Puppy Love - Chapter 4

Story by v--r on SoFurry

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#4 of Puppy Love

CHAPTER 4 First Date

I had to get a hold of myself. So he said he loved me. It doesn't mean he wanted to date me right? Wrong! My empty day was filled with a trip to the movies on my first date with Jack.

I was so surprised when he suggested it I swear my entire face went bright red and was ready to allow me to die from blood loss. I couldn't even say a single word to tell him how I did want to go on the date when he asked me. I could only manage to giggle, blush, and nod quickly while my tail wagged.

But the second we were both about to get out of the house to go to his car I began to shake and worry. What if someone we knew saw us at the theater? News at our school traveled fast. If someone saw us both together it'd be automatically thought of as a date and the entire school would know about it before it was even Monday. They'd already prepare a trap and be ready to murder me and Jack. But all my worries faded when Jack looked back at me with his signature smile and I nearly melted as I took steps over to and into the car. Smiling as I watched him enter the driver's seat and start up the car. I squirmed slightly in my seat, "J-Jack won't your parents get angry if they find out you were driving around without their permission?" Jack just chuckled softly, "They won't find out Sam." I was about to protest but was quickly silenced when he leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. Within that moment I was instantly silenced and blushing hard. Calm in my seat as he drove us to the movie theater.

I skimmed the movie selections. Wondering which would be best to watch; and best to cuddle with. A horror movie could be a good excuse for us to cuddle right? I could get afraid and cuddle up to him for comfort. Or maybe we could watch a romantic movie and kiss on the sappy parts? I groaned softly and looked over to Jack. Worried he'd probably not want to do any of that stuff in public. He probably kissed me in the car after checking to see if anyone was watching. I gasped when I felt his arm go around my waist and pull me close to his side. "Any thoughts?" I blushed softly at being so close to him in general, wondering which movie should be the one to watch before shrugging softly, "Maybe we could watch umm, that one?" Pointing my paw up at the movie titled "The Basement". Maybe it was a horror movie about some crazy monster that's trapped in some guy's basement. Jack getting our tickets before we both walked over to our theater.

With my luck of course "The Basement" turned out to be a gay love story about this guy who was locked in a basement for being gay and his therapist ends up falling for him. At least it was a romance right? And even better, it was a gay one and there was barely anyone in the theater. And all the people here were males so they were probably all gay or bi right? It wouldn't matter if me and Jack cuddled or kissed or anything. I gasped slightly when I felt Jack poke my side. Looking down and laughing awkwardly and scratching my neck before sitting down next to him. It was already a few minutes he'd been in his seat and waiting for me to sit down next to him. I hope he didn't think I wanted to sit away from him or something. Taking a breath before trying to be as daring as my body would allow me. I leaned over and set my head on his shoulder. Hoping he wouldn't push me off or something; I was happy when I felt he leaned his head on mine. Giggling softly and relaxing into this. Not caring if the entire school suddenly showed up and saw us like this. I felt safe while I was with him. Heck he just recently saved me from getting raped. He'd be able to save me if I was about to get beat up or killed by some bullies. I looked up at him and my ears flattened. Although he didn't really like to fight and I didn't want to make him do that. He's too nice to be able to fight anyone. I couldn't put him through that. He was probably just angry last night because I was about to get raped.

He rubbed his nose against mine to get my attention. "Sam are you okay?" I gasped slightly and blushed a little, "I-I'm fine. Sorry I'm just thinking a lot." Smiling softly and going back to leaning against him. Extremely happy to be watching this movie with him.

It wasn't that long before a sappy moment showed up. I could almost feel their passion and love. Maybe the actors actually dated; either that or they were really good actors. I bit my lip as I saw them kiss. Looking up at Jack and wondering if he wanted to. There was no way I could lead us to a kiss. I'm too shy to do something like that. Plus what if he didn't want to do it. What if he hated me for trying to kiss him when he didn't want it. If we were gonna kiss he'd have to be the one to decide it. I wish I was more impulsive or direct. And there I was doing it again. Deep in thought and unconnected from the world. It wasn't until he kissed me that I was back into focus. Blushing hard when I felt his lips against mine. Slowly closing my eyes and giving into the kiss. This was how distracted I got when I was so deep in thought. My eyes were open and I was focused on him but I didn't notice he was gonna kiss me until his lips were already connected to mine. As much as I loved the kiss. And I really really loved it. I wish I wasn't such a wimp. I wish it was me that started this kiss. That I wasn't too afraid to do something, anything. I was still blushing even when the kiss ended, my tail wagging as I cuddled up to him.

