The Lion in Love

Story by Structure on SoFurry

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"A lion demanded the daughter of a woodcutter in marriage. The father was unwilling to grant, and yet afraid to refuse his request. Then he realized this was the perfect chance to rid himself of both problems at once. He told the lion that he was not only willing to let his daughter wed the lion, in fact, he said he was glad that she should receive such a strong and powerful husband. However, he had a single condition: that the lion should allow the father to extract his teeth, and cut off his claws, since his daughter was fearfully afraid of both. The Lion cheerfully agreed to the proposal. But, when the toothless, clawless Lion returned to repeat his request, the Woodman, who no longer had reason to fear the lion, set upon him with his club, and drove him away into the forest."

The fat adventurer told the tale many times, and he never tired of seeing the younger villagers laugh at the lion's stupidity and marvel at the woodcutter's quick wit. "Wow," one of the younger ones replied, "The woodcutter was so crafty. I bet he could fool anyone!" However, a sultry bartendess sauntered over, and spoke, "Except that isn't how it happened." The young man was stopped silent by her beauty, and stammered, "I--it isn't?"

"It isn't now?" spoke the original storyteller, answering the bartendess' challenge. The air was thick with silence for several moments, before she spoke calmly, tossing her long hair out of her face as she said, "Of course not. You've got it all wrong." The fat adventurer crossed his arms and leaned back, waiting to hear the bartendess' "correct" version as she ushered the few remaining customers out and locked things up. When all was set, and it was only the adventurer and those whom he told the story to in the beginning still inside, she took her place at the end of the table and started telling her story.

It was not long ago that a very strong and skilled woodcutter lived in the forest. He was married to a beautiful wife, and the two of them had a beautiful little girl. However, when she was very young, not even able to walk, the mother was out collecting berries and nuts when she was struck down by a lion. After this day, the father was never the same. He lost his aura of courage and might when he lost his love, and he gained an inescapable fear of lions.

It came one day, years later, that the father's worst fear would come true, when the lion arrived to take the other person in his life that he loved, his daughter. The woodcutter pleaded and begged the lion to spare her, offering his own life in return, seeing this pitiful display, the lion had suddenly lost his appetite, and left, promising to return the next day. The man made arrangements at once to move from the mountain. The next day, the lion returned, and again the man pleaded and belittled himself in such a way to make the lion lose his appetite, so the lion left, and promised to return again.

Over the next week, the man bade his daughter, now only 6 years old, to stay inside and never leave the house while he made preparations to move to the city. With the door locked, she could do naught but play alone by herself. She began to sing the lullaby that he mother used to sing while she was only an infant. She had learned the tune from her father, since he mother was not around to teach it to her.

It happened that the lion returned to claim his prize for the third time, but was instantly enamoured by the soft, delicate voice coming from within the mountain cottage. He prowled about, and stalked, looking for a way inside. However, finding no entrance, he simply laid on the ground and listened to the sweet melody. He marveled at how any creature should have such a magnificent voice, and he vowed to make the owner of the heavenly voice his lover.

"Hold it, hold it!" the fat adventurer interrupted, "That does explain why the lion fell in love with the girl in the first place, but what happened to the father? That's not how the story is supposed to go!" But the bartendess snapped back, "Stories are not supposed to go in any direction. They merely go whichever way they go." The adventurer scoffed, "And what makes your version so much better than mine?" To which the lady responded, "Well, if you would just shut up, I would tell you."

So the lion waited for the woodcutter to arrived, and inquired about the voice in the house, and where he had been before. The woodcutter said that the voice belonged to his daughter, and that he was making preparations to leave the mountain. At this, the lion became very angry, he told the woodcutter that if he tried to leave the mountain he would surely kill them both. But the woodcutter responded, "You'll kill me if I stay, you'll kill me if I go. Better that I at least try to escape than stay and be eaten for sure." The lion again threatened him, to which the man lamented, "Then, there is no avoiding it. It is a shame that my daughter will have to starve without a father to feed her."

