Runaways: Pt. 2

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#2 of Runaways.

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. Try not to get caught. If you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!


A lonely train steamed in the fog that night, waiting for its engineer to unleash it. Little did it know that a fox was pulling along a young wolf through the tall grass beside it. They had been walking for over an hour through forests, backyards, and alleyways before they reached it and when they saw the train they both gave out a sigh of relief.

"Pick a car..." Jeffery finally spoke as he eyed the giant from engine to caboose.

"We're hopping the train?" Bartleby said as he stopped, surveying the machine himself. "Isn't that... illegal?"

"Would you rather..." Jeffery paused as he rubbed his temples and licked his lips.

"...walk?" He looked over to the wolf and saw the look of determination on his face. Then

he saw him move, hoisting his bag into a corroding red car. He tried lifting himself but

couldn't make it. He felt himself fall and hit the ground with a dusty thud. Getting up,

he swept himself off before he went for another try.

"Huh?" He said as he felt Jeffery's massive paw on his rump. It gave him a push as he

flew over into the car, landing on his chest.

"Ha!" Jeffery chuckled as he lifted himself effortlessly and landed cross-legged next to

the pile of fur. "Someone needs to... Gain some muscle..." He patted Bartleby's butt

again as the wolf lay there, already tired out.

He rolled over and looked around the shaded car. The wood on the floor was chipped

and rotting, and the walls were made of rusted metal. Rough tears had been made

within them which caused sharp corners to jut out. They seemed to smile at the wolf as

they licked their lips, waiting to taste his flesh.

"Having..." Jeffery rolled his bag over to him as he spoke. " so far?"

"Loads..." Bartleby said as he kept looking around, holding his bag and making sure

everything was still in tact. He then looked over the fox and smiled. "...Thanks..."

"For what...?" Jeffery asked as he laid back on the floor, pulling some straw over to

him to use for a pillow.

"Taking me away..." Bartleby said as he pulled his sweater out and laid back in the

same fashion, using fabric as his headrest. "I'd still be on that log if it weren't for you..."

"You haven't..." He chuckled again as the train lurched. "...seen anythin' yet, boy." He

looked at him through the corner of his eye and saw him staring back. "Just... wait..."

"What's it gonna be like?" Bartleby asked before his imagination had a chance to run

wild. Whenever he had been given a chance to think things through, he would always

lean towards the bad things that could happen.

Jeffery just chuckled and put his paws on his stomach. His tail twitched and flicked

Bartleby's foot-paws. "As I said..." He said before as he slipped into the blackness of




The whistle woke the wolf as the train start squeaking to a stop. Bartleby looked

around and saw Jeffery already standing by the wide open door. The wind was blowing

around his trench-coat as he bathed in the full moon's light.

Bartleby checked his watch and read that it was almost 11:30 P.M. He hadn't been

much for staying up late, so he considered rolling over and shutting his eyes again.

"Get up..." Jeffery hissed and braced himself for the next task. "Get ready..."

"Ready for what?" Bartleby yawned as he sat up. His ears perked as his mind

wondered what he meant. "Food?!" He asked him as his mouth started to water.

"Come here..." Jeffery said as he held onto the metal frame, keeping his balance. "...I'll

show you..." He smiled and held out his paw.

"Okay...?" Bartleby said as he closed his bag and threw it over his shoulder. He

grabbed onto the fox's paw and suddenly realized what they were about to do.

"Now..." The fox began. "Don't forget to... roll..." He chuckled and threw the wolf out of

the car before he jumped out as well.

Bartleby hit the gravel with a crack as he braced himself for the impact. He howled as

pain wrapped itself around his body, cutting into him with jagged rocks and broken


After he tumbled, he came to a stop on a patch of grass, staying in his balled position

well after he landed. He panted as his heart's pace was rising, trying to cope with the

adrenaline that was shot into his bloodstream.

"You alright, lad?" Jeffery called to him from a couple feet away. He had made a

flawless landing and didn't even have to have his foot-paws leave the ground. "Where

are ya?"

