Cast Me! Chapter 1

Story by Res Eden on SoFurry

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It was a huge school. East Fur High School stood tall and wide, filled with multiple rooms where students filled their heads with knowledge. At this moment, the hallways were filled with furs heading to their first hour classes.

One fur especially stuck out from the crowd. His name was Resplendence Eden, who just recently moved to the city. And, yes, he was a boy. Of course, no one would be able to tell on first look. The fox was born with a natural, light pink fur color. Who would have thought a red fox and a white arctic fox would make a pink one? It was his fur color that made him believe that he was truly a girl. However, as the years went on, he accepted the fact that he was a boy, but he wanted to embrace his inner femininity. He started wearing girls' clothes. His favorite was his tube top and skirt with lacey panties. Luckily for him, he had the body to pull off such attire. He was lithe throughout his body, except for one spot-his ass.

Res's ass must have stuck out a good two inches from his body, and he was proud of it. It was the one thing about himself that he really thought made him look like a true girl.

Res, because of his looks, was hit on all the time by guys until he told them that he was a boy. Then he was punched and pushed against a wall for dressing like a freak.

Anyways, Res was in the crowd walking through the halls to his first hour class which happened to be Orchestra. When he entered the large room, which was located in the third floor performing arts corridor, he noticed that all of the people were snobbish, high-end preps. He lowered his ears, discouraged at the sight. The first day, no one was playing their instruments, so everyone sat down to listen to the teacher.

The teacher's name was Mr. Enal, a large Shire stallion with a black coat and long black mane. He was well into his 60's, and was just as "high-end" as the other snobs in the class. He was wearing a suit, and that's when Res noticed that all of the others were wearing either polos and khakis or sleeved dresses. He looked down to his own outfit and giggled to himself, completely uncaring that he was out of dress.

"Welcome to Concert Orchestra," Mr. Enal projected to the room, "I am Mr. Enal, your teacher. I am excited to get to know you all. It's nice to see that...most of you are wearing proper clothing." His eyes darted at Res who just smiled back and waved. A few giggles were heard through the room, but Mr. Enal quickly silenced them with his glare.

"For the first semester, we will be playing music on our own that I have picked out. The second semester, we will be playing with the Philharmonic Orchestra and play slightly more advanced music," he informed the class.

Someone raised their paw, and Mr. Enal called their name. The fur, a squirrel, asked, "What's the Philharmonic Orchestra?"

Mr. Enal smiled and said, "Thank you for asking. You are all freshmen, in case you didn't know, coming from different schools. All freshmen orchestral students start in the Concert Orchestra. There are two other orchestras at this school: the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Symphony Orhcestra. At the end of this year, you will perform an audition to be in the Symphony Orchestra. I take twenty-four violins, ten violas, eight cellos, and four basses. Yes, you will be ranked. If you are not in the top number of those groups, you will be in the Philharmonic Orchestra."

There were worried mumbles around the group. There were well over twenty people in the Concert Orchestra. And if there were already forty-six in the top orchestra, there weren't going to be a lot of spots even if the seniors graduate.

But Res kept smiling, and he could tell it annoyed Mr. Enal. Res was very confident in his cello playing. He knew he wasn't the best, but he was certain he was good enough to make the top orchestra at the end of the year.

The bell rang soon after, and the students filed out of the class.

The halls were filled once again, and Res pulled out his schedule to look up his second hour class. Biology. 'Blegh,' Res thought to himself.

Res always hated science, and as he entered the classroom, he knew it was going to be even worse than usual. It was an honors class, and all of the kids looked nice and normal, but the teacher, a skunk, was a mess. She was wearing a tight-fitting blouse with a tattered, plaid skirt. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and she was pregnant.

Ms. Sivad glared at Res as he walked into the room, obviously jealous of his looks, thinking he was a girl. The room was filled with long desks that sat two people. The seating chart was projected on the screen at the front of the classroom and he took his seat in the front.

