Keeping Ben

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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Ben- Male border collie Jessica- female human I just wanted to write a short yiff story of a human female and a male furry. I usually do it the other way around. So, I hope you enjoy it. Kitties that can read, can read this. Its up to the parents to stop them, not me. Ha ha, DODGED BLAME AGAIN!!

  • * * Ben stared off across the food court. He sighed sadly and laid his chin on his paws, his tail hanging lifelessly. He had a few reports he should be working on, but he couldn't bring himself to even reach for his rucksack. He closed his eyes. He felt so lonely, why did she have to come in, she knew the absences were excused. It was put into law when genomes were first freed. He started as a hand ruffed his ears, "Hey there puppyboy." Ben couldn't help but smile to the woman that pet him. She was in a few of his classes. Jessica "You okay?" she said with a concerned look as she dug in her purse. Ben shook his head, "no, a bitch came to school and she was in heat." He said monotone "they sent her home but I already got a scent of her." He sighed, then looked up when he heard the woman giggle "Its funny how you all react to smells." She rubbed the end of his muzzle. Then she gave him a strange look, he couldn't place it, human faces were so hard to read, but her tone was noticeable. "Too bad humans don't cause that reaction." She said getting up and walking to one of the vendors. Ben's halfold ears perked foreward. She sounded angry. He may have lacked the ability to make out human facial expressions, but his ears were attuned well to even the slightest of pitches. She was mad she could not stir up dogs like a bitch in heat? Or just him? He smiled in his canine way. He would have to find out. Jess was a nice looking human. She had long brown headur,.. Hair, and smooth but strong angular features. She didn't have a tail, but being furless it would probably look funny, no, it was better she didn't have a tail, he thought as his tail wagged a little happier. It wagged more as he saw her return with two orders. "Down boy" she said setting the tray on the table. She handed him a chicken tender basket and had a burger herself. She was always considerate to him, getting food for him, and even the easier for canines to eat food. He waited until he was halfway through his meal when he decided to see if she was interested in dogs, or him. "I was wondering what you were doing Friday night." He asked nonchalant and took another bite of his meal. Satisfied when Jess choked down her mouthful of food as fast as she could her hand grabbing his suddenly. "Not a damn thing." She said breathlessly. She took a swallow form her drink and leaned closer to the black and white collie. "What do you have in mind?" Ben nuzzled her cheek. "I was thinking of maybe dinner and a movie sort of thing" he tested. She nodded, "pick me up at seven?" The collie laughed and nodded. "I hope I can dry all this off by that time." He joked pointing up and down his body. He gasped when she scritched his chest through the shirt he wore. "You wouldn't be the only one wet." She said quietly to him picking up her tray and bag and walked away. The collie sat there with a silly look, the insides of his ears burned red. He guessed right. ? * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * Ben pulled up to her house. She rented it with two other girls, he could smell them, and the scent of males and alcohol. He looked unsure. The scents around the house were making him think twice. But he did promise. He hit the doorbell. He could hear movement and the door was suddenly pulled away form him and a small human woman looked to him. She was darker, a grayish color almost and reeked of alcohol. She wasted woman smiled and patted his head. "Aww. Hello doggy," She turned around and yelled back into the house. "Jess, your stray followed you home." It was a cruel remark for dogs but he chuckled at it. And with the speed he heard her tear through the house to get to the door. "Oh, I'm sorry Ben, I was in the kitchen talking to Kathy." Ben smiled. She didn't smell like the rest of the house. He offered her his paw, escorting her to his old car and drove away form the rancid house. Ben looked over to the human. He had been watching her, she was always a lot of fun as a friend, but would it work as a relationship? He pulled into what looked like should be a biker bar. An old whitewashed brick building with no desirable face side. He heard her silent groan but she gave her human smile. He could only grin in return, was she in for a surprise. He helped her out and opened the door for her. She couldn't be overly exited about the interior either, but the place was packed. He walked in second and looked to her slyly, "It's a really good place bel,. Yhelp!!" His yelp startled her and he looked like he couldn't turn around reaching over his head he pushed the door open again and grabbed