Red Sun and Moon Colliding

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#1 of Lunar Aria

_ This is the first four chapters of the first story I've ever written. Please, read up! There's not very much sexual material, so if you're looking for a quick spank try something else. But if you're into plot, in-jokes, and philosophy, read on! _


My name is Hymnal. Yeah, strange, but what can I do? I was, for a time, naught but a rogue. Wandering the land and scraping together what I could to survive. It's what happens when your parents keel over when you've barely seen your fifth summer. Not that I blame them; the life of a farmer would have never suited me. In retrospect, it would've been for the better. But, as they say, destiny decides what goes on, not us. It was during my 10th summer that the wheels of fate kicked in for me, and I found myself waking up to what seemed to be an angel. Ah, I still remember her voice... it was like purity itself...

"Kid!? Are you alright? Quick, someone get..."

Okay, so it''s not exactly the most casual or friendly of greetings. Or even all that normal. I couldn't remember where I was, or how I'd got there. Apparently I had been injured though, because I've had this rather large scar covering my left arm since then, and cannot remember it before. Ah.. I miss those days. Perhaps I'll just drift into a flashback here, and let you wonder. Yeah, that'll do. That'll do fine.


(Hey, you're here? Neat. Must be a shared one. Well, lemme point out a few things- see that kid in the bed? Stripey lookin' one? Not the tiger- yeah, the tabby. That's me. The tiger is the one who found me. Well, watch!)

'Unngh.. my head. What happened..? Where am I? And why can't I move my arm..?'

"Hey, are you finally awake kid? Careful now, don't overdo it. Try to open your eyes, slowly."

I turned to face the source of the voice, and tried both open my eyes and squeeze them shut. Either the photons were especially loud, or perhaps I just had them closed far to long. Fending off the bright onslaught, I opened then them enough to see her face. Beautiful black and white, eyes a pale grey... the spots from the brightness making her seem to be an angel. Of course, my opening line wrecked the moment. "Oh.. so I'm dead. Never thought there'd be angels in the dark realms."

I was rewarded for this honest outspeaking of my thoughts with an outstuck tongue and a threateningly-held pillow.

"You're not dead, although you were exceedingly close for a time. You're currently in Kyre. Specifically, Kyre Orphanage, hospital wing. I found you on the steps out back, looking like you fell in a meat grinder..."

For once in my life, I was speechless. Usually strangers would jeer. Or throw stuff at me. Sometimes the stuff was okay, like food. Usually it was much heavier, and sharper. To be taken in though, when I was at a point that finishing me would be easy? Why? I simply couldn't fathom it! Her mention of the injuries brought something to mind, but my concerns were silenced by a finger upon my lips.

"Don't try to move to much. I know what you're going to ask. You were very wounded. Heavens know what happened, but most of you we were able to put back together. Now, please try and stay calm when I tell you this. Whoever or whatever hurt you did something with your arm. Our doctors did their best, but..."

My eyes flew open. "But!?" Cranial cogs whizzed, the gears of memory turned, and finally the key of recognition clicked, connecting her words to the throbbing of my arm. I tried to reach up and look at it. Emphasis on 'tried'. Amidst the sudden explosion of stars and comets in my vision, I saw her eyes leaking. She was.. crying? Why? For.. me..? With this thought, my mind faded to black.

The chirping of birds. The feel of warm sun on my face. And an unexplained feeling of softness beneath me. Where was the ground? Recollections of the previous day hit me like a ballista and my eyes shot open. There she was. My guardian angel, asleep, kneeling over with her head in her arms upon my bed. And someone new, as well. An elderly being of a species most uncommon, the human. Funny, I thought the were extinct. He smiled warmly to me before speaking.

"Ah, you're awake again. Diem has told me what she told you, and now it seems is asleep. You're lucky, child. She's never opened up to anyone before, no matter how they've tried. And yet she's spent the night there, watching over you. As you've figured out, moving your arm will be exceedingly difficult and painful for quite a while now. As she had said, the wound was horrific. Now, tell me your name. You may refer to me as Eldar, by the way."

