Rural Justice 1: The morning call

Story by IllegalWords on SoFurry

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Scene 1: Feral Spotting

Crickets and the cool wind against the trees were the only noises to be heard on this dark summer night in Jeston County. A bright crescent moon haunted through the light cloud cover, emitting an eerie shine over the green country-side that only created darker shadows. Only the few nocturnal ferals of the night wandered the sanctioned fields of soy and corn, separated only by dirt roads and scattered rows of dense forest. These ferals, such as deer and raccoons, sought nourishment in the dark and away from the daylight eyes of the more intelligent and dominant species. Such ferals were just the kind John Martins and his friends were looking for.

His old rusty pickup truck sped down the dirt and gravel roads between the farmers' fields. His highbeams shined brightly from the headlights, exposing the road from the dark and the weeds that surrounded them. Three beams from high powered flashlights scanned through the fields, two from the bed and one from passenger window, held by his surveying friends on the lookout for ferals. The interior light inside the truck was off, so the faces of the five teenagers were masked in shadow.

Foolishly, the beams of light bounced and shook around the fields as the truck hit an onslaught of bumps and dips in the dirt road. These and the worn shocks threw John and his passengers around the truck, especially the two in the bed, but that did not tempt him enough to slow. Even as he nearly lost control, John was not one to back down or go soft from whatever he viewed as minor problems.

"Slow down, will ya?" yelled Ben from the bed of the truck, holding onto the side for dear life along with Dawbs. They had both dropped their flashlights and rifles, leaving them to bounce and roll around the bed viciously.

"Fuck off ya rabbit!" John replied out his open window, trying to yell louder than the new-age country music he had blaring from his blown dashboard speakers, then purposely began to speed faster down the road out of spite. His tires ground and flung gravel against the sides of the truck while a cloud of dirt followed them.

"Shit!" screamed Dawbs as they hit another large bump.

"Seriously, John! Slow the fuck down!" yelled Mia, who sat between him and her silent boyfriend on the passenger side of the truck's single couch. "I keep hitting my head against the back window!"

"How the hell are we gonna shoot anything?" Ben yelled again.

With a growl of frustration, John slammed on the brakes and fought with the steering wheel to keep the truck from rolling. The tires slid along the dirt road for a long while until the back swung out and spun the truck, making Mia scream with fright. They finally stopped sideways facing a dark open field of soy. Only the plants caught in the beams of the headlights were visible.

Irate, the John killed the ignition, along with the radio, and swung his door open to step out onto the road. The vicious thrust to the door caused the interior light to flicker on and off, until it finally remained lit. Standing in the light, the feline teenager of gray tiger-stripes looked up with a furious gaze towards those in the bed of his truck. His yellow eyes burned beneath the faded red ballcap he wore over his hair.

Mia, a half Siamese feline with short black hair, stared at him with both anger and fear from inside the cab. Her heart still pounded beneath her white tank-top from the dangerous stop. On the other side of her, looking over her head at John, was a very tall and quiet light grey canine by the name of Lee dressed in a denim jacket with a white ballcap on his head. A white paw patted on Mia's lap in an effort to help calm her down, but it went unnoticed by his girlfriend.

"Get the fuck out my truck, Ben!" demanded John with a yell, pointing his finger out towards the dark road they came from. "Don't tell me how to fucking drive my own fucking truck!"

Ben sat up from the rusty bed of the truck, rubbing his head where he had hit it during the sudden brake. The brown long-eared lapine gazed down at John through his glasses with a dizzy expression on his face, ears flopped down against the sides like always. "I. I only wanted you to slow down, damn.."

"Shut the fuck up, Likowski, and get out!" Ben hated it when he was addressed by his last name and John knew it.

Dawbs stood up behind Ben in the bed and leaned against the cab of the truck to see what was going on. His equine form seemed to tower over Ben, but was a teenager like the rest of them. "Yeh, git out deh fuckin truck," he warned with a heavy slur, backing up his best friend like usual.

Almost as furious as John, Mia slid down the couch of the truck to step out the open door. "Don't blame him!" she argued, "You almost had us killed!"

John's eyes flared at the Siamese as though she just betrayed him. "Listen, bitch, don't you fucking start! You don't even have a fucking license!"

"And I can still drive better than you can, John!"