his tail soothing it. Jessica tried so hard not to laugh, she honestly felt sorry for him but the look on his face, plus she never had a date close a door on his tail before. She hugged her collie friend and rubbed his tail, he was blushing form embarrassment so bad the white fur on the bridge of his muzzle had a pinkish look to it. He chuckled a little nervously as the restaurant looked back to their plates and business. He looked to jess, "sorry about that, I don't usually do that." She giggled, "well you were distracted." She covered for him just as a waiter came up to them "You okay?" the man asked concerned "Yea, sorry" the embarrassed collie replied still holding his tail. The waiter led them to a table and seated them. Getting a quick drink order he rushed off. Ben pointed to an entree in the menu and turned it for Jess to see. "I think the T-bone is the best here." He offered Jess looked at the pointed to item and back at her own menu. Closing it up. "Okay, I'll see how it is" She took Ben's paw in her hands and rubbed the soft fur on his fingers. "I'm graduating in May" Ben nodded enjoying the feel of his paw being petted. "What are you going to do?" He looked up to her just as the waited returned with their drinks. "Are you ready to order, or would you like more time?" Ben shook his head, "Nah, I'd like to order now. We'll both have the 10 oz T-bone." The waiter nodded and looked to Ben, "potato or fries? And it also comes with chips or kaystix." "Potato and kaystix." The collie answered. The waiter finished writing and looked to Jessica. "Potato or fries? and it also comes with soup or salad" "Fries and a salad, with raspberry vinaigrette if you have it" The waiter nodded. "We do, I'll have the salad and kaystix out to you shortly. Let me get the menus out of the way for you too." He said collecting the laminated cards and rushing off. Ben looked to his friend, maybe she was becoming more. "What do you plan on doing after May? Any job offers?" She nodded "several, I just don't know what one I'm going to take right now." She took Ben's paw back in her hands. Take the one with the most to offer," he advised. "Make sure the retirement and everything, health,.. You know, the good stuff is there." She nodded, "two of them look good, I just haven't decided between the two yet." He smiled to her, he wanted the best for her, but he had gotten attached to her over the time he knew her. He hated to think about her being far away. "Well I still have a few years yet, maybe we can keep in touch." He said hopefully. She smiled to him, "we'll see." The waiter then came up with Jessica's salad and set a basket of finger sized, what looked like bread sticks. Ben took one and bit it in half, munching on it in delight. Jessica took the stick out of his paw and sniffed at it. Ben looked at her curiously. "I know they were made for genomes. I just want to see what they're like." She bit the half in half and chewed it a few times and swallowed it with a discussed look on her face. She drank some of her coke and took a bite of her salad. "Sorry, that was just awful." Ben laughed. "Well to the human palette maybe, I could eat these all day long." The two friends talked away the time before their meals came out. Then they were quiet as they ate, except for a few comments and thoughts. Jessica was surprised by how delightful the food was. After the meal they sat about talking, letting the food settle. After taking care of the check, Ben drove them to the theater. They decided on a comedy, after the rushes they needed a good laugh. They left the theater laughing and recanting the antics in the movie. They got into Ben's' car. He started the car when he felt her hand on his arm. "Ben, is it okay if I stay at your place tonight? Chrissy and Kayla are, well, entertaining tonight." She smiled to him and he smiled nodding his head. He shifted his seat, his tail hurting a bit still. And pulled out the theaters parking lot and onto the road to his apartment. He opened the door to what was obviously a bachelor pad. Ben picked up a few things as he let her into his place. It was small, just one room and kitchenette and a bathroom. He smiled a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, I didn't expect company." She laughed and nodded. "I noticed" she looked about and sat on his bed. "You don't mind me staying here do you Ben?" The collie laughed and shook his head. "Not at all, you can take the bed and I'll be on the floor." He looked to her, she seemed nervous. He smiled reassuring her " It's not imposition at all. I'm glad to have you over." He kept picking up things and tossing them to one corner or another, it was his sorting. She giggled. He offered her a seat on his bed, having only an old wooden chair at a desk as any sort of other furniture, it was the most comfortable place. "Would you like a drink?" Ben called form his tiny kitchenette, having worked his mess herding there "Yes please." Jessica looked about and sifted her hand over his bed. He