By the end of the movie we kissed over ten times easy. And unfortunately all those time's he led them. I really have to be more demanding. If I kept up like this I might end up a plaything for him. Which kind of wouldn't be so bad. But I wanted to be his mate. To return the love he was giving me and show him I actually loved it. Not that I was just there to be there or something like that. When we departed the movie theater I wondered what we could do next. Maybe go home; even though I didn't want to go home at all at this point. Thankfully my stomach is more direct then I am and answered our question by growling out. Jack just laughed a little, "Look's like someone's hungry." I just blushed and laughed softly along with him as I followed him into his car. "What do you say to Italian food?" I smiled and wagged my tail. He knew how much I loved all kinds of Italian food. "Sounds good." Smiling as he drove us up to an Italian restaurant. Giggling as he led me in and to a table. Smiling as we ate breadsticks as we waited for the pizza. I blushed hard and decided I'd attempt to tease him. Forgetting completely I was in public as I brought a big breadstick into my mouth and kept it in deep. Obviously he noticed how it looked like because he was blushing. I giggled softly and blushed before my eyes widened. "Hot!" I have no idea how I didn't notice my mouth was burning as I spit out the breadstick. Panting and whimpering as I could feel my tongue was on fire.

Jack whimpered and looked around for something he could do to help me out. I was too busy whimpering to notice what he was doing. I suddenly felt his arms grab me and turn me toward him and he kissed me deeply. I could feel him slip ice into my mouth before he pulled out of the kiss and smiled softly. I was now much calmer and blushing; plus the ice was helping to cool down my burning tongue. Groaning softly and sinking into my seat as he ordered the pizza be made for takeout. I must've just looked like a complete idiot. Trying to tease Jack and ending up burning my tongue with a breadstick in the process. Following him out of the restaurant and into the car. I sat with my side on the door and was looking down. Hoping he wouldn't say anything bad about what just happened or made fun of me or something. I must've just embarrassed him in front of the entire restaurant. My eyes widened and I blushed as I suddenly realized. I was just kissing Jack in a public restaurant! I wonder if he noticed that when he kissed me? Did he even care? I looked over to him and his face showed no signs of resentment. Maybe he enjoyed the kiss. I hope he did. Even though the kiss was just to get ice into my mouth. It was still a kiss after all.

Before I noticed it we were back home. I guess that means our date was over right? I groaned as I got out of the passenger seat. I didn't even notice that Jack got out as well. Following me to the house. I gasped when I heard his footsteps behind me as I walked up to the front door. Turning around, "Yes Jack?" He just stood there a bit awkwardly. "Sorry I just thought that our date wasn't over with yet." I thought for a moment to think about what he could mean. We already went to the movies and dinner. What else was left? Before long I came to a conclusion and my face went bright red. "Of course if you don't want to it's fine with me Sam. I won't force you to do it." I couldn't believe it. The choice I was given to make. Should I say yes? I wanted so badly to say yes. But then again maybe I should say no. What if my dad got home and caught us? No. I can't think about this too much if not I'll just leave him standing there in front of me for like a half an hour and he'd probably leave thinking that I was just trying to drag out time before saying no. I took a deep breath before speaking, "I'd love to." Blushing hard and staring at him. Hoping he really did want to do this and wasn't just asking to be nice or something. But the second after I said that his tail started wagging and he kissed me deeply. Pinning me against the front door. I could just blush hard and do my best to push him off, "I-I'd love to but inside the house!" As much as I wanted to do that with him. I'd prefer for it to be somewhere that we can't be seen.