"...HERE!" Bartleby coughed as he struggled to get to his feet. He took a couple steps

and shuddered with pain, but he could still walk. His bag had detached from him about a

foot or so the other way, so nothing had been broken inside of it. "I'm fine from what I

can tell!"

"Good..." Jeffery said as he pinpointed the wolf's placement. "First time I did that..." He

paused again and waited to come within a more reasonable speaking distance. "...I broke

my leg..."

Bartleby considered himself lucky for not meeting the same fate as Jeffery did and

went for his bag. He then noticed a couple cuts and scrapes, though, and lapped at the

blood before it dripped. He turned and saw Jeffery staring at him with sly eyes as a

smile crept upon his lips.

"Tastes... good...?" He asked him as him as he put his paw around him, pulling him up

to his pace. "I've tasted... blood before... and not my own..." He chuckled again and

looked Bartleby in the eye as they walked. The moon was glinting off of it, casting an

indescribably frightening look upon him. "Care to... try?"

Bartleby just shook his head, gave him a "no thanks", and kept walking. His

adrenaline was still up, but he couldn't tell if it was from the jump or the question. One

thing's for sure... It was defiantly out of the ordinary, but not as weird as it would have

been if his life hadn't changed so much. Something in him just passed it off as just

another question, of sorts.

"How much longer, Jeffery?" Bartleby asked him now like he was his big brother. "My

legs are starting to hurt and I'm getting kinda hungry..." He waited for an answer as the

fox pulled him along, his paw still on his back. Then the fox turned toward him and gave

a half-assed smile.

"See those...?" He pointed to the horizon that was littered with trees. He spoke

through sinister, daggered teeth. "The... lights?"

"The really dim ones?" The wolf asked as he squinted his eyes. He turned his head

back to Jeffery and saw him nodding. "That seems kind of far..." He added ad they

trudged through the brush.

"You were..." The fox added a sincere tone to his voice as he walked. "...worth it,

Bartleby." He nodded again and kept the wolf up to pace with him.

"Just a little longer... Then we feast"


Half an hour of silent walking and a couple aching foot-paws later, the two furs burst

through the final thicket that lead to a large field. Bartleby gasped as he surveyed the

decrepit area that held a couple broken down rides and an enormous tent. Its stripes

were the colors of dried up blood and rotting banana-peels that still had a bit yellow on

them, while its mass was probably big enough to fit over six thousand furs in it.

"There she is..." Jeffery's voice grew in anticipation as he hurried the pace. "That's

heaven... right there..."

"Heaven..." Bartleby said as he looked upon the tent. It looked dirty, but the air had a

sort of static charge to it. There were shadows of performers bouncing off the walls of

the tent as a full crowd of furs held out dollar bills. Few furs were stuck outside, but the

few that were had cigarettes smoking between their fingers. They all looked depressed,

though, and had ratty clothing.

"Come now..." Jeffery said as he pulled the young one along. "We need to see... The

Ringleader..." That pause struck between Bartleby's ears as he met eyes with some of

the furs that stood outside the tent. He turned to ask if he could see the show first but

Jeffery had his head turned and was scolding some of the cubs that were playing on the

broken equipment.

"Fuck off, ol' man!" One of them called as he held up a metal bar, probably from one

of the rides.

"Jeffery...?" Bartleby tugged on the fox's coat just before he lunged at the cubs. "Can...

Can I see the show first...?" He looked at the fox as he smiled at him, putting away

something he had slipped from a pocket in his jacket.

"Of course we can..." He gave a nervous giggle and tucked away his object, then

changed direction. "Captain's probably.... Working anyhow..." He muttered angrily as the

cubs laughed at him. "Plus it's getting'... to the best part..." Rubbing his paws together,

he led Bartleby in through the side entrance.

They sat together on the closest empty seat, which was a cheap hardwood bench.

Other furs scoffed as Jeffery tugged Bartleby in front of them, trying to get to the empty

patch of wood so they could see the end of the show.