Class began, and the seat next to Res hadn't been filled. Ms. Sivad started going over the syllabus she handed out to everyone in a monotone and disinterested voice. Res noticed that she held her muzzle in a way that looked like she was smoking all of the time.

About ten minutes into her "speech", the door opened and a polar bear entered. He smiled to Ms. Sivad and said in an Australian accent, "I'm sorry about that ma'am. Marching band went a little longer than it should. I might be late coming to class until football season is over." Ms. Sivad and the rest of the class looked at him in surprise because of his accent. 'Weren't polar bears from the north pole?' Res thought to himself. But Ms. Sivad just grunted and the bear looked up to the seating chart and took his spot next to Res. Res looked up and saw his name was Bernard. 'How fitting for a bear,' Res joked.

Bernard smiled at Res who took note of the bear's beautiful smile. Res had a thing for Australian accents.

Over the course of the period, Ms. Sivad just kept droning on and on. Most of the kids fell asleep, and Res looked over at Bernard to see that the bear was staring back at him. Res blushed and looked away. He heard Bernard chuckle softly, but lucky for Res, the bell rang and he grabbed his book bag and ran out of the room.

His next few classes were uneventful. Third hour was World Geography; fourth was Pre-Calculus; fifth was English. After fifth hour, Res went to his sixth hour, Physical Education Foundations, where he learned he actually had lunch at this point. He walked off to lunch and grabbed a tray of food. He looked off around the cafeteria in the awkward way new kids always stand around at the front of the cafeteria to find someone they know.

Res saw Bernard sitting by himself and started to make his way over there before he saw some jocks crowd around the table and sit with him. Res lowered his ears and said, 'I should've known he was just a jock.'

Res went out to the courtyard where he sat on a bench and watched the birds and the trees blowing in the wind. Res sighed and moved some of his hair fur out of his face behind his ear.

As he started to eat, he felt a hard, firm swat on his ass and yelped loud enough for the entire courtyard to stare back at him and the black wolf that was standing above him. Res looked up and lowered his ears at this attacker.

The wolf stood at a tall six foot five inches which dwarfed Res's five foot seven inches. The wolf wore a vest with a wife beater underneath and black pants. The wolf smiled quite evilly and said down to Res, "Hey there beautiful. How much is a blow job from you?"

Res smiled and said, "Is this your way of coming out of the closet?"

The wolf tilted his head, obviously confused as he looked down at the androgynous fox. "You're a...guy?" he asked. Res nodded in reply. "Fag! I never thought I'd meet a cross-dressing queer!" He slapped Res suddenly, knocking his food over and got on top of the fox and started punching him in the arm, face and stomach. Res yelped after each punch, but everyone in the courtyard just ignored what was happening, trying to stay out of the conflict.

And suddenly, the punches stopped coming. Res opened his eyes cautiously and sat up to see the wolf on the ground with Bernard on top of him, striking him just as hard, if not harder than what the wolf was doing to Res.

Res whimpered softly and Bernard yelled at the wolf, "How could you hit a girl? What the hell is wrong with you?" Res blushed at this remark and stood up to try and pull Bernard off.

"Bernard, that's enough. Please stop," Res implored. The two hadn't even said anything to each other before now, and here Res was trying to stop Bernard's fight.

"But this jerk can't-"

"Please...," Res interjected with wide eyes. Bernard sighed, nodded and moved off of the wolf who got up right after.

"I always knew you were a fag, Bernard," the wolf commented. He walked back inside.

Res turned to Bernard and said, "Thanks. Didn't think I'd have a stereotypical first day of school on my paws."

Bernard hugged Res tight and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks again." He hugged Bernard back.

"Hey, umm...If you want, we could hang out this Saturday."

Res smiled. "That sounds nice."

'This is too great!' Res thought to himself, 'He still thinks I'm a girl!' Res laughed on the inside and said goodbye to the polar bear as the bell rang for sixth hour to start. P.E. was just another introductory class about uniforms and whatnot. The coach, a lion, even told Res that he was in the wrong gym and should be in the next one over for the girls' class. Res corrected him.

