In The Middle of the Night

Story by xxlycanxxofxxthexxmoonxx on SoFurry

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In The Middle of the Night

It was a late August night in a small, quiet town when Reggie decided he'd go for a walk down the street. He shut the door behind him and zipped up his jacket, for it was a bit chilly. As the young wolf head down the street, something caught his eye. He wasn't quite sure what it was yet, but he just had a feeling. A feeling that drove him to advance upon what he saw barely sticking out of the bush by the park. As he grew nearer the object he thought he may recognize it. Yes! Yes! He knew what it was now! It was the most beautiful, fluffy, shiny-coated, gorgeous, light grey rabbit he'd ever seen! You see, Reggie was hungry. A natural thirst for this rabbits blood flooded through him, surging through his veins like a drug user waiting for his next fix. It was time for a little midnight snack. Now he was close. Very close to the rabbit indeed. So close he could smell its breathing. Hear its very own thoughts! He took a nice stance, ready to charge the rabbit. With heart pounding and fists pumping in front of the ground below his paws he sprang into movement in pursuit of the rabbit! Just as quickly as the young wolf took off, so did the rabbit. However, it was not by choice the rabbit left, a large owl had come down and swooped him up! Poor Reggie. What was he going to do now? Alone, tired, hungry, and did I mention alone, Reggie continued his stroll down that long dark street. The frost in the night air grew heavy as it fell to the ground. Reggie became ecstatic when he noticed the moon was almost full again. "It always seems like it's going to be forever until the next one comes, but then it's here before I know it" Reggie thought to himself with a happy little grin. That grin, however, soon faded. His old enemy Jackson came skulking around the corner just looking to cause some trouble. Reggie was so not in the mood for a confrontation with Jackson. In fact, he would do almost anything to avoid one at this point. Soon after Reggie realized who it was, Jackson must've realized as well, for he came charging at Reggie fast as lightning! Fatigued and distraught, Reggie just cowered at his enemy's feet and waited for it to get over. Nothing happened to Reggie. He was perfectly fine. Reggie thought this suspicious so he decide to look up and see what was going on. Then, what he saw that night he'd never forget. The most handsome wolf he'd ever seen in his life fighting Jackson. That gorgeous man had his arch nemesis pinned down to the ground, begging for mercy. Reggie got back up and went over to where the scuffle was going on at. He heard the tail end of a one way conversation in which the other, way better looking wolf told Jackson to leave him alone. Reggie fell in love instantly with this other wolf. But he found himself unable to speak. He wanted to say so much. He wanted to know this wolfs name, and if he'd ever see him again, or if any of this really happened. But before Reggie could manage a single word this other wolf slowly, and gracefully approached him saying nothing but his name, Kayden. "Kayden..." thought Reggie. Then, before he even knew what was going on, Kayden was literally right in his face, with the bluest of blue eyes, shimmering from the moon. He grabbed Reggie. Firmly, yet strong enough to let him know he was there and he was serious. That's all that was said between the two for now as they headed back to Reggies house, sneaking a kiss or a little grab here and there between each others tail. The door slammed shut behind them, as they were in a hurry. Reggie threw his jacket to the floor whilst the two were lip locked. They made there way upstairs to the bedroom and Kayden tossed Reggie onto the bed and as he went to pounce on top of Reggie, his foot kicked the door close.

To Be Continued