"You'll like this one, boy," Jeffery chuckled as he started undoing his pants. Bartleby

just stared in curiosity and noticed many of the other furs in the audience were doing

the same. Then an eagle appeared on stage with his giant wings spread as far as they

could go, begging for silence from the restless audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" He spoke into the microphone that was placed in front of

him. "I believe you know what part of the show this is?!" He held his wing to his ear and

waited for the crowd's response.

"Yeah!!!" They shouted at him with extreme enthusiasm. They started shouting at him

to "get on with it" and to skip the introduction all together. The eagle just chuckled as

he waited for the crowd to calm down.

"Now you know, fellas," He said and chuckled again. "You know how the Boss gets? I

gotta give everyone the instructions or else we end up with jizz everywhere on the


"Wha?" Bartleby said as the word "jizz" caught his attention. 'What the hell kind of

circus is this...?' He started thinking to himself as the eagle pulled out some old cue

cards from his breast pocket.

"Now," He started to recite from the paper. "As you may, or may not know, this is the

adult section of tonight performance. Please escort all children outside and leave them

with a responsible..." His voice quieted as he muttered the rest of the speech and

started throwing the cards in the cards in the air. "...Masturbation is permitted, but

please keep the moaning, screaming, and any other noises down to a minimum. And for

you "long-rangers" in the audience, please aim toward the floor. Nobody wants to feel

the sensation of a fresh load hit their back..."

There were a couple of smartass comments and snickers from the audience as he said

his last lines, then he threw the last card into the air and grabbed the microphone with

his wing.

"Now are you ready?!" He shouted as if it were a rock concert. He put his wing up to

his ear again and shuddered with the intensity of the reply. "I guess so!" He shouted

back to them. "And now! Without further ado! Let me introduce the finest females this

Circus has ever seen!"

Bartleby's eyebrows rose as four girls came out from behind the moth-eaten curtains.

They danced their way onto the stage, each with they're own set of sparkled skirts and

tops that didn't look like they were staying on for very long. The crowd cheered as the

dancers started moving, gracefully catching the money that was falling from the sky.

"Which one..." Jeffery asked as he elbowed Bartleby hard in the side. "...would you go


"I don't know..." Bartleby peeled his eyes away from the naughty fur that was being

exposed just long enough to notice Jeffery's question. He looked over and saw him

stroking his hard-on and cocked his head. Jeffery just cackled and looked back to the


"If you wanna join the other big boys..." The fox kept his cackle to a minimum as he

stroked harder. "Just unbutton... And paw off...?" He gave him a wink and flashed him a

grin before he got back into his rhythm, his eyes glued to the tender female bodies that

moved about on the stage. Bartleby felt the pressure build within his own trousers, but

was a little shy about exposing himself in front of everyone here.

There was moaning all around the audience as fluid, male's and female's, dripped

everywhere on the floor. Bartleby just sat there, in between two full grown males that

were rigorously pawing at themselves. He felt the pre soaking into his fur from his own

erection, but he couldn't reveal his boy-bits to everyone. Not yet, anyhow.

After what seemed like forever of torture, the women started looking for the articles of

clothing they had lost and went back behind the curtains. The crowd shouted in detest

as they started throwing popcorn and soft-drinks, almost hitting the eagle that had

re-taken the stage.

"Hey!" He shrieked in that way only eagles could. "Watch where you're throwing that

crap, eh?!" His flapped his wings and then re-adjusted his neck-tie. "Well, I thank all of

you for coming out tonight for our final showing in this beautiful city!"

There was still moaning as a few couples were still going at it within the audience.

The eagle cleared his throat, but didn't catch the attention of the furs that were still

caught up in the moment.

"Ah well..." He said and covered his beak with his wing. "Everyone find their nearest

exit and have a safe ride home!" He waved to the dissipating audience and went back

behind the curtain. This eagle intrigued Bartleby with his cheery attitude. He seemed

like glitter that covered this somewhat dirty atmosphere.