Seventh hour was Res's French 3 class.

Finally, the moment Res was waiting for had come. Eighth hour-Drama. Res always enjoyed acting. In the past, he played the lead role of Jasmine in his middle school's production of Aladdin. His theatre teacher in middle school absolutely loved Res and encouraged him to embrace his inner femininity.

He entered the classroom, a blackbox. He looked around at the curtains and lights system on the ceiling. Speakers and microphones were placed around the room with a video camera in the back recording directly onto the stage.

The best part was that the room was filled with a variety of people, not one uniform group. There were two or three jocks, a nerd, some goths, another orchestra member, and of course, other thespians.

The other orchestra member was a blue jay-one of the stuck-up preps. Res could tell he was going to have some trouble with him from the way he looked.

Res sat down and the teacher, a raccoon named Mr. Oefed, introduced himself and the class course. "Let's get right to business. Because of all the plays we have this year, auditions begin immediately. After school today in the auditorium is the audition for our first Fall drama, Arcadia, by Tom Stoppard. Since the audition is on the first day of school, you do not need a monologue prepared: it will be a cold-reading, which means we will have a script for you and you have to act it out," he explained.

Res was ecstatic. He sneaked in a text to his mom to ask her to pick him up later so he could stay for the audition. She obliged and the class continued. At 3:00 p.m., eighth hour ended, and Res rushed excitedly to the auditorium doors where people were already sitting and filling out audition sheets.

Res found the rhino who was passing them out, and later learned that he was the Thespian Executive Board President and student director for the fall dramas.

The pink fox sat down and filled out the form, looking at the other people around. Some were doing breathing exercises and others were clearing their throat to prepare.

"Hey there, bud!" Res heard. He turned and saw a dalmatian with bulging muscles approach him and sit down next to him.

"Bud?" Res asked, "You know I'm a guy?"

"Hehe," the dog laughed, "Yup. I've seen quite a few crossdressers, and you have to be one of the cutest."

"Aww...," Res blushed, "Thanks. You are too bad to look at yourself."

"Haha. Thanks, I think. If you're finished, I can turn in your audition sheet for you."

"That'd be very sweet," Res smiled and handed the dog his audition sheet. The dalmatian gave the sheets to the rhino and sat next to Res again. "I'm Res, by the way," the pink fox said.

"I'm Chad," the dog replied, "It's nice to meet you. Are you auditioning for a certain part?"

"No. I've never read the play."

"Well, I want to be Septimus. He's the male lead who is the female lead's tutor and eventual lover. It gets complicated," he laughed.

"Then I'll be fighting you for it," Res smiled, "What grade are you in?"

"I'm a junior," Chad said.

Finally, the rhino called, "Resplendence Eden. You're up." As Res walked by the rhino to the auditorium doors, the rhino said, "Break a leg, and have fun." He smiled to Res.

Res walked through the doors and through the dark auditorium and onto the stage where a single diamond spotlight shown from overheard. He stood in the middle of it and he could said Mr. Oefed and another teacher sitting at a desk in front of the seats.

"The script you want is at your feet on your right," Res heard the second teacher say.

Res nodded and saw two scripts on the ground, bending over to pick up the script on the right. He read it over quickly and realized that it was a female part. But he read and acted it anyways, and quite well he thought.

"Thank you," was all he got back in return.

Res left the auditorium, shaking a bit from his nerves. The rhino talked to him again and said, "The cast list will be up tomorrow. Thanks for auditioning. Chad Mayax. You're next."

The dalmatian stood up and hugged Res tight. "I'm sure you did great," he said.

"Break a leg," Res said in return, smiling, "I'll see you tomorrow, I hope."

Chad ruffled the fox's hair fur and went into the auditorium. Res picked up his book bag and walked down the hall where his mom was waiting for him outside.