When Worlds Collide

Story by SF3P0X1 on SoFurry

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This is the first yiffy fic I have ever attempted to write. As a disclaimer, I do not own any of the characters I have used in this fic. Pokemon and related belong to Nintendo. Sonic and related belong to SEGA.

Reviews are appreciated. And as a warning, I am prone to long droughts of writer's block when it comes to stories, so expect long periods of time to wait between chapters.

"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off ag..."

BOOM. The balloon that usually flew off into the night sky with the three troublemakers exploded in the air, creating a slight flash of light and throwing a small wave of heat at Ash. Both he and his Pikachu dropped their jaws as three balls of flame silently hit the ground, their light slowly fading as the fire burned itself out. He blinked a couple times.

"V-Vaporeon, go! Hydro Pump!" The merdog flashed from its Pokeball and shot a stream of water at the flames, extinguishing what little was left of their blaze. Ash and Pikachu quietly walked towards the three beings, and just as quickly covered their eyes against the gruesome sight.

"The boss... he's gonna be... so mad..." Jessie quietly said, her face squinting with pain as her burned flesh began falling from her body. She moved her remaining eye, glancing at her partner and their Meowth, and a tear gently graced her cheek. She closed her eye and breathed her final breath. A peace overtook Ash and Pikachu, and they both slumped to the ground, sobbing.

That had been two months prior. The funeral for the Rocket members had been a trying time for everyone. Brock broke down in the middle of the reception and had to be led away from the group. Misty had tried not to cry, but a few tears had found their way into Ash's shirt as she had rested her head on his shoulder.

Ash himself had given up his Pokemon training and now sat at home, growing more and more disheveled, not leaving his house. His skin was slowly paling from lack of exposure to the sun, and he became barely anything but skin and bones. He hardly slept, and when he did he always awoke in the middle of the night, screaming from the nightmares left to him by the Rocket trio.

"Ash... please wake up..." Misty was sitting in a chair next to his bed, a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Ash, you have to snap out of this..."

"Who was I kidding... so foolish... how many lives have I put in danger..." He was rambling on and on to himself, his eyes merely closed. "I killed them... it was me... my fault..."

"It was not your fault, Ash. It just wasn't smart for them to have that hydrogen in that balloon... Ash, please..." Misty sighed. She felt helpless. She couldn't bear to lose another friend... not after what Brock did.

Ash opened his eyes. "No, Mist... I killed them... I ordered the Thundershock... I created the spark... I killed them... and because of me, Brock is dead." Ash closed his eyes again and shoved his head to his pillow. The images of Brock hanging from the tree invaded his mind like an army of ants. "You... you better get out of here... before something happens to you too..." He sniffled and continued to lie there.


"Just... just go..."

Misty rose from the chair and pressed her hands to her face, then ran from the room, beginning to cry. She hated the way he was, but she loved him so much. It was more than the bike thing now. They had both matured so much from their travels, and now it was like he was shrinking back into himself... like he was growing younger again. She sat in the living room and cried, then stopped momentarily to look at the shelf above the fireplace.

"Oh... Ms. Ketchum... if you were still here you could talk him out of this." She sniffled and hid her face in her hands again, removing the urn from her sight.

Ash laid there, his hands under the pillow. His knuckle graced a metal object and he pulled the gun out from under his pillow. There was no ammo for it, not even a single bullet. He sighed and replaced the weapon. He sat up in the bed, dropping the blanket from his diminished form, and rose to his feet unsteadily.

As he made his way shakily to the toilet, he happened to glance in the mirror. He didn't do that much nowadays. His observed his face all sunken in, and his eyes had bags under them as if he hadn't slept in months. He could see the pale threatening to turn him into a shadow. He dropped his gaze and used the toilet, then walked back into his bedroom.

Misty was sitting on his bed, her mouth covered, her face covered with a deep red blush. Ash had nothing on... he had grown so slight that nothing fit him anymore. He simply stood there, too shocked to cover himself. Misty promptly stood and advanced towards him, wrapping her arms around him and leading him back to the bed. She laid him down and covered him with the blanket, then left the room.

Ash remained in a state of shock and did not recover for many hours after she had left his room. In fact, it was quite some time after she had returned with some clothing for him and dressed him that he had the nerve to say anything. He walked into the living room after she had left him again, and seeing the back of her head on the couch, he stood in the doorway and apologized for his actions. He coughed lightly and returned to his room.

Misty heard him and was staring at the floor, her face again covered in a deep red blush. His apology made her think about the event again, and she felt a strange stir of emotion within her body. She rose and made her way to the door to his room, poked her head inside and said goodbye, then left his house. She headed for the house she had bought that was right down the road from his.

