The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dark Master 4

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dark Master

Chapter Four: Asking Forgiveness

Brandon slowly woke from his sleep; his head pounding like someone was hitting him over the head with a baseball bat over, and over again. He couldn't remember much of what happened yesterday, all he remembered was that he was talking to the Guardians, then woke up in the same room he was in now. He groaned when he moved his hand, it felt broken but it was only bruised up; it still hurt though. As he sat up he found that he didn't have his shirt on, so when the breeze of the open window hit his chest; he shivered. He stood up and went to close the door, looking around the room as he did. Where he was sleeping was many small pillows, since dragons didn't sleep like humans with blankets, they used pillows to soften their sleeping area. A desk and a chair with a few papers on the desk were seen close to the door as he again looked around. He didn't see another door but the one that would lead to the other room of the Temple, so it worried him of where he would go to use the restroom. At last he came to the window, as he began to close the doorframe, the wonders of Warfang caught his eyes again, with the two moons just setting over the hills far off as the sun started to rise. He gave a small smile, and as he closed the door, a knock came on the other door.

"Hold on!" he called. He looked around trying to find his shirt, only to find nothing of the sort. "Never mind, come in!" A small pink dragoness poked her head inside soon followed by the rest of her body. Her face held somthign of a child face, a bright smile greeted Brandon as a necklace shaped like a heart glistened in the light that did past though.

"Hello there!" she peeped at the human. "How are you today?" she was one of those dragons that if they smiled; you had to smile back, which Brandon did.

"I'm fine," answered Brandon looking around for his shirt. "Why do you ask?" he found a closet deep within the shadows as the pink dragoness face darkened.

"Don't you remember what happened yesterday?" Brandon shook his head. "You attacked Spyro, while your arm was on fire!" Brandon hand clutched the closet door when he heard this. His eyes wide as his breathing became short and heavly.

"What...what?" Brandon couldn't believe that he could attack Spyro, sure maybe he was mad at him, but thinking about it now; it sounded silly!

"You really don't remember?" Brandon shook his head. "Well after you were knocked out, I'm guessing from using that for the first time. Spyro told everyone that he overheard the Chronicle saying that you were more human then you thought; and might I add, it's amazing that you got to meet such a dragon such as the Chronicle! Not many have that honor of meeting him face to face; anyway. He wanted to test you, see if you really were who the Chronicle said you were, he was worried that you wouldn't willing attack him so he had to make you angry!" somthign began to click in Brandon head as he listened to the dragoness talk on about what happened. He remembered something of a hot feeling in his arm, but other then that; nothing. "Also," the dragon went on. "The Guardians wanted to speak to you when you awoke, I told them I would lead you to their Temple if you forgot." The human nodded as he slowly opened the closet door to see that nothing was inside; he would have to go shirtless. "Oh!" The dragon left and came back with a folded piece of blue cloth. "I think this is yours!" The human took what she had and unfolded it to show his shirt clean; he gave a slight smile as he brought it over his head and fixed his hair.

"Alright," he answered. "Let's go!"

The two made their way though Warfang in silence for a bit until the dragon looked up at the human walking beside her and frown.

"You know," she started. "I don't know your name." Brandon looked down and almost slapped himself on the head.

"It's Brandon," he answered with a nervous grin; feeling like an idiot for not telling her his name. "And you?"

"Ember," she answered looking back to the street before them. "So Brandon," she asked again. "What do you know of Spyro?" Brandon gave it little thought and shook his head.

"Nothing I'm afraid; why?" Ember giggled while covering her face with her wing.

"Promise you won't tell him till I do?" Brandon nodded as he stopped and sat on a rock to both rest; and listen. "Well...for as long as I can remember, I had this big crush on Spyro." She gave a sly smile. "And I know we are meant for one another, I just know it!" but then she frowned. "But that ashy of a black dragoness Cynder won't leave his side, by the time I knew he was alone was the day you brought her on your back!" Brandon chuckled and held his hand up as if surrounding.

"Don't burn me miss!" he joked. "I'm to pretty to die!" they both burst into laugher as Ember sigh.

"I just wish I could get one moment with him you know," she went on looking down. "Just one to tell him how I feel about him," Brandon brought his hand to his chin and rubbed the chin strip of a bread he had. Ember seemed to really like Spyro and maybe if he helped; she could do somthign for him if the need was ever to come.

"How about this?" he stood up as the Ember looked to him. "If Spyro asked me if they're was anything he could do to say sorry for crossing the line about putting my mother in the 'test', I'll ask him to spend the day with you." Ember eyes grew wide with bliss as she moved closer to Brandon.

"You mean it?" she almost screamed as the human laughed and nodded.

"Cross my heart and hope to die!"