apparently shed a lot. She flicked some fur off her hand before accepting the glass form him. He sat next to her and his elbows on his thighs. "I hate to ask," the collie said slowly, "but, I have nothing really entertaining to do. And there is a pool hall just down the block. Do you want to go there for a while? It's only eleven or so now." Jess shook her head. "No, I have my good friend Benny to keep me entertained." She giggled and hugged to him. He liked her touch against his fur, the way she scritched him. Suddenly he yelped in laughter. And fell on the floor. Jess leapt on him and ticked him more. The Border collie's fur flew and frizzed at her assault and he curled into a ball. She gripped his tail to tickle him with it and he yelped, in pain this time. Shocked, Jess leapt off of him and he held his tail, the spot that was closed in the door. He smiled up to her reassuringly. "Sorry, still a little tender" Jess smiled and nodded. "Let me see." Ben turned to all fours, his digigrade legs standing but his elbows could touch the floor, his tail held out to her. She marveled at the flexibility of his spine. He looked back and up at her as she took his tail in her hands. His ears perked as she hit over the tender bruised arias. She shook her head. "Its not swollen, I hope you didn't break anything." He wagged his tail, "oh no, it just hurts when you touch it." He smiled and stood up. His shirt had come up some and he was about to pull it back down when her hand touched the white fur on his stomach. He murred letting her hand run over his fur. She lifted on his shirt and he took it off letting her see his black and white pelt. She giggled and traced the white stripe on his head. "You are such a pretty doggie" She held to him his fur so soft against her. She held to him tighter. Her friend. She smiled as she felt his arms encompass her. "I can smell you" She looked up to him, he seemed uncertain and swallowed hard. He lowered his head and nuzzled her cheek. "I can smell your arousal, he clarified, I don't know,.." He wasn't sure of her reaction. It could be something else, but he had scented it on her several times when he was close to her. He felt her hands travel to his pants and unfasten them. He let go of her and stepped out of his fallen pants. She stood back too, she loved the patterns on his body, the neat sheath over his groin and his dark sac below the sheath. The white of his slim thighs and the uninterrupted flow of his feathery fur. His arms had soft tuffs, as did the back of his thighs and near his ankles. She stepped up taking off her shirt and bra, she hugged him tight. And tighter as she felt his fur against her. It was better than she had imagined it would be. So soft and yet firm underneath, so warm. She let him slip down her body to his knees, the feeling over her breasts and nipples made her hotter, the collie was still warmer. She put her hands on his head as he unfastened her pants and pulled the tight jeans off. She gasped gripping his long fur and an ear when he stuck his muzzle to her panties. She wiggled a little in pleasure as he took her panties form her body to land with her pants. He sniffed her pink cunny and lapped it a few times. He looked up his tongue moving in his mouth as if he were tasting her. He then stood up and took her in his arms her thighs and groin treated to the caressing soft fur, his sheath pressed to her belly and groin. "Are you sure you want me?" he asked quietly "I am a dog." The dark haired girl nodded. "Dogs are known for loyalty, I haven't had any luck with men so far on that issue." she hugged him tightly. "I've never had a dog before." His ears planed out and he sat on the bed letting her go. She sat next to him finding comfort in the soft fur again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean." He silenced her. "You are getting your VH nursing degree, you know about genome, well dog anatomy." She nodded reaching to his sheath, it was a bit thick and she smiled to herself that the dog did take notice of her. She pumped his member inside the sheath a few times the collie leaning back across the bed his legs on the floor still. She giggled and pulled the sheath back exposing a long reddening pink shaft. The pointed tip grew as she watched. Then his knot took her attention, but that was small, she could take that. She grinned and sat softly as she rubbed over the length of his shaft that the OS penis was in and explained it and its function. This was the best anatomy lesson she could have or get she giggled. She licked the tip of his shaft and he shuddered. "Ooh sensitive," she murred softly, she then licked his shaft again, he had almost an almond flavor. She put her hand on the small knot. "This is the bulbous glans, better known as the knot, it causes canine ties. She slipped her fingers and thumb under his knot pushing his sheath back further, the more slender shaft behind the knot pulsed under her fingers as her good collie friend groaned in pleasure. Her free fingers