"I'd like to see you fucking die trying!"

Before Mia could respond, the argument between the two felines was interrupted by Lee yelling from the cab. His finger pointed out towards the long row of illuminated soybean plants on the other side of the windshield. "There's one!"

The other four immediately turned to look out towards where the headlights pointed, but were not quick enough to see what Lee had saw flash across the beams of light. Whatever it was, they could hear it running through the rows of crops now that they were focused.

"Git deh guns!" ordered Dawbs as he turned around to find his flashlight and rifle he dropped earlier in the truck's bed.

John nearly pushed Mia out of his way as he made a sprint back for his truck. Behind the seat he pulled out a long scoped hunting rifle. "C'mon, lets hunt 'er down!" he ordered before rushing off into the field of soybean plants.

"Wait! Don't you want a flashlight?" Lee asked as he stepped out of the truck, carrying one of his own. He got no reply from John and grunted. He looked back up to Dawbs as the equine was picking up the dropped equipment from the bed. "Give my rifle back," he demanded.

Without hesitation, the tall equine tossed him the rifle Ben had been using and then hopped out of the truck, wielding his own. The shocks bounced up and down once they were free from his weight. With flashlights shining and guns ready, the two of them charged in after John. Their beams of light waving left and right in search of the feral they thought they had seen before.

A little disoriented, Ben grabs his flashlight and hops out from the truckbed onto the dirt road, eying Mia as she watched the group disappear into the darkness. The only thing to be seen of them were the beams of light scanning the field, occasionally shining them at each other.

"My battery's dead!" they heard one of them suddenly yell.

"You coming?" Ben politely asked her as he took his first step onto the field.

"Yeah, I'll come," Mia answered with a hesitant nod.

Scene 2: An unsuspecting cop

The audio and light from the TV set upon the dresser filled the small bedroom of bare plaster walls. On the bed watching the late-night programming was a slender male skunk of large blue eyes and white hair, lying on his back wearing nothing more than a pair of blue boxers over his waist. His huge bushy tail hung over the side of the bed in a relaxed position.

Immediately after a laugh-track, the signal started to fade and static almost filled the monitor.

"Damn antenna," muttered the skunk as he hit the power button on his remote control.

With the TV off, the only light to illuminate the room came from one of the open doors on the wall to his right. The furthest dark doorway lead to the hall, the other was a walk-in closet, while the one with the light lead into a small bathroom. He could hear his girlfriend brushing her teeth inside and grinned.

"Jennifer." he called out in a lusty tone.

The feline peeked her head out the doorway with a blue toothbrush sticking out from her closed black lips, looking curiously at the grinning skunk. Her own face was black with matching hair that reached just beyond her shoulders. She was easily identifiable with her tricolor tortoiseshell fur pattern, meaning her fur was mostly black all over her body but had random patches of three colors that blended into one, giving them a dark cinnamon color. She had one such patch underneath her left eye on her cheekbone.

She gave him a silly, inquisitive look without speaking.

"Why don't we get cable for this place?" he asks, almost begging.

Jennifer smiled and slipped back into the bathroom, laughing before spitting the toothpaste lather into the running water in the sink.

"Because, Robert, we'd never have sex again. ", she explains jokingly, "you'd be completely glued to the TV more than you already are!"

"Oh horse shit," he laughed, "you know that a stupid TV show is not as important as you are."

Jennifer smiled at that while she rinsed her mouth with Listerine, then spitting it out after several seconds. After wiping her mouth off, she stepped out into the bedroom dressed in only a white nightgown and approached the bed, leaving the light on behind her.

"Well, I'm glad that I'm more important to you than a stupid TV show," she said sarcastically with a laugh, then leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on his nose, "Good thing we didn't have any smart ones on tonight."

Robert then growled playfully and grabbed her by the waist. "I'll show you just how important you are then," he said before pulling her down onto his lap. Jennifer squealed and laughed in surprise as she bounced onto his lap, then purposely shift her black athletic legs so that she was straddling his.

She grinned and her throat began to purr, her hips scooting up a bit over his groin as she kissed him on the lips. Robert kissed back passionately, his hands rubbing at her sides over her nightgown. He could tell she wore nothing underneath when he felt a familiar heat rubbing against his groin through the boxers. He knew now that it was inevitable and let out a murr, reaching for the bottom of her gown and began to lift it.

