

"It's the habitat of two, very special, very delicate creatures, that if disturbed could have disastrous effects on them," the young researcher explained, inspecting his nails before glaring up at the older man, "Now, if you want to go ahead and dump whatever it is that is in there into this tank without me authorising it first, then you can also be the one to go and tell the owner when his two prized possessions are dead!"

The man stepped back in surprise, his earlier confidence vanishing as he swallowed, glancing back at the driver, who'd leant out of the truck to see what the holdup was, the man just as pale as he was, obviously having heard what the man had said. Turning back around, the delivery man lifted a page on his clipboard and smiled at Marc.

"W-well then," he stuttered slightly, "Where do we put him?"

Marc grinned at the man as the elevator slowly lowered, directing the truck towards one of the nearby smaller tanks, watching as the man opened the back of the truck, the glass container inside sliding out on specialised railings before the worker released the water from it, Marc staring at the creature inside. It stretched slightly when the side of the tank slid open, diving into the water below before casually rising to the surface, giving a series of clicks as it swam happily around the larger tank.

"There you are, si...uh, sir," the man felt strange being so respectful to this strange young man, waving his hand in front of the boy when he didn't respond, just staring silently at the male orca swimming happily around the tank.

Author's notes:

Yes that is my friend's real fullname. I am now one of 7 people (not including admistrative staff) in the whole University to know it in it's entirety. And it is awesome.

She looks just like Anne, so small, lol.

I nearly had to make myself Marc at one point, but I managed to get her to change her mind after I said: "You want to have sex with me on top of a couple of cetaceans?" She blushed so hard she got a nose bleed, which was pure, unadulterated EPIC>+<