The lion realized that if he killed the woodcutter there, then his love would die as well, so he made this promise to him, "For as long as you live on this mountain, you will be under my protection. No beast would dare touch you or your daughter. But if you ever try to leave again, I will swallow you both up with one bite each!" The man, realizing he had no choice, agreed, and waited for the lion to leave before entering his home.

For the next ten years, the girl was never allowed off the mountain, but her father would not tell her why. The lion watched her grow from a child to a lady, all from afar and out of sight. Almost every day, the girl would sing some lullaby or melody. Her voice would resound throughout the entire mountainside with such sweet softness that the lion would purr like a kitten when he heard her. The lion would pretend that she was singing to him, and only him, and so his perverted love for her grew and grew throughout the years until it was not enough for him to merely watch.

He began stalking shepherds, hikers, and any other humans on the mountain, asking them about the human customs and traditions; what humans do when they fall in love. It wasn't long before rumors burned through the village at the base of the mountain like a fire through dry grassland, rumors that the lion on the mountain was now the lion in love. And just as surely as the sun rises and sets each day, it was surely a very short time before the father caught wind of these rumors.

"Aria, my sweet flower, away from that window!" the woodcutter cried out to her upon the instant of his arrival. "Oh father!" she rejoiced, "Is it true? There is one who seeks my hand?" The father was taken aback, "How have you heard this? Who told you?" The girl swooned, "The proposed suitor himself, Leon the shepherd." At first, the woodcutter was very confused. Then he surmised that he must have heard the vendor in town incorrectly. Verily her as well as the butcher, the potter, the cobbler, the baker, the beggar, the nuns, the crier, the porter and most everyone in the streets as he passed.

"Leon, my dear? And not...Lion?" the father tentatively asked her. "Father, of course not Lion! What kind of a name is Lion and what kind of a Lion is this Lion who fell in love with a girl?! No, Leon is a sweet and tender shepherd. He came while you were away and slipped a note neath the door asking for my hand in marriage."

The father was very relieved when he heard it was not the Lion, but a shepherd named Leon. Then he realized this was the perfect chance to rid himself of both problems at once. By marrying his daughter to someone, he could both free her of the lion and let her off her mountainous prison as well. At once, without ever seeing the suitor with his own eyes, he consented to their marriage, and for days the girl rejoiced.

Every day while the father was out, Aria was visited by Leon. They would speak for a time through the cracks under the door, and then she would sing for him. They carried on like this for weeks while the father waited to be contacted again by this mysterious Leon, however, the father would never receive such a message.

One day, after Aria's father had left, Leon arrived as always, but this time, he asked Aria to come outside with him. She was worried, since she was not usually allowed outside unless her father was home, but she eventually consented when Leon repeated his request. Once outside, she saw her fair Leon, but his face was turned away with his arms crossed so she could not see his face, only his long golden hair which blew in the wind. When she tried to approach him, he spoke.

"Aria, do me?" he asked her. "Of course I do, sweet Leon," she replied. She wondered what this was about, as he asked, "Would you want to be with me even if I were a hideous beast?" She went to him, saying, "Leon, what is this all about? I'm sure you're not a hideous beast." When she put her hand on his shoulder, he asked quickly, "But if I were?!" They both were quiet for many minutes, but Aria eventually spoke up, "Of course. I would love you no matter what. Even if you were a beast. But even then, I'm sure you could never be hideous. A beast, but not a hideous one. Now tell me what this is all about, Leon."

She pulled on his shoulder, pulling off his jacket, and turning him around. The jacket fell off, revealing his furred chest and back, the hat blew to the ground, revealing his round ears, and his face turned to hers, revealing his identity to her for the first time. "A lion," she whispered in shock, backing away. She turned to run, but Leon knocked her down was on her in an instant, "Aria, you said that you would love me no matter what!" She struggled to get him off of her, kicking and crying. At that moment, Aria's father began to walk up to the small cottage on the mountain, seeing the lion lift up his daughter and carry her away.