Jennifer felt her nightgown being lifted and giggled during their kiss. She sat up over him and helped his hands with removing the silky gown, lifting it up and over her head, dropping it onto the floor next to the bed.

Although he had seen her naked several times before, Robert never got tired of laying his eyes on her unique form. She had a large cinnamon patch on her abs that was off-centered over her naval. Her right breast was almost entirely cinnamon and the patch bleeds a little onto her left breast as well. Her right shoulder, the tip of her slender tail, and the backs of both her calves all shared this cinnamon color while the rest of her remained black. Robert smiled with delight up at her, reminded once again that he was blessed to have her heart.

"I love you," he murred with a smile, hands reaching down to rub her black athletic thighs straddling his hips.

With an excited purr, Jennifer narrowed her yellow feline eyes sensually. "I love you too," she said in reply.

Her black hands slid down Robert's white chest and abs until they reached the stretchy hem of his blue boxer shorts. She scooted back off his groin and pulled the hem down on the tented boxers, exposing his semi-erect member to the cool night air of the room. Her lips smiled widely as she eyed his piece, which she commonly claimed as hers, and wrapped her delicate fingers around its base.

The skunk's mouth opens and lets out a soft groan as the first wave of sensation hits him, arousing him quickly and causing his member to pulse and grow in her gentle grip. His hands reach up and rub at her shoulders with his eyes nearly closed.

Jennifer let out a soft giggle as she felt him grow in her palm, and with a grin, slid her body back and laid down on her stomach. She swung Robert's cock up and gave the bottom of its head a simple kiss, causing his arousal to soar and his throat to grunt. She looked up with her deep yellow feline eyes and enjoyed his reactions. Her tongue began to give him soft licks along his rippled underside before carefully slipping him into her warm mouth.

Richard almost climaxed at that moment and felt that he was going to cum at any second afterward. With his teeth clenched, he opened his eyes to look down at his beautiful lover, seeing her just in time before she starts to bob her head up and down, sucking on him pleasurably with a purr.

"Oh, yeah.. Jennifer.. I.. I.. I'm going to. to.." he stuttered as he panted, unable to finish the sentence before the climax hit him.

Jennifer knew what he was trying to say, even though he had never finished the words. She slipped the skunk's member free from her lips and started to lick passionately at the very tip just when his sentence ended in a loud groan. He came for her on her licking tongue that gently lapped up his warm semen as it spattered against the pink flesh and her dark lips.

Robert's head fell back as he felt the afterglow, his lover still carefully licking and holding his member. "Oh.. Jennifer, that was wonderful.."

"I know," she giggled, licking her lips clean of his cum. "But stay hard for me, Robert.." she requested with a purr, still gently holding his member and kissing the head again.

He grins down at her and sits up a little against the headboard of their bed. Her kiss had put life back into his member, quickly gaining what little girth he lost after his climax. "Mmm, anything for you, hun."

With an excited smile, Jennifer slowly crawled up his body and straddled his thighs, erect member leaning against her black furred crotch. The blowjob had really got her flowing. Her sex burned with desire over his legs and he could feel her heat radiating against them. She leaned forwards to kiss him dearly on the lips, both of them closing their eyes for a passionate moment while she reached over and opened the drawer to the nightstand next to their bed. From it, she pulled out a fresh condom in a package and smiled.

Robert was not surprised but still enjoyed watching her unwrap the condom and roll it over his slick member, his throat letting out a calm murr. The two had been using condoms every time except for a few urgent emergencies, but he did not mind at all. They both knew they were not ready for children yet and birth-control does not work all the time.

With a glee laugh, Jennifer got the condom snuggly fit over her lover's member and then slowly began to lift her hips up and over it. One of her hands held his rod steady while the other rubbed at her wet lips above it, making sure she was good and ready to take him. Unable to hesitate any longer, she slowly lowered herself down, letting out a pleasurable gasp as she felt his tip squeeze into her.

The skunk gasped with her, both of them feeling the surge of pleasure shooting through their bodies. His hands reached out and gently placed them at her hips, helping her ease her way slowly down, taking him further and further between her warm walls outside the condom.