"Ready to go...?" The fox said as he wiped his tool with a tissue before zipping up his


"Yes!" Bartleby's excitement returned as he thought about meeting all the furs that

made up the crew. "Are we going backstage now?" He got up and followed the fox out of

the bleacher row, but not before stepping in something that made his paw slip off the

wood. He knew exactly what it was, but he dare not look. It kind of creeped him that

someone's "jizz", as the eagle called it, was soaking itself between the wolf's paw-pads.


Jeffery brought Bartleby back behind the curtain as everyone took their leave that night. It brought them to the back of the tent, under the star-filled night as everyone started packing for the morning. The wolf raised his eyebrow as he watched the crew

shuffling, each with their own task to accomplish. They moved past each other with

grace that probably took years of being around each other to accomplish.

"EVERYONE!" Jeffery shouted at the top of his lungs, holding his paws up. The crew

turned and smiled a little at the return of their favorite fox.

"Hey guys!" A beefy rhino said in an incredibly low tone of voice. "Jeffery's back from

his trip to town!" They all cheered as they came up to him, asking him of his findings

and what it had been like.

Jeffery started rambling about how he had fought off and ran from the police, stolen

from people, and done many other devious things. The crew ate it up like it were a fact

straight from a book. Bartleby surveyed the crowd as he did so, wrinkling his nose to all

of the dirty-furred K-9's, the battered and bruised felines, and all the other misfits that

had gathered themselves around the fox.

"So did you finish the mission?" An otter with a small barrel tucked under his arm

asked. That's when Jeffery peered back to Bartleby and grinned, laying his paw in his

direction. They all stared in aw at the blushing wolf, some licking their lips.

"Everyone..." Jeffery said, once again wielding daggers within his grin as he threw his

paw to the crew. "This... is Bartleby... He's gonna be joining our... little family..." He

looked to Bartleby and winked his black-as-night eyes. "Bartleby... this is your new...


"Hi Bartleby!" Everyone said just like he was a new student in new school. It was

oddly... a warm welcome that kind of made Bartleby feel guilty about judging them so


"Hi..." The shy wolf said as he waved his paw awkwardly. He felt everyone's eyes upon

him and didn't know if he should do something else or just hide behind Jeffery. He

muttered the words "...nice to meet you all..." but even the K-9's had trouble hearing his

squeak of a voice.

"What ya say, mate?" A kangaroo with en eye patch and an Australian accent said, not

hearing Bartleby's tiny words. "Could ya speak up a bit??"

"I said nice to meet you all!" Bartleby raised his voice and everyone gasped in

sarcastic amazement. He put his ears back and hid his tail from everyone, trying to

make himself disappear behind Jeffery.

"Alright... young one..." He said as he pulled Bartleby out in front of him. "Now

everyone!" He shouted to the crew. "Front and center! I want you all to make and

acquaintance with the boy!"

'Weird..." Bartleby thought as Jeffery shouted, his paws still on his shoulder. 'When he

screams, his speech isn't so choppy..." He was brought back to attention, thought, by

Jeffery's shaking paws.

"Now... Bartleby..." Jeffery said as he pointed his paw to the rhino who standing on the

very left. "We shall go from right to left... I'll tell you everyone's name... and you aren't

expected to remember them... 23 names aren't exactly easy to hold in your brain... right

off the bat..."

Bartleby giggled a little and nodded his head as Jeffery started naming off the bunch

of furs that were standing right in front of him.

"The rhino right here is Tank..." He said as Tank flexed his muscles.

"That's right, Bartleby." The rhino said in his incredibly low voice. "You got any

problems and you talk to me. I'll deal with 'em."

"Thanks Tank." Bartleby said to his as Jeffery moved on.

"The otter next to him is Barrel..." He said and rolled his eyes. "Named for, you

guessed it... the Barrel under his arm." The otter just winked and stuck out his tongue a


"The female cheetah beside him is Jasmine and the lioness is Mia." He said as they all

waved in probably the most sexual way Bartleby had ever seen. He felt like floating over

there and trying out just how rough circus folk actually are.

"The polar bear is Coke," Jeffery said and looked down at the wolf. "Now, don't think

because of the soft drink commercials..."