Arriving on the scene as fast as he could, he saw the strewn garments of a shepherd on the ground. The father knew that Leon must have been there when the lion arrived and tried to protect his daughter, but was eaten up by the lion instead. "I was too late," the woodcutter at once threw himself to the ground and lamented and mourned. Eventually, he would return to his home in the town after the one at the mountain's base and continue to mourn.

The lion eventually reached his den, where he lay the sleeping Aria down on a bed of straw. She must have passed out with shock and exhaustion. When she awoke, the sun had already set, and it was dusk. At the mouth of the cave, she saw Leon sitting majestically, and like a guard. "It will be cold in the night, and I don't have any blankets or things to keep you warm, so it would be best if we slept with each other," he told her.

"Why..." she muttered quietly. He answered, "I have never needed blankets, so I do not keep--"

"I meant, 'Why have you taken me here?!'" she shouted. Leon was quiet for a time, but he turned to her, saying, "Aria, you promised--"

"You lied!"

He approached her, "I never told you I was a human. How could I have lied?" She took off her shoe and threw it at him, "Keep back! You wore human clothes to fool me! A half-truth is a still a full lie!"

He drew nearer, "You would rather I wear no clothes? That suits me just fine." Then he took off some shorts that he had been wearing for modesty, since he wasn't sure how the human would react to him being naked.

"Never mind! Leave them on!" she shouted, covering her eyes. There was a silence before she eventually opened her eyes, seeing the lion was still clothed, at least partially. "Tell me," she asked, "Those clothes you were wearing. Did you..."

"The owner of them left them out to dry, I merely took them when he wasn't looking."

"You're very peculiar for a lion," she commented. He averted his eyes at this comment, almost blushing, "Please, don't remind me." "What do you mean?" she asked.

"How many lions do you know that live on a mountain? I came here to get away from the other lions who mocked me."

She asked again, "Why do they mock you?"

"I must confess I'm not a very good lion," he confessed, "I don't like to eat animals."

She was shocked, wondering how at all he survived, but he continued, "People are so afraid of me, they run at the sight of my figure if they see it in the distance. I see them with dogs and cats, petting them and hugging them, and I only wish they'd love me like that...but when I run up to them, wagging my tail, they only ever run."

"Poor thing," Aria said to herself, then, without thinking about what she was doing, reached out and petted the huge beast, just like a cat. And, just like a cat, he began to purr. Well, it was similar to a cat anyway, a lion's purr is much louder and deeper and it vibrates through the ground and a person's whole body.

The bartendess, looking out a crack in the shutters, saw that sundown had already ended, and it was now dusk, so she ended her tale there, telling all of them to leave. Most of the boys were confused, but the fat adventurer was not impressed with the story. He was, though, quite impressed with the way she told it, and the storytelling skills of the bartendess, and made a mental note to come back and see if she had any other tales.

The last to leave was the youngest, a lad of about sixteen. He spoke to the woman after everyone had left, "Surely that can't be the end of the tale."

"That's it."

The young man complained, "That can't be it!"

"That's it," the bartendess replied. "The father left to the neighboring city and the girl was kidnapped by the lion. The end."

"But what happened after?"

The woman sighed, knowing the boy would not be content without hearing what happened next, so she finished locking the doors and putting out the lights, but not before asking, "It's getting late, are you sure you won't be out past your curfew?"

"I'm not a child!" the young man complained.

"That doesn't mean you don't have a curfew."

"Well...I didn't have..." the boy stammered, but the woman interrupted him. "If you don't have a place to stay for the night," she said, "You can sleep in the kitchen. I have a bedroll you could use, and it stays warm enough since the ovens were running all day."

"Wow, you'd really let me stay?" he asked in a surprised tone. But the woman shook a stern finger at him, "But you have to promise not to go poking around! You have to spend the whole night in the kitchen."

