The Taming of Mitchell Anick, Episode 4.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#4 of The Taming of Mitchell Anick

The Taming Of Mitchell Anick.

The following story will contain the use of Violence, Bad Language, and Gay Furry Sex. If you are not old enough to read such material or the material offends you in anyway then read on no further.

PART: 4.

I have no idea what time it is, but we are all woken up by the sound of an alarm, in my still dazed state I have no idea what the alarm is, but Rick is only too aware of it.

"Yo Manick, get out of your bunk, the fire alarm is sounding, and this must be the real deal because they don't run fire drills during the early hours"

I quickly come around from my sleepy state and roll out of my bunk; suddenly the cell door is opened by a very worried looking bull.

"Guys, we need to evacuate everyone out onto the yard, a fire has broken out in the kitchens and has taken hold"

Both Rick and I quickly head out of our cell and into the stream of prisoners heading towards the exercise yard, once we are all outside a roll call is called, in the distance the sound of sirens can be heard. I listen to the names as they are called out, each one getting a reply.....all except one, Jonas.

The guard calls Jonas's name again and still there is no reply, the guard hands his clipboard to another guard and runs back into the cell area, suddenly there is a huge explosion as a massive ball of flame belches from the entrance to the cells. I need no further provocation and I run towards the entrance. Rick is hot on my tail shouting at me to get back.

I ignore Rick's advice and run into the building, I run towards Jonas's cell and I see the guard lying just inches away from Jonas's body, I shout out to Rick and he follows me into the cell block to help me retrieve the two bodies.

"Manick you fucking damn fool, what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

I quickly take hold of Jonas's left arm and wrap it round my neck, I then get back to my footpaws and begin to drag Jonas's body from the cell, Rick follows suit with the body of the guard hunched over his back. We make it back to the cell block entrance just as there is another sizable explosion; fortunately, both Rick and I manage to exit the building unscathed.

A group of guard's rushes to our aid, the bodies of Jonas and the guard are removed from our backs and then laid down on the ground; the prison medical team is quick to action and quickly manage to revive both Jonas and the guard.

With both Jonas and the guard back in the land of the living, the medics check both Rick and I over for any signs of burning or any other injuries, fortunately for us we suffer nothing more than some slight fur singing, while the guard and Jonas both have minor cuts and are suffering the effects of smoke inhalation.

As the fire brigade battle to bring the fire under control the four of us are led to the unaffected medical wing, we are all placed gently into neighbouring beds, both Jonas and the bull guard have their injuries tended to by the medical staff, and then we are left alone with only a single guard sat outside the door to keep watch over us.

It's been one hell of a distressing night so we decide to try and get some more sleep; after all, we are all going to be on the medical wing for a day or two.


Breakfast time comes around so quickly that we hardly feel as though we have got any sleep. We finish our breakfast and again we are left alone apart from the single guard outside the door, Jonas rolls slowly on to his side and faces me.

"Yo Anick, tell me, why did you do it, why did you save my life, especially after what I did to you?"

I turn on my side and face the pit-bull and make my reply.

"Well Jonas, I could claim your ass as mine, you owe me big time, but I'm not like that, I maybe a common thief but one thing I don't do is turn away when someone is in danger.....regardless of who they are or what they have done"

Rick looks towards the pit-bull.

"Jonas, you are one lucky son of a bitch, if you had done to me what you did to Manick, I would have let you fry"

Jonas cowers down in his bed, unable to face either me or Rick, he replies in a voice that is just barely audible.

"Mitchell, I'm sorry for what I did, but thank you for.....rescuing me"

The guard leans up on his elbow.

"Mr Anick, you and Rick here have earned two unlikely friends, I know that inmates and guards don't really mix, but my friends you will both forever have my friendship and gratitude"


Two days have passed and Rick, me and Jonas are back in a cell block, both me and Rick are cooped up in an isolation cell while Jonas has an isolation cell all to himself. Sure it's not as luxurious as the main cells but with our cell area being badly damaged in the fire this was the only place they had left.

Our cell door is opened and Mace walks into the cell, man is he a sight for sore eyes, he is carrying two personal item bags.

"Manick, Rick, time to put your personal clothes on, in an hour you two are both going in front of the judge again"

I look at Rick and he looks back at me, then we both look back to Mace who is now wearing a beaming smile.

"You two reprobates are heroes, so they have convened a special parole hearing for you. I think that we can safely say that either one of you will be seeing the inside of this cell again, or any cell for that matter"

As quick as a flash both Rick and I take the bags from Mace's paws, Mace then leaves the cell so that we can get changed into our clothes. It seems that Rick has lost quite a bit of weight as his pants won't stay up, so I remove the belt from my own pants and hand it to Rick.

Rick takes the belt from my paws and puts it on.

"Ya know Manick when we went back into that burning cell block, I thought you were off your head, and I know that you wouldn't have left them in there to burn, but it has actually worked out well for us, so if we get out, the job at my company for you is assured"

Once we are dressed I tab on the cell door, the door opens and I stand face to face with Mace.