Shakily she removed the key from her pocket and thrust it into the door, unlocking it so that she could enter her house. After shutting her door and pulling down all the blinds, she made her way to her bedroom. She changed into a cotton nightie and lay down in her bed, closing her eyes lightly, intending to catch a little sleep. The images from earlier flooded her mind, and once again she blushed deeply. The rush of emotion flooded her body again, and she began to feel hot.

"Why..." She began to ask herself as her hands glided up her nightie. She settled her hands gently on her matured breasts, and gasped as her nipples instantly sprang to attention. A tremor in her pussy made her hips jerk. Eager and hot, she kicked off the sheet and pulled her light blue nightie from her lithe virgin body. Shaking, she caressed her bare tits, her breathing shallow, raspy. Her smooth silky flesh felt as if it were on fire.

She squeezed her breasts together and closed her eyes, gasping at the wonderful sensation rippling through her body. She clapped her thighs tightly together, the squishy cream of her pussy soaking the crotch of her panties. She felt the wetness and moaned lightly, pressing her tits together more firmly this time.

With one hand still manipulating her breasts, Misty ran her other hand down her body lightly until she made contact with the wet crotch of her panties. She rubbed her pussy through her panties, teasing herself, then took hold of the hem of her garment and tore them off, gasping as wind from the air conditioner assaulted her gushing pussy. Her breath caught in her throat and she spread her legs.

She flicked her finger lightly over her clit which seemed to be poking out for attention right about now. She moaned as her finger made contact with the sensitive pleasure center, and slid her finger up and down her slippery gash, rubbing pussy cream into the skin of her pelvic bone. With no hair to impede her, the skin around her pussy soon became as wet and slick as the pussy itself.

She closed her eyes, pretending Ash was at the foot of the bed watching her. "Ooooh, Ash. Watch me." It was a hoarse whisper of desperation. She spread her legs wide, parted the satiny folds of her cunt and rolled her hips. "I'm so wet, Ash," she whispered. She pinched her clit and shuddered as tiny spasms rippled through her writhing body.

A knock at her front door caused her to jump, and her hands shot to her covers, pulling them up over her body. Breathing heavily, she rose from her bed, slipped on a robe, and went to her front door. She looked out the peephole, but the person standing at the door was obviously too short to be seen through it. Another knock was heard.

"Hold on, hold on..." she said through the door and quickly unlocked it. Grabbing a Pokeball from the table, she grasped the doorknob and pulled the door open, ready to call forth her Pokemon to defend her. As she looked at her visitor, she furrowed her brow.

A blue ball of spines seemed to be positioned at her door, his hand raised to knock once again. His eyes shone green from within their white space, and the creature had a kind of smirk on his face. "Finally. I thought I'd be out here forever!" It was a cocky creature, too.

Misty finally snapped out of shock. "Who... er, what are you?" Her voice shook with amusement as she tried to contain a laugh that was bursting for release.

The creature cocked an eyebrow at her. "What... Ash never told you about me? I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!" He laughed and crossed his arms, raising one hand up to his nose to wipe underneath it.

Misty's jaw dropped. Ash had never mentioned a word about Sonic, but she had heard of him. His exploits were famous... though not as famous as Ash had turned out to be. But that place he lived... Station Square... that was miles and miles away from Pallet Town! What on earth was he doing there?

"You have heard of me... hmm. Anyway, Ash's cousin Chris figured he'd come and say hi and try to cheer Ash up a bit. I figured I'd come along; maybe see what this whole 'Master Trainer' thing was that Chris keeps talking about. Except... when we showed up, Ash just fell over, out cold. You must be important to him, because while he's been asleep he keeps moaning your address."

Misty gasped. Ash! He was... he was sick! Misty looked at Sonic. She wanted to hurry and go, but all she had on was a robe... and that was no way to travel. "Sonic, if you'll wait a bit, I'll hurry and get some things, and then we can get going." Misty allowed the blue hedgehog entry into her house, and then rushed off into her room.

Sonic shut the door behind him and walked into the living room. This was a first... he'd never seen anything like this place before. There were pictures everywhere of some of the oddest looking creatures. There was even a picture of the girl hitting something that looked like a duck! He ruffled his quills and popped his neck, sitting quietly down on the floor so as not to get any dust on her couch. He looked around slightly and spotted the Pokeballs on the table. "What the hell are these things...?"

Misty went to her room and closed her door. Ash... Ash was sick, out cold on his floor at his house! She rushed into the closet and got some things for him, then put some clothes on. Ash she was lacing her shoes, her mind drifted away from Ash to the creature in the living room. 'For a blue hedgehog, Sonic's kinda cute. I wonder if he brought any of his friends...' Unknown to anyone but her, she had a kind of secret crush on Tails, ever since she'd seen a picture of him in the newspaper.

