The Tragic End (School Days ED with OCs)

Story by Darknos on SoFurry

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You have been warned...

I don't own the School Days anime or Kanashimi no Mukou He (Song), but I do own my characters!

Kantano walked to homeroom, as part of the necessary routine. Once the wolf sat down in his seat, a text message from Luna arrived. "I want to come over tonight. Is that alright?" it read. Kantano gasped audiably. "She still wants to see me, even after I got together with Tai?" the gray wolf thought. "I just want to straighten out everything between us..." His thoughts trailed away as he thought of what he would say to his former lover.

Luna was still in bed, even though she had school today. She faked being sick so she could stay home, and think on what to do with her situation. He left her for Taisuke? It was still so hard to understand it all. An idea popped into her head instantly. She'll ask Kantano if she can come over that night. If they still had feelings, they would push this incident behind them, but if not... she still didn't know. She grabbed her phone and selected Kantano's name in the to-send-to list and typed her message.


That evening, Kantano waited in his apartment for Luna. She agreed to arrive around 8 PM. It was 9:30 now. Every second felt like an eternity to the distraught lupine. When the doorbell finally rang, he sprinted to the door and opened it in a second. Luna was standing in front of her former lover now. She had the most emotionless expression on her face and walked in without a "Hello". "Umm... Have a seat." Kantano muttered, still ashamed at what was happened. The vixen and wolf sat down on the couch across from each other. The unbearable time strech was back. Seconds felt like centuries and minutes felt like milleniums. When Kantano finally found the strength to speak he was cut off. "I'll go get some t-" "I'll do it...". Shocked, he sat back down as Luna walked into the kitchen to prepare the tea. Kantano could only look at the vixen in the kitchen. "Does she still hate me? I hope not..." the wolf thought and then sighed. "This is going to be a long night"

Luna started up the pot to make the tea. She was distracted though, by the knives. Specfically the medium sized one. Luna came to her final resolution on this dillema. She took out her phone and started to type...

Taisuke was at the mall, shopping with his sister, Koko. "So you're going to surprise him and make him dinner?" She asked. Taisuke responded affirmiatve. "And then you'll spend the night on a yacht together? How romantic!" Koko squealed in glee for her older brother and hugged him. "It makes me want to go too!" Taisuke sighed and smiled warmly. "Geez..."

Kantano was still waiting on the tea, when he heard his phone ring in the other room. He got up to get it, since it was the text message ring. In the doorframe of the kitchen, Luna was watching the wolf walk to the other room. She stepped forward when she was alone in the room, and adjusted the knife in her hand.

When Kantano opened the text he recieved, he was extremely confused. It was from the vixen and started "I'm sorry" and followed with many lines. "Huh? Luna?" he asked himself. As he scrolled through the seemingly endless line, he became more and more worried. He finally reached the end and read the final word. "Good-bye"

(The song Kanashimi no Mukou He/The Other Side of Sorrow fits in here very nicely, by the way)

He heard running footsteps and saw Luna, a foot away with the knife poised. The cold, sharp metal met the unfortunate wolf. Images of his short school year flashed through his mind rapidly. He gasped and screamed in pain as the knife was removed breifly. He tried to run, but fell in the process and couldn't move. "How could you?!" Luna screamed and thrust the knife into the back of Kantano. More memories, only faster. The pain was completely unbearable. Luna turned him around and started to stab him in the front. "You never loved me!" Luna yelled as she withdrew the knife. "You only cared about HIS OWN DAMN HAPPINESS!!" The knife met the wolf once again. Tears formed in Kantano's eyes. Memories flashed by it's fastest now.

The knife kept exiting and re-entering Kantano. With the last of his strength, he reached up to Luna's leg and weakly whispered "". Luna's face regained other emotions. The memories flashed within her mind now, extremely fast, and stopped at the one of them on their last date. Kantano's hand stayed on her leg for a few seconds, and fell to the ground a few seconds later. He just layed there now. All life left his eyes and the gigantic stain had grown to it's maximum size. Luna whimpered as she realized what she had just done. The tea kettle had completely snapped her back to reality, she shot up from the wolf's corpse and looked around suddenly. Knife still in hand, she bolted out of the apartment, trying to escape what just happened.