Jennifer moaned out loudly and braced her hands against his chest, then slowly started to rock her hips back and forth. Her eyes closed and her mouth gaped wide open with her moaning, which got soft and steady as she got more and more used to his warm length inside her. Her rocking above him got faster and switched to up and down pumping. Her black furred rear slammed down against his black thighs and ball sac with each thrust, her tail raised high and curled with delight.

Robert's hips soon joined with her rocking, thrusting upwards against hers, penetrating her with his entire length with each powerful drive. His hands slid up her athletic body to cup and hold her breasts as they swing freely on her chest, supporting them and enjoying the feel of her two different colored breasts in his hands. He gave them a gentle squeeze as the two lovers continued to thrust madly into each other, filling the room with their warmth, the sweet smell of their sex, and the clamor of their panting and moaning.

They soon both cried out in pure ecstasy as they achieve orgasm together, bodies convulsing with pleasure as they held each other dearly, panting, cooing, and covering each other's faces with small kisses and licks of love. As they lie together in their calm afterglow, holding each other securely in their arms, they pass into sleep and rested soundly without a worry in the world. A light rain tapped against the window to further sooth them into slumber.


Jennifer opened one eye to the sound of her lover, the other side of her face buried in a pillow. She thought she heard her alarm going off, but it sounded different and the sun wasn't even out yet.

"Honey, your cell phone is going off."

It was then that she recognized the specific ring-tone, the one she associated to her boss.

"Chief!" she yelled out as she rolled off the bed, naked as the day she was born, and fell onto the floor. She stumbled towards her glowing cell phone on a corner table, flipping it open when she finally reached it.

"Hello? Chief?" she answered, panting nervously.

Robert sat up on the bed and looked over at her with concern as she spoke on her cell phone. He only picked up muffled mutterings from her chief on the other side, but was unable to hear any specific words that he said.

Suddenly, Jennifer gasped loudly and sat back down on the bed.

"No! Are you serious? Where?"

Robert was now especially concerned. He knew it was tough being a police officer, just about as tough as it was dating one, but they lived in the small rural town of Bluegill that only a few handful of people have heard about, so crime is almost unheard of. On a rare occasion she'll get called in during the night, usually a domestic disturbance, but he had never heard her react or panic like this before. She looked wide awake and scared as she listened.

"I can't believe it! Did this just happen?"

Robert set a comforting hand on his lover's cinnamon shoulder and tried to pick up what her chief was saying, hoping the two were over reacting, but he was betting on a fatal car accident during the night. He glanced over at the digital clock on the dresser, reading the time 5:13 am.

"Yes! Yes sir! I'll be over there as soon as I can!"

The only words he was able to make out from the old fox were "See you there Lieutenant" before she hung up.

Jennifer immediately got up and headed for the walk-in closet, opening the door and flicking the light on inside. She grabbed one of her hanging uniforms and some clean underwear, putting them all on in a hurry in front of her worried boyfriend.

"You won't believe this," she said, almost as a warning while she dressed. "Old goat McKinsley found dead bodies in his soybean field this morning."

It was now Robert's turn to gasp.

"Really? How many?"

"Three," she answered with a worried expression, "Chief thinks we may have a triple homicide on our hands. If so, this'll be a first for Bluegill, Indiana. He said they just got the call a few minutes ago and they are sending us and the county boys in to secure the area, so I doubt anyone's there yet."

Robert shook his head in near disbelief. "Who had dead watch?"

"Larry and Micheal. I'm betting they're on their way now. How do I look?" she asked him, adjusting her black tie.

The naked skunk stood up from the bed once his lover finished putting on her tight black officer's uniform of the Bluegill Municipal Police Force. He embraced her by the shoulders and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips before letting go, "Like the sexiest cop to ever live."

She smiled back at him, tail waving back and forth behind her. "Always am. I'll see you tonight, Robert," she said with a wink, poking his bare chest before she made her way down the hallway, grabbing her black uniform jacket and utility belt on her way out the door.

He watched through the bedroom window with a sigh as her flashing red and blue lights sped down the dark empty road, her sirens eventually fading behind a cover of trees.

"At least the rain stopped."

*Expect chapter 2 within the next few days

Deposit for Nanita

_Here you go. Enjoy._ Nanita awakened as dusty beams of sunlight crept between the boards of the barn wall. It was a calm and bright late-morning outside the old farm building that the cat always slept in, missing the early chores that her owners...

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