Kilala goes into heat

Story by HornyBunny on SoFurry

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Kilala goes into heat

Kilala and Shippo are at a hot spring while the others are off slaying demons for the town they're staying in. while the two are at the hot spring Kilala goes into heat and Shippo is the only male that she wants.

Shippo sits at a table having a snack when Kilala jumps up into his lap and nuzzles his chest "how you doing?" he asks her, petting her head.

"Okay, I just want to be close to you" she says and slowly grinds against his crotch.

"Okay, well, have a sandwich" he says holding a sandwich to her and she takes a bite of it while still grinding against him. He lets out gasp "what are you doing?" he asks, feeling blood rushing to his loins.

"Nothing" she says looking up at him and he sees a sparkle in her eyes.

"Are you in heat?" he asks her and before she can answer a sweet smell hits him and he softly moans at the smell.

"that was your answer" she tells him and hops off his lap and grabs his shorts with her mouth and pulls on them feeling arousal building in her loins.

"What are you doing" he says grabbing his shorts and tugging them back up.

"I'm in heat, I need to have sex and you're the only one around I want" she tells him and grabs his shorts again, pulling them down, again.

Before he can grab his shorts she jumps at his swollen rod and licks it making him freeze in his tracks and moan softly. "Okay, this one time" he says and she takes the head of his 4 inch cock into her mouth and sucks on it tasting drops of pre-cum hitting her tongue making the fire between her legs burn hotter.

"Stop" he tells her as he pushes her off his cock with a strand of saliva and pre-cum connecting them for a second before it breaks. He gets off the chair and lays down "now stand over me" he tells her and she does as she's told, he raises his head and runs his tongue along her heated slit making her shiver and moan. She drops her head to his hard rod and licks the tip of it feeling his moans in her pussy as he licks up her dripping juices.

"Suck on it" he tells her and she takes the tip back between her lips and sucks on it feeling his shiver and a spurt of pre-cum cover her tongue. She swallows feeling his tongue return to her slit and licks her closer and closer to orgasm. His cock pulses every time he tongue laps at her pussy making her moan around it driving him to the edge every quickly since it's his first time with a female.

"Kilala, I'm about to cum!" he moans laying his head back and taking a few deep breathes. He grunts and blasts his first load down her throat and she pushes back against his face and grinds herself to release. She swallows am much of his load as she can but gets plenty of it on her face. She cries out as orgasm rushes through her loins wetting his face with her kitty juices as she contracts over and over until she collapses on his chest panting.

"I feel a little better now" she tells him as she rolls off him and lands on her back.

"Good now can I get back to my snack" he says feeling his dick softening and drooling a few drops. He gets up and sits in the chair and grabs sandwich feeling very hungry after his orgasm. She lies on the floor for a few minutes before she rolls over and looks up at him and he looks down at her and hands her a sandwich and she eats it feeling her strength return.

She gets up and leaves the room wandering around the area seeing what's happening. She looks in each room until she gets to a door that's open a crack and peers in and gasps when she sees, a very buxom woman is leaning against a wall while a very well endowed man pounds her from behind.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" she says as he leans over her back.

"You're such a slut letting some you just met fuck your brains out and fill your sluthole with seed" he says in her ear.

He pulls out to the head and slams back into her making her cry out in extreme pleasure as he hammers her pussy from behind. "Fuck my ass" she says looking back at him.

He pulls his foot long cock from her gapping pussy and presses the wet head against her tight pucker. "You want an ass fuck, you'll get an ass fucking" he says and pushes into her making her cry out as her pucker is stretched wide open.

"uuuhhhhhhh yes!" she moans as he slides deeper and deeper into her ass until half his cock is deep in her bowels making her pussy droll down her thighs. He starts fucking her ass hard and fast making her grunts and groan every time he slides into her.

Kilala watches them feeling her pussy getting wet at the show she's watching and before she can leave the man pulls out of her ass and rams it back into her pussy and grunts as he blasts his cum into her. "Fuck, take it take everything I have!" he groans arching his back.

Kilala turns away from them and runs back to Shippo "I need to be fucked, now" she says jumping through the air and pinning him to the ground.

She grinds her pussy against his pants feeling him starting to grow "let me go. I already got you off" he tells her rolling them over.

"I need to my body is on fire with lust" she tells him and tries to kiss him.

He looks down at her and sees the need in her eyes and gives in "okay" he tells her reaching down and pushing his shorts off and grinding his semi-hard cock against her wet slit. "Oh yes just like that!" she softly moans feeling sparks shooting from her clit as he grinds against it. His cock quickly hardens and he slides it into her over heated hole.

"God, you're so tight" he says in her ear as he starts thrusting.

"fuck me, give me your seed!" she moans feeling his cock grinding against her most sensitive spot causing her eyes to roll back in pleasure.

He fucks her for a minute hitting her cervix with each thrust until he feels himself approaching the edge and stops "let's change position or else I'm going to explode.

He pulls out of her with a slurp and she rolls over thrusting her ass in the air "play with my ass before you start fucking me" she says raising her tail out of the way.

He leans forward and licks her tight asshole getting moans from her as his tongue laps at the tight ring of muscle. The tip of his tongue penetrates her making her yelp as pleasure shoots from her ass and fills her body. "enough" she says and he gives her one last lick and stands up stroking his calmed down cock and presses the head between her pussy lips and both of them moan as he slides into her wet hole and leans over her back.

"God, this feels amazing" he says fucking her thrusting in and out of her.

"Yes it does" she says squeezing her muscle tight around him and feeling him cock pulse between her lips and pre-cum flows from his cock like a faucet soaking her thighs in the slippery stuff.

He gives her a few more thrust and pulls out of her "I want you to ride me when I cum" he says as he lies down with his rock hard cock bouncing with each beat of his heart. She crawls up on his and sits down on his shaft and moans as she slides down it. She leans forward and bucks her hips, he reaches up and rubs her chest finding several pairs of small nipples hidden by the fur and rubs as many of them as he can increasing her pleasure even more.

She bounces and bucks against him feeling his cock head grinding against her cervix he feels his balls tightening and he pussy getting wetter signaling imminent orgasm. He pulls her down into a kiss and both of them moan as they go over the edge together.

His hot cum shoots deeper into her pussy painting her cervix white with the thick goo. She breaks the kiss with a scream as her muscle clench around his cock milking it for every drop it can get. They jerk and twitch together in combined orgasm for over a minute before Kilala collapses on his chest panting and moaning as his cock twitches and softens in her pussy.

She softly moans as his cum runs from her pussy and covers his cock. She rolls off him and crawls around his body until she's face to face with his cock and licks it clean of their combined juices. "" she says between licks.

"Hot a problem" he tells her as the exertion is catching up to him and while she licks his cock clean he fall asleep.

When his cock is clean she crawls up next to him and nuzzles him "our children with be beautiful" she says before she falls asleep next to him.

"What the hell is going on" Inyuasha says opening the door and finding them covered in sexual fluids and Shippo naked.

The End

This story was requested by bloodfand69 Furaffinity profile page