The Kiith- Chapter 2: The Greymists

Story by The_Kiith on SoFurry

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#2 of The Kiith

DISCLAIMER: This is the second part of a story series. See the disclaimer in part 1.

The early morning light filtered through the broad summer leaves of the Greymist woods, the mists that were it's namesake having evaporated in it's radiance. The two kiith wandered along the old ranger's trail, so well built that even with it's low usage, it reminded a clear an easy walk. Irin was smiling, enjoying the sunlight on his bare scales, the smell of the rich forest soil, the sounds of the awakening woods.

Alex, on the other hand, was definitely not enjoying herself. She felt as if there were eyes constantly upon her, gazing at her naked body. Furthermore, she was not used to walking digitigrade and barefeet. Though the pads of her claws were much thicker then her human feet, she would still have much preferred fact she would have preferred an entire wardrobe, so she didn't have to feel so awkward, walking through the forest, naked for all to see. However, she did like the way Irin looked, his cute blue scaled ass and tail swinging down the path in front of her...she licked her lips...yeah, he! No, no, no!

Alex shook her head to clear the images. They had been getting worse for the past hour...her penis was resting outside it's sheath now, partially erect. Despite her best efforts to divert her attention away from sex, she just kept thinking about it, how cute Irin was, how she wanted to lay on the ground with him, snout to snout, in his slender arms, how she wanted his cock in her-Gah! See, this is why she couldn't think about sex. She wasn't gay, no matter what Irin said! She was going to contain these lusts, learn to control the, like humans did, and not surrender to them like the kiith. And she would learn their magic, the great power Irin claimed they possessed, and in doing so learn how to return her body to human form. Return to the way she was supposed to look.

Irin looked over his shoulder with concern at Alex "Are you alright?"

Alex nodded "Yeah, erm...I just stumbled"

"Well, tails are supposed to help with balance...however in your case, I'd say it hurts more then it helps. However, it sure does look good on you" he winked back at her, a smile flashing across his face.

Alex smiled back, though it when Irin turned his attention elsewhere, it quickly deteriorated into a sneer. Why did he have to tease her like that? Did he not realize how uncomfortable she was with this? She had a cock for crying out loud! How much more uncomfortable could she get?

The path opened up into a pleasant little meadow, dotted with ruins similar to the ones outside of Hinton. Old tsin ruins, from a time before humans, and their kin swept across the great sea in a bid for more territory to supply the war machines back home. Irin headed off the path, and walked through the fallen stone buildings, moving with determination towards a single fallen building, the largest one in the town from what Alex could tell. She followed him, though he had made no motion for her to follow, under the crumbled arch and into what had once been the interior of the structure, but now it was open to the sky, with a number of mature trees providing taking the place of a stone roof.

Irin stopped at a large pillar made of some foreign rock, still standing after several centuries of neglect. He looked it over carefully, examining it for..something, though Alex couldn't tell what. Muttering to himself, he reached out and began tracing the inscriptions

This was all to confusing to Alex as she watched him knell down and read the flowing tsini script that decorated the crumbling wall of the structure. The way he acted, heading strait for this particular ruin, this one pillar. Did that mean..."You never told me where your last name comes from"

Irin looked up at Alex, deep sorrow reflected in his eyes "I wasn't a tsin, if that's what you're trying to get at."

"Then why-"

Irin forced a smile onto his face "They knew something about our gift that we don't. See here...I've past these ruins half-a-dozen times since coming to the new world two hundred years ago"

"'ve used this trail half-a-dozen times?"

Irin nodded "Yes...I've been through Hinton many times in my long life. It is on the easiest pass through the Greymists after all. But that's not important now. Come here" He asked this, not demanding, and turned back to the ruins, fingers running along the carvings. "Can you read what these say?"

Alex walked over and knelt down next to him. She knew a bit of tsin, just enough to read some of the old markers and way points that dotted the wilderness. She squinted at the worn writings...the alphabet used was not the alphabet tsin used normally, but was instead written in the one they used to describe magic. Even then, there were several characters that she couldn't identify. She shook her head "It's not a standard alphabet, that's for sure. And the dialect is off. If this figure here is meant to represent ils and im, then they are spelling astalmilsim there...dragon. But it adds another syllable. Kirth...which normally means more of something. More of dragons? It doesn't sound right."

Irin smiled and ruffled Alex's mane, causing a shiver to run down her spine "Good job. It took me an hour to catch that the first time I was here. You really are good at this."

"How'd you know I could read tsini?"