At last, Brandon made it to the Temple, Ember told him he had to leave saying that she had to meet her friend to talk about somthign all the female dragon were doing and didn't wish to tell Brandon. It confused him but he only shrugged it off and turned to the mighty doors before him. Part of him wanted to turn and run, scared of what the others would think of him now that they saw him like he was; even though he himself didn't know what that was. But the other part wanted to say how sorry he was for losing his cool like that, tell them that it would never happened again; he slowly opened the door. Yesterday he didn't get a good look at the Temple the Guardians had. Torches of fire shot down the long highway toward a folkway turn. As he made his way down, pictures of dragons hanging on the way was seen. Only a few caught his eyes. Terrador, Volteer, Cyril, and then there was one that made him stop to look more at; Ignitus. Since Brandon had never seen the dragon before, he never knew that he was a fire Guardian. But as he watched the painting, it did make more since the way he looked. The last three paintings were which he spent the most one. One was Cynder standing in a pose to be pride of; Spyro which was next, doing the same one. The last one made his body stop drawing breath. The dragon scales were a deep purple, a dirty yellow underbelly with a twisted tail blade. Horns curved upward toward the sky as his wings looked sinister. He looked to be the same age of Spyro, but unlike Spyro whose eyes were a rick purple; this dragon eyes were as yellow as his underbelly, with black slit for eyes. The eyes seemed to draw onto the humans, as if it was his own. Drilling into his mind, his very soul to the point he had to look away. As he looked down he saw the name of the dragon in black letters surrounded by a gold plate; Malefor. He looked back to the picture of the very dragon he would have to help stop, the face of evil as so many had called him. Seeing the picture of his younger self, Brandon wondered why his mother agreed to help such a dragon that looked like he could kill with looks. He remembered his mother telling him that even though someone may look like a complete fool, didn't mean they were one; he guessed the same principle applied for this in a way.


He turned to see the face of Spyro beside him as he turned himself to the picture.

"Hard to imaging him looking likes this huh?" Brandon turned back to the picture and nodded. "As said, he was once good." He turned to Brandon while he was looking down. Spyro brought a paw on the human shoulder to comfort him. "I crossed a line the other day when I spoke about your mother like that, for that I hope you will believe me when I say; I'm sorry." Brandon turned toward the purple dragon with a shock look.

"You are saying sorry to me?" Spyro looked up as Brandon knelt on his one knee to see the dragon eye to eye. "Spyro...I don't know what happened, but from what I heard It sounded like I almost killed you! I was coming here to see what the Guardians wanted and to say sorry to you!" Both human and dragon looked to each other again, then almost as if they knew what they were going to do; nod to each other. "We are both at fault at what happened," Brandon said looking at the picture one last time before going down the hall with Spyro beside him. "I hope we can be friends." Spyro chuckled and nodded.

"Sure we can!" he answered. "We are going to work together, so we might as well right?" Brandon nodded his head as they came toward a large door. The door opened as if knowing they were waiting as the duo made their way in.

The Guardians had their backs to them as the two made their way closer. Volteer was the first to see them as he turned and made his way toward Brandon.

"Ah nice to see that you are alright young Brandon," he said in his fast like voice. "I was wondering after this little meeting that we may chat about your new found powers and maybe a little test?" Brandon gave it some thought, looking away and closing his eyes with his hand to his chin. He didn't like the idea of being tested, but he needed to know how to use his power; and how to wield it.

"Sure Volteer," he answered after a while. "After the reason why I'm here, we can do some test; as long as they don't hurt!" the yellow dragon laughed a booming laugh and patted the human head; cause Brandon to only frown from the pet.

"Everything in life hurts Brandon," he answered. "And plus you need to know hand to hand combat, I'm sure Spyro will help you with that; right Spyro?" Spyro nodded his head and turned to Brandon.

"But just because we're friends, don't think I'm going easy on you!" Brandon only chuckled and nodded.

"As I won't be with you; my friend." At last the last remaining Guardians came up toward the two as a small old looking female Cheetah followed behind. Her fur had lost the volume like the others, giving it a deep grey look. Her eyes were darkening with age, blue but still dark. She wore an old dirty brown robe with the marking of a sword going though a purple flame. She slowly made her way toward Brandon, standing just a bit shorter then him as she brought a shaking paw out and held his cheek while closing her eyes. A smile crept onto her muzzle as she reopened her eyes. It looked like the young eyes she once had, returned as she smiled.

"Just like your mother," she told him in a low voice. Brandon was about to say something when she stopped him. "You look just like her you know." Her paw was still on his cheek. "But...your eyes, just like your father; but not at the same time," Brandon didn't understand what she was talking about, or anyone else for that matter around them.

"What do you mean?" asked Brandon as the old Cheetah looked down shaking her head.

"She has not told you then?" Brandon shook his head. "Then she is dead I presume?" Brandon nodded. "Such a and her were such good friends long ago, before she and Malefor went out; we would talk like sisters." She smiled at the past rushing though her mind. "But as I told you, you have her eyes, but your fathers' as well."

"You know my father?" Brandon was overjoyed, her was going to know who his father was like; but the old women saddened her face when she saw his over reaction.

"Your eyes show fear young one," she started. "But, I can also see the anger, power and evil like your father." Brandon recoiled from her words of his father and what she also called him.

"Look, if you know who my father is, the please tell me!"

"Something's are better off not knowing..."

"That's bullshit!" Brandon arms shook with rage. "Tell me now! I need to know!" the elderly women sighed and looked down and walked away from him, then turned to look at him straight in the eye.

"Brandon," she answered lifting her chin up. "Your father is the one and only; Malefor!

The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dark master 5

**Chapter Five: The sound of Battle** Brandon and everyone else for that matter but the grey Cheetah froze. The image of Malefor younger self raced though the human teen mind as his jaw slightly dropped. Brandon thought that Malefor couldn't be his...

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Digi Night: Speaking Truth

**Digi Night: Speaking Truth** Saira mother called once everyday to see how she was doing, Link would always tell her that she was fine, her and Guilmon would ether be watching TV, outside playing with Rena watching them making sure they didn't...

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Digimon: Two Blood 4

**Chapter Four** Lee stood outside the city with Lighting close beside him. Both of their arms crossed as they waited for the Digimon that were to be here. Lighting looked over at him, seeing his face creased with blank anger, always frowning...

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