"I promise!"

"And," the woman continued, "you keep the rest of the story to yourself. Don't go around telling this part to anyone. It'll only be between you and me. Deal?"

"Deal, deal. I promise," the boy said with his hand on his heart. Then the woman lit a small lamp, the only remaining lamp still lit, and sat down with the boy at one of the tables.

That night had been cold indeed, just as Leon had warned. Aria found herself waking up in the middle of the night. Her only source of warmth was the huge beast that slept next to her. She was offended how closely he had snuggled up to her, rubbing his legs all over her bare legs. "How rude," she thought, getting up to get a break from him for a while.

She wandered to the mouth of the cave, gazing on the moonlit mountainscape, but a chill wind blew, and when she started shivering, she returned to the body of the cave. There was Leon, sprawled out and snoring over the meager makeshift straw bedding. "What a hog!" Aria thought to herself, seeing just how much of it he had left for her. She tiptoed past him and sulked in the back of the cave, but it was cold here too, and dark as well. She decided she might as well get back in "bed" with the beast, since he was the only way she was sure to get some warmth this night.

She laid down near him, but, almost as soon as her head touched the ground, he pulled her close in his sleep and snuggled her closely. She turned away from him, lest she be burying her face in his chest fur, but she was so taken up by how warm he actually was, that she found herself inadvertently scooting her body closer to his, spooning ever more tightly. She didn't realize how cold she had let herself get, even in the short time she was away from him, that she didn't even mind when he lifted his leg and wrapped it over hers, in fact, she quite welcomed it.

She didn't know that she had rolled over and was now burying her face in his chest until she was woken up rather abruptly as Leon woke up in the early morning and the cold suddenly swept over her once again. She decided she didn't much like the feeling of being cold, however, she didn't say anything when Leon got up and padded out of the cave. Now that the sunlight lit up the cave, she finally got a look around.

Near the back there was a tangle of random household objects. "How odd," Aria thought, so she went over to examine the pile. The objects were arranged in a sort of shrine, and it wasn't until she looked more closely that she realized every single one of the items had belonged to her at one point in the past. Dolls, other toys, various articles of clothing, wind chimes and other decorations she had made long ago. "Christopher!" she exclaimed, "So this is where you disappeared to?" She stooped low and picked up a doll made of yarn and rags. She held the toy that protected her dreams so many years ago. She hugged it close, remembering the games she played with it. It looked almost the same as the day she had lost it, but it smelled like it had spent far too many nights coddled up with a wild beast. "He," Leon stammered from behind, "he helped me sleep sometimes. When I was lonely."

At first, Aria flashed red for a moment, furious with the lion for having stolen not only her precious doll, but so many other of her things. But when she saw how sad he looked, remembering innumerable nights alone like she had spent so many days, she couldn't bring herself to be angry. "You can have him," she said, holding the rag-doll out for the lion, "if you like."

The beast walked slowly up to her, like he was hindered by painful memories of loneliness. When he reached the doll, he scratched softly at its yarn hair. Then, he wrapped his arms around Aria and pulled her close, sandwiching the doll between the two. "I don't need him anymore," he said in a tired, soothing tone.

Later, when the sun went down and the sky blackened and night crept up once again, it became even more cold than it was the previous night. Aria changed into a silk nightgown that she had found piled in with other various clothing items in the corner. It was a bit small, but she didn't mind much. As she got dressed, Leon fidgeted with the shorts he had been wearing. "Leon, are you going to wear those forever?" she teased.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

She sighed and giggled, "It's quite all right. I can't really expect you to stay clothed for the rest of your life just for the sake of my modesty." At first, he didn't move. As if he thought she was testing him, he reached slowly to the waistband, gauging her reaction. Aria nodded, "Go ahead." Then, as if he was ridding himself of a terrible itch, he dropped the shorts to the ground and stepped out of them, sighing in relief.