"Samuel told me when we were up exploring the ruins above Hinton. He said you had a gift with tongues. Glad to see that that gift isn't restricted to languages only."

Alex nearly fell over with that comment, causing Irin to break out into laughter, the melancholy air he had adopted quickly being swept away. Her red cheeks burning even redder, she straitened herself up, trying to regain as much dignity as she could. Why did every other sentence have to be a sexual innuendo out of him? Gods, he was virile for a seven hundred year old man. Changing the subject... "So then, since you've undoubtedly read this over several times then in your trips though, what does it say"

Irin shrugged "I don't know. However that word you just read. Astalmilsimkirth. The last syllable means blood. Dragonsblood. That's right...not dragon's blood as in the blood of dragons, but dragonblood as in..."

"...our power." Alex said breathlessly. This ruin here, so close to home, yet relating to the kiith, really stuck home with her. Until now, she was relying entirely upon Irin's word, but here was proof. As she skimmed it over, she saw that Irin's translation was indeed correct. Kirth appeared several times where the normal word for blood, jangil, would normally, and yet jangil appeared in yet other places

Irin nodded "Exactly. Now, for something even stranger, take that word, and modify it into a future-tense noun."

Alex's brow scrunched up as she mentally transformed the word. It was evident when she had figured it out, as her brows shot up and her jaw hung open in surprise "By the's kiith!"

Irin chuckled "Now you see why I stopped here. The tsin knew something about us, even though the first of our brothers didn't step foot onto this land until seventy years after the last tsin was seen."

"So...what does it say? Have you been able to figure that out?"

Irin shook his head and sighed "No. I haven't a clue where to start. It's like if someone was to give you a picture of someone they claimed was a long-lost sibling, but died before he could tell you their name, leaving a thousand burning questions in your mind. It seems that every time I come past here, or any of the other ruins like this, I know less, not more!"

"Maybe if I could spend some time on this, I could-"

"No time!" Irin said as he hopped up "As much as I would love to spend a week here, me teaching you, and you deciphering this puzzle, we can't. We must get to Stonard as soon as possible."

Alex gaped at Irin "Certainly this is more important then whatever commitments you have in Stonard. I mean, this could hold secrets to new magics only usable by us!" And, she secretly hoped, a way to turn her back into human without risking her death and subsequent explosion.

The blue-scaled kiith just shook his head. "This is far more important, yes, but far, far less urgent."

Alex got up to her feet slowly, still trying to decipher the script. Irin was was frustrating! But something else was on her mind as well "Why exactly do we need to head to Stonard?"

Irin slapped himself on his forehead with a paw "Wait! I didn't tell you?"

"Not to the best of my knowledge..."

"Someone with dragonblood detonated himself yesterday in Stonard. Almost half the town was killed. I need to get there to clean up any residual effects before they cause any lasting harm."

Alex just stared at him, not quite comprehending what he was saying "Wait...explosion in Stonard, and half the town was destroyed? That...that's almost six hundred people!"

"It was a big one yes. Whomever possessed potential like that would've made a great kiith. But it's too late for that. Now, we must get ourselves to Stonard before nightfall. I want to be done the cleanup by tomorrow morning."

Alex simply nodded and followed Irin out of the moss-covered town, casting one last glance at the pillar that could hold the secrets that she desired.


It was approaching mid-day when the two kiith next stopped, this time at a clear brook cascading down from the mountains above. Alex was panting hard after the long mornings walk in the summer sun, with no food, no water, and no rest. Irin didn't seem to mind in the least, however. He sat down at the edge of the stream, sunk his paws in, and sighed "Ahh...that's why I like being on schedule"

Alex stared at the crystal-clear water and licked her parched lips. However, she wasn't about to drink unpurified water. Last time she tried something like that, she was out for a week. But...she was almost on the edge of dehydration! Gah!

Irin cocked an eyebrow at the confused, red scaled kiith standing above hime "What's wrong?"

" you have any purifying spells?"

A smirk crawled onto the elders face "Nope. Don't need any. Our bodies are much hardier then humans." To demonstrate this, he reached down into the mountain brook, cupped his hands, and brought a hand full of water to his face, which he drunk without another comment.

Alex didn't bother with any of that. As soon Irin stated that she could drink the water, she dove her snout into the water, and began sucking down entire mouthfuls. As the cool water began to flow through her, she sighed mentally, and she began to relax every tense muscle in her body.

However, her cooling off was vastly accelerated as Irin grabbed her behind, and flipped her into water. With a squawk of protest, she reached out for the closest support, and ended up yanking Irin, howling with laughter, into the water ontop of her. Alex stumbled to her feet first, dripping wet, and began to make her way onto the bank, before Irin caught her leg and caused her to splash back into the cold mountain waters.