It was hard to put the key into the slot seeing as he was kissing my neck. I could tell he was a little impatient. But eventually I got the key into the lock and opened up the door. I gasped when I felt my feet leave the ground. He picked me up and shut the door with his foot before marching up the stairs and to my room. I could do nothing but blush. I was at his mercy. And I was loving it. Giggling as he sat me down on my bed. I wonder what exactly he had planned. I turned over so I could see what exactly what he was doing and it caused me to blush bright red. He was slowly removing every article of clothing he was wearing. Starting by pulling off his blue and black t-shirt. I swear as his shirt went up so did my heart rate. I stared at every muscle on his chest. I've seen them about a hundred times in the locker room but this time it was different. I could just stare and watch him. I felt like I was paralyzed or something. Watching as he could greatly tell how impressed I was. Showing and flexing every muscle group he had at his disposal. I unconsciously licked my lips and let out a whimper of need. When I heard the sound crawl out of my mouth I just blushed more. Watching as he chuckled softly and moved his paws down his chest. Past his pecs and abs. Reaching to the waist of his pants. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I couldn't believe any of this was really happening. He decided he'd quicken the pace and settled for simply unbuttoning his pants. Grinning and walking over to me and pulling me up to a loving kiss. We weren't even at the fun part of the night yet and I was already in pure bliss. I felt a shiver run up my spine as I felt his paw on my ass. Blushing hard and not resisting. Allowing his advances and attempting to encourage them as well. I took a deep breath and held it as I worked my paws down his muscled chest. Reaching lower and finishing unzipping his pants. I had to bend down lower to get a right angle so I was now laid down on the bed with him over me. He decided he'd help along by slowly pushing my shorts down along with my underwear. I couldn't help but let out a moan as I felt his hands grab and squeeze my bare ass cheeks. "Ah ahhh!" Blushing hard and trying to continue on as I was. Yanking his pants and underwear down to his ankles. I blushed deeply as his hard doghood fell out and right by my face. It was the biggest piece of meat I've ever seen. I couldn't believe it was real. I could hear him chuckle softly above me, "Like what you see Sam?" I couldn't make out a single sound from my mouth so I settled for simply nodding. Staring at his throbbing piece of meat. Wondering if I could play with it. I looked up at him with questioning eyes; the best I could do considering I couldn't utter a noise let alone a question. My tail started to wag as he nodded at me. My gaze went back down to between his legs. I wonder how exactly I should start this. I blushed as I reached up with a paw to grasp it. Enjoying how it felt. So hot and leathery. I giggled when I heard Jack moan softly above me. If he would just moan from me simply touching it. By the end of this I'll have him screaming. I grinned and pulled his meat up. Deciding I'd start at a different angle. Reaching down and caressing the orbs beneath. Giggling as I saw his body shudder from the attention. Reaching down with my lips and kissing both. Enjoying the musky smells being emitted by them. I gasped and moaned softly when I felt his paws squeeze and rub at my ass again. I almost forgot his paws were there. The sudden attention from them was a little bit of a surprise after their inactivity. I looked up and saw him smirking. So it's going to be like that then huh? I smirked before moving back down and dragging my rough tongue against his orbs. Murring as I felt them churning his seed within. I took one into my mouth and then both. Blushing softly now and beginning to suck on them. Dragging my tongue around them and moaning at the taste. I was glad to hear him begin to moan out. His doghood standing tall and hard in front of my eyes. I could see at the tip some pre dribbling out. A sign that he was indeed enjoying this; although his moans definitely showed me just how much he was loving this.

My eyes widened as I felt his paws spreading my ass cheeks. I blushed hard and moaned softly as I felt his hot breath against my tailhole. What exactly was he doing back there. I was too busy sucking at his balls to be able to turn my head back to look. I felt a shiver run up my spine as I felt his rough large tongue drag across my tailhole. I finally released his orbs from my hot mouth. Watching them drop down to their naturally place, except now of course glistened by my spit. Panting and moaning out as I felt him repeat his actions and drag his tongue over my tailhole back and forth. Spreading my ass farther and squeezing my cheeks. I couldn't believe how good this felt. I would've been wondering if he enjoyed what I had done. But for once in the longest time I just couldn't think. My head was spinning. I could feel his tongue now digging into my ass.

I whimpered when I felt his tongue pull out but gasped when I felt him turn me over. He dropped down onto his knees behind me and returned to his previous actions. Spreading my ass cheeks hard and squeezing them. Beginning to lick at my tailhole again except rougher. Pushing the tip of his tongue in. Pulling it back out and pushing twice the amount back in. I could do nothing but moan and grip the sheets tight as he began to tongue fuck me. If this was how good it felt with just his tongue. I had no idea if I'd survive even a second of his doghood. I was already close to an eruption. My own doghood had still not been touched by neither me or Jack. Yet here it was about ready to explode. I felt Jack's tongue push in deeper. I threw my head back and let out a loud moan. He could tell what he just did and decided to do it again. I couldn't help but moan out like a bitch in heat. He was digging his tongue against my prostate and it felt like heaven. My face tensed and I could hold it no more. Letting out a loud moan as I came hard onto the sheets. My seed making my red sheets turn white. I could only pant as Jack pulled his tongue out. I saw him crawl up into bed and pull me up. I was so out of energy from what had just happened I fell right asleep.