"Ok guys, I have to follow procedure, so I have to cuff you, but I will just cuff you both together, no need for two sets of cuffs, then we will start our journey towards the truck that will hopefully lead to your freedom"

With both Rick and I cuffed together Mace leads us to the waiting transport. Once inside the truck we begin the journey to the courthouse, the same one that just over a week ago had sentenced me to serve time.

After a journey of half an hour we arrive at our destination, again Mace leads us from the truck and into the courthouse, this time there is no jury to face, just the man with the curly wig.

We are both led into courtroom number 4 and into the stand to await the judge's arrival. Two minutes later and he makes his entrance and sits in his seat.

"Gentlemen, though you are both paw cuffed together, I will take you both as individuals, you have both committed crimes worthy of time in prison but to process you both as one would be the wrong thing to do. I will first start with you Mr Lynch, as I see here in your records you were sentenced to fifteen years for the murder of one.......Alexander Harris; I also notice that you were soon due for a parole hearing. While your crime was a violent one, I see from the prison records that you have kept your nose clean to the point of helping out with new inmates, in fact it says here that you even took your fellow prisoner Mr Anick under your wing"

The judge then looks towards me and continues.

"That brings me to you Mr Anick again from your file I note that you were sent down for 8 years for armed robbery, many counts of armed robbery in point of fact. You were due for a parole hearing in 18 months. I notice that you stand a little uneasily, why is that?"

I hang my head a little and make my choked reply.

"Your honour, one of the other inmates raped me"

The judge nods his head as he already knows the story.

"Thank you Mr Anick, I just needed to hear you confirm what I have in front of me, the fact is that you were raped by the very inmate that you pulled from the fire in the prison block. Now at this point I will look at your actions of two days ago, and since you are both involved I can process you both together"

The judge looks at his notes and then continues.

"At two forty three am on May 10 2011, a fire started in the kitchen area of the prison, that fire quickly spread to the cell block in which you, Mr Lynch and inmate Jonas Maiden were being held, an evacuation was completed but upon the guard, Jet Danson, calling a roll call it was found that Mr Maiden was unaccounted for, Mr Danson duly went back into the cell block, a short time after there was an explosion"

The judge took a sip from his glass of water and then continued.

"Neither Mr Danson nor Mr Maiden emerged from the building. Mr Anick you selflessly re-entered the building closely followed by Mr Lynch, there was yet another explosion, but you and Mr Lynch managed to bring out both Mr Maiden and Mr Danson, thus saving their lives. Mr Anick, this is not the first life that you have saved, you have also saved the life of Detective Mace Smith after the car he was travelling in left the road"

The judge now turns to Detective Smith and speaks.

"Detective Smith, I believe it is your paw cuffs that bind Mr Anick and Mr Lynch together, would you please remove them"

Mace's smile grew wider as he gladly removed the cuffs, with the cuffs gone the judge continues.

"Now then guys I'm going to release you both on licence, what that means is that for a period of six months, you both must attend your local police station on Friday of each week at ten am, failure to do this will get you back inside prison, I also want you both to gain full time employment and somewhere to live, providing that all these terms are are both free to go"

Mace now clears his throat.

"Your honour, may I please approach the bench?"

The judge nods his head and Mace makes his way to the bench and speaks to the judge.

"Judge Saunders, you made one of the terms of the licence that they find somewhere to live, if it's ok with you sir I would like to offer them both a place to stay, at least until they get back on their footpaws"

The judge considers Mace's request and then addresses both Rick and I.

"Mr Anick, Mr Lynch, it seems that you have already fulfilled one of the conditions of the licence, I am therefore going to release you both into the custody of Detective Smith. You are both free to leave"

I let out a huge sigh as does Rick, Mace then returns to the box and speaks to us both.

"Ok guys, we'll head back to the truck, they will take us back to prison........where we will get into my car and head back to my place and your licensed freedom"

We both follow Mace out to the transport and willingly climb aboard. As we make the journey back to the prison parking area, Rick stands before me.

"Manick, I told you that I would not take another man's partner and that is still true, but I was wondering if I could just give the guy who helped me gain freedom a kiss?"

I blush as red as a stop sign but gently nod my head. Rick leans forward and takes my muzzle in one of the sweetest kisses I have ever had, after a minute we break from the kiss and Rick speaks again.

"I just hope that Smithy knows what a fantastic guy he has as a partner?"

We both sit facing each other as the truck continues its journey towards freedom.

The Taming of Mitchell Anick, Episode 5.

**_The Taming Of Mitchell Anick._** _The following story will contain the use of Violence, Bad Language, and Gay Furry Sex. If you are not old enough to read such material or the material offends you in anyway then read on no further._ _...

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Life's a Beach, Wave 3.

# **_Life's A Beach._** ## **_By: Wolfie Steel._** _This story is starting out to be a one shot deal, however, if I get enough calls to add to it, I will do so. The story may contain acts of gay sex with bad language to boot._ Wave: 3. As we drive...

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I Can't See The Forest For The Trees, Part 9.

**I Can't See The Forest For The Trees.** Written by, Wolfie Steel. Part Nine. _Here come the usual rules, all characters used in this story belong to their owners and are used with their kind permission. There will be references to homosexual...

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