Still laughing, Irin scrambled over her and began crawling up the bank, but with a vicious grin, Alex pulled him back in. Irin spun and grabbed Alex by the shoulders, and rolled over in the shallow creek, leaving Alex pinned, but still able to breath. The younger kiith wasn't about to let the elder get the above hand however, and rolled herself out from underneath him, her lithe body able to preform maneuvers she never would have been able to preform as a human. She grabbed his back with one arm and dove into the watter, submerging both their heads. Irin twisted out at the last moment, and left Alex to fall into the water rather ungracefully as he rolled onto his feet.

Defeated, Alex struggled to get back to her feet, a combination of laughter and wet rocks impairing her efforts. She looked up to catch Irin's drenched body, water gleaming as it dripped down off his scales and out of his hair. His blue scaled body, standing proudly in the middle of the stream, every sculpted muscle poised, a wry grin spread across his face, his tail moving slowly, creating ripples in the stream. And a proud, blue erection that stood defiant against gravity. Alex stared at it for a second, before realizing she possessed it's twin on her own body.

She flushed and made to turn away until the heat in her groin subsided, but Irin would have none of that. He waded over to her, wrapped his strong, sleek arms around her, and licked her right on the snout. Alex's whole body shook at that simple sexual contact. Irin let one arm drop, and with the other at her waist, guided her over to the bank, all the while nuzzling her neck. Alex couldn't help it, her entire body was growing hot, a feeling of anticipation growing in her joints. As they reached the shore, Irin turned her around, and with a sensual, loving lick around her snout, laid her down carefully on her back, then set himself down upon her, folding himself to her curves. His tongue never left her snout the entire way down.

Alex felt all resistance melt at her expect moved, and when he laid his cock so that it touched hers, her whole body exploded into shivers. When she gasped in surprise at the feeling, Irin slipped in his tongue, and ran it along the inside of her mouth. Some part of Alex wanted to turn away, to ignore these sexual advances from one male to another, but that part was drowned out by a chorus emanating from her aching body. She slipped her tongue into his mouth repaying the favor, letting it's length play around his cheeks. She felt him shift onto of her, reaching his hand down to caress her aching member. The moment his hand brushed her cock, she groaned. Ohh, she wanted this. She had wanted this since she had first felt her new member, heavy with need, after the transformation. His hand wrapped around her penis, slowly, lovingly, and began jerking her off. Alex tilted her head back and moaned, her entire body lusting after his touch, after his stoking.

And then, her stomach growled, noisily. Alex groaned and shook her head. Not now. Not when she was beginning to feel so good. However, Irin's stroking of her cock stopped. "No..." Alex whispered "Don't..."

Irin put a finger to Alex's lips "Shh." He straitened himself up onto his knees, and shimmied up her body, until his cock stood in front of her snot. A grin spreading across her face, Alex turned herself over so that Irin was lying with his back upon the warm stone, and Alex on top, her muzzle just above his cock. For the second time that day, Alex licked her lips, and took Irin's cock into her mouth. Except this time, they were kiith. Alex's tongue wrapped all the way around his draconic member, running it up and down it's sleek length, tasting it, savoring it. The hunger that had so rudely interrupted her earlier lovemaking was now focused entirely on pleasuring him.

Her muzzle closed around his burning member, sucking it slowly, lovingly. The smell of his musk, and the taste of thick, juicy meat, they all drove her on. She reached down, between her legs, and began stroking her own member, grasping it for the first time. Shuddering, moaning around his manhood, she took his entire cock into her muzzle, strait to his ballsack. She needed him, needed his cum inside her. Finally, he released, his cock going stiff and shooting his entire load of seed down her gullet. His rich, hot seed. She ran her tongue up and down it's length once, twice more, her supple length licking the last of his cum off his penis. Finally breaking away with one long, final lick, she looked into his eyes and saw only love and contentment.

With a huge smile on his face, he righted himself, and nuzzled her neck "I love you" his whispered in her ear "Did you feel it?"

Alex nodded. She actually felt his love for her when she was sucking off his member. It was as if he had been embracing her the entire time, nuzzling her, the two of them, united. Irin's eye's sparkled as he licked a drop of his seed of her jaw. Alex raised her head, and he continued to clean her jaw, and progressed down her neck, her pecs, her stomach, progressing all the way to her throbbing, aching member.