Leon felt a slight moment of awkwardness as he just stood there in front of Aria stark naked. Then, he looked up at her and noticed how beautiful she looked wearing the dark purple nightgown. It was a little short, so he saw glimpses of her under garments when the cave's slight breeze blew just right. Realizing that the tip of his erection began to poke its way out of his sheath, he jumped in bed shouting, "Goodnight then!" for he did not want to make Aria any more uncomfortable that he already made her.

Apparently however, she didn't notice. Not that she would have known what was happening if she did see (she had never seen a penis before, much less that of a lion.) She simply laughed, "Silly kitty," and extinguished the light before crawling into bed next to him. (The light was a paper lantern lit by a small candle, another toy she made as a child that was a part of the junk in the corner.)

Leon wasn't particularly comfortable the way Aria smooshed her body against his, trying to stay warm on this cold mountain night. The way she wound her legs with his and pressed her back against his chest and her hips against his hips, it all seemed to stir his loins more and more, to the point where his penis was beginning to be exposed. Leon didn't know how to act in a situation like this, but he was afraid that Aria would run off if he made the wrong actions, so he stayed perfectly still, not even moving as his erection grew and thrust its lewd head right in between Aria's thighs.

Aria, not being able to see very well in the dark, assumed the mass between her legs was just his tail, but she noticed something strange when she heard Leon whine and felt him shudder every time she shifted one leg or the other. Wondering what was going on, Aria reached down to feel the whatever it was parting her legs. She was quite surprised when she found out what the thing truly was.

Leon was surprised as well, his body stiffed up with a jerk at her soft touch. "A--Aria...I..." Leon tried his best to make the right words come out, but it was painfully difficult, especially because Aria had still not removed her hand from his organ. She didn't move, and didn't say anything for a long time, but still her hand persisted resting on his mighty length.

Without a word, Aria silently slid the lion's meat to her silken folds. Leon gasped and fidgeted, whispering, "Aria..." moaning, "Oh, Aria," and asking, "Aria?" but she never responded. Not till the lion's tip was snug up against her opening, did she answer softly, "Leon...I promised" and she said no more. But Leon needed no more words than those, and he began to gently press his penis into his little Aria's body, whispering all mannered loving words.

His length was enough to keep her legs partially spread just sitting there, so it was not a surprise that Leon was not able to penetrate Aria right at first. His flesh prodded against her flesh, jerking her body upwards and forwards with each muted thrust. Leon was so gentle, so afraid that he would hurt his little dove, but has the act wore on, he was being slowly consumed by his beastly nature, and was less and less able to think to restrain himself.

The tiny, gently thrusts of before began to build up and build up until there was a constant pressure vying for entrance into Aria's folds. Suddenly, Leon reached down and grasped Aria's hips, gently pressing his claws into her silken skin, and pulled her hips down. This time, the next thrust was able to gain entrance. His tapered length pressed past her entrance, opening her up for the rest of his thickness. Aria felt a new sensation as she was taken for the first time, but only the very very tip of Leon's length was of the same girth as a normal man, the rest was about to split her wide open.

Leon braced himself when he felt the barrier of Aria's virginity blocking his path. He wanted it to be broken all in one moment, so he mentally prepared himself and leaned in to Aria's ear and whispered, "Be ready, my love."

The girl was panting quite a bit already, and she whispered back, "Ready for what?" but there was no answer, only more lewd panting from the beast above her. She grabbed his hands that were still planted on her hips and asked again, "Leon? Ready for--" but interrupted her own question with a shrill shriek as the lion's hips lurched forward, crashing through her virginity with ease and stretching the rest of Aria's body wider like she was made of tissue paper.

Aria's body had a certain capacity for stretching, a breaking point where she could be taken to, but no further. Leon's length was just a few magnitudes larger than this maximum, so, while the first two or three inches were only mildly unbearable for the virgin teen, the rest of the lion's length that came careening into her like a runaway train engine jolted the girl's body with all sorts of sensations that she couldn't make out which was which.