Sonic picked up one of the strange Pokeballs and observed it. Red on the bottom, white on top, and a black line encircling the entire ball. It looked like it had a button in the middle of it, and out of curiosity he pressed the button. The ball flung from his hand and a bright white light erupted from it as it opened itself. When the light subsided, a Porygon stood where the ball should have been, and the ball was now laying to Sonic's left. Sonic cried out in shock and slight fright.

Misty was jarred from her daydream about Tails and came running out into the living room. She saw Sonic curled into a ball behind the couch, and her Pariah was out of its ball. The Porygon saw Misty come into the room and its body jiggled, and then it floated over to her and rubbed its head against her leg. Misty reached out and patted it on the head.

Sonic gasped. That girl was petting the strange creature without fear! He backed away from her. "How... how can you pet that... that... that thing?! It nearly scared me to death!" He was breathing heavily, a hand over his heart.

Misty laughed. "Sonic, meet Pariah, my Porygon. This is what is called a Pokemon. This is what Ash dreams of becoming a Master Trainer of."

Sonic blinked. "P-Pokemon? And all these things in these pictures... are all of them Pokemon too?"

Misty nodded. She went over in front of the couch and retrieved the Pokeball. "Pariah, return!" A flash of light erupted from the Pokeball. The Porygon turned into red energy, there was a flash of light, and it was gone. "C'mon, Sonic. Let's go." She grabbed her bag and her belt of Pokeballs, choosing six to take with her.

Sonic nodded. He took her hand once she had locked her door, and he began running. Misty lost her footing and was soon almost flying behind Sonic as he ran. The distance between her house and Ash's was a ten minute walk. They made it there in less than a minute.

Once they arrived, Sonic made sure she slowed down safely, and then looked up at her. She seemed to be red faced, possibly from the wind of the run. He never realized she was blushing. She let go of his hand slowly and turned towards the house.

The door was open. She walked towards it and spotted Ash lying on the floor, eyes open, just staring. She rushed to his side and knelt, placing a hand on his forehead. "Ash... oh Ash, are you alright?"

Ash heard her, and he slowly moved his head over in her direction. "Mist... I-I'm needed." He shook his head. "Trouble needs me to find a solution." He turned his head again and stared at the ceiling.

Misty looked up and spotted Chris. She stood and walked over to him, taking in his slightly disheveled appearance. His hair, though orange, seemed to stick out everywhere, just like Ash's. His figure and his face also reminded her of Ash.

Ash coughed and sat up. "Pikachu!" He called for his best friend, and soon the electric rat entered the room. Sonic jumped slightly, but settled down. Chris smiled, and Misty smiled too. Pikachu jumped into Ash's arms.

"Pika?" The Pikachu looked at Ash and rubbed its face against his. It then glanced around the room. It spotted Misty and smiled, but then its smile disappeared once it got a good look at Chris and Sonic. "Pika pi!" Pikachu took a defensive stance against the hedgehog.

"Pikachu, this is my cousin, Chris Thorndyke, and his friend Sonic. You remember me telling you about Sonic, right?" Ash patted Pikachu gently on the head. "They won't hurt us. In fact, they need us, and we need them."

Misty looked at Ash. "What's going on here?" She placed her hands on her hips. "What do you mean 'they need us, and we need them'? What has gotten into you?" She never noticed an orange Fox and a red Echidna enter behind Chris.

Sonic raised his head. "To tell the truth... Eggman's up to some new tricks, and he's coming this way, to conquer Kanto." He sighed. "We can't beat him alone... and he's not alone either. Some evil guy named Giovanni has joined with him... he's got a lot of these creatures... different ones... we got our asses kicked. We were recuperating at one of your Pokemon Centers in some place called Pewter City when an old newscast came on about you and Ash and some guy named Tracy doing all sorts of incredible things... we need your help to stop Eggman and Giovanni."

Misty took a seat. "Giovanni?! I thought he was done..." She shook her head, then spotted Tails and Knuckles standing in the corner. Tails looked quite un-cheerful, and Knuckles had his arms crossed. Misty's heart seemed to melt at the sight of Tails. Finally... in the flesh... her dream...

"I can teach you all about Pokemon, Sonic, and even get you your first one. I'm willing to help in any way I can." Ash's voice snapped Misty out of her daydream. Pikachu agreed, and then they all looked at Misty.

"Sure. I'll help. I'll just..."

There was a rap at the door, and then a familiar figure walked into the house. She wore a white skirt and a green shirt, and wore what looked like a white nurse's cap on top of short brown hair. Her hair was one of the strangest styles, but Ash didn't seem to mind. The girl looked at all the strange people and creatures, but once she spotted Ash, she ran to him and threw her arms around him. Her face was buried in his chest, and a small sob was heard.