Alex leaned back, trusting her penis into Irin's face. He gladly accepted, slipping down her length, then up. A small amount of pre dribbled from her cockhead, which he eagerly lapped up. Alex felt so good! So right! Finally, he opened his mouth, and slowly, deliberately moved his muzzle down over her penis. Alex trust her back towards his face, wanting him to take all of it into his muzzle. She wanted to feel his tongue's gentle caress over her entire length...over his entire length. His breathing quickening, Alex just wanted to cum as a male. Like the male he was. He wanted to gift his lover, his powerful, sexy lover, with his cum. He twisted and tuned, moaning in frustration. His entire body was rocking from the pleasure, he was like a lone tree standing against a hurricane. He gasped, and grabbed onto his lover's horns, driving his cock further and further in, an act Irin eagerly received.

Finally he reached the peak. His entire body stiffened, and then he cried, releasing his seed, his essence into his love's muzzle. It was like a white hot fire being channeled from his very soul, though this wondrous piece of flesh in Irin's mouth. "Ah...ah...ahhhhhh" he finally calmed down, and opened up his eyes. He gazed into his lover's rich blue eyes, his cum dripping off his blue scales. Alex grinned and embraced Irin. Ohh, it felt so wonderful to close to him, to feel his warm scales blue scales on his rich red.

Irin kissed Alex once again, and this time Alex tasted seed on his tongue. His own seen, his own male essence. Wait...NO!

Alex broke off the kiss. No, no no! He was a female, not a male! She! She! Not a he! Alex shook his...her head. "No...I'm sorry" Alex crawled out from underneath Irin.

A concerned look crossed Irin's snout. "Are you okay? Did I do anything wrong?"

Alex wanted to scream at him YES! YES YOU DID, YOU SICK BASTARD. However, all she could do is shake her head no. How she could loose herself like that? She had let herself be overcome with lust, just at seeing Irin's erection, just by feeling him nuzzle her. Gah, even now it was stirring, she was not gay! And she was not a man! And yet, she had just been given a blow job by a hot, very very sexy kiith..NO! Not hot!

Alex grasped her head. She couldn't give in! She was strong enough to resist this, she would learn how to control her power, she would do this for all those who could be killed by a simple mishap. She would do this for good, not for lust. She would find a way back to being human, normal, average, everyday human.

"What's wrong?" There was definite concern in Irin's voice, and when she looked into his eyes, she saw the love he had for her, open and unabashed. This, this was wrong!

"I...I was just unprepared. That's all" Alex go to her feet, her cock still hanging freely outside of it's sheathe. "We should be going, shouldn't we?"

Disappointment dawned on Irin's face, but he nodded. "'re right. We have a full nights work ahead of us. After we're done there, then we can mess around." A small smile teased the corner of his mouth.

Alex shuddered, but whether from apprehension or anticipation, she wasn't certain "Maybe"


The kiith spent the next few hours walking in silence, their faces deep and introspective. How could she have given in so easily, Alex silently berated herself. It just felt so right, but she knew it was had to be wrong. But she couldn't deny how much she had enjoyed was greater than any sex she had ever had before. Was it so wrong to indulge in something like that? NO! She couldn't let herself fall into temptation again!

Irin cast a concerned glance over his shoulder but said nothing. Ohh...he really does care for her! But why? They only really met this could he develop those feelings so quickly?And why did she feel the same? So many questions...this was the wrong choice, coming with him. She knew in her heart that couldn't resist temptation for very much longer. Every time she looked at him, at his smooth back, shimmering hair, cute ass...arrgh! What was the point! The desire just kept getting worse...every minute, every second...she needed him!

Without fully comprehending what she was doing, she walked up to Irin, wrapped her arms around him, and licked her tongue along his neck. He stopped in mid step, shocked, and then his face exploded into a grin "Feeling better?"

Alex just responded by sinking her muzzle into his smoky mane, breathing deep his rich, dusty scent. He turned around in her arms, returned her embrace, and nuzzled her neck, his tongue ticking along her collarbone. Giving in to all temptation, Alex leaned her head down and kissed Irin's cheek, drawing him away from her neck and to her mouth. The two kissed, their tongues entwining, their saliva mixing, and laid themselves onto the cool forest floor. Alex reached down between their entwined bodies, and began massaging Irin's sheath, giving his sack a nice, firm squeeze. Irin's paws stroked Alex's back starting at the shoulders, but making their way down slowly, sensually to her ass, which he squeezed playfully in return.