Leon's mind was only partially taken over by his instincts at this point, so he still had a mind to stop ploughing into his lotus blossom when he heard a cry of agony. He stopped moving for a minute (though it was very much a test of his willpower) trying his best to let his mate's body get at least slightly used to the behemoth digging its lewd body in. When she calmed down to just gentle groans, he took that she was ready for him to continue.

He looked to see how deep he was at this point, kind of close to beginning to be coming close to halfway, and made a note not to go any further than this when he moved on to this next step. Her body was so strained about his length that his retreating length was almost treating her the same as when it entered (which could be good or bad, depending on which one you were.) Her skin, which was stretched taut around his cock felt a terrible pull as he dragged his flesh along hers as he withdrew his meat.

Lion's don't know very much about lube, but some of it would have been sure to help at this point. Leon had just as much trouble about getting his cock back into her now that he had pulled it all the way out. He tried to be gentler this time around, but that effect was only that his head jutted lewdly against her slit, it did nothing to continue the act though you could see her flesh caving in slightly. Since it seemed to be the only way, Leon again used a single, very powerful thrust and hammered his length into the poor girl's body.

Thankfully, a mix of fluids from both participants began to build up, so each successive thrust was just kind of slightly easier to bear. Leon's length sunk in deep within Aria's body, inch after inch disappearing into her. Then, when he reached that same point from before, he pulled out again, to penetrate her once more and do the whole thing all over again.

The whole dance went a lot more smoothly when he realized that he didn't need to pull out all the way, just retreating to the very tip was sufficient. Then he was able to treat her with medium speed thrusts. They were both beginning to feel intense pleasure (well, Leon has been receiving boatloads of pleasure from the very start, but now that her passage was getting lubed a little, Aria was starting to forget the pain) with this new pace.

Neither of them could really tell the difference between individual thrusts as the whole thing was blurred into a continuous haze of pleasure. Juices from both of them were now slathered thick all over Aria's walls, and the first half of Leon's cock. Aria quite began to enjoy the feeling of the way her passage would revert to normal size only to be expanded to vulgar proportions. It still pained her when she was stretched open so wide, but it was a pain she was beginning to lust after. Neither of them could tell what was going on with their surroundings, they only could focus on one thing, the continuous pistoning of Leon's cock in and out of Aria's tight body.

Time was lost as the two joined their bodies over and over. Leon didn't really make a good mark of how deep was the point where he should have stopped, so Aria's sweet voice would occasionally fill the cavern with a squeal when Leon poked his length into a depth that Aria was not ready for. A whispered apology and a pained response through a wince followed each and every time, and those times seemed to become more and more frequent. As Leon's mind was still slowly taken over by his instincts, he was less and less restrictive, and found himself ramming past what Aria was prepared for more and more often. Occasionally, he even did it on purpose, just to hear her divine voice cry out. It got to the point where Leon had given up on the comfortable pace of before, and he merely hovered around this depth, going far enough to make her scream, then just a little way out, then a poke back in and another scream.

Aria's face was all scrunched as she managed to utter between pained squeaks, "Nnnng, Leon. Ah! Leon, LEON!" but he coudn't hear a word of it. "How interesting," Leon thought to himself. He adopted a new pace, where he would retreat completely out, re-penetrate Aria's pussy, drive forward to the point that would make her cry out, then retreat again. And all this at an increased speed as well. He continued his thought watching his length pound in and out of the girl, "It all just disappears in there. I wonder where it all goes." Then, this thought he spoke aloud, "I wonder if it'll all go in."