Bartleby waved to the bear, noticing the sluggish wave he gave back to him. He

looked back up to Jeffery and saw him nodded.

"Coke addict, ma' boy." He smiled again and continued down the row. "The badger's

name is Digger. He digs the holes for the posts that our lovely tent is supported on."

"That's right, me fox!" He shouted in a quick voice, raising his hard hat. "Nice to meet

ya, Bartleby."

"Thanks..." He replied again.

"Now Snaps is a bit of a hothead..." He said pointing Bartleby's head in the direction of

the alligator. He, in return, gave him the finger and turned away. "Heat, though, is really

quite cool once ya get past his scaly appearance."

"Quite right, Jeff." The Dragon replied, tapping his feet on the dirt. "Nice to meet ya,


"Pad is the gecko next to him and Barry's the bear next to Pad." Jeffery pointed to

them and they waved in turn, both giving slightly forced smiles. Bartleby just waved

back and flashed them his own awkward smile. "Rottie..." Jeffery continued. "Is the rottie

and beside him is Speedy, the greyhound."

"Hey," They both said, fusing their voices, both coming out monotone and shaky.

"Hi guys," Bartleby waved to them, but received no wave back.

"One of the other sexy cats of our circus is the lovely Diamond." Jeffery said and

clapped during his own speech.

" 'ow do you do, dahling." The cat said in the finest French accent Bartleby had ever


"I'm..." Bartleby froze and swallowed some rock hard spit. "...swell?" His voice cracked

which made him blush in front of the whole crew. There were a couple giggles, but it

was overlooked.

"Ropes is our German Shepard," He said as Ropes tipped his top-hat. "And Shreds is

our musician." The tiger bowed and spoke in a soft, tender voice.

"Nice to meet you..."

"Next we have Tigerlilly," He said, pointing to the stunning tigress that was standing

next to Shreds. She took a bow with Shreds, but didn't say anything. Her cleavage was

well defined through her shirt, though, so Bartleby didn't complain.

"Then comes the cat bros. Alfa and Fangs," The fox said as he pointed to a lion and a

Cougar who were leaning against each other. Their chiseled bodies were pumping with

sweat as they stood in their Speedos. They waved then went back to their position.

"Then we have Buster the horse." Jeffery announced as Buster smiled and huffed at

the two. "Then Beo, our husky contortionist and Aggi, our swift and speedy lynx."

"Hi guys," Bartleby greeted them and waved, getting the same back but with a little

less enthusiasm.

"And last, but not least..." Jeffery shouted. "Chuckles, the hyena, and Flyer, the eagle. You saw him do the announcments for the final act." And with the last names being called, they all cheered for themselves and shot their

fists in the air.

"So that's all?" Bartleby said after they were done their cries. He looked up at Jeffery, who raised his paws and grinned. He looked back down and spoke to the crowd.

"Okay boys," Jeffery said as he clapped his paws. "Get back to work now... There will be more... personal introductions later..." He looked to the boy and flicked his head in the direction they were headed. "This boy must meet... The Ringleader now..."

The crowd went wild with "hoots" and "hollers" as they parted to let the two furs

through. They were patting Bartleby on the back and giving him their warmest

welcomes, which made him smile.

'This bunch doesn't seem so bad at all!' He thought to himself as he made it out of

the crowd. He looked ahead and saw a smaller version of the circus tent that stood at

the corner of the field, just kissing the thicket that stood near it, and he was headed

right in its direction.

'So that's where, I guess, the Ringleader is...'


And there we have Part 2. I tried to get this one done before my trip so i could come home and read all of your comments and stuff, but i couldnt cram it all in time without changing the quality of it all. I sort of rushed at the end, so i hope you don't find anything else wrong with it.

So yeah, Bartleby is on his way to meet "the ring leader" and has met all of the crew :P. What craziness will ensue when he meets the ringleader and gets to kno the crew "more personally" i wonder. Aha!

Stay tuned for Part 3, ya'll!

Catch ya later guys!