Alex stroked Irin's emerging length vigorously, running her paw up and down it's growing girth. Irin bucked his hips against her hand, rubbling his cock against it's thick padding. Alex chuckled between licks...oh, this was what she needed. This was what was missing in her life! The love she felt eminating from the sleek, and steadily sweatier kiith beneath her was that something that she had longed for on cold winter nights, and brilliant summer evenings. And now, she would have it. Her tail lifting up, out of the way, she positioned herself on top of his thick, very much aroused member. Just like she had done several times before, she sunk herself onto her lover's malehood, except for this time, the cock was sleek and pointed, designed for ass, not pussy, and luckily Alex possessed the right gear.

She lowered herself slowly, listening to Irin's gentle moan...the feeling was intense, like nothing she had ever felt before. It hurt, yet felt so right, so good, so natural. She wanted this. Her entire body shuddered as Irin's blue meat sunk into her wanting tailhole, all the way up to the blue kiith's scaled balls. A gasp escaped her lips as his cock ended up right beside her was perfect. She began moving up and down on his cock, riding it, her virgin sphincter clasping around his generous member, sucking on it like her lips had one before. Alex leaned down, and nuzzled her moaning lover's cheek. Ohh...he felt so good inside of her...his thick, rock hard penis rubbling against her insides, her prostate. He own claws clasped around her maleness, stroking carefully, sending shivers down her spine. The pleasure was so perfect, so right.

Something snapped inside Alex then. Every last bit of resistance that he had been holding back fled against the tidal wave of pleasure coursing over his body. He was no longer a woman, oh no. He was a male, a kiith male, a very gay, and a very hot kiith male. With prefect scales, cute little ears, a fine tail, and very, very nice prick. He felt as if his very being had been released, set free. Now he could be free to be who he was born to be. Not some human, bound by stupid rules and customs, but a kiith, as wild as magic itself. He was the male aspect of magic made incarnate. The power contained within him was set loose, running through his veins. Every fiber of his being shook, every sense was heightened tenfold.

Alex couldn't help it, he let loose a bestial roar of lust. He loved it! The sensation of Irin's beautiful dragon cock within him was driving him into levels of pleasure he had never even thought existed. His sexual experience transcended physical, she at Irin were intimate on levels beyond that. Irin's soul, his lust, his love were all incarnate on these layers, and they were driving themselves into Alex's spirit. It was beyond expression. His mind went blank from the pleasure. The Immense power of Irin...Alex's father...overwhelmed his new son. Alex couldn't take anymore of an instant that lasted an eternity, father came into son for the first time, and Alex knew love.

A cry, pure and unabashed, rose through his throat, emerging from his very soul. It was a moment that redefined everything Alex thought. The act of lovemaking was so much more intimate between kiith then between humans...particularly between a father and son. Alex lay down upon Irin's chest, not wanting to break contact, not wanting to end the indescribable afterglow.

Irin wrapped his arms tenderly around his youngest son, stroking his hair gently. "I love you"

Alex now truly understood what that meant. Irin was his father, the kiith who brought forth his true spirit, freed it from human confines. The two were bound now, closer then any mortal could ever hope to achieve. Their very beings were wrapped so tightly together that the bonds were indestructible. And Irin had done this before. There were other kiith, other sons of his, Alex's bothers, who were bonded to him in a similar way. Alex nuzzled against his father's warm, strong body "I love you too...father"

The two lay there for an hour, basking in the endless afterglow. Finally, Irin sighed and released his hold on his son, stretching his stiff arms. Alex founded, but understood. His father needed to get to Stonard, it was his duty, and no kiith could deny their responsibility for long, even the love of a family member cannot hold them back for long. Alex rolled over and stood up, wobbling as his stiff muscles protested the act. It was then that Alex noticed that his scaled had changed. No longer were they a deep wine red, they were a rich azure, fading to pale gold on his underbelly. Just like his father.

Alex walked over and offered Irin a hand, which the elder kiith accepted. He looked over Alex's new body with approval "Red scales were nice, but I really prefer the blue scales on you."

Alex smiled "Same on you...wouldn't have it any other way"

Irin ruffled his son's hair "Isn't that the truth. Now come on. We still have quite a ways to go yet" the elder kiith wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulder, and Alex leaned his head upon his father's arm. It was a beautiful evening, one that he would remember for the rest of his life.

And thus thinking, the two kiith set of into the valley below, and into destiny.

((there's part two. A little less explanation about what a kiith is, but at least Alex is right in the head now. I don't know when part three will be up, but there will be far more plot, and far less yiff in the next few stories, unfortunately for you yiff fans. But I don't write in sex scenes just ' all has to serve a purpose. Next episode, we'll get some villains, and find out more about the world. That'll really get to story rolling))