A Dragon\'s Love

Story by Dragon Sechs on SoFurry

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#2 of American Dragon's love

Chapter 2 hope u like it

Fido c. [email protected]

To see the other story go to Deviantart.com/ search/ by:fidopaws/ story page1

I put in an x-box 360 game that I think we've all played see if you can guess the name of it in the story.

Please leave comments

More chapters on the way

A Dragon's Love

Jake woke first. (Which is rare for him but he still he woke.) He raised his head and looked around the room wondering to himself.

"What happened?"

His question was answered when he looked down at his chest to see the germen Shepard's sleeping head laying on him.

He remembered all what happened last night and laughed to himself. Getting up slowly (so to not wake fido.) the big dragon lumbered out of the room and into the hall. Hearing his stomach growl he knew that fido would be up soon and decided to find something to eat.

But when he got into the kitchen and looked in the fridge there was nothing good there. He then noticed the money laying by the phone with a note next to it.

'Here is 70$ Jake uses it to buy food. Love mom and dad.'

Jake took the money and went out the back door into the alleyway behind the house and took off flying to the nearest grocery store.

Fido woke up just as slowly as always but didn't open her eyes. she just laid there on her side and shivered a bit, she was about to snuggle up to Jake to keep warm, but when she put a paw out to touch his scaly chest all she felt were sheets.

She woke and sat up quickly wanting to know where her big red dragon went. She was worried that something might have happened to him but all her worries were put at ease when she heard the sound of flapping wings and a loud thud on the roof and knew he had returned.

She bolted out of the bedroom and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. To be greeted by the 6ft tall dragon. With plastic bag in hand and a grin on his face.

"Good morning beautiful" Jake said

"Good morning dragon boy" she said back in a teasing voice

Jake sat the bag down and began to empty the contents. It had all the essentials, eggs, bread, milk, frozen waffles, (Fido's favorite) and Energy drinks. (Jake's favorite.)

"Last night was amazing." Fido said

"You're telling me"

Jake sat the packages down on the counter and let out a sigh and looked fido dead in the eyes. And with a serious look on his face he asked.

"Fi, how come you never told me you felt THAT way about me?"

Fido just looked at the floor

"I-I I was scared. I had like that twards you, for you for a long time but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you"

Jake looked at her puzzled "why not Fi? You know we love each other"

Still looking at the floor she said. "But it was more than just love it was... lust, for you. And with what happened to rose and everything I never thought you would want me in the same way"

Jake laughed "fido, I love you and I'll do anything to make you happy... but I think last night was something we BOTH wanted."

Fido looked up at him, and smiled that smile of hers that said HELL YES!!!

"okay lover boy lets eat"

After they ate they went into the living room, turned on the game system, and turned to verses. Jak, Knowing that he was no match for fido when it came to video games still liked to play her even though he always got his ass handed to him.

He decided to quit right before his 18th loss. He laid down on the sofa, but Fi still found the un-manned player and killed him. Jake heard

COG Victory!!

And smiled he wanted to take a nap while she played but fido had other plans. She waited until he was asleep and then she pounced....

She jumped onto his chest, waking him instantly. He raised his head startled then looked at her. She was picking at his chest scales with one of her nails and giving him a sexy look. Her warm fur felt good on his chilly scales.

She looked down at his sheath, as his cock appeared and hardened quickly she looked back at him. He was totally surrendered to her so she decided to take it nice and slow.

She moved down his frame until she got to his hard muscle. She clamped onto it with both paws and started to slide it into her muzzle.

Jake just moaned with pleasure.

She couldn't get the whole thing into her mouth but she still made due. Then she wrapped her tongue around its base and began to suck it while slowly pumping her head up and down. Jake growled deeply and shivered. When she heard him growl she giggled as best she could with the large dragon member in her mouth.

Jake decided that he was going to please his woman as well.

So he slowly moved his tail up her leg and wrapped around it once then making its way up more. Then he dove his tail into her pussy.

She loved it and moaned loudly to prove it. Jake began to pump his tail in and out at the same pace as her sucking, when she quickened he did the same and when she slowed down he mimicked her.

They continued for about 45 minuets until fido had had enough. She began to suck on his member so hard it jerked him upwards. She continued to violently pump her head up and down. She wanted Jake's seed in her mouth so bad she could almost taste it. Jake tried to keep up with her with his tail but couldn't quite get it up to the same speed. Fido was moaning and yelling, loving every second of there sexual ride.

Tasting the large amounts of dragon pre cum dripping into her throat. Jake rammed his tail into her and twisted it around. They both wanted the other to release badly, and soon they both got their wish.

Jake let out a fierce roar that shook the entire house and let lose in her mouth not holding back pumping at more than a quart of cum into her maw. She gulped down what she could, but her mouth soon met its limit and as he continued to pump cum she let it run out of any crack in her mouth. Massive amounts of cum dripped down back onto Jake.

At the same time as he came she felt herself release too she shivered and yelped with pleasure coming all over jake's tail and on the sofa. When they were both done she let him go and began to clean him up lapping up all the cum she could see on him. When she had finished she crawled back up to his chest. The two looked lovingly into the other's eyes and shared a deep loving kiss. Fido finally broke the kiss, went to his ear and whispered,

"I love you"

Jake said into her ear

"I love you too, with every scale in my body!"

She looked at him once more and said

"Oh Jake"

She began to get teary eyed

"Fido what's wrong?"

"Oh Jake please promise you'll never leave me."

"Only if you promise too."

"I promise" she said

"So do I" Jake said back

And with that they both lost themselves to a nap.

The two soon woke up. It was around mid-day so they decided to go out for a while. They both grabbed their skateboards and ran out the door heading for the skate park

"You think trixie and spud will be there?" fido asked

Jake shrugged "Maybe. Only one way to tell"

"Race ya!" fido said

And just then fido bounded far in front of Jake. Jake just laughed because just like he could never beat her at video games, she was never able to beat him at skatebording. The two quickly made it to the skate park and soon saw trixie and spud they waved.

"Hey guys, sup?" Jake asked

"Nothing much just dropping in." spud said "waiting for you two to show up."

"Well were here now lets hit it!" fido said quickly

"Sweet lets- trixie started then she looked at fido and asked

"Fi what's that on you face?" trixie was pointing at the small missed bit of dragon cum on the side of fido's mouth from their earlier love making session.

Both fido and Jake blushed severely not wanting to tell trixe and spud of their new sexual relationship.

fido stumbled for words "oh it's..."

"its just ice cream" Jake interrupted her. "we both went out for ice cream before we came here."

Trixie laughed "that's sounds like you two, always doing that boyfriend girlfriend shit!"

Spud joined in "yea I think you two really need to get a room!"

Spud and trixie continued laughing as they both walked towards the ramp. Once they were on the top of the ramp and out of earshot Jake and fido started laughing too.

"I wonder what they would be thinking if they knew the truth." Jake said

And they ran to join the others on the ramp.

love starts

This story was inspired by fidowpaws at deviantart.com who made a cool story about Jake and her fan-made character Fido... soooo I decided to make a yiffy version of the story. You're welcome. And to anyone confused, Fido is a germen Shepard... hey I...

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