The door to Kantano's apartment opened soon after Luna left. Taisuke set down the bag containing what would be dinner on the floor. When he saw evidence of what happened, he knew exactly what to do. "That bitch..." the other male wolf muttered as his pupils became distant. He looked around and saw a dozuki in the kitchen. Taisuke retrieved it and began what would be the end of this all...

Luna was shaking while in bed after she ran up to her room. She was alone since her parents were out to dinner. Her cell-phone rang out in the darkness, startling her. She waited for the tone to completely end before seeing what it was. It was a text message. From Kantano, and read "I'll be waiting on the school's roof"

The door to the roof opened and in walked Luna. She saw a blue gym bag on the bench. Curious, she kept walking on. When she reached the bench, a familiar male voice spoke. "So, tell me. Did you ever go the the hospital? The doctors there work wonders" the vixen spun around to the source of the voice. Taisuke stood there, eyes distant, emotionless. "I didn't go.." Luna admitted. "And, why is that?" Taisuke asked. "Because I'd never go to any hospital you'd reccomend!" Luna shouted. "or is it because you lied?" Taisuke continued, looking up at Luna. "All you had to do is tell him you were having his baby. Then breaking him off from you would be a breeze." "Screw you!!" Luna screamed. Taisuke stepped forward. "So I'm the liar?"

Luna grabbed her belly. "I really am pregnant!!"


"Then why hesitate on getting a pregnency test done?" Luna flinched. She didn't expect that comeback. She couldn't hold back tears anymore. "It's no fair! I wanted to be Kantano's lover too, y'know!!" Luna sobbed "I was in love! Why else would I let him do whatever the hell he wanted to me!?" Taisuke's eyes narrowed. "Is that so? I'm sure Kantano would understand." He held out his arm to the forgotten gym bag. "He's waiting right over there..."

Luna hesitated. She had a bad feeling about what would be in the bag. Every screaming urge kept telling her to not open the bag. She just had to though. When the vixen peered inside, she went wide-eyed. She stumbled back in horror and vomited. Inside the bag, was Kantano's severed head.

As she coughed and spat, Taisuke took out something. "Mind if I take a look?" He unwrapped the cloth around the top and revealed a bloody dozuki. He positioned it in his hands and spoke. "I'd really like to see... that baby of yours..." He lunged towards Luna with the last four words. She panicked and tried to take out the knife concealed within her jacket's pocket. Taisuke anticipated that though, and knocked her hand away. Luna's eyes were filled with absolute terror as the dozuki was positioned at her neck. Taisuke smiled evily and pulled the dozuki back.

SPRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT! A large spray of blood shot out from the wound of the dozuki. Within a few seconds, Luna's eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed onto the floor. Taisuke crouched down to the vixen's corpse and began the deed.


Taisuke stood up, blood covering his hands and arms. He looked down onto the corpse. "Just as I thought. Looks like you were lying after all..." He paused and then finished with the truth.

"There's nobody inside you..."

Well then...

That really was bloody and violent.

The dialogue was based off StrawberryCreme26's dub version, by the way ( Watch it! It's really good!)

Sorry if there were a lot of breaks but I tried to keep true to the scene changes of the actual event!

The Marked Ones - Arc 0: Chapter 2 - Discovery and Mystery

**_Alright, people who actually are reading this story_** , **_I'm finally posting the second chapter!_** **_This is a lot more longer than Chapter 1 and I made sure of it._** **_Be Sure to read Arc 0 - Chapter 1...

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The Marked Ones - Arc 0: Chapter 1 - Before the Storm

_ Hey There!_ _If you're reading this, welcome to my first story!_ _Credit and thanks to Ausfur for the title_ _This story MIGHT have a gay relationship in later chapters but I'm still thinking about the details of each chapter, so they might come...

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