wrapped about his scrotum. "Canines are mass producers and can cum for fifteen to thirty minuets." She said giving his balls a little shake. His fur was so fluffy and white on his belly, offsetting his reddish member. She took the tip in her mouth again holding behind his knot still. She slid her lips over his shaft her tongue over her bottom teeth the tip lapping at the shaft in a way no bitch could. He yipped and murred his legs going rigid and spreading in a very canine manor. But she was being amazed that his shaft was still growing, his knot swelling to the size of an orange, the slender shaft she started with was not a deep veiny red and much longer. The lapped at the pointed head and went down as far as she could, but it wasn't that far now. She pulled up on the back on his knot as her tongue lashed over his shaft and the head rested on the roof of her mouth. She felt the hard pulse in her hand before her mouth was flooded with Ben's semen. She swallowed and nursed his member but it didn't seem to let up, it was a little thicker now but she couldn't keep up and pulled back to watch him cum again and again, the jets of white fluid spurting form his red member. She looked up to see him open mouthed and gasping at every spurt. It seemed like forever before the pulses stopped and his knot slowly shrank slipping through her fingers and back into his sheath. The collie sat up weakly and smiled. "Do you want that inside you?" She looked up at him and smiled. Standing up. She had been thinking about it but something about the phrase inside her made it more exiting. She pushed him over again and prompted him to put his legs up on the bed. She traced about his white parts and laid beside him cuddling to the hot canine. He licked her ears and face, continuing over her eyes and forehead. A human could not do this and have her tolerate it, but Ben felt so good, she didn't want to stop him. She snuggled him again and laid her head on his furry chest, playing idly with his sac and sheath. She did want it inside her, the prospect exited and scared her, she knew he would have no control over it and when they tied, it was a tie, she would have to tolerate it until it went down, at least twenty minuets She felt him getting hard again just as she was getting courage. She lifted herself up holding him down by the shoulders as she mounted over him. She rode her groin over his sheath, feeling it swell between her vulva. He took her hand and pulled the sheath down exposing the red flesh again. She looked to Ben as she sat down over his groin his penis penetrating her. She felt the knot slip inside of her and then back out. She sighed a little less nervous riding him feeling the swelling knot enter and exit her. She then sat all the way on him. The knot swelling inside her, she could feel its girth press her walls. She made a few strokes feeling it grate over her walls and then she tried to lift off, and found she was stuck! She looked startled, she was tied. But what if it started to hurt her, she became tense and pulled up trying to get the knot out of her and she shrieked in pain as Ben yelped and sat up grabbing her pushing her down. "It hurts Ben!" she sobbed, "It hurts." "Just calm down Jess, if you relax I can fix it, but you have to relax. Just relax, loosen up and relax,.." he coaxed, the fearful woman. Jess relaxed little by little under the canines gentle coaxing. Ben felt her relax enough, his knot was still swelling his length growing. He held her shoulders and pushed down, she gave a yip and a soft croon. "Better?" He asked in a rasp whisper. She just nodded. Ben gripped her suddenly, hard and held her, she could feel the massive pulses of his orgasm against her labia and her vaginal opening. Every pulse beat against her clit the swollen knot now pushing against the rough patch on her vaginal wall. She gasped and held her furry collie mate harder grinding her hips into him moaning. The border collies head nudged against her chest hiding his face between her breasts as he panted in the tightness and muscle contractions of the orgasming human, her scent strong and healthy. He felt every pulse of seed fill the woman. They stayed there, Jess petting her beautiful genome dog friend, well he had made a promotion from friend to lover. She scritched around his soft ears when she felt a sudden hollowness in her groin as his knot slipped form her. She let him lay down and lay atop of him. She wished the knot was still inside her. She looked down longingly at his sodden sheath and messed groin fur. She kissed his panting muzzle. "Ben, thank you" The collie's head lifted curiously "You helped me decide what job I'm taking, the one here." She kissed the spent canine and cuddled to him the feel of his hot fur against her body. She loved her friend. But if this worked, what would she tell her parents. They thought dogs were just pets. She cuddled to him more letting the subject drop, not to spoil this.


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