I blinked wearily, brain still semi-clogged with dreams and sleepiness. My attempt at speech came out as nothing but a dry croak, reminding me that of the many things I'd done in the past few hours, drinking was not among them. This resulted in a smile from Eldar, accompanied by a shake of his head. "Since I highly doubt 'haaargh' is your name, you must be thirsty. Here." He walked over and held out a glass of a purple, wonderful-smelling liquid. Could it be? How could he know? It must be one of the fakes. It's got to be. I took the glass with my good arm, heeding the warning, and downed it. A feeling a bliss spread across my tongue, and I couldn't hold back the purring. It was what I thought, my absolute favorite drink in the world. And darned good too. "T-thank you f-for the juice, Eldar. I love grape.. oh, I'm Hymnal, by the way. N-nice to meet you, sir."

This unusually submissive speech suprised me; normally respect wasn't something I'd give, and yet Eldar seemed to somehow deserve it. He took back the empty glass and ruffled my ears. "Hymnal? Well, welcome to Kyre, Hymnal. Normally, I'd recommend going out to play with the others on such a day. But, for now, you shall be confined to your bed." Odd, his words seemed.. blended. A pleasant dizzyness was buzzing in my brain. "Diem has already promised to stay here with you. Now, please rest. You needn't worry. The dizzyness is just some noctwort mixed with the juice. It will help you sleep without pain."

I managed a nod, eyelids drooping of there own accord. Any cub would recognize noctwort, both from the strong purple shade and the grapey taste, perfect for helping soothe one's body and enter rest. I drifted off again with a quiet purr, unconsiously shifting over towards Diem with my last vestiges of energy, the thought of hopefully seeing her smile upon awakening obliterating any need for the drug's anaesthetic effects.

o/Phasma coma sopor... angelus venum curator... o/

_The realm of dreams.

I float freely, scanning my memories of the day. Most people laugh when I mention this, and yet I cannot fathom why. Many dream for themselves. Some dream for others. Few never dream at all. But all dream for one. I've had this power since the day of my birth; it is both blessing and curse, to roam the lands of sleep. Any and all dreams nearby, I can find them, and enter them. At my home, I was cast out, and my parents were killed, for giving birth to me, the Dra'Alun. Dream walker. I can go into the dreams of those sleeping near me, and watch them. Sometimes, in a nightmare, I can take the person's place, to ease the pain. The only dream nearby is that of Diem. And it was one of sadness. Curiousity killed the cat, as they say, but I had escaped death once already.

I enter the dream, immediatly grateful for the noctwort's method of application. If it hadn't numbed my stomach, surely I would have awakened with a rather powerful ejection of grape juice. She was dreaming of me... or perhaps a nightmare._

I watch from her perspective. There I, or rather her dream-me, was on a table in what could only be the orphanage's infirmary. Blood was everywhere. Not all of it mine. "Hold him down, dammit! Hold him down!! The noxx isn't working!!" Dear god, noxx!? That herb is incredibly rare, and capable of causing a coma just from the scent! And it wasn't enough? I could see deep slashes in Diem's arm from my claws, as she was helping restrain me as they worked. Her description of 'fell in a meatgrinder' was accurate, as I looked on. I was covered in wounds. Bone was visible, both from poking through skin, and lack of flesh to cover. Worst was my warm. It looked like it was burnt to a crisp, but yet not. More like.. a curse. Yes. That could be it. Dreams reveal the truth in things, and the fact that the doctors were stitching the arm instead of applying salve, or just amputating, proves the reality of things.

"I'm so sorry.. you shouldn't be seeing this.."

I jumped. Noone's mouth had moved, and I certainly didn't think that. Who..? No. No way. Not even in a lucid dream am I detectable, let alone recognizable. And yet, there it was. Her voice. "Diem...?"

And I was gone. Booted from the dream, leaving her to suffer alone. How? How could I be forced out? And why would she not want me to see?

It is often said that dreams can affect the body in real life. If I could have opened my eyes, I would have seen several things. Diem was crying in her sleep. I was also crying, but mumbling her name and trying to get closer. And Eldar was standing in the door, holding some food, just looking over the scene. He set down the food, walking over quietly. I wasn't booted from the dream at all. She had been awakened. And, looking to the eldar, then to me, she joined me in the bed and just held me close and warm.

o/Amicus, persona matris... quare nocio sis cura...? o/


Birds chirping. Sun, once again. Warmth, not from the blankets or the bed. Had I slept through the entire day, and night as well? Yes. But that must mean...! I sat up with a start, grinning. It was the day! It had been two weeks since that night, since I had witnessed the details of my own injuries. But that wasn't what was on my mind at all. I couldn't help but grin ear-to-ear nudge Diem into awaking. She had been sleeping at my side every night since then, which I was more greatful for then I cared to admit. But, of course, that was the last thought in my mind. I wiggled excitedly as she awoke, grumbling about it being just barely dawn, wodnering why I would wake her at such a time. Her answer came.