Completely absorbed by his experiment, he didn't hear any of Aria's protests. His length drove past the safety mark that he had been avoiding till now, and continued still. Aria's voice filled the cave constantly now. Leon couldn't make out exactly what she was saying, but he thought, "Oh, her sweet voice! She must be feeling so good because of this, after all, I'm feeling absolutely euphoric. I'll give her even more, so that she can feel even better!" And he jerked his hips forward ploughing ever deeper until his tip kissed her cervix. Her body tensed up with a shock as his whole body shuddered over with pleasure. At this point, he was aroused enough so that the feline spines of his cock began to emerge.

Aria wasn't sure at all how to act. She wasn't sure whether to be more upset with the lion on top of her, ramming his length in and out of her sensitive folds with reckless abandon, worrying only about his own pleasure than for her well-being, or to be upset with herself, who, one way or another, moaned loudly every now and again, and sometimes tried to push her hips against his advancing hips.

Once Leon's spines were completely erect, he was gone, replaced with just a lion. The lion rolled over onto his knees, bringing the hapless girl impaled on his flesh with him, whether she wanted to go or not. Then he leaned forward, resting his paws on Aria's shoulders. When he began to put his weight more and more on the girl, her arms gave way. She was no longer on all fours, but rather only on her knees while her upper body was ground against the floor of the cavern by the big cat. Then the night truly began.

Everything Leon had been holding back rushed out like a flood as the lion bucked and thrust his hips, mating Aria with all his might. For the first time, he hilted into her moist depths. A shrill cry of pained pleasure filled the cave as Aria felt her own cervix being penetrated. Drawing his entire length from his mate's tender body, the tip barely touched the tired lips of the girl. Not even half a second passed before Leon crammed the whole thing back into her with a lurch.

Aria gasped and moaned, feeling her body being violated so thoroughly. She could hardly stand it, the beast was about to split her open, but she never wanted him to stop, and the thought of asking never even crossed her mind. Even if she had asked, Leon was in a drunken haze, stupefied by lust, and would not have stopped. Aria's tired cries seemed to actually goad him into pounding her more forcefully.

The more he heard her beautiful voice ring out, the more aroused he became. And it finally dawned on the overly large cat that he could cause her voice to fill his ears if he would only slam his hips into hers more powerfully, if he would repeat his thrusts more quickly. His pace and strength both increased to their final max. He was pounding away with all he had and couldn't go any faster or harder.

Leon's orgasm caught both of them by surprise. The cloudiness of the lion's mind vanished in an instant as he snapped back to reality at just the last moment. With a roar, he impaled the lovely Aria, filling and overfilling her sore and abused insides. Aria felt the gunk spilling and seeping from her pussy. She panted and moaned. Her whole body felt tired and used, the lion's still pumping shaft twitched every other second as a constant reminder of the rough treatment she had just received. She would endure twice that, and do it all again if she could have the chance. (She would get plenty of chances.)

By the time the lion cum stopped flowing, cum had drooled all over their joined crotches. Aria rolled over gently, trying to be wary of her sore muscles, "Leon?" But a purr-snore made it clear to her that the great beast had fallen asleep with his rigid cock still buried in the girl's body. That night Aria fulfilled her promise that she made, and she would fulfill the same promise over and over again in that cave with that beast.

The bar was quiet, but you could hear the teen boy's loud breathing. The bartendess laughed when she saw the tenting of his clothes. "Well, now you've heard the truth. You should go to sleep. The kitchen is that way." She pointed before disappearing up the stairs, presumably to her bedroom. The still horny teen played the images over and over in his mind as he found a makeshift bed in the corner of the kitchen. He lay down to sleep, but not before relieving himself of a little built up tension first.


This was just something that I wrote after reading one of Aesop's Fables. The fable itself is the first paragraph and the fable shares a name with the story.

There was also supposed to be a final sequence between the female storyteller and the boy that would have explained some more about the two of them, but I've taken so long in just writing this much that I decided to submit without it.

As always, I'd love to hear your comments! Don't be afraid to let me know how perverted you are, we're all pervs here. (Also, I tend to write just before going to sleep, so I'm not really attentive enough to catch silly little mistakes. Let me know if you find any, k?)