"It's today!! Eldar said that I could go outside and play today, instead of simply being cooped up in here, Diem!"

To say I was a little hyper at the idea would be saying the ocean may be just a tad bit damp.

I tugged and poked at her arm some more, urging her to awaken in full. This attempt got my face introduced to her pillow at high velocity. Y'know, it's said pillows are harmless, which is why pillowfights are not too bad. But man, a mouthfull of fluff tastes -awful-! And of course, her smile followed, capable of melting even the coldest of hearts.

"Hymnal, it's dawn. The sun is just a sliver on the horizon. The only ones up now are you, me, and those birds! We haven't even had breakfast yet! And you want to go and play? Besides, are you healed enough to play? Alot of the boys like to roughhouse, and..."

I cut her off before she could finish. When you watch someone in their dreams, you start to know them, and seeing her crying would break my heart. I reassured my dear friend with a hand on her shoulder. Which, in this case, was a better way of convincing her then anything. She looked at the hand, tearing up just a little. But in the good, smiling sort of way.

"Like I said, Diem. I'm healed. As long as I go easy, it'll be alright. 'Sides, a little roughhousing is good! Just laying around all day isn't exactly the greatest way to exercise, afterall!"

She didn't respond. Instead, she just grabbed me in what was the first hug I can remember, holding me close and crying. I could only make out a few scattered words, but her basic meaning was that she was incredibly happy for me, and that she couldn't wait to see me playing either.

I interrupted her with the traditional method of startling someone into paying attention. The trademarked ColdDampNose stuffed in the ear. After the 'YEEK!!' of recognition, I grinned. "You mentioned breakfast? Would it happen to be something other then juice and oatmeal?" She grinned, and I knew I was in for a treat....

Two Hours Later

I leaned against a tree in the sunlight, Diem at my side. She poked my belly with a smirk, and a little 'oof' from me. "I know oatmeal gets boring, but trying everything? And finishing it all, too? Even what you didn't like? You'd think you'd never had a full holiday meal before!" I headtilted curiously, not saying anything for fear of my overstuffed tummy deciding to make room. Besides, the headtilt was all I needed; we were reading each other's body language with ease.

"You.. haven't, have you. Well, I'll refresh your memory, Hymn. Today is the Bok Ra Taiyouu, celebration of the longest day of sunlight in the entire year. Because of Kyr's location, it won't be dark again until midnight!"

Bok Ra Taiyouu. That day, many things happened. Far too much to recall. It was one of the happiest days in my life. It passed far too quickly, a blur of wonderful events...

Playing out in the field, games of tag, hide-and-seek, and races...

Watching the older boys in combat training, and me actually managing to hold my own (he was holding back because of my injuries, but still!)...

The noon meal, my first taste of watermelon, Diem falling off the bench from laughing at the juice dripping from my face...

Evening, we were allowed to stay up until sundown, and so there was a big bonfire... we all told stories, and mine actually got applause...

Seeing my assigned bed in the boy's dormitory, which almost made me sad- except I learned it was a doublesize, because I would be sharing it with Diem...

And, the climax of the night.. as we both got comfy in bed, she gave me a goodnight kiss...

o/Diei eversio noctis.... adamo Diem...? o/

_The realm of dreams.

I float freely. It is no longer nigh barren, with but a few. They are everywhere. My friends, my 'rivals' (friends still, just we like contests), and Diem. I can feel the emotions of them all. Diem's dream shines like a sun, emitting such joy and purity that any nightmares are annihilated in an instant. Tonight, I shall leave her be. My curiousity is piqued by a particular dream, a shimmering green bubble that belongs to Rikk, one of the few tauric inhabitants. Foxtauric, to be precise. I'd never seen green before, so I floated over and entered, watching from within him...

An explosion of feelings. None I recognize.

It's as if electricity is coursing through, muddying his mind and making his body tingle.

An overwhelming sense of need. For what? I release from his body, watching from the side instead, keeping tabs on the feelings as well. There is but one other in the dream. Sandi, a quiet felitaur. Female. They approach each other and kiss, a surge of feelings washing over from the event._

I want to leave. I should not be seeing this. This is a private dream, one never meant to be shared. But I cannot; he is locked in, and so am I.

The two nuzzle each other, hugging tightly and kissing again. More emotions pour out, confusing me. Why are they doing this? How could it cause so much feeling? And why haven't I ever felt these before?

The embrace is broken. She steps away, turning her back to Rikk. She crouches down, and he climbs atop.

I awaken, shivering. What.. what was going on? Why would they..? What were those feelings? Ugh.. and why does my tummy hurt? I curl up tightly, awakening Diem.

"Hymn..? Are you col... you're burning up. You have a fever. HEY! SOMEONE GET ELDAR!!" I drift off into blackness once more, as Diem pets my ears and keeps whispering reassurance.

I knew I shouldn't have eaten that last fish.

o/Trepide... tempestas sensus... novus negotium... facio... o/

_ A new realm. I am asleep, but this is different. I am... alone. There is nothing but darkness._

I wander around. There is always a dream, if you walk far enough. Surely, at least Diem is here?




Finally, I come across one. A dream. A floating black orb, as if a blob of ink decided to float. I tried to run. But I could not. It grabbed me, and I was hauled in...

Pain. Exploding stars, everywhere. This dream.. who's could it be!? Nothing.. nothing like this. This is horrible. Fire... everywhere.. screaming.. I enter the house, and stare at the sight. "Who.. who cou.. co.. hurrrk!!" I doubled over, both in the hellish nightmare and in reality, ejecting my stomach's contents at the sight. This dream was none but my own... being unconscious is a different state from sleep, where you are truly alone. My dream... of course it would be this. I doubled over again, shuddering in raw terror. It was my home... my mom and dad.. dad was lying in the corner, slumped over, blood everywhere.. Mom was over me, chanting around her own blood..

"Somebody stop her!! She's sending the Dra'Alun!!"

They're too late. A flare of light surrounds my bed, mom whispering her last words as she dies. I cannot make them out, but I can hear, from a distance, the same words from a different voice. A voice that makes me think of halos, of wings. It's not my mother's, but.. I draw comfort in it, and finally slip down into blankness, a coma of beautiful nothingness. Devoid of any thought but the voice.

"Please be okay, Hymnal.. I love you.. please be okay.."

o/Contremisco solitas... confusio profero crucio... facio, Diem... facio... o/


A week had past since that horrific night. The memory sends shivers down my spine. I now understand it, at least. At first I didn't, but it does make sense. Unconsciousness, the deepest form of sleep outside of death. Of course the only dreams would be my own, left to fester for years. I don't know if I would have lived if I had to face them alone. But I didn't, thanks to...

"Diem? How's he doing?"

Ah, Eldar. Seeming to read my thoughts as always. They don't know I'm awake yet.. I've found that being awake but mimicing sleep often gives me information that I normally couldn't get.

"Quite a bit better. Like you said, it wasn't any internal damage, just overeating after a long time of under. I can't explain why he went out cold, though. I was so scared, Eldar.."

A shift in air patterns, with footsteps. Eldar must now be sitting or kneeling next to Diem. By the soft purring, she's recieving a hug. For a human, Eldar sure is caring, and knows how to make people feel better. No matter what the situation, he seems calm and collected, able to take control. No wonder he commands such respect.

"Diem, there is more to this child then meets the eye. Did you notice how he acted at the meal? None have ever tried everything. You know as well as I do a few of those foods were there as jokes, and yet he ate a full serving of everything and enjoyed it. It's like he's never had a proper meal in his life. And later, when he was playing. He was keeping up with Chaz. You know Chaz never holds back. And yet, injured as he was, Hymnal kept up."

I really tried to suppress the grin. Really. Failed miserably, though. Of course, the conversation ceased in a hurry. And a swat to the face with a pillow. "Whaaaat? S'not like you actually checked if I was still asleep!"

Diem's second swat was interrupted by Eldar. Shaking his head and chuckling, he gave me the sort of look normally reserved for so-called 'genius rascals' and other such things. "You do have a point, Hymnal. We didn't check, thus you overhearing was our own fault. However!"

I didn't like the sound of that however.

It sounded suspiciosly like it was backed with rocks giving way before a landslide. Volcanos. Earthquakes. Prelude to one hell of an opera.

This would be a looooong day.

"Hymnal, as you heard, you are quite a mystery to us. We've had all sorts here, and over the years I've become good at reading a personality. Trying to read yours is more difficult then the mage's tomes. I know this is difficult, but I need you to explain everything. Otherwise, for the safety of us all, you will need to be placed in an isolated room instead of the dormitory. I'm s-"

This was likely the first time Eldar had ever been interrupted. And was definitely one of the first times in many a year that I'd started crying. "N-no..! Please, no.. I-I'm scared of being alone.. I'll talk.. p-please don't take D-.. er.. I'll talk.."

My attempt at covering up the slip failed, resulting in a startled look from Diem, and a smile from Eldar. The old fogey! He'd planned this!! "Well, start from the beginning. I may not be able to read your personality, but I'm quite adept at discerning lies and half-truths. Tell me everything, Hymnal."

And so I did. I told him how I was born in the town of Misal, and how all was alright for the first three years of my life. I told of how I was discovered to be the Dra'Alun (resulting in shocked looks from both), and how my house was razed, and my parents slaughtered. It was almost too hard to continue, but Diem pulled me into her lap, giving me the strength to go on.

I told of how I managed to escape, and my wanderings through the land.

I told of the coldness of the winters up there, without a home.

I told of the strange creatures, some of which were thought to be just legend. Dreams reveal all, and many creatures do dream.

I told of wandering the streets of strange towns, of the harshness of strangers, and the kindness of them as well. Very, very few were kind, but those few were likely to never have nightmares again. They would be drawn to me, and since I don't (often) dream, they would be locked within.

I told of my encounter with... it. The one who hurt me so badly. Diem hugged me tightly, helping me through the painful memory...

"I guess it was a few days before I got here. I was wandering in some town, when I saw this really big.. I guess he was some kind of cat, but all black, and too many arms. He was standing over some weird symbols, painted in the alley. When I got too close, they all flashed red and turned into this really awful-smelling dust. He turned around, and I tried to hide, but.. he saw me. He said that I ruined the ritual, that I caused interference. I tried to apologize, but he didn't care.. he started hitting me, clawing at me. I could feel my bones snap. When I just wished it would end, I started feeling really cold, and things got dim. He picked my up by my throat and squeezed, shaking his head. I remember what he said.. "NO. You little worm, you are not going to just die. You have ruined years of work." Then he grabbed my arm, extending his claws right into the flesh. He muttered some weird words, then finished with "Mark of the Sealed Gateway". After that, I blacked out.. next thing I heard was Diem's voice.."

Eldar nodded slowly and Diem just held me close, tears leaking from her eyes. I leaned into her, tired from the long speech and it's emotional drain. Even Eldar for once didn't look regal, powerful. He looked like an old man with a breaking soul. He kept mouthing the words 'sealed gateway', over and over, for at least a full minute, before finally speaking.

"I see.. Diem, you and him are to stick together, understand? This child needs a kind of support only you seem to be able to give. Hymnal? I don't know much about magic, but the mark you've been given is the blackest, most evil spell in existence. You are alive, because the giver of the mark is alive. Once he dies, you will have precisely one year. You will know when that happens. That is all that I know.."

To cry twice in one day is something I had never done, until that moment.

If it weren't for Diem holding me, I would have given up on hope.


o/Verum-i... Diem, vir... o/

_ Light.

The land of dreams, but different._

It's crowded. Like usual. But.. brighter. My return to the dormitory seems to have made everyone's dreams happy. As with the sight of Diem with me.

Everyone is dreaming something different. Tonight, I see the same colors at Rikk's bubble as before, but I leave it alone.

So many others to explore. But this time, I just enter Diem's. Her dream is a simple one.. it's like looking down from above. Her and me, curled up together. An echo of reality, except isolated. Just us. I take the place of the dream-me, and she smiles.

"I know you're there..."

I can't help but grin. "What, you're aware when dreaming?"

She nods. "Sometimes. Eldar calls them 'lucid dreams'. I am aware, and have a degree of control."

I simple smile and wriggle in. Even in dreams she's wonderfully warm.. or maybe my real body is mimicing? Either way, purr. "Diem.. I remember, when I was locked in a nightmare last week.. I remember you calling out to me.."

She blushes brightly. "Y-you.. heard that..?"

"Yes.. you saved me, Diem. I've never been through my own dreams before.. if you hadn't been there, I wouldn't have woken up.. you pulled me back, Diem. And.. I-I think I love you.."

The rest of the dream was spent in silence. 8 hours of sleep, seeming to be gone in mere seconds. What happened was a blur. I remember nothing but feelings. Feelings of warmth, closeness, tension, joy. I do not recall at all what we did in that dream. But.. whatever it was, I hoped dearly that it would happen again.

o/Oltre il fiume d'anime... mistica realta'.... nell' etereo cosmico... vago con pieta'... o/


_ "Shadows...





All are meaningless... creations of the mind, to allow the world to be. But... what? What is real, and what isn't? Some have said that dreams are not real... but how can we tell which is the dream...? Are we ever truly awake, truly aware?

This... is your purpose."

That voice... that terrible voice.. who?_

I am floating. The realm of the night. It should be morning, but it's not. Something is wrong.

I cannot awaken. I am here for a reason. This so-called purpose... what could he mean? I notice something is off. Something is very off. Every dreamsphere... they're the deep, blood-red of nightmares. And Diem's... isn't here.. She's in a dreamless state.

Nightmares.. how could all my friends be having them, at once? This is not right.

I drift over to Rikk, and enter the dream.

An explosion of shadows, howling around me. I remain overhead, watching. What is this darkness? Rikk was never afraid of the dark, and yet the scent of his terror is strong enough to make me lightheaded. I get closer.. I cannot risk revealing myself yet, to correct this hell. I must wait...

He's crying. In the dream, and in the 'real' world. Why? The shadows swirl, latching onto his legs. I watch the smoke curl up.. I can watch no longer. He is my friend, and this is far from normal. I break through the barrier, turning his dream into -ours-.

The shadows rip away from him, leaving marks. All are oriented upon me. He stares.. "H.. Hymnal? Where.. where did you come from? And.. what IS that?"

I am the Dra'Alun. Dream Walker. Enemy of nightmares. The dark horrors dive towards me. It is a futile attempt; I dodge to the side and smash down, talons of light spearing and dissolving them in an instant.

Any hunter needs weapons. The Dra'Alun is no exception.

"Rikk. The light of day draws near. I am not Hymnal. Hymnal lays asleep. Awaken, and do not return to sleep until morning... I must go.."

I am knocked clean from the dream. He is awake. I do not watch on. Something is very wrong here. Such a nightmare is not a normal thing.

Selig. A lion. His dream is shifting to a deeper red.. his fear is at it's peak. Selig doesn't play much, Eldar says it's because he's not strong enough. A true nightmare, a creation, could...

I dive in. It's like attempting to swim through gelatin- possible, but difficult. The shadows want this one. I won't let them...

o/' Fortis metus.... atra somnium... o/`

There! In the center.. this is the source. There's so many... they've come for Selig. That's what the others were.. offshoots...

I cannot waste time. The armor of the Dra'Alun locks on, formed by my will. I dive, shredding any shadows who dare block my way. "SELIG! GET DOWN, NOW!!!"

He hears me. He looks up, eyes stained with tears. He then hits the floor and curls up... perfect. The warmth will help him...

I hit ground infront and cover him in a shield of purity. It will not last forever, not with the corruption latent in all forms, and the shadows around. But it will last long enough.

I turn to the Shadow.. the one creating the lesser, weaker ones. It glares at me, the abomination knowing who and what I am.

Reality. What is real? The specter's voice echoed in my mind. I looked down at myself. Both arms, covered in rounded gauntlets coated in odd tribal patterns. Legs shielded by powerful greaves or light. And my helm. The one thing that changes between different bearers of the title Dra'Alun. The phrase 'Man of Rock' somehow comes to mind. I grin at the Shadow, a grin it knows no cub should be capable of producing. "You come here to torment my friends... I care not that nightmares must exist.. there is both good and evil in this world.. reality, dreams.. light, dark.. all seperate these.. but I know. THEY ARE ONE!"

The beast recoils at my words. The unleashed shadows are pulled back in, freeing all except me and Selig. The beast looms over, it's true form taking shape.


One of the worst kinds.

There's only one way to destroy one such as this. My armor seals, locking me in entirely. A protective coccoon, one that doesn't limit motion. I tackle the beast, delving within the darkness. It will not kill my friend. Never.

The shadows inside stab at me. It's like walking into a fire. But nothing I can't handle. The core is there.. my target.. a pulsing red orb..

Sigils coat it. I could never read such when awake. Sleep reveals truth. 'beta strain c6ff0'. They seem meaningless, but I burn them into memory. The shadow is eating away Selig's shield. I can't let it take him! "GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!!!"

A blinding light. Thousands of blades reduce the core to mere slivers... powder.. atoms... nothingness.

I awaken.

Everyone is staring at me. Why? They shouldn't know.. maybe I was flailing a little. I nudge Diem. "W.. what's going on? Why is everyone staring at me?"

She simply holds up a mirror, letting me see the sigil upon my forehead.

"Oh. Uh... uh-oh." This was going to be a looooong day....

o/mane aperio specialis... Diem, affero mihi vis... o/

Have you ever been hit my a tsunami? Imagine that, only with sound. The pounding headache from the fight didn't help much either. I'm strong in dreams. But the world outside of them, I don't have my armor. The headache, the questioning, everyone yelling. I try not to cry, but it's just so hard.

I hear someone growling. Diem? No.. not her too.. I can't hold back the tears anymore. "S.. sorry.. I-I didn't.."

She pulls me upright and into her lap. "Quiet you." Then she glares at everyone else. I've never heard Diem yelling before, not like this. She was... incredibly angry and them. I hid against her and shivered, only picking up a few words.. "Leave him alone! Can't you see he's hurting..." "Maybe if you would think about what you saw, not just presume.."

That was it... they saw the symbol.. they saw Selig in the nightmare.. they thought I was causing it! I clung more tightly to Diem, scared but knowing she'd keep me safe.

And.. I head it. Diem stopped yelling to regain her breath for a moment, and Selig was saying something. Of course, she woke him up. With that much yelling, I'm suprised the windows held.

"Shut up. Everyone. Shut up. You.. you monsters."

Either Selig was possessed, or filled with the same anger as Diem.

"Hymnal... he did this. Not the nightmares that we all had. I know we all had them, the same dream. Shadows everywhere, tearing us apart. Hymnal did not cause them. He freed us. And you're all too stupid to realize it. To blame him.. you've heard what Eldar says, why I'm not allowed to play rough games. Those nightmares came for me. Have you not been so scared your heart skipped a beat? Mine would not just skip. It would stop. He saved my life. And you wish him pain. You.. you're worse then any nightmare.."

They all turn to stare at him. The look in his eyes, normally that of the quiet kid, is replaced by one that could make rocks seem remarkably soft and squishy. Everything is quiet, except for me. I just can't make the sobbing stop. Fear can do that, even with a guardian angel holding you close.

Everyone looks at me.. then to Selig, and to Diem... they reach the same conclusion, both as individuals and a group. No bringer of such hellish dreams would not only be supported by the victim, but in tears over the accusation. They all wilt back, rage replaced by guilt. A few mumbled apologies, and a few thanks for the rescue. I tune them out. It hurts to know your friends could turn on you so quickly.

Diem holds me tight, rocking back and forth. I lean into her shoulder and just continue crying.. it's over, but it still hurts. Physical pain is a simple thing. Cells firing, telling you to look out. It's a warning. Emotional pain is the true form of agony. She continues holding me, glaring at any who dare come closer then a few feet. I let myself drift off, not into sleep, or unconsciousness, but into the feeling of warmth. Diem's heartbeat.. I can hear it clearly. It's soothing.. I let my mind fade, soaking in the feeling of pure comfort she gives.

It's a good thing everyone was staying back a few feet.. having them hear what slipped from my muzzle would have been most embarassing. I couldn't help it though.

I love Diem. And I had to say it. So I did. Saying something in the world of dreams is one thing. Saying in the world of reality is another. But having it said in both..

Dreams reveal the truth in everything, by revealing unguarded thoughts. Everyone has shields, but they are unable to be maintained in sleep. Being the Dra'Alun causes strange offshoots from these, such as seeing others as you perceieve them.

Diem's wings are just as beautiful as the rest of her....

o/Diem... Angelus... Hymnal